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File: 43 KB, 800x800, HG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11899392 No.11899392 [Reply] [Original]

Public service announcement: if you don't know/remember what email address you registered your account or your alts to (and assuming you even give a $#!+), read the CB front page immediately. This is your last chance to look up or modify the email address if you need to.

Answers to frequently asked questions:
1) Yes, it's actually still alive.
2) Yes, it's still a クソゲー.

>> No.11899426

how much money you dropped on this

>> No.11899431
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>playing Sea of Bees

>> No.11899437
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>> No.11899441 [DELETED] 

please do not post CB threads on /jp/

>> No.11899442

not op, $60 bucks

>> No.11899454

wow so urgent

I got an email a few weeks ago and didnt think it was that important

>> No.11899477

About $40, I bought Destructor girl because she's cute and a couple of chibis because they're adorable and to make a team of them.

Oh, right, then I bought that bunny girl when they sold one for $20 with no removable parts but who cares because bunny girl?

>> No.11899487

It's pay to win, right?

>> No.11899498

No, it's even better. It's gamble to win.

>> No.11899505

I still play ...its like i like getting my miney thrown away... Idk

>> No.11899509
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>> No.11899541
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>> No.11899542

Your anime girl looks pretty worried, is that bad?

>> No.11899543

I've heard there's only about 100 or so players left playing.

Is this true?

>> No.11899551
File: 86 KB, 437x253, ss (2014-02-15 at 02.30.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 200s, yes, same old people.

>> No.11899555

Hard to quit something you've dumped that much into.

You think servers are going to shut down? How's the Japanese player base?

>> No.11899572

I don't think the servers are going to shut down, we still get a lot of new content, events, PVs, 4komas, and such. Recently we got these Frog lander, Beezle, Cannonballer only rooms that are kinda fun, and the beginner ruleset from last year was like a soft reset from all the power creep.
I don't know much about CBJP, but I believe their population is higher.

>> No.11899576

Sometimes I miss my mecha moe bot, but then I remember how much this game is biased in favor of AIR bots. No money in the world will make my favorite bots fun to play in arena because CB is shit and no balance allowed.

>> No.11899581

>this game is biased in favor of AIR bots

Metagame has changed a lot, that is no longer true.

>> No.11899582

About right. More on weekends. 200+ right now mostly because people are grinding for the free bikini apron Crim and Lily.

I wouldn't come back though, if I were you.

>> No.11899597

I won't. I had my share of fun back when I had more money then sense.

Is albatross still the shit kicker he used to be? I used to get 50 or so kills a match with that thing.

>> No.11899599

Albatreos? If you get Ilumis AMJ and alpha strike yes, most used air bots nowadays have anti homing or glide boost so just the core wont do.

You could drop by just to say hi you know BOOF?

>> No.11899600

Still viable, and you can buy him from the shop now.

>> No.11899601

>2+ years of power creep

I'll give you three guesses.

>> No.11899603

really. I also quit because I loved anti air but then my maxed out speed weapons stopped hitting.

>> No.11899608

The metagame never changes.

If there is indeed something in the metagame now that is swatting down AIR bots like flies, then it is likely a new overpowered garapon bot, not a re-balance of the overall game.

Whatever's killing AIR bots will just as easily kill my ART bot. There is no rock-paper-scissors balance, there is only new>old balance. I will never enjoy my favorite bots in that game ever again because of this.

>> No.11899617

> If you spend a shitton of money and manage to get a Illumis AMJ

>Still viable as Eris food

>> No.11899631

All that time wasted grinding offers to get more free crap even if I did get a ton.

At least I had fun painting things.

>> No.11899709
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>> No.11899869
File: 191 KB, 737x1029, img_ca70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I spend so much time on this game.
I feel disgusting when I think that I spent almost a £1000 on it.

>> No.11899908

CB must have a pretty awful community now considering it's full of nothing but people from this board. And of course all those people like it "ironically." Shame, I'd kinda like to play it again.

>> No.11899917

>considering it's full of nothing but people from this board.
It was only ever full of /a/, /jp/, and /m/ to begin with.

