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11711052 No.11711052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nijiura Meido thread?

>> No.11711062

What is it like being on drugs?

>> No.11711082

Fucking nuts.
Do it.

>> No.11711088
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Stay up for 48-72 hours and find out a rough comparison.

>> No.11711092


Its like losing yourself to the great well of universal consciousness or like a nice full-body massage or like getting a boost or shield powerup depending on what drug you use.

>> No.11711098

My cousin Kendall from Indiana got high once and he started eating really weird foods. And then he just felt like he didn't belong anywhere. You know, like Twilight Zone kinda.

>> No.11711100

I haven't done this in years, but I can tell you that this is not a good feeling.

Even when I was NEET and had literally no reason to wake up or go to sleep, it was hard to do this without consuming a huge amount of substances.

>> No.11711101

I managed it with just caffeine. I got really tetchy and paranoid. Then I slept for two days and had a headache for over a week. Not fun.

>> No.11711112
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Substances? It's certainly not a good feeling though so it's probably a bad comparison. More compared to those random bursts of euphoria during long term sleep dep but amplified. Before I lost my job and went neet I went to work a few times running around 72 hours. At that point your basically in a whole different world, just one you dont want to be in where as the effects of weed would be the polar opposite.

>> No.11711117

Yeah, the benefits and bragging rights of doing it just don't outweigh how much it fucks you up. The problem was finding things to do that wouldn't put me to sleep. Walking outside made me tired, so I didn't do that.

I took a lot of cold showers and listened to a lot of hardcore/trance music and drank excessive amounts of rockstar, which is the only energy drink I can tolerate. I remember watching the entire Gundam Double Zeta series also.

>> No.11711118
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I think it's just become normal for me at this point. Adderal helps just about as much as the fact that I already had insomnia issues before hand.
