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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11711197 No.11711197 [Reply] [Original]

So anyone going to FuyuComi/Winter Comiket in two weeks?

>> No.11711202 [DELETED] 

Normie shit.

>> No.11711200

I wish I was, I want to go to comiket one of these days.

>> No.11711209
File: 85 KB, 300x334, daffy_duck_having_a_stroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normie shit

>> No.11711206

you're trying too hard, aniki

I didn't save enough money, so I can't make it. I have literally 200$ in my bank account, which is more than a lot of you, but not enough.

>> No.11711212 [DELETED] 

Well he is talking about a convention. Just because it's in another country doesn't change that it's a place for people to convene.

>> No.11711215

I hope you are all just pretending to take this shit seriously because otherwise it's just sad.

>> No.11711218

Take what seriously?

>> No.11711219

Except comike isn't a place for people to converse. You line up and buy porn. For the most part you don't talk to anyone else. If you've only ever been to western conventions it's probably hard for you to understand.

>> No.11711225

The phrase "normie shit" in a Comiket thread.

>> No.11711226

I've only been to science fiction conventions. From the footage I've seen of Comiket, it looks a lot more social. It's not like science fiction conventions don't have booths and goods and speakers too -- that's the point.

I can't vouch for Western anime conventions though. They do seem pretty scary, like a party full of people dressed up as Homestuck characters then performing sex acts on each other in hotel rooms. None of that goes on at science fiction conventions, let me tell you.

>> No.11711229

I think we all appreciate that the works that come out of Comiket are great and the kind of thing the board is for, but the convention itself is pretty normal.

This is a board where walking to the unemployment office to collect your latest welfare check is too social and makes you no longer a truNEET. Going to a massive convention full of thousands of people so you can talk to people to buy things is pretty fucking normal, no matter how on-topic those things are.

>> No.11711232
File: 2.16 MB, 4272x2848, 1387133472524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Comiket is so special and different from all the other conventions.

>> No.11711236

It is normie shit. You could get all the things you can get from comiket without even leaving your room. Only reasons to go there are neurotypical reasons.

>> No.11711237

Most people who broadcast "footage" of comike are normalfag niconico dipshits, but they only make up a small percentage of the actual attendance of comike.

>> No.11711241

guy with socks book, guy to his left, and the one on the far right are cool. other 4 are mega fags would not meetup

actually guy on far left is probably ok.

>> No.11711244

That probably goes for any convention.


I'm sure these kids are a minority but Jesus Christ would I not like to go to a convention with them.

>> No.11711243

>person 1 from the right with long hair and 'pony tunes' book

>> No.11711247

>right from her

(sorry balding-san I know how it feels to suffer from male pattern baldness but you deserve to insulted because you were in this picture)

>> No.11711256

It would be cool if I did. Judging on what is coming out C85 might be the best comiket since C80 or eve C78

>> No.11711258

I don't think that's the milk he was talking about...

>> No.11711265

By left you mean left from our point of view, not left from his point of view, right?

>> No.11711273

i meant, respectively, guy #3, #4, #7, and #1. numbering from left to right. MY left to right.

>> No.11711285

I don't like #4. There's something about his jacket and the way he holds his bag. It's not that he's not /fa/ enough, I just get the feeling that he's the worst kind of autistic person.

>> No.11711290

That shit is for nerds

>> No.11711298

The bag he's holding in front looks hideous.

>> No.11711310
File: 27 KB, 500x353, satenbaito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c85jpmeetup@gmail.com registered
Here we go again...

>> No.11711310,1 [INTERNAL] 

Was >>11711209 being ironic when he posted that picture?

>> No.11711318

Comiket is first a market, which does in fact make it different from "all the other conventions."

But then you'd have to write someone up and tell him what you want. That's correspondence! And socialization!

>> No.11711367

Center guy.
I want that book. I need that book. I'll pay good money for that book.

>> No.11711382


>> No.11711399

Every convention sells shit. Comiket crew out of a convention and it is an even worse convention. I'd rather hang out with SF otaku than anime/manga otaku. Half of Japan reads anime or watches manga. It's the most normal shit there is after baseball.

>> No.11711405

I'm a SF Otaku!
My favorite author is Larry Niven.
How about you?

>> No.11711448

Just stupid question: if I someday go to Japan, when how early does the comiket ticket pre-sale begin? Does comiket often sell out?

>> No.11711455

Is it okay to go alone?
I'm in Japan but I have no friends.
I also don't want to walk with a bunch of gaijins, it will be too suspicious.

