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File: 57 KB, 488x374, TMAW part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11844260 No.11844260 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a touhoumon thread going? I never see any around..
What versions of 2humon do you have? Whats your team? Any shinies?

>> No.11844264
File: 14 KB, 243x162, Shiny minor character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11844263

I was trying to get Momiji and I keep accidentally killing Yukaris.

>> No.11844285
File: 40 KB, 488x374, TMAW part 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know whats funny about Touhoumon: Another World?
You get attacked by a remilia; and then you get to see it again after getting your other starter.

It turns out its a fucking shiny.

>> No.11844308

Agastya a shit, but its emeral rom it's the only balanced one. Why do people think that level spikes and 120 BP moves everywhere make a good difficulty?

>> No.11844363
File: 19 KB, 368x265, 1390813298482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always makes me slightly uncomfortable when a boy touhoumon/Boneka shows up.

>> No.11844367

They have something akin to polarity in the newer hacks, or you can just pretend it's a futa.

And grinding, don't forget lovely lovely grinding!

>> No.11844368

I'm glade the 1.8 uses Yin and Yang instead of Male Female, but it still feels weird

>> No.11844519

I was playing the shit out of 1.8, but I haven't updated for a while.

Is there any newer ones?

>> No.11844577

How do I get started on playing this?

>> No.11844687

Weren't they like, making some kind of huge non-romhack Touhoumon with its own engine?
Or did I mix that up with something else?

>> No.11844736

They are.


>> No.11844751

Looks cute. What are the grades next to the stats?

>> No.11844769

Might indicate her IVs or how her base stats fare against the average. I'm more curious about the PP stat, maybe moves will share a pool rather than having individual ones.


>> No.11844791

>her base stats fare against the average
The numbers there indicate differently, plus Suika would have more than C for attack.
I hope they don't add too many mechanics and keep it true to Pokemon's gameplay.

>> No.11845180

Currently making a story out of a run of Emerald AE over on the Nuzlocke forums. I'm known as Don Ravioli there.

As far as shinies goes, I have a shiny Tewi on team on said run. I edited her colors tho.

>> No.11845318

Aaah. I have such high hopes for this.

>> No.11845416

hi /jp/ i see you have a new 2humon thread
i'm here to ruin it

>> No.11845468

Should I buy pokemon x, or just replay based soulsilver?

>> No.11845533


isn't there another 1.8 hack in the works by somewhat legit people?

and I'm here to ruin your day
SGSanae when?

>> No.11845538

Don't buy Pokemon X or Y, they are huge disappointments in my opinion

>> No.11845552

Aren't you the guy who made touhoumon blue?

>> No.11845566

The one I played was based on Emerald, but it was really incomplete. I got to this part where Yukari warps you to Gensokyo, and then it didn't seem possible to advance.

>> No.11845681

you should ask collector yatsaga about sgsanae i'm sure he'll be able to help you out

>> No.11845920

I got pokemon Y, shit my pants when i realized i could play it in jap without importing the game, loved it; touhoumon world link is great, working on getting all the Z touhoumons atm then gunna trade a set of em to another world and play that with a full Z team, its a pain managing all the saves though since you're only supposed to be able to get 1 Z touhoumon

>> No.11846234

No that's Blue. Agastya made http://lkaexe.supersanctuary.net/thmnemer18/

>> No.11846469

Does anyone know how the hell your supposed to play Touhoumon Puppet Play Enchanced v1.11?
Im not too familiar with Roms and hacks and such..

>> No.11846618

Find a copy of the Pokémon FireRed ROM (MUST be USA version!). PPE should come with an IPS patch and a tool to apply it to that ROM, do that. Then just run the patched ROM through your emulator, I'd recommend VBA-M over VisualBoyAdvance. Make sure to alter the settings as it says for whichever you choose.

>> No.11846722
File: 37 KB, 488x374, TMAW part 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not knowlegable on IVs and competitive battling; but I think I caught a really good Cirno in touhoumon another world.. thoughts?

>> No.11846730
File: 40 KB, 488x374, TMAW part 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11846751

If you're into competitive buy it, breeding is way easier and anyway I loved the game.

