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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 242 KB, 640x682, 1387051960418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11710098 No.11710098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should we forgive Thad?

>> No.11710103

Are you kidding? Why would you forgive someone who intentionally harms children?

>> No.11710108

Forgive him for what, being fucking retarded? This guy has to be one of the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.11710121

How did he harm children?

>> No.11710119

The guy is a fucking idiot.

Who in their right mind brags about CP?

Are you reading this, FBI? You can suck my dick, I won't ever admit to anything and you can't prove jack shit.

>> No.11710128
File: 188 KB, 988x874, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it possible that he wanted to get caught?

>> No.11710124

He never harmed a child. He was just pretending to be a pedo to fit in with the cool /a/ kiddies.

>> No.11710132

He supported the sexual abuse of young girls.

>> No.11710133

He was stupid, but harmless. He didn't deserve his fate.

>> No.11710137

McMichael clamed this was also a joke

>> No.11710138


People like this affect my ability to enjoy life. Keep him in jail.

>> No.11710139

Did he die or something?

>> No.11710141

He was never alive

>> No.11710144

Of course he's stupid.
Either he got his account hacked, or he's pants on head retard.
A few months after his conviction, he commented on one of his most popular vids that at least the feds didn't find his external HD.

>> No.11710151

Mad Thad is not even /jp/ related, ask /a/.

>> No.11710152
File: 16 KB, 598x260, Madthad_self_hating_black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thad is racist against black people

>> No.11710153

Pedophilia is otaku culture

>> No.11710160

Thad is honorary white

>> No.11710170
File: 21 KB, 480x344, MadThad_kissing_a_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RIP in peace, Thaddeus

>> No.11710173

Fucking niggers.

Back to Africa or the coal mines with the lot of you.

>> No.11710174

Like eminem

>> No.11710182
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1352635887520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't already forgave Thad?

He's such a lovable jackass.

\things\dont click\not cp\cp.jpg

I really liked the intro to that. This is a beautiful tribute.

>> No.11710179

Vanilla Ice was better than Eminem.

>> No.11710180

Why would you make a video of something like this, let alone upload it? A picture I can understand, so you can relive the memories, but a video doesn't make sense to me. Personally, whenever I celebrate a birthday for a character I love, I always make sure to make some really nice cake for her. I made Chihaya a blueberry cake last year and I think it turned out really nice. The year before that I made her a lavender cake. I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing this year. If I could find some blue raspberries I'd happily make her a blue raspberry cake, but from what I understand those are kind of hard to come by if you don't live where they naturally grow. Yukiho will be getting her usual white cake with whipped cream this year as well. I'll probably make a strawberry cake for Haruka. Teto gets an entire dinner complete with handmade baguette because I love her the most.

>> No.11710187

>having multiple waifus

>> No.11710188

I love a lot of people, but there's one I love completely and much more than any of the others.

>> No.11710190

You're not going to be able to salvage the situation no matter what you say.

>> No.11710191


Take this waifu shit back to /a/, troglodytes.

>> No.11710193

Suit yourself.

>> No.11710196

Fuck off, normalfag.

>> No.11710201

Nice meme, dipshit.

Put a gun up your mouth and just kill yourself already.

>> No.11710203

What is this neo-/jp/?

>> No.11710202
File: 28 KB, 300x300, MadThad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

din do nuttin

>> No.11710205

Go eat some chick, you fucking negro.

>> No.11710204

Wow, memes on 4chan of all places?

>> No.11710206


>> No.11710209

/a/, obviously. Who else would like to talk about that creepy african man?

>> No.11710210

yea i know rite bro

these fukken nerds need2 get the f%%k off 4chan

>> No.11710211
File: 161 KB, 600x540, 129246481436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never in my life seen someone refer to chicken as `chick'.

Is this some kind of white-trash thing?

Normalfag isn't a meme.

>> No.11710212

Don't you have to go to work tomorrow, normalfags? You should get to bed.

>> No.11710214


>Fuck off
>Put a gun up your mouth and just kill yourself already.

These applies to both of you

>> No.11710215

It was probably a typo.

>> No.11710216

Today is saturday night (motherfucker).

You forgot that when you see sunday on the date it just means it's past midnight again anon.

>> No.11710217

Thad was willing to pay the price of fame

>> No.11710219

>Don't you have to go to work tomorrow
Are you this stupid?

>> No.11710220

There are people that work on Sundays.

>> No.11710223

Must be an Aussie

>> No.11710224
File: 90 KB, 500x500, master race girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay for black people to be weebs because it looks funny and it's only natural for asians, but what about us whites? Every white otaku is automatically David.

>> No.11710225

Nope, I'm an American.

>> No.11710228
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x720, shot0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are people on /jp/ right now that pronounce waifu like this.

I hope they all burn in hell for it. Here, read for a moment.


That's pretty much how it goes.

>> No.11710229

>tfw went to japan
>tfw my name is david
>tfw cashier asks my name
>tfw She remarks to the meme
>tfw we laugh at autists for 20mins

>> No.11710234

Hey, nigga. Did you know what she's the number one slut in the universe?

>> No.11710232

My mom is going to hell? ;__;

>> No.11710230

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11710231

if you're attractive, which you're most likely not, then it would be acceptable. attractive people can get away with more shit.

>> No.11710235

My experience is japan, lol how new are you, do you even 4chan?

>> No.11710236

Did you marry her?

>> No.11710239

Still, it's unusual for a black to mention that he's into that kind of stuff. Or more like, I haven't seen that much fellow blacks into this, most of the ones I know are usually fakes.

>> No.11710243

i am black and i have a big dick

>> No.11710248


>> No.11710249


>> No.11710253

My white friend's dick is 22 sm.

>> No.11710259
File: 37 KB, 248x274, 1363904612161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute sage dude.

>> No.11710260

Did you suck it?

>> No.11710268


>> No.11710272
File: 84 KB, 864x480, snapshot20091020221131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somehow avoid getting fucked by the law
>One of your few conditions to not get fucked by the law is to not use the internet
>Immediately go on twitter on release
>Brag about how they didn't find your other stash of CP

>> No.11710272,1 [INTERNAL] 

RIP Thad

>> No.11710272,2 [INTERNAL] 

>YuSooKey, uses a Dog Days avatar
>"Pedo are heros now. FTGE"

I don't get it. Are these people really this ignorant about the things they spend their time on? The creator of Dog Days is a huge pedophile with a history in loli eroge.

>> No.11710272,3 [INTERNAL] 

Still not as annoying and ironic as all the conservative Christian women who like Nanoha and speak out against lolicon.

>> No.11710272,4 [INTERNAL] 

These don't actually exist right?

>> No.11710272,5 [INTERNAL] 

I saw a lot of them when I still used MAL. There are a lot more of them among Cardcaptor Sakura fans though. I think they watch magical girl anime because they want to have a daughter.
