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File: 114 KB, 540x743, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11851264 No.11851264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread...died?

Ar no Surge Game Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2njPI3E1_hU

Ar no Surge Genometric Concert Side.Blue and Red preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ga-WG_kO4

Preview of the orgel bundled with the Agent Pack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT7ZFI0gLiQ

Atelier Echa & Logy Anime Announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNZVRVHJSyY

Some gameplay movies over at: https://www.youtube.com/user/GustCorporation

Shurelia confirmed as link between Surge Concerto and Ar tonelico series.

>> No.11851275

Yes, threads that are three months old tend to do that when you're the only one bumping them and you fall asleep.

>> No.11851278
File: 410 KB, 486x604, 15306832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more mana khemia

new mana khemia when?

>> No.11851288
File: 245 KB, 1273x717, ans delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even Delta is safe from the crystals.

>> No.11851294

I don't get why every ar tonelico MC is so ugly

>> No.11851307
File: 723 KB, 871x732, delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.11851313

Delta seems manly as fuck, but that latest gameplay video that showed him dancing make me wonder if he is as manly as his looks.

>> No.11851724

So when is the ciel no surge dlc shit going to end so I can actually play the full game before the new one?

And what the fuck do those restore dlc packs do?

>> No.11852037
File: 134 KB, 850x850, ver304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread must have at least one image of best girl.

>> No.11852288
File: 115 KB, 491x600, 25168048_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think Delta's the best looking so far; he reminds me of Edge from Atelier Iris 3.
Delta > Croix > Lyner ≧ Aoto
I wish Targana was the/a vanguard in AT2... I also wish Delta was topless during installs

I agree.

>> No.11852444

Is there any images of the agent pack music box for ar no surge?

I have it pre ordered on amiami but I would like to know what it even is

>> No.11852447

OP third link.

>> No.11852463

How embarrassing, I didn't even look at the OP

Is that the only thing the agent pack comes with? It seems kind of neat but not worth the extra 25$

>> No.11852484

The box looks kind of big but I don't really know, the price doesn't really bother me since it's already 11% off.

>> No.11852587

Seriously though when is the ciel no surge story going to end though? Ar no surge comes out in a month.

>> No.11852638

anybody have the old copypasta with the hymnos cds?

I lost all of my music in a tragic HDD death and need to start over.

>> No.11852817
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Tracker is dead, but any client with Mainline DHT should find seeds eventually.

Also, try searching the archive for "Ar Tonelico For Lazy People". That should pull up the old threads with the old links.

>> No.11852970

Is it in here somewhere?

Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~

Istoria~Kalliope, Akiko Shikata's latest album:


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc
- original /jp/ stuff

>> No.11853006

Didn't see much Mitose in that sample, I wish she had some more material. She's my favorite vocalist of the main three.

>> No.11854057

I guess I will add this to copypasta for future threads.

>> No.11854130

soon maybe

you get to marry ionasol in ciel nosurge

>> No.11854369


Well, not bad.

>> No.11854378

Lyner is the worst one though

I wonder if I can watch the show and skip the game

>> No.11854736

I want to play it so bad but I'm not buying a VITA. Do playthroughs of games like that get uploaded to niconico?

>> No.11855320

Watching people on Niconico touching Ionasol's boobs is not the same as rubbing them yourself.

>> No.11855484
File: 269 KB, 640x452, chloebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ulrika and Chloe were cute as heck. MK2 is one of my favorite games of all time.

Anybody else preorder Escha yet? Can you do that in US yet?

>> No.11855742
File: 789 KB, 854x1000, 41135130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anybody else preorder Escha yet? Can you do that in US yet?

And this is one of the reasons why I strongly dislike the whole Tecmo-Koei bullshit with Gust games now. You used to know exactly when and where the games were available, there was lots of hype, advertisements and info on the game (dual audio, collectors editions etc.) but now it's completely different. The release date is apparently in a little over a month (which I didn't even know), the official site(s) haven't been updated at all and there seems to be no unique version available other than some generic pre-order from X store to get Y costume DLC. I had to actually dig around just to double check that they included dual audio this time since I honestly can't trust their "all games will have dual audio" statement after fucking up Ayesha. Yes, my jimmies are rustled.

>> No.11855786

Why did she ditch those toeless boots?

>> No.11855823

Agreed, they really need to get their act together.

>> No.11856285

thank you.

>> No.11856606
File: 176 KB, 1400x1500, 1391080677060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First key art for the Studying World Ending anime for those who haven't seen it.
I honestly don't know what to think of it. It doesn't really look like the art in-game but I don't dislike it either. Bonus points for generally being more like 2000s art style than 2010s art style though.

>> No.11856609

Is that Ulrika fanart? Got anymore?

>> No.11856626

Those proportions are woefully off, it's really jarring.

>> No.11857143

>Lyner is the worst one though
Funny, because he's more competent that Aoto. Just because he's dense as fuck doesn't mean he's bad at everything else.

>> No.11857247

They should've went with the Hidari designs. But I can't ask for more.

>> No.11857530

>And what the fuck do those restore dlc packs do?
Anyone knows about this?

Finally I played the game again after abandoned Ion for 5 months and see bunch of DLCs.

>> No.11857648 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11859527

You know how to have to wait for your Sharls to fix areas in the dream world? Those remove the wait times.

>> No.11860095

Did you watch that psnation stream of Escha on twitch yesterday? Shit is only 10% dubbed, which is abig disappointment because the content that WAS dubbed is actually pretty good.

>> No.11860548

Can you elaborate a bit?