>> No.11847100

Neutral natures (Bashful, Docile, Quirky, Hardy) are always garbage because it's better to boost something than nothing at all as long as the stat that's decreased in return is not a stat you need.

EVs > Natures > IVs in terms of importance. EVs are on top because they provide the most substantial boost (64 points per maxed stat) without stat ups and they're also the easiest to control since there's no RNG bullshit associated with them.

However, Natures provide a scaling 10% boost. If you stat up a Pokemon in battle with something like Swords Dance and their attack stat hits 700, the Nature will provide an additional 70 points so you hit 770. Even without stat boosts, Natures are far easier to control than IVs and a Pokemon with low base stats will get an additional ~20 - 28 points from its nature, the equivalent to a decent IV stat (max 31).

The only IV that absolutely needs to be maxed in 90% of cases is Speed.

>> No.11852843
File: 2 KB, 128x128, Touhoudex_2_SWriggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah he made world link you should check it out

In other news, SWriggle clearly has the best sprite

>> No.11852851

>isn't there another 1.8 hack in the works by somewhat legit people?

Faith and Prayer? I vaguely remember something about that. Probably ded though.

>> No.11853002
File: 89 KB, 1400x1400, 38538124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy makes the best 2humon sprites.

Too bad we wont be seeing them in any 2humon games anytime soon..

>> No.11853017 [SPOILER] 
File: 319 KB, 640x640, 1350427964263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11853076

I want to use so many of these. Someone really needs to figure out how to get more Pokedex slots. There's gotta be a way, right?

>> No.11853085

Those Miko sprites, do want.

>> No.11853091

Do they even adhere to the palette limitations of the GBA games?

>> No.11853090

The one with Genji and Reimu looks incredible.

>> No.11853094

Well; I can only guess that its most likely for fun.

>> No.11853141

Well if they aren't they can probably be tweaked for it. Also that CSeija is adorable.

>> No.11853174

I like the 1.8 ones more.
I know "muh poses and personalities" but I don't like that.

>> No.11853175


f&p isnt dead, i talk to the guy behind it on a daily basis. i think hes almost ready for another demo, not entirely sure though

its been done a few times, its just the main guy that did it decided he wanted to ragequit hacking because people kept asking him questions about hacking (or thats what i've heard)

some look like they do, some look like they dont. theyd have a style clash with current sprites though

>> No.11853179

You can't capture it, either, because IMPORTANT PLOT DOLL.

It's fucking hilarious, the game literally crashes if you do manage to catch her.

>> No.11855241

I dunno, I like the 1.8 style a bit more. Does the guy that made them have a pixiv or anything? The general direction and poses of these are fantastic though.

some of the glitches etc are pretty amusing.

>> No.11856106

Here ya go

>> No.11856201
File: 95 KB, 736x541, ss (2014-01-30 at 06.27.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Another World team types in order:

Kanako: Leaf Blade/Stomp/Iron Defense/ThunderPunch
Sunnymilk: Flame Wheel/ Swagger/ Secret Power/Will-o-Wisp
EKoakuma: Psybeam/Copycat/Lovely Kiss/Teleport
Merlin:Shadow Ball/Baton Pass/Minds Eye/Hyper Voice
EReimu: Miko Charity/Jump Kick/Pursuit/PWJ Needle
FRemilia: Wing Attack/Crush Claw/Faint Attack/Crunch

I wish I had used my moonstone on Remilia ages ago. FRemilia is fucking OP with her attack going up by 4-6 points every time she levels up (currently at 173). Kanako is death for any water type.

>> No.11856427

neat. Thanks anon.

Cool team but holy shit that font.

>> No.11858434

You don't have to import the japanese versions to play x and y in japanese? I might buy this if so.

>> No.11858440

Nope, each version of the game allows you to choose your language at the start of the game.

>> No.11858709

Are you Dracula? Why does your font look like that?

>> No.11861632

Where do you catch Dolls in Another World? I've been looking in the forest all day.

>> No.11861712

You can get them in the forest before you fight Marisa (watch out for her last one, it can easily wipe out your entire team). They always appear at level 5. I'd rate them as uncommon, but not rare.

