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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 320x448, I'd pierce her heavens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11728661 No.11728661 [Reply] [Original]

Big uptaes are upon us.

FAQ: http://old.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Previous thread: >>11713295

>> No.11728728

First for Kancolle

>> No.11728849

ded gaem

>> No.11728893
File: 24 KB, 500x284, 1199918771117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recreating the /jp/ 2.0 alliance, since our leader is gone. I have everyone's IDs, so I will start inviting tomorrow. Also, we will have at least 3 spots available if anyone else wants in. Please post and let me know if you want an invite.

>> No.11728900
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>Even remembering Smallboss
Go back to 2003 /a/

>> No.11729001

Is Maidryl single proc?

>> No.11729020
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>> No.11729024

enjoy your incredibly insecure and easily hackable flash shit.

Yes. Funny enough I swapped out my 2* R Maid for her, her solider count at HSR and cuteness is enough to compensate for single proc to me.

I still love you, R Meido. You did me good.

>> No.11729027
File: 70 KB, 449x420, 1374807390754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I'm trying to get the assistant loid card, could anyone help me out? all you need to do is go to present>invite code> then enter 4vlo5. You will also receive a assistant loid card for entering the code.

(the l and o in the code are letters not numbers)

>> No.11729029
File: 169 KB, 270x347, 1382148038930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use bluestacks, is it possible to reset your account?

>> No.11729030

Are Scylla and Snow White really still the only two 15% critical multi-proc ones, even though we've gotten a dozen critical units since then?

>> No.11729036

But the real question is: does smallboss even have the natural leader capabilities as is required of an alliance leader?

>> No.11729043


>> No.11729047

Silverline here, send me an invite. Might have to tell my guild leader I'm leaving. You guys better donate R's often.

Touhou is better.

Fuck off, go to tcg forums or just use a virtual machine.

I think it's possible.

Seems fair, they're UR tier good.

As long as he's active it should be fine.

>> No.11729052

What about Wuxia? I seem to recall her actually proc'ing twice once, though since I only have one I never used her since.

>> No.11729053

Well I won't quit without switching leadership, if that's any credit to my name.

>> No.11729055

If it is possible, how do you do it? just using another gmail, doesn't wok

>> No.11729059

I will add you. Our members are pretty good about donating, so I don't think you have to worry about that. Might have to deal with Robert stalking me, though.

>> No.11729061

well my Meido is critical damage/near defeat 20% and I'm pretty sure it activated more than once. But she isn't an SR so...

>> No.11729070

WTF is a virtual machine?

>> No.11729072
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>> No.11729078
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>> No.11729081
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>doesn't know what a VM is.

Are you 10? Google you retard.

>> No.11729079
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-12-21-14-07-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, got an UR today.

>> No.11729093

I am so jealous, did you pay money for her?

>> No.11729088

Congrats! I'm jealous as fuck.

>> No.11729094

I got my 120 maiden points today and exchanged it for a premium ticket and used it.

>> No.11729105

Ok I'll do it

>> No.11729269

>got my second maidryl
>got my second nicola 20 mins later

Today was a good day.

>> No.11729271

That's pretty fucking cute, congrats.

>> No.11729272

Smallboss is the best!
I'm not even in his alliance.
Him and Cross are my favorite resource people.
They don't tap the typical 3 resource most people tap onto.

>> No.11729273

Is there any point in getting a 2nd HSR Maidryl if I already have Volcanus and Cu Chu? Or are the duplicates just medal fodder?

>> No.11729279

You don't want to complete the pokedex?

>> No.11729281

>2nd HSR

>> No.11729288

Smallboss pls, also don't you just tap one of each resource on the highest level building? I do

>> No.11729286

I'm an idiot.
Btw does anyone know if the Goddess Worship will change when December ends?

>> No.11729289

I wonder if Maidryl has an Amalgamation in the future. I stopped hunting when I got my HSR.

>> No.11729293

There's a little book you can click on middle right when you go edit the card. It show all evolution it has. I think it include amalgamation

>> No.11729305

Theres no point in even getting SR maid drill, cuz she's useless and its a huge waste of vitality

>> No.11729309

She's cute though.

>> No.11729338

That's not me. But to answer the question, I normally just hit buildings at random.

>> No.11729351

I'll fight you!

>> No.11729355

>I'd pierce her heavens.png
Me too.

>> No.11729368
File: 251 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my perfect HSR Cu Chulainn.

>> No.11729375

it's not

>> No.11729379

Pls stop being so jealous, I know she's perfect.

>> No.11729382

I know deep down you are crying. It's okay anon. we all make mistakes!

>> No.11729389

I got lazy... If I had bothered to farm for 3 more she would have been perfect.

>> No.11729432

I tap in a triangle shape. Always worried whether or not I tapped a "hot" resource, as that would waste the +20% I can give someone.

>> No.11729455
File: 1.32 MB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what?

I have her and you don't.

>> No.11729460

How do you know that I just sacrificed her to the blood goddess

>> No.11729461
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2013-12-21-23-22-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do.

>> No.11729470

I have sacrificed her many times, she's a slut that shows herself to everyone.

>> No.11729473

She looks like a pokemon

I forgot which one was

>> No.11729475
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>> No.11729490

You do, yes. And you also have a crap noob card deck, only 1 HSR. I have pages and pages of HSRs.

>> No.11729496

Not him, but that is completely irrelevant. Nobody asked you to flaunt your HSRs.

>> No.11729545

And I have a UR. Point?

>> No.11729591
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My point is your cards suck

>> No.11729601


>> No.11729609

UR have better stats than HSR, so no, HSR isn't better than UR.

>> No.11729614

>arguing over decks

You have either played longer or have better luck. Con-fucking-grats.

>> No.11729630
File: 339 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I've only been playing about a week, what's special about her?

>> No.11729635

She's new'ish and cute.

Remember why you're playing this game!

>> No.11729638

oh, ok, I like the new vine girl because she's naked and appears to be having an orgasm

As far as cute goes, I really think the dog sled girl is also very cute

>> No.11729673

Duel me mofo. One on one. My HSR against any UR of your choice. I'll school ya

>> No.11729692

There really needs to be a purge Ns from presents button

>> No.11729696

I'd settle for them separating slimes/gold girls from the other Ns.

>> No.11729800

So I need 450 xmas tickets for another jingle slut. Think I can do it before this event ends?

>> No.11729826

Duel gets you 2 ticket every 5 min.
24 Ticket an hour.
So yes it is doable in a span of 3 days.

>> No.11729832

Where are my Christmas cards? I can't seem to find them in the new layout.

>> No.11729847

>Having to play every 5 minutes for three entire days
Oh man.

>> No.11729860

There's actually closer to 4 days left.
You need to play around 5 hour a day.
5 Hour a day would gives you 480 Tickets

>> No.11729922
File: 142 KB, 500x500, 1369955305441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you reset your account on bluestacks?

>> No.11730023

delete and reinstall

>> No.11730039

Just wait 'til alliance battle.

>> No.11730085

doesn't work. Using another gmail account also doesn't work

>> No.11730257
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, sanaeHELLyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IGN: Yama
Just started playing this game...
The girls are way kawaiier than I expected...
Can I join the clan? I don't have any strong cards or anything worthy yet tho...