>> No.11860745


While I haven't watched it yet I did a quick search on Twitch and found it: Twitch dot tv /psnation/b/499512750 , the spam filter is preventing the full link so sorry for the inconvenience.


That's part of the bullshit I'm referring to in my post.Ayesha was exactly the same with less than half the game getting dubbed and no option for Japanese language. Now they've done the same shit to Escha & Logy it seems but at least there's the option of the original Japanese audio..

>> No.11860892

Nobody gives a shit about English dubs. Stop pretending you care.

>> No.11860893

Thanks. Didn't really watch much of it to prevent spoilers and such, but from what I've seen the dub seems ok. I'm one of those silly "JP VOICES ONRY" people, though, so if the reduced English dub is the only problem with their release, I don't have a problem with preordering.

However, I do agree with you that this sort of half-assery (and the Ayesha one) really sucks and makes me worry for the Ar no Surge release.

>> No.11861100

For me it's a thank goodness they got the halfassery out of the way first instead of starting it with Ar nosurge.

>> No.11861162


If there's dual audio available then personally I don't care as I'll always be using the Japanese audio. However when you're forced into using a botched English dub like with Ayesha you do start to care.

>> No.11861170

It can be entertaining in it's own way. Embrace wabi-sabi.

>> No.11861667

>Gust general
>type Ar Nosurge wrong
Anyway, who's already preordered the ArNo Agent pack?

>> No.11861700

Ordered it the day it came up on AmiAmi

I'm worried that the music box will make shipping take longer, I wish AmiAmi offered 1/2 day shipping options.

>> No.11861726

Same here. What material is it made of though? Hope it doesn't weight much for shipping costs, but at the same time I want it to be high quality. Would look nice on top of my Kurt Hymneth "book".

>> No.11865132

Some people prefer it? I like to be able to focus my eyes on things other than subs if I am doing action genre things.

>> No.11865142

Get out

>> No.11865215

>Not knowing Japanese or at the very least be learning it
What the actual fuck are you doing here?

>> No.11865227 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11865712


>> No.11865726
File: 156 KB, 887x669, 12390099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly no, MK2 didn't got that much fanarts

>> No.11865729

what are '2010s art style' ?
can you give me an example?

>> No.11866035
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>> No.11867566

That's a shame since she has a pretty cute design. Thanks anyways.

>> No.11869570
File: 186 KB, 842x595, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These wings, though

>> No.11869676

I've become too excited for this game and I don't know much japanese at all

Looks like I will be struggling my way through it when it comes out, because I don't think I can wait a year for the localization (if it ever happened)

>> No.11869798

I'll make a menu translation and the usual stuff for people importing without knowing japanese, if that helps.

>> No.11869821

Well I know enough to get through menus and can recognize some basic vocab, but it's the grammar that kills me. I know I will be able to make it through the game, I just don't know how much of the story/interaction I will have to miss out on.

The music box is too tempting though.

>> No.11869826

If you know enough to be able to write down kanji and write the text here, we'll translate.

>> No.11869831

That sounds like a very slow game.

>> No.11869832

Better than nothing I'd say

>> No.11869846

Well that's a very nice offer, but I'm sure it would be troublesome for everyone involved. I would definitely try posting some things though if people really wouldn't mind translating. I don't want to take this thread too far off topic or try to make it into another learning japanese thread, but a lot of times I will come across dialogue in things that I just don't understand at all. Lines that look completely foreign to textbook grammar, I mean, and I just don't understand how I could learn what it means from looking at it, other than asking someone to translate and then understanding from there. I guess what it boils down to is that I'm unable to look up weird grammar scenarios in textbooks, or anywhere else, for that matter.

>> No.11871644


>> No.11873409
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>> No.11873508
File: 306 KB, 600x823, 37018472_big_p27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I never bothered getting Atelier Ayesha due to Tecmo-Koei's handling of the game however I've spotted a copy locally that is cheap and was wondering is the game still worth a purchase or should I just hold off until next month for Escha and Logy? I'm not really fond of dubbing if it matters.

>> No.11873519


Well I haven't played E & L yet so I can't give you a clear answer, but if the Dusk series is anything like the Arland series then you don't want to miss out on Ayesha due to references etc.

>> No.11873595

Dub matters a lot, if you know japanese, import it at all cost. Escha&Logy also has some returning characters from Aeysha, a lot really, but not exactly necessary to understand the plot.

>> No.11873603

It's a fantastic game ruined by the awful dub. Play it with voices off if you can't read nip, otherwise import if you can.

>> No.11873785
File: 802 KB, 930x1125, 36713488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm, if it's similar to the Arland trilogy then I guess I'll give Ayesha a quick playthrough before I play Escha & Logy. Unfortunately I can't read moon too well so I'll just have to play the inferior version and turn the voices off. Thanks for the help.

>> No.11873794

OR wait for Ayesha+ on Vita, which will have dual-audio.

>> No.11873797

Yeah it's like a half dub anyways. Though the only voice that really got on my nerves was Wilbell's.

>> No.11873896

can someone explain me what's the deal with that robot? he just keep appearing everywhere

>> No.11873910

The robot it's there for you to self insert.

>> No.11873912

It's the You self-insert terminal (Vita) from Ciel Nosurge, turned into a Robot.

>> No.11874005
File: 341 KB, 800x608, 1384720518-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The literal self-insert love interest main character.

Also I totally dig this illustration, it boosts my hype meter everytime I see it in the trailers.

>> No.11874042

The image is wonderful, but I'm not sure how I like it on top of the music box for the AGENT pack. I feel like they should have done a more simple and iconic design since its embossed or whatever you would call that, and doesn't allow many details.

