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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 586x620, 1303865421244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11772357 No.11772357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do lolis have such perfect bodies?

>> No.11772380

Large tank top in flat girl happens to be my fetish.

>> No.11772390

Because you like seeing nipples. That's pretty perverted.

>> No.11772393

wow your fetish sucks.

>> No.11772422

Because they're 2D.

>> No.11772495

Some little girls have really nice bodies.

>> No.11772504

I сould say that almost any of them have it.

>> No.11772527

This is most likely.

>> No.11772525

Because you're a pedophile.

>> No.11772543

Smooth, flat, and perfect.

>> No.11772553

They're like shotas, but without a penis

>> No.11772576

I used to have a folder of that. I forgot the name of that particular tag in nihongo.

>> No.11772581

Athletes bodies are far more perfect.

>> No.11772598

tfw pedo

>> No.11772603
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These days, because it pisses off the newfriend moral-kuns. Originally, just because they're perfect 2D.

>> No.11772626
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Do you like them really flat or with a hint of growth in the chest? I prefer the latter. It's cute like a shy turtle half sticking it's head out. Though that might sound strange since turtles are usually metaphors for penises.

>> No.11772644

I like them best flat as a cutting board. Only small nipples on their flat chest.

>> No.11772660 [DELETED] 
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Shhhhhhh, you're not supposed to actually say that word.

Not even a little? Not even A-cup boobies?

>> No.11772669

I like both!

>> No.11772671

Sure, I like both. However I prefer totally flat.

>> No.11772682

I'm with this guy. I like completely fat to just BARELY budding.

>> No.11772706

The best is when there is softness on the chest, but it hasn't reached the point where it's really effected by gravity and doesn't sag at all.

>> No.11772713

That's why 14 year old girls are the best.

>> No.11772725
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>> No.11772733

14 year old girls I've seen have bigger chests than that
fuck 3D

>> No.11772735

14 year olds usually have decent-sized chests.

>> No.11772750


Best pixiv tag.

>> No.11772768

what does 大平原 exactly refer to in this context
is it supposed to sound hilarious

>> No.11772769
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How ironic that we have Naga to thank for that one.

>> No.11772782

(Great) plains, which have a tendency to be flat. The full tag could be translated as "Little Chest on the Plains". It's a play on "Little House on the Prairie."

>> No.11772811
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>> No.11772816


>> No.11772836

I heard their special spots are soft.

>> No.11772838



>> No.11772945

Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.11772947

Reported ;)

>> No.11772951


>> No.11772955

Don't bully please!

>> No.11773368
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Is this thread dead or can we continue discussing 2D little girls now?
Which part of a little girl's body is your favourite and why? Please explain and illustrate with pictures if possible.

>> No.11773401
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>> No.11773420
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On a slightly related note, would you adopt her?

>> No.11773424

I would marry her

>> No.11773426

i like their clothes because i want to wear them

>> No.11773466

Without a doubt. It can't be that easy though.

>> No.11773470

because you're clearly averse to secondary female sex characteristics

like a fag

>> No.11773480 [DELETED] 
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Implying you, a single male, could ever adopt a female child.

Adoption agency wouldn't let that shit fly in a jillion years.

>> No.11773478

Definitely with a very slight bit of growth. Itty bitty tiny loli buds are the absolute best.

>> No.11773488

Some guy on reddit adopted a daughter when he married, and then when they divorced he got to keep the girl. Now he lives with his adopted seven year old daughter.

Maybe /jp/ can do something like that.

>> No.11773494


i wish orin would adopt me.

>> No.11773495


>a single male

Not after I get gay married to another /jp/er.

>> No.11773499
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Their pelvic region.

>> No.11773502
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Pic related

>> No.11773508


>> No.11773512 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 538x765, 1388799619304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your best chance /jp/ seeing as you're never getting a gf.

Not only would they not question you because they think you're gay, but the black gay jewish transgender vegan lady at the adoption service would be inclined to give the child to you because she is promoting LGBT rights.