I'm a 2hu vampire obviously.

>> No.11868211

I'm playing Touhoumon Another World 1.51 and I don't know how to get Suwako to give me the machine part to fight Tensoku . Plz help

>> No.11868950

Is Another World better than vanilla touhoumon emerald

>> No.11869006


Does anyone have those text playthroughs of those three Touhoumons?

>> No.11870078

You mean these? There's only two.


>> No.11870592
File: 10 KB, 250x187, pfft not bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These always brighten up my day.

>> No.11870608

This shit gives me nightmares and reminds me that I once too played that game. Scary as fuck.

>> No.11870624

honestly i'd rather play another world or world link legit than play insane illegit again

>> No.11870629

What do you mean, you like the 1.8 ones more? Those are exactly in the same style, and extremely cool to boot.

Well, okay, maybe some aren't, for example, those Alice sprites and that wolf thing on the far right.

I'd love to see that Marisa in game. Or MarisaxAlice for all you shipper faggots out there.

>> No.11870654

I'm glad I quit before stuff like these came out. It was worth the read though.

>> No.11870703

casual detected

>> No.11870725

Was Insane really that enjoyable to you? I played up until the 3rd Gym and it was only decent, nothing especially enjoyable about it.

>> No.11870751

It's all about the grinding. Like in every Pokemon hack. Like it or hate it. Some just mask it better than others.

For example, Agastya's hack is known to be more "tactical" and "balanced", but even there you will get smashed anally by the Elite 4 if you just walk up to them with your casual team. So, either you come up with a well-balanced team and grind that up from scratch at that point, or you try to force your way through with your existing team... by grinding it up.

Personally, I enjoy that aspect of the game. If only Agastya made it easier to do EV training before the Elite 4. But no, he adamantly refuses every time I ask, because "that would make it too simple". He never even considers that autism forces me to optimally level each Touhou I acquire.

>> No.11870760
File: 6 KB, 714x330, surfsword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're different enough to Hemo's sprite work. Perhaps less than between the 1.5x and 1.8x sprites but enough to clash.

Touhoumon hacks have always been a mixed bag.

>> No.11870787

Hmm, I've never played Agastya's hack so I can't really comment. Even when I played Insane it was still in the development stages up until 3rd gym so things could've changed from the end product.

I met Agastya in some other game at one point and he was complaining about how you have to take a tank and just Toxic your way through the E4 in Insane though so I have a rough idea of what happens in Insane.

>> No.11870814

>he was complaining about how you have to take a tank and just Toxic your way through the E4 in Insane

Granted, this is a very good tactic in pretty much every Pokemon hack. I've used it in the past, too, when Sleep+Calm Mind+Sweep didn't work. The AI just can't handle walls.

>> No.11871248

While it's a very good and staple tactic there was basically no other way to defeat them from what I heard.

>> No.11871309

Why? What makes them so strong?

>> No.11871320

imagine fighting a shuckle with blissey's hp stat and the attacking powers of deoxys-a

it wasnt just toxic stall you did, you had to use things that couldn't get crit to ensure you wouldn't die while spamming potions

it's not even a battle, its just tedious

>> No.11871380
File: 134 KB, 724x532, hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11871399

I'm sure the elite four was a difficult struggle

>> No.11871412

Did you have problems saving in other versions of VBA? VBA-M is the only one that worked properly for me.

>> No.11871421
File: 68 KB, 480x320, shinies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played it with VBA-M. No clue about the other versions.

>> No.11871488
File: 8 KB, 240x160, 1391560350443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does breeding work?

>> No.11871490

blue symbol is male, pink is female. egg moves are passed down from the male, species is determined by female. as akyuu can sketch moves, just about every egg move set is doable.
almost everything can freely breed unless it is decidedly non-human (such as speed rin or yuugenmagan).
kedama is ditto.

lastly, fr breeding is suffering. enjoy no everstone to pass down natures

>> No.11871508
File: 15 KB, 720x529, 1391561682627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World Link is too time consuming I had to grind for an hour just to beat the vocaloid girl in the beggining, that and I had to use 2 oran berries and sacrifice 1 bonéka spamming sand attack.