>> No.11874072
File: 423 KB, 1121x1500, Krut_hymneth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. I'd prefer an intricate crest a la Krut Hymneth's over an illustration with characters in it, as nice as said illustration is.

>> No.11876920
File: 347 KB, 1280x720, ArNosurge-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11877256

I loved this.

>> No.11877686


I love it every day.

>> No.11878467

Absolutely brilliant.

>> No.11880242


Did you ever tell yourself that you had way too much money and nothing to spend it on? GUST has you covered.

>> No.11880287


>> No.11880292

How does that even work? I don't understand

>> No.11880308


Apparently it's a CD made out of gold and tempered optical glass.

>> No.11880315

A $800 24K solid gold CD is just too pants on head retarded to me.

>> No.11880328
File: 310 KB, 1053x889, arnosurge sarly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A basic guide on the characters and events from Ciel nosurge


May be helpful to anyone planning on playing Ar nosurge without having played Ciel.

>> No.11880343

Already saw it on jrpgg, pretty well written.

>> No.11880441
File: 45 KB, 958x607, tasukete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which set should I get? I don't necessarily need the game itself since I haven't mastered moon and I don't have a PS3 yet.

>> No.11880519

Can anyone help me with this line from Ciel nosurge? I am not far in at all but I have been slowly working my way through while looking up a bunch of words, but with this line I can hardly even get the gist of what shes trying to tell me


>> No.11880539

'Ion isn't a name that I remember myself, it's something that a person named Nelico told me'.

She's saying that she doesn't remember Ion being her name from her own memories, just that Nelico told her that her name was Ion.

>> No.11880545

I just got the Agent Pack from AmiAmi

>> No.11880546

Okay thanks a ton, now it's making a lot more sense, I really need to reread some quoting basics because I think that would have made it a bit more clear for me.

>> No.11882732

One more month

>> No.11884242

Get a hacked PS3, then this:

>> No.11884322

oh god the head.

>> No.11888843
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>> No.11889293

I ordered set A. Fuck my wallet.

>> No.11889296

Jeez man, that costs more than a Vita.

>> No.11889848

I've decided to go with set I considering I could get a PS3 with the price I'd pay for set A ;_;

>> No.11890074

Vanguard and Heroine confirmed for both becoming naked at Harmonics gauge Lv.4

Cero D confirmed

No localization or censored-localization-only confirmed

>> No.11890099

>No localization or censored-localization-only confirmed

Wait where did you get that information?

>> No.11890106

Pulling it out of my ass

But full or near-full nudity of the kind described would worry me about the game's localization prospects, we'll have to wait for screenshots/gameplay footage of the mechanic in question

>> No.11890116


Thank goddess

Well considering the other AT games (especially 3) I bet there won't be full nudity.

Instead there'll be a lot of lewd innuendo which will probably be toned down in a localization.

>> No.11890280
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>> No.11890892

I've heard that Cross Edge is terrible but would it be worth playing for the AT1 skits?

>> No.11890929


Not really, there weren't all that many of them.

>> No.11891087

>full nudity
are you even allowed to do stuff like that on Sony's consoles?

>> No.11891104

>Vanguard and Heroine confirmed for both becoming naked at Harmonics gauge Lv.4


>> No.11893113
File: 62 KB, 767x607, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how are AT1 and 2 for emulating? Lately I've been on a PS1 emulation kick, and thinking of moving onto PS2 to play a few games I wasn't able to nab like the AT series.

These have 2d graphics and an engine like the Iris and MK games on the PS2 right? Will it run with my specs?

>> No.11893118

Also, a slight error in my screen. I have 2 gb of Ram. But at the time I did that system scan, I was messing with the cards and the other one wasn't pushed in all the way through therefore not counting.

>> No.11893128

By the looks of things, they'll /run/, but not very quickly.
At least the slow speed is good for guarding in AT2. Back when I had a shitty laptop, during boss fights I could walk away from my computer and dick around about the house for ~10 minutes, come back, and the enemy's attack phase would just be ending.

>> No.11893171

Well, I am downloading the ISOs and emulator and will give them a test run when I am finished, thanks for the help.

I DO have a working PS3, though. If I end up liking 1 and 2, is 3 worth getting? I heard it wasn't good on its own but enjoyable for fans. This Ar no surge game looks cool so I want to learn more about the other stuff in the series.

>> No.11893200

It was a bad game overall, but not wholly unbearable to play through. By the time you're done 1 and 2 you'll likely want to play it regardless, and the songs at least are great. It's also great to have closure to the story.

>> No.11893782

I tried playing through AT1 but the combat is pretty fucking dull

I just charge the first song magic, hit the enemies a few times and after 2 turns they all die to the song magic and I have to watch the silly animation again. I want to like it, but does it get better? I'm only 5-10 hours in

>> No.11894258

Don't play those games for the combat ... or RPG elements. You'll be disappointed with pretty much any AT.
Just think of them as VNs that make you do a bit more than advancing the text.

>> No.11895343

Combat in the first game is more about building and protecting your harmonics gauge to get better drops than killing enemies. The difficulty lies in killing things slow enough that you can fire off two or three level 4 songs to increase your maximum harmonics while the vanguards build the meter and the attack field before nuking everything with a high damage single hit song for extra dive points.

>> No.11897321

Yeah, I remember that. That was probably the most annoying part, since even bosses would die before I was able to reach max harmonics, which in turn made you miss out on rare drops.

>> No.11897445 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-wait! My heart isn't ready for this yet ...

>> No.11897723

I've been reading through the Toukousphere translations recently. It's pretty funny but it's kind of annoying how the icons past issue 3 aren't displaying.

