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11841303 No.11841303 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss about PC-98 touhou?
Who are your favorite characters and boss battles? What modes have you beaten them on?

pic is a personal victory for me, sadly.

>> No.11841335
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I've 1CC normal'd HRtP, SoEW, and PoDD. LLS is significantly more difficult for me though - I almost always fuck up on something easy like the targetters before Elly's boss fight, and the stage 4 boss seems to just take forever.

I have to say my favorite characters are mostly the PoDD ones. Yumemi is great, Rikako is great, everyone is great.

>> No.11841377

I would find it way easier that the windows games if the pc-98 bullets and backgrounds wouldn't give me seizures all the time.

>> No.11841387

the music is really good
not much zun horn going on

>> No.11841394
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Louise/Luize is very close to my heart.

>> No.11841407
File: 18 KB, 195x195, Th01Kikuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found Kikuri a extremely interesting character, her design was also cool as fuck.

[spoilers]Looking at her again, why does she have modern clothing compared to the rest of the characters in HRTP?[/spoiler]
and is that a tear on the right side of her face?

>> No.11841428

She looks like Byakuren to me for some reason.

>> No.11841453

I'm so in love with LLS. Yuuka Sleeping Terror it's absolutely gorgeous
Ex-Alice is a pain in the ass, Mugetsu and Gengetsu were hard as fuck, but I have never unlocked the extra stage from SoEW, Mima is such a bitch *in the good way*
I'm in love with all the PC98 universe

>> No.11841458
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That.. would make some sense actually..

>> No.11842145
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I've 1CC'd Mystic Square and Lotus Land Story. Mima is too strong and the other two aren't normal shooters.

There are a lot of PC-98 characters I like (roughly in order from best):
Gengetsu (pictured)
Kana Anaberal

>> No.11842197


>> No.11842999
File: 3 KB, 128x128, Th04gengetu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gengetsu really the "the most terrible, most fearful boss" as some people say?

>> No.11843018

yeah she's scared, it's Reimu she has to fight

>> No.11843060
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>> No.11843096
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I like Rikako

>> No.11843117

Mima is awesome.

>> No.11843131

The music is great, as usual.

Fuck Yuka, though.


>> No.11843138
File: 775 KB, 930x1004, Touhou Yuki Mai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuki and Mai's relationship always was a point of interest to me.
especially when Mai calls Yuki "dead weight". Even though Mai is the easier of the two.

>> No.11843176
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Mugetsu has the coolest theme.
The very beginning is just god tier. I don't think any windows game will ever reach that.


>> No.11843197
File: 241 KB, 700x841, touhou_057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite character is Shinki if I have to take a PC-98 exclusive, else I love Marisa's appearance in SoEW. The boss battle I loved the most was against Sariel. It felt so intense and that was so epic I litteraly jizzed. Concerning shooter boss fight, Gengetsu and Yuuka were very nice.

Well concerning accomplishment, I 1 CC'd on normal HRtP (both paths), SoEW, LLS, MS. Finished LLS's MS's extra but not the 2nd one. I also 1 CC'd LLS in Lunatic. I haven't touched much PoDD, maybe after soEW's extra.

>> No.11843205

Favourite is 4,
playing with mima.
Haven't played 2hu in a while,
but when I do,
I usually play 4.

>> No.11843257
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I think orange is cute; she has a enjoyable theme and is also the first 2hu to not wear a girly skirt.
And when people design her in their own way; its pretty cool.
I might dump them.

>> No.11843296

Doesn't she also have the dubious honor of being the first and only touhou to die?

>> No.11843313

She didn't die, did she?
I think she was sealed, not killed

>> No.11843450
File: 1 KB, 94x94, Th05NamelessMidbossCard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at the nameless mid bosses in the pc-98 area when I saw this one.
Is it me or is there a girl in there?
I see a girl with a red hat, blonde hair, and red clothing.. odd.

>> No.11843457

I think that's supposed to be a Jack considering the J on either side.

>> No.11843466

Yes, it's a playing card.

>> No.11843496
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>R: All done. Now to seal her.
>O: I don't want to die yet! (sweat)
>R: You should just give up. This was your fate.

She didn't die, Reimu and Orange were just having this overreacting dialogue ZUN sometimes likes to put in:

>Cirno: I'll cryo-freeze you with some English beef!!

>Remilia: You. You're the murderer!
>Reimu: Don't worry, it was only one person, so it's not like I'm a serial killer.

>> No.11843504

Thanks for the information!

>> No.11843629
File: 92 KB, 565x800, 1390790694346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she read with her eyes closed?

>> No.11843656
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I love this artist.

