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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 886 KB, 960x720, 1389256816499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11790637 No.11790637 [Reply] [Original]


You're breaking his heart!

>> No.11790643

>expecting people to pay for your work

>> No.11790646

Maybe he should get a real job at a company instead of expecting to live off his childish dreams.

>> No.11790648

More people are willing to download something for free than purchase it. News at eleven!

>> No.11790649

Wonder if he's counting foreigners in that "ten times". If so, that's just dumb.

>> No.11790653

>b-but I thought I was gonna get rich from drawing 2d porn ((((((

How come such delusional faggots even exist?

>> No.11790651

I'm not going to ANN.

>> No.11790654


>> No.11790656

Any specific reason?

>> No.11790658
File: 42 KB, 744x553, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11790663

Just having a read at the "comments" on that site, there sure are a lot of moralfags around these days.

>> No.11790667

I just don't like the site or the people that frequent it, and don't want to encourage it.

Thanks m8

>> No.11790668

it truly is phenomenal that there are people into japanese culture who haven't resigned themselves to being human shit

>> No.11790670

That's their own fucking fault.
I'm not going to buy shit when I have to jump through hoops just to obtain it when I can simply download it off the internet.

I can't buy it in person, and most doujin shops don't ship abroad. Melonbooks even refuses to sell to proxy services.
It upsets me greatly and their work being pirated should be of no surprise.

People pirating their work is just the free market at work.

>> No.11790681
File: 1000 KB, 1417x2000, 落日の聖徳王_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would they even come up with an approximate number like that? Torrent peers? If so, it's a hell of a lot higher than that.

>> No.11790683

By this logic, the more people that download it, the more sales he gets.

>> No.11790684

There are a limited supply of works, and they're only sold within Japan.

There is a much larger demand, and this demand comes from worldwide.

If nobody "stole" any of the works online, the people from overseas would not enjoy the works, and the author wouldn't make a profit anyway.

Japanese authors tend to shy away from international sales and online digital distribution. In addition, various national laws regarding obscenity might cause trouble for people who legally purchase certain works, forcing them to download them.

Who's fault is this? What difference does it make?

>> No.11790685

Where do you get your otaku newz then?
I agree with you on the userbase though. Any anime-related site is about as bad though.

>> No.11790688

All boards that default to the Yotsuba B or Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe." Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed.

>> No.11790689

Is he even tracking Western outlets like exhentai and fakku and wherever else people get their hentai from? I figure he's just looking at Japanese numbers.

>> No.11790690

Go ahead and delete it then, janny. No need to tell me about it.

>> No.11790697

Even if he's only taking into Japanese downloaders and the Japanese market, what about doujins that are sold at Comiket only? Say a certain doujin only has 3,000 copies that exist on this planet, and they were all sold at the one place on the same day. What about the people who aren't part of the 3,000 who went to Comiket to buy it?

Since the author only intended to sell 3,000, would he make additional profits if another 40,000 people did or didn't download his work?

>> No.11790698

ANN at least back up their articles with a source. Its your own fault if you read the comments on any news site or use their forums or read ANN reviews

>> No.11790700

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be whining as much if he actually sold out. All the circles which aren't, like, super famous end up sending boxes to consignment stores.

>> No.11790703

Why not just go to a news site that doesn't have a comments section or reviews or a forum? This is hardly even news, as it's neither surprising nor important.

>> No.11790712

I want to break his girlfriends pussy next. What a faggot.

>> No.11790713

Link to said site.

>> No.11790751

Do you think she's a loli?

>> No.11790758

Obviously, that means they're doing something right. Would you rather have notoriety or wealth? Isn't it enough that millions of people know your work and admire you?

I understand that industry does not run off good will and popularity alone, but certainly this must bring some sort of satisfaction to the creators and staff.

>> No.11790774


>Where do you get your otaku newz then?
If I really cared I'd learn Japanese and read their blogs myself, but instead I'll let /jp/ do it for me〜

>> No.11790782

I just checked, and I can't really sympathize with someone who drew Miko getting anally raped by a faceless man.

What does ANN think of anal rape porn, by the way?

>> No.11790798

"I love it, I think it is great. Can't get enough of it." - an ANN user

"Well, I'm not too sure. I'd like to say I enjoy it, but there are better areas that tickle my fancy a bit better.." - another ANN user

"I can't live without it. Me and my wife are addicted to reading this kind of stuff every night." - an ANN premium account poweruser

>> No.11790802

If the trademark holderes wanted to, they could order him to stop. They don't because it's bad for business.