>> No.11871513

Forgot to include the question, does it get much worse?

>> No.11871519

roxanne uses illegally evolved tenshi with ground-type hyper beam. after that it's just painfully mediocre for a long time

>> No.11873334

This thread shall rise again.

>> No.11873388

yo agastya is there anything you plan on adding to emerald 1.8 or is it pretty much finished?

>> No.11873401

And what about EV training spots?

>> No.11873474

isn't there a place in the battle frontier where you can reset and train EV's
or was it just resetting them at the day care

>> No.11874701
File: 13 KB, 240x160, Touhoumon Another World v1.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows what to do after beating Marisa?

>> No.11874912

cry because you're playing another world

>> No.11875682

I tried playing Another World and the level spikes are just too ridiculous for me. All my mons are at lv8-10 after fighting the faeries and then I needed a sacrifice or two to take down Meiling's lv12s. Then suddenly I'm expected to beat Remilia's lv17s? Did I miss a part? Am I really expected to grind off of lv6-8 wild mons from the route I was just on?

>> No.11875700
File: 92 KB, 370x305, mokouclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, welcome to what is considered a good and fair challenge by someone, somewhere. It gets worse too.

>> No.11875891

And now you know why people don't like Another World.

>> No.11876007

Is there anything better than Another World?
I tried WorldLink and it is much worse.

>> No.11876031

For me, the game ends at the Elite 4 battle. Thus it is pretty pointless for me to have EV training available afterwards.

If you're looking for Touhoumon with an actual Touhou plot and no Pokemon references, you're out of luck. There simply isn't a good one in English. From a gameplay point of view, Emerald is probably the best right now.

>> No.11876853

i intend to do the contests at some point but otherwise i'm just about out of stuff to do to it

>> No.11877621
File: 2 KB, 128x128, Touhoudex_2_ASuwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may be a stupid question, but do you have any insights into the future of touhoumon? I seriously have had a fucking blast with the hacks, and would love to see it continue.

Also long-haired sprites are the best.

>> No.11878194

So 1.8 Emerald is more refined than 1.8 FR? Wish I would have known this before getting half-way through.

>> No.11878227

I plan to do FR then Emerald. That way I'll have covered 3 gens.

Is there a way to get FR puppets over to Emerald? There might be some I want to preserve for Battle Frontier.

>> No.11878266

Emerald is overall more balanced and allows you to use every evolutionary form from the start. FR has more content and new music (which, although cool, varies wildly between muddy compressed audio files and simple MIDI tracks using the game's own instruments) but feels less polished overall because of the Engrish in the new and modified text scripts, some minor balance quirks and Johto being more of a series of high level battles and grinding rather than a full fledged region. You also can't use the shard evolutions until you get the National Dex, which is several kinds of lame but if you want you can fix that with a cheat code.

I think they are both worth playing, though. For the most part the basics of the gameplay are the same (there's a few moveset differences and there's some extra puppets that are only available on one of the versions), so the biggest factor in deciding what to play is what region you want to go through and if you want the Battle Frontier or a post game region.

>> No.11878408

Yeah, I enjoy FR immensely but my phone messed up my savestate for the 2nd time in FR. I was going to either start Emerald or do yet another FR attempt and decided on FR because in my mind I thought Emerald wasn't as polished.

>> No.11878417
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1297304797003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, first make a better AI + better teams for the fights. That should be main goal for a romhack, instead of just changing sprites or names. It makes no sense to fight a retard using 4 under-envolved tentacools with a shitty move pool and not even changing them when i pull out some electric pokémon.

>> No.11878459

People haven't been hacking the AI because you would need way better understanding of ROM data structures and ARM assembly than what is generally required for simple hacking. AI is difficult even when you have the source code, anyway, so I'd figure it night impossible to tack on improved AI simply by reverse-engineering.