>> No.11730271

They'll need your friend code, assuming the offer is still good.

Menu > Scroll Right > Profile > User ID

>> No.11730277

Oh, tru tru... thanks

My User ID is 5h5pc

>> No.11730496

The game saved a file in your computer then. Where exactly I don't know, probably in AppData or something.

>> No.11730528

I'm going to go on a limb and assume bluestacks uses your MAC address or at least bases that off of what it uses for the emulator. Nubee keeps a record of devices to profiles based on MAC address. This is why people suggest virtual machines.

>> No.11730547

Got it. I'll send you an invite later today (I'm still on cooldown from leaving the old alliance). After this, I'll be waiting for the old members to rejoin before accepting more.

>> No.11730566

If you are here Cross, I just want to thank you for your almost full HP AW sends. I'm getting points without sacrificing vit.

>> No.11730572
File: 313 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-12-22-16-07-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to presents to pick up login reward
> find this in your inbox even though you never bugged people to use your code

T-thanks! I appreciate it.

>> No.11730604

how the fuck do I get a SR? im stuck with all these pleb tier R goddammit

>> No.11730611

if your guild is active you can donate r cards to get nyx
or pray to the rng gods and hope you get an sr when you kill an archwitch

>> No.11730719

Do you ace and kill at least 400 level 200 Archwitches a day?

>> No.11730867

Would like to join if you still have room, I'm new though. 5d2aw / meowc

>> No.11730935

I would also like an invite. I'm Decibull, I should already have you added as a comrade.

>> No.11730963
File: 67 KB, 190x176, Why Cross is awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11730965

if theres a chance for me, have played the game for months now and created a team capable of 2bp an archwitch my current alliance was good but they are lazy and sometimes I'm the only one playing

>> No.11730969

Is helping comrades tapping in their resources that awesome that everybody is all over cross for it? I haven't done that in months.

>> No.11730976

Cross stop.

>> No.11730979

I just thought it's cool how most people usually would tap onto the spot Smallboss would tap but he tap one over so it wouldn't overlap.
That's like sorcery

>> No.11730998

Winter sale when
I have my 1000 jewels ready for 3 trees.

>> No.11731004

Heh, people has been attacking my defense unit for black orbs and most of them have lost, are there no units with low soldiers count? Mine's almost maxed.

>> No.11731007

You can all join Smallboss's alliance but don't think for a minute that you can have him. He is MINE.

>> No.11731152

I only do 1 soldier count duels. I've been sticking to the Green Tablet and I find them pretty quick there.

>> No.11731516

robert shut UP u nerd

>> No.11731535

The fuck's wrong with this game today. Getting perma Waved or Fielded every damn time

>> No.11731572

Merry Christmas by Santa

>> No.11731667

/jp/ meetup is formed. I sent out invites. Got everyone including those in this thread invited, and we will be full up if everyone accepts. Might have another slot in a few days, as one of the old members hasn't logged on in the past 11 days. If he doesn't come back I'll boot him for someone else.

I am a wizard.

T-thanks Robert..

karindou plz

>> No.11731691

smallboss you don't understand, i'm defending you.
it's the smallboss defense squad.

>> No.11731695

Sent the request, but the cooldown time will be a while.

>> No.11731702

I figured that would happen with most of us. No big deal.

You're like Cloche's bodyguards.

>> No.11731707

thats because i am!

>> No.11731819
File: 1.23 MB, 1412x907, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, great.

>> No.11731830
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-12-23-10-35-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk, if you still visit these threads... Is there any space left in Little Whispers? Once my alliance summons this last Nyx, I'm going to be in the market for a faster-paced goddess summoning machine.

>> No.11731851

There is currently one spot open.

>> No.11731870
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-12-23-10-51-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know the chances of it staying open for about another week?

>> No.11731881

The last person was dismissed on the 17th. That's about all the information I have though.

>> No.11732128

Anyone?The first Goddess worship is June 12th, it was suppose to be June 1st. But Nubee mess it up and added Alliance battle event instead.
Then next worship was at Sept 27th. From June 12th to Sept 27th is 107 days.
Then I read somewhere Goddess Shuffle every 3 months. So I assumed it will end near December's end.
I told the Horizon to stop donating since our NyX just drop and it take us around 14 days for a NyX. If it end soon, we might be wasting Rs.
Should I tell them to resume donating?

>> No.11732142

Nubee sent a notification a month before changing the Goddesses, so I expect them to do the same thing.

>> No.11732156

We trusted you, Arty!

>> No.11732162

Oh Okay.
Thanks for the help

>> No.11732234

shes jewish. dont believe me? check wikipedia

>> No.11732343
File: 1.52 MB, 1366x768, hitlerisbestgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, /jp/, i heard you fags like to have sex with spiders, and that that gets you off

pic very related

>> No.11732345

>not spider top half and woman lower half

>> No.11732354

wow, that sounds gross

>> No.11732358

>Skill: spiders web

Wow nubee, did you come up with that clever name all by yourself?

>> No.11732461

>Get 2 SRs from AWs
It's always like this. I'll never get Lilim... ;_;

>> No.11732470

>Being ungrateful with the SRs you get from chests
I hope you never get Lilim.

>> No.11732481

I feel your pain, anon (who is probably my comrade in-game). Since i started in early october, i've only been getting event SR's.

Only non-event SR's i get are useless:
Mythic Knight
High Elf
the list goes on

>> No.11732501

I just got a metal slime but I already have an Io. Do the exp skills stack or should I just find out what happens when you merge one with a gold girl?

>> No.11732512

Amalgamate her with the gold girl to get medal girl, and then medal her.

>> No.11732518

Exp skills stack. But don't put Metal Slime on your team. Amal her with Gold girl and exchange Medal Girl for Medals

>> No.11732523

will do sirs!

>> No.11732575
File: 1.19 MB, 640x896, HSR Pavarotti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone fucked with the comrade spreadsheet.

Can't see any logical order/arrangement, it looks like someone just randomly clicked and dragged names everywhere.

Just one question: why?

>> No.11732578

Same reason as every time:

>> No.11732587

Just fix it and don't make a fuss over it, it's not worth it.

>> No.11732593

You fix it, since you cared enough to reply.

>> No.11732595

I did already nerd, get fucked.

>> No.11732607

sorry next question, what are medals for?

>> No.11732610

Unless, of course, you're going for the Metal Slime friendship event.

They aren't that rare though, since you get one for every set of new sacred treasures.

>> No.11732613

You buy arcanas with them

>> No.11732614

Arcanas. You use them to improve stats/effects with evolution and amalgamation. Also used for upgrading skills.

>> No.11732621

What determines which card gets picked to assist in battles? Is it just your strongest one?

>> No.11732620

What is better support card for a beginner AW team?

Is this the correct priority:
Atk Down > Healer > Turn Skip > Atk Up (team)

>> No.11732623

It's the card you set as your favorite.

>> No.11732630

It's not, Ive seen my comrade's Snow White assisting when he has fortune as fav. I'd say the card that assists you is a random card in your current ATK team.

>> No.11732638

Why is Parvati such a waifu material? I just need 4 copies more to get her HSR

>> No.11732647

It is a random card from your 'dispatched unit' that assists your comrades. To dispatch your unit, look for the button in the Edit Unit menu.