>> No.11901714
File: 143 KB, 960x540, chara3d_zoom12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you GUST.

>> No.11901780

I miss Nagi

>> No.11901804
File: 110 KB, 595x842, 1385930320-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's present in the song magic design at least.

>> No.11901882
File: 101 KB, 326x251, movie_btn10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how music boxes work but aren't they supposed to show the moving parts or something? I guess you might be able to take off that black fabric or whatever but it's kind of weird how GUST put so much effort to not show the inside of the box in the preview video.

>> No.11902522 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11902625
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Kowarekake no Orgel Special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't they supposed to show the moving parts or something?
I ain't an expert, but some of them don't show their mechanism, just play the tune when you open them, so you can use it as boxes.

>> No.11905355
File: 229 KB, 960x540, ss07_zoom_034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new screens


>> No.11905371
File: 126 KB, 960x541, Earthes Hueg Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more guns they show that Earthes has, the cooler he gets.

>> No.11906390

Fuck, more games in the Ar Tonelico universe? I fucking love the setting.

Is this Ciel nosurge worth playing? Can it be emulated? And lastly, any links?

>> No.11906392

Yeah, go find a Vita emulator.

>> No.11906398

>Is this Ciel nosurge worth playing?
Wish I knew.
>Can it be emulated?
Emulating Vita?
>And lastly, any links?
Official Website: http://social.gust.co.jp/pc/ciel/
If you were looking for the game, tough luck, buddy. Dumping Vita cartridges only became possible through hardware modding a few weeks ago.

>> No.11906413

Thanks guys. I guess I got my hopes up for nothing.

By the way, how much is a Vita anyway? I can't believe I'm considering to buy one. Please, convince me that buying one is not wise.

>> No.11906415

Vita is THE weeaboo handheld, you can't go wrong with it.

>> No.11906434

Get a used Vita for like $120

>> No.11906446

I got one back in January. It's region free so that's always good.

>> No.11906451

You're not helping me guise ;_;

I live in a third world shithole, I can't even legally purchase dollars. I can't waste money on this.

>> No.11906453

>a third world shithole
Spain? Greece?

>> No.11906459

Then don't?
I'm from Colombia and got a launch Vita.
That aside, you can just read a summary of the events in Ciel Nosurge and get into ArNo, which I bet you're going to pirate.

>> No.11906471

Just wait for a Vita emulator.

>> No.11906474


Oh, that works. I have a friend with a PS3, I bet I could crash at his home or even borrow it.

Thanks the replies, everyone.

>> No.11906477

See you in 2018

>> No.11906487

If you aren't willing to wait four years I doubt you really want to play this game.

>> No.11906490

That makes no sense

>> No.11906498

That if, in four years time when an emulator is available, you still have the desire to play the game, it shows how important it was. Sort of like how if you forget something it wasn't very important to begin with, the willingness you have to endure the wait shows how much the game means to you.

>> No.11906510

Hmm, I think that if it was really important in the first place, I would already have payed anything to have the game, not cheap out and get it pirated.

>> No.11906513

Having a strong desire to play a game doesn't excuse financial irresponsibility.

>> No.11906518

Not buying games you really want and stealing them instead is now being financially responsible?

>> No.11906528

That doesn't mean you can't go do odd jobs (or get an actual job) to get the money to import it. The game is like $65 without shipping, it's like you're buying a car or something else that eats up money.

>> No.11906533

it's not like*

>> No.11906539
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>> No.11906550

Lazy ass

>> No.11906596

>I can't even legally purchase dollars.
Oh yeah, AR.
Poor you. But I know how it is, I'm UY. Here you'd be lucky to get a used one at $300.
I want my Ion Simulator, God damn.

>> No.11906690

Are you seriously implying that you're so slow at reading you can't do both? That's, well, embarrassing.
Even without proper peripheral vision, you should still be able to handle eye movement between two actions multiple times per line if need be.
How can you enjoy 'just' hearing something in games and other media? Like without reading it. I find doing that to be thoroughly difficult.

>> No.11909726
File: 28 KB, 640x240, cielpvstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2014-02-12 Dengeki_Ciel_nosurge_Dai_8_Gou_JPN_PSN_PSP-KAiJU
>2014-02-12 Dengeki_Ciel_nosurge_Dai_7_Gou_JPN_PSN_PSP-KAiJU

I know it's a bit late, but since I've ripped images from the previous releases and (according to Mediafire, pic related) you guys want them, I guess I should do these two as well. Check this thread in a day or two if you're interested.

>> No.11909890

This is /int/ trolling, you're in /jp/.

>> No.11910473

What is this?

>> No.11911339
File: 67 KB, 1920x1080, ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to wait until weekend :/

>> No.11911345

Wait, what?

>> No.11911402

It's playable now, but I feel like finishing Ciel no surge first, then move on to ar nosurge.

>> No.11911405

How is the game out now?
Fucking pirates.

>> No.11911407

I thought you couldn't finish that game seeing as there's like a bazillion dlcs and it needs that server or whatever so isn't it endless?

>> No.11911415

It's a demo of some sort.

>> No.11911416

There's a total of 10 episodes inside Ion's "dream world" (sort of like diving) in Ciel nosurge. Buying the original game gives you the first episode. The rest costs 300-500 yen each.

Not sure what happens when you've finally reconstructed all her memories inside her dream world, but I guess that'd be the end.

Yesterday Ciel nosurge went free for PS Plus members, and they released a DLC pack containing everything up to episode 8 for 4300 JPY.

>> No.11911417

As in 体験版?