>> No.11773516

I am dating a transgf with similar interests.
Would they let me adopt?

>> No.11773522


What the hell is up with that description? That's pretty sad dude.

Hope she finds a good home with care and disciprine.

>> No.11773533
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real little girls (or children in general) are disgusting, not to mention annoying

2d or I'm calling it off

>> No.11773538
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There's nothing wrong with liking little girls.
That being said this is a thread about 2D girls and we should talk about them.

>> No.11773554
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>> No.11773556

why do you fight against your natural desires?

>> No.11773573

/jp/ageancy when

>> No.11773588
File: 1.19 MB, 599x4767, Super loli man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11773598

When I fap my heart skips some beats and I feel dizzy. Is this normal? I can't afford to go to the doctor.

>> No.11773603

When I hear police sirens my heart skips some beats and I feel dizzy, especially after lurking these threads. Is this normal? I can't afford a lawyer.

>> No.11773607

If it's my natural desire, I've been conditioned out of it.

I've come in close contact with four non-family lolis in real life. Only one experience has been positive. The other three make me glad that "having children" doesn't seem to be in my near future.

>> No.11773611
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I wish to become the little girl(*・ω・)

>> No.11773638

When they come for reasons like that they don't turn the sirens on.

>> No.11773666

me too

>> No.11773668

My experieces with all kinds of lolis has been positive.

>> No.11773672

Will they believe me if I tell them that this whole l*** g******** thing is just a meme and not meant to be taken seriously? Are irony and satire valid legal defenses?

>> No.11773676

Too loli is no good. Pubescent and up is best.

>> No.11773677

Are you a cop or a pedo ex-con?

>> No.11773680 [DELETED] 

How many l***** g**** did you fap to today?

>> No.11773685

Get a load of this cow lover!

>> No.11773692 [DELETED] 

I.... I logged into e*******, ran a search for l*** p*********** and l*** r*** and fapped two times. s**** is a great artist

>> No.11773695 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 600x600, mado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone with common sense.

Law enforcement doesn't come blaring up with their sirens/lights on for a raid, in fact they often do it early in the morning hoping they're asleep.

Little do they know the freaks on /jp/ would all still be awake anyway.

>"Open up police!"

>> No.11773699

Today I was waiting at some dental clinic and oh my god there was a fukcin sexy loli. She was like 11 or something but had such amazing thigh body I couldn't stop staring at her. She started swinging her body and taking of the flat shoes she was using letting me see her delicious loli feet she has such marvelous body with supreme petite boobs, you, know those boobs that aren't full flat chest like a guy but some sight kumps of fat of developing loli tits so delicios I coud't stop staring at her

>> No.11773711 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 977x1400, SaHa_June_12_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> s**** is a great artist


>> No.11773715

Did you get a boner because of this little girl?

>> No.11773719

They wouldn't find anything illegal on my computer, but being raided would be enough to ruin my life. I suspect the headlines would be something like this

>police searches house of unemployed 26 year old for posting creepy literotica on a website called 4chan
>his name is
>his home address is
>he made the following posts

I'd have to kill myself.

>> No.11773724

>26 year old
Be careful there, grandpa. Try not to break your hip!

>> No.11773725

Most of us will end up killing ourselves anyway. At least you'd have a good reason

>> No.11773726

Can we please kill all pedophiles?

>> No.11773731


>> No.11773733

How many have you killed?

Be the change you want to see in the world, young man, or stop complaining.

>> No.11773736

I can see the appeal in petankos, but any character under 14 would be a NO

>> No.11773737 [DELETED] 

I wonder if they would actually try to persecute for any copyrighted illegally downloaded anime/games/shows/music/movies you had on your computer though. I think a lot of people forget that's even illegal.

I keep everything I have encrypted anyway.


Shit like this pisses me off though. How the hell is it illegal to not give them the password to an encrypted disk? Furthermore the pricks created that law because they wanted to get animal rights activists? Come on fuck off US government.

>> No.11773743

What age do lolis consider to be too old to date? I want a loli girlfriend but I turn 24 this year.

