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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 800x571, average warosu poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11790379 No.11790379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

6 days until Wednesday January 15 2014

>> No.11790384


>> No.11790386

This is terrible news can we discuss this on /jp/ with a more appropriate picture

>> No.11790386,1 [INTERNAL] 


Dear GOD NO!!!

>> No.11790460

w-what's special about that day?

>> No.11790485


Ground control to major autism

>> No.11790485,1 [INTERNAL] 

no really, what's special about it?

>> No.11790485,2 [INTERNAL] 

Look at the top of the page

>> No.11790497

Fuck off.

>> No.11790497,1 [INTERNAL] 

u fags are gettin #OWNT

oh fug I hope this means you won't shit up foolz or /jp/ in retaliation...

>> No.11790497,2 [INTERNAL] 


Where is everyone gonna go when ghost gets shutdown?

>> No.11790497,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hopefully no where near you, you're half the reason the place is being shut down, if not most of it.

>> No.11790497,4 [INTERNAL] 

Too late we're already planning our great raid.

>> No.11790497,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Where is everyone gonna go when ghost gets shutdown?
>Where is everyone gonna go

Holy fuck this is reminding me of the weeks before my college graduation

>> No.11790497,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why would the admin shut down a site because of me? That's JUST STUPID o_o

>> No.11790497,7 [INTERNAL] 

I still talk to around half of my friends from back in uni.

>> No.11790497,8 [INTERNAL] 

Stupid plan to get rid to get rid of a stupid poster. It's easier super stupid or pure genius.

>> No.11790497,9 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still gonna come back no matter what LEL

>> No.11790497,10 [INTERNAL] 

>of all the people in this shitty site
>faggot warosu admin wants to shut down the site cuz of me
>other shitty fags like the guy who keeps calling me chimp
>he chooses me, a normal good poster who doesn't act like a retard


>> No.11790497,11 [INTERNAL] 

Better late than never.

>> No.11790497,12 [INTERNAL] 

Those other guys are at least amusing weirdos.

>> No.11790497,13 [INTERNAL] 

You practically outretarded all people here even T-diddle himself

>> No.11790497,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11790497,17 [INTERNAL] 

>feelarino when grape ape thinks it is the one reason why /ghost/ is getting canned

toppest keks
magilla gorilla is a nobody that is easily ignored but theres too many people who respond to it and try to impersonate it. I can't blame warosuman, he only has to look at 4chan to see what happens when you don't put a stop to things early on

>> No.11790497,18 [INTERNAL] 

>kek meme
>complains about quality


>> No.11790497,19 [INTERNAL] 

>3 "O"s

don't respond to me ever again, chum. you're about 5 meme levels too low to understand my posts

>> No.11790497,20 [INTERNAL] 

>unironically saging


>> No.11790497,21 [INTERNAL] 

did you literally just add some more "O"s because I called you out on it
*leans back into chair*
*puts hands behind head, casual style*
looks like I just manipulated you like a pro. maybe you should get to bed, kiddo.

>> No.11790497,22 [INTERNAL] 

>pretending to be ironic because of how hard you just got owned


>> No.11790497,23 [INTERNAL] 

nothing I said was ironic. please don't abuse buzzwords you picked up on here.

>> No.11790497,24 [INTERNAL] 

Why the fuck is the captcha back?

>> No.11790497,25 [INTERNAL] 

because you're a nigger

>> No.11790497,26 [INTERNAL] 

It wasn't supposed to be broken.

>> No.11790497,27 [INTERNAL] 



get in here and post shit

>> No.11790497,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11790497,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11790497,30 [INTERNAL] 

That cheeto dick is grossing me out

>> No.11790497,31 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck dude?

>> No.11790497,32 [INTERNAL] 

u made?

>> No.11790497,33 [INTERNAL] 

one click to delete all your posts.
also i dont even give a shit about that board, i made it as a joke and i visit it like once a day

>> No.11790497,34 [INTERNAL] 

so fucking mad lmbo

>> No.11790497,35 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck Siz is steaming

Did you get bullied at school again?

>> No.11790497,36 [INTERNAL] 

i didnt go to school today, and im not necessarily mad at anything.

>> No.11790497,37 [INTERNAL] 


you don't even have to upload stuff, just copy paste image links in the url field

>> No.11790497,38 [INTERNAL] 

do whatever you want, im too busy to clean your shit. thanks for giving me activity though

>> No.11790497,39 [INTERNAL] 

calm down dude just a bit of bants

>> No.11790497,40 [INTERNAL] 

delete one of the posts from your board or you're not the real sizzle

>> No.11790497,41 [INTERNAL] 

they are deleted but the board is fucking shit so it takes a literal 10 minutes for it to show that its gone


>> No.11790497,42 [INTERNAL] 

that dark theme LMAO are u trying to be the next T?

>> No.11790497,43 [INTERNAL] 

>Hello Kitty

>> No.11790497,44 [INTERNAL] 

ive always used it otherwise my eyes hurt like hell

im using his theme on warosu too.

>> No.11790497,45 [INTERNAL] 

its an irony thing, you wouldnt understand

>> No.11790497,46 [INTERNAL] 

is this what u told to ur dad when he saw your hello kitty plushies lmbo

>> No.11790497,47 [INTERNAL] 

It's an email thing http://www.sanriotown.com/main/index.php?lang=us

It was on /ota/ like 8 months ago.

>> No.11790497,48 [INTERNAL] 

check out this email


>> No.11790497,49 [INTERNAL] 

So, me, Siz, and T are the only people using that theme.


>> No.11790497,50 [INTERNAL] 

A grown man registering on a site made for little girls just screams pedo. Don't turn out to be this kid folks

>> No.11790497,51 [INTERNAL] 

What does that say about people that use dark themes?

>> No.11790497,52 [INTERNAL] 

They're all homos.

Also what happened to all the "check your captcha" ASCII arr?

>> No.11790497,53 [INTERNAL] 

>grown man

>> No.11790497,54 [INTERNAL] 

About 2/3rds of them are complete losers.

>> No.11790497,55 [INTERNAL] 

stop bumping this shit

>> No.11790497,56 [INTERNAL] 

Just adblock it dude....

>> No.11790497,57 [INTERNAL] 


*poops a little*

>> No.11790497,58 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11790497,59 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11790497,60 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11790497,61 [INTERNAL] 

party at warosu...
