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11697385 No.11697385 [Reply] [Original]

Maikaze is at it again

>> No.11697386

Was the first one even uploaded?

>> No.11697415

i hope it's not as awful as that picture
her right arm is completely fucked up
dont even get me started on the legs

>> No.11697475

Oh christ, you are right.

>> No.11697479

It's animation it doesnt had to be rea l:^)

>> No.11697483

Will there be actual fighting this time?

>> No.11697487

Probably. I mean the previous episode ended with Reisen and Youmu duking it out

>> No.11697518

*tips fedora*

>> No.11697552

Did they get ZUN's permission for this? If not, I'm afraid it violates his terms of use.

>> No.11697557


>> No.11697561


>> No.11697562

The best Touhou OVA. Perfectly captures the spirit of the official manga, laid back and entertaining.

I will never understand why /jp/ prefers 2 edgy 4 you OVA with fights and powerlevels to this one. You look like a bunch of plebs, seriously, with your MUH DANMAKU and MUH DARKNESS.

>> No.11697566

It's a fucking shoot-em-up arcade-style game. If you want your "nothing happens" pedophile cartoons there are hundreds of those already.

>> No.11697572

>Perfectly captures the spirit of the official manga
Why would you want to resemble that abomination?

>> No.11697579
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Even ZUN himself wasn't a fan of turning 2hu into a fucking moebowl. Just look at what he did to Kisume and Nitori's personalities

>> No.11697582


Guess what, kiddo. Yeah, guess what. Zun doesn't share your opinion. Maybe in your little mind-canon you're allowed to think what you want, but in reality Gensokyo is nothing but cute magical girl doing cute miko things, fighting without adequate reason and resolving silly incident.

What a secondary. I'm sure you didn't even read PMSS. You make me physically sick.

>> No.11697583

Not this shit again.

>> No.11697593

You're five years late.

>> No.11697602

You know, guys, this may be an anime, but you don't have to channel your inner /a/ for this thread.

Also, I'm extremely happy, since I didn't expect a new episode before 2015, if at all. I guess .5 in the title means half the content, but that's still a good trade-off.

>> No.11697617

>Perfectly captures the spirit of the official manga

Except it doesn't, although the manga is slow paced it isn't a fucking moeblob memefest.

>> No.11697619

You fuckin' pleb. There's thousands of better shmups out there bitch ass. The scoring isn't even fun in Touhou, go play a real game please.

>> No.11697623

For as long as ZUN breathes air and drinks beer, there will never be a 2hu anime.

>> No.11697628

What, you think his wife will allow it once he ascends to the Golden Throne and shits the franchise in the same way Yoko Onno did to John Lennon?

>> No.11697650


>> No.11697661


>> No.11697667
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Pick one

>> No.11697670

At least 2/3 of the cast regularly eat or kill humans without a second tought.
See: Flandre, Sakuya, Remilia, Rumia [etc...]

Your point being? Gensokyo ain't no vacation spot

>> No.11697672

Musou Kakyou is a fanservice moe moe clusterfuck with shitty quality. Maikaze is clearly superior

>> No.11697708

People in this thread need to take it easy.

>> No.11697710

You can always tell which artists have never looked at an actual fucking ito wrap in their entire lives.

>> No.11697783

The wife worked with Touhou a lot of years ago as a programmer, they just weren't married. If I recall right all Touhou games since IN are dedicated to her in the special thanks.

Also ZUN said although he gest help for stuff like testing and programming he never tells a thing about the game itself and he's the only one that knows what he's doing until the release date since he doesn't tell anything to anyone, ending up with weird situations when people have to help him because they don't know what the hell they're working on.

>> No.11697814

What ever happened with that Flandre one that was shown on theaters?

>> No.11697912

She doesn't kill humans. She just eats cooked dishes with addition of blood. And it's very easy to extract blood without killing human.
Light eater who doesn't kill her victims.
As we see both Scarlets do not kill/eat humans. So why would Sakuya eat/kill them?
Yeah, 1 human-eating touhou out of 100. Gensokyo is actually more safe than place where I live.

>> No.11697918

Youmu's arms are weird. Or maybe it's her whole body. It feels off.

>> No.11697922

Shut down by ZUN.
Only 10 people that were they had a really close relationship with the authors manage to see it once.

>> No.11697923

Someone make a thread about one of the Nasuverse animations. I want to test something.

>> No.11697988

It is because she has noticeable breasts.

>> No.11698917

>She doesn't kill humans. She just eats cooked dishes with addition of blood. And it's very easy to extract blood without killing human.

Aren't those cooked dishes made of human meat though?

>> No.11701173

Since when do vampires eat human meat? They are western vampires, they drink blood.