>> No.11732656
File: 272 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2013-12-23-15-36-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the always-late response, Cross. Thanks for the points as always.

>> No.11732803

Anybody else getting error 113 whilst trying to go to celestial realm 2?

>> No.11732996

No Problem.
To be honest I was just tapping the first ones i see.
Don't worry about it. It's just the prospect of getting my second SR is too exciting.

>> No.11733308

She is the goddess of /jp/~! The ultimate NEET queen.

Also that seat actually represents the toilet, as that's how Belgrephor is usually portrayed.

>> No.11733733

Hey guys what virtual machine program could run vc? Virtualbox isn't working for me

>> No.11733775


>> No.11733911

Oh hell yes


>> No.11734015
File: 84 KB, 536x698, 1386795996400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to have 170 archwitch victories, and have 0 archwitch card drops

>> No.11734018

I have 300+, only one Nicola.. About 15% are completely killed by myself, 30% aced.

>> No.11734020
File: 70 KB, 251x227, 1364100750264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is not fair

>> No.11734030

I got my first Nicola drop today, it was from Sirius AW. The second one a couple of hours later, yet again from Sirius.

>> No.11734037

I have just under 700 and 16 Nicola drops, in addition to some other SRs

>> No.11734067

Have a little over 200 kills, the 2 Nicolas I got weren't even from my archwitches. Also saw at least 2 that helped kill mine get a Nicola. Just keep trying!

>> No.11734071

315 nicola kills and over 10 Nicola drops or so since I don't care much about how many I get, a Snow White, and a couple other SRs

>> No.11734896

smallboss can you reinvite me to /jp/ 2 I appear to have declined by accident or something because I can't see your request.


>> No.11734909

Apparently for the new years event, previous AWs will be making a return. Glad I haven't spent all my shoes and swords like an idiot. If anyone confirms Hervor or Lilim, I'm going all in.

>> No.11735002

Oh fuck I hope this is true and Alice returns, I'd kill for that card.

>> No.11735005

Lilim wasn't an AW.

I really want another Angra Mainyu, so I can make my HSR Chaos (I was saving a Thanatos in case she returned).

>> No.11735185 [DELETED] 

I want Yuna(I think?) The blue card that has 30% AOE damage.

>> No.11735199

I want Yuki Onna.

>> No.11735234

She was not an AW and neither Konohanasakuya that is the card that evolves into her by accident.

>> No.11735278
File: 223 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn finally, I had to manipulate the hell out of the event to do it. Not only did I find a maidryl in each zone first I made sure she was level 3 or higher for the slight % bonus. Literally got her on the last area

>> No.11735287
File: 1.34 MB, 1277x1024, 1385729875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a HSR Konohanasakuya. Had I know she can become Yuki, i would have T.O. her.

>> No.11735288

Except returning AWs will be mixed into a pile with all the others, if there's one you want it'll be a heavily watered down grab bag to get one. Doing events guarantees you what you're after.

>> No.11735304

I'm hoping we have a chance at beelzebub and hervor. I think they probably just add all the old AW into the premium summons for a limited time.

>> No.11735306

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.11735337

O.o Oh shit your right. Why didn't I notice that tail before? I thought it was a cat or something xD

>> No.11735342

Stop that.

>> No.11735349
File: 648 KB, 800x4400, 1381278207650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11735357

Anyone wanna enlighten me about the 'stacking method' for the limited enemies? how does it work exactly?

>> No.11735364

Don't use it for this event since it would take 10 vit to battle a single Limited enemy. But it's basically every time you encounter a limited enemy, you press the "Back" arrow in the upper right corner to go back to the map and the next time you advance a step in that map, the Limited enemy will still be there. So you encounter a limited enemy, go back to map, find another stage, find another enemy, repeat.

>> No.11735415

oh I see. so it works like that. ill try it next time, thanks.

>> No.11735563
File: 220 KB, 799x666, 1361473455915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A weird thing to notice, but where are all the towns people in the kingdoms?

>> No.11735571
File: 281 KB, 400x400, 1384736549902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed them.

>> No.11735586

They removed them since it caused crashed and didn't let go into their 2nd kingdom for some people. Me included

>> No.11736202

Do what want me to dump my stash of monster girl hentai or something?

>> No.11736213

yes please

>> No.11736864 [DELETED] 

One of my alliance member said there are secret areas that require 2 max friendship cards to go in.
Just wondering where do I find those secret areas?

>> No.11736866
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-12-24-09-34-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my alliance member said there are secret areas that require 2 max friendship cards to go in.
Just wondering where do I find those secret areas?

>> No.11736888

That was probably me(Kaz). I think it was just one poster who mentioned it. Let me see if I can dig it up.

>> No.11736911

Here we go:

Sounds like it was a bug, rather than a secret area?

>> No.11737048

Check your internet connection
Check your internet connection
Check your internet connection
Check your internet connection

Is it something on my end? It sometimes lags me out but not like this man, I haven't gotten on all day.

>> No.11737059

Oh, haha, as soon as I write that I realize, I'm downloading 44 episodes of Dokidoki Precure

>> No.11737154

The only secret areas I've found require you to get all the treasures in a different area. Haven't seen anything that requires friendship so far.

>> No.11737259

I was all excited for my first Ultimate Summon and got a Farmer (R). Yay.

>> No.11737267

Probably a bug. I already finished S13-2 and there was no friendship requirement to enter S13-2.
Secret area is the same as regular area. The reward was either Arcana ATK or DEF

>> No.11737418

In case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

>Notice - The new event "A Celestial Realm New Year" begins on December 26.
>During the event period, a new world map entitled the "Shrine of the Gods" will be added to the campaigns.
>This limited-time-only map includes features as archwitch hunts, sacred relics, mini-games, and many more fun things to do.
>A special event entitled "A Witches' Sabbath" will be held at the same time!
>Some of the archwitches who made an appearance in 2013 will return to the Celestial Realm, but only for a limited time!
>Start counting down the days now!

>> No.11737434
File: 328 KB, 767x1076, Verthandi_HR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey a Valkyrie Crusade thread. Was wondering when one of these would pop up.

Verthandi is my favorite.

>> No.11737465

Don't call it a comeback, we've been here for months.

>> No.11737476

No no, meaning this is the first time I have seen one. Sorry I haven't made myself clearer.

Good to know that there is a contingency though.

>> No.11737499

Does that mean Gaia will be coming back? I've been wanting her (and Dione) for a while, but then again that's because I'm a sucker for Akkeyjin's artwork.

>> No.11737532

Going through the AW timeline on the wiki, I'm interested in Hervor, Angra Mainyu, and Aphrodite. Naturally, none of them will be available, because nubee said "some of the archwitches" which means none of the ones worth having.

>> No.11737792

I wonder how they're gonna do it though. Just throwing all of them in as AW drops is going to make things frustrating.

>> No.11737798

Maybe one each day and they appear at Lv.200 from the start.

>> No.11737837

That, one per zone in the event area, or everyone appearing everywhere making a huge mess of things. Time will tell.

