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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11738059 No.11738059 [Reply] [Original]

Suicide is more common during the winter holidays.

Did you know that, /jp/ ?

>> No.11738065

im gonna kick your ass
did YOU know that?

>> No.11738067

More like Wish you were her.

>> No.11738068

It's summer

>> No.11738076

Yes. I tried once, but a stranger saved me and I ended up at the hospital
I don't want this life ;_;

>> No.11738080

I did know that.

>> No.11738086

give it to me then.
I've wanted to exist for eons.
The gods refuse me life though.
I no longer wish to be an observer.

>> No.11738088

on mars or something

in the places that matter (america) its winter.

>> No.11738089

I did not know that.

>> No.11738105

It's my dream to be about to jump off a bridge like in the movies and then suddenly a cute girl comes and ask me what I'm doing and stops me.

Then I would say "lol 3dpd" and then jump anyway and spend my afterlife in gensokyo with raymoo and the toe-hos.

Alas, the world is never as we think it is.

>> No.11738104

Every other day i think about suicide.
Then i remeber that i would end in a desolated, sadistic, monster-infested hellhole commonly known as "Gensokyo" and SHAZAM! ll the will to live come back.

>> No.11738113

Don't do it

>> No.11738185


Hey! I think about suicide every other day too! The days I'm not is when I'm too busy learning japanese or experiencing japanese media! Or on drugs!!!

Yaaaay japan and drugs!

>> No.11738219

bought a cheap portable bbq and some charcoal

gonna have some meat in my room and then take long, long nap

>> No.11738226

I hate Christmas.

>> No.11738231
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>> No.11738238

I think the funniest thing about christmas is all the people shouting "Don't kill yourselves!"
Just peeking over into my Twitter feed and I see the following retweeted:

>Much love to everyone who is stressed out, depressed, lonely, unsafe, or otherwise has a hard time with Christmas. You matter.
>Lonely? Depressed? The world's a better place because you exist. Call the Samaritans, check out @AgainstSuicide DON'T GIVE UP. (pls rt) <B

"The world's a better place because of you"? "You matter"?
That's the best joke I've heard all year. Just let me die.

>> No.11738237

le cool face

>> No.11738244

How can you think about it only every other day? I think about nothing but my failures and suicide every waking hour. I can't use drugs because /pol/ told me not to be a degenerate and you have to be able to talk to people in order to get them anyway.

>> No.11738245

Okay. but I'm so tired. I changed myself, but in the end I didn't accomplish anything
I'm still alone
I'm still a bad person
I'm still a failure
I'm still weak
I'm so very tired. in my 32 years I never won once. I'm not allowed to exit the game and I'm not allowed to win
I don't even want to stand up again after I fall, but I'm forced to
I feel so very tired. help me please. make it stop.
please make it stop

>> No.11738259

I wish I was an American so I could just walk into a store and buy a shotgun. Other methods of suicide leave a margin for error, and the thought of living the rest of my life as a cripple or brain-damaged is too terrifying to allow me to try any of them.

This truly is a horrible existence. I even tried to find religion a bunch of times but I couldn't force myself to meet other people.

>> No.11738266

somewhere out there is a lonely girl who would love for you to love her but instead shes going to kill herself tonight

isn't it sad, sacchin?

>> No.11738267

I distinctly remember a disgusting gif involving a failed shotgun suicide - it wasn't cute at all!

>> No.11738276

This time last year i was at my (first and only) girlfriends house, enjoy xmas with her.

Now im home alone trying not to think about how good things were and how my refusal to seek help about my depression caused the relationship to colapse, and how she was so much better than me in every regard. she's allready moved on fucking some other guy.

Still alive is spose.

>> No.11738285

The promise of being around a bunch of little girls in cute Sunday clothes wasn't enough to make you go to church every weekend?

>> No.11738283
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Merry Christmas, virgins.

>> No.11738289

No because 3dpd.

>> No.11738293

No wonder you're "depressed". I hope before you die all those epic memes flash in front of your eyes.

>> No.11738296

my dream is being able to travel in the past and stop myself from taking terrible decisions or getting involved in situations that brought me to my actual self
its the only solace I indulge myself in
I keep rewatching all those little things, and imagine how simple from my present perspective are the solutions
saying how I really feel
telling the truth
not being stubborn
accepting others
not shutting myself in a comfortable illusory world when I still had the chache of changing reality
I feel so good when I imagine another life. sometimes the days just fade away
and dreams become reality.