>> No.11849141
File: 38 KB, 1125x703, gengetsu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try timing out Gengetsu (or look up a video on YouTube).

>> No.11849191

Out of SoEW, LLS, and MS, I found MS to be the toughest.
Any advice on 1CCing HRtP?

>> No.11849206

It's probably a Jill.

>> No.11849222
File: 490 KB, 800x600, 1354713082045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is is true that Touhou is zen?


>> No.11849224
File: 90 KB, 660x442, nightslave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What're ya'll's favorite non-Touhou PC-98 games? Or even PC-88, or Sharp or Fujitsu computers?

I just wanna talk about old Jap computer games, okay.

I like Night Slave for PC-98. Assault Suits-style gameplay and yuri ero-scenes.

Also cool is Rusty for PC-98. Castlevania clone with cute girl.

>> No.11849230

I was also around for a Magical Schoolgirl Clit playthrough thread one time, which was friggin weird.

>> No.11849733
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1. Use bombs to clear hard stages with bumpers and/or cannons.
2. Use bombs to gain extra lives on stages with lots of cards, but remember - the orb must not touch the ground while you use the bomb.
3. Memorize bosses' danmaku patterns and spam bombs on your last life to deal maximum damage.

Castlevania for X68k was pretty awesome.

>> No.11849738

>Castlevania for X68k was pretty awesome.

Definitely is. There's a very good Nemesis/Gradius game for it too.

>> No.11853043
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>> No.11853079

Stage 4 Mystic Square is me davourite.

>> No.11853440



step up boya

also Mima is my favorite of course Yumemi is alright though

>> No.11854238

I wish we had more information about them. They seem like they would be interesting, but they all feel like wasted potential, with the exception of the four that were brought over to windows.
It would be cool if we got something like SoPM or PMiSS for the old characters.

>> No.11854250 [DELETED] 

Dietmar Cremerius
Walder Strasse 60
D-40724 Hilden
(+49) 210360081

>> No.11854278

That's not normal. It's tell you to try normal next. It's easy.

>> No.11858832
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Louise master race

>> No.11858957
File: 454 KB, 634x856, Luize.full.353917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.11859141

Only 1CC'd Normal mode in Lotus Land Story and Mystic Square. Characters I tend to like are Chiyuri, Shinki and Yuuka.
About the Extra Stages, never bothered much trying to beat them, those seizuretastic backgrounds just make it worse.

>> No.11862157

What if Kikuri was actually Byakuren? And was sealed in a bronze disk?

>> No.11862720
File: 31 KB, 652x438, 1391312502549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attempting to clear normal mode on Lotus Land story with no continues with Marisa A
Defeated Elly, wish me luck!

>> No.11862786

Reimu's attacks are such bullshit

>> No.11862799
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>> No.11862834
File: 24 KB, 652x438, 1391313778446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went for Marisa B.. got my ass kicked by elly.

>> No.11862862

Reimu's not so bad. The opener is the scariest thing she has but it can be trivialized by misdirecting the yellow shots over her head and the blue shots offscreen. The other attacks are pretty easy in comparison and shouldn't be much of a threat with a little practice.

>> No.11862884

Oh; okay, thanks alot for the help!

>> No.11862906
File: 27 KB, 652x438, 1391314906554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to see what would happen if you let orange stay blue for a while.
She shoots small white bullets; with more rows each time (4 or 3) Then she shoots 2 circular rows of the larger shiny bullets

Its easy..but a little unnerving when she shoots out the larger bullets

>> No.11865415
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>> No.11865482

I have had almost 1CC'd both the 4th and 5th games on Normal, but alas end up burning through a continue on the last boss if I'm lucky enough to make it there with some lives left.

Pretty good games though in general. Great music. I rather liked "dimension of reverie"

>> No.11865500
File: 233 KB, 832x480, ss_mrk0214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devil of Decline has a nice (although a bit grindy) post-game full of PC-98. Translations never, though.

>> No.11865898


>Forgetting Blade of Banishment


The original was so charming with its mixture of somber tones, yet it still had a slightly upbeat feeling to it. It was a really excellent song. I wish ZUN hadn't remade it in Akyu's Untouched Score, because I really preferred the original

>> No.11865978

What's up with the graphics.

>> No.11866721
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A-atleast I beat my highscore..

>> No.11866744
File: 28 KB, 652x438, 1391412099078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally left Mystic Square on Lunatic and defeated Sara!
Maybe I can make it!

>> No.11866751
File: 27 KB, 652x438, 1391412381777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat up my waifu and I cant believe this! This is my first time in lunatic mode on mystic square!

>> No.11866753
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>> No.11868978
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You can do it Anon-kun, I believe in you!