>> No.11911422

It's the full game (7.8 GB), with 5 hours play time limitation. Once the full game goes on sale, you can "purchase" the game to remove the play time limitation, and continue where the 5 hours trial left you off.

If you have a hacked PS3, I guess it's trivial to remove the play time limitation.

>> No.11911423

I'm pretty sure they plan to do a trial for ps plus member like with lightning returns and sengoku basara 4, you get something like 30 of gameplay from the full game or something like that.

>> No.11911427

Well I'm pretty sure for lightning returns it was 30 minutes, I guess it matters from game to game.

>> No.11911429

So then the game isn't going to be "done" before ar no surge comes out what's the point.

>> No.11912131

Now more than ever I'm regretting not having a (hacked) PS3.

>> No.11912294

>Not supporting Gust

>> No.11912549 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 480x272, shrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>Yesterday Ciel nosurge went free for PS Plus members
Let me guess, the 1st episode and only for Japanese PSN accounts with Japanese PS+ subscription.
I'll think about buying a Vita when Ciel gets a GOTY equivalent or Vita is properly hacked finally.
Because let's be realistic here, only fan translation can bring Ciel to the West and even that is impossible until Vita is hacked (let alone emulated).
Speaking of Ciel nosurge translation, Dengeki PlayView volumes 7 and 8 are available here:
rar pw: /jp/
Image quality should be good enough for OCR, at least I did my best to not introduce more artifacts than there was originally. See >>11764108 and that thread in general for details and links to previous volumes (also doubles as a reply to >>11910473 ). Don't expect much in terms of new artwork here, but there are more screenshots than usual.
Note that since I'm retaining original filenames, rip of vol.8 does not have pages 5, 7 and 8 because they aren't in the official release. Four more volumes left and don't expect them earlier than KAiJU or whatever group releases them.
Also note that you'll have to download scene releases yourself if you want to watch a pretty psychedelic video (simply rename .mp4.edat to .mp4) because I'm only ripping images. And before you ask, it doesn't get emulated properly.

>> No.11912780

Which is/are /jp/'s favorite?

>> No.11912781

Not going to spoil myself

>> No.11912785

They're only short previews, anon-kun!
But I can understand your feelings.

>> No.11912849

Any translation for volume 1-6 play view?

>> No.11912931

None as far as I know, at least I've never seen it posted in /jp/ threads.
>>11880328 is probably the closest thing one can get at the moment.

By the way, the whole interface of the PSP version is made up of PNG images solely, which makes translating the whole app next to trivial from technical point of view.

>> No.11916619
File: 275 KB, 785x707, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11917137

Are reyvateils programmed to be lewd?

>> No.11917243


>> No.11917437


>> No.11917448


>> No.11917496


>> No.11917600

I don't know.

>> No.11917662 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11918071

The original personality module was outsourced to a eroge company.

>> No.11921967 [SPOILER] 
File: 397 KB, 1536x885, shitty phone photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a serious lack of voice acting in this preview.

>> No.11922025

All the delicious flatness in this game, I can't handle it!

>> No.11922032

Can't show that in America

>> No.11922165

Nothing to show about though.

>> No.11922747
File: 212 KB, 960x540, chara3d_zoom17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cute!

>> No.11924612

Hopefully 4.55 REX is released within a week. Not that I really mind using plugin to take screenshots on Rebug's 4.46, but this feature should be an integral part of the CFW in the first place.

And if Ar nosurge doesn't appear on Nyaa in a day or two after getting pre'd, pray for me 'cause it means I'm dead.

>> No.11925039

>Using CFW on PS3 and pirating games

>> No.11925057

Stop quoting imaginary people, it's not healthy.
Also, I think I should post the torrent on TPB as well, to prevent some hacked PS3 owners from missing it.

>> No.11925062

I'm quoting the universe and beyond

>> No.11925294

>Ar no Surge (PS3) – 8/9/8/7 [32/40]
What do you guys think of this?

>> No.11925302

What does each number represent?

Famitsu gave Tales of Xillia 39/40 so I don't consider them particularly trustworthy either way.

>> No.11925309

And each number is just a different reviewer. Would be better to say the average, which is 8 out of 10.

>> No.11925310

Wasn't Tilia suppose to naturally develop? If so, why did she also end up being so lewd?

>> No.11925323

Famitsu also gave FF13 39/40.

Yes, THAT FF13.

>> No.11925324

To be fair it does look pretty

>> No.11925330

It's weird that most people realize that western game review sites are complete bullshit, but then when they are shown a Famitsu review they somehow think its accurate

I'm not saying it deserves better/worse, but letting someone who was paid to review a game decide your opinion on it is pretty stupid

>> No.11925336
File: 656 KB, 933x700, yolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she was dying so she yolo'd it up

>> No.11925581
File: 63 KB, 960x544, lewd_requests_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11925584
File: 61 KB, 960x544, lewd_requests_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11925674

They also gave the sequel a 40/40

>> No.11925685

Shurelia is the coolest.

I could not contain my happiness/boner when I heard she was in Ar no Surge. I-I still like her after all these years...

>> No.11926033

Did /jp/ ever have COMPILE HEART general?

>> No.11926043


>> No.11926098

I NTR'd Misha for her. Worth it.

>> No.11926161

I couldn't NTR Misha, I gladly NTR'd Aurica though.

>> No.11926549

Maximum overlewd.
I hope they release a standalone version at the end so I can someday pirate this.

>> No.11926582

Get out

>> No.11926693 [DELETED] 

*farts in ur face*

>> No.11926947

Something I didn't know.
アルトネリコ1 28点
アルトネリコ2 31点
アルトネリコ3 28点
アルノサージュ 32点
Famitsu scores, ArNo has the highest.

