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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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117313 No.117313 [Reply] [Original]

Every language needs to use the roman/latin alphabet. Enough of this scribble crap. Japan had to come up with three versions of their alphabet just to join the rest of the world.

>> No.117319

>>join the rest of the world.

they had no intention of doing this.

>> No.117320

No, just get rid of kanji.

>> No.117321


>> No.117327

lol wut

>> No.117323

Technically, four.

>> No.117331

But, without pictographic written languages, we can't justify how in the Civilization series, Writing is earlier in the tech tree than Alphabet.

>> No.117335

Kanji users outnumbers alphabet users.

>> No.117339

Thank you China.

>> No.117344

I like kanji, but it's too slow to write by hand. Japan should switch to Simplified Chinese characters.

>> No.117357
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>> No.117351

>Every language needs to use the Hangul alphabet.

>> No.117365

fag failing kanji studying

>> No.117369

I don't get it

>> No.117379

Japan's been the global capitol of weirdness since the Tokugawa's packed up shop, they have to add a bit of eccentricity into every aspect of themselves to boost tourism.

>> No.117388

it spells FAG

>> No.117395
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Yeah, what is "gaf" supposed to mean?

>> No.117397
File: 106 KB, 1275x1650, 1204414247703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common alphabets are too incomplete, and spelling is too inconsistent in many languages. The solution is the perfect writing system.

>> No.117399

>Every language needs to use the roman/latin alphabet.

No, every language needs to use a language script that isn't like fucking hieroglyphs.

>> No.117403


>> No.117401
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This is now a competition for the longest word.

>> No.117408

The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) is a numeric scale (0 through 100) used by mental health clinicians and doctors to rate the social, occupational and psychological functioning of adults. The scale is presented and described in the DSM-IV-TR on page 32. Children and adolescents under the age of 18 are evaluated on the Children’s Global Assessment Scale, or C-GAS.

>> No.117421
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>> No.117440

no language "needs" to do anything

what's with this thread, does it have to appear every day?

>> No.117451

I'd be happy if they just used their simplification on all their characters and not just the 2000 most frequent.

>> No.117462
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I win.

>> No.117466

I wholeheartedly agree. The only scripts that should be used are; latin,arabic and hebrew.

Kanji is so fucking bullshit. And why the hell make an alphabet for non-japanese words? And the worst thing is that the katakana looks so similar.

>> No.117468

>no language "needs" to do anything

Alphabet > Impractical shit as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.117477

Damn you.

>> No.117470

You just lost the game.

>> No.117478
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>> No.117489

why bother learning it if you hate it so much?
why not just leave it be?

>> No.117500

In Japan do they have street signs in English and shop fronts in the Latin alphabet and stuff like that?

>> No.117503

It's quite hard to distinguish the homonyms in Japanese language with the roman alphabet.

>> No.117504
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Are we allowed plurals and past tenses?

>> No.117509
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So far

>> No.117513

Yeah, sure.

>> No.117541

Meh I think it's better if you're not allowed to use the same letter twice.

Joints is good though. Too bad >>117462 won.

>> No.117551

I have converted to shintoism since I've been over here, Japs accept me as truly Japanese even though I have trouble with Kanji sometimes. I am a true Japanese person to them. You assholes are imitators.

>> No.117565
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>> No.117571

You no good cheat.

>> No.117576


>> No.117593


>> No.117597

I just lost the gamie?

>> No.117604
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>> No.117627

You get 1.1 x points for being slightly more clever than the average.

>> No.117629

the game, I just lost.

>> No.117632
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>> No.117642


>> No.117661
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>> No.117674

>>117468 Alphabet > Impractical shit as far as I'm concerned.
then stick to your alphabet. i really don't get why people whine about the japanese using kanji, it's not like they have to learn it.

>> No.117686


>> No.117716
File: 50 KB, 385x549, 1204416355664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you people missed this

>> No.117722
File: 51 KB, 386x550, 1204416385433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when does W come after Z?

>> No.117725

>Every language needs to use the roman/latin alphabet.
Not until we dump all the redundant crap, replace all digraphs with single graphemes and standardise pronunciation.
First of all, the C. What do we need it for? The K and the S do the job just fine. And that Q. That's just a K, isn't it? And don't get me started on that X. That's not even a single consonant.

>> No.117729

We're doing normal words. Not Touhous.

>> No.117730
File: 169 KB, 386x550, 1204416469904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys. Game over.

>> No.117732

forgot your W, loser.

>> No.117734

good job you win

>> No.117741

fʌk jɛə aɪ piː eɪ

>> No.117755
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>> No.117759

Japanese people are skilled with chopsticks.
Are you skilled with chopsticks?
Are you Japanese?

>> No.117777
File: 143 KB, 1444x935, 1204416789483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute bastard.

>> No.117786
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>> No.117805

Hivemind. O well, at least you got the 117777GET.

>> No.118515

The Kanji at least have some advantege over the Latin Alphabet, Hiragana and Katakana are completely redundant. But since Kanji do nothing to distinguish in your spoken language, might as well ditch them too.
The Latin Alphabet is not the best possible writing system (letters look similar and all), but it is the best widely spread in the world.

>> No.118534


>> No.118535


>> No.118538

I move for worldwide introduction of newspeak, make it happen anon

>> No.118566


Only in 2050. Be patient.

>> No.118573

You know why kanji sucks so horribly?

Because it was a system highly evolved to the specific needs of a group of very closely related languages, but the Japanese were too dumb to come up with their own writing system, so they had to try and adapt it to their own vastly different language.

And that didn't turn out so great. The Koreans realized this around the 14th century or so, and now have a system that's much more suited to their language.

>> No.118589

You know that south koreans still use hanja for writing right?

Only north koreans have abolished hanja all together, that's communism-newspeak for you

>> No.118591


Shovelheads are morons though.

>> No.118992

Newwrite at least would be a good step.
The current english orthography is terrible and a new alphabet would make it easier for dyslexics.
Moving forward together with a common writing system also sounds like a nice step for humanity for me.

>> No.119372


>> No.119423

poor jew is mad b/c he can't get asian women :(

>> No.119516
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>> No.119530

why you crying so much little man
aww poor little boy can't speak to asians

>> No.119532

epic fail, NIPPON BABY!!!

>> No.119537

baby! koi ni knock out

>> No.119639

Everyone uses latin numbers and base 10 positional arithmetic. A natural language with vaguely mathematical semantics written using these symbols would be pretty universally learnable.


>> No.119650


>> No.119694


>> No.119697


>> No.119747
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>> No.119771

This is like Scrabble; names don't count.

>> No.119790
File: 94 KB, 386x550, 1204433221888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I'm still winning.

>> No.119798

Every language needs to use a syllibary instead of an alphabet. Enough of this complicated combining of different letters for the same freakin pronunciation.

In that respect, the Korean gooks and Japanese nipnongs got it right with their han'gul and katakana. Hell the UN was considering funding to develop han'gul into a literal universal language because it covers every single syllable that can be used by the human palette.

>> No.119857

Can it denote African clicky sounds?

>> No.119864

jedi onto no tons

>> No.119885
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>> No.119920
File: 49 KB, 386x550, gamu-fuckdamn.1204413542493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.120085

Hay guyz, what do you think of Esperanto?

>> No.120359



>> No.120920

I don't think so. I know that the International Phonetic Alphabet posted by >>117397 can, though.