>> No.11899926
File: 372 KB, 800x600, winberrl drinking milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh... I took this week off work and had no clue the migration was going to be this complicated until I saw this thread. Hope you guys manage to keep hold of all those old hotglue alts.

Hey BOOF, I never see you posting on /jp/ anymore ;_;

>> No.11899952

I spent under $200, it was worth it back then when it was fun.

>> No.11899961

Hotglue is still alive? Is Kanbara still alive?
How autistic can he be if he is still playing this game.

>> No.11899967
File: 203 KB, 800x600, dust in the wind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like a little trip down memory lane, spectating that Hotglue/Everythingsfine final was the highlight of my cosmic break experience.

>> No.11900182

How do they keep this game running for such a low amount of people?

>> No.11900198

>almost a £1000
Are you boasting?
Most people who played wished they had only spent £1000

>> No.11900207
File: 1014 KB, 1003x1200, 30243758_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic Break could have been a good game.
It had amazing potential in every area.
Potential that'll never be realized.

>> No.11900214

No it's dead and it's good that it is.
The recent hotglue was mostly compromised of shitters like ramia. It was horrible and nothing like how it used to be. The players also played stupidly unlike in the old Hotglue.

>> No.11900226

Potential in my crotch area

>> No.11900239

at least 500$ It was worth it to be able to win.

>> No.11900248
File: 372 KB, 800x600, cosmic break chibi gang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad there is a dedicated thread about CB. It shows the community is still alive. Do they always have a CB thread there?

I stopped playing around the introduction of the school room and levels.

I probably put in easily around $2000+ but I finally broke free of their grip

That dosent mean I dont like the game anymore. I would still love to play it but I am too afraid to see if the community has gotten worse player count wise.

>> No.11900260

If the devs actually used the insane amount of funds they got and improved the game engine and netcode and learned how to actually balance and nerf bots, it would have been already a huge step in the right direction.

>> No.11900274

>Do they always have a CB thread there?
No, this is a rarity. There used to be many threads, though, back when the Earth was young and the game was in its prime.

Well, ART now has the single most effective handheld in the game. You can just stick a Scram Mod on your Maril or whatever and still be credit to your team.

Apparently the number they have is enough, they keep their developers chained to the basement or something. And they actually listen to their (Japanese) userbase now, so this helped with the population. CS is actually much better off than what it was a year ago.

Also, if anyone remembers that Ivis promotion parody from one of these old /jp/ threads, that's a thing now. I'm completely serious, down to the transparent skirt and the chain block.

I think Minamitsu made it? Someone should notify him.

>> No.11900278

>And they actually listen to their (Japanese) userbase now
Well that is good to know. I could care less if they listen to the gaijin userbase or not as long as they listen to the nips I think we should be ok.

I still remember seeing both CBen and CBjp with riot posters and having a huge boycott about nerfing the first zero bots

>> No.11900301

>first zero bots
They made more?
I quit when they released that bullshit.

>> No.11900323

The first set of zeroes have been nerfed, and nerfed again once the players said that the first wasn't enough. Pretty much every attack except Resha's rather mediocre melee path got toned down, and they're made into massive cost bloats (but then getting them to die to begin with is still pretty hard). Nothing made since the Initium era has been nearly as powerful, including the zeroes. New bots now feature a bunch of gimmick mechanisms instead. e.g. we now have a LND that amounts to three Froglanders duct taped into each other. She spawns this small, weak ball-spider-thing that dies fast but can crowd dive to get some fairly solid damage in before dying, after which you spawn a new ball and do it again (the main body is immobile while your Haro is active, so you also need to mind where you're standing).

Also there's one bot that got buffed after some ENCB player made a thread about it, in nearly same way as suggested in that thread, so it's possible that Ramune & co. can still relay things higher up from the EN side.

>> No.11900327
File: 24 KB, 587x129, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh the memories, I can't believe you even convinced me to get this far.