>> No.11878522

i'm probably wrong, but.. we probably will not see many more rom hacks for a while.

i highly doubt we're ever going to move on to gen 4 hacking due to the accessibility of gen 3 hacking and just -how much- we can do to gen 3 now. almost all rom bases will end up becoming fire red though, because we're starting to understand expanding the fr pokedex. it'll be a huge entry barrier for the average user, so most will just end up fiddling about with the rpgmaker essentials mod for touhous, and then quit there when they realize it's actual work.

then of course there's hemo's standalone game which will be released.. at some point. i kind of hope there's built-in networking on this one so we don't have to set up another shoddy battle server, but i have a feeling the game is going to have slightly different mechanics from regular pokemon so simulators may be useless for it anyway.

i don't remember specifics but you can trade most normal and stone evolutions between fr and em. there should be a compatibility spreadsheet in the enhanced download?
you have to beat em to bring anything from fr, though.

honestly the pokemon ai isnt that bad overall, its just that it can't learn from its mistakes.

>> No.11881703

>hemo's standalone game
I assuming there have yet to be any updates.

>> No.11883982

Sad as it is, I completely expect that it will never see the light of day. Someone posted an alpha version of a new FR hack on the Shoddy forums, I'm playing that now. Unfortunately, the Touhou you can pick up at the beginning are largely the same as in Emerald, so it's not as different as I had hoped. There are a few nice ones, though. For example, I'm rolling with Kana now.

>> No.11884010

I believe in hemo.

>> No.11885697

After quitting Another World over the level spikes I was pretty disappointed when I saw I hit the sudden level jump for Brock in FR 1.8. Glad I stuck with it though because it seems like that bullshit only gets pulled on bosses and gyms. I actually kind of like it so far because it makes completing a gym super satisfying.

>> No.11885869

Which is the best emerald based game? I really want to play touhoumon again after years of not touching it, but I don't want to do an autistic amount of grinding either

>> No.11885903


>> No.11885960


>> No.11886840

Grow a pair Anon. Next you'll be saying that Lunatic Merry is too hard. I grinded my team up to nearly 40 on level 10-14 just to beat Marisa and her damn overpowered Z Boneka on my first Another World run. Got my ass handed to me by Agatha though even though I had a Wriggle on my team. Old bitch.

>> No.11887417

I can't tell if this is a joke or not. How could anyone enjoy that fucking ridiculous amount of grinding? Even if I wanted to do that I don't know if I'd have the time. I'm a busy man, Anon.

My woes are different now though. I'm at the part where I need to teach something Cut and out of every Boneka I've come across so far only two can learn it. Fuck I don't want to replace my Chen with Momiji over this shit. Looking ahead I'm going to have similar problems with the other HMs.

>> No.11887430

In FR 1.8 Brock is the only guy you have to grind for, really. Everything else is very reasonable.

>> No.11887478

I take you haven't reached the E4?

>> No.11887647

I know this is a long shot but does anyone use android GBA emulators, and what would you recommend?

>> No.11887662

No, but I can tell you a pretty good exclude criterium for any you might be evaluating yourself: If it doesn't have speedup, it's shit.

>> No.11887754


Thoughts on this one? It mentions a speed up feature


>> No.11887797

I'm in the mood for some Touhoumon again, but played Emerald enough. What's 1.8 FR?

>> No.11888161
File: 149 KB, 720x480, BEhtCy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beated E4 FR is there any post game content?

>> No.11888279

no not much
Only the Sevii Islands and all of Johto.

>> No.11888291

Emulators come with a fast forward ability. I grinded my level 12 Wriggle to 70 in just a few hours. So with the fast forward option enabled, grinding should never be a problem.

>> No.11889032
File: 15 KB, 480x320, 1392101638463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take you haven't reached the E4?
Don't be ridiculous, of course I did. I can't recall grinding. If I did it was to meet some arbitrary level I liked.

I think what's generally played is "puppet play enhanced". They took puppet play 1.8 and added a bunch of patches to it (mostly post-game content, which is of dubious quality but whatever). Also music was changed, people either love it or hate it. I quite liked it myself.

There's also a straight translation of puppet play 1.8 floating around if you don't want the extra patches. In any case those are your two options, someone else could probably answer this better than I.

Nice team. Maybe I should dump some championship teams later.

Also how did you go about making your image? Putting individual captures together like that manually is a massive pain in the ass. Is there anything to automate the process or make it easier? If not I was thinking of writing a program to do it.

