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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1190085 No.1190085 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/,

I'm a concerned guy who has problems. You see, I am an Asian person of non-Japanese decent, however, I am an Asian minority race, that of who do not have a country and are nomads. I am a Hmong person.

That being said, I have racial identity problems. While I like the fact that I come from a race that's a bit of the ordinary, I sometimes fucking hate the fact that I am Hmong, several reasons include the fact that my peers are faggot MTV nigger lisp street rats, and the old bastards are a bunch of Christian Caucasian worshiping senile assholes. Our cuisine consists of nothing but unsavory, tasteless and sometimes disgusting boiled soup dishes and ripped off ass tasting Southeast Asian dishes, and nearly every fuckhead associated with my racial background thinks that to get far in life, you must impress everyone by being in the latest trends and fashion. I hate the fact that they dwell on a fucking war that happened 41 years ago, and they consider themselves Southeast Asian, a term that means poor, dirty, fucking disgusting and fucking retarded.

But what does this have to do with me?

To be honest, I like the Japanese. Even if they are so called "xenophobic sandal wearing goldfish tenders that use manga and anime for their dreams of being the Number One County on Earth". They're a lot better than the Chinese, and more civilized and developed than the ass and jungle lands of Southeast Asia. I even liked the fact that they DID pull off the Rape of Nanking. They aren't Number One, but hey, I like the best of the best than that.

But don't get me wrong. I like other cultures too. But my main problem is, I don't want to be associated with those fuckheads mentioned previously former. What should I do?

Masi Oka isn't related.

>> No.1190094

protip: get some "peers" that aren't nigras

>> No.1190096

Welcome to the club.

>> No.1190098

You should've seen this coming. An hero.

>> No.1190099

Welcome to the club, Filipinos who aren't dumbasses have had the same problems for years. What I do is ignore them and pretend I'm another race instead. I look Mexican enough so it works.

>> No.1190102

What can you do? This is the first I've ever heard of Hmongs and I don't care either way. If you want to lie or something I guess.

>> No.1190104

Wouldn't it be nice if all the Hmong people left Southeast Asia? They should go somewhere where they wouldn't be able to bother anyone like Australia. Hell, it'd be even nicer if all the Hmong left the planet.

>> No.1190106

You spelled "NIGGERS" wrong, it's spelled "NIGGERS"

>> No.1190108

You have lots of melodramatic identity problems that can be solved by swiftly killing yourself.

>> No.1190110

>I look Mexican enough so it works.
Is that really a step up though?

>> No.1190111

Tell people you're Thai.

>> No.1190112

Damn. That's even worse; most are into music. They aren't bad, but I can't click with them. The alternative are fratfucks. Why the fuck would I hang out with them?

>> No.1190117

Fucking Thai people. I think they fucked donkeys. So did the Vietnamese.

>> No.1190125

I'm pretty sure the Hmong are the niggers of Southeast Asia.

>> No.1190126

You think I want to be here?

Should I just say that I'm Japanese? I;m not donkey faced, if you're asking.

>> No.1190127

>An hero
Underaged /b/

>> No.1190128

spoilers: white people have no cultural identity whatsoever.

That said, I am a white man and thus heterologically superior to all you nips, spics, and niggers

>> No.1190123

When you hear about China having 50+ ethnic groups or something it really doesn't hit home until you actually take a look at some of them.
Had never even heard of these people before. China really seems like it would operate better under a federal republic like the US if the ethnic divides are truly that deep.

>> No.1190124

Compared to Filipinos? Yes. All Asians hate them, they're the niggers of the asian race.

>> No.1190132

Enjoy your fail, southern barbarian

>> No.1190130

I'm black and you should do exactly what I do.

1.REFUSE to be lumped together with them. It won't work if you aren't for real about it.

2.Take interests in stuff the others would consider stupid. I love metal,techno,electronica and I hate basketball.

3.Start dressing different from them.

4.You MUST be smarter than them.

5.You MUST be better than them at EVERYTHING.

That's what I usually do.

>> No.1190131

This is interesting and everything, but in no way related to /jp/.

>> No.1190135

No such thing as a nomadic race in the 21st century. Your people live in a country, right? Or your parents / grandparents / whatever came from a specific country right? So just say that country is your nationality, 90% of the world can't tell asian races apart anyway so nobody will ever call you on it.

>> No.1190142


Okay, sorry everyone. I have a GREAT talent of fucking things up by masking my real problem.

My real problem is:

Should I leave the country prepared with lots of money?

>> No.1190143

Did you ever make your hair look like emo? I think I might have met you before.

>> No.1190149

that's stupid, they'll be able to tell right away you're lying. just say that you're american, there's no point in associating yourself with an asian ethnicity anymore.

>> No.1190150

are you better than other black men at stealing things?

>> No.1190151

Obviously. Southeast Asia doesn't want you so you're just wasting everybody's time by sitting around.

>> No.1190155

/traveling/ to Japan thread.

>> No.1190152

Socially inept OP here. If I leave the country to go to Japan, I know it won't solve all of my problems. But, should I do it?

>> No.1190157

Cost of living will probably go up. Wouldn't it just be easier to stay home and browse stormfro/n/t?

>> No.1190163



I don't steal at all. I earned EVERYTHING I own by myself.

>> No.1190164

the japanese can smell a non-yamato.
you'll never be accepted in japan, trust me they'll see right through you and you'll be gaijin just like the rest of us.

>> No.1190166

you're going to be treated like shit in japan. at least white people have the luxury of white skin to make them look like curiosities. they'll treat any non-jap asian like a nigger there.

>> No.1190168

Instead of directly confronting the stereotypes and attitudes towards Asians by others let's all pretend to be white and pretend our problems go away.