>> No.11737851

Make like some stages have Hervor as Limited Enemy, and other stage have Aphrodite as Limited Enemy.
At least that's my wishful thinking of how I want it to be done.

>> No.11737990

So I finally got a Lilim from an AW. Should I be happy or suffer from thinking that I wont be able to get a second copy?

ever. ;_;

>> No.11737996

Aren't you capable of 1BPing pretty much any AW with just one?

>> No.11738003

Lilim doesn't turn you into a 1BP killer. You need a decent team to make full use of her.

>> No.11738005

Out of curiosity, which would be the most useless AWs? Gaap?

>> No.11738009

I'm assuming from
that they've been a long-term player, in which case they should have a fairly well put off team already.

>> No.11738027

Well I only started like 2 months ago. and my AW team is only composed of a (almost maxed att)CuChu, 2 Reindeers, Millionaire and a Joker.
So im gonna remove my Millionaire now? But she has been very helpful with her 30% heal .

>> No.11738206

Would probably drop a Reindeer. Unless you're using a scythe joker, then I'd drop that.

>> No.11738249

But then he won't get the 15% boost

>> No.11738257

While true, he would also be sacrificing his survivability. It's better to have a stable team without that boost than an unstable team with it.

>> No.11738388

A stable team doesn't mean much when you get witch fielded. It's his choice, but I'd suggest going for burst and just giving up if you get unlucky. There are other people who can kill the AW

>> No.11738784

what's a good team for campaign?

>> No.11738846

Get sparkles from treasures max her soldiers and just leave your other cards with 1 soldier.

>> No.11738890

A good team is fill it with AOE or Turn skipper

>> No.11739076

Valkyrie Crusade has been down for me for over an hour now. Is something up?

>> No.11739080

It's fine, check your connection.

>> No.11739126

Its only you.

And anyway,whats the approx. amount of medals needed to max SR skill ?

>> No.11739132

connections last about 5 minutes and drop

>> No.11739134


>> No.11739135


>> No.11739444

also, Candy is qtest

>> No.11739461

I always feel like my Candy is trying really hard.

Even when she's the last one left and taking hits from the AW or Joker-nee is being stingy with her heals, she procs her skill every turn until the end. ;_;

>> No.11739462

Nope, multiproc turn skiper helps a lot.

>> No.11740043
File: 93 KB, 299x359, cryingakarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350 Xmas Tickets
I'm not getting that Jingle Bell... am I?

>> No.11740063

Well if you farm AWs nonstop and get lucky with getting 10x cards, you might.

anyway I have around 800 cards and already have an HSR jingle, what should I do with those cards?

>> No.11740071

Jingles then medals.

>> No.11740091

definitely not useless. I have her maxed in my 95% awk team.

2 HSR lilims max atk
joker(scythe) max atk
reindeer max atk
scylla(1 star) max atk

I think I would rather have a team buffer instead of 2 lilims but they never drop for me. I just keep finding lilims.

>> No.11740204
File: 659 KB, 658x579, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 95%
> 2 HSR lilims max atk
> scylla(1 star) max atk

>> No.11740234

Did people stop caring about Maidryl anymore?

>> No.11740239

Well I guess everyones just waiting for the AW event starting tomorrow.

>> No.11740256

I got my Maidryl on day1, just waiting to see what's in the next event before committing to 19999ing her.

>> No.11740264

There's also no room for her in my current team because I'm abusing Noel's 10x damage, and no way in hell I'm getting rid of anything else for a singleproc critter. >>11731830

>> No.11740532

I don't get it what you are saying. Many times I have gone 60+ kills in a row against nicola with 1bp.

My 1bp kill rate is probably higher then 95%, but I just said 95% since it's an easy number.

>> No.11740755
File: 91 KB, 320x448, ribbongirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou Maiden guild is removing some idle members, and thus we are recruiting new members!

We are a max rank, max level guild. We're looking for people that will strive to donate R cards daily toward SR goddesses (although we've already 6-card HSR'd Nyx, but are still donating to help others who need more)!

>> No.11740851

can you save a spot if it's possible since i'll need to leave my current pub guild.

>> No.11740963

Wait what Reindeer is multi proc? Seems gay.

>> No.11740978

It can proc 3 times. Each time it procs, 3 turns skipped means you can attack 4 times before the AW does.

>> No.11741033


>> No.11741038

I'm fairly sure it can only proc twice.

>> No.11741053

Can I join? I have lots of Rs to get rid of in my inventory

>> No.11741056

Shoes and swords

>> No.11741071

alright thanks. The cooldown should be off in 12 hours.
I'll just leave my ID here 57nhe

>> No.11741097

I'm stupid. Should be off 24 hours.

>> No.11741305

I got two maidryls in within 10 minutes of each other and I haven't had one AW drop since this event started.

>> No.11741332

Sure, what's your ID?

>> No.11741345

This sounds silly, but at what level does the card cap get higher? I'm level 39 and I can hold 75 cards but I'm perpetually low on space.

>> No.11741348

When you finish campaign you get a +15 card slot, it's not about level.

>> No.11741355

Oh, that's good then.

Time to plug on with the campaign then.

>> No.11741359

This used to be my problem all the time until I got over collecting a wide variety. Rs and Ns started going towards goddess donations, extras went to medals or slime feed.

I now hold 20 cards (5 per team for 4 teams), some in collection, and level 27 slimes waiting for the next SR AW. So usually, I have about 35 cards left after cleaning up my Rs and Ns. Enough space for 5 draws of 10 for friend points.

>> No.11741373

Good to know I am not the only one with this problem. I guess I am too attached to some of the cards' artworks (I do like Akkeyjin's and Yoshino's work) but the others - particularly the N cards - just fill up my card hand, mainly because I am trying to get all the artwork.

Then again, the Wikia is there for the artwork.

>> No.11741387

Yeah, once I finished doing the N->HN evolutions, my inventory really opened up. I only work on the new Ns now, like the ones that came with this latest update.

Once I get a more stable AW killing team, I'll probably start saving Rs to HR.

>> No.11741403

I wanted to try this out, but it crashes when I try to launch it. Uninstalled and rebooted my device but it keeps crashing. Is this a common problem?

>> No.11741445

Well at this point I'm certainly not getting a second Maidryl

Guess I'll have to be content with the one.

>> No.11741497

Just spam shoes and ignore archwitches. It's not worth using unless you can HSR.

>> No.11741516

Nah you can definitely get your second one right now, it's not over yet

But if you don't have shoes, then yeah, you're screwed

>> No.11741524

I've only been playing a week, I definitely won't make it

>> No.11741852
File: 354 KB, 960x540, doushio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be a shortage of black crystals or something.

>> No.11741878

Same happened to me with those and red roods and I needed to duel to get them so I just used traps on my treasures.

>> No.11741912

is wreath useful if you can't max her skill since I just started playing last month

>> No.11741941

Skills are maxed through spending medals, not evolution, but she's nice. I wouldn't bother for an AW team, since if you can't HSR her, she won't have the soldiers to last long.

>> No.11741969

I stole one from someone and had it immediately stolen from me. Why, nubee, why? ;_;

>> No.11742016

Is it a good idea to save up VIT for the new year update?