>> No.11927559

>Better than AT2

Everything about this game has me totally hyped.

>> No.11928434

How is the Atelier series from a gameplay/story perspective anyway?

I want to get into it since Wilbell looks really cute in the pictures ive seen

The only bad thing is that Ayesha isn't on vita currently and it seems like a great game to play in bed

Should I buy it for my PS3 for like 20$ or just wait a month and buy it for vita for like 60$ for a small amount of added convenience

>> No.11928504

Nothing beats being able to play these games (or any video game really) wherever you want, whenever you want.

Taking a shit on an airplane? Yup perfect time for little girl alchemy games.

As for gameplay/story it's just pure condensed fun, but nothing really groundbreaking/super original. Dunno what more one could ask for these days though.

>> No.11928509
File: 472 KB, 1280x720, 1393488681339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't pay Atelier games for the gameplay/story, silly.

You play it so you can be the kawaii alchemist. Or the kakkoi one, if you prefer.

>> No.11928524

Eeeeh, I dunno. If I compare "fawning over cute alchemy girls while taking a shit on an airplane" to "sitting on my couch and playing the game on my huge screen and hi-fi setup, while sipping a cuppa tea" ... for some reason, the latter seems far superior.

>> No.11928610
File: 219 KB, 879x570, 2013052022304908d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would wait for Plus since it will have all the DLC plus some new features.

>> No.11928821

D pack here

>> No.11929737

I'd take "fawning over cute alchemy girls while taking a shit on an airplane" over "doing nothing while taking a shit on an airplane" anyday, personally.

>> No.11929742


>> No.11929746

Wouldn't actually taking a shit when you're supposed to be taking a shit be the best idea of them all, especially on an airplane?

>> No.11930251




>> No.11930269

Nailed it

>> No.11931216

I'd advise shitting once a day in a squatted position. Or at least with your legs elevated by a stool, if you've a sitting toilet (as much of the world does) and you don't want to get your feet on the seat).
Proper shitting posture allows for easier flow, by opening shit up, so to speak. And not waiting several days for the shit to get compressed as HELL is clearly going to make the entire issue easier on your ass.

Sure, you can play elsewhere on the airplane if need be. That's fine. I personally prefer to sleep during shitty times like those.
But shit's should be too fast and pleasant to need distraction. They shouldn't be slow or troublesome.

>> No.11931425

Are the rumours true that Escha&Logy is receiving Ayesha's dub treatment? Meaning only 15-20% of the game is voiced english? Inb4dubs

>> No.11931495

Looking back at one of the first Escha&Logy trailer, did the game used any of the animated scene shown in the trailer? I also don't recall seeing any animated scenes in Ayesha aside from the OP and ED.

>> No.11931509

Who cares as long as the original audio is still there intact. Dubs have always been partial, but who the fuck uses them anyway?

>> No.11931512

Yes, there's an animated scene after one of the last dungeons.

>> No.11932035

I recall someone in one of the previous threads mentioning that and posting a YT video as example.

>> No.11932070

i hope they have the balls to fix Ayesha someday, i'm missing that game because of their faggotry.
That and the fact that i can't into runes.

>> No.11932090

Whose fault is it that you don't know runes?

>> No.11932225

It will cost more to fix Ayesha than for you to learn runes.

>> No.11932231

yeah i better hack my ps3 and play the pirated version, thanks jaypee!

>> No.11932284

No prob!

>> No.11932601

Wait for Ayesha Plus.

>> No.11932619

But then i would need a vita.

>> No.11932655

Get a vita.

>> No.11932810

Why the hell don't you have a Vita already?

>> No.11932864

because i want a new pc.

>> No.11938238
File: 463 KB, 2048x1536, 1393799363105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go about ordering one of the sets?

>> No.11938248


Wait there's was a live concert featuring hymmnos music?!

>> No.11938261

Yes, and in fact Shikata's releasing a DVD of her concert for the first time.
It's coming out this month I believe; I already pre-ordered it.

>> No.11938266


Holy shit this is awesome news, thank you,

I'm really looking forward to it - and to the release of the Ar no surge CDs, too!

>> No.11938303

No problem.
Here's a link to the track list.

>> No.11938512

Any way to pre-order it outside Japan?
Sorry this might be my first buyfagging ever

>> No.11938515


>> No.11942887


So, do Escha and Logy fuck?

>> No.11943673


>> No.11943830


>> No.11943847

I would fuck them.

>> No.11944777

Paid at AmiAmi, waiting for shipping notification.

>> No.11944796

Me too

I don't know what I'm even going to do with that music box

It doesn't look like you can store things in it

>> No.11944871

Less than a week till Escha. Are you excited?! I know I am.

>> No.11945411

Man, EMS shipping for ArNo LE sure is expensive due to that music box.

>> No.11945432

I'm surprised no one canceled yet

>> No.11945436

I payed for it while crying for my wallet.

>> No.11945440

I just downgraded to SAL

I didn't need it right away anyway.

>> No.11945441

How expensive are we talking?

>> No.11945444

~3000¥ shipping

>> No.11945807

Delta looks so thrilled...

>> No.11945823

Those Ion dances

My heart can't take this

>> No.11945849

That's not bad considering what people pay in deputy services

>> No.11945867


>> No.11946339

Does anyone know the name of the song in the new Ayesha+ trailer


>> No.11946363

Not cool, Gust actually makes good games. I'd never pirate from them.

>> No.11946368

Stars at Dusk.

It's in the Ayesha vocal album.

