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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11804589 No.11804589 [Reply] [Original]

Do you remember love?


>> No.11804606

anyone? ;_;

>> No.11804612

i recall no love. [surprise box] ;_; [/surprise box]

>> No.11804946

what is this?

>> No.11804949

i'm incorrect.

>> No.11804989

how nostalgia

>> No.11804992

I'm in the bar all by myself ;_;

>> No.11805035

what's the command for teleporting and stuff

>> No.11805051

there's a bunch of japs in the computer lab and they're talking about bananas or something

>> No.11805162
File: 109 KB, 423x440, insp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what this all about, is this a Japanese ver of habbo/penguinworld?

>> No.11805172

You guys are making me feel like an oldfag.

>> No.11805185

I once just entered a room and replied to anything with キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ッ and various other faces and it made some people very angry,

>> No.11805187
File: 137 KB, 635x586, sugoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11805199

I think I was banned or something.

>> No.11805210

I got there, threw insults around, called them all sons of bitches, and admitted that 2 nukes were not enough.
Then comes up this guy and whines that the american definition of fun is ruining other cultures, he was also "pretending to be japanese".
Goddammit, fucking autists.

>> No.11805215

I want to get into a majority white area, how do i do that?

>> No.11805220

>this guy was rused

moving on

>> No.11805296


So you were trying to cause a ruse but got rused instead. Great job bro.

>> No.11805321

just lurking about anywhere on this site will make you feel that way.

>> No.11805381

asd you fucking fag, why did you leave after sad story.

>> No.11805390


>> No.11805396

I'm right here man, no need to shout.

>> No.11805400

I had a lasting fulfilling relationship with another ironic homosexual and then i mentioned my last relationship and *poof* he was gone.

>> No.11805436


>> No.11805439


vvvtan in the house

>> No.11805442



>> No.11805453


>> No.11805458

Nobody's fucking in the beach you lied to me /jp/

>> No.11805462

it's just like real life

>> No.11805489

Everybody get to the beach

>> No.11805491

please play with me

>> No.11805492

i'll be there as soon as i remember how to get there

>> No.11805513

Get to the beach everyone

>> No.11805516


>> No.11805519

how do i broadcast my radio and shit? i don't have a mic so i can't just point it in front of my speakers. I could possibly send it to my audio interface and then wire it back around but that seems ridiculously cyclic.

Is there another way?

>> No.11805580

We should meet up with the japs in the big room. There's no use being on the shitty beach with no radios.

>> No.11805582


>> No.11805588

turn on channel 2

there are girls trying to talk to us

>> No.11805591

Come talk to girls in the big room!

>> No.11805594


How do you use the radio?

>> No.11805613

Everybody get to the cafe we are being overrun by nips

>> No.11805627

Guys, they went to the shrine! Let's go!

>> No.11805629

How do you broadcast?

>> No.11805644


>> No.11805647

where is everyone :(

>> No.11805651


>> No.11805655

I'm trying to find it too dood

>> No.11805663

Girls are singing.

>> No.11805674

Where do you guys go from the shrine?

>> No.11805672

I'm eating cake
by myself
just like real life

>> No.11805680

Well at least we killed their chat. Now they are just talking about hair with 1 guy.

>> No.11805683

they blocked me ;_;

>> No.11805707

I thought you were cool sudoku, you left me alone.. You're just like homoghey.

>> No.11805713


>> No.11805726

Just sitting in the bar alone, by myself.

>> No.11805729

Come to the beach dude

>> No.11805760

The beach is getting pretty gay.

>> No.11805774

The beach is now /fit/

>> No.11805777

It's dead? I'm at the hot tub all by myself.. didn't see an anon on my way walking there either. I will be waiting. (also reminder to not forgot to sage)

>> No.11805778


>> No.11805783

I thought the beach and hot tub were at the same place, I'm on my way finding the beach now.

>> No.11805789

Where are you, anon?

>> No.11805812

At the bar now. I was brb.

>> No.11805819

Wait for us there

>> No.11805826

Waiting in front of the bar.

>> No.11805843

For the lost anons; type #rula to go to any place.

>> No.11805862

How the HELL do you move

>> No.11805869

Arrow keys. Type #rula (shift+enter) and go to the place with the most people in it, it's probably the place where /jp/ is hanging out at the moment (the beach).

>> No.11805868

Rent a truck, it's much easier that way

>> No.11805900

arrow keys don't work, any fix?

>> No.11805910

he was all of our Gs

>> No.11805953
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>> No.11805970

I think I love Mumi-chan.

>> No.11805971


Whos that?