>> No.11773746

You dont date lolis. You carefully nurture a friendship and then rape them

>> No.11773750

you don't know them, you don't know what they've been through to end up like that, they DON'T EVEN KNOW THEMSELVES! you have never known the cold shoulder that burns like fire, you don't know the pointing fingers that cut like rusty razors. so please don't bully them

>> No.11773761

I want to date a loli though. We can have lots of fun. It's nothing sexual.

>> No.11773762

Wow. You should probably just mutilate yourself to help the pain and leave the lolis out of it.

>> No.11773764

You don't rape them.

>> No.11773768

read >>11773588

>> No.11773769

No boobs, no curves, no ass, no crotch hair. loli is a shit tier fetish

>> No.11773773

That is more disturbing than wanting to have sex with them. You are SERIOUSLY fucked up mentally and emotionally

>> No.11773778
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>> No.11773781

Seduction is rape. I have a BS in feminism

>> No.11773784

Yeah, but what's the cutoff age for lolis?

>> No.11773806

Age doesn't matter as much as appearance. You just need to look like a big brother. Once you look like a dad or uncle, it's all over.

>> No.11773817

How can I tell whether I look like a brother or a dad? Should I be clean shaven or have a beard?

>> No.11773822

You need to look youthful and not scary. Do you think lolis like big, hairy beasts? Of course not.

>> No.11773823

Underdeveloped bodies are analogous to purity and innocence. the two foundations of beauty.

>> No.11773826 [SPOILER] 
File: 419 KB, 650x919, 1388311118313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11773830

Because you also like little boys, OP.

>> No.11773831

What's with lolis and disfigured creepy rabbits?

>> No.11773828

That was the UK's government. It's being debated in the US courts currently, but the general consensus is that if the prosecution already has evidence that there is illegal evidence on the drive, they can compel you to forfeit the encryption keys. Otherwise, you're generally protected by the Fifth amendment unless you get a bad judge.

>> No.11773835 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 431x562, 1388806084455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's a fucked up thing.

Personally I think a lot of guys on /jp/ are going through a stage in life where they naturally want to be a father. I think it just kind of presents itself in an odd way because a lot of people here have spent a lot of time away from the outside world, and a lot of time with communities like /jp/.

I like mommies and lolis.

>> No.11773836

I'm really hairy but I keep my body as slim as possible. I've never looked youthful in my entire life.

>> No.11773837

It's their stuffed animal. It's disfigured from wear and tear after years of using it as a cuddly friend.

>> No.11773839

Well if you don't shave your face and cover your body hair, lolis will see you scary, hairy rapist.

>> No.11773841 [DELETED] 

I know, I decided to look up the laws before posting because I never actually did it, and misread the UK one for the US one.

Yeah apparently the US is actually one of the only places you don't have to decrypt your drive for the government. I am actually surprised about that one.

Pani pony dash comes to mind.

>Do you think lolis like big, hairy beasts? Of course not.

I think some like big hairy beasts that are kind and gentle.

>> No.11773843

Where does one acquire a loli?

>> No.11773852

Do lolis really not like body hair? I've read posts about lolis playing with the body hair of guys.

>> No.11773856


Talking about this stuff is all well and good but I'm a man of action. I just don't know where to start.

>> No.11773857

In my experience they're indifferent to it.

>> No.11773866

/jp/ needs to write a guide with techniques to allow anyone who wants a loli girlfriend to easily get one.

>> No.11773871

If only a lolicon version of Uncle Remus was here. . .

>> No.11773870

Not just a loli girlfriend. I'd be okay with a nice older brother or uncle-like platonic relationship.

>> No.11773885

I suppose that would definitely add much more depth to the guide. Ideally the guide would cover platonic relationships as well.

>> No.11773886
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1200, remi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could be a badass loli vampire. I'd have my own kingdom of darkness and army of thralls and use them to fight against other super powered loli

>> No.11773890

Would you foot dominate /jp/edos with your cute loli feet?