>> No.11946388

It would have been pirated either way, except that now that it's available on a public torrent tracker, no fuckers will be able to profit off of the game by uploading it to private trackers or shitty file hostings.
By the way, Ar nosurge has been available for days already, it's just that nobody has ripped a BD yet. If you don't jack off to scene releases (and by default you shouldn't), look for PS3 Ar Nosurge ~A Song that Prays for a Planet Being Born~ PSN JPN

>> No.11946566

>Pirating PS3 games
Get out

>> No.11946583

If you pirate games in general why not console games?

>> No.11946589

I don't in general, really.
I stopped when I got a job and found the joy of LEs.

>> No.11946598

>I stopped when I got a job and found the joy of LE

Being lawful evil?

>> No.11946597

This. I can't get enough of the way my game collection looks on my shelves.

>> No.11946599

I wish I could. I never have money for anything else now that I've started importing everything over the past few years.

>> No.11946602

Limited Editions.

>> No.11946613

Oh you. Now I'm tempted to put Ar nosurge PSN release up on Nyaa as is.

>> No.11946618

So edgy and cool

>> No.11946628

That would be epic, simply epic.

>> No.11946675

Wow! I'll download 20 to show my support of your great posts!

>> No.11946706

So much flattery leaves me no other choice. However, I'd rather upload retail release than PSN, so have an official PSN DDL instead of a torrent:

And, just for you guys. If you happen to get a corrupted/incomplete pkg from Sony...
Click utorrent icon under the game cover. It probably won't give you good speed unless you're geographically close to that place, but that torrent can be used to fix/complete damaged official pkg if you download it into the same folder where your pkg is.

>> No.11946725

Jokes on you, I don't have a hacked PS3 because I like online and trophies.

>> No.11946734

I don't have a hacked PS3 because I don't mind buying games when I want to support the company who makes them

And they haven't released the technology to download LE's yet

>> No.11946739
File: 148 KB, 960x540, eatitisaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have a hacked PS3
I'll tell you a secret: nobody that I responded to earlier has one either; they wouldn't whiteknight that hard otherwise. And I would have posted the link here either way, it's just more fun this way. Posting this because I forgot my pic.

>> No.11946778

hey /jp/, is there any place left to order Ar nosurge's LE?

By the time I was able to get the money for the LE version, the amiami special edition was sold out, I figured I'd wait someone to cancel because I really wanted that cleaner cloth, now the agent pack is sold out everywhere.

Is there any hope left? I'm impressed no one cancelled either versions of the LE in amiami

>> No.11946780

I just noticed it's back in Nippon yasan, but they hiked the price from 9180 yens to 13k, that's a lot, any other options?

>> No.11946788

Well amiami doesn't even take your money until the game is released anyway, so even if you didn't have the money next time it would be best to just get a pre order on it just in case.
Wow those vocal albums are really good I just downloaded them and I wasn't sure what to expect


So many great songs on the Escha & Logy one

>> No.11946800

Wait a week on amiami? Some people don't cancel manually and wait for them to do it.

>> No.11946867

Yeah I know that, but I didn't even know if I was going to get the money unfortunately, so I didnt PO in fear of losing my account for cancelling

I guess I'll do that, I already added both agent pack versions to figinstock and pray someone cancels it

>> No.11946871

Good question.

In my mind, yes.

The painful truth.

Horribe. They should only fuck each other. All other ships can go sink for all I care

>> No.11946879 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11947105


>> No.11947321
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x2448, 2014-03-06 12.00.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't plan to buy the japanese version of the game, but at least I got the limited edition of the Genometric Concert sides

>> No.11947337
File: 2.86 MB, 490x275, 1377811755409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip them, please...

>> No.11947383
File: 186 KB, 600x533, 28-ar-no-surge-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go:


I didn't check the tags etc yet, though.

>> No.11947391

I fucking love you... (no homo)

>> No.11947398

Thank you so much.

>> No.11947439

Thanks you. On another note, AmiAmi finally shipped.

>> No.11947445
File: 7 KB, 693x191, ss (2014-03-06 at 09.02.59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11947450

Yeah, same. I was hoping they would ship it yesterday since I payed 20 minutes after the invoice came.

>> No.11947462

By the way, you named the album name in the red side wrong.

>> No.11947477

props to you gud man.

>> No.11947537


Are you referring to the "At nosurge" mistake?

As I've mentioned before, I didn't check the tags myself, I just used a database to assign tags and names automatically.

Feel free to point out mistakes!

>> No.11947544

Yeah that, I was just pointing it out.

>> No.11947551

Wow thanks, how did you even get these so fast, didn't they ship at the same time the game was released?

>> No.11947596
File: 2.91 MB, 257x232, 1269576655046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good. Thanks a lot.

>> No.11947632


I preordered them at amazon.co.jp months ago because they were offering the limited edition

and well... as you probably know, amazon ships fast but isn't cheap.

>> No.11947663


My favourite song - by far - is:


>> No.11947668

I can only agree with you.

>> No.11947775


Yeah, EXPAJA is really awesome.

I like Origa's stuff on side AO. I think I'd only heard her from Fantastic Children before.

Still I have to admit part of me wishes that Minami Kizuki person hadn't been replaced. I didn't care for her songs at first, but that falsetto (I think that's what it is) actually really grew on me.

Honestly this time I don't care very much for Shikata's songs. I mean, they're okay, but they don't wow me like her other ones tend to.

>> No.11947813

No, I'm not going to listen to the new songs. Not until I've played the game. Please don't tempt me.

>> No.11948322

Same. I've only got them downloaded, no done harm right?

>> No.11948441

ANTiDOTE fucked up EBOOT.BIN in their Escha & Logy release, causing error 80010017 on startup. Use this one instead: http://www.multiupload.nl/70EXWJYKVR
Sorry for the inconvenience, if any. Shit happens.

