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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 259 KB, 960x948, 1215834053178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1178180 No.1178180 [Reply] [Original]

saw this in /jp/ a while back.
who is the one in the bottom right corner? all I got was the name koharu or something

>> No.1178209

i i think we still have a MM thread.
Theyre obviously all mixes of koharu and someone. it goes:
Reina Mikitty
Yossie Charmy

>> No.1178207


2nd result

>> No.1178308

cheers anon, legend.
so someone has mixed koharu kusumi with Rika Ishikawa in the bottom right corner pic? it's a good result...

>> No.1178322

anything that improves yossie is a good thing

>> No.1178345

fuck you

she does have bad days/hairstyles

but yossie ftw

>> No.1178355

butthurt ? maybe ?

>> No.1178374

slightly. yossie is love

>> No.1178445

but she loves girls, what will you do ?

>> No.1178470

i dont think that was ever confirmed, it just seems like it

plus, its not like im ever going to meet her, so what difference does it make?

plus...I have a tendency to get along really well with lesbians for some reason.

>> No.1178478
File: 506 KB, 1055x1533, 1219465599023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op again
so how did anon figure out each of the girls so easily...
very familiar with MM?
i think i'm starting to like this rika charmy girl.

>> No.1178503

rika knew how to play the game even though acted like they hated her

>> No.1178547
File: 209 KB, 1032x1367, 1219466215286.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm going to miss v-u-den's slutiness ;_;

>> No.1178578

im one of the local MMfags.
The one that gave me a little trouble was Mikitty, but then I blew it up and it all became very clear.

I used to really like Charmy as well, but for some reason when I saw the video for Morning Coffee with only her singing, i kind of switched

>> No.1178604
File: 53 KB, 720x540, 1219466758300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw the video for Morning Coffee with only her singing
Best Shot DVD, right? I was also surprised, I expected her to sing better.

>> No.1178659

They all look the same.

>> No.1178763


There are subtle differences. Bags under Reina's eyes, Yossie's hair and moles, and Rika's nose, mouth and skin completion. The only one that threw me off was Mikitty until I saw the pure venom in her eyes.

>> No.1178830


There are subtle differences. Bags under Reina's eyes, Yossie's hair and moles, and Rika's nose, mouth and skin complexion. The only one that threw me off was Mikitty until I saw the pure venom in her eyes.

>> No.1178904

haha "pure venom", what the?
i like koharu's nose with the shape and complexion of rika's face combined. the mixed result is a more mature looking girl, yet still girly...
whoever mixed/shopped the pics did a pretty good job

>> No.1179201

koha levels up the other girls.

>> No.1179220


Koha levels up Reina? Are you retarded?

>> No.1179228

yeah, vol. 2 i think it was.
I'm considering downloading the other ones, but they keep doing Do It Now, and I'm not a huge fan of that song.

Plus, gay as it may be, I found a 37gig torrent of the entire sailor moon series, so to satisfy the collector in me, that'll be eating up a lot of bandwidth

>> No.1179229

koha levels up ALL the other girls.

>> No.1179242

Yes, yes he is.
inb4 ur face is retarded

>> No.1179261

resurrecting so then this one can die

>> No.1179402
File: 194 KB, 1032x1476, 1219474812126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are we talking about? What a worthless thread. With that said. I'm in.

The KohaYossui looks the best.

Old KusumiKusumiKusumiKusimi

>> No.1181181

shes fucking ugly. i hate her.

>> No.1181189

MAYBE yossie. the other girls are fucking way better then ugly koha.

>> No.1181187

i thought id like her when she joined
i thought they'd fix her up so she was cool

but i just can't like her

>> No.1181193

Protip: It's the same person in all pictures.

>> No.1181197


>> No.1181201

Fuck you guy.

>> No.1181214

They all rook same

>> No.1181230


They're all the same person.

>> No.1181271

they're all koharu with other girls' features mixed with her. see the earings if you're not good with recognising asian girls' features
explains who were mixed.
i like bottom right the most.

>> No.1181275

The two on the top are not as attractive as the bottom ones.

>> No.1181292

I like top left, because of tanaka reina.

bottom right = Ishikawa Rika (eewww)

>> No.1181304

I think Reina is pig disgusting and I'm not even trolling.

>> No.1181338

Yeah because everybody asked for your opinion and gave a shit.

Top left: Tanaka reina
Top right: Fujimoto miki
Bottom left, Yoshizawa hitomi
Bottom right: Rika Ishikawa

>> No.1181331

after seeing this thread come back again and again, i dont even see koharu in the pics anymore

now it's just the actual people to me

>> No.1181333

koha haters are the filth of humanity.

koha <3

>> No.1181339

Heh. I like you.

>> No.1181345

when i asked my friends who they thought was the best looking, they usually said top right. =/
depends how cute you like your girls i think. right side looks more mature

>> No.1181347

I usually do not say this but, they all look the same.

>> No.1181351


>> No.1181906

>my friends