>> No.11790809

I'm not buying that. There's not enough typos and emoticons and shit.

>> No.11790814

but anon, one of them has a wife, surely that should ease your suspicions?

>> No.11790827
File: 84 KB, 700x700, 1389260435201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how else are gaijin supposed to get them? Supplies are insanely limited and not everyone can speak moon. Not uploaded? May as well not exist.

>> No.11790836

they don't want you non-Japanese to enjoy their works, because you aren't part of the Yamato race.

>> No.11790838

I'm going to fap to his work and pretend I came all over his heartbroken face.

>> No.11790843

It's a bit much. You start selling that stuff where I can buy it, and I'll buy it, bro. I'll buy it in fucking obsessive spades!

>> No.11790848

But doujin and manga are American Comics with reversed page order.

>> No.11790872

What's the context of this story though. Did he make 500 copies, sold out, and saw that 50,000 people downloaded it? That's more on him then. Now if he only sold 20 copies out of the 500 but saw 50,000 downloads then yeah, that's kind of messed up. Numbers makes all the difference in this scenario to me.

>> No.11790880

Well, he explicitly says downloads are ten times the sales.

>(C85) [スサノアラシ (竹森真太郎)] 落日の聖徳王 (東方Project).zip
>Posted: 2013-12-30 15:57 Size: 28.43 MB Seeds: 19 Peers: 2 Downloads: 5150

500 it is.

>> No.11790889

From what I can find, he's not even selling it at Tora or Melon, just at the booth at Comiket. So I don't know what he was expecting, when the only people that are going to be able to get it are the people that attended the event.

>> No.11790897

yeah but doesn't say how many he had on sale. I highly doubt he had 5,000 copies at a booth on sale considering they normally sell past material also.

>> No.11790912

So he's just a moron.

>> No.11791000

The porn industry gets along fine now, with the advent of huge free streaming porn sites paid for with advertising and premium services. Why not do something like that for Doujin hentai works? If there was a manga reader that supported the original artist monetarily, I'd use that rather than just SadPanda.

>> No.11791011

Japanese have never been good at innovative ways of making money overseas. Just look at the state of the PlayStation 3 in the west, the state of NEC smartphones, and J-POP.

>> No.11791062

DLsite and DMM both offer digital versions of doujinshi. It's up to the producers of the content to offer it on those sites. Most of these circles are just a few dudes doing this for fun, not profit.

>> No.11791127

"I'm already making a living, but I need to make more of a living!"

There are Japanese Jews? I thought they were pretty ethnically homogeneous...

>> No.11791167

Fuck off, /pol/.

And he's not making a living by selling 25万円 worth of stuff per event.

>> No.11791174


Yeah, his house and food and bills are paid by the doujinfairy, who courteously pays fan artists' rent and bills for them so they can draw comics full-time as a hobby.

Fuck off, idiot.

>> No.11791199

They're paid for by his actual work. Or failing that, by his parents, just like yours.

>> No.11791203

Between the complete inavailability of works outside of Comiket directly even if you live in Japan, and the huge number of people who have no means to even attend the event, a lot of people weren't going to buy it anyway.

>> No.11791206

I hope the doujin industry dies so I can quit my crippling porn obsession without exercising any actual self control.

>> No.11791214
File: 19 KB, 250x250, yui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the real world, Shintarou. Only took him 4 years to figure out that most people on the world won't pay for his porn comics.

>> No.11791219

That'd solve nothing, there'll still be people drawing Touhous with cocks rammed up their anal cavities for free.

>> No.11791222

Then what about commercially released H-manga? Seriously, you're better off just killing yourself if your idea of quitting your obsession is to hope for one of the many, many channels to die off.

>> No.11791229


Stop saying those things. It breaks my heart

>> No.11791231
File: 4 KB, 82x170, EFK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, i am drawing porn comics about characters i don't even own and i am selling them only during 1 short event in Japan and nowhere else. Hundreds of people are doing the exact same thing and quite a few of them are better artists too or are more famous than me. What could possibly prevent me from making as much money as Microsoft?

>> No.11791245

It would be interesting they invented some special reflective paper they wouldn't scan correctly

>> No.11791250

If I could magically teleport to comiket then I would purchase doujin to support the artists.

