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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11888001 No.11888001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, how do I get my parents to stop bugging me and let me live my neet life in peace?
My dad is threatening to throw me out of the house if I don't find a job, but all I want to do is be like you guys.
Any tips from veteran otaku would be appreciated.

>> No.11888004

Dont pay attention to threatenings unless there's a solid evidence he gonna do it.

>> No.11888019

Attempt suicide, that'll show em.

>> No.11888040

Might I suggest getting a job

>> No.11888042

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.11888061

Live in a welfare state like me.

Government pays me 700€ a month for nothing and I live at my parents house.

Even if I would live alone they would pay my living expenses, because I would be a NEET. Well soon I'll quit my neet ways anyways, because college is calling.

Trust me NEET life ain't worth it.

>> No.11888073


Find a job. Don't end up like me. If you feel lonely just take out your phone and browse /jp/ that way, you get the same kind of feeling being in a house all day. You will lose your sanity with your dad threatening you all the time (although he won't do it).

>> No.11888076

tell them you're studying programming and other opportunities to make money using inter-net.

>> No.11888095

Tell them you're training to break the 'most time spent on /jp/' world record.

>> No.11888108

Reroll until you get different parents

>> No.11888107
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I couldn't stop the NEET train even if I wanted to. I don't fit nicely in civilian society. I'm a trained NEETmachine.

>> No.11888117

Get a job

>> No.11888153

Jobs are for FAGS

>> No.11888193

start a business

>> No.11888194

Kill them.

>> No.11888196

Get a cute loli girlfriend and spend all of your time with her, that way your parents will forget you're NEET and will instead focus on trying to force you to give them grandchildren.

>> No.11888198

I think they would be more likely to be focusing on your arrest if you tried to pull that one.

>> No.11888202

Oh man this is just like my anime

>> No.11888201

You're only saying that because you don't want to try to impregnate a loli.

>> No.11888203

I value my freedom.

>> No.11888205

How will any of that compromise your freedom?

>> No.11888207

FBI tracking my every movement and trying to capture me.

>> No.11888208

That won't happen.

>> No.11888215

Maybe if you live in a third world country.