>> No.11702118

>but in reality Gensokyo is nothing but cute magical girl doing cute miko things, fighting without adequate reason and resolving silly incident.
>in reality
Guess what? Gensokyo does not even realyou know.

>> No.11702122

>Thinking Gensokyo doesn't exist
I bet you haven't even tried to kill yourself yet, pleb.

>> No.11702149

All that for one freakin' watermelon.

>> No.11702152

Where is a link?

>> No.11702170

Arguing which us better between Maikaze and Manpuku Jinjya makes no sense to me.
Neither are very good. The former actually tries to tell a story and emulate the atmosphere of Gensokyo, and the latter has really good animation especially for a doujin product. But that's about it, they are both painfully unremarkable. Both as Touhou fanworks (in terms of creativity) and anime in general.

Not to mention the progress is made in baby steps.

>> No.11702166

With a franchise that has so much focus on intricate bullet patterns, fighting and magical abilities, you'd expect at least some decent combat.
Also, Maikaze utterly fucked up Royal Flare in the first episode. They don't even know what the attacks and danmaku look like.

>> No.11702174

The second maikaze was pretty good. Liked a lot of parts.
Third episode seems like it's gonna be combat heavy, though. They're not good at that.

>> No.11702175

The should be a WaHH anime

It would be perfect, Kasen-chan could totally carry it.

>> No.11702184

Oh, yes. I want to see those faces animated.

>> No.11702190

Is this the shitty one that has the super original Reimu's donation box is stolen plot?

>> No.11702198

I want more fucking Maikaze albums. Fuck this stupid OC OVA, the story is shit and the art doesn't even compare to Memories of Phantasm.

>> No.11702205

That was a different group, who just joined up with them, Yuuhei Satellite

>> No.11702207

Imagine that Azumaya watercolor-styled coloring into anime. It would be glorious.

>> No.11702217
File: 607 KB, 600x538, Touhou Seisenka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but circle Maikaze make Touhou arrangements of their own, too. Picture is one of their albums.

>> No.11702287

I dunno. Kasen is great, but Reimu, Marisa and a bunch of other characters have very unlikeable personalities in WaHH. It's because of this that I can't stand reading WaHH. I dropped it around the time Suika knocked out the Myouren group because they didn't want to party with her. That and Reimu wanting to exterminate all youkai because of her own fuck-up was just too much.
I'd much rather see an anime adaption of the Three Fairies mangas. It has the same laid-back style without making the characters massive jerks.

>> No.11702301
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Reimu's pretty good in WaHH. A character doesn't have to be nice to be fun and likable.

>> No.11702317

Maikaze turned Suika into a fucking moeshit joke. All Musou Kakyuu did was give a bunch of characters giant tits, not bastardize their entire being.
Maikaze depicts Suika as a fucking idiot when WaHH and the games show she actually has a sense of maturity.
In Maikze, Suika clumsily has junk fall on top of her in Reimu's storage room, when she could have just flown up to get the stuff or have used her gathering power to pull it to her. Then Suika's horns bounce off of the slide doors when she wasn't paying attention. Suika is an oni. A mountain-crushing oni. If she wasn't paying attention her horns should have plowed right the fuck through the flimsy-ass paper and wood doors. And finally, she cries to Reimu like a pathetic child for sake, when she already owns a gourd that produces infinite amounts of sake. If anyone is guilty of turning Touhous into aggravating moeshit, it's Maikaze.

>> No.11702318

I would prefer a Curiosities of Lotus Asia anime adaptation.

Yuuichi Nakamura can make a good Rinnosuke.

>> No.11702331

Please go back to /v/.

>> No.11702335

>Reimu, Marisa and a bunch of other characters have very unlikeable personalities in WaHH.

That's why I like it.

>I'd much rather see an anime adaption of the Three Fairies mangas.

Reimu is just as bad in that, you just don't see her as much

>> No.11702351
File: 478 KB, 917x1280, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reimu is just as bad in that
Not really. WaHH Reimu seems grouchy, Fairy Reimu is much more mellow.

>> No.11702439


Actually in Hopeless Masquerade Nitori was about to start taking shirikodamas from the villagers before Kokoro interrupted her.

>> No.11702443

>le Haruhi face

>> No.11702449
File: 495 KB, 728x1048, 1386896782853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu doesn't have one mood per series,

>> No.11702461
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True, but I meant in-general.

>> No.11702506

Reimu is just a bitch.

>> No.11702513

She may be, but she's our bitch.

>> No.11702517

>3 hooligans using your house as bed
What's the issue?

>> No.11702521

No, she's a great girl, she doesn't lie for one unlike da-ze. She's always just doing her job which is to beat up youkai but the youkai love her too much to stop visiting.