>> No.11773898

Why don't you find lolis attractive?

>> No.11773895

The OP made me sigh involuntarily.

>> No.11773899

I'd want to have sex with them but I couldn't let them know because of my pride, so I'd make them wear a blindfold on them before calling them to my chambers

>> No.11773903

I sighed BECAUSE I find them attractive

>> No.11773906

When was the last time you saw a loli, /jp/? What was she like? Were you turned on by her?

>> No.11773905

A /jp/ Guide to Loli could be the new /jp/ project.

I could co-author it. I have a number of years experience volunteering at an elementary school, specifically 3rd grade. I made a lot of good loli friends there and know the general method to talking to them effectively. I only know one age group well though; that one. If you get too far over it changes drastically and the techniques generally don't work. I also know this from experience

>> No.11773907

I'm fairly sure they don't exist in the real world.

>> No.11773911

Of course little girls exist in the real world.

>> No.11773915

start working on a pastebin, this thread is not long for this world. I am looking at a teaching job, so Im just interested in the talking to kids part.

>> No.11773917

Wasn't there already a guide written by someone? You kind of need to be outgoing and have certain things that /jp/ doesn't have, like your own house, a form of transport, spending money, access to drugs, ect.

With that in mind I think a guide written with the average person on /jp/ (NEET, no transport, asocial) in mind would be great.

>> No.11773916

Yea, right.

>> No.11773922

>Open up police!

I'm pretty sure opening up police is not legal.

>> No.11773930

There is one. It contains a plethora of information from several experts in that area. Although, yes, a lot of the guide is based on being an adult with a place and a car (two cars are suggested). The case where one is assumed to be a "normal" functioning member of society with access to a fair amount of resources is the easiest case.

The thing is you _need_ to know how to be social, how to come across as friendly and normal, and not be a hikki if you want to do anything with loli. Also, a car is strongly recommend. It's going to be very hard without one. I'm not sure how much of a guide could be written assuming you are a /jp/ NEET.

>> No.11773948

Are arcades a good place to pick up lolis, or at least interact with them? Would it be weird to ask to play a game with one?

>> No.11773951


What the fuck happened to this girl?

> Patty has a history of acting out sexually towards younger children

what in the fuck seriously

>> No.11773952

That's what happens to children who have sex before the age of 18.

>> No.11773957


Jesus Christ that's absolutely horrible.

I feel sorry for her. I really hope she has already found a loving family to straighten her shit up.

>> No.11773961


>That's what happens to children who are abused.

There, fixed that for you.

>> No.11773965

Child molestor detected.

>> No.11773970

Arcades don't exist anymore.

>> No.11773973

Funny how you misunderstand me.
So let me ask you something. Do you think a 15 year old in high school banging the jocks on the football team is 'damaging herself' in the same manner as Patty was damaged? I think not.

This poor girl was abused, pure and simple. Anyone past the age of 13 that initiates sex with their peers knows EXACTLY what they're doing.

>> No.11773979

>Do you think a 15 year old in high school banging the jocks on the football team is 'damaging herself' in the same manner as Patty was damaged?
The law makes it very clear, so yes, I do.

>Anyone past the age of 13 that initiates sex with their peers knows EXACTLY what they're doing.
This is what pedophiles actually believe.

>> No.11773986

I live near four arcades. Three are open regularly. One is attached to a water park so in the summer lots of lolis in swimsuits play arcade games, the other is attached to an amusement park, the third is a Gameworks, and the fourth is only opened for special occasions at the owners discretion. When it is open all of the games are free.

>> No.11773988


Ah, you got me good troll-kun. Well played.

>> No.11773989

>The law makes it very clear

The law also says that your government can watch you shower in the bathroom if they think you're hiding terrorists behind your shampoo bottle. Or if they just feel like doing it.

"The law" hasn't been the law for a long time.

>> No.11773994

this is bait.jpg

>> No.11773996

>When it is open all of the games are free.
Whoa. I guess that's how they have to survive nowadays.

