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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11695474 No.11695474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Wapanese (親日, ウィーアブー, also referred to as "Japanophiles," "weeaboo" (or "weeb"), "fucking idiots," or "you") are, much like wiggers, painfully clueless honkies (and more increasingly, negros) trying to fill a perceived cultural void by pretending not to be white (or a nigger) - in this case, trying to be yellow by humping the giant Godzilla leg of the Land of the Rising Shit in hopes of being assimilated into its culture.

To put it simply , a weeb is any non-asian who has any interest in anything Japan related that would be somewhere comparable to occult worship, along with attempting to be an actual Jap, where it always ends up with said weeb failing hard as they cannot realize that one cannot really learn about Japan through viewing anime. They generally have a serious case of Yellow Fever and worship Ayumi Hamasaki among other famous J-pop artists, along with eating pocky as if it's their staple diet. So badly do the Wapanese wish this that they often dedicate entire afternoons to memorizing up to five common phrases in Japanese, though later misusing them at the food court or at animu conventions. This, of course, only serves to further illustrate what flesh-bags of fail these basement dwellers really are.

If you happen to see a Wap on the prowl, make no attempt to engage it in conversation, you will hear such great amounts of bullshittery that you cannot help but mercilessly rip the bastard apart. But instead, curse it in silence, for it is the bane of American youth. Well, next to another "subculture" you're hopefully not aware of, which more than deserves the same treatment. But that's another story.

Because the lifespan of these fucking dingalings only last until the end of high school for half of them, most will grow up cynical and shameful, turning to the next cultural trend used for the boosting of their egos. The other half will end in one of three ways:


>> No.11695476
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Dying alone as an elderly virgin surrounded by small plastic figurines that cost hundreds of dollars each along with $40 imported CDs by obscure Japanese bands no one else has ever heard of nor will admit to liking except them.
Being raped to death in prison (oh, teh irony!)
Committing IRL self-pwnage after arriving in Japan and discovering that it's not full of enormously-breasted women who want to sleep with pasty, fat Caucasian lardballs. Their last words are usually "Megatokyo lied to me…"

Im looking for a bento (that's japanese for lunch) box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi(small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make sure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

- You
Serious shopping to appear of the Asian persuasion.
What every Wapaneses ends up dating

The average Wapanese will whine non-stop about how anyone who professes an interest in Japanese "culture" is merely a poser when compared to themselves. They will then play their favorite overpriced "Visual Kei" CD and attempt (badly) to mouth the lyrics while crunching loudly on the last few sticks of Pocky they ordered from J-List.

>> No.11695478

ED still exists? I thought it was supplanted by knowyourmeme. It was already redundant with unencyclopedia to begin with.

>> No.11695480
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Nearly all of them are jailbait and tend to be bisexual or gay from looking at too many pretty Japanese manboys in dresses. None the less, it doesn't matter because they're all virgins. All of them have or want a tattoo in Han characters (Kanji), either "hope" (望), "prosperity" (盛) or something equally gay (同性愛) and a deviantART account filled with shitty anime drawings of catgirls and lots of emo poetry.

As most Wapanese are unable to get to Japan,they instead attend anime conventions claiming they are there just to check out the J-bands or talk about anime, even though their music interests (usually J-Pop or J-Rock) change weekly and the only anime they have ever seen was on Adult Swim.

Many Wapanese dress in Decora, EGL, Lolita, or any annoying fashion that the Japanese use to lure in whitey's beaucoup bucks. Most of them squint their round eyes, wear wigs that are normally in a ridiculous color (such as bright blue, pink….etc) or it simply looks retarded on anything human, and photoshop their skin tone to make them appear more Azn in their pictures which normally results in them looking ten times more horrid than when they started. Caramelldansen is the theme song for all Wapanese, as the vast majority of them are too stupid and suck at Japanese too much to realize that it is actually Swedish. The two languages sound nothing alike but this doesn't stop them from (badly) singing along during every one of their masturbation sessions thinking its Japanese.

While most Wapanese maintain they will only settle for a genuine Japanese™ girlfriend or boyfriend, most invariably end up settling for another Wapanese. The pair will go about collecting their meaningless Japanese trinkets together, endlessly watching Bleach, Death Note, and Naruto and making statements like, "It's kawaii how L-chan looks like a chibi panda, desu yo ne!?"

>> No.11695507


knowyourmeme is a corporate cash-in staffed by clueless facebook thedes, and can be safely disregarded as useless.

>> No.11695579

ED has WASD.
Why would anyone use a different meme wikia again?

>> No.11695607

I hate to defend ED but it is much less faggy than any other meme site, mostly because they generate original content and try to be funny. The 2008 me would have kicked my ass by now, it is amazing how much more mainstream the internet has become.
