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11819897 No.11819897 [Reply] [Original]

Have been a NEET for 5 years (and haven't seen a doctor in 5 years), my body has some small problems lately, I am worry about my future now, but I have never heard you guys talk about this topic.

So how do you maintain your health in good condition?
workout, sleep time, eat healthier?

How would you rate your health status on a scale of 1 to 10?

>> No.11819900 [DELETED] 


>> No.11819903

who fatNEET here

>> No.11819904


>> No.11819908
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Why are you up this late at night do you have a life or are you a hikki dog

>> No.11819915

Think positive make my body feel better, i think. I still in my first year.

>> No.11819912

I am a hikki.

>> No.11819914

I'm interested in reading how you guys keep up your NEET lifestyle.

I tried a part time job in a supermarket and I absolutely hated it. I kept saying to myself "You'll get use to it" but after 4 months I decided to quit before I brought my gun into work and wasted my coworkers. I'm NEET at the moment but it's difficult with family on my back all the time.

>> No.11819926
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>> No.11819934

I'm an only child and my parents don't really care about me being NEET. I'm not mentally stable enough for work/school, and they know that very well.

Just control your diet and exercise. Learn to cook and go to the gym. With all of the free time I have, I've learned to cook reasonably well and I spend an hour at the gym 3-4 days a week in the early morning hours(1-4am). I'd rate my health status at about a 6/10 due to excessive cigarette smoking that's quite obviously taking a toll on my lungs.

>> No.11819950

Remember our agreement janny.

Del this shite.

>> No.11819993

I'm not motivated enough to work out so I try to limit how much food I eat. I go back and forth between days when I don't eat enough because I didn't bother to cook anything and days when I eat too much because I did cook something and I don't want to waste any.

>> No.11820005

My jaw hurts. There's some kind of huge pimple inside my mouth. I've pinched it and tried to puncture it but it won't go away.

>> No.11820010

Go get Blistex or rip it out

>> No.11820080
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My body is rife with problems but I don't even care. I hope they all bring me closer to the grave.

>> No.11820082

What is she doing?

>> No.11820088

I just experienced some really intense vertigo which forced me to go lay down or I felt like I would collapse into my furniture.

>> No.11820097

Where's the stealth marketing in this thread?

>> No.11820108

hikki is slow death

>> No.11820163

The internet is a treasure trove of information and I do my best to stay healthy. I eat my recommended amount of calories and always make sure to reach my vitamin/mineral daily goals. I own a home gym (a lot of dumbbells barbells with around 6 45lbs plates, an elliptical that i bought when i first became a neet over a treadmill because i was too heavy and walking on one made my knees hurt and some jump rope) and I spend about an hour a day going over my routine, increasing weights every other week. I'm pretty /fit/ but crippling social anxiety keeps me neet, not that I mind too much I honestly like being neet

>> No.11820216

This guy gets it.

I've had something similar a few times before. They sort of have a white tinge to them, and as they grow bigger they get increasingly painful to the touch, to the point where its impossible to eat. I simply disassemble the razor I use for shaving, dip one of the blades in boiling water and slice that fucker a few times. Then you just stick a lump of paper in your mouth and push against the pimple till you've drained all the yellow/pink fluid.

I've got a squat rack and quite the assortment of weights, but i haven't touched them in a year. Still got some decent muscle from my college days, though I've noticed that I'm getting weaker, probably because I spend all day on my ass listening to music while clicking on coloured circles.
When my parents get sick of me leeching, I'll probably be forced off to university, which should be an ample opportunity to start lifting again.

What sort of position did you have? I've been thinking about applying for work around where I live to get my parents to calm down about me wasting my life, but I can't stand the idea of having to maintain friendly facades and associating with coworkers on a regular basis.
I was thinking that working in the back/warehouse or nightshifts could be a decent option?
As to how I sustain myself; I live with my parents and spend as little as possible so I always have a decent lump of money on my bank account if i were to be thrown out or some such.

>> No.11820236

I discovered I had high cholesterol so now I limit my intake of meat and fatty foods. Though that's not really a result of being NEET. Other than that, I have bad mental health, of course. I kind of wish I weren't NEET because being poor isn't fun, but I'm incapable of being a functioning member of society.