>> No.11889385

Stop cheating and admit that's not the mark of good game design. This is one of the big reasons I like Ordinary version over generation 3 hacks.

>> No.11889849

ordinary had stupid grinding in kanto when i played it

10 level gaps in leaders with no content in between them

>> No.11889853


>> No.11889909

Is "grinding" the latest buzzword for casuals who refuse to put any effort into playing these games?

>> No.11889922

If you are a casual you don't need to grind because you don't care about effort values and can simply fight whatever enemy you happen to run across for EXP.

>> No.11889923

There's a difference. Grinding is mindlessly doing the same thing for endless time to advance, while effort usually implies at some mental challenge.

>> No.11889937

What's the best 2humon game?

>> No.11889951

>Either FR (enhanced) 1.8 or EM 1.8
Thank you!

>> No.11889950

>Also how did you go about making your image? Putting individual captures together like that manually is a massive pain in the ass
Actually I used a pretty simple and rubish java program I made some time ago, link if you want: mediafire com/?w4vt9gzh5svlatq

Having to grind hours to beat the ai sounds much more casual than having to actually use your brain.

Either FR (enhanced) 1.8 or EM 1.8

>> No.11890025
File: 15 KB, 717x477, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11890685

Admittedly I haven't gotten that far. Last time I touched it (a couple of threads ago) I was up to Jasmine and leveling had been pretty manageable up to that point. Also Kanto was pretty half-hearted in the original, though not full of level spikes. Do the gym leaders actually go past 60?

Repeating the same one-hit kill move for hours is not actually fun, I'd equate it to easy to kill enemies with too much HP in a FPS. It doesn't help that the grindier hacks tend to have other bad design.

>> No.11890692
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>> No.11890758

johto was perfectly fine, i had no complaints as it was overall enjoyable (85 accuracy blizzard!)

once i got to kanto though the game went pants on head retarded, the first few leaders you accessed were around the champions levels and then they just went up by 10 levels afterwards with no real pattern. misty was in the 70s, blaine was in the mid-80s and blue hit the 90s. tin tower turned into a grinding spot with level 65 wilds, but it just became too slow for me to keep bothering with it

this was back before the game was finished though so there was no red battle. i'm rather glad since once i hit kanto my gameplay experience degenerated into spamming aeroblast with gengetsu and using revives when she fainted.

>> No.11890821

It's been a few months since I did a few playthroughs, but I don't remember the gym levels being that ridiculous. I remember there being a jump from the League to Kanto's gyms, but it didn't become that ridiculous. The Tin Tower was at around that level, though, while Mt. Silver was 70 in the deepest part. I could be wrong, though.

It's still not finished, though. The latest version (1.23, I believe) still doesn't have any battle with Red but is otherwise pretty much complete. The guy making it also said he wanted to lower the levels overall to make it more balanced and smooth, but that's for whenever it's released.

>> No.11890852

Just checked, Blue's team varies between level 80 and 82. Still nasty, but more doable than 90s.

>> No.11890941

I'm playing on official hardware.

>> No.11891937

You're on your way, kid.

>> No.11893809
File: 1.50 MB, 2400x960, apng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. Beats my own rubbish java program. Chiefly because it doesn't work. Would you mind sharing the source?

Also I think I'll finally pick up emerald again. Help be decide on a team, /jp/.

>> No.11893813
File: 10 KB, 480x320, as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASuwako is p cool

>> No.11893931

Toyohime or Yoruhime?

>> No.11893934

toyohime is the best!

>> No.11893983

Now I have to retire Star Sapphire. Tis a sad day.

>> No.11894016

Use both! They're both the best!

>> No.11894907
File: 16 KB, 240x480, wabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is both.

>> No.11898996

Not sure if you're still here, but do you have any plans for Emerald, or are you pretty much done with it? I remember you saying something about contests, which you seem to be taking your time with (and I certainly don't blame you for that, considering how niche puppet contests would be).
Also why are trade evolutions so op holy shit

>> No.11899272

contests are basically all thats left, along with a better hard mode.

i'm hesitating to do either of them because they're both stupid niches. i sometimes feel like my work on the frontier was wasted time as well since nobody ever talks about it.

