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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11724534 No.11724534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an otaku sleeping pattern?

>> No.11724536

I sleep whenever I want.

>> No.11724539

I hibernate for 12 hours a day

>> No.11724540

Mine's fucked up plain and simple.

>> No.11724541

i'm like uberman, except the asleep and awake are reversed

>> No.11724542

I sleep when I'm tired and I wake up when I'm not tired.

I pay attention to the arbitrary normie made concept of time based on a 24 hour cycle. I am the living natural man. I have the right to forage for my food.

>> No.11724550

the problem with funny sleep cycles is that they are supposed to reduce your sleeping time, whereas i prefer sleeping more

>> No.11724553

I sleep until the dreams stop being happy.

>> No.11724556
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Some days I stay awake for 20ish hours
Other days I sleep for most of the day

But mostly I just sleep when tired

>> No.11724559
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thanks for lettin me know dudes

>> No.11724560

I'm typically awake 16 hours and sleep for 10. I wish the days were 26h.

>> No.11724561
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>> No.11724565


I've always wanted to try Dymaxion, but I imagine that sort of sleeping pattern catches up to you and kills your brain after a while. Beside, it's so comfy laying in bed for hours and waking up to your own body-warmed sack of blankets!

>> No.11724569 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't want to mess with something like my sleep schedule. Seems like it could be dangerous. We don't really understand the functions of sleep and how long-term deprivation like that can affect you, even if you feel well-rested.

I'm sure humans would've evolved the 'uberman' sleep schedule if it was what was best for them. Evolution knows best, at least till we can start changing ourselves more totally than we can now.

>> No.11724581
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We know that REM sleep deprivation eventually kills you.

Polyphasic sleep isn't practical in a modern urban environment where you have no control over the quality of your sleep, mainly due to noise, and a modern way of life full of coffee, alcohol, tobacco, stimulants, lcd screens, lights, etc. that severely impact your metabolism and thus the quality of your sleep.

>> No.11724582

My sleep cycle rotates with the moon.

>> No.11724598

Mine cycles from day to night. I end up staying up another 2 hours than I usually sleep until it completely rotates.

>> No.11724628

I sleep at 1 a.m and wake close to 6 a.m each day.
In the days that I take a shift I stay a wake close to 60 hours then I sleep for 8 to 10 hours after it.

>> No.11724633 [DELETED] 


It's not practical anywhere till I see some peer-reviewed clinical studies showing that doing it long-term (10+ years) presents no harm to humans. The fact is that from an evolutionary standpoint it makes no sense for humans to evolve 'unnecessary' sleep. Those supposedly unnecessary hours where humans are in 'non-REM' sleep would have better served as waking, alert hours of activity if they were indeed unnecessary.

>> No.11724636

Nah, I wake up in the morning

>> No.11724641

Please sleep 8 hours a day with awaking at sunrise.

>> No.11724644

What if it's vestigial?

>> No.11724650

I actually have a normie schedule :
- waking up around 6~7:00 AM
- going to sleep around 10~11:00 PM
But since I'm not leaving my house it's kind of useless I guess.

>> No.11724660
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>> No.11724661

For single 10 sleeping times I have found the times 18-04 and 16-02 to be the most comfortable. These times I recommend for people living in the same house with their family. If I'm alone I sleep in 4 hour intervals.

>> No.11724664

You guys know that such lewd little girls actually exist right? And no, they're only aiming for fit@cie guys too.

>> No.11724666 [DELETED] 


What would it be a vestige of?

>> No.11724676

>The fact is that from an evolutionary standpoint it makes no sense for humans to evolve 'unnecessary' sleep.
Its safer to sleep trough the entire night in a cave than to wander out during night.

>> No.11724679
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>> No.11724678 [DELETED] 


It's safer than either option to sit awake in the cave, alert and unable to be eaten by predators or bitten by venomous insects in your sleep.

>> No.11724681

It would be better if we didn't need no sleep at all. Fucking evolution making us have sleep in the first place.

>> No.11724682

Mornings are pretty and sound nice.

>> No.11724688

I sleep from about 2200-0515 every day, so let's be pessimistic and say I get six hours of sleep every night, with no naps or periods of rest in between. On fridays and saturday nights, I sleep from 0200-1100, or as late as 1400, so I guess this is where I play catch-up.

I've been doing it for years, but it never stops being hard.

>> No.11724696 [DELETED] 


But you might not be able to think as well then, or you might get alzheimers when you're only three years old, or something.

