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11901082 No.11901082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kaguya isn't a princess anymore. She lost whatever claims to royalty she had when she was exiled from the moon.

She knows that but refuses to accept it, which is why she wraps herself in her Eientei security blanket.

Kaguya isn't as strong of a person as Mokou is. Mokou doesn't need to cling to the pretense that she's still a princess. She was royalty once too but she knows that was a very long time ago.

Why can't Kaguya be more like Mokou /jp/?

>> No.11901085
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Because then we would just have two Mokou's, and that wouldn't be any fun at all.

>> No.11901087

And I am a fucking retard. Good job, me.

>> No.11901098

everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.11901105
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Yeah, I just don't like making them.
That said, is this supposed to be a Kaguya or Mokou thread?

Or both?

>> No.11901106

Mokou a shit

>> No.11901107
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It's a "Kaguya is a bad person thread."

>> No.11901111

kaguya, what a shit, what a shit! stupid bitch ned 2 go back 2 the moon, she go pond rice cake for mokou w/i the bunies, kaguya but a slave for the great mokou! my heart burn for mokou, the passion, fury it eminate warm the earth, i cannot bear it, my heart like to explode. kaguya, my heart only feel hate, it cold, deep, frozen in the icebox only mokou cna bring it out and warm with her radiance! kaguya, a lazy slut, she canot do anything without the entei, but mokou, there is no task she canto complte, not even hurcules can best her labors, her power her skill her beauty pearless, kaguya kiss her feet, an obscene girl, she can only looka t up the wonder that is mokou

>> No.11901117
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Probably because Mokou has lived a harder life. Mokou didn't have a subordinates that continued serving her even after she became an outcast and even if she did at some point they died because they were just normal humans with normal lifespans. She had to live all alone like a forest hobo because there was no one around to help her. She had to learn to get used to this life because she can never return to being nobility since her family stopped existing long ago.

Kaguya on the other hand still has immortal or extremely long lived allies that continue to serve her even in exile. They continue treating her like royalty so she continues acting like she is royalty. Maybe they do it because they were loyal subjects of her family back on the moon or maybe they do it because they too were exiled from the moon. In any case, they will continue serving her until they have a good reason not to but why would they? In return for a little service they get a peaceful place to live where time stands still thanks to their master's power.

>> No.11901124
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Shut up nerd.

Mokou > Kaguya deal w/it

>> No.11901128

Did that really come off as pro Kaguya?

I'm not supporting either, though I will admit I do like Mokou better.

>> No.11901133

>I will admit I do like Mokou better

Of course you do.

>> No.11901147

Mokou i like

>> No.11901150

mokou's dad is a pedo.

>> No.11901151
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Mokou a badass

>> No.11901153

Enough of your filthy lies.

>> No.11901156

Instead of mokou and kaguya fighting each other in a bloody way, they should fight in video games like Call of Duty stuff

>> No.11901159

only Kaguya would play shitty casual FPS games like cawadoody

>> No.11901157

I also forgot to add that the pain of loss probably helped make Mokou a harder person too. She probably watched many friends and allies wither and die before swearing off of humans. She still has to watch Keine die too and this thought is probably always at the back of her mind.

Kaguya has probably never had to deal with that since everyone she knows is extremely long lived or immortal. She'll never have to worry about being alone.

>> No.11901161
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Kaguya is my hero!

>> No.11901162
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What was the reason she consumed the Hourai Elixir?
What made her turned into raging hobo and came to hate her immortality when it was her own fault?

>> No.11901164
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Kaguya told her it's lemonade and she drank it.

>> No.11901166
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I get the feeling that Mokou had already resolved to isolate herself from mortals when she somehow opened up to Keine, which is going to make losing Keine even more painful.

You know the story of Orpheus? I want to see a doujin like that. But instead of singing Mokou has to fight Komachi and Yama for Keine's soul.

>> No.11901174

Dude, give some way for mokou
NEET-type hero

>> No.11901172

I imagine she would get wrecked over and over but they would eventually give in and make a deal with her just to get her to stop and go away so they can resume work as normal.

>> No.11901176

Aren't people who can't die can't enter the land of dead such as Higan and Hakugyokurou?

>> No.11901178

Unless there is something physically keeping them out they probably can.

>> No.11901179

This thread is all about clashing mokou's power and kaguya's

>> No.11901184

I know a certain being that can take out mokou and kaguya out of existence. Not the yama but something else

>> No.11901187


>> No.11901192

Because Kaguya is like /jp/

Why don't you be like someone else, /jp/?

>> No.11901205

If you know ace combat 5, you'll know it

(AC5 is a video game)

>> No.11901207

I have a feeling Keine would do something corny like erase Mokou's history with her when she's old and near death so she doesn't remember her and get sad or something.

>> No.11901208

If you're talking about something outside of Touhou I'll just pull out Demonbane.

>> No.11901209

I know

>> No.11901210

Please don't talk about such sad things. Keine will live forever in our hearts

>> No.11901212

Now your also talking out of touhou

>> No.11901216
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>> No.11901217

Its too sad for keine to die i mean, i like mokou and keine

>> No.11901223

Im awakening Razgriz

>> No.11901299

Do Kaguya and Mokou need to eat? Do they go through an eternal hunger if they don't grab a bite?

>> No.11901317

I imagine it's a luxury for them. They don't need it but it's nice to have.

>> No.11901428
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I like Mokou way more than Kaguya, but I like to think after a millennium of fighting, they're basically no longer fighting over revenge. It's just a habit, a sense of normalcy that they enjoy.

>> No.11904046


they can still starve to death, sure they'll revive afterwards but starving to death really sucks so i imagine theyed prefer to eat when they can.