>> No.11900337

>transparent skirt

Pics please

>> No.11900339

The aiming system is shit. The new bots they churn out are constantly outperforming old ones, making some obsolete. It really takes the fun out of the game seeing everyone using the same fag bots all the time. It's poorly optimized. A lot of annoying people in the community. Laggers. Obtaining materials for upgrades is shit and takes an eternity. How some people were able to perfect tune their locked part bots by resetting is far beyond me, the autism level is through the roof. CS macro spam is annoying. There is no balance between land/air/artillery. Laggy ass airloop spamming niggers. A terrible garapon system that is not cheap, nor is it forgiving. Still, there is a charm buried under all these flaws it just isn't enough.

Put over 1000 hours into that dumb game. I wish I could have that time back. I tried to play again about two weeks ago for two games then I uninstalled. Just not fun anymore.

>> No.11900345


I still play it and have fun and put in around 1000-2000 hours myself.

>> No.11900350

I'll never forget the beta or was it the early days of the game, where they had those events where everyone would go into the missions and rack up lods of emone only to lose it all because there weren't nearly enough keys nor enough GMs to spawn enough keys in all areas. Just people spamming the voices as their time ticked out.

>> No.11900359

After Resha and Eris, we got the following:

Kagura: ART miko with homing and straight arrow paths, with the distinction of being one of those rare ARTs that can totally wreck virtually any melee that is careless with her. Her homing mode had some of the most bullshit shots in the game, but they got nerfed and all the tryhards stopped playing her, and now she's rarely seen in the arena.

Momiji: LND ninja with a decent but not overwhelming melee path (that runs off TEC) and a potent gunner path that can inflict one of the nastiest status effects in the game (that runs off STR, go figure). Since her melee does not feature massive swinging arcs and ENCB cannot play anything that requires aiming, she's also a rare sight.

Jace: Another LND with melee and shooter paths. You could use his melee to fly indefinitely, which was hilarious, but overall he's not any better than the melee threats that are already present. His shooting path features the massively annoying freeze bullets, but is again not a gamebreaker compared to other gunner options.

Eve: AIR with the ability to become a LND. Her LND path inflicts a status that allows her to completely rape any other melee, but the fact that her buff drains her own HP make her frail. Her AIR form has infinite flight at the cost of HP and a massively damaging cannon that has to be charged before use, and is really ought to be nerfed.

Mikoto: Another another LND with melee and ranged paths. Gets a bag of neat tricks, including a barrier, a laser, and a multi-hit melee combo that is difficult to get out of, but nothing particularly stands out. The first ZERO-type with removable arms, she also comes with some fairly decent AMJs.

Alcy/Vanessa: An AIR and a LND, both with the same gimmick. Their attacks change depending on the robot you hit with a special "analyze" attack. If you get the analyze buff off of a ZERO, you become a complete monster. If you're fighting anything else, you are painfully mediocre.

>> No.11900363

Sorry, talking about how shitty I think that game is now makes me somehow happy. It really was one hell of a ride though.

>> No.11900367

I apologize too. Defending the game from people hating on it is sort of a reflex.

I think we all had some memorable times there be it good or bad. I think it is the only online game I have ever played the longest so far too.

>> No.11900372

What happened to that CB browser game where you fought bots in flash animation?

>> No.11900409

Cosmic Commander's services has ended last year on June.

>> No.11900424

I had more fun in this than Kancolle, I wish it was as popular so I felt compelled to sheep and play.

>> No.11900427

Everytime i see a cosmic break thread it makes me want to reinstall

Oh well from moe robots into moe tanks if only WoT had CBs customization of decals

>> No.11900489
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Ivis Reine.

>> No.11900497


Shop Zeroes. Yes, SHOP zeroes. Alcy is rather potent if you can get a buff based on hitting another zero-type... Damage boost + larger blast, everything.

Vanessa's only good version is the gara version. RT shop version requires slow tunes for melee.

>> No.11900531

They gave every single account, even new players, a free Aquila Girl and it didn't noticeably change the balance. That should tell you something.

Seriously, do not go back.

Shop zeroes are gimped vs. the garapon version. Nobody uses them except a couple of autists. I can't remember the last time I saw someone covered in yellow spooge.