>> No.11724700

That's what the man is saying is dumb. Is it too much to ask to just not sleep without any detriments?

>> No.11724710

I did uberman for 3 weeks. Works, but you often feel just a little groggy and it's easy to fall asleep whenever you want.

>> No.11724747

All of those multiphasic sleeping schedules are not sustainable and are for people who cannot sleep much at all like those on long solo sailing trips.

>> No.11724752
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Day 1: Sleep for 4 hours
Day 2: Sleep for 14 hours to make up for lost sleep
Day 3: Sleep for 4 hours because of buffer acquired during last nights sleep
Repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11724756 [DELETED] 


It is too much. We don't know why we even need sleep so it's hard to think about, but

>> No.11724757 [DELETED] 
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Wow I hit my enter key accidentally, this is super embarrassing. Well, you can imagine how the rest of the post would have been.

>> No.11724803

Mine is 6 or 7 segments of 1-3 hours and then a nap during the day. Kind of like someone fucked up a pie and made a bunch of tiny slices on one side.

>> No.11724813
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Early to bed, early to wake, makes a lady smart, pretty and great.

>> No.11724828

I awoke today at 2pm. I will probably go to sleep at around 4am. I don't have any set sleeping pattern because it is always changes depending on my whims.

An 11pm sleep time and 8am wake time is the method that I like the most but I find it hard to keep to such a schedule since I'm addicted to the internet.

>> No.11724951

I just sleep whenever I can. I've been working weird hours this break. I do almost nothing else these past weeks.

>> No.11724960

Sorry anon but you're not a lady, just a man.

>> No.11724972
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Any insomnia otaku here?

>> No.11724977

Sometimes, but I blame the computer

>> No.11724978

It feels like my sleeping patterns change around twice a month. These days I usually wake up around 7-8AM, take a nap around 3, wake up at 6, then sleep until morning around 9-10PM.

Also what the hell is so uber about uberman? Sleeping for 20mins every 4 hours sounds annoying as fuck.

>> No.11724985

>up 24 hours due to working nights
>sleep when get home from work

thankfully I'm on 1 on/1off schedule so it works out

>> No.11724987

do you earn much?
what do you do with the money?
buy stuff like those show-off room threads
do you live by yourself?

>> No.11724991

I get 3 hours of sleep a night. It takes me several hours to fall asleep, and I always wake up at 5 AM exactly. I've been like this for around 10 years already.
It's not a good feeling.

>> No.11725018

What is uber about uberman is that despite his wretched sleeping pattern, he is available close to any time and is able to perform well when awake. This is the kind of sleeping pattern of CEO or heavy traders.

>> No.11725032

I get in bed at 1:30, fall asleep at anywhere from 2:00 to 3:00 and wake up at 11:30
so like 9h of sleep
is that a good sleep schedule

>> No.11725047

Depends on the situation. When I'm playing an mmo, it's 6 hours, without it's around 12-13.

>> No.11725113

I tried the uberman. It gave me lucid dreams as HELL. Even tought the naps only last about 20 min they felt like hours.

But I had to stop because it felt like a never ending day. I couldn't sleep my sadness away.

>> No.11725142

That sounds kind of awesome. How did you do it?

>> No.11725170

The uberman?

Most people can't adapt but it is really easy if you fast for one or two days. Drink a lot of water.

And the lucid dreaming is almost for granted, it happens to almost everyone in the cycle.

>> No.11725175

What would you do if you're literally always tired?

>> No.11725188

So eat absolutely nothing but stay hydrated. Got it. Seems like I've already failed since I'm eating something as I type this.

So what about sleeping. Should I be sleeping as usual for those one or two days or what?

>> No.11725203

Not him, but just know that you need to take those naps at the same time every day or you'll be extremely tired. I don't know how bad it is to be late for a nap, but skipping one of them will fuck you up.

>> No.11725218

Start fasting on the second or third day after you start naping. Look for the polysleep forum, they have a lt of info.

>> No.11725260

If I'm in the house of the /jp/ grill I know having non-stop sex, I usually sleep 12~14 hours of cuddly, sweaty sleep. It's really draining.

If I'm home by myself I'm pretty much like >>11724598, getting around 6~7 hours of sleep.

>> No.11725287

12-12 asleep, 12-12 awake

although 4 of those "asleep" hours might as well just be "in bed while lucid"

>> No.11725297

woah dude you had sex