>> No.11711454

Good thing you made this thread, I almost forgot /jp/ is not the place to browse for Comiket anymore.

>> No.11711460

It's free, anon.

Comiket is run by volunteers.

>> No.11711462

/jp/ meetups don't involve actually shopping together. You just meet at the end of the day and go drink/eat.

>> No.11711463

Comiket almost exclusively sells shit. No panels or talks. All they have other than a comic market is a fenced off ghetto for cosplayers.

>> No.11711466

Then it's worst than I thought

>> No.11711469

What's the point of anime conventions without doujin works?
Westerns are so weird.

>> No.11711473

It's more like a doujin flea-market than what you're thinking of.

And people aren't running around spouting memes or acting like retards. Everyone is quiet and just goes from stand to stand buying stuff.
It's like a silent battlefield in there.

>> No.11711598

There are panels of animation and related companies though. They often show trailers and other shit.

>> No.11711610


>> No.11711631

>go "drink/eat"

Is that what we're calling it now?

>> No.11711752

Drink the soup and eat the meat, not necessarily in that order mind you.

>> No.11711937

Comiket is free.
However you need to buy the catalog for Reitaisai.

>> No.11712193

I don't feel comfortable around unkempt nerds. I would never meet you people.

>> No.11712260

The thing about these otaku social activities that bothers me is that online we're saying things like "3DPD" and whatnot, but then the con goers go and meet up with each other and socialize normally. I couldn't do that. Male otaku are about as 3DPD and as far away from the niceness of 2D as you can get. There's nothing fun to me about being around people like that.

>> No.11712281


>> No.11712330
File: 93 KB, 703x554, 1356451110832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever successfully used a middleman service to retrieve books that were sold at Comiket? If so please let me know. Otherwise, if anyone would be willing to pick up a very important book for me there, I'll make it worth your while.

>> No.11712354

why the fuck would you care about people?
comiket is just about buying porn and music
stuff that will never get uploaded

>> No.11712358

>another two weeks until I have to pay $30 for the latest Rei no Tokoro from some scalper off of Y!J

>> No.11712367

I don't understand going to such lengths to get porn. It feels too seedy and depressing.

>> No.11712380

The best dickgirl artists in the world don't get their works scanned. So I pay out the nose for their doujins twice a year because I'm a fan and they're the only group that caters to my tastes.

You'll know what it's like if you ever pick up a niche fetish like I have.

>> No.11712693

does matsumoto drill kenkyuujo have a submission?

>> No.11712776

Can anyone confirm if this is an ironic post or not?

Thank you.

>> No.11712794

Jesus, that's what the markup is?

Tora no Ana/Melonbooks is pretty damn cheap in comparison.

>> No.11712807

At least you guys can buy. Some won't even sell to foreigners and you need a jp bank account.

>> No.11712811

Why would you even think it's ironic?
There's nothing ironic about it

>> No.11712816

>you need a jp bank account

For Comiket? I thought you mostly pay in cash there.

>> No.11712820

>Some won't even sell to foreigners

Most of them don't.

>> No.11712823

the anon probably has some magic method to acquire porn for free in a non seedy and depressing manner

>> No.11712831

He's probably talking about resellers. Gaijin buy shit directly from booths all the damn time.

>> No.11712859

Well it's just really weird to see someone act like dickgirls is some incredibly niche fetish. And then the attitude in his second line just made it seem even more like he was just trying to imitate someone from another board. Sorry for responding maybe this is all part of the joke.

>> No.11712862

probably next year

>> No.11713090

Y!J guy here.
I use a middleman service.

>> No.11713099

Shit, hit enter too early.
Most doujins I see tend to average around 500-1000-ish yen. It really depends on the author.
It's actually not ironic at all. Dickgirls are pretty niche if you're not on 4chan, but I'm referring to the weird shit of the weird shit. Like, Radiohead and shit.

>> No.11714693

I'm jealous of you being able to attend and I still need to find somebody trustworthy to buy stuff for me.

I literally read posts like that every comiket.

>> No.11714824

What is wrong about getting hyped?

>> No.11714834

It inevitably leads to massive disappointment, which leads to us having to put up with you funposting about how terrible X (in this particular case, comiket) was.

>> No.11714859

As long as what I want gets uploaded and my favorite music circles don't shit the bed I am a happy camper.

