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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11803411 No.11803411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you still love Patchouli if she gave birth to a black baby and she said that she exclusively loved black men and that she would never date you because you're white?

>> No.11803417

Only if she would let me watch and masturbate when she is filled with their beastly seed.

>> No.11803444
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Hey OP, would you still love Patchouli if she gave birth to an white baby and she said that she exclusively loved white men and that she would never date you because you're a nigger?

Check mate.

>> No.11803447

Joke is on her, I don't even love her, nor am I white!

>> No.11803474

No colored folks allowed in /jp/, mister.

>> No.11803477 [DELETED] 

niec trip d00d

>> No.11803479


Asians are just another form of white.

>> No.11803481
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I agree.

>> No.11803490

Asians and whites should rule the world.

Enslave everyone else.

>> No.11803496

Please go to jail asap it's where you belong.

>> No.11803493

But I'm black so I'll be fine.

>> No.11803501

How did they manage to make the whole cast look like saten.

>> No.11803509

The ones revealing their armpits are the slutty ones.

>> No.11803510

Why would I go to jail if I haven't commited a crime!?

>> No.11803513

Your crime is being a nigger. Don't argue, you lack the mental capacity.

>> No.11803514
File: 51 KB, 255x265, 1389625957384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No of course not that would be dumb.

She blatantly said she didn't like me.

Sometimes people refer to them as East Aryan.

>> No.11803521

Please stop bullying me. I'm really depressed right now. I don't need this.

>> No.11803525

You're depressed because you aren't behind bars.

>> No.11803527


Niggers can't feel depression. It's a complex emotion.

Maybe you're just craving the crack pipe.

>> No.11803531
File: 122 KB, 302x434, 1389626319741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black people have feelings too.

You should apologize for bullying him.


>> No.11803535

Every character in that show looks like saten.

>> No.11803536

That's probably true.The freedom is confusing him. Poor nigger.

>> No.11803538

Only the left one looks like saten

>> No.11803539

Why is /jp/ more racist than /pol/?

>> No.11803541

I'm depressed because I'll never be a white little girl with a loving /jp/ boyfriend.

That and jap girls hate black people. I'm crying.

>> No.11803545

/jp/ is full of racial purists

/pol/ is full of angry white "oppressed by femenism" males

>> No.11803548

/jp/ is 80% black. All the hiphop threads prove it.

>> No.11803552

There there, some pepperspray to the face, handcuffs and a ride to the police station should calm you down.

>> No.11803556

There's actually a logical reason.

A lot of people on /jp/ barely ever interact with the outside world. Their main view of black people often comes from the dumbest dumbasses you can find doing dumb things on videos from world-star-hiphop, Liveleak, youtube, etc. That and news reports about them doing dumb shit. e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulZ87VJRT7M

They eventually start thinking all black people are like that.

>> No.11803557

Cuckolds (especially racial cuckolds) are the new furfags now that furry is socially acceptable deviancy.

>> No.11803561

Oh, fuck off with your politically correct "they're just sheltered" mentality, a good nigger is one in a billion.

>> No.11803562

My opinions of blacks came from growing up around them. You go to any neighborhood in East Cleveland and tell me niggers don't nig.

>> No.11803568

The sheltered one here is you.

>> No.11803567

Except that furries don't have a political system built around their deviancy.

>> No.11803571



Anyone who has lived in any major US city has seen this at least once. Even the most sheltered otaku who lives in an American city has seen these people.

>> No.11803579
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I grew up in a neighborhood where whites were the minority. Believe me I hated that shit and saw the "culture" that comes with that.

Yes, I'll admit I think the majority of blacks are dumb and have a culture that encourages each generation to act fucking dumber and more ghetto. It's not right to think all blacks are like that though to the point where you bully some poor /jp/sie because they're black.

>> No.11803583

/jp/sies can't be black.
It's like black naziskins, it's laughable at best.

>> No.11803585
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>black nazi

>> No.11803587

First you claimed that the majority of /jp/ers are sheltered and don't know what they say, then you do a 180 turnaround and claim that you know blacks act bad but it's no reason to discriminate.
Can you be more fake and cock-suckery?

>> No.11803592

Laughable at best.

>> No.11803596
File: 55 KB, 238x257, wfq3er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said all of them.

Get off my ass /new/gger.

>> No.11803593

Reading comprehension?

>> No.11803602


What is a naziskins?

>> No.11803598

Would you still love Patchouli even though your dick was too tiny to satisfy both her and yourself?

>> No.11803607
File: 148 KB, 396x396, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would patchouli still love you is the question.

The answer is no. She's 2 much of a cock-mongler.