>> No.11738298

i gave up wanting to correct myself and decided that should i ever get time travel im going to go back and beat the everloving fuck out of myself.

and rape.

>> No.11738300
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>> No.11738305

Loving this thread so much. You guys are the best!

>> No.11738307

epic man

>> No.11738313

I wish I could help the depressed /jp/sies somehow.

>> No.11738317

I'm personally not one to prevent someone from finding happiness by killing themselves. I understand that sometimes that's the only way. Some problems just can't be solved by simply manning up.

What I do try to encourage is killing yourself in a...I suppose "nice" way. You're ending you life, you should do it in a relaxing and happy way. Don't do it while crying bitch tears in a cold dark room. Do it with a smile on your face while surrounded by the things that made you happiest in your short and shitty life. Drugs, alcohol, anime figures, whatever. The only kind of tears that you should be shedding as you pull the trigger, kick the chair, pop the pills, or whatever, are tears of happiness knowing that you will be in a better place soon.

>> No.11738316

No. I get chills and sweats just leaving my apartment to get groceries. I can't even force myself to leave except at night (I live in Canada though so at least I get to go outside by 5 PM these days).

>> No.11738320

How many cocks are you willing to suck?

>> No.11738322
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Anyone wants to commit lovers suicide with me?

We could lose our virginities to each other and then cuddle while we inhale CO2.

>> No.11738327

Are you a loli?

>> No.11738325
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Remember to take it easy.

>> No.11738326

Christmas day and possibly the surrounding days might be peak days, but if you're averaging over longer periods, summer is the most common time for suicide, and the effect is greater the further North you go.

>> No.11738331

Depends. How tight is the hole?

>> No.11738329

Escapism drives depression to begin with. Why would you want to go out surrounded by the cause?

I'm not suicidal but if I was to kill myself I would want to do it in an adventurous way. Buy a ticket to some crazy place and disappear. It would be a lot more fun.

>> No.11738332

Your best bet is to learn some basic psychology and then attempt to get as close to gypsies to help them out.

But one thing you learn, even with counselling you can never 'cure' depression. the majority of people who've suffered depression once will relapse again in months or years.

The only thing you can really do is hop them up to the eyeballs on pills and push them back into the cesspit that is life.

>> No.11738333

I don't think even /jp/ is depraved enough that they would suicide if their cocks weren't sucked.

>> No.11738334

That's pretty gay, dude. I don't want whoever finds me corpse to think I was some kind of faggot.

>> No.11738335

hah, sounds nice, but chance are youre ameribro.
There are like 4 Aus/kiwi jpysies.

>> No.11738337
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If I kill myself while holding a doll will she become infused with my spirit? This is important.

>> No.11738339

What did you do, anon? I'm curious.

>> No.11738344

Depression can be cured but not through modern medicine and "counsel" designed to sell said medicine. I would recommend learning some basic philosophy over psychology. It will help much more.

>> No.11738345

What if you realize that you love the person you just fugged, only to realize that he's already dead and you want to back out?

>> No.11738347

No it isn't. This is a gigantic myth. Suicide really is more common around April and late spring. It's actually the LEAST common in December.

>> No.11738348

I like the idea of counselling people from /jp/ but most of them are reluctant to accept that they need help and I'm not totally emotionally stable myself, so it might not be a good idea.

>> No.11738352

Escapism also lets you forget that you are depressed. It's best to be happy or at least not sad when you kill yourself, even if that happiness is an illusion.

>> No.11738354

wasn't counselling i neded up in but proper psychology ward.

its a nice though i suppose.

i always wanted a BJD but could never afford one.

>> No.11738360
File: 45 KB, 393x591, 1331775455445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, dude.

I'm taking it eaz all night long today.

Keep hangin' in there.

>> No.11738364

That is because you get less sunlight exposure during the winter giving you less vitamin C leading to depression.

That is why things like christmas exist as a holiday, to try to cheer people up.

Unfornatly it also causes lonely people to feel even lonelier causing them to feel suicidal.

merry christmas /jp/

>> No.11738368

what about the southern hemisphere?

