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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11864406 No.11864406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do the Japanese just not smoke weed?

I saw them smoking it in Lost In Translation and Gantz I think, but it was kinda a big deal.

How is it treated there?

>> No.11864416

Fuck off druggie faggot. This is OTAKU culture, not japan general.

>> No.11864424

I was just curious and thought I'd get a better answer here than on /a/.

This used to be Japan culture too, aspie.

>> No.11864434

We get this thread once every week. Check the archive before you make shit threads, shithead..

>> No.11864436

IIRC weed is super illegal in japan. Like, if you fail a drug test there even if you never did anything while you were in the country you'd be in jail, among other things.

>> No.11864439

drugs are for losers

>> No.11864440

This thread has been reported for being made by 2kike. Sage.

>> No.11864443

Americans and their fucking weed obsession ... I don't understand.

>> No.11864446

Japan has extremely strict anti-drug laws. Possession of even a small amount of weed can get you in jail for years.

>> No.11864457

not every American does. The ones that do just make us all look bad, because they have to be obnoxious cuntmuffins about it. Sadly in our country this happens to many things, like everything the True Red Blooded Americans love we have to be loud and proud about it. Those ignorant bastards smoke like it's a cigarette though, make our shit economy, and mass urban poor look even worse. Those festering assholes

>> No.11864461

P.S OP get out you Godless hippy coward.

>> No.11864466
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>> No.11864550


Rather unrelated, but I remember reading a doujin called "Mary did Mary Jane" where Maribel smokes weed, gets addicted to it, then sells her body for more to cope with her addiction.

It was kind of funny; I didn't read all of it.

>> No.11864571

>>11864550 >didn't read it all
It was likely propaganda against weed in public use. See in Japan it's only OK to sell yourself when you're a Moe and horny fresh out of high-school girl or a fresh out of high-school girl loli that's been abducted to be sold into sex slavery. Only time it's not frowned upon.

>> No.11864601
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The guy who made Kaiji's soundtrack smoked weed, and I bet Alison does too. And there's Cannabis Works.

I bet Japanese weed tourist will go to Colorado or get it in Hawaii and it will start to become a thing.

>> No.11864603 [DELETED] 

This. Which is fun because psychedelic mushrooms were completely illegal until some years ago.

>Prior to 2002, psilocybin mushrooms were widely available in Japan and were often sold in mail-order shops, online vendors and in head shops throughout Japan; according to Hideo Eno of Japan's Health Ministry narcotics division, prior to 2002, "You can find them [psilocybin mushrooms] anywhere." In June 2002, Japan Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry added psilocybin mushrooms to Schedule Narcotics of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drug Control Law, possibly in preparation for the World Cup, and in response to a widely reported case of mushroom poisoning. On this subject, it should be noted that the psychedelic drugs are not physically toxic, and in the case of overdose it is impossible to die of the pharmacological effects of the drug alone. Use, production, trafficking, growing or possession of psilocybin mushrooms is now illegal in Japan.

>> No.11864607

This. Which is funny because psychedelic mushrooms were completely legal in Japan until some years ago.

>Prior to 2002, psilocybin mushrooms were widely available in Japan and were often sold in mail-order shops, online vendors and in head shops throughout Japan; according to Hideo Eno of Japan's Health Ministry narcotics division, prior to 2002, "You can find them [psilocybin mushrooms] anywhere." In June 2002, Japan Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry added psilocybin mushrooms to Schedule Narcotics of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drug Control Law, possibly in preparation for the World Cup, and in response to a widely reported case of mushroom poisoning. On this subject, it should be noted that the psychedelic drugs are not physically toxic, and in the case of overdose it is impossible to die of the pharmacological effects of the drug alone. Use, production, trafficking, growing or possession of psilocybin mushrooms is now illegal in Japan.

>> No.11864610


It was alright; I like Aya Shachou's art. I think I liked his non-H yuri doujins more than his mindbreak H-doujins though; he really sold out his favorite characters

>> No.11864615

could you hook me up with a link brother?

>> No.11864619

There's also that Precure happy doujin, but that one has her doing harder drugs after marijuana.

>> No.11864622

weed, like anything else that does shit to you, is bad for your mind and your health. Period. Now fuck off with both your "war on drugs" crap and your "counterculture" shit. It isn't otaku. Keep it on /int/pol/ with all the rest of the dickwaving dumbassery.

>> No.11864625

b...b...bu...but muh shitty indie music...

>> No.11864628
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A majority of famous musicians did a whole bunch of drugs.
