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File: 212 KB, 535x316, 1383331548686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11814002 No.11814002 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite Touhou/most sexualized Touhou has, thanks to one of Eirin's experiments gone awry, now knows every lewd fantasy you've ever had about her. How fucked are you?

>> No.11814005

I have no clue how fucked I would be

>> No.11814006

That depends on if Sanae is okay with consensual sexual relations in the missionary position followed by hand holding and cuddling.

>> No.11814007

M-Mokou-tan what ae you going to burn with that flame on your hand...


>> No.11814008

I don't know why I masturbated to those futa doujins

>> No.11814011

I've had nothing but pure thoughts of Alice.

Can't say the same for Komachi though. But I think she'd be pretty chill about it.

>> No.11814012

Oh the things Yukari-sama could do to me and the things I could do back

>> No.11814016

What lewd fantasy?

>> No.11814023
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I'm in trouble.

>> No.11814025

I like my favorite too much to have lewd thoughts about her so I should be safe.

Now most sexualized will be hard because I don't keep track of that shit. I probably won't even know who knows my thoughts.

>> No.11814026
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Considering how I've searched to the ends of sadpanda for everything Patchouli related, very.

Do I care?
Not in the slightest

>> No.11814033
File: 287 KB, 1071x1500, 1388878449879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll see how pathetic I am, make fun of me, and then help me lose my virginity.

>> No.11814068

What if most sexualized is Eirin? She'd have to be held accountable, it's her experiment

>> No.11814075

True. I should have included this in the OP. Your touhou not only knows, but she is also standing at your front door right now. How fucked are you now?

>> No.11814076

Why would I be fucked? They're cartoons.

>> No.11814083
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considering she can read my sub consciousness she knows everything before i even think of it myself i dont think there will be much difrence

>> No.11814085

wow man play along

>> No.11814086
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mite b cool

>> No.11814100
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Two words:

Muscle Worship.

>> No.11814105
File: 2.85 MB, 428x240, holding hands2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ holding hands with his Touhou!

>> No.11814109

Hearing her say lewd but pronouncing it rude. Adorable.

>> No.11814126
File: 51 KB, 559x624, 1389937320269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret nothing.

>> No.11814136

Post the Okuu one

>> No.11814140
File: 2.56 MB, 410x307, Holding hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ holding hands with Okuu!

>> No.11814144

Thank you for making my night anon
I'm going to go hold her now

>> No.11814156

Where is Okuu's face?

>> No.11814162

In my pants.

>> No.11814167

B-but if her face is in your pants who's holding your hand? Bodies don't work like that. Unless you're cheating on her in that picture!

>> No.11814170
File: 367 KB, 933x1330, USS_Goodwife_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never cheat on Okuu because I know she'd never cheat on me

>> No.11814180

Is this a touching read or does it turn into hardcore touhou abuse?

>> No.11814187

The guy makes another baby with her shortly after.

>> No.11814189
File: 479 KB, 935x1329, USS_Goodwife_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okuu? Abuse? Doesn't exist.
Only happy ends for Okuu.

This is just a short from one of three Good Wife and Mother books.

>> No.11814195

I must read this now.

>> No.11814199
File: 495 KB, 1061x1514, USS_Goodwife_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't edited all of the pages yet. One of them is 101 pages long after all. Do you want the raws or only the edits?

>> No.11814208

I can wait for the edits.

>> No.11814213
File: 876 KB, 1440x2020, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third book translated. There's a link to the other two books in the comments.

And here's all the pages I edited so far. Haven't updated it in awhile but I really should.

>> No.11814222

Thank you. I love carnage, gore, blood, rape, guro, and all the other fun things, but sometimes I like reading something that warms my icy heart.

>> No.11814232

Okuu tends to have that effect on people

>> No.11814244

I love depthbomb too and her picture of Okuu crying over Orin's corpse got me. I guess she does have that effect on people.

>> No.11814259

Depthbomb's heart is as cold as steel. But even Pixel Cot and Eisen weren't cold enough to draw rape/NTR of her (and they are notorious for that). Okuu's power over artists works in mysterious ways.

>> No.11814326
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While I don't get off on guro I do consider myself to be largely immune to cute things. Even so, something as simple as this melts my heart and she's not even my favorite character. Then again I don't like my favorite because she's cute, I like her for other reasons.

Anyways, I think it might be the context involving Okuu's character rather than the actual action of being cute. Cute is meaningless without context.

>> No.11814334

Awee. She should keep those treasures if they make her happy. She could give me a hug instead.

>> No.11814579
File: 90 KB, 850x729, 1389955879682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep wondering to this day how the only objectively evil tohu with motivation of "burning surface world the fuck up" turned into the most innocent and adorable character to come out of japan.

>> No.11814608

I keep telling you, she just loves the heat and wanted to share with everyone.

>> No.11814615


She probably thinks I'm dull and madly obsessed with her.

