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11729856 No.11729856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11729856,1 [INTERNAL] 

because intelligent people find it hard to socialize with less intelligent people, as they do not think in the same way.

this combined with me growing up in a poor family caused me to be ostracized and bullied at school, leading to isolation and depression in my teens and adulthood.

a teacher at school said I had a very adult sense of humor once, which was nice, but now that I am an adult my sense of humor surpasses that of normal adults, and only the most ironic on /jp/ understand.

>> No.11729856,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see how it's hard to talk to someone less intelligent that you. Sure, they might forget things or make silly mistakes like pronouncing satyr "satire," but I don't see how that really disrupts conversation that much. I mean, I've talked to learning disabled people before and it's no big deal. A smart guy like you should be able to talk to average intellect people.

>> No.11729856,3 [INTERNAL] 

Things that I think of as achievements aren't things that would make people astonished.

I've achieved good techniques for making various desserts and for preparing certain foods. To make actual food that's really tasty and looks good from a few basic ingredients is like magic to me for some reason. I'm not saying I've achieved mastery, but I'm definitely competent enough in the kitchen to let my imagination run with ideas and end up with something that closely resembles what I had in mind.

I also feel accomplished for knowing how to skillfully operate a variety of machines and objects.

>> No.11729856,4 [INTERNAL] 

I also feel very accomplished when I stroke my own dick over stuff that is only seen as an accomplishment by myself. I feel bad for making that post now. I'm sorry if you read it.

>> No.11729856,5 [INTERNAL] 

They probably would be impressed if you sold the stuff. Then again it's questionable because selling prepared food is something tons of people do.

>> No.11729856,6 [INTERNAL] 

I can't be amused or interested by the same things they are, and they cannot comprehend the things I find amusing or interesting, with them usually labeling such things as stupid. People who are retarded may understand that they are because they are confronted with it on a daily basis, but people of average intelligence are confronted with their inferiority to more intelligent less often. They are less likely to accept it, and put barriers up so they don't have to.

>> No.11729856,7 [INTERNAL] 

Your idea of humor isn't ironically acting stupid is it?

>> No.11729856,8 [INTERNAL] 

Ironically acting stupid is really low. Even the dumbest of people do that. However, ironically adopting a certain type of character who has more to them than just "stupid" can be funny. This happens on /jp/ all the time.

>> No.11729856,9 [INTERNAL] 

>Ironically acting stupid is really low. Even the dumbest of people do that.

This is why I hate /ota/. That's all they do on that site.

>> No.11729856,10 [INTERNAL] 

The only thing I'm good at is being miserable

I'm hoping that someday I will fall into despair deeply enough to become a youkai

>> No.11729856,11 [INTERNAL] 

The irony emanating from this thread is in steams.

>> No.11729856,12 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't get medicated so I can't focus on anything for more than a few minutes

>> No.11729856,13 [INTERNAL] 

What do you mean?

>> No.11729856,14 [INTERNAL] 

What does socializing have to do with accomplishments? You can go to a university for 4 years and get a degree on whatever major you chose and get a job. After you get a job, you don't need to socialize other than a few small talk as long as you do your job, you're good.

Don't blame "socializing" for your short comings. That's what retards do lel

>> No.11729856,15 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone translate what's this ape above babbling about

>> No.11729856,16 [INTERNAL] 

What does socializing have to do with accomplishments? You can go to a university for 4 years and get a degree on whatever major you chose and get a job. After you get a job, you don't need to socialize other than a few small talk as long as you do your job, you're good.

Don't blame "socializing" for your short comings. That's what retards do lel

>> No.11729856,17 [INTERNAL] 

Intelligence is just an urban legend ;)

>> No.11729856,18 [INTERNAL] 

She's right you know. There are people like Tesla who achieved great things but died alone and poor.

All you need is motivation, the people who say that life is all about social relationship and connections are delusional normies.

>> No.11729856,19 [INTERNAL] 

Who is Tesla?

>> No.11729856,20 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand Nagi, why is she acting like a magical nig-nog?

>> No.11729856,21 [INTERNAL] 

because it is desperate for your attention

>> No.11729856,22 [INTERNAL] 

The greatest wizard of history.

>> No.11729856,23 [INTERNAL] 

How is posting on a forum "attentionwhoring"? Get a fucking life, fagboy.

>> No.11729856,24 [INTERNAL] 

It's hilarious to see what happens when people actually ignore it. The ape goes crazed posting edgy shit to try and get a reply out of someone, anyone at all

>> No.11729856,25 [INTERNAL] 

>tried to get people to ignore me on /neet/
>doesn't work
>run back to /ota/ because nobody likes you
>realize that only you post on /ota/
>goes to warosu and see i'm more liked than you

lol you are so pathetic, Sparky. Jealous that I'm a real girl and you're not?