>> No.11791254

Cue the chinese redraw scene, taking tracing paper over doujinshi and doing a very sloppy job of it.

Also hard translating it into chinese right there on the spot with zero raws ever.

>> No.11791287


That would never work.

>> No.11791303

My transcript has a background that's designed to make the word "VOID" show up in large block letters all over the page in most scans.

Most scans, mind you. I think cheques employ more unavoidable security features.

Regardless, I always try and buy whenever I like a doujinshi enough. I'm not some welfare bitch and collecting puts me above the rest of the common r/a/b/ble

>> No.11791310

They said that about airplanes too.

>> No.11791345

>collecting puts me above the rest of the common r/a/b/ble

This is satire/joking, right? You aren't actually a normal person?

>> No.11791365

It would probably be too expensive.
Most doujinshis are printed out on cheapo paper.

Some artists unfortunately just refuse to sell to foreigners or people they suspect of being Chinese.

>> No.11791368

Honestly these artists are (or at least should be) talking about people who can access and purchase their work with relative ease

If you expect people to buy your stuff, you need to make it accessible to them--often to the extent of effortlessness, especially in the digital age.

Having even a single extra hoop to jump through gives rational (but not always ethical) grounds to pirate, and that's enough for most people, including me.

But as a small rant, I sincerely and genuinely wish cancer on people with niche fetishes who are able, but don't, support niche artists. That shit's fucking irrational. Forget ethics--it's unjustifiable on fucking -logical- grounds.

It's short-sighted to the point of being cross-eyed, which is how I imagine most of these people spend their time at the computer. I'll probably go on some kind of spree if my favorite artist quits over something like this, because he's literally one of the last remaining after a long and painful decline.

luckily he isn't a faggot

>> No.11791384

Normal people don't hoard niche japanese pornography comic books.

>> No.11791390


>Some artists unfortunately just refuse to sell to foreigners or people they suspect of being Chinese.

Sad they are so petty they refuse money from people willing to pay for their work.
Also its extremely ignorant they think Japanese are not scanning and uploading works. Only have to look on share PD etc.

>> No.11791392

So what kind of stupid gross fetish do you have that you fear you'll no longer be able to pirate manga of?

>> No.11791398


>Some artists unfortunately just refuse to sell to foreigners or people they suspect of being Chinese.

Which means they have to get it illegally, not that this is the deciding factor for most people who pirate doujins.

Doujin piracy largely isn't harmful for the same reason anime/VN/LN/etc. piracy largely isn't harmful: the people who pirate those works probably wouldn't have bought them anyway, between prohibitive import fees (or just complete impossibility to import) and lack of localization. The industries only gain notoriety without losing anything, which can be used as a launching platform for a full, localized release in those places.

Probably only 30-50% of doujinwork/LN/anime piracy is Japanese, and of that only an undetermined fraction would've bought the work too cause of financial limits.


Nothing sold at Comiket can be accessed and purchased with 'relative ease' relative to anything not-stupid. I wouldn't leave my house and go to a normal/social person gathering place just to buy doujins.


Normal people hoard figurines and other ostensibly '~~~OTAKU~~~' bullshit which exists only to show off to your normie friends how quirky and weird you are. Private collections are a step below that on the normie-meter, but still exist for normal reasons: to personally validate your social standing as an ~~~OTAKU~~~. TRUnon-normals don't have anything which exists for reasons other than their personal pleasure and comfort. If anything social factors into your decision to buy a thing, you are a normal.

>> No.11791402


Sup !aaeru!bar!gigs. I see your opinions on copyright haven't changed.

>> No.11791400

Only offer your product at one physical location, limited to a certain number of physical copies, at only one limited time per year, before your product is gone forever from direct sale from the maker of it, forcing you to buy it from an auction or resale site.

Complain about piracy.

>> No.11791406

You seem to be grossly mistaken about certain things, newfriend-kun.

If artists provided digital download of their works at the same price they expect to sell them, I would buy nearly all of them. There's a huge difference between what I have to pay for digital download, and what I have to pay to buy it at auction/online, have it repackaged for international shipping, and actually ship it.

>> No.11791408

Why does the idea that creators don't want you to have the work they sold if you didn't buy it pain you so much? It's similar to how fans of something don't want secondary fans ruining their interest.

>> No.11791410

>If artists provided digital download of their works at the same price they expect to sell them
Don't toranoana/melonbooks offer digital downloads?