>> No.11803608

It's a skinhead with tatooed with swastikas from head to toe.

>> No.11803606

Nazi skinheads.

>> No.11803621

I'm a white racist.
My goal is Global White Racism.
If you aren't like me, get the FUCK off my jay.

>> No.11803625

That hurts. Although you're not wrong.

>> No.11803627
File: 177 KB, 716x896, 1389627854894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.P. Lovecraft (original inventor of Yukari Yakumo and her servant Nyarlothep) was a bitter racist. The more you know, eh?

She's into bugs.

>> No.11803629

There is no pleasure more satisfying than watching a nigger cry.

>> No.11803633

That's bull, he made one or two joke stories in his works about negroes, but everyone was racist at the time, you can't claim that he was the only one.

>> No.11803637


it's hard to think they arent all niggers who shoot each other for drugs and whores but thats all that they do.

it is hard to actually find an actual civilized black person in the sea of niggers forever propagating their stigma

>> No.11803662

You do enough crack or whatever hard drug and get involved with women describable as "whores" long enough, you go batshit insane. It's pretty predictable. Crazy people are more noticeable and tend to wind up out on the street trying to scrape together cigarette money more often than normal folks.

>> No.11803682

I'm sorry, i was joking, i want superior Aryan Racist sperm inside my slutty ass~

>> No.11803690

I want to give you a charged load from my 9" poz fuck tool.

>> No.11803688
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>> No.11803697

where do you live now? i grew up in an area that was 80% mexican/hispanic and I prefer blacks to them.

>> No.11803706

Same area.

>i grew up in an area that was 80% mexican/hispanic and I prefer blacks to them.

I could say the same thing. Mexicans often aren't that bad, but peurto ricans holy shit.

>> No.11803720

I had a black friend when I was young i think his name was ezekial, everyone called him zeke. we stole baseball cards and rap CDs from some guys storage shed once. I also took a bunch of weed from one of my friends' parents and he got blamed for it. heh.

Are you in detroit or something? didnt think there was a lot of puerto ricans there.

>> No.11803722

Nonwhites leave

>> No.11803731

Post your face, I must judge if you are aryan enough to be here.

>> No.11803791
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>> No.11803853

Joke's on you, I'm black.

>> No.11803865

Why do black guys like Patchy so much?

>> No.11803869

She reminds them of their favorite purple drank.

>> No.11803886

I hope I'm that black guy.

>> No.11803895

I'm white and grew up in a prominently black area. Its a wonder I survived.

>> No.11803897 [DELETED] 

That''s entirely different.

Predominately white communities won't eat you alive. You'll probably end up just as "white" as them.

>> No.11803902

They like fat white girls, don't ask.

>> No.11803904

Negroids are hypernormies
They go so deep into normalfag culture that they actually exceed it and end up not being very normal at all.

So they were obviously at odds with /jp/sies during their early years.
Even the "nerdy" black guys are pretty annoying.

>> No.11803910

Racism is not Otaku Culture

>> No.11803914

Yes it is you freakin bully

>> No.11803916

I wonder how can you guys generalize so much.

I know dumb black people, I know white degenerates, I know hateable asians, but I can't say that they're retarded because of their ethnicities, if you stopped watching around you with a tunnel vision, you'd see that there's retards in every fucking race.

>> No.11803918

Yes but there is a much higher percentage of retarded negros compared to other races

>> No.11803924

I don't understand how you can ignore crime statistics and community health, especially when juxtaposing places with a high black population (US) to places with racial purity(japan).

>> No.11803929

There's been tests done on this.

In order of highest IQs:

Ashkenazi jews, Oriental asians, Whites, Hispanics, Blacks.

>> No.11803935
File: 266 KB, 749x703, 1381248169490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're 15 and have no idea how bad niggers can fuck up your formerly upstanding city

>> No.11803992
File: 30 KB, 500x535, laughing argentine nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11804111

Whites don't have much bad people.

>> No.11804129

White "nerds" are disgusting. They can't help but be living, breathing caricatures.

>> No.11804136
File: 116 KB, 271x409, Bowling-Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its funny you say that, because studies show that contact between ethnities correlates to *increased* racial realism.

the myth of universal human fungibility can only be maintained by turning a blind eye to reality, safely sequestered in a suburb, or in elite campuses where your only contact with other species is the best of the lot (of course this last point is changing too with the increased stridency of affirmative action).

>> No.11804199

Chicago here, I can confirm this thread is a loud of shit and you should pay attention to me because I bothered to blog about my location and how shit my city is. Niggers have ruined it and we are Detroit 2.0 now, even the north side is starting to get shit.

Also fuck these captchas.