>> No.11729856,26 [INTERNAL] 

rused like a pro lmao

>> No.11729856,27 [INTERNAL] 

it's attentionwhoring when you post with a name on anonymous forum you fucikng fagglet

>> No.11729856,28 [INTERNAL] 

Why are people jumping on Nagi in every thread? It's getting kind of annoying to try to read how a couple of losers from /a/ cannot deal with the presence of a woman around them. Stop, you are not really ``fitting in'' by bullying her, you are just derailing the threads and bother the rest of us with your stupidity.

I've actually accomplished a lot in my life, at least on paper. However I can never think of all my past events as accomplishments because usually what society deems as achievement is a complete bullshit. It doesn't matter what university you've been through, what experience you have or how much money you make. Those are all irrelevant things.

>> No.11729856,29 [INTERNAL] 

Fuckin' anonymoose coward!

>> No.11729856,30 [INTERNAL] 

Lel can't believe that these nerds have not filtered every post that isn't anonymous. Though it's shame that you miss out on all the EBIC T maymays

>> No.11729856,31 [INTERNAL] 

It's just kids who has nothing better to do.

>It doesn't matter what university you've been through, what experience you have or how much money you make. Those are all irrelevant things.

What matters is what you feel. So if you feel like you've done a lot in your life, you're good. Give yourself a pat on the back. Who cares about what society thinks what an accomplishment is? That's why i don't get why people feel down because they don't socialize with other people. it's crazy.

>> No.11729856,32 [INTERNAL] 

Are you for real? You seem more likely to be from /a/ than any of them, I don't even know what connection she has to /a/. What I do know is that Nagi is just a character. A character that spams, shitposts, posts selfies, spouts memes, and harasses people who actually belong. A character that's designed to be hated. If she's somehow not just a character, then that just means people haven't been "bullying" her hard enough. To be honest, the way you try to defend her despite all of that and chalk everything up to her being female makes you look like some tumblr white knight retard.

>> No.11729856,33 [INTERNAL] 

>responding to obvious bait


>> No.11729856,34 [INTERNAL] 

I know "bait" when I see it. That post was entirely sincere.

>> No.11729856,35 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11729856,36 [INTERNAL] 

>What matters is what you feel. So if you feel like you've done a lot in your life, you're good.
It's a bit different for me. I estimate people's worth by the energy the spend, the way they spend it, by their usefulness and by their objective value (which is combination of the previous ones). You can clean toilets all your life and still have accomplished more than a person who graduated from a top university and makes 6-7 digits a year.

>To be honest, the way you try to defend her despite all of that and chalk everything up to her being female
Sure thing, buddy. Thread is interesting, Nagi posts in a very normal way (not trolling, shitting,etc) and the /a/ kids just start to attack her. Now I usually wouldn't care, but the thread turned into a complete shit very fast and that affects me personally because I really enjoyed the beginning. There are quite a few other tripfriends who post here, on warosu, all of them shitposters, but you will never see people derailing threads because of that. No, you usually see people almost worshipping them. Therefore, by deduction, the difference between them and Nagi would be that she is a she. So I am trying to reach the kids from /a/ and explain to them that shitting up the place is not going to make them fit in. Give up.

>> No.11729856,37 [INTERNAL] 

>I really enjoyed the beginning
All I needed to know. Fuck off to 4chan, kid. You can have all your discussions about what a special socially-awkward intellectual university student you are there with your fellow college bros. Enjoy your blogging adventures :)

And the difference with Nagi is that she acts like a complete nigger and, again, harasses people who actually belong. I hated CurryButt equally as much as her.

Are you sure you're not Tokiko?

>> No.11729856,38 [INTERNAL] 

>them that shitting up the place is not going to make them fit in. Give up.

And then you're here, in Warosu™ Anything goes, saying all this shit talking about people ``derailing" this thread?

>> No.11729856,39 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, if you go back and read my posts, you will notice that I say the exact opposite - university is pretty much pointless and intellect is not everything. I can clearly see your bitterness and jealousy though, which I assume is the reason you keep shitting up this thread.

No, she doesn't act like a nigger, but you do.

No, I am not Robert.

Just because everything goes here doesn't mean you can shit up the place. Moot is always trying to make you shitters realize this - anonymity and freedom are not there for you to exploit for spreading your misery and angst on everyone else.

>> No.11729856,40 [INTERNAL] 

>Nagi posts in a very normal way (not trolling, shitting, etc)
This is the lowest fucking bar you can possibly measure a poster by. Countless fucking awful posters pass it, and countless people who don't are decent posters anyway.

>Just because everything goes here doesn't mean you can shit up the place.
It's happening right now. They can and they are.

>> No.11729856,41 [INTERNAL] 

>No, she doesn't act like a nigger
Wow. Just wow. I can't stop laughing right now. This is the most hilarious thing I have seen in weeks. To stay sane, I'm going to say that you're just joking around.

>> No.11729856,42 [INTERNAL] 

You seriously like moot? You 4channer retards just keep hitting new lows.