>> No.11791420

ntr of your mother ;)

>Nothing sold at Comiket can be accessed and purchased with 'relative ease' relative to anything not-stupid.
Exactly. I actually didn't read the thread or the link before posting, but the artist within seems to be exactly the kind of faggot I would scorn.

>> No.11791421

It's elitist and unrealistic. You can't complain about people wanting your work and being willing to pirate it when they cannot buy it, when you refuse to sell it to them. Complaining about sales while also refusing sales is the epitome of hypocrisy.

For very few items. The majority of doujin are just for ordering, not digital download. dlsite is going to have more for digital download than those two.

>> No.11791423

A more relevant question would be, why does the idea that the consumers you didn't want to sell your work to decide to get it for free instead pains you so much.

>> No.11791430

Why does the idea of punishing hypocrisy offend you so much, moralfriend-kun? You sound like a shill for Hollywood and the AAA gaming industry. Piracy is the only thing punishing the collectivist, DRM-authoritarian attempts of certain industries in controlling how you enjoy things in your life.

Besides, "not selling to foreigners" wouldn't fly in America. Why should it anywhere else?

>> No.11791432


It's spiteful and pointless. It doesn't harm them, and in fact probably summarily helps them, but they persist with this senseless and bitter kneejerk reaction. I also don't personally give a shit about what doujinists want. There's no reason their irrational desires matter. I like their stuff (a little,) not them. They are probably terrible and uninteresting people like most humans.

I don't understand your post anyway. What's your point?

>> No.11791434



Can you get back to whatever board/cave you crawled out of? I'm filtering you right now so don't respond to me. Also don't change tripcodes again.

>> No.11791433

I would be frustrated if I watched a retarded golden goose choke on its own shit after consistently producing golden eggs--moreso if there was nothing I could do to prevent it.

perhaps frustrated isn't the right word

>> No.11791438

im pretty sure shill is an industry term

>> No.11791441


I told you not to change your fucking tripcode, and that includes taking it off for anyone who isn't a retard. Fortunately you are a retard so I'll overlook this. Get out of my sight.

>> No.11791443

>I'm filtering you right now so don't respond to me.

If you don't have this tripcode filtered already, and you would have wanted it filtered, then you are newer than a baby just out of its momma's womb.

Congratulations, you are the ultra newfriend.

>Also don't change tripcodes again.

I laugh at your complete and total ignorance. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.

>> No.11791447

I am a neutral third party in this exchange who merely informed you that a word you took as an indicator of a particular negative quality/trait has extensive use outside of a specific context


>> No.11791455

Mind you, I'd rather some things that wouldn't fly in America flew elsewhere.

Go back to Warosu, retard.

Oh wait.

>> No.11791461

90 to 95 percent piracy rate is actually a pretty standard estimation that has been around since software started to sell on floppy disks.

>> No.11791471

The best part is that you don't even need evidence. You just have to throw out a number and claim that it's "likely."

If sales are good, they could be better if we controlled "customers" in order to "prevent" "piracy."
If sales are bad, it's not our product's fault, it's just that "piracy" is "rampant."

There is no scenario where IP owners and product middlemen don't try to fuck over people in order to get more control over their market.

"PIRACY!" has the same moral imperative that "For the children!" does. If you scream it loud enough, you can pass any damn fool thing you want to.

>> No.11791475

It's a huge waste of potential to make everyone pay for this cultural enrichment. the world will be better off on the whole with free access to this information!

not that I care what reason I use to download my free chinese porn books.. LOL!

>> No.11791477

Newfriend-kun's first post on /jp/.

>> No.11791482

do you honestly believe that?

>> No.11791483

If it isn't, then you should apologize. For existing.

>> No.11791488

woah dude. you have nothing to go on other than those two posts. you know, my mommy is pretty glad that I exist

>> No.11791489

>you know, my mommy is pretty glad that I exist

Only because she can claim you for a welfare check.

>> No.11791491

I'm way too old for that dude... besides, she has her brain problems for that

>> No.11792166

Any artist that is more interested in money than making sure more people read his work is a terrible person

>> No.11792169

It's weird how people saying things you arguably agree with in such an idiotic sounding way can make you want to disagree with what is effectively your own opinion. I think I will go download some DRM now, maybe it won't be so bad.

>> No.11792176


>> No.11792177
File: 86 KB, 428x510, 1348043124653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal copyrighted characters to make porn and earn money with it
>bitching about piracy

>> No.11792179 [DELETED] 

How many people would even be able to buy your work?