>> No.11900566
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There's a Bikini Ivis you could easily make a nude skin off too.

>> No.11900569
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>> No.11900590

>yellow spooge.
Quite possibly the worst part of Alcy and Vanessa. Getting hit by that shit hurts your eyes.

We are also (probably) getting a new ZERO who seems to be riding a horse. I hope it's a robot horse, or better yet, a giant robot horse that is piloted by an actual horse. It should also be painted red and black and override the arena theme with its own whenever it spawns.

We should expect no less from a robot horse. It has a legacy to live up to.

>> No.11900661
File: 189 KB, 800x600, not this shit again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this thread back again

>> No.11900714


>> No.11900717
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>> No.11900740

Whatever happened that horse after the east stopped burning red? I forgot.

>> No.11900747
File: 209 KB, 1024x768, 1392498466753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit when I couldn't get Ivis after 5 different Ivis gara. I stopped having fun and spent too much. I think I would still be playing if I managed to get her though. My biggest regret is that this game killed my will to grind in MMOs ;_;

>> No.11900759

Seeing this thread makes me want to play again.

>> No.11900762

Rumor on the grapevine is most of the good developers got sidetracked and ended up working on Project Vega instead.

>> No.11900768

Domon found it and rode it to the sunset after they were both stranded in space.

Never underestimate horses, man. It'll be the last thing you do.

>> No.11900797

>I think I would still be playing if I managed to get her though
I doubt it. As much as you played the game's just not enjoyable anymore no matter what you do.
Anyone still playing is merely doing it out of habit or trying to justify the money they spent to themselves. Nobody actually enjoys playing Cosmic Break.

>> No.11900805

Bring back stock cannonballer only room

>> No.11900811

I legitimately enjoyed it

It gives me a similar feeling as I did when I used to play super smash brothers melee when I had friends.

>> No.11900859

I enjoyed being good.

>> No.11900943

Only casuals stop playing when they stop having fun.

>> No.11901165

Spent around $300. I just wanted a Vanguard Axer, or maybe a pierce gun, but I never got one.
Not even through weekly garapons.

>> No.11901288

Piercegun was available for UC, and is now added to shop for 30 Rt. It's only 1s, but it's a piercegun so it doesn't really need anything but a lone force tune.

Fencer is available for 120 Rt as well, but not Axer.

>> No.11901704

I don't know, man. I really loved playing Ivis with my name hovering over her. I think I could have at the very least doubled my hours played.

>> No.11901753
File: 380 KB, 800x600, 1392531667229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss killing hotglue autists with my crimrose in beta. I reinstalled the game a while ago thinking, "even if I can't get any new moebots at least I have my lily rain eve." then the first thing I notice is that there's now a HD lily rain eve and a HD bikini crimrose. power creep is bad enough but this is unacceptable.

>> No.11902199

and now you're in PZMOE with those same autists. where did you go wrong?

power creep is definitely the worst part about CB. and incidentally, the best part of WoT is never-ending balancing to keep the game fun in all vehicles at all tiers (for the most part). fucking japs

>> No.11902553

well like I said I was willing to suffer through being weak as long as I could know my moebots were still the cutest, but being both weak and lower resolution is too much.

>> No.11902736

HD Lily Rain Eve you could do yourself if you find her textures and her damage is scary as all hell. Still perfectly viable.

If you're talking about Lily Rain Eve THETA, however. She's pure shit. Nerfed AND buggy.

>> No.11903003

Axer is the OP least skill required one.

>> No.11903092

I remember getting an axer like in 1-3 rolls when it first came out

I also remember getting a resha in like 1-2 rolls on just converted uc-rt alone

I was hoping they would make more renditions of the vanguard like a vanguard hammer type.

>> No.11903119

>No, this is a rarity.

That's a lie. /m/ has had consistent CBEN generals for many months now.

>Do they always have a CB thread there?

Yes. There's always a CBEN thread on /m/.

>> No.11903122

>Is albatross still the shit kicker he used to be?

Yes. Whenever I bust out my Alba, it's an easy method to getting top 5.

