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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11893111 No.11893111 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be possible to assign one iM@S to each board?


>> No.11893124 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 750x950, 1369298718192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet /jp/

>> No.11893136

>not /lgtb/

>> No.11893139

/jp/ would be Anzu

>> No.11893142 [DELETED] 

slay the gay crossie

>> No.11893164
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>/jp/ - NEETing
I thought of Nana for /x/ but she is not that weird, just stupid.
just like /x/

>> No.11893173
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>> No.11893185
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>These new 1500$ Sennheiser earbuds are excellent, I can hear the singer breathing into his microphone.

>> No.11893198
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>> No.11893217
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>> No.11893221
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>> No.11893222

/jp/ is full of fakeNEETs so she's perfect.

I bet her pussy isn't even smelly! I dare you to sue me for libel, I know it in my heart to be true.

>> No.11893230

Pussies are always smelly.

>> No.11893233

would neetPUSSY be smellier or is it the opposite because of all the time they have to groom themselves?

>> No.11893241

I don't know I'm only an expert in lolipussy.

>> No.11893244
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>> No.11893273
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>> No.11893301

Wow, like I'd be afraid of that dork if he came to arrest me.

>> No.11893311

The story starts back in Rosemont, Pennsylvania in September 2003 when the Ferrari F50 was stolen from its original owner. At this point, Motors Insurance paid out on the insurance policy and nothing was heard of until five years later. In August 2008, The FBI found the car in Kentucky and stored it during the investigation in Lexington, Kentucky.

This leads us to May 2009, almost a year later, when FBI officer Fredrick C. Kingston crashed the stolen and recovered F50 into a hedge causing what Motors Insurance claim was approximately $ 750,000 worth of damage. Since then, Motors Insurance and the US Government have been locked in a lawsuit over the availability of evidence about the incident.

I bet that guy was the guy who crashed it.

>> No.11893313
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>> No.11893339
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>> No.11894139

>$1500 earbuds
>Putting the dollar sign after the figure
Just get out normie

>> No.11894327
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>> No.11894330

-quoting nobody
u mad abnormie?

>> No.11894333
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/o/ - Auto

>> No.11894346
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Recommended literature:
Ask for recommendations only once you have browsed the wiki.

Looking for books?

>> No.11894359
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/y/ - Yaoi


/hm/ - Handsome Men

>> No.11894413
File: 100 KB, 640x800, Riina1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hobbies: Listening to music

This girl is supposed to appeal to the music lovers.

>> No.11894420

Sometimes with higher quality headphones you can hear random stuff in the backgrounds of songs and wonder why they're even in there. MOSAIC.WAV does that a lot.

>> No.11894431
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>> No.11894442 [DELETED] 


>> No.11894445 [DELETED] 

no niggers

>> No.11894449


I don't know if you guys are trolling or something, but it really does baffle me seeing /pol/ go full stormfront over tanned anime characters

>> No.11894461 [DELETED] 


/pol/ has had such a shitty effect on this entire site. You see retards complaining about tsunderes now calling them feminist anime characters, and when one show out of 30 airing has a tanned character they say "the jews did this".

>> No.11894486 [DELETED] 


I disagree that it has had a negative effect. Shitposting will always be there in some form, but at least people are relatively more aware of the negative influence of Israel, the Rothschilds, and the other cronies involved at high level political power playing

It does get obnoxious at times, the previous exchange being a rather plain example of such, but you take the good with the bad

>> No.11894493
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Another contender for /o/ because bikes.

>> No.11894497
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>> No.11894496 [DELETED] 

I don't think there's anything about any anime that's remotely feminist. Especially something with wish fulfillment tsundere characters. /pol/ is dumb as fuck and to be ignored.

>> No.11894552
File: 99 KB, 640x800, AkoTsuchiyaRare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ph.D. in Idol
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.11894578

god, she is so perfect.

>> No.11894588

Hibiki's feet!

>> No.11894595

Bikes go on /n/

>> No.11894596 [DELETED] 

>Shitposting will always be there in some form
There's a big difference between people just 'funposting' and people actively lowering thread quality to push their pet causes. /pol/ is on the same tier as the internet SJWs, and deserves the same treatment.

>> No.11894598

Bicycles go on /n/. Bikes go on /o/.

>> No.11894775 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 233x241, 1392305516710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is on the same tier as the internet SJWs

>> No.11894805 [DELETED] 

SJWs work to suppress freedoms for the sake of their feelings, I say they still deserve to be lower.

>> No.11895463
File: 399 KB, 600x848, 1392320121206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hibiki is my wife.

>> No.11895631

Goddamn, Natalia.
Where I live, brown girls are really common and I'm rather uniterested in them, but I still love this bitch so much.

>> No.11895643

Hibiki is everyone's wife.

>> No.11895645

I'm everyone and Hibiki is my wife.

>> No.11895646

I'm nobody and she isn't my wife.

>> No.11895658

>Hibiki is everyone's wife.
Does this makes her a slut or a perfection?

>> No.11895661



>> No.11895662

That makes her my wife.