>> No.11715332

Speaking as one of these guys, although everyone was surprisingly non-autistic (probably to be expected due to the whole travelling to another country thing) it'd be a far cry to call it "normie shit".

>> No.11715368

That is too to be expected. The stereotypical autistic fat neckbeard /jp/ anon couldn't be more wrong.
I wonder how many of you are actually still alive.

>> No.11715385

So will some booths really refuse to sell to you because you're a foreigner? I've got over my fear of sticking out but I feel like that would be really awkward.

>> No.11715391

I've never been refused in the two times I've been, and I'm as white as they come. I'm sure that some circles might refuse but they'd be in the very small minority.

>> No.11715410

That's good to know. Maybe if I don't act like the stereotypical foreigner that they seem to be afraid of (loud, overly friendly, laughing at everything, etc) my chances will improve. I'm just interested in getting in, buying some merchandise, and getting out anyway, I'm not really interested in... well, whatever else there is to do there.

>> No.11715433

He probably likes the thrill of having to go through such lenchs to reach the dickgirl doujinshi he wants than anything else. The pleasure is probably more in the experience and effort than the actua content. It's like getting a game you've waited for months when you're a kid and getting awfully happy about it and ending up playing it through hours, but then when you grow up, having thousands of downloadable games in your computer and not playing a single one of them. The harder it is to reach, the better the reward will feel. Might be why many people learn japanese to play Visual Novels. Having so many of them innaccessible and thinking that you'll be able to read all of them one day is most likely a huge motivation for them.

>> No.11715434

I'll go to beat up white people because the Nip police doesn't care if you beat up foreigners.

I'll be waiting....

>> No.11715435

I wonder if they'll use giant mosaics to censor everything.

>> No.11715436

What are you even talking about?

>> No.11715443 [DELETED] 

Because of all the peple thattl b fuking ;)

>> No.11715444

Ever since they arrested the editors of that one ero magazine for "obscenity," everybody everywhere has been applying gigantic mosaics of doom. Comic LO has been defiled by them.

>> No.11715454

The olympics are ruining everything already.

>> No.11715475

They probably won't even happen in Tokyo. Nobody will come to a radioactive hazard zone.

They'd be better off inviting stalkers.

>> No.11715485

How much does a trip to Japan actually run someone

Am I going to have to sell my black cherry to pay for the plane ticket?

>> No.11715492

It'll easily run you over 2,000 USD. Not counting however much you'll be spending at comiket itself.

>> No.11715506
File: 247 KB, 720x950, 1380125843374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anal virginity isn't worth that!

>> No.11715524

Fuck, at least I can go once I graduate from college. Hopefully EE pays off.

>> No.11715528

I read the first part and laughed, then saw that you were in engineering. Yeah you'll probably end up good to go.

>> No.11715527

You can probably cut down on costs if you find some really cheapo hostel or something, and buy the plane ticket a couple months in advance. Winter comiket trips are generally more expensive because holiday air-fare is cranked up to take advantage of all the people flying around to visit family for christmas.

>> No.11715579

For those of you that have gone to Comiket in the past, have you run into heavy discrimination? Stuff like circles refusing to sell you their works in fear of you uploading them.

>> No.11715585

I've only seen chinese get turned down for shit.
Waito piggu just kinda get ignored and treated like the rest. If you speak a little japanese (actually speak it, and not the 5 words you learned from watching anime.) they're mostly pretty cool. Some are more than eager to sell gaijin their stuff.

>> No.11715587

To add to this guy's question do any of you get stares? I am a 190cm ginger

>> No.11715588

I survived three months with a little over 2k. You can definitely do it with less if you are just buying stuff at comiket.

>> No.11715590

Cosplay as Ronald McDonald and everybody will love you.

>> No.11715609

Absolutely never.

If this even happens at all it's a small minority of circles doing it.

>> No.11715614

That's right. It's nothing like an western anime con.

>> No.11715930

Never witnessed anything like this taking place the few times I have been there. More often than not, the bigger circles are too busy trying to move people through their line so they don't care who you are as long as you aren't causing problems in line and have your money ready.

Some of the smaller circles/less popular ones may actually try to converse with you, and ask you if you came all the way to Japan just for Comiket, where you are from, etc. A lot of people in Japan have never left the country, so seeing foreigners traveling across oceans just to attend Comiket is fairly amazing to them.

>> No.11715979

I remember one guy being quite excited that I was buying a CD off him - their lyrics were in English half the time and he obviously knew enough of the language that he wanted to try it out on me.