>> No.11742104

Damn, good job then. I played for few months before getting my first SR, and that SR was crap as well

>> No.11742122

What should I do with all these Gold Girls?

Don't have enough Metal Slime for Medal Girls.

>> No.11742127

Do you have enough gold storage?

I personally just use them for upgrading. I know that's not their purpose, but they clog my card bank and I need the space.

>> No.11742133

Sell them? What else.

>> No.11742140

I used to hang on to them, now I just sell them or grind them up and sprinkle them on top of slimes for whatever card I'm leveling at the moment.

>> No.11742177

I'll join the /jp/ alliance once these worship rewards end.

>> No.11742180

PSA: If you're struggling with inventory space, don't open your AW boxes until you're full on cards. They go into your presents, which has essentially infinite capacity. Just pull the ones you want as you need them.

>> No.11742196

No new event? What the fuck Nubee.

>> No.11742198

when's celestial realm ending?

>> No.11742204

It just did. Gah, I wasn't done upgrading my slimes.

>> No.11742207

Is it just me, or is the announcement referenced in >>11737418 now missing from the News tab?

>> No.11742213

Nubee does it again.

>> No.11742216
File: 176 KB, 821x406, My smile is gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, those faggots pussied out. All of my hype for nothing.

>> No.11742246

New event where

>> No.11742253


>> No.11742257

Nubee a suck.

>> No.11742265

Game data updated guys.

>> No.11742283

Calm down, faggots. You jumped the gun here.

>> No.11742292

Oh god, Alice is back.

>> No.11742308


>> No.11742302

Free SR in presents.

>> No.11742303 [DELETED] 

It's still there for me.

>> No.11742307


>> No.11742311

But only in world 11-14.
Too bad I'll never get her.

>> No.11742314

Well I'll never get that.

>> No.11742315

pls no

>> No.11742320


>> No.11742332

Rely on others.
I'm fairly sure a number of us will be hunting for Alice, so just poke any you can get.

>> No.11742338

I will be farming Alice, maybe I'll leave her with low HP so anyone else can finish her off.
She is the AW in areas 11-14 in campaign

>> No.11742335

Alice is for AB, yes? No sleep for the next week.

>> No.11742340

I mean that a 4 turn delay would be most useful for AB, I guess.

>> No.11742347

I'd use reindeer for that, honestly I just love the art so much plus it's Alice-related and I'm a sucker for her.

>> No.11742349

I have 2 trees, 1 magic shool and 1700 Jewels, should I level magic school now? Farming AW in a high vit area seems like a pain without a leveled Magic School

>> No.11742350

Reindeer is almost as good as Chronos, since it procs twice. Alice is just damn cute. I'd still gun for her.

>> No.11742356

>hervor and beelzebub in map 6 and 8
All my dreams come true. welp there goes the rest of my 16,000 jewels on boots and swords. time to no life till i get 2 HSR hervors and an hsr beelze.

>> No.11742362

Why is Hervor any good? Isn't Maidryl or Volcanus better at 10%?

>> No.11742361
File: 554 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_2013-12-25-22-48-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this. If only I had a second.

>> No.11742365

Hervor is cuter

>> No.11742366

hervor is multiproc as opposed to single

>> No.11742367

Hervor is unlimited proc.

>> No.11742371

what do I do with the 6 rose knight? Is it even worth maxing them?

>> No.11742378

hervor is multiproc and would work well with my 2 lilims.

I'm this person and started playing during candy event so never had a chance at hervor.

Also beelzebub is cute I want her for profile pic.

>> No.11742383

medal or donate them. or if you care about your collection, evo them

>> No.11742388

This is going to be hell getting everything.

>> No.11742391

You only get 2 copies of it if you are in the top 300. It would suck to only get 1 copy and know you got something good but will never HSR it!!

>> No.11742399


I think you mean HUR.

>> No.11742403

Since the reward is good this time, I will be a very active slayer that downs AW in about 10-20 seconds! Please post your ID if you'd like to be comrades!

>> No.11742405


>> No.11742412


>> No.11742408


>> No.11742420 [DELETED] 

Looks like I'll go and add a bunch of senders in the spreadsheet as well.

>> No.11742425

Looks like I'll go and add a bunch of senders in the spreadsheet as well even though I mostly self-feed.

>> No.11742431

Thanks, added you folks!

>> No.11742436

Thanks, I'll make sure to send you plenty AWs.

>> No.11742440

wow i forgot 100% blessing is gone and used a slime

>> No.11742444

A kind reminder to update your AWK status, maybe you were a sender before and now you're a killer, so to make things easier for everyone please update it.

>> No.11742445

I'm still not a killer... but maybe if I can get Hervor...

>> No.11742454

I was talking about the spreadsheet, sorry forgot to mention it.

>> No.11742474

The only HSR I have are Candy and drill girl, which of these ones should I go for?

>> No.11742471

Should i bother pumping Atk cards into this? I have 2 cards at 14000'ish, but no maxed ones yet. But this would go a long way in killing AWs. Already hitting for 50k with no Atk cards added.

>> No.11742481


>> No.11742485

What is Lil' New Year's skill?

>inafter Nubee gives away SRs now that URs are out

>> No.11742487

All allies recover 30%/10% chance

>> No.11742490

Sweet. I could use a healer in my newbie AW team.

>> No.11742494 [DELETED] 

Anybody know the skill on the free SR we just got?
Not sure if I want to take her out of presents.

>> No.11742498

Literally right above you.

>> No.11742500

So my current team is
Lilim/Cu chu/Reindeer/Omoikane/Mephistopheles
Is there anything I should look out for this event?
My team 1bps most of the time

>> No.11742502

My bad, I forgot to refresh before posting.

>> No.11742505

Any kind anon mind telling me what's Amaterasu's skill?

>> No.11742513

So for a newbie, is the Witch's Sabbath AW priority: Hervor > Alice > Everyone Else?

>> No.11742509

Hervor and you replace her with Mephis

>> No.11742519

Oh, this is actually pretty good.

>> No.11742515
File: 50 KB, 720x405, 1388032444396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my screenshot.

>> No.11742531

Lilim lite

>> No.11742525

Ooo 300% ally buffer! Won't this be really good in combination with a card with 300% attack up?

>> No.11742537

i am going to go for Hervor

always sending and killing whatever i can, but probably after i complete the event map stuff


>> No.11742533

A nerfed lilim. 200% team buffer is better but she's not bad

>> No.11742536

Hervor> Sun goddess > everyone else

>> No.11742541

>10% proc chance
Yep, not bad at all.

Reindeer Girl was Chronos lite, but this one is much better. Especially since team and single buffers are hard to get.

>> No.11742558


I might kill/send depending on procs. Im gonna go with everything especially Hervor/Berubo/Alp

>> No.11742566

4uxva here. Can kill AWs.

>> No.11742585

I don't get it, as an AW killer, you only get one card as a reward, whereas if you kill your own AW, you get 2 cards.

Doesn't that mean your chance of getting SR is halved when you get rewards from helping other people?

>> No.11742592

Why don't you do both? I self feed and help anyone that needs and AW killed after I go into the AW screen plus you won't have vitality forever but I have a lot of swords that are sitting with no apparent use in my presents so that's why I somewhat help other people.

