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[SPOILER] No.11899783[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Feelion when you look at photos of people who are in their early to mid twenties, and experience great pain from seeing how mature they look, while instead you look like a silly child.


>> No.11899785

I am just frozen in time

>> No.11899793

That's because you are a silly child.

Now run along and post your silly little threads about how much of a girl your favorite touhou is.

>> No.11899797

I'm not even forcing a crossmeme or anything, but you should really lift.

And bask in the sun for a couple minutes every day.

>> No.11899800

30 minutes in the sun everyday. That should be enough.

I'm not a crossposter.

>> No.11899803

This is hilarious. It's like the red scare around here.

>> No.11899810
File: 147 KB, 850x850, 1358450049829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at people who went to my highschool on facebook and laugh at how fat and stressed out they look with their babies and shit.

>> No.11899812

i know that feel when i went to college
everyone looked so old and mature and i looked like i was 14
luckily i dropped out

>> No.11899814

When I was in school, Facebook didn't exist yet, so I have long since lost track of everyone I went with. Good thing, apparently.

Oh, almost forgot: Fuck off, normie scum. We don't tolerate people with Facebook accounts here.

>> No.11899816

>Oh, almost forgot: Fuck off, normie scum. We don't tolerate people with Facebook accounts here.

Stop trying so hard, I use my facebook about 3 times a year to get free stuff.

>> No.11899820

I want some free stuff

>> No.11899822

my younger cousin has a wife and son while I'm still a neet who has his mom drive him to the store. I'm not sure if I should be ashamed or relieved.

>> No.11899825

Just learn how to drive already.
You don't need social skills to maneuver a car. Should be in your genes as a male.

>> No.11899826

That hits too close to home.

>> No.11899827
File: 97 KB, 793x793, 1392461679409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a couple minutes
>30 minutes
>should be enough

>> No.11899828

driving is hella hard and at any minute there could be some idiot that jumps infront of your car and you end up in debt because it's your responsibility as a driver to be the bitch

>> No.11899833

does anyone else get really depressed when you play eroge with teen romance and all of the characters keep getting younger and younger than you and you're passing the point where you can even pretend something like that might still happen to you?

I'm taking driving lessons now because the permit I got years ago when I needed photo id for something is about to expire but I don't think it will make a difference since I still won't have my own car.

>> No.11899840

I fucking hate highschool settings precisely because of that.

Why do you care about debt, it's your mom's problem not yours.

>> No.11899841

It's all me you're quoting, yeah, I'm a filthy wannabe normie.

>> No.11899844
File: 43 KB, 687x687, 1389348934421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does anyone else get really depressed when you play eroge with teen romance and all of the characters keep getting younger and younger than you and you're passing the point where you can even pretend something like that might still happen to you?
I get very depressed. I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.11899845

I couldn't even get through driving school. It made me too nervous.

>> No.11899848

It's hard when you start reaching the age of characters that are considered old

>> No.11899851


>> No.11899853

the other day I was reinstalling artificial girl 3 and at first I put my character's age at 25 but then I went back and changed it to 18. I was so depressed I just closed the program without jerking off.

>> No.11899855

I'm from 88 too.

>> No.11899858
File: 26 KB, 854x480, 1387698127327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nee-san.. why did you grow up without me...

>> No.11899862

Sometimes I forget how old I am.
Where did the time go...

>> No.11899865

>the age of characters that are considered old
That's like every character over 20 in otaku media.

I'm depressed because I'm at an age where people seem to be ignored in otaku stuff. Take schoolgirls/lolis. They're either with someone their own age, a slightly older(late teens/really early 20s) oniichan type, or some late 30s-40s ojisan type. Feels like it'll be a decade before I can fantasize about getting anime pussy again.

>> No.11899870

It shouldn't be a problem since you're still mentally a teen

>> No.11899874

Any fellow wizards here?

>> No.11899879

Feel thread? Time to blog.

I'm kind of in between, I just started shitty community college in January, I look like I'm a high schooler but I'm generally the oldest one in the class. Everyone is so retarded and literally know nothing about the world, how did these downies even get into a shit school like mine, it's astounding. A professor asked what the current greatest world superpower is, half the class said Germany, jesus fucking christ.

I just want to drop out and be a societal leech again but the world won't let me. This is suffering.

>> No.11899885

Why wouldn't you want to look young? I want to look young until the day I die. Preferably of internal old age.

>> No.11899889

Same here.

How do you even get to look older?

>> No.11899897

I hate walking outside and seeing how the surroundings chang over time. How the roads I used to walk on disappear, or the playgrounds I used play on getting torn down and remodeled. It makes me sad.

>> No.11899901


Work a lot and study a lot. Smoking and drinking consistently can help too.

Stress is the biggest factor in aging, a person who lives a stress-free life will live long and look healthy. Unless you're a nip in which case you live a stupid amount of time regardless of work hours or cigarettes smoked.

>> No.11899902

did anyone ever do anything to you?
were you cute?

>> No.11899903


>> No.11899990

This. The problem is my parents know what happened because my fucking college told them. All my plan to secretly have quiet life ruined.
Now they forcing me to go back and find new place to study.