In other news, Ar_nosurge_Umareizuru_Hoshi_e_Inoru_Uta_JPN_PS3-HR has been pre'd recently. If nothing goes wrong, it will be up on Nyaa soon.

Thank you very much.

>> No.11948477

Piracy is banned here.

>> No.11948516

Your wish is my command.
I'll (re-)post links in the next thread.

>> No.11948685

localization when

>> No.11948693

Of what?
>Still not knowing runes
I'm quoting my inner thoughts

>> No.11948697

Was Turaida ever discussed here?

>> No.11948767

Ciel nosurge? Forget about it.
Ar nosurge? Maybe it's not impossible, but still highly doubtful. PS3 will have been a dead console by the time it's ready and porting it to the current gen isn't worth it. Although the likelyhood of translation (official or not) will increase a lot if it does get ported.

Also, since we're past bump limit and on topic of localizations:
>XSEED Games to Bare All this Summer with Release of AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

>> No.11948775


>> No.11948788

I don't think so. At least I don't remember many comments after release.
In fact I only listened to it one or two times. I should kill myself for that.

>> No.11948803

What the fuck man

>> No.11948822
File: 4 KB, 644x98, ss (2014-03-06 at 09.26.46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even 志方あきこ?

>> No.11948876

Yes, 志方がある, but for some reason I just archived the album and left it there.
I know what to do this weekend.

>> No.11948888

>PS3 will have been a dead console by the time it's ready
PS3 was already out when Ar Tonelico came out for the PS2, it's not all that unlikely. Consoles these days have longevity long after the latest gens are released.

>> No.11948912

I think the biggest factor is whether the story can be followed without being familiar with Ciel.

>> No.11948925
File: 115 KB, 426x408, 1382943582756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still waiting for a cancellation on amiami for Ar nosurge

God fucking damn it, someone on both versions needed to have lost control of their financial lives, seriously.

I regret so fucking much not having pre-ordered it while I still could

>> No.11948935
File: 251 KB, 1600x1200, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS3 was already out when Ar Tonelico came out for the PS2, it's not all that unlikely.
You can't imagine how much I want to be wrong on that. But if we continue looking in the past, each game took 1 year to localize and Sony said they're dropping PS3 support in 2015. So...
On another hand, I'm currently looking at ArNo files and I don't see any measures taken with the intention to prevent modding on the first glance.

>> No.11948949

I almost did, but then nope.

>> No.11949544

Got this in my mail earlier:

>Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we were unable to secure your
>order, and will not be able to offer this item to you at this time.
>1 x CD Ar nosurge Genometric Concert side. Ao Tokikagura Regular Edition
>1 x CD Ar nosurge Genometric Concert side. Beni Tentouki Regular Edition

I guess this is my punishment for not pre-ordering the limited edition. ;_;

>> No.11949837

Bamco are releasing Tales of Zestiria for 2015 and it's exclusively for the PS3 and they plan to release it overseas.

>> No.11950054

Does anybody know what happed to sekai pack 9 and the second extra scenario for ceil no surge? After picking up the full pack I was thinking about picking up the latest chapter but I can't find sekai pack 9.

>> No.11950251

I have a feeling this will be a bad adaptation.


>> No.11950282

Those colors are uhh... really something.
Wilbell specifically looks really bad.

>> No.11950294

But it's by Studio Gokumi. I like KinMosa, but I dunno how this will work out.

>> No.11950299

More importantly: Do I start playing the game now (which happened to arrive today) or watch the anime first?

>> No.11950307

It'd be better if you play it now and get disappointed by the anime later.

>> No.11950320

What difference between that thing and regular edition?
And thanks for uploading.

>> No.11950344

Well the art in the games is unique in its own way and has a lot of vibrant colors

I haven't seen much for the anime but just judging from that picture they gave everyone a typical anime face and made the colors look washed out

>> No.11950977
File: 948 KB, 1024x768, toz-tbd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it turns out that ANTiDOTE fucked up their first Escha release in more than one way. Repack (presumably fixed rerelease) is up on Nyaa.
If you already grabbed borked one, extract it and torrent extracted version of repack (from kickass.to for example) to the same folder to fix it - this will save you several gigabytes of traffic.

ToZ has no confirmed release date at the moment according to its official website.
And even if it will be released in 2015 (which I doubt), Tales franchise is on a completely different level in comparison to Ar tonelico.

>> No.11951366

>exclusively for the PS3
Because we know from experience how well that promise holds up.

>> No.11951416

Pretty well?

Not so well if you're talking about the Wii or Xbox.

>> No.11951760


Both CDs included a fancy slipcase.

>> No.11952219

Just ordered the Ar no Surge Agent Pack from play-asia.

Goodbye, money.

>> No.11952346

No one canceled yet on amiami, I'm seeing if I can hold out until someone cancels, otherwise I'll have to get it from play asia too

Sucks that they're overpricing it so much

>> No.11952585

How much on Play-Asia?

>> No.11952598

I think it was 137 dollars, im too lazy to open the site and check.

They give free shipping but it's SAL, so amiami you could get it for about less than $100 through SAL, and you're still overpaying around $30

Then again, unless someone cancels it's not like there are many options

>> No.11952711

Meanwhile mine is in customs, ready for some extra charges

>> No.11952731
File: 1.83 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-03-06 12.40.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw California

no taxes, SAL takes 10 days or so, and customs don't give a shit. I'm guessing my Ar copy should arrive wednesday next week

>> No.11953265

Can we get some flac image+cue?
Thanks btw.