>> No.11742595

It saves on VIT. Which, with these events happening at the same time, will be very crucial.

>> No.11742615

If youve never felt going through campaign and not encountering any witches and just wasting VIT, you either have good luck or a high lvl magic school

>> No.11742639

No one here plays Devil Maker?

>> No.11742642

I do have lvl 5 magic school, so AW is kinda decent for me.

Not to mention there's only few ppl who actually sends AW to me anyway because everyone can kill their own AW

>> No.11742645

I stopped playing a month or two ago.

>> No.11742647

I have 1k jewels and was waiting for the discount for magic school and tree but it doesnt appear like it is coming...
Should i buy them now?

>> No.11742652

Maybe consider saving the 2k jewels required for the level 10 castle? Gives you another set of shrines, resources, and storages buildings.

>> No.11742655

70 Hervor kills
2 SR's (wisp, anahita) fuck

>> No.11742658

I was in the same boat as you. Just bought two trees and a magic school.

unless, of course, you want the level 10 castle.

>> No.11742662

You burning shoes? that was fast.

>> No.11742681

only used 6 light shoes. lvl10 magic school and 220 max vit makes things much easier. Anyways got my first hervor 5 kills later.

>> No.11742720

Well that doesn't look too promising for me that I'm farming Alice... ;_;

>> No.11742724

isnt it 6+ VIT per step? well good luck

>> No.11742727

Does those witches come back as lvl 1 or its lvl is the same from back then ?

>> No.11742734

How many vit per step for Hervor's area? 4?

>> No.11742746

6 vit

>> No.11742759

Aw shit...

Guess I'll go for Amaterasu first before resorting to shoes. Not going for ranking, anyway.

>> No.11742801

Amaterasu is going to stay for 20 days while the other AWs won't, I'd go for the others first.

>> No.11742802

beelzebub is most annoying AW i've ever fought. she uses her skill "lord of the flies" and wipes your whole team.

>> No.11742809

c-c-cash whore!

>> No.11742837

>AWs using her card skills
We should be glad that isn't happening anymore with the new AWs

>> No.11742870

Well since everyone else here is a shameless self-advertising AWK whore, i'll jump on the bandwagon.

ID: 4oy8j
Status: Killer / play several hours every day
>only accepting comrades with roumaji names, so that i can keep track

>> No.11742901

First Alice at lvl 99, 2 light shoes and 1 level up

>> No.11742917

Well why the fuck not add my ID as well to the bandwagon
ID; 4ppn6 Killing any AW any level and any amount of HP

>> No.11742921

Oops 4pnn6* is my ID not that one

>> No.11742930

Accepting anything, my vitality can't keep up with my BP.

ID : 49ukm

>> No.11742974

The witch sabbath event lasts until 7th January right?

>> No.11742981

>New Year Summon has 3 times higher chance to obtain SR and above cards!!!
>But time is limited! You only have from JAN 1st 2014 00:00 AM to JAN 3rd 2014 23:59(JST)!

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you can't use premium/ultimate summon tickets for this.

>> No.11742985

Some AW leave that day and new ones come, that's what I understood from the news post

>> No.11742997

Oh man I just used my premium summons, life sucks

>> No.11743000

I just got 2 valkyrie shoes as an apology for a "bug".

Any ideas what it was? I noticed that Hopper is missing archwitch hunt, but that's it.

>> No.11743003

Fuck it, I'm buying jewels for this

>> No.11743010

>inb4 the next promo has higher chance to obtain UR cards
Nubee, you sly dog...

>> No.11743118

Google play recognized my jewel purchase as high risk purchase. I can't buy now. wat do.

>> No.11743131

Go and use your money in something else.

>> No.11743133

Open a ticket, wait 3 days, try again.

>> No.11743204

Play the game pleb style, like most of us do.

>> No.11743213

How the hell does the Fishing minigame work?

All I got was a goddamn Rubber Boot.

>> No.11743273

If you're playing on android go to wallet.google.com and see if all the information is right. My payments didn't go through because my address in settings hadn't been changed since i moved.

>> No.11743411

How about the google play gift card hax? Can I use those redeemed credits to pay jewish jewels?

>> No.11743566

Also, the second chest doesn't drop SRs. At least I've never gotten a SR from the second chest. All the ones I found were from the first chest. Or when I was helping someone else from the only chest.

>> No.11743570

Whoa there, that's a bold claim right there. I know for a fact I can get R on second chest, but now I'm unsure about getting SR from second chest

>> No.11743577

From my war record:
Total victories: 9864
Assists: 785

Never seen an SR from the second chest in those 9k 2chest victories.

>> No.11743583

Well this is interesting, I think I got SR from second chest once, but the records are gone. So I can't really make a claim about it

>> No.11743611

Who are you quoting?
Go back to /v/, Nubee isn't slightly Jewish.

I've gotten a SR from the second chest.

>> No.11743649

so I can only get past AWs as AW drops? or not at all? sigh, won't get anything then

>> No.11743708

Did anyone else play that new fishing mini-game? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with all the fish I caught.

Don't tell me they're useless?!

>> No.11743715

Goodness me all these loli

I don't think muh dick can handle this anymore

>> No.11743722

It's all useless, uuu~

>> No.11743726

Nope, you can never get SR from second chest. Many of us who have literally slain over 9000 AW can attest to that.

>> No.11743730

Well, at least I can get R, but then again, I don't really care for R at this point anyway.

Thanks for the testimony

>> No.11743796

I want Kagamimochi to hug me tighly

>> No.11743861

high res img pls.

she's my fetish

>> No.11743886

I do not have her yet ;_;

>> No.11743913

I accidentally spent 100 jewels to skip the recover time during duels


>> No.11744059

I'm late for the AWK bandwagon party!

ID: 2d7je
I'm on GMT+11, but my play time is very random.

>> No.11744150

The cooldown should be off by the time you see this.
I would like to join if you still have a spot

>> No.11744223

Yama and Tatsumi, please accept the alliance invite soon or I will remove your invitation. We have one slot still available with two more opening up if the previous people don't accept.

>> No.11744245



any jp guild works for me

>> No.11744374


Just give me 24 hours to join


>> No.11744461

Is the twitter post thing for vit and BP still not working?

>> No.11744472

It's working just fine. (Android here)

>> No.11744495

It doesn't work for me and I'm on android. ;_;

>> No.11744501

Have you tried shortening the default message?

>> No.11744511

Yes, when it says "Messaje sent to Twitter" that pop up won't go and I have to restart the app

>> No.11744761

Dammit, you.
Now I'm gonna have to remember to screenshot the next time I get an SR in the second slot.

>> No.11744783


There are still 3 more slots open for people who would like to join the Touhou Maiden guild!

>> No.11744844

Maybe your Twitter account got banned, that's what happened with mine.

>> No.11744857

2 HSR Hervors in 242 kills. Last even, I had twice as many event SRs at this point.

>> No.11744937
File: 1.16 MB, 722x1011, amaterasu_1★.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you already worshiped your sun goddess today, /jp/?

>> No.11744946

I have her in another Mobage.

>> No.11745036

No.She's only good during this event. Hi Kazuko

>> No.11745040

you are lucky. I am at 197 kills and I just got my 2nd hervor. need 2 more.