I was also approached by a TV crew wanting to interview me but I declined.

>> No.11716030

This has been my experience as well. They are often very excited to have a foreigner buy something off them and like to try a bit of chit-chat.

Had the TV crews try to interview me as well.

>> No.11716036

You guys are going to end up on the nips variety shows with their celebrities caption laughing at you.

>> No.11716038


I'm pretty sure that's just a rumor. My guess is they would be excited that somebody from across the globe took interest in something they did.

>> No.11716042

Thankfully I don't care what nips think about me.

>> No.11716045

Those shows were exactly what I was thinking of when I told the guy that I wasn't interested.

>> No.11716156

I'll be going. I've never been before so I'm quite excited at the prospect.

>> No.11716173

Is it even worth this time?
I can't see anything relevant.

>> No.11716217

Anyone here from the UK ever have much trouble in the airport coming back with all your porn in your suitcase?

>> No.11716232

I've never had problems with Australia, and they're supposed to be similarly strict. Porn should be fine even if they look, as long as it's nothing that could be construed as CP. Staying away from loli would be your safest course of action.

>> No.11716260

who else is going?

>> No.11716311
File: 50 KB, 421x290, 1383512129662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be in Japan for the 2nd time in a week. Last time in 2011 didn't work out so well, earthquake fucking up my plan to visit Reitaisai 8.

Hopefully we stay clear of such bullshit this time around.

>> No.11716314

I'm sad because I'll neve rbe able to go.

>> No.11716357

Yeah, you can. Just start doing something with your life and you're sure to make it in time for the next comiket.

>> No.11716379

That must have been gay, did you at least manage to get some older stuff from shops. I want to visit Reitaisai too.

>> No.11716389

Yea I could, I was still staying for how long I initally planned, disregarding the earthquake and nuclear catastrophe shit.
Actually all shops sold most of the Reitaisai 8 releases (which officially got postponed to May) regularly ("Air-Reitaisai"), so I could buy that stuff too.

>> No.11716399

>Yeah, you can.
I can, r-really? That'd be amazing, thanks for giving me hope ano-
>Just start doing something with your life.
Oh, nevermind then.

>> No.11716452

Maybe next time if I get my life straightened out by then.

>> No.11716456

Yeah, I figured as much. Thanks for responding.

>> No.11716483

>Staying away from loli

What's even the point of going to Comiket then?

>> No.11716511

Some of us like 2D but we aren't criminals.

>> No.11716528
File: 555 KB, 1280x720, shut the fuck up senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS mods will keep patrolling the upload threads here too so...

Things NOT TO make posts about:
>Thanking uploaders; do this on another thread appropriate for that discussion.
>Requests for or questions about CDs; things will get uploaded when they get uploaded. Likewise, downloads will be linked when they will be linked.
>Discussion about the music itself. We will have a discussion thread for this.
>Discussion about bitrates and codecs. We will have a discussion thread for this.

>> No.11716555

Thanks for the rules, dude.

>> No.11716562

stfu. nice 5s tho

>> No.11716578


>> No.11716583

>Requests for or questions about CDs; things will get uploaded when they get uploaded. Likewise, downloads will be linked when they will be linked.

But in some occasions when get more than 10 upload threads and most of the linked stuff doesn't get added in the google list since you always drop it midway. I don't think asking for x thing once a thread should be bannable. Of course you shouldn't ask more than one time in the same thread or even once in the first one.

>> No.11716592

Suck my cock, dude

>> No.11716594

Those are the rules posted in the DS thread, which is one big forum post. I think the DS thread will have it's own organization besides the spreadsheet this time around, so maybe it won't stop halfway through.

>> No.11716595

Holy shit, nostalgia blast. Glad someone else remembers this.

>> No.11716657

>nostalgia blast

A whole two years ago.

>> No.11716770

I wouldn't mind request in a dedicated request thread if Janny allowed it. One more thread ain't going to hurt. It might attract /v/ and /a/ subhumans though.

>> No.11716890

>It might attract /v/ and /a/ subhumans though.

It will happen regardless, afterall it happens every time there's a Comiket.

>> No.11717010

remember not to thank the uploaders

>> No.11717038
File: 177 KB, 800x1119, satensan being cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's an upgraded version of my little spiel that I give every Comike. (Or at least, every Comike for which I end up running this meetup...)

There has been a /jp/ meetup pretty much every Comike since C76; that means that this time at C85 might just be our 10th anniversary!