>> No.11738367

Depression feeds on depression. Depressed people are very often happy that they are sad. It's narcissism fueled. Being in a dark bathroom tub slitting their wrists is a great joy to them. That's a nice way out by the by kids, blood loss death is really peaceful and if it fails you'll get plenty of the attention you want.

If you actually don't want to kill yourself or be depressed then cut down on the escapism and face your problems.

>> No.11738371

I get legitimately upset when I think about /jp/sies being miserable and suiciding, am I the only one? Maybe I'm just worried about nothing and you're all joking around.

>> No.11738374

But to most its release. its an exit, the light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.11738380

That's very moe of you anon.

>> No.11738382

Like I said, whatever makes you happy. If that happiness comes to you by cutting yourself in a bathtub then you go on ahead and do that. I guess my message is addressed more towards to the people who are brought to suicide by some sort of external despair rather than a mental issues. Like people who hang themselves because of their debts or something.

>> No.11738384
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Me too.

Specially when I think that the janitor will continue to go on living normally while he deletes the only means of expression of these people.

I fucking hate that cunt.
I want to save other /jp/ers. If I had enough money I would pay for tickets and we would all have a vacation on japan.

>> No.11738386

Vitamin D*.

You can get plenty of Vitamin C by eating fruit.

Merry Christmas to you too.

>> No.11738387

I get to tend to the rabbits, right George?

>> No.11738393

I'm not joking around, dude.

I've been miserable as HELL. I ain't got no fucking money, no food and no job.

>> No.11738394

I think I read that book in high school. That's the one where that guy has to kill his retarded friend for killing his boss's mistress by accident or something right?

>> No.11738391

Suicide is always caused by "a mental issue". That's a very simple minded view. Most folks don't kill themselves because they're in debt.

>> No.11738397

nothing you said here was accurate at all

>> No.11738407

adventure is your escapism.

>> No.11738401

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was making light of anyone's suffering, but it's always hard to tell if /jp/ is being serious or just playing along to fit in or for irony.

>> No.11738408

Yes. It's pretty good, really, but in high school nobody appreciates the books that they're forced to read.

>> No.11738416

That's a tempting offer

Where do you live

>> No.11738424

Adventure is accepted and productive. It's literal escape from banality. Escapism is redirecting activity to fantasy. This breeds depression through lack of tangible reward or progress.

>> No.11738426

Don't get upset about doing nothing...because doing nothing is better than doing something. I know that from my experience.

>> No.11738434


I want to go on an adventure in a place like this, with lots of water and places to explore.

>> No.11738438

Well I'm no psychiatrist. I myself have thought about killing myself since I'm so shit at academics that I'll never make it in this world. I've done my best to make sure that I never remember this but that cloud of despair is always there. The second that I'm not entertained I remember that society will throw me in the gutter to die because I have nothing to offer it.

Sure I can live on in the bottom tier of society doing menial labor but fuck that. Too much pride. I'll show myself out before they can kick me out themselves.

But that death won't be for a while. I plan on living comfortably until I'm no longer able to. When the time comes I will go out to some place nice where no one will find my body and die, hopefully content that I was able to leave on my own terms.

>> No.11738449

True. I did enjoy 1984 though.

>> No.11738456


>> No.11738457

I'm jealous! I had to read 1984, Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 outside of school.

>> No.11738462

If I wasn't forced to read, reread and analyze every page I would have generally enjoyed it more. Of course if you read ahead you are reprimanded as well, you just can't win with that sort of strict adherence to code for every student.

>> No.11738472

And they wonder why kids don't like reading.

>> No.11738475

I think i have isolated what causes this severe depression that drives people to suicide because they feel life is pointless. Because they arn't doing anything with it, it takes just a little effort to go outside and talk to people. Shit i have felt depressed, yea have i thought of offing myself, yea i have, but i never give in, i keep fighting everyday thinking and that tomorrow is another day and the i haven't reached my full potential yet and that there is someone out there for me who i can love and who will love me for who i am and for who they are. Life is tough, yes, but thats a part of life, it would suck if it was too easy. You gotta seize your life by the throat/ balls and take control, you have the power to forge your own path, to create YOUR legacy. Life can look bleak but there is so much worth fighting for and it can be such a beautiful and wonderful thing if you try. I am in a rut right now and i will fight till I die of old age to get out of it. Life is beautiful /jp/, you are all in your own twisted and untwisted ways beautiful. Hold your heads high, get rest, take control and live the life you were born to live, the one fabricated by YOUR master plan. And remember, it ain't over till ya eat shit and die.