You should be glad that people around the world who would have never even been able to buy your work, are now reading your work.

How are you going to give them 0 options to pay for your work, and then complain when they download it?

>> No.11792191
File: 85 KB, 907x655, 1331926574893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this discussing the Japanese market? I mean we have no real efficient method of purchasing them instead of paying a grossly inflated rate for a proxy, I'm guessing we're not even factored in as potential customers. Unless this guy is just bitching because he sees the download count for his works when the majority of them are people overseas that he otherwise wouldn't give a fuck about.

>> No.11792195

Woah, I was typing this >>11792191 before you had posted, looks like were on the same page though.

>> No.11792215

Make your work digitally available for a low price(Less than $4/ ¥400) 6 months after Comiket. Learn English and make a digital english version available. Swim in money

>> No.11792224
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1268344011312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google for the guy
>only made 2hou
Geez, I wonder why nobody buy your stuffs.

>> No.11792230

I think this thread is reaching a critical mass of stupid.

>> No.11792231

The burgerbeings have no morals, they'd still download everything without paying for it.

>> No.11792233

Now that you're here, naturally it would.

>> No.11792246

It's not like I want to make this guy sad, but according to sadpanda statics nobody even downloading his works.

>> No.11792252

As a mapleburgerbeing, I would definitely buy some stuff which I already know I will enjoy.

>> No.11792258

Yeah but you're Canadian, we actually have morals.

>> No.11792262
File: 93 KB, 451x339, 1245225635836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living in glorious Nippon
>must be murican

>> No.11792280

Read the post before that one, subhuman.

>> No.11792282

Hi Anonymous of Alabama.

>> No.11792321

These kind of comments are absolute filth. Now, for this particular artist it probably was his own fault. But it's pretty clear you guys ignorantly made these comments regardless of whether or not it was his own fault.

Sure, it's no surprise people will take free over paying, but to go as far as to put the blame on the artists themselves and make fun of them just goes to show how much of a scumbag piece of shit human being you are. You're essentially fapping away at a doujin with one hand while you point and laugh at the artist who made that doujin with the other. And then you cum on their faces as your semen mixes in with their tears, making a nice lubricated concoction of thick virgin cum which makes it easy for it to slide down to their chin. From their chin, the tear-cum inevitably drops down to their lap and stains their pants with your protein-rich virgin semen. Broken hearts may heal over time, but cum stains are forever.

Does every artist in the world deserve this? Maybe a few, but absolutely not the 100%.

>> No.11792322

Kinda hard to convince westerners to buy your stuff when we can't read it until someone buys/steals it and translates it.

>> No.11792328

Nah not really.

I'd be buying dozens of loli dojinshi if it wouldn't get me arrested ;_;

>> No.11792330

You are talking like we have even a chance to buy their works, while we are living in the opposite side of the Earth explicitly in some country not supported by Japanese publishers.

>> No.11792333

Well, maybe if it was less of a hassle for foreigners to buy their works the number of downloads wouldn't be so high. A few of my favourite music artists have their albums on Bandcamp and that's a huge step forward. I'm gonna be emailing another artist soon in hopes of buying two of his albums since they'll probably never be uploaded. Maybe if we could buy download keys to their works it would be a bit better for them.

>> No.11792338

>in some country explicitly not supported
Fuck me, english isn't even my first language.

>> No.11792341

That's so stupid, don't they realise that these people are willing to pay god knows how much on travel etc just to purchase their works?

>> No.11792345

>Japanese doujin artist
>common sense
Pick one!

>> No.11792348

I sincerely doubt the majority of people saying they'd buy things if they were available for download in English would actually do so.

>> No.11792358

Imagine that you spent years of your life working on a piece of art. Then some thug breaks in and robs you. When you shout WTF, he says yo dude I'm supporting you

>> No.11792359

But those people aren't lost costumers because they won't buy their stuffs even if they couldn't download them for free.

>> No.11792363

But it is the thug who is bitching that he can't sell his stollen work.

>> No.11792361

I will and have done so.
>Creators of "My Girlfriend is an Alpaca" work hard to translate the game into English to sell it overseas
>Hardly any sales

I always try to support the artists that made the effort to bring their games/work internationally

>> No.11792381

Well, if it makes you happy I wouldn't buy 2hou doujins even if they would been sold in the local store. But I also don't download them because I only care about original works.

