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11746918 No.11746918 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think of KKHTA?

>> No.11746964

Every time someone mentions KKHTA I go to nico to check if new episode is out. And I always leave in disappointment... wait....
9 minutes, holy shit

>> No.11746976
File: 197 KB, 1117x831, kkhta18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazrin was a mouse

>> No.11747063
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Good to finally see Eirin and Kanako, I wondered what were they up to all this time. Too bad I have no idea what are they talking about. Also, was Eirin somehow sealed by moonbitches or is she on their side after all?

>> No.11747111 [DELETED] 
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Yea that's partially why I made the thread. Forgot to put it in the op. I'm going through it now for the first time myself. That Cirno episode man... There something about that scene that is genuinely unsettling.

>> No.11747119 [SPOILER] 
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Yea that's partially why I made the thread. Forgot to put it in the op. I'm going through it now for the first time myself. That Cirno episode man... There something about that scene that is genuinely unsettling. First time in a while I've seen something that gets to me like that did.

>> No.11747350


>> No.11749465

That episode with Cirno and Star still is one of my favorites to this day.


That song, man. It made me feel... something.
It just feels so heavy.

>> No.11751357

The story just seems to be dragging now. Although I guess the subbed episodes may be a couple behind the original Japanese, it still doesn't look like it's going to end before it gets kinda stale

>> No.11751657

Fuck this series. Worst kind of trainwreck.
Come on, reset end, don't fail me now.

>> No.11751931

It's shit.

>> No.11752591

no Yukari-koshi again?

>> No.11752619

KKHTA is still going?

Oh wait, I don't care.

>> No.11752763

Stopped following after the art style changed to 'stylish-and-more-properly-drawn-black-and-white'. What's the current situation?

>> No.11752772

That art style stopped, mostly.

>> No.11752853

i wish it was more concise and not primed to be a 200-part series, particularily because the creator obviously doesn't know what he's doing and is just making shit up as he goes along. also 6 month waits for side-story episodes is kinda lame

>> No.11755397

Is that why you bothered to post?