>> No.11702527

>Reimu wanting to exterminate all youkai
That's her job, she's supposed to do that but she doesn't because she actually wants peace according to Miko reading her true desires in SoPM, that's why the youkai she fights always end up having tea time with her.

>> No.11702534

>Kasen is great
A lying bitch who does nothing but bitch at others and try to avoid blame? She's a bigger sinner than everyone else in that manga so far by far.

>> No.11704046

That may be true, but the moment I was referring to had Reimu wanting to exterminate all youkai out of spite, not duty. There's a difference between wanting to exterminate a youkai for causing trouble (like every other incident) and wanting to exterminate a youkai for just standing there (which is what she was about to do to Mamizou). It came across as really petty.

>> No.11704097

Warning: trufax below.

ZUN isn't that great a writer. He doesn't really know what's going on with Gensoukyou. Sometimes it lurches into grimdark, sometimes it is light fluffy moe moe.
Also, the characters constantly change depending on narrative requirements - case in point, recent Nitori super-capitalist personality.

But please return to your arguments.

>> No.11704177


>Implying that real people don't do the exact same thing

>> No.11704208

Who are you quoting?

Also, the limitations of ZUN's storytelling is obvious. Fandom does a far better job of constructing stable characters and realistic interpersonal relationships between them outside of the necessities of a given narrative.
Case in point is Yukari whose fandom character is ten times more nuanced than the canon one - and she is a major player in ZUN's universe who gets a lots of air time.

Also, I challenge you to describe ZUN's dialogue as anything approaching 'natural'. He info dumps and waffles on (through any old character he chooses) about whatever thing her's interested in at the moment, be it Taoism, Buddhism, cryptozoology etc.

>> No.11704211

But at least Maikaze moeshit is better than fucking Musou Kakyou flinging tits around like nobody's business. And unlike fucking half-assed Musou Kakyou, Maikaze actually had good quality animation.

>> No.11704312

>Fandom does a far better job of constructing stable characters and realistic interpersonal relationships between them

I don't know where to start...

>> No.11704349

You know what's neat. It's Gensokyo and they're bunch of Youkais. Youkai in general are nowhere like human in their behavior. That is why we can never understand them.

Also wasn't there's a common rule in there that In Gensokyo, you can't get trapped by common sense.

>> No.11704479

upside don hand

>> No.11704790
File: 66 KB, 600x476, Best be trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to get your priorities straight when you think turning a perfectly good character into an 'uguuu look at me I'm so cute and incompetent' shadow of her real self is less bad than just making a character buxom. Are you allergic to tits or something?
And Maikaze is guilty of flat colors on characters, sameface and a lack of dynamic movement (going so far as to avoid fights as much as it can). Mistakes Musou Kakyou does not make. Characters and effects simply look far more colorful and pleasant in Musou Kakyou. The only things about Maikaze that I find commendable are the backgrounds and the music.

>> No.11704809

A good deal of the cast aren't youkai, and yet they are as inconsistent as the ones that are youkai. I don't think it can be brushed aside that easily.

>> No.11704815

>allergic to tits or something

>> No.11704831

>turning a perfectly good character into an 'uguuu look at me I'm so cute and incompetent' shadow of her real self
Who was this?

>> No.11704833


>> No.11704837
File: 288 KB, 900x724, 1386956772991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11704842

Does Suika even do anything? She is utterly useless.

>> No.11704856

Memories of Phantasm was pretty good too. It's not about the ``darkness'' of the plot as it portrays very accurately the characters: serious as fuck while causing incidents and drinking tea like if they were lifelong friends.

But you can't deny the artstyle was much more consistent and the animation was amazingly good for a doujin circle.

>> No.11704862

She drinks and party hard day to night all year long

>> No.11704864

You two are fucking retards. They go all out on each other and drink tea right aftwerwards. Both of you are correct, but your tunnel vission and your arrogance won't let you see the other side of the 2hu.

>> No.11704869

...huh? Suika was fine. Pretty accurate too.
The horns don't fit through through the door thing was just a gag. No need to think to much about it.

>> No.11704872

what the fuck are you talking about, it's clearly the other way around

you see some people here complaining about the supposed deepdarkness of musou kakyou and you still say it's a moeblob

what the fuck is wrong with you, seriously

>> No.11705506 [DELETED] 


ice burn!

>> No.11705624

What good is a swordsman with two left hands?

>> No.11705688

Wait wait, you guys are comparing Musou Kakyou to Maikaze? what?
Doesn't Maikaze MAKE Musou Kakyou?
Did you mean Manpuku Jinja? cause those are the guys that make the other ovas
Did I miss something or something?

>> No.11705690

When does this ever come up in those ovas?

>> No.11707403

true, but I would still creampie her doggystyle.