>> No.11792384


>> No.11792388

it doesn't sell because theres no H scenes with the alpaca

>> No.11792394

I'm not saying they are. It's just easy to make claims when there's nothing at stake.

Well, clearly you aren't the majority. If you were the game might have sold better.

>> No.11792405

Of course it wouldn't get rid of piracy altogether, that's impossible. But at least having an option to purchase it would be nice over spending too much with fucking expensive proxy services, which the stores may not even ship the items off to simply because they're known proxies. It's really dumb complaining about piracy when I'd say a good 75% of the people downloading it are downright unable to buy the things. If online shops like Toranoana and Melonbooks shipped overseas that would be fantastic.

>> No.11792449
File: 111 KB, 853x1280, Gaiman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody linked this yet? Guess I should.

>> No.11792529


Publicity is always good but GOOD publicity is even better. One happy costumer will tell two more people, an angry costumer will tell ten people about it.

Look at that whining guy, this is the end of his career. He will never take off.

This is how capitalism works. The customer is always right and when he is not, we bend until we make a right.

>> No.11792593


Keep in mind, this is only a small portion of artists. Most of them aren't stupid, they either don't know enough about DLsite and the like, they're too lazy, or they don't care about the money in the first place.

>> No.11792630


Fucking this. I'm sick of hearing this kind of bitching every fucking fest. The artists decided NOT to upload it online legally, so of course people are going to fucking pirate it. This isn't like a game or a movie where you can just buy it easily. Even in Japan it's difficult or impossible to get some of this shit if you couldn't make it the day they were selling, let alone for people that live outside their tiny fucking country.

Do you expect me to fly halfway across the world and ignore everything else in my life (yeah yeah, no life, lel) so I can get there on the ONE fucking day you're selling your hentai? Fuck you. If you'd uploaded it to DLsite like a competent fucking human being, I probably would have bought it. Wouldn't be the first time.

I actually went and purchased Nagi-Ichi's books cause I liked them so much, but I wouldn't have flew around the world for it. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.11792717

Scanlator here, here's few reasons why I do scanning:
1) People aren't able to purchase stuff from Japan because they don't understand Japanese and they don't know doujin webstores or shipping services
2) On some countries you will get jailed if you try import lolicon stuff
3) Some webstores doesn't want ship stuff to shipping services (like Toranoana)
4) There are greedy shopping service, and that will make poor customer experience for foreign buyers (I had pay $60 of handling chargers of 5 items, and that didn't even include shipping)
5) There are higher chance to get doujin translated, if it's scanned to sad panda
6) Historical value, as doujins are self-published works, there's chance for that you won't be able to buy that doujin anymore after event

>> No.11792843

what is you're mother tongue

>> No.11792848

And what's your mother tongue?

>> No.11792852

u avin a giggle @ me mums tung m7?

>> No.11792858

Too bad the Japs can't read English so they can't read what you just wrote

>> No.11792859

bruv u takin da piss outta me

>> No.11792875

I'm sorry, could you repeat that in another language? I don't speak Gobbledygook.

>> No.11792950

u are 1 fucking cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u
i swear on my mums life

>> No.11793219

So if his work is downloaded 10 times for every time someone buys it, why doesn't he try to get more people to download it, so more people buy it?

>> No.11793228

This is the best idea I've ever fucking heard. Have you considered starting a business?

>> No.11793262

What is the range of number of copies these guys sell at these events anyway. hey could probably secretly mark them all unique if they wanted to find who is uploading,

>> No.11793270
File: 136 KB, 697x365, 30 dollars per page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some artists just don't care about selling lots of copies/making money, they just don't want to get pirated because they're wusses basically, which is very frustrating if true. At least that's how I always assumed it was, what other reason would there be for a guy to sell a book for 5$ at Comiket when it was getting resold on online auctions for hundreds of dollars?

>> No.11793276

I don't know exact figures but there was a pretty decent article on a similar topic a few years ago.


I get that they'd be mad, but I also have the feeling that people who make doujin expecting to turn a profit from it are themselves a minority. Doujin print runs are by their very nature so low and expensive for an individual or small circle that they're not going to bring big bucks rolling in. The majority of doujinshika consider it a hobby and treat it as such - they're making the books for fun and to entertain fellow fans first and foremost, and breaking even on book sales (let alone making a profit) is the best they hope for.