>> No.11805976

he's like a fortune cookie

>> No.11805981

Some 35 year old NEET without a gf from Japan speaking broken English. It is very interesting to talk with him.

>> No.11806024

some /jp/sie pretending to be a nip

>> No.11806112
File: 30 KB, 641x349, ss (2014-01-14 at 09.18.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loving sea holds true beauty, had fun would sit and stare at the waves again.

>> No.11806124

how do I move, /jp/!

>> No.11806129

type #rula and go to the room with [at this moment] 7 people in it. You should be able to walk with the arrow keys (try hold it or taping it, idk, it's weird), else idk.
We are at the beach.

>> No.11806136

type #move if your keys don't work

>> No.11806139


I got it, now some dude is chasing me.

>> No.11806142

Maybe he just wants to be friends.

>> No.11806144

He chased me, and we I looked back he just looked away. Then we started spinning on some cushions.

>> No.11806165

you fug yet?

>> No.11806177

No, I didn't know how to perform that motion with just my keys.

We did try to do some synchronized walking, and then I wished him a happy new year.
He said something else but I don't understand a shred of japanese, I hope it was something cute.

>> No.11806202

that's cute

>> No.11806231

This all seems so poignant as we're staring out onto the ocean.

>> No.11806304

I am euphoric as heck right now

>> No.11806314

Good for you.

>> No.11806366

Can't a tru/jp/edo just blog for a minute though -_-

>> No.11806544

/jp/ where you at

>> No.11806565

All these moments... will be lost in time... like tears in the rain.

>> No.11806567


>> No.11806578

they all left

>> No.11806582

No one's on the beach?

>> No.11806609

I'm all alone in the beach with three nihonjin to keep me company, where are you /jp/?

>> No.11806654

everybody come to BEAT GIKO

>> No.11806681

type #rula in chat and go to [something]-- beat giko

>> No.11806731
File: 514 KB, 720x660, 1381423798050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a party at BEAT GIKO and everyone's invited!

>> No.11806738

it's pretty ded now all of a sudden.

>> No.11806755

ass bomber : hello
ass bomber : you like burger?
楢崎龍 : へろー
楢崎龍 : あいらいくばーがー
ass bomber : airo go burger
楢崎龍 : いえすいえーす?
ass bomber : Ie easy-ace?
楢崎龍 : んーふーー?
ass bomber : Nfu over over?
楢崎龍 : んーふー?(◔ へ ◔ )
ass bomber : Nfu?
楢崎龍 : いえすいえーす
ass bomber : easy ace
楢崎龍 : イージー。なんて?
Flqp : fight me irl
楢崎龍 : いえすいえーす
ass bomber : i am burger man
楢崎龍 : リアリー!?
Flqp : don't get knocked out m8
ass bomber : yes
楢崎龍 : あいあむポテトガール
ass bomber : i am not man
ass bomber : i am burger
ass bomber : alive burger
Flqp : are you a trap burger?
ass bomber : potato is ugly
楢崎龍 : No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ass bomber : yes, you are ugly potato girl
Anon (xho) : but do you put on the music or something? how does that work
born_to_thrash : you just stream your computer's audio directly
ジェー : いってきます
born_to_thrash : im using foobar for example
ass bomber : the japanese dudes on here are funny
楢崎龍 : Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
ass bomber : yes
楢崎龍 : No
ass bomber : yess
ass bomber : i steal japanese woman
ass bomber : pleasure with burger snake
ass bomber : i eat japanese woman
ass bomber : chew in mouth
ass bomber : very yummy
楢崎龍 : No////////////
ass bomber : delicious
楢崎龍 : 食べたんかいwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ass bomber : if i am eaten, i will die
ass bomber : please do not eat
楢崎龍 : もし、わたしが、たべなければ?しぬ?え?
楢崎龍 : おねがいたべないで!?ww
楢崎龍 : え?え?w
楢崎龍 : こまったなー

>> No.11807199

it's ded, all the nips are offline too.
(also; sage)

>> No.11808935


>> No.11810782


>> No.11810814

gtfo giko, fools

>> No.11816485

Some people are on now. I don't know japanese at all so i can't talk though.

>> No.11816661
File: 54 KB, 648x349, ukbcfg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11816676


>> No.11816677

Logged on as mr_pie_man1234. Where my trill giko compatriots at?

>> No.11816678

Im currently in this area

>> No.11816679

why not just use pigg.ameba.jp

>> No.11816683

Creating an account for these kind of things is too borthersome

>> No.11816684

These kindS of things.

>> No.11816691

This kinds of thing.

>> No.11818014

why? It's just as easy as English sites if you know a bit of Japanese.