I've thought about sex in the missionary position while holding hands with Marisa. Just once, though. I ship her with Alice.

>> No.11814658
File: 203 KB, 827x1169, 1383511299186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life would be in grave danger.

>> No.11814670

>objectively evil tohu with motivation of "burning surface world the fuck up"
Finish the game first, please. She's just a silly girl who didn't know best. Images-from-the-endings.jpg

>objectively evil
Also choose one.

>> No.11814967

>turned into the most innocent and adorable character to come out of japan.

Dude the next game she wants to evaporate anyone she meets.

>> No.11814970

>Finish the game first, please
It doesn't change anything, she wanted to burn the surface world because she wanted a new hell, she's the first actual windows touhou evil villain, mad with power. She doesn't say anything contrary to that.

>> No.11814972

All she says is that a god came up from above and gave her powers. Nothing else.

>> No.11814971

She's just 'avin a loff

>> No.11814975

Wow. Was it explicitly stated canonically too?

>> No.11815006

well it came out of her mouth so yeah, she also explicitly said that she wanted to burn every being on the surface.

>> No.11815013

The problem is, I'm not sure which touhou is my favorite one.

>> No.11815020

What if you have 4?

>> No.11815022
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>> No.11815027

I wish my favorite toho got those kind of nice books.

>> No.11815033 [DELETED] 

Strange how the doujins best usually don't even involve my favorite characters.

>> No.11815037

Strange how the doujins I like best usually don't even involve my favorite characters.

>> No.11815036

What kind of books exactly?

>> No.11815041

more characters need representation.

>> No.11815042

Cute, lovey-dovey hand holding wife ones.

>> No.11815065
File: 661 KB, 865x1280, 1389974056006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure they aren't out there and just nobody bothered to buy and scanned them?

>> No.11815115

I don't fap to or sexualize Touhou. Even a depraved pervert like me has a few things left that remain off-limits.

Alice must think I'm pretty boring. Well that's okay, I don't think she'd appreciate knowing about my love for futanari, guro, rape, incest, watersports and consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation anyway (ノ´д`)

>> No.11815874

He must be a Reisen fan. All rape all the time.

>> No.11817287

I'm not sure if Sanae would be okay with consensual friendly hug/hand holding or if it would be too lewd for a miko like her.

>> No.11818037

Depends if you're of the Sanae is a slut or Sanae is a good girl persuasion.

>> No.11818049
File: 268 KB, 600x530, 1390073530675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Komachi would mind too much but she'd definitely think I was way too obsessed with her breasts.

>> No.11818057

Sanae is pure.

>> No.11818092

Favorite/most sexualized? Do both of them get the information on what I think of them or just one?

>> No.11818215

You choose which one. Favorite is the one you pick first. Usually I think the favorite would be most sexualized. But if you don't have a favorite then you can pick the most sexualized only. They can both see it though. And they're outside your door.

>> No.11818216

2hu is a shitty bullet hell for shut in loser fagots

get some taste love /v/

>> No.11818228

>Usually I think the favorite would be most sexualized.
Not him but my favorite is Alice, but I love her so much I can't sexualize her.

Komachi on the other hand is my most sexualized one. I still love the fuck out of her but not quite enough to reach that level of love.

>> No.11818231

So in other words, how fuck are you? Alice will see what you think about Komachi.

>> No.11818238

That depends on what kind of Alice we're talking about here.
Canon Alice might actually not care much.

>> No.11818243
File: 143 KB, 440x628, 1390079187359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. I actively avoid lewd material of my favorite because I like her too much as a character.

I wouldn't know who my most sexualized is though. I don't think I focus on any more than the other out of the five or so that I like best for that kind of stuff.

>> No.11818260

The only fantasy I had was futa Udonge having sex with female me.
Dunno what to think about it, I usually avoid any lewd material with Reisen.

>> No.11818286

If you picked Sakuya or Sanae, you'll actually get all of those lewd fantasies as reality.

Because they're sluts.

>> No.11818471
File: 175 KB, 750x778, aya wedding1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she know the other stuff I've thought about her?

>> No.11818516

Sure, will that even help you in this case though?

>> No.11818530

Perhaps. I figure someone would be better with someone loving them than outright lusting for them.

>> No.11818580

Jokes on her. I've never had a single lewd thought about Yukari.

>> No.11818587

The yama will show no mercy.

>> No.11818593
File: 526 KB, 755x1037, 54388992421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm bound for a life filled with misfortune.

Won't prevent me from sexualizing her though.

>> No.11818777

None of them are.

>> No.11821760
File: 2.74 MB, 2400x1600, 1390189564214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice will wonder why I fantasize about her with women and a penis

>> No.11821804
File: 40 KB, 250x250, satorikomeiji3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Eirin would be necessary to cause this

>> No.11824813
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I'll probably be tied up and raped to no end but it's no biggie.

