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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1174993 No.1174993 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /jp/, ITT: justify your existence.

>> No.1174996


>> No.1174998


>> No.1175000


>> No.1174999

I think I think, therefore I think I exist

>> No.1175002

But what makes you worthy to exist?

>> No.1175005

I exist to give hope to /jp/, troll /g/, and have fun with /tg/. I fail at these, but what the hell. Also, I exist to siphon taxpayer dollars.

>> No.1175007

>But what makes you worthy to exist?
NiseMIDIdoronokai h-doujin

>> No.1175014

Who honestly gives a fuck. We're all insignificant individual humans in the world anyway, we're no more justified to exist than the bum on the streets or the company executive. In the end, there will be a handful of people that actually make a difference in the world, the rest are just living their fucking lives like you and I.

>> No.1175016

no, that just tells us how you waste yourself. What do you do that makes yourself worthy to exist. Why did some abstract being put your ass on this planet?

>> No.1175017

I am on my way to an extensive education, at the end of which I will become a contributing member of society.

>> No.1175018

I exist to create a portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.1175019

And the handful of people that do make a difference have no more justification for existence than the bum on the street.

>> No.1175020

I exist to test this man's portal.

>> No.1175022

I exist to be your first customer.

>> No.1175024

I exist to sage threads, and that is why I am Mr. "Likes To Sage Threads".

>> No.1175026

( ̄へ ̄)

>> No.1175027

I exist to stand in line behind >>1175022

>> No.1175028

That bum is simply a parasite of society, slowing us down merely because he needs his necessities.
That company executive on the other hand supports that handful of individuals or might be working to become one of them.
We can transcend insignificance by giving things meaning and if we work at it long enough, there might be a point where we won't be as insignificant as you claim we are right now.

>> No.1175029

I exist to have fun.

>> No.1175032

I will be the one to destroy death.

>> No.1175033

Pour the tea, China.

>> No.1175036

I exist because my parents had sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.

>> No.1175034

Um, I like Jun, I guess.

>> No.1175037

Bums exist to show you what not to become. They do a far greater service to society than most company executives.

>> No.1175041

Spin on it

>> No.1175042

We don't need examples to know that starving on the streets isn't the cool thing to do.

>> No.1175039
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Picture related.

>> No.1175046

Those sickos, don't tell me it was consensual too. oh god. thats just gross.

>> No.1175047

actually, sometimes we do.

>> No.1175052
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I'll be the second Terran male to make contact with the Lunarian race.

>> No.1175058
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If there ever was a Yuka I'd be her perfect slave. Since there is none yuka here i have no justification for my existence ;_;

>> No.1175063

what do you know, i like Jun too, so i'm also justified.

we're talking about Jun Watarase, right?

>> No.1175064

I watched that episode of Red Dwarf V at 12:30 this morning.

>> No.1175066

I live to write. Which I don't.

>> No.1175070

I am a member of the workforce and do a pretty good job. I work in the banking industry and help make the world run. I leech NO social services whatever and I'm a pretty skinny bastard so my consumption of resources is minimal. I also buy things occasionally, contributing to the Gross Domestic Product of my nation.

>> No.1175072

I exist to give meaning to programs trying to help people like me.

>> No.1175076
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I exist to have a nice day.

>> No.1175078


Hello. I am "Mr. Likes To Sage Threads". I do believe this is a thread in need of Sage, so I would like to sage it. That is why my name is "Mr. Likes To Sage Threads".

>> No.1175079

Good, your shit sucks anyway.

>> No.1175081

I am a translation machine.

So I exist to enrich the lives of Anons who have no reason to exist. Does this make me worse?

>> No.1175082
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>> No.1175085

I think therefore I am NEET?

>> No.1175088

I exist to make other people's lives miserable so they will appreciate how good they had it.

>> No.1175086
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>> No.1175089
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I exist to make others acknowledge that their lives are much better for the sole fact that they are not as shitty as me.

Oh, and someone has to maintain a shrine for Aigis.

God I suck.

>> No.1175092

My existence

>> No.1175095

I exist to teach the neighborhood kids what a shut-in is.

>> No.1175099

I love life, that alone justifies my existence.

>> No.1175100

Why don't we make our selves useful and all go into the robotic industry to build our waifus!?

>> No.1175101

I exist to be a disappointment and a constant reminder to my father about how he wasted his life.

>> No.1175104

>YAF !nmVOHsTRd.

>> No.1175118

Because my mathematics aren't good enough. D:

>> No.1175158

It is the greatest irony of life that one never questions it until one's position has been shaken to the very core.

Thanks a lot op.

>> No.1175166
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Man I love tea.

>> No.1175169


>> No.1175172
File: 84 KB, 640x833, Tea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live to drink

>> No.1175176

I exist to become a superhero.

>> No.1175181

I exist to make everyone else feel better or worst depending on your state of mind about themselves.

>> No.1175184


This is a very nice reason for living, I'll be taking it as my own.

>> No.1175201

During periodic breaks for food and soda, sometimes I wonder: what kind of control do I truly exert over my own existence? What choices do I really have in life, outside of the decision whether to try a zergling rush or not?

And in the end, the answer is none. None at all. kekeke

>> No.1175206

I exist to ponder my existence.

>> No.1175281

You can't o that, you'll create a time paradox!

>> No.1175299

I live to make other people happy. I'm not that good at much else, a little writing and a little cooking here and there, but nothing else.

>> No.1175442

Kierkegaard must be pissed

>> No.1175542


Analytic philosophy is pig disgusting, but really fuck those guys

>> No.1175549

How can you say you're living if you're not doing it for yourself?

>> No.1175584

To read NiseMIDIdoronokai h-doujin

>> No.1175606


The most fundamental goal of a human being is his own self-actualization, which he achieves through labor.

>> No.1175611


No being placed me on the earth, I was conceived through the joining of a sperm and egg cell. I have no purpose but to enjoy the life I was given and use it how I wish.

Which is what I'm doing, quite beautifully.

>> No.1175621

Work is just the means to achievement. This "self-actualization" doesn't come from mindless labor but from significant success. Whatever you may accomplish for others is entirely meaningless to you.

>> No.1175629

I wait for one's arrival.
I have no regrets, this is the only path.

>> No.1175646

I exist because there are things in life that I enjoy. What is the point of living if you can't enjoy your life to some degree?

>> No.1175660


>> No.1175662


>> No.1175665

Haha. Source as in Artist?

>> No.1175684


>> No.1175726


Oh I agree. I was going to write more, but I have to bullshit this paper about commodity fetishism.

>> No.1175728

I exist as cannon fodder for when the US institutes conscription.

>> No.1175746


>> No.1177027


>I exist to become an superhero.