>> No.11738482

Can I die without eating shit? The last thing I want to do is die as a subhuman scat lover.

>> No.11738483

Thanks for making the effort anon but that doesn't really help.

>> No.11738485

This thread is shit, even by suicide thread standards.
I hope you're proud of yourselves.

>> No.11738486

/jp/, if there is anything that I can do to help, all you have to do is ask.
I'm here for ya!

>> No.11738488
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All you've said is a bunch of feel good bullshit and meaningless five dollar dribble

Choice is the only true freedom a man gets. I choose death.

>> No.11738489

Maybe they will kill themselves in shame. Haha!

>> No.11738510

Pfft, what an illusion. You can't choose death dude, it's an inevitability.

it's like saying you "chose" to be taxed - see, you didn't really have much of a say in the matter.

also, I think you mean drivel.

>> No.11738517

The people that weren't whiny attention seekers have offed themselves already. I don't see how these threads could ever improve.

>> No.11738518

He probably means that he has the freedom to choose to end his life early.

>> No.11738519

I think about suicide atleast once every day, usually when I'm going to sleep.

It's not an exact science. Sometimes I don't remember when I think about it because its all pervasive. Thus why this person probably said "every other day."

It's like asking how often do you think about breathing.

>> No.11738524

On the upside, you aren't making it any worse.

>> No.11738526

Have you ever considered some people just feel conflicted and have both a desire to kill themselves as well as reasons not to?

>> No.11738531

heh, then he must acknowledge that other's have the freedom to choose to intervene in his actions.

>> No.11738537

No one has a desire to kill themselves. They have a desire to escape a situation. The easiest way to do this sometimes presents itself as death.

>> No.11738537,1 [INTERNAL] 

excuse me janny but wtf r u doin

r u in here askin for help?

>> No.11738541

Well they are going to have to take that gun out of his cold dead hands! Haha!

>> No.11738541,1 [INTERNAL] 

excuse me janny but wtf r u doin

u in here askin for help?

>> No.11738547

the only reason why people are against suicide is because they themselves don't want to feel associated with your death, even in the bitter end they are still selfish

>> No.11738547,1 [INTERNAL] 

double capptcha

>> No.11738553

They actually benefit from helping you since they get paid to do it. There's a whole industry that lives off suicide prevention.

Do it. Stick it to those fuckers.

>> No.11738554

True that. I've prevent someone I knew on the internet from killing themselves just because I wanted someone to run dungeons with. After I found more people to regularly run dungeons with I didn't really care what he did. He was kind of a dick too so that didn't really help.

>> No.11738573

Suicide prevention is a hard job for small pay. If people were only in it for the money they would do something else.

>> No.11738571

Wow you are a fucking asshole

merry christmas faggot

>> No.11738572

Yeah, yeah. Your family will be sad for a few weeks. Big fucking tragedy.

I'm among the lowest scum that dwells on this board. Ugly, stupid, more ugly, living in a shitty country. But I don't participate in this inane blogging shit.
If you would actually want to change whatever shitty situation you're in or would actually want to kill yourself then you would just fucking do it.
But no, it's just inane self pity that would be much better suited to some anime forum.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.11738577
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What the hell is with you suicidal losers?
If you wanna end yourself, stop being a pussy and just do it. Stop posting on the internet about how you're soooooo depressed and miserable, you just come off as a teenage girl screaming for attention. Is it because, truly deep down, you don't want to do it, and you just want someone to notice you? If so, then just socialize on the internet or form a social group with your /jp/sie friends. If not, fuck off and get over with killing yourself already. Are you afraid of death or something? But I guess that's in the nature of us all. I bet all the replies to this post will be `so euphoric, nice epic i like it" and the like.

>> No.11738579

Death is inevitable, why not skip to the end of the journey instead of pointlessly struggling to live a short bit longer?

Not to say I myself could do that, I have been programed to fear that nothingness and struggle and search for meaning even if I know I will find nothing and die in the end. Either way it is pointless, so I can't blame some people wanting to skip through all the shit.