>> No.11745069

Great. Into Hervor they go, as soon as I get two.
Hello, Mystery Comrade

>> No.11745121
File: 537 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-12-26-17-18-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one off a lv 50 archwitch I didn't even know you could pull SR off of anything less than 200.

>> No.11745138

Grats. I was surprised that I just got one from a 161 AW.

>> No.11745161

Where do I find Hervor?

>> No.11745166
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-12-26-15-07-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you nickname your Goddess "Ammy"?

>> No.11745171
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1388101051055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy maybe, Ammy no.

Leviathan as Levi/Livvy made sense but Ammy doesn't.

>> No.11745174

World 6 and 7.

>> No.11745209

Hmm, I need to get my shit straight to get both Amaterasu and Hervor
99 light swords - check
99 light boots - check
fingers ready for shitload of clicking - nope

>> No.11745223

By the time you have 99 light swords and light boots, don't you already have better cards than Hervor?

>> No.11745264

I have had decked out 19999 attack and defense teams for almost half a year by now, but that doesn't mean there isn't much to collect to catch 'em all. I'm still wasting my stamina getting SR that I don't have yet such as Beelzebub and Mammary.

>> No.11745273

That's what everyone calls her in PAD.

>> No.11745294

>Only in japan would an ugly jew beast from jew mythology be revamped as a kawaii schoolgirl
>Now everyones crazy about Levi this and Levi that. Soon people will be shouting praises to the clans of Cohen and Abraham, what has this world come to....kike-worshipping weeabos

>> No.11745355

Well, I need a team buffer and multi-proc critter.

>> No.11745386

Let's take Ammy for a spin!
>Buffs Nyx. Every time.
I want my 5k medals back.

>> No.11745425

Take out Nyx then.

>> No.11745438

if you dont have a Lilim or team buffer youve got to deal with it.

>> No.11745451

Do the past AWs in the normal campaign drop other SRs like a normal AW?

>> No.11745464

I think Nyx is better than Ammy, and if you don't buff yourself, there is no chance of debuffs being removed.

>> No.11745472

Probably, though it would actually be better if they don't so you can just get 2 copies of them and stop wasting your stamina

>> No.11745481

Yes. My first sr from beelzebub was a himiko which doesn't upset me.

>> No.11745584

I just got my 2nd Alice after 4 L.shoes and 7ish L.swords and 79 kills.

>> No.11745595


>> No.11745660

When will the townspeople come back? ;_;

>> No.11745677

If anyone else is trying to get Hervor, please add me and send me your Hervors.


I am not that strong, but I can do some damage. I'm only level 60 so I don't have much VIT to farm her, and I really want to get a Hervor.

>> No.11745678

I hope never, they made my client crash.

>> No.11745688

Done sir. May we crush the evil witch together! (I'm out of campaign points, you'll have to wait a bit)

>> No.11745726

Oh man, but when she hits the twins, 200k per hit. May not seem like much to you guys, but that was the fastest AW kill I've had.

>> No.11745762

2 Hervors in 49 kills. Pretty lucky.

Right now I'm using
Scythe Joker (18k. I can max her, but I've been pretty lazy)
Reindeer Girl
Staff Joker

Gonna try to farm up an Ammy, should I replace Reindeer Girl or Staff Joker?

>> No.11745905

You already have a 300% self buff, In my opinion you dont need Amaterasu at all

>> No.11745929

Yeah, but doesn't Ammy give the buff to a random person? I should be able to get better overkills if I get the buff on Joker or Hervor. So far with just Joker and Omoikane, I do around 200k, and Hervor does around the same with Omoikane buff.

>> No.11745948

Well you'd be risking survivability, my Himiko and Lilim both in 0* die pretty easily without my supporters (Aphro and Nyx) so you should try swapping teams to see which one your team works better with

>> No.11745959

Thanks for the Hervors, Panchira!

>> No.11745998

Give me my FUCKING hervors. NOW!

>> No.11746003

sent ;)

>> No.11746021

I'm at 120~ hervor kills with no SRs in sight. God dammit I only need one too

>> No.11746038

MOAR Hervors! And any AW, really.

>> No.11746052

Remember you're in /jp/, please mind the quality of your posts

>> No.11746060

fuck off newfag

>> No.11746062

So i have to get up for work at 6am....but i am NOT going to bed until nubee gives me 1 hervor!!!!! Gonna burn through all my shoes until i get one!!! Been killing Hervors for almost 6 hours now.....and not a single SR.

>> No.11746083

Send us some, anon.

>> No.11746104
File: 262 KB, 1366x768, icansleepnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this guy. My victories tab said i only killed 87 but it must be lagging. Looks like i can sleep now

>> No.11746236

Magic school or try to save for Castle lv10?

I have around 900 jews so far.

>> No.11746269

Magic school if you have decent AWK team

>> No.11746291

4qlmr, got my hervors if anyone needs a killer for amaterasu (or any really, I'm not picky)

>> No.11746297

Finally got a hervor after 170 kills


>> No.11746318

I only need one hervor ;_;

>> No.11746342

2 million points in a day...double my record. got my 4 hervors and 2 beelzebubs that I wanted. 40+ light sword and 12 red shoes.

>> No.11746364

>40+ light sword and 12 red shoes
Holy shit... are you made of money!?

>> No.11746426

You can't buy light swords. And less than $12 worth of shoes = made of money?

>> No.11746433

Meh, I misread that. Carry on.

>> No.11746730

Yeah it feels like the drop rate for this event is substantially lower than previous events. I figure nubee thinks that with people scrambling to gang rape the AWs as much as possible to get into that UR prize bracket, a lower SR rate is justified.

>> No.11746760

Mmm, I don't know...
You see all those other people boasting about how easy they got their HSR Hervor?
And I personally got my first one at 50 kills. I'm sure it all balances out.

>> No.11746777

>upgrade Magic School
>encounter AW become more rare
wtf Nubee

>> No.11746793
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-12-27-06-22-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current AW killing team. Just wondering if I would be better off replacing someone with Hervor?

>> No.11746801

With type advantage over the current AW, you'd get some bonus damage through Hervor, however with 2x Omoikane and Lilim I'm not sure the damage would even be noticeable. With 2 0*SRs, a healer is necessary. If you can max Hervor's ATK, bench ChuChu.

>> No.11746815

Does Omoikane's boost stack?

>> No.11746997
File: 282 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2013-12-27-22-28-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nanaya, if you are here, I'd like to thank you for the Hervor even though I don't need another copy though.

>> No.11747057

I want my sun goddess so I can worship her.

Please drop soon, Ammy

>> No.11747207

Glad she's dropping for someone, I'll trudge on until she drops for me too.

>> No.11747312

YES I GOT 2 OF HER BACK TO BACK. Helping people does pay off well

>> No.11747653

Replace Healer with Hervor.
There's really no need for healers. If RNG fail you then simply send the AW to someone else and move on to next one.
Do the maximum damage, Kill AW, move on to next.

>> No.11747824
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-12-27-15-40-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The RNG swings my way for once, this game just became a whole lot easier...

>> No.11747910
File: 1.10 MB, 720x1008, gaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 spots left for Touhou Maiden guild. Last call!

