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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11729565 No.11729565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wat touhou Drive

>> No.11729565,1 [INTERNAL] 

wch 2hu would u drive?

>> No.11729565,2 [INTERNAL] 

"ban evasion" what

>> No.11729565,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'd send them an email about that, ban evasion isn't a bannable offense on /jp/, I mean that subhuman sparky has a thread up right now.

>> No.11729565,4 [INTERNAL] 

>i'm mad because an autistic tranny is capable of posting on-topic and I can't control my bowels!


>> No.11729565,5 [INTERNAL] 

>spamming wwwww and crazy

Nice one dude.

>> No.11729565,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny to see who I'm presuming is the author of this thread be banned for a month because he chose to spam and/or combine some dumb meme.

This makes me feel all the better when my threads don't get deleted despite them not being the highest quality.

>> No.11729565,7 [INTERNAL] 

buttmad bus-rider detected

>> No.11729565,8 [INTERNAL] 

hey drive otakus is anoxmous version good enough or should i buy it on blu ray ( i dont have a blu ray player!)

>> No.11729565,9 [INTERNAL] 

I just wanted to know what a touhou would Drive
I guess touhou isn't allowed on /jp/ anymore because it gets in the way of the janny's train generals

>> No.11729565,10 [INTERNAL] 

That's what you get for random capitalization.

>> No.11729565,11 [INTERNAL] 

we should have a /jp/ only car meet up.

save up yor autism bux for a few months and buy a dodge neon for like $400 or something real talk here niggas

>> No.11729565,12 [INTERNAL] 

>only car meet up

So no motorcycles?

>> No.11729565,13 [INTERNAL] 

I think you have the price off by two thousand dollars.

>> No.11729565,14 [INTERNAL] 

check your local craigslist, you can buy an old one thats been beat to shit for that price no problem. a NEET would have plenty of time to work on it.

No future cousin molesters allowed.

>> No.11729565,15 [INTERNAL] 

Fine I'll start my own /jp/ less than four wheels club and the meetup will be a lot cooler because we'll have lolis.

>> No.11729565,16 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ meetup


Riders vs Drivers

Summer 2014

Be there

>> No.11729565,17 [INTERNAL] 

Cars are actually pretty cheap.
Anything with a manual can be fun and for $1500 and up you can start looking at running sportscars.
Liability insurance is less than $30 a month and gas isn't expensive if you don't have to commute anywhere like a normalfag.
Going out for a Drive at 3am makes it worth it.

But the lolis will die when you get ran over

>> No.11729565,18 [INTERNAL] 

Are there any laws about the age of a motorcycle passenger like there are with cars and child seats I wonder?

>> No.11729565,19 [INTERNAL] 

I think it depends on the state, from what I understand. It's generally recommended that if the girl is small enough (younger than 8) she should be carried between your legs, in front of you. If she can hold on to you and her legs can reach the passenger pegs then it's recommended that she sit behind on the pillion.

You also cannot carry a passenger of any age without a full motorcycle endorsement.

>> No.11729565,20 [INTERNAL] 

Repairs would be the most expensive part, especially if you are buying cars off the street, something most people would advice against on general principle.

>> No.11729565,21 [INTERNAL] 

Repairing cars is easy for people who have as much free time as /jp/. Used, new, refurbished parts for older common cars usually aren't expensive and the internet has tons of instructions for how to do the job yourself.
Half the jobs can be don with a cheap chinese socket and wrench set.

>> No.11729565,22 [INTERNAL] 

yes but you need a place to work on the car. It sucks having your car parked out in some dorm parking lot when its 10°F and theres snow everywhere.

>> No.11729565,23 [INTERNAL] 

You shouldn't have tried to be a showoff and moved out of your parents place

>> No.11729565,24 [INTERNAL] 

Which of course begs the question, if you have that much free time, why not just walk?

>> No.11729565,25 [INTERNAL] 

because I Drive

>> No.11729565,26 [INTERNAL] 

You wasted $400 plus whatever you spent on gas and spare parts because of some dumb meme based on a movie you probably never even seen?

>> No.11729565,27 [INTERNAL] 

My hands are a little dirty
Driving is fun

"I Walk"
-you on the sidewalk after getting yelled at by drive-by british people

>> No.11729565,28 [INTERNAL] 

Its hard to explain unless you've actually experienced the freedom of the open road.