>> No.11899299

The frontier is good, but it's ruined somewhat by the fact that pokemon's rng has the maturity of an 8 year old; it hates losing and will do anything to ruin your streak.

>> No.11899414
File: 12 KB, 271x196, hwhN2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any touhoumon games as hard as Insane mode by Drakuaza?

By the 5th gym everythings 100s and you gotta fight Super, Mega, and 5th stages after that.

Plus Viridian forest, Mt Moon, Dark tunnel, and Victory Road are really complex mazes that can take hours.

>> No.11899419

I actually edited that entire fucking game to fix the spelling and grammar. I was that mad.

>> No.11900035

that sounds like shit

>> No.11900387
File: 21 KB, 1269x638, Well.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grinding my patchouli when this happend

But I never plan on using her...

>> No.11900428

Oh well

>> No.11900445

She probably has a shit nature anyway. I never got a shiny with a good nature.

>> No.11900480
File: 65 KB, 821x597, 2humon emerald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone give me a hand with this? I have no idea what to do.

>> No.11900508

some of the stuff in the unedited frontier was hilarious. sheer cold/horn drill/rest/sleep talk lapras with bulk investment? sure. brightpowder everywhere? yep.

i toned down a lot of the hax that can happen in it, but there's still a few brightpowders and ohkos. nowhere near as many though

it's funny how even the most positive way to describe this game makes it sound terrible

go into one of the folders, follow a link to a patching utility, and then patch over a clean emerald rom. the rom you need to use will probably be named something like
1986 - Pokemon Emerald (U)(TrashMan).gba

>> No.11900517
File: 56 KB, 488x374, touhoumonpuppetplayenhanced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is puppet play enhanced v1.11 any good?

>> No.11900521

Thank you, agastya!

>> No.11900584

How does it go on getting evolution stones on Emerald 1.8?
I'm on the last gym and have found only a Support one so far.
Also, is there a way to acquire them later-game by buying with money or BattlePoints or something? If not the only other way would be clearing the game over and over?

>> No.11900602

You can steal them from certain puppets by using thief or covet. The specifics of what holds what are in a read-me file that comes with the patch. I'd advise putting a puppet with the "Focus" ability at the front of your party, because it makes wilds more likely to hold them.
Also, there's a house to the left of Mossdeep City that has shard collectors in it. They'll give you one shard per Red UFO, which is also found on wild puppets.

>> No.11900620
File: 39 KB, 488x374, ppe4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is calm nature a good nature of CAlice?

>> No.11900634

>Would you mind sharing the source?
Here http://pastebin.com/5rwdVfdG

>> No.11900643

there is one more source of ufos and stones, but it's the reward for the lati island event
honestly it's probably not worth it considering it's absolute bullshit

>> No.11900663
File: 79 KB, 488x748, chibi alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11900681 [DELETED] 

I see, thanks.

>> No.11900685

I see, thanks.
Looks like getting Power Shards with thief is a bit unreliable since Chibi Utsuho is a bit uncommon by itself, will proceed to hunt UFOs then.

>> No.11900707

Getting shit nature shinies is like a law of nature or something.

I enjoyed it.

Thanks anon. Your code looks much better than my clusterfuck.

>> No.11900816

by the time those are available you can just thief the safari zone

the worst offender is tech shards though since you cant even find them on wilds until you have super rod

>> No.11900824

>thief the safari zone
i am incredibly smart and know what i am talking about

>> No.11901033

hey, are you supposed to use a stone after or before a touhoumon evolves into its second evolution?
Just curious, since my alice is 3 levels away from evolving.

>> No.11901077


>> No.11901094

well the hell do you find stones in these games?

>> No.11901118

Which game?

>> No.11901131

Touhoumon Puppet Play 1.8 Enhanced

>> No.11901532

Celadon City has them in the department store. You can't use them until after you clear the Elite Four though.

>> No.11902155

If you're playing an unbalanced hack then you won't be able to anyway.

>> No.11907318

I've been catching touhoumons and they all had shit natures.
Why this?

>> No.11908040

Because 1/25 of getting a specific one aren't good odds.