>> No.11738580

Maybe they are lazy and would rather have someone else kill them for them.

>> No.11738581

But noone likes me.

>> No.11738585

Can you pull the trigger for me?

>> No.11738587

This world in unfair for introvert.

>> No.11738588

Finally, someone corrected OP.

>> No.11738592

I enjoy the vidya, weaboo shit like anime and posting here. If I killed myself, I wouldn't be able to do that

>> No.11738594

To everyone who wishes to kill themselves, I won't tell you not to do it. But please kill yourself in an artistic and public manner, possibly with a funny meme reference, so we all have something to remember you by. Thank you.

>> No.11738593

I am terrified of non existence, and to be blunt I am praying that some miracle will happen if I just hold out a bit longer. It's the same as people who play the lottery and believe if they just buy another ticket they will win. So they keep going back, buying a ticket each week, except for me my ticket is living another day.

>> No.11738595

So deep.

>> No.11738597

I think you should think things over anon! I think you should try to take it easy, and do things that make you happy.

>> No.11738599

It's not deep at all you fucking idiot. Go learn some psych 101.

>> No.11738602

My new philosophy is not to actively pursue dying but to take more risk reward chances that may result in my demise.

>> No.11738600

It's not like buying a ticket, because buying a ticket gives you the same chance every time, the same chance as everyone else. Living another day is different. You don't entirely make your own chances every day obviously, but your efforts do make a difference. If you push yourself to achieve something, you are more likely to get that "miracle".

>> No.11738603

Do you ride a motorcycle?

>> No.11738606

All I can really say is I hope to get at least 1:1 kill to death ratio when I check out.

>> No.11738611

So you only want a 1:1 ratio? What are you, a filthy casual?

>> No.11738610

Not that guy, but my father had a bunch of friends he did dirtbiking with back in his younger days. He and one other guy are the only survivors, everyone else died in crashes. I was lucky to be born.

>> No.11738616

do children count for more?

>> No.11738621

I started the suicide meme on 4chan
I regret it now...

>> No.11738617
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I drank bleach, it didn't work.
I failed commiting suicide.
I truly failed at dying.

>> No.11738619

No but I'm considering it. Down here, riding a motorcycle is even more of a death wish.

>> No.11738620
File: 43 KB, 500x600, 1387321431714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people browsing /jp/ right now who enjoy being alive.

>> No.11738623

You're not alone. I get so upset thinking that there are /jp/sies who are no longer with us, knowing that they couldn't handle things any longer and ended their lives. Just thinking about this is making me tear up... We may not know each other at all but I care a lot about everyone here. I might not have known those who have passed on already but I miss them. Hopefully they're having a good time in Gensokyo.

>> No.11738626


>> No.11738627

You should get yourself a bike and a cute loli girlfriend, and take her on many dates and kiss her in public and stuff like that.

Worst case scenario is that you're burned alive and the best case scenario is that you get to do things with a loli.

>> No.11738624

Jesus at least try to go for the high score

>> No.11738628

Go back to /r9k/ newlord.

>> No.11738634

From my own observations,

I don't think anybody is ever sad about another's death. The reason that they cry is because they are reminded of their own eventual demise. That's why close friends and relatives cry the hardest. They lived alongside that person as if it were an inherent part of them. Those people die, and they get a taste of the void firsthand. Lives wasted on nothing, completely forgetting that their time here is so short.

>> No.11738635

I don't hate that many people. I just have a few that could afford to be going with me. Primarily law enforcement officers.

>> No.11738632
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>> No.11738636

You are correct, at least partially, but there are some things can't really be changed. Inherent worth is one of those things, and let's be honest, it isn't as if anyone can get as far in life as they want if they just work. I cannot become anyone of any importance from this point. I probably won't live long enough to see any of the stuff I read about in books about the future as a kid. Really I could probably achieve the goal of having friends, or having a job and a family, but there are far to many things out of my reach. Unfortunately I am not one to really be satisfied simply with things like friends or children of my own. Hence my praying for a miracle, because anything that I want is so far out of the realm of reality only a miracle could make it come true.

>> No.11738637

Go back to the shitbook normie

>> No.11738639

I feel this way toward jaypes too. If I had the means and knew a jupper needed help I'd help him out however I could. You kids are family. Even janny.

It's too bad the world is such a big place.