>> No.11729856,43 [INTERNAL] 

moot's pretty bad but so are all the people who browse and run the sites that aren't 4chan

>> No.11729856,44 [INTERNAL] 

Well yeah. Most people are even worse than he is. But until loli and shota are no longer against the rules, I won't have even a sliver of respect for his stupid ass. And we all know that's never going to happen.

>> No.11729856,45 [INTERNAL] 

loli and shota are literally illegal in the united states of america and as much i'd like to see moot take a principled stand and go to prison for it it's not going to happen

>> No.11729856,46 [INTERNAL] 

And I will respect him as long as he opposes all you pedophiles. I hope you personally get jailed, you sick fuck.

>> No.11729856,47 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa, that's really mean. I would never wish something like that on you.

>> No.11729856,48 [INTERNAL] 

free room and board

nothing to do but finally learn japanese

think of it as intensive language camp

>> No.11729856,49 [INTERNAL] 

100% chance of being harassed daily
90% chance of being beaten
30% chance of being raped
20% chance of being cut
10% chance of being killed
100% chance of being abused by society for the rest of your life if you survive prison

Seems pretty awful to me. Simply wishing for someone to die is way less cruel.

>> No.11729856,50 [INTERNAL] 

just punch everyone you see and they'll move you to solitary

>> No.11729856,51 [INTERNAL] 

Then you can't make connections. I had an uncle that went to jail he said that the only reason he survived in that place was because he knew people had his back when shit hit the fan.

>> No.11729856,52 [INTERNAL] 

Funny how a pedophile is scared of rape and violence. Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.11729856,53 [INTERNAL] 

Do you really think the guards would be kind enough on a sick twisted pedophile to allow him the grace of solitary confinement? You'd get beat up by them and the prisoners in a rare act of union against a common, greater evil.

>> No.11729856,54 [INTERNAL] 

How is that hypocritical? You can be a pedophile without raping or being violent to anyone.

>> No.11729856,55 [INTERNAL] 

Not to mention it wouldn't be hypocrisy even if he did rape and behave violently towards people. Nobody wants to be raped by the very definition of the word, does that mean rapists are all hypocrites?

Please look up the definition of the word, and don't twist it to suit your misunderstanding of it for the sake of an argument, but study it closely.

>> No.11729856,56 [INTERNAL] 

This isn't true. Loli and shota are allowed on /b/. The only reason there isn't an /l/ is because moot fears it will be spammed with CP, like it supposedly was when it existed.

>> No.11729856,57 [INTERNAL] 

No gf -> No motivation to succeed academically -> Settling for internet and video games

Pick any number of reasons. The biggest problem people with wasted potential have is a lack of motivation or results from an early age.

This isn't a serious thread though.

>> No.11729856,58 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't say that.


I just have no motivation to do anything, and I was offering an explanation for the cause

>> No.11729856,59 [INTERNAL] 

Also, this is what moot said about deleting /l/:

>>Why did you get rid of /l/?
>Something about being sick of pandering to pedophiles.

>> No.11729856,60 [INTERNAL] 

Was it really spammed with CP? Being "sick of pandering to pedophiles" could just mean he didn't want to have a board whose subject matter was material for pedophiles, whether it was drawn or not.

>> No.11729856,61 [INTERNAL] 

>You can be a pedophile without raping or being violent to anyone.
Hahaha, no.

Hypocrisy comes from the Greek word ὑπόκρισις (hypokrisis), which means "coward". I think I've used it well enough.

>> No.11729856,62 [INTERNAL] 

>Hahaha, no.
Yes you can.

And if you insist that no word can possibly have a meaning that differs from its etymology (which presumably sprung up in an immutable state at some point without any precedent), then why would you insist that you can't?

>> No.11729856,63 [INTERNAL] 

>Was it really spammed with CP?

I'm not sure, I'm not an oldfag :(
But that's what's been said. If you read 4chan.org/news?all you'll find that /l/ was deleted, and then brought back (and obviously deleted again but there's no news post as far as I know).

Read this post and the one above it:

>> No.11729856,64 [INTERNAL] 

It had a lot of tracing.

>> No.11729856,65 [INTERNAL] 

And getting your ass fucked all day by big Nate lol

>> No.11729856,66 [INTERNAL] 

Did you just make that up? Hypocrisy comes from the Greek word hypokrisis meaning actor. As in someone who is a hypocrite is acting out a part instead of saying what they truly believe. Seriously, how did you get coward?

>> No.11729856,67 [INTERNAL] 

Getting raped by Darnell still beats getting it on with your ugly ass any day (;

>> No.11729856,68 [INTERNAL] 

I'm actually published in some academic journals.
Not that it really matters anymore

>> No.11729856,69 [INTERNAL] 

I originally made this image, it's kind of weird to see it's been reposted. I've made some pretty popular images. Am I a meme celebrity?

>> No.11729856,70 [INTERNAL] 

yes you are a meme celebrity

i guess this image doesnt apply to you now

>> No.11729856,71 [INTERNAL] 

Kill youreslf.

>> No.11729856,72 [INTERNAL] 

just stop already kid

you arent being epic