>Still viable as Eris food

If you suck. In my experience, Eris is Alba food.
>Float dash + rapid shot = free points

>> No.11903131
File: 162 KB, 1058x1001, DESTRUCTOR PROMOTION 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent no money on this, used Katas account to win after the beta.

Also did you know Cyber step stole my anti stun shield idea for Resha! But they haven't removed Desturctors limiter yet..?

This must be so bad now, the biggest kusoge probably (beta was good though I cry everytime).

>> No.11903173

I quit really soon after the beta like most people.

Anyone know a decent online 3rd person shooter that isn't pay2win or dead right now? Please don't say WoT.

>> No.11903177

try cosmic break again, pussy

>> No.11903181

If you gift me 10000rt or however much I'd need to get what I want, sure.

>> No.11903279

Jesus, I just did a mail search to verify my login and I found a pile of receipts for rt... some for $200 at a time. I had a serious problem back then. ;___;

I suddenly feel nostalgic for doing a haku run though.

>> No.11903287
File: 614 KB, 1000x1000, essu dee zeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDGO if you like tiny tomonoes

>> No.11903672

I'd play it if the gameplay wasn't so terrible.

>> No.11903796

But it isn't, it's a lot more solid than cosmic break's gameplay.

>> No.11903868

both are shit

>> No.11903895

Yeah, my bad. Thought he meant /jp/, which does not have Cb threads.

>> No.11903937

Do you have the Ivis one?

>> No.11903981

No, it's bad. It's slow, clunky and very unfun. CB has a much more free style of control, faster pace and wider variety of movesets. This is coming from someone who played SDGO long before CB.

>> No.11904050

Does that make the people who still play the true autists or merely clinically insane?

>> No.11904052

but the netcode is even shittier

>> No.11904069

Bikini Ivis is abnormally easy to get. It turns out garapon odds are halved come summer (so, starts around April) and it lasts for about 3-4 seasonal garapons, with the odds doubling again in the garapon right before the annual Halloween Garapon.

>> No.11904073

Upgraded Destructor is Destructor Max, followed by a scattered smattering of Antlion, Scaraboss, Albatreos and Artilus.

And then there's Ragna. Fuckin Ragna.

>> No.11904091

CBs netcode is completely terrible, how could you even say that.

It's also 10 times as broken and pay to win, what's the point?

>> No.11904109

pay to gamble

I wish we got a better gundam mmo that was exactly what SD is but with regular gundams.

>> No.11904356
File: 343 KB, 1280x960, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I stopped playing in 2010, but I did like it.

I had my Aquila and 695 cost Crimrose and that was basically it. Be annoying, deal damage, and never die.

Oh well.

>> No.11904415
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 2145299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtb photoshop

>> No.11904482

i wonder what the average age of players was

>> No.11904523

considering your average cb player was some sea fuck the ammount of lag you experienced was comparatively less than sdgo playing against "americans."

>> No.11904723

I checked my collection and I dont seem to have it. Wasn't me who drew it either, as I posted my Destructor promotion and other poster started making their own promotions for fun.

I found the Ivis post in the archive, but full image is not archived sadly, wish I saved them all.


>> No.11904904

Eh, I stopped after 12k hours cumulative on alts.

Game's never going to get any better. Doesn't mean I didn't get my nomoney's worth on it though.

People buying off my generics for USD was a pretty sweet deal too.

>> No.11904999

i believe the only active players from oldglue nowdays are vallyel, gafused and shoe

>> No.11905599

I've been playing this game since the first OB. I don't regret it.

>> No.11905601

japporo and Dertia too.

I almost had a heart attack when I saw Florette the other day. But it wasn't him.

>> No.11905857

Ah yes, second shittiest game I've played with a bunch of deluded retards.

It's too bad gameplay didn't live up to most people's expectations but I imagined it could've been worse so it's not bad as in unplayable. My surprise when I was correct(look at SDGO).

I love half of the artists who worked on this, way before they were cool to love.