>> No.11793282
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Or sell ultra-HQ digital versions online after the print copies are gone? I know a couple of circles who do this, including Suika Dokie, and I've even bought quite a few.

>> No.11793290

They don't infringe Japanese copy right, you idiot.

>> No.11793316

I keep telling everyone everywhere, all the time, if you'd just LET me buy it, I would. And no, buying something at 200% of it's original price isn't exactly what I'm thinking.

When I do a Google search with the name of the work, it would be great if I could just get a link to buy the product. Preferably letting me choose between digital download or print version (with the print version most likely being priced a little higher).

And if you DO allow for any of this as a doujin artist, then tell people about! Most doujin artists don't do this so people don't come to expect it from others.

So the artist in question, Shintarou Takemori, made a nice doujinshi. Well, it's only for sale as print (no digital version) and only in MelonBooks, which doesn't ship outside Japan! What do you expect me to do? You don't even LET me buy it! I have to find someone who would buy and ship me it, but that easily makes the whole ordeal cost two or three times as much. I can't afford to pay that much, and the money doesn't even go to the artist!

Another good example, from this thread:
I would totally buy that if I could (not the auction, since the high-priced auction is a result of the work only being printed in limited amounts.)

A third example: there's a cosplay photo collection by a Japanese amateur cosplayer that I want. I asked the cosplayer in person, and I was told it wasn't sold overseas, so I couldn't buy it. But if I ever see that on download anywhere, I will get it without a second thought.

What about works that are sold out? There are so many works that I want but can't get because they're sold out and out of print. Just put your work for sale digitally X years after it has been out of print.


A considerable amount of piracy is just the result of not providing service.

Now, if someone has any actual numbers on this thing, that would be great.

>> No.11793345

Everybody just can't go Comiket. I would be willing to buy some doujin, if I could buy them from store next to me.

>> No.11793352

It's embarrassing to buy them..!

>> No.11793366

Are you still in high school?

>> No.11793374

Why would it matter? No-one likes to buy porn, toilet paper, tampons, alcohol, and loli porn.
or maybe just me, fuck if I know.

>> No.11793375

It matters because no one gives a shit once they're out of high school.

>> No.11793380

Only the people who become mature, responsible adults upon graduating high school. So not /jp/.

>> No.11793467

Listen, if we didn't live in a crazy world where you could get in trouble for importing comics I'd have an enormous collection of doujinshi.

But let's face it, we are living in dark times.

>> No.11793474

Times when false morals are a diamond dozen and you can't take anything for granite. Some people just seem to have a huge ship on their shoulder.

>> No.11793480

That was really cute.

>> No.11793497

He's even drawing Kancolle as well now, of course he's part of the NEETbux-seeking camp. As expected of a 同人ゴロ, their kind's foolishness never fails to amuse me.

>> No.11793597
File: 2.43 MB, 270x270, 1388178811401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>susano arashi
they make shitty hentai though, and their only redeeming quality is how they draw pubic hair.

i bet most of those who download their shit don't even fap to it(i know i don't)

>> No.11793607

Are there any good books for sale on Amazon JP with a low amount of censorship that are worth owning?

Buying the GAL artbooks by たべ こーじ via mail forward but thinking I should get something else while I have the chance.

>> No.11794885
File: 201 KB, 541x458, 1389373745591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is. There are several case like Touhou which in the copyright holder allowed doujin artists to do what they want (that's why there is so many 2hou on comiket that people already started complaining about it), but in most cases it doesn't stands.
Heck, the author of SAO have been fucked by his own publisher for chapter 16.5.

>> No.11794897
File: 50 KB, 627x620, 1247949343892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No-one likes to buy alcohol

>> No.11794909

Alcohol is for degenerates and normals. I wouldn't want to be associated with that crowd, would you?

>> No.11794928

no one in the west is gonna be buying his shit anyway, why does it fucking matter?

>> No.11794954

please people will always download shit and it will never go away. these people who think they are losing money are retarded. they should be lucky they are making money at all. if they were living in the west the only way to actually do these kinds of comic would be online and free anyway. only in japan can you even sell porn on the streets.

>> No.11794973

Alcohol has been the refined taste of esteemed gentlemen for thousands of years.

>> No.11794982

So you are still in High School....

>> No.11794984

I'll see you at the party, dude. Make sure you don't forget the whiskey. Gunna get totally wasted and have sex!
Incorrect again.

>> No.11794988

it was the beverage of choice for many years because it was usually the only source of uncontaminated water.

