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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11735219 No.11735219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, so I recently have been trying to teach myself japanese and I have been getting a lot of negative feed back from friends and anons online. What makes it so strange for a white male to be interested in Japanese culture? Have any of you faced this sort of negative connotation for being white and enjoying anime, because I think it's down right ridiculous. I was told I'm not even otaku because I'm not random enough. I don't get what that even has to do with being otakuu!!

>> No.11735220

Random Butler here again, that is me on the right if you're wondering about the picture's source

>> No.11735221

Nope, you are just a faggot.

>> No.11735226

THat was not what I was expecting from a community of intellligents....

>> No.11735224
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>> No.11735256

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk sex.
Well my first gay experience happened like this:

I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him.

Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his faggot friend and I quickly finished them both off. I rolled them into the bushes and finished my walk. That was only my first of many such gay encounters.

>> No.11735267
File: 165 KB, 640x480, Char - The only reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes it so strange for a white male to be interested in Japanese culture?
>Japanese culture
>enjoying anime

>> No.11735272

That's definitely part of Japanese culture. yeah

>> No.11735274

Fuck off weeaboo.

>> No.11735285

>Likes anime
>"It's not otaku, it's japanese culture!"s
One of the many signs of being a fucking faggot.

>> No.11735294
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I am black and I do not enjoy anime, so I do not face the same "hardships" that you do.

>> No.11735295

>Low quality bait

>> No.11735296
File: 389 KB, 500x369, Char is gonna Char.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an actual idiot foreigner. The whole reason you are receiving negative feed back is because you think anime is acceptable in Japan and its this huge part of the culture when in fact it isn't. You're being made fun of because you're learning Japanese because of cartoons known as animu. You're a sick little social freak that knows nothing of culture or Japan. You're the worst kind of linguist to want to learn a language. Not even the sex tourists are as bad as you. Pleb normal.

>> No.11735303


You're also not human. How did you manage to type the correct letters to get to this site? Is your owner helping you?

>> No.11735327
File: 105 KB, 600x800, 1387861740334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lust for loli is so strong that most restraints placed upon me by the predominantly white culture which you and I live in simply do not apply to me. What has your love for loli driven you to do? Injure yourself during masturbation?

>> No.11735334

go to fb and put /pen16 and try to tell me I am a faggot then. I have a decent social life and definitely have more friends then you "faggots" *spits*

>> No.11735338

When I think about it, most of my friends are or have been little girls. This makes me feel really happy and accomplished.

>> No.11735343

No need to be mad.

>> No.11735345

You guys disgust me and I thought you'd be a civil group on intellictual beings as myself. all you crave is child loli and you are disgusting....

>> No.11735353

The people you hang out with must suck.
Everyone I hang out with knows I watch anime and they don't care.

>> No.11735359

>I have been getting a lot of negative feed back from friends and anons online
Okay, step 1. Quit posting illiterate flamebait.
There, you're done.

>> No.11735369
File: 277 KB, 500x372, Char-DealWithItNerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a decent social life and definitely have more friends then you "faggots" *spits*
It doesn't change the fact that you have completely misunderstood a race of people and their culture on the basis of watching anime. You want to know what Otaku is? Its the passion of niche interest that warps you into obsessive compulsive disorder where you understand that niche inside and out relating it to you yourself to the very fiber of self-being where no one else but small community, like /jp/, somewhat understands with difficulty.

You want your animu? You want your 3D Japanese wifu thinking shes just everything you dream of in mango? You want to fit in with Japan because they just love anime like you? You think you'll stop being the half-wit who struggles with making friends and finding someone to love by learning Japanese, since they're SO MUCH LIKE YOU since they must love anime too?

You're wrong. Go get lost in delusion of anime. Maybe a pathetic Japanese girl with no sense of self identity and inferiority complex will date nerd like yourself, but then again she's a nobody like you cringing at the site of your anime just to get out of the heartless country known as Japan.

>> No.11735371

*tips fedora*

>> No.11735392

I am getting tired of seeing "your" disgusting face. Please delete your thread if you are done with us.

>> No.11735407

>Maybe a pathetic Japanese girl with no sense of self identity and inferiority complex will date nerd like yourself,
where find

>> No.11735417
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>> No.11735428

Joke's in you, that no longer works.

>> No.11735435
File: 296 KB, 640x480, Char - Women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yakuza have a pretty strong grip on the women willing to play men for money until those women finally find one of them some what tolerable. Lots of mail order Japanese brides exist. Look carefully and you can find them, but understand two things. One there are a lot of fraud ones now online, so be careful in finding a legit company. The second is that even if you get one to visit you she will still have time and requirements to see other men all of who give gifts and money. She may not choose you on top of that cheat you out of a small fortune. For some reason I see people in my town walk around with mail order brides all the time who stayed with them. Seriously disgusting, but if pathetic enough go for pathetic pro I suppose.

>> No.11735449

I don't want a mail order bride I want a pathetic girl with no sense of self identity and an inferiority complex who will date a nerd like me. That's what you were promising and now you're completely changing the deal.

>> No.11735456

/pen16 on fb

say that shit to my face if you are really that tough...
*lights cigarette*

>> No.11735464

Damn, these ironic shitposts are getting really good. This is almost as funny as the torii shrine thread the other day.