>> No.11738641

The irony stuff is cool but I often get lost so much in it that I start becoming the irony non-ironically. Like encouraging people to kill themselves for real. You know what I mean?

Well anyway. I wish I could cuddle with someone as we take monoxide together. Kind of like >>11738322 except without the sexual stuff.

>> No.11738644

Only normies get depressed, the rest of us truNEETs are content with our circumstances.

>> No.11738651

However ironic this seems, I believe this to be the case more often than not.

>> No.11738653

>becoming the irony non-ironically. Like >encouraging people to kill themselves for real.
I will say this without any hint of irony or sarcasm, I mean exactly what I say:

Kill yourself.

>> No.11738654

But that's just a meme...??????

>> No.11738657

No bully!

>> No.11738681

This thread has shown me that there are some genuinely kind people on /jp/, as well as some truly spiteful omes. It sounds obvious, but after years on this board I tended to associate everyone here with the same jaded but hostile attitude.

I love you all regardless. You're like family to me /jp/, never change.

>> No.11738683

did he died?

>> No.11738684

I want to get a loli girlfriend. Any tips?

>> No.11738688

for sure man, death by misadventure would be great, and everyone would just think it was a tragic accident and you would've had a lot of fun doing it.

>> No.11738690

I sure hope so.
That stupid bitch basically pushed him off the edge.
Can't blame him tho, would've probably done the same thing in that situation.

>> No.11738697

Just go outside and pick one up.
There's plenty just running around.

>> No.11738709

Physically pick one up? How heavy are they? I'm not that strong. That would be kidnapping, too.

Please give me some other tips. How can I start a conversation with one and keep in touch with one afterwards?

>> No.11738710

There was a manga or doujin a while back about how to be a lolicon. I forgot the title.

>> No.11738717

If I ever work up the courage to kill myself I'm going to take some mid-level kike or kike-puppet down with me, at the very least.

>> No.11738714


>> No.11738715

Ask her father's permission.

>> No.11738721

It's janny's birthday! Happy birthday janny!


>> No.11738721,1 [INTERNAL] 

why del

how will i ever know how to get a loli girlfriend now

>> No.11738721,2 [INTERNAL] 

I was about to post a reply but the fucker deleted it.

>> No.11738721,3 [INTERNAL] 

did we talk janny out of suicide

fuck this holiday spirit it was a great opportunity

>> No.11738721,4 [INTERNAL] 

I also feel like this. I like to imagine how if I was millionaire I'd buy some remote island and build a paradise for all the needed /jp/sies and everyone would live happily there...

>> No.11738721,5 [INTERNAL] 

I hope the janitor is invited

>> No.11738721,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the thread still up on 4chan? Is moot sending it to the man?

>> No.11738721,7 [INTERNAL] 

It's not but it stayed up for a long time while others were deleted. I think janny was feeling down.

>> No.11738721,8 [INTERNAL] 

It was but it wouldn't let me reply to it. I tried hard refreshing but it stayed up.

>> No.11738721,9 [INTERNAL] 

Are you f**king serious?

>> No.11738721,10 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, he's fucking serious.

>> No.11738721,11 [INTERNAL] 

There you idiots go again with this "escapism".

>> No.11738721,12 [INTERNAL] 

everything you enjoy is escapism in one form or another

>> No.11738721,13 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, even having sex IRL and friends IRL is escapism. Escapism from your deep thoughts

>> No.11738721,14 [INTERNAL] 

wrong again

>> No.11738721,15 [INTERNAL] 

normals and pseudo-normals cant deal with dreary feels
thats why you see so much bragging about weed around here and wizchan

>> No.11738721,16 [INTERNAL] 

what do you mean by deal with? i'd say that everyone - not just whatever the fuck "normals" means - has these dreary feels and everything they do is an attempt to deal with them. e.g. even you posting your message was by compulsion as you (would have) felt dissatisfied by not having your say.

>> No.11738721,17 [INTERNAL] 

>dreary feels
who's the normal again

>> No.11738721,18 [INTERNAL] 

did the adjective trigger you

>> No.11738721,19 [INTERNAL] 

let's fuck

>> No.11738721,20 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing personal kid
*pulls trigger*

>> No.11738721,21 [INTERNAL] 

you guys are fuckin retarted