Regarding arcades, I thought myself that they might be a nice place to talk to some loli. It's an informal setting where they are having fun, I don't think they'll think too critically of you. Speaking to one alone is always best though. I think it would be a good place to start.

Of course, I had the vision that the games would be pay to play, so I could pay for a loli to play a game or pay for her to play with me; it gives her more incentive to play with you and possibly come back expecting you. Another thing is crane games, you could offer to get something for them if you're good at them.

>> No.11773997


Sure they do, in Japan or resorts.

>> No.11773998
File: 522 KB, 1024x768, 1388810301809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that sound awesome, do the l**** look like this?

>> No.11774001


I'm not familiar with the legal status of high schoolers fucking each other, but I imagine it's not exactly a punishable offense considering it runs rampant.

>> No.11774002

They look like normal lolis. I did once see a father play Arcana Heart with his daughter.

>> No.11774003

>I did once see a father play Arcana Heart with his daughter.


>> No.11774007

It could have been a /jp/er playing with his loli girlfriend.

>> No.11774005

that must be the best father ever

>> No.11774020

The arcades beside the last one are all pay to play, like a normal arcade. I should have clarified that. The only claw games are UFO grabbers and I can't do those.

>> No.11774026
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i hope this guy wasn't being serious because that post hurt my feelings a little

>> No.11774028

Why do you want to have sex with an underaged 2D girl?

>> No.11774029

wait, is this a guide to be friends or a guide to rape
i hope it's the first one and not the second one

>> No.11774030
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>> No.11774035

How to make friends with one and maybe go a little more. No rape, it is strictly against that. In fact, the point of the guide is to provide some insight on how to safely do fun things with them where both parties enjoy.

>> No.11774039

The guide that has already been written (not the /jp/ guide) is a guide for how to have sex with underage girls. It's written assuming that all lolis fall into one of several different archetypes. It's then written what role you should play in order to get with them. Testimonials follow after the technicalities.

>> No.11774049

You're giving me improper thoughts...

>> No.11774055

She's just making herself comfortable. Lolis don't know any better.

>> No.11774057

You wouldn't make a great pediatric gynecologist then.

>> No.11774057,1 [INTERNAL] 

great RJ just woke up

>> No.11774057,2 [INTERNAL] 

someone make a new loli thread

>> No.11774057,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11774057,4 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a real thing?

>> No.11774057,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure if everyone is joking about having a loli for a girlfriend or what, but I do very badly want one. I very rarely feel lonely, however /jp/ and its ghost board have been slow tonight and I keep finding myself thinking about how great it would be to just have a loli girlfriend. Slow times like this could be spent with her.

It's incredibly depressing to realize that it may never become a reality. I hate thinking that but somewhere in the back of my mind I know there's realistically no chance for someone like me to get a loli girlfriend.

>> No.11774057,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you train by getting a normal girlfriend?

>> No.11774057,7 [INTERNAL] 

there are lots of little girls in even worse situations than you that just need a friend

but you would need to man up and go out and find them if this truly is your dream

go on now pedo-kun and retake control of your life

>> No.11774057,8 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes I like to wonder what would happen if a young girl was just put in a prison and treated like any male prisoner there. And I don't mean with prisoners who are sexual offenders, but just normal stuff just theft and murder

>> No.11774057,9 [INTERNAL] 

Then you can make your own loli girlfriend/daughter.

>> No.11774057,10 [INTERNAL] 

Every time I see a little girl I remember these threads and I start laughing like a retard.

>> No.11774057,11 [INTERNAL] 

That would show there hippocrissy.

>Kill guy who's there for being pedophile
>Is suddenly pedophile themselves when little girl in there

>> No.11774057,12 [INTERNAL] 

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.11774057,13 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even know where to begin if I were to do something like that.

Because that's not what I want. I mean, even if there were a loli somewhere, I have no idea how I could start a relationship with her. I don't even know any places where you can talk to lolis and start a relationship like that.

>> No.11774057,14 [INTERNAL] 

that's a really mean thing to do to your partner.