>> No.1190173

Ek. That's not really an improvement. I'll just stay the way I am.

>> No.1190180

ITT self-hating asians and others

>> No.1190178

In this case "earned" is just a euphemism for "stole".

>> No.1190179

Really kinda frustrated and asshurt OP here.

I think that you Touhou Thread scouts need to give it up.

I'm giving up. Later.

>> No.1190198

The solution to all your problems is to become an American and be proud of your American homeland for the rest of your life. Unlike other countries with deep rooted histories, cultures, and ethnicities, we American's aren't all homogenous and you can be proud to be American as much as any other white, black, or asian dude.

We won't deny you. Well, racist xenophobic rednecks will, but that's what rednecks do.

>> No.1190210

>>You see, I am an Asian person of non-Japanese decent

Mmmmk but dey all look the same to me.

>> No.1190205


America = greatest country in the world. Japan agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.1190214

Then why this shithole is full of baaawing xenophobics fags ?

>> No.1190219

>>Our cuisine consists of nothing but unsavory, tasteless and sometimes disgusting boiled soup dishes and ripped off ass tasting Southeast Asian dishes

Wait wait wait.

You don't like Hmong coconut andsome-sort-of-red-paste noodles or Hmong-style Pho? :(

>> No.1190224


That's just the foreign-friends being all vocal.

>> No.1190226

>Then why this shithole is full of whites?

fixed. they are the same thing actually.

>> No.1190227

Hmong food is shit. This coming from a Viet.

>> No.1190229

hey come to america, where we HAVE to accept you and embrace you as one of our own. You can even flaunt your shitty cultural backround here and claim our country inferior, and americans are forced to acknowledge your "wonderful" and "unique" heritage. You get to be a full-blooded american citizen equal to the rest of us, even while you scream "america suxxx" and wave your shitty nomad tribe's flag around.

>> No.1190238

Malay food is the only one that is good in that part of Asia.

>> No.1190249

America's the most tolerant foreign country I've ever lived in. Most countries are racist shitholes that are even worse like Australia. Shit sucked hard there.

>> No.1190252

Oh look, here's one of them xenophobic "multiculturalism is raping white virgin girls" rednecks.

in b4 "i have a black friend"

>> No.1190258

Come on, stop being a pushover, there's nothing wrong with being racist, nothing more horrible than these horrible mixes.

>> No.1190261

I'm a bit confused as to how this has anything to do with /jp/ All you said was that you like Japan and you're not Japanese. You also said you're an Hmong and that you hate your own race.

So what are you trying to get through here... You're moving to Japan or considering it?

>> No.1190267

all asians are the fucking same unlike niggers and whiteys its pretty fucking hard to tell an asian where they are from.

oh? think im wrong?
here try it maggot


>> No.1190268

I'm also Hmong. Going to Japan and essentially assimilating yourself there isn't going to make things better.

But hey you can always try OP.

>> No.1190271

Sorry, but dem niggers all look the same to me.

>> No.1190275

i live on a university campus with probably 40% international students, mostly from india / punjab / china and the surrounding countries. Many of them flaunt their culture to the point of being obnoxious while openly disrespecting ours. They capitalize on all the benefits we extend to them, pretend not to understand our ways when it's to their advantage not to, and then take the skills they developed back to their own countries. Mexicans do the same thing except they stay here and generally don't have many skills. I'm not xenophobic but we're the only country in the world that lets any old riff-raff come in and milk us without even making an effort to assimilate. No other country in the world would tolerate that bullshit, except good ol US of A.

>> No.1190282



>> No.1190285
File: 132 KB, 735x522, 1219640385230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a stranger Hmong faggot. Just submit to the Giant Panda. We're pretty much perfect. Worthless, lazy, under working minorities like you don't have to pay tax and can fuck and make babies all you like. But if you wish to live in moon land where you'll be treated like shit and get payed with crumbs, then be my guest.

>> No.1190281

Well, Europe has its muslims.

>> No.1190291

>I'm a bit confused as to how this has anything to do with /jp/
This kind of shit has been happening on /jp/ all day, if anyone wanted to make religion, ronery or hot-glue thread now would be the time, because it's obvious the mods/janitors aren't around.

>> No.1190297

>No other country in the world would tolerate that bullshit

Hahahaha, you are so fucking wrong. THIS HAPPENS EVERYWHERE IN THE FUCKING WORLD.


Like in the UK, foreigners who are practically dying fly to the UK and upon landing, the brits are obligated to provide them with all the necessary medical care because of their socialist policies. People will abuse the system anywhere and everywhere.

And don't even bitch about foreigners who come to study in America. They have to fucking pay for EVERYTHING. Absolutely no government aid because they are not citizens. They pay tons more to study in America than an American.

Don't give me this bullshit about abusing the system, they're paying for the whole thing and their living expenses out of their own pocket.

>> No.1190305


I just put a hole in my wall in rage.

>> No.1190309

way to be butthurt over an invisible line.

>> No.1190313


>> No.1190339

this is baw thread. But its good to have something else. other than touhou.

>> No.1190344

Brush up on your English before you post.

Also, leave.

>> No.1190349

pretty obvious why this thread is here op does not want a long line of "lol kill yourself" posts.

>> No.1190359

Make me faggot. Oh what's that? Can't punch through TCP/IP? Well aren't you a pussy.

>> No.1190364


Internet Tough Guy has been spotted.

>> No.1190366

You're both faggots. Leave.

>> No.1190370

I agree.
Also, thread reported for /b/log.

>> No.1190387


Say that to my face not online and see what happens.

>> No.1190398

I disagree. Bumping this shit over Touhou. /Jp/ was on a roll, faggots like you ruin things.

>> No.1190411

And stop trying to be a rebel.