>> No.11748064

Weird, I've been killing Hervors for someone who has allegedly not logged in for two hours. Can't trust anything this game tells ya.

>> No.11748076

It counts log-in time, not how long you stay logged in. You can log in two hours ago and just keep playing.
Which is why I sometimes restart the game, just to keep near the top of the list.

>> No.11748165

Well that's enough Hervors for tonight! Hope you got something useful guys. ~Nanaya

>> No.11748191

Thanks for all the Hervor. Though I haven't opened any yet.

>> No.11748221

Once I get an invite, I'll drop my current guild.


>> No.11748377
File: 76 KB, 320x448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think I got the best pair of legs in the game. Step aside, Cinderella.

>> No.11748402

>average 200 AWKs/day
>in the top 200 ranking on day 2
Welp, just need to maintain that and I have my first UHR.

>> No.11748436
File: 452 KB, 900x1260, Philosopher_HSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other AW killer are probably trying to get the other AW SR first before going to the 2 VIT area to start killing AWs.
That's not Philosopher.

>> No.11748481

Don't ruin my day, pls ;_;

>> No.11748502

Still no Amaterasu ;_;

>> No.11748629

Good luck with that.
I'm contemplating going for the 3000-5000 bracket, actually. Kagamimochi's legs are calling out to me;;
No idea if she'll be an exclusive ranking reward, her and the other new R cards apparently haven't been added to the drop pool at least.

>> No.11748684

Alright, sent you one! Will take you 24 hours to accept though.

>> No.11748696

Yes, she's exclusive Ranking reward only, so only 300 people will ever get to HSR her and then a bunch of other people that get one are screwed.

I'm still wondering if I should bother. Are stat caps still 19999? She's not that amazing though I guess she could shine in Alliance Battles...except her higher soldier count probably still won't stop her from being 1-shotted.

>> No.11748722

>Kagamimochi Ranking reward only
what, don't do this to me ;_;

>> No.11748724

I'm reading places that say max ATK on HUR is 29999.

>> No.11748776
File: 674 KB, 960x640, 013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah!

>> No.11748780
File: 505 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-12-28-10-14-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm close to confirmation, I just need more feeder cards to pump in the arcana.

>> No.11748781
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>> No.11748847
File: 501 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-12-28-10-36-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Juliet just replaced Chu Chulainn

>> No.11748881

Wow, max attack really is higher. That's legit, right?

Guess I'll start saving medals for HUR.

>> No.11748888
File: 245 KB, 640x896, VenusSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're talking about legs, Venus can't be beat.

>> No.11748893

Would you give her a happy ending, anon?

>> No.11748898

I'd that goddess.

>> No.11748902

I'm almost out of medals, so I'll keep saving and feeding her to see how far down the rabbit hole goes, but baidu users are saying 29999 is max.

>> No.11748971

Also, Juliet doesn't trigger off-element skills, like Mephistopheles. The primary element has to be cool.

>> No.11749013
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2013-12-27-21-24-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I max out Nicolas skill?

>> No.11749030

Were I you I'd try getting HSR Hervor and maxing her

>> No.11749064

Get a team of 3 Hervors and 2 Ammy.

>> No.11749114

>>lost numerous lovers.
Do not want.

>> No.11749129

The wiki mentions that the 2 AWs to be added on Jan 7 are Leviathan and Orihime. Is there any basis for this?

>> No.11749142

Is there a Goddess you wouldn't

>> No.11749146
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2013-12-27-18-07-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11749147

Very likely, since you can see those two in the background of the banner for the event.

>> No.11749158
File: 74 KB, 320x448, Orc_R_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11749166

Pleasantly plump

>> No.11749194

You don't like healthy figures?

>> No.11749204

That doesn't look healthy to me

>> No.11749209

Fair enough. Guess Hervor is still the priority, then.

>> No.11749220

Cameras adds 50 pounds to an image.
So yes, she is healthy.

>> No.11749358

She has more than 100 pounds of unhealthiness, even without the camera she's fat as fuck.

>> No.11749360

Stop fatshaming.

>> No.11749371

What I meant was whether Kagamimochi will be reward exclusive or not. But then, considering that I got to like rank 2100 with about 400k points and I usually get 200-300k a day, I might not even have to try to get into that bracket.

The UR will most likely be exclusive like that other card you could get during the casino event. It annoys me, but whatever.

>> No.11749378

She'll meet the same fate as Mama Cass

>> No.11749380

Fat people are really fat. It's a sight for sore eyes

>> No.11749447

211 kills into Amaterasu, and she finally releases that second SR. Is she the one to be farming for points, or is there an easier one lurking in regular campaign mode?

>> No.11749511

Alp in the normal campaign may be unable to instagib a card since she will use her card skill instead of AW Wave.

>> No.11749646

Hervor uses Tyrhung (same as witch wave) and also uses witch field. Im assuming all the returning AWs use their own skill instead of witch wave. Why am i assuming this you ask? Because only true geniuses assume things.

>> No.11749650

All of a sudden my bluestacks closed itself without warning yesterday. And when i opened it again to see wtf was going on, there were dozens of apps installed on it. Now i have to scroll way down to the bottom to open VC.

It still randomly closes.

>> No.11750068
File: 570 KB, 1280x800, I'd her bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New treasure reward is a qt

>> No.11750070

I would pop her bubble

>> No.11750470

>keep fighting AWs
>keep poking AWs
>SR finally drops
>SR Venus
She's pretty, but I really need Ammy and Hervor... ;_;

>> No.11750471

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11750475

No one. Just hit a dry spell lately. 1 SR in 3 days and not even one I could use for my AW team.

>> No.11750485

Same here,but it's Ishtar and her "crops" if you know what I mean.

Also,Life's pretty good with Uriel and Omoikane,even if they aren't HSR

>> No.11750553

mammon has been unlucky for me. beelzebub and hervor gave me 1 SR every ~40 kills. mammon so far has been 1 SR every 80 kills and I'm not finding any mammons ;_;

>> No.11751094

Alright, got 2 HSR Ammy's now. Time to hunt Hervor.

>> No.11751813

Going from 1.8 million damage down to 200k because you get exactly 0 skill procs is the reason I play this game.

>> No.11751829

>1.8 million
You don't have a UR yet?

>> No.11751838
File: 502 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-12-29-09-48-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't maxed, and even then her damage cap is still 999,999, so I don't see how relevant this question is. If you're implying survivability, she was waved on turn 1.

>> No.11751857

So she hits the cap already at 25k attack and her own buff?

>> No.11751914

Hers plus either Polaris or Omoikane (basically any other 200% team buff) will set her up to cap.

>> No.11751923

Wiat no its' boht of the 200%, nothe either

>> No.11751948

go home anon you're drunk

>> No.11752079


Is there any spot left? I plan to quit my actual alliance (not very active) and searching for a new one more active

ID : 2i3xo

>> No.11752329

forgot to spent my 2k Chrismas Cards

>> No.11752345

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.11752461

Sorry Touhou Maiden just filled up today

>> No.11752526

Aaaaaah, shit. i had enough for one more SR too.

>> No.11753009


aww thanks anyway, gonna search another one

>> No.11753409

Any spots any alliances left? I want to hang with /jp/.

ID : 5il91