>> No.11820256

that's an ulcer, not a pimple. Hydrogen peroxide, or salt water on a q-tip on the location 2x a day. Wash your mouth out more, replace your toothbrush.

>> No.11820286
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I've been a hikki for eight years. I'm very healthy right now and I maintain my health primarily through drugs, exercise, and hobbies.

Amphetamines keep my spirits high, make it impossible to feel depressed, and keep me from being lethargic and calcium channel blockers (Verapamil to be specific) fix the vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure that amphetamines cause. I also take a daily vitamin in addition to this and a vitamin D supplement to compensate for my lack of sunlight.

As for exercise, diet and sleep, I try to run on the treadmill for about one hour each day, stay hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids, eat as healthy as possible, and get a solid 8 hours of sleep each night.

I would say that hobbies are one of the most important things though. It's important to keep your mind engaged by doing hobbies that give you goals to strive towards. If you don't have goals then it's easy to slip into apathy and develop a daily routine of sleeping at odd hours, staying in bed too long, etc. Personally, I spend 5 hours of my day studying Japanese, 3 hours practicing the saxophone, one hour for exercise, and the rest of the day is for whatever I feel like doing.

>> No.11820302 [DELETED] 
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I stay in one position too long and don't move much.

This is probably going to kill me one day.

>> No.11820305

>high cholesterol

How old are you? Are you overweight?

>> No.11820323
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Learn how to sit in a variety of different ways.

I usually switch between positions 30, 80, 83, 84, 87, 89, 81, 123, and 124 when I'm at the computer. If you regularly switch your posture then you won't develop the circulation issues that people get from sitting in the same position for long periods of time.

>> No.11820340 [DELETED] 
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I typically have my feet up on another chair or my tower and switch from that to my feet being on the ground.

You could not do that lotus position in this chair, at least it would be really weird if you did. I imagine you're sitting on the floor or bed with a laptop.

This is more or less how I use a laptop.

>> No.11820341

I've been an on-off NEET for the past 4 years now. Tried working at a couple places but they didn't work out. I really don't want to talk about hockey and w/e new Activision game came out.
I've noticed I've gained about 10 pounds since whenever the last time I weighed myself was. Ive been vegetarian for about a year now and walk for half an hour through a couple local parks each day. I don't have any weights or any nearby gyms (wouldn't go to one anyways) so I just try to do push-ups and situps every 2nd day though Ive had a hard time keeping that up since I find it takes a really long time for my muscles to heal. I have a hard time sleeping for longer than 3 hour intervals, so I usually only sleep 3 hours at night and maybe 3 hours later during the day.
I'm trying to get back into shape and regularize my schedule, but it doesn't seem to be working out. Sorry for bloggin' /jp/.

>> No.11820346


>You could not do that lotus position in this chair, at least it would be really weird if you did. I imagine you're sitting on the floor or bed with a laptop.

I sit in a chair, but I did remove the arm rests because they were getting in the way of my knees. It's not hard to get into those positions if you remove the arm rests of the chair.

>> No.11820350

get some source of protein after your workouts, and make sure you stretch afterwards. Since you're a vegetarian, I'd get a creatine suppliment (not a lot, maybe a teaspoon every other day), since you don't have any meat in your diet that would contain it. Make sure you're getting all your amino acids, too.

>> No.11820363

Why do I feel dizzy after I exercise?

I ran for an 40 minutes yesterday and then I hopped off the exercise machine and went to my computer but I suddenly very dizzy, almost like I was about to faint.

>> No.11820367
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I try to maintain a healthy diet and I live in the city, so I do a lot of walking.
I also live on the 8th floor of my apartment building and take the stairs every day.

>> No.11820378 [DELETED] 

I like my arm-rests too much. My arms would die if I had to keep them hovering.

I was thinking about exercising to the point where I get decent muscles. I never got around to it though. Don't think I would ever get it done as I'm not really cut out for it.

Probably something to do with blood pressure. Your heart's beating fast and you feel like you're going to pass out. Eat some food and drink water before exercising.

>> No.11820383


Your blood pressure probably went to shit. You also can't just run 40 minutes without any prior adjustment and expect your heart to keep up. You have to gradually accustom your body to it.

Also make sure to stay hydrated before, during and after exercise.


> my body has some small problems lately

What problems?