>> No.11826395

I think Okuu would be more confused (and possibly interested in why it's supposed to feel good, so BEST END.

Patchy, the closest runner-up, would probably hex me so hard, it'd fall right off...

>> No.11828642
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I'm not sure. Would Ran kill me if she found out that I want to fuck her ass?

>> No.11828684
File: 787 KB, 900x1200, flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I'm sure Flandre would be just fine with role-switching BDSM and teasing/tormenting each other, especially when we compete for who's in charge. However, I'm not sure she'd like the fact that I'd want the sex to be anal only, no vaginal but I can compromise on that if I have to.

>> No.11828693

Would you really be willing to marry Alice and be faithful to her, when you can't have sex with either her or anyone else (she doesn't like it when you fap either) and Komachi keeps taunting you with her lewd ways and won't give you any peace?

>> No.11828712

Me, I just fantasize about flipping up her skirt and thigh-fucking her, those long legs in pantyhose get me all rustled.

>> No.11828720
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>> No.11828725
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The most perverse thing I've thought of is taking her from behind while she's cooking dinner. I didn't even realize how tame my lewd thoughts for my favorite were until this thread.

>> No.11828759 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11828779
File: 466 KB, 964x1370, 1390382511482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what she'd think of me switching between cute vanilla married procreation scenes and brutal rape.

>> No.11828783
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 334247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I think Cirno would be a little flattered and creeped out. It's not due to any weird fetishes; on the contrary, I can safely say that 99% of my fantasy sex with her has been in a standard position of vaginal (missionary, girl on top, or from behind) with no toys or anything. The creepy thing about the fantasy sex is that I'm always more concerned that Cirno is the one feeling good and not me, and that when our bodies are connected, she feels whatever I feel, so I don't have to worry if she orgasms or not.

Given Cirno's tomboyish attitude, I think i would be too "goody two shoes," which would probably work in my favor since tomboys always like to be the dominate one in a relationship.

>> No.11828784

so what your saying is that your beta male

>> No.11828789


The best way I can describe it is that is a combination of unconditional love between siblings combined with best friends. Aka, less about "sex sex sex" and more about just generally hanging out and having fun with sex being something to do when we're bored with other stuff and need a transition or just need to release for whatever reason.

In the eyes of an adult, my attitude is immature, but in the eyes of a tomboyish fairy, I think it's suitable.

>> No.11828792

kog pls go

>> No.11828791
File: 2.25 MB, 2047x1447, 37593109_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most sexualized would probably be upset with the amount of bondage and rape.

>> No.11828794

You'd be surprised how many women have rape fantasies.

>> No.11828800


That's because they're all immoral sluts.

>> No.11828814

This. They don't want to be raped by faceless fat men, they want to be "raped" by a filthy rich arab oil sheikh, so they can have tons of amazingly immoral sex in a palace and still be a victim.

>> No.11828866

eh, I wanna be raped by faceless fat ugly old men

>> No.11828873

You're a boy, you don't count.

>> No.11828880

But I'm a little girl when I wear the skirt...

>> No.11828889

Am I?

>> No.11828896

The only two kinds of girls in the Touhou community are lesbians and traps. I wouldn't have it any other way because it's hotter like this.

>> No.11828913
File: 263 KB, 480x640, 1359220867735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows all of my desires, so I will have no choice but to accept her divine punishment.

>> No.11829296

No. And that is why rather than marrying Alice I want to be Alice.

>> No.11829321

If it was me in that situation with Alice, what I'd do is get chastity devices for the both of us and trade keys; each night we'd alternate edging each other for as long as possible and then locking it back up right on the edge of orgasm. If either of us give in and cum, their key gets thrown away. I think this would be the hottest goddamn thing.

>> No.11829333
File: 102 KB, 420x297, ch!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd be disappointed

>> No.11829389

Oh man, Ran, Rin, Parsee, Utsuho, Mystia, and Nazrin at the same time? 2hot4me

>> No.11829396

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.11829442

>Rin and Nazrin at the same time.

>> No.11829723
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1200, 1390413737827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This dude gets off to being dominated? Sounds interesting."

>> No.11829759


>> No.11829765

You fucking wish she'd say that you piece of shit, how pathetic.

>> No.11829766

No, just stare at you with disgust.

>> No.11829792 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 800x600, kanako strap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fucked are you?
best case scenario, very.
Mommy will show no mercy.

>> No.11829811
File: 29 KB, 360x480, 1389858588640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11830605


>> No.11830607

You know very well what that wacky reaction image is conveying.

>> No.11830615

If you dont want to be mommys little bitch and take it in the butt from her, that is the same face I'll show to you.

>> No.11830658

I am a slave to no one

>> No.11830751

You would be happier in life if you let mommy control you.

>> No.11830775

Why do you guys call Kanako mommy?

>> No.11830783

Same reason why people Ran mommy, I guess.

>> No.11830812

I call her my wife