>> No.11907095

Note: A large portion of HG immigrated to another clan called TTT. Then pretty much everyone except for ShoE japporo gafused died irl

>> No.11907102

hi, it's me, one of the demented people who still plays this shit
don't come back you don't want to rejoin
we had lyrenth for a few months last year before he vanished again. That was cool I guess, but it's seriously not worth it.
the game runs worse with every patch. I used to be able to record it, now I have to shut down everything to get a decent framerate.
Even if it ran properly...well, there's between 50 and 150 people online at any time. Hardly ever more.
It won't get better.
the marketplace gets more dead each week.

>> No.11907114

Liked, Favorited, Subscribed.

>> No.11907193

There's a jap mmo with big battles, you need a VPN to play though, there are threads on /m/ about it.

>> No.11907355

I thought you literally died prof.

>> No.11907360
File: 135 KB, 1030x796, ss (2014-01-10 at 03.24.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still alive, not playing much anymore though.

Doubt I still remember people from wherever.

>> No.11907761

What's it called?

>> No.11908088
File: 177 KB, 801x599, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was cute ...... yeah guess I'm done

Maybe I'll do some of those chocolate candy runs or something, who knows.

>> No.11908150

Totally not OP looking for his pinoy friends.

>> No.11908175
File: 149 KB, 1030x796, ss (2012-03-19 at 09.50.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all dead.

>> No.11908984
File: 541 KB, 1057x620, ERkaRxP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much time left

>> No.11909059


Rare to see you here Winty.

>> No.11909088

How can a game with less than 200population stay alive?

>> No.11909091

Because those 200 people spend thousands of dollars on the game by themselves monthly.

>> No.11909093

Oh god this game. I'm having PTSD flashbacks of laggers like fagservice.

>> No.11909117

>200 people spend thousands of dollars on the game by themselves monthly.
>thousands of dollars on the game by themselves monthly.
Are they crazy?

>> No.11909120

They must be stock holders and are trying to deny reality.

>> No.11909122

Do you see >>11899509 ?
Each one of those coins represents $10 spent in the game.

Thats one person.

>> No.11909140

You serious? Some faggot spent $39450?
What the fuck is wrong with him.

>> No.11909153

Cosmic Break is really a yakuza money laundering operation.

>> No.11909159

could of just done 40000 online surveys

>> No.11909161

this is probably true

Those surveys never give you anything.

>> No.11909164

I got about $80 worth of shit from APB's survey scams.

I had to send in at least two emails with screenshot attachments of their completion before they'd credit me, though. It got to the point they just straight up told me "Stop doing surveys, we're not going to pay you anymore."

>> No.11909189

Isn't each one of those $1 and not $10?

>> No.11909215

I think one of the clans was lead by some arabian oil prince.

>> No.11909216
File: 583 KB, 1066x600, 1392785898059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% transparency

I might stop playing now that half of my bots are making CB crash to desktop when I play arena

>> No.11909218

$10 = 100rt
100rt spent = 1 Coin

>> No.11909232

Wow, what kind of fucking loser would spend so much on a f2p game? It's like that person thinks cosmic break is the only game in the world that has ever existed. That's like a new all time low.

>> No.11909242
File: 17 KB, 360x57, xzpwnz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kids, did you know the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary? It's true! Go and check right now.

>> No.11909272

you lied to me it is in there right next to fleeceable.

>> No.11909269

Considering I've played 15 minutes in the last 3 years that would be a bit odd

>> No.11909902

I swear to god this game is just a crossie meetup thing by now and OP is just calling for his /m/ friends. Nobody really cares about it anymore, best you will see is the /m/ factions that still play this shit for whatever reason.

>> No.11910205

>conspiracy intensifies

>> No.11910480

pinoy /m/ meetup.

>> No.11910727


try fecesbook
or get lucky encountering them on haku runs

>> No.11912240

You're so obsessed with pinoys
I don't even know what country that's supposed to be

>> No.11913143
File: 73 KB, 209x178, 1337205690756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when MoD was still alive, good time were had back then, sadly, DOS is dead now and there are no new /m/ clans in DOS. Kinda miss those days...........
They've pretty much killed base Saggi as well.......

>> No.11920095

they killed everything except airbots. i still see alphafaggotry flying around to great effect.