>> No.11795004

you can be on /jp/ and drink Alcohol but only hot spiced wine like lord mormount aka the old bear in game of thrones. and normal wine too i guess. if you drink beer your fucking out.

>> No.11795031

A man drinks for his own enjoyment, not for others'. You completely miss the point, and therefore expose your ignorance.

Not completely accurate. Contaminated water can produce undrinkable/dangerous alcohol, depending on what's contaminating it. Alcohol has been popular because it extended the lifespan of the product it was made from. You could get calories from grain in beer form long after the grain would've spoiled. Add in the obvious social and happiness aspects of beer, and you have a good drink.

Dark beer is next to god. Insult not, you peon.

>> No.11795040

All beer tastes like piss, nobody actually likes that shit they just drink it too get drunk.

>> No.11795047

>All beer tastes like piss

Stop drinking shitty American domestics. A good doppelbock is delicious beyond compare. Like all other things in life, a beer is worth the effort you put into making or finding it.

>> No.11795057

Damaging one's liver for a shitty beverage is not what I call intelligent. There are healthier, cheaper alternatives to that nonsense.

>> No.11795066

Who wants to live forever?

Everyone does, but you're not going to, so you might as well enjoy it while you're here.

>> No.11795071

Stop drinking too much in one sitting or stop chugging it, you ignorant methyphobe.

>> No.11795077

/jp/ fucking blows during the day.

>> No.11795082

You fucking blow 24/7. Only underage newfriends hate on alcohol.

>> No.11795080

You being awake would do that, yeah.

>> No.11795115

>Sell only at Comiket
>Expect sells higher than downloads

If they'd export their doujins, with translation and all, this would be different.

>> No.11795325
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>> No.11795338

Different dude here. I'm 24 and have been trying to 'get into' alcohol for several years now, but I just can't seem to really enjoy it ever. It's all so bitter to me. I thought if I kept drinking it over time it'd eventually start to taste good. Nope. But at least my alcohol tolerance went up and it's not AS bitter now. I don't even really like the effects of alcohol most of the time since it just makes me sleepy or drowsy. Why do I do this?

>> No.11795369

There is really nothing enjoyable about alcohol. The only effects I notice are a somewhat increased talkativity, which I usually just regret afterwards, and dizziness.

>> No.11795449

Beware, the same defeatist from /ic/ is in this thread.

>> No.11795538

Calling people children because they don't feel the need to drink to make life seem worth anything is the height of maturity.

>> No.11795610

I've been here since the start and I've always disliked alcohol. It's too expensive and tastes like ass. I'd rather spend the little money I have on beverages that in my opinion taste nice.

>> No.11802339

This comiket was terrible anyways. I'm glad I did not have the money to travel.

>> No.11802362
File: 13 KB, 251x251, 1339259329786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802420

Right. So it costs them nothing.

>> No.11802467

>makes money off plagiarizing copyrighted material and characters
>doesnt offer a way to buy his work for a reasonable price overseas
>is butthurt when foreigners pirate from him

>> No.11802570

Typing an answer instead of putting it in an image has one important advantage - you are able to easily edit it when needed. For example, you're not on /v/ anymore, and the topic of this thread is a comic book. Replacing just two words would make your statement all that more relevant.

>> No.11802582

holy fuck you gaijins are stupid
"im a foreigner so its fine if i pirate all japanese media hurr" -you

>> No.11802616

It's less about who is morally right or wrong and more the fact of how the average customer thinks. It's a well-known fact that people will pirate that which they cannot otherwise acquire through convenient, reasonable means. Which unsurprisingly, shipping objects internationally because you don't live in Japan so that you can attend Comiket (which is the only manner of which to acquire said object) fits perfectly under that condition. I don't condone piracy, but the fact that these people are surprised by this behavior just goes to show how inept they are at business - or how some might put it, simple reality.

>> No.11803087

You talk as if capitalism even works.

>> No.11804951

Many digital distributors have their own censorship standards and include drm, so people will download scans.

>> No.11804957

If you were making doujin to make money and not simply defer the costs of printing, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11804974

Is it not available in my language online at a reasonable price? They apparently don't want my money then. How else is a foreigner who can't read moon supposed to get that stuff?

>> No.11804998

Someone who makes doujin for the money has no heart to break.

>> No.11804998,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11804998,2 [INTERNAL] 

Not Derek; downloading.