I know that sounds cliche but try for a moment to put aside all this retarded Drive spam and whatever misconceptions you have about cars being a normalfag thing.

Just think about what its like to go for a drive in the middle of the night with your 1996 Dodge Neon. You saved up NEETbux for months to buy it for $400, the upholstery is destroyed, its dinged and dented and maybe that wheel bearing is going bad, but its yours now. You can go anywhere you want, the only limit is your 12 gallon fuel tank.

Do you remember back to your early days of the internet when you just started to realize the enormity of the web, having the world at your fingertips? Maybe the first time you played an open sandbox style game, did you spend hours exploring the landscape, trying to find little nooks and crannies and secrets?

Its like that but on a whole new level.

>> No.11729565,29 [INTERNAL] 

trevy you're young for your age

>> No.11729565,30 [INTERNAL] 

I learned to love driving by taking a 14 hour trip. At some point around 8 or 10 hours in I realized I had miscalculated and that it was going to take 20 hours total. I had driven through the night and was really tired and got this really sick, panicked feeling. I drove through it and made it to where I was going. Since then once a year I will just take off for a week and drive places. I'll drive until I start falling asleep and then find a rest area and just sleep in my car. This was initially extremely uncomfortable but I grew used to it and now I think it adds to the experience. Although I usually have a big appetite, when I'm on the road I don't get very hungry. I'll drink a lot of water but I'll only eat once or twice a day at local restaurants. I don't stop at many places except to eat and refuel my car. I don't like sightseeing but for some reason it's just a really good feeling to be driving across the country in your car. I also used to spend a lot of time preparing music for it, but the last couple times I have driven silently as often not. Sometimes for hours on end.

For what it's worth I've never seen Drive and probably won't watch it.

>> No.11729565,31 [INTERNAL] 

Come to the southeast I want to Drive with you for a bit

>> No.11729565,32 [INTERNAL] 

My favorite thing about getting a driver's license is the knowledge I don't need to drive any more unless absolutely necessary. Before then, I kept having to do it to practice. Driving is nothing but a pain in the ass. It's nice to know, if and when I stop being a NEET, than insurance just goes by your age and not your actual driving experience.

>> No.11729565,33 [INTERNAL] 

>insurance just goes by your age and not your actual driving experience.

Actually, the cost of motorcycle insurance varies based on experience. The longer you've been riding, the cheaper your payment will be. Completing a Motorcycle Safety Foundation course will lower it as well.

>> No.11729565,34 [INTERNAL] 

That must be something specific to motorcycles. With cars they go by your age and gender, as well as a bunch of silly ones like the color of your car.

>> No.11729565,35 [INTERNAL] 

Now that I think about it, experience probably means driving history. As in, the amount of accidents you were in.

>> No.11729565,36 [INTERNAL] 

That probably has something to do with it, but I know when you're signing up for insurance they ask you how many years you've been riding. Depending on your answer your payment does change, usually only by a few bucks though (as if it weren't cheap enough already).

>> No.11729565,37 [INTERNAL] 

They just mean how long since you acquired your license, not how much of that time you actually spent driving.

>> No.11729565,38 [INTERNAL] 

i can't find what timing this scene is??

>> No.11729565,39 [INTERNAL] 

that's an image from a still camera it might not even be

>> No.11729565,40 [INTERNAL] 

i reversed searched it and there were some one youtube but none of them showed this scene in the video!

>> No.11729565,41 [INTERNAL] 

It said operating a motorcycle.

>> No.11729565,42 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11729565,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11729565,44 [INTERNAL] 

are you ironically lmaoing or seriously lmaoing
i chuckled a bit at certain parts but not really too the point when i laughed my ass off

>> No.11729565,45 [INTERNAL] 


when has warosu ever been unironic?

>> No.11729565,46 [INTERNAL] 

I lmaoing at your life.

Just kidding. Nice video, I love the part when he says "my hands are dirty", reminds me of Josh.

>> No.11729565,47 [INTERNAL] 

Was your post ironic?

>> No.11729565,48 [INTERNAL] 

When it's straight-up retarded, i.e. 99% of the time.

>> No.11729565,49 [INTERNAL] 

hahaha, thats the best josh parody I've seen in a while