In my experience, the meetup has always been a whole lot of fun. A mix of people show up, and some years have been more "/jp/" than others. Sometimes it's all regulars, sometimes we get crossboarders; sometimes we get a bunch of quiet/socially awkward people, sometimes get random nerdy tourists who happen to be passing through. One time, a girl from /a/ even showed up to the meetup!

If you can't deal with people who unironically love 2D and /jp/, then the meetup probably isn't right for you. On the other side of the spectrum, if you can't handle normies and other such folk who aren't 100% /jp/, (and don't forget, some of us would call you out for simply leaving your house to go to Comike in the first place), then the meetup might not be right for you either.

But if you simply show up with a good attitude, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll have fun! Speaking from past experience, I can't recall anyone who participated and didn't seem to be enjoying themselves.

If you're interested, mail to c85jpmeetup@gmail.com , or just show up.

I would prefer a meetup time of 4 PM by the Big Saw on Day 3, 12/31 (Tue), because that way there's no early morning Comike to worry about the next day and we can take it easy. So unless a large number of people express interest in meeting up on a different day, I'll be waiting for people on Day 3.

For updates, just watch the Comike threads. Happy C85!

>> No.11717043
File: 406 KB, 320x514, 1371395435233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stay with your social activity bunk on your blog or twitter and don't involve people who want to enjoy the event

>> No.11717045

b-but I don't have a blog, or a twitter...

>> No.11717082
File: 430 KB, 800x533, no honking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why we have two separate threads.

Uploads and relevant information to uploads in the upload thread.
Squabble and asking for RO or MH doujins in the discussion thread.

This has been going on for several events now, its not fucking hard.

>> No.11717084 [DELETED] 

Will there be dick sucking?

>> No.11717091 [DELETED] 

do you fuck in the end?

>> No.11717108

fuck you and your mini-modding.

>> No.11717106

Anniversaries are yearly, d00d.

>> No.11717107

He isn't "involving" anyone who doesn't want to be involved.

He's just putting out an option for those on the board who are not trusperg and enjoy talking to others with similar interests.

He didn't grab you by the dick and drag you to the /jp/ meetup.

>> No.11717112

>I would prefer a meetup time of 4 PM by the Big Saw on Day 3, 12/31 (Tue),
Sounds fine to me.

>> No.11717115

Fuck you for ignoring simple requests like posting in the thread where you'll be welcome with your hot opinions.

>> No.11717128

homestuck people are fine, I act like a clueless idiot and ask what is homestuck. They are patient.

>> No.11717129
File: 43 KB, 500x364, obama_thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a jap who goes to comiket, I wonder how he is. Should message him or something if hes going this year. Ah well.

>> No.11717134

>I knew a jap who goes to comiket

>> No.11717140

Maybe he should try on >>>/soc/

>> No.11717138

He reminded me of another jap I knew, had the same curly frizzy hair too.

>> No.11717144

I'll be almost definitely going next year's fuyukomi.
Anyone been to both summer and winter?
Apart from the weather, is there a difference in the genres of material and circles that are there?

>> No.11717146

look, its just a thing he threw out there. It'd be best if theres no more talk of it here, like specifics, and they talk about the thread.

>> No.11717151

Talk outside the thread.

>> No.11717155

What are you trying to imply? Stop trying to silence people.

>> No.11717159

not silencing, just making it ambiguous and non specific. There should be sharing but not blogging.

>> No.11717161

Is that a semi invisible banana?

>> No.11717251

People can follow simple requests on 4chan? Really? What happens every year is that someone, intentionally or not, fails to follow your rules and bam we have 30+ posts bitching about it along with the NO THANKING horseshit. By trying to enforce this you're setting yourself up for failure, considering that one post can derail a thread.

>> No.11717289

what makes one 100% /jp/?

>> No.11717506

If you like /jp/ a lot. For example I like /thisboardthatisnotjpalotbutcomeheresometimesbecauseIliketogototherboards/

>> No.11717514

Comiket has been fucking fine without your silly rules. We have tons of people going socks where and no one was sperging over it until you came up with some stupid rules.
Keep your forum rules in your fucking forun. /jp/ is not DS

>> No.11719015

I was thinking of getting some 3dpd Cosplay ROMs at Comiket. Are they generally more reserved of gaijin than regular doujin sellers? Anyone got experience buying lewd Cosplay stuff at comiket?

>> No.11720791

Any sign of the DVD catalog being uploaded? The web catalog is good and all, but a bit slower than I'd like for planning things out.
