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11686793 No.11686793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im boycotting this shitty board because of what the gooks did today

>> No.11686802
File: 44 KB, 435x502, 1386448163101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked amerijews

the south will rise again

>> No.11686804

Remember Nanking you Japanese dog.

>> No.11686800

Good job. Bow down before your Chinese overlords.

>> No.11686816
File: 222 KB, 1400x750, 1385546058864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay man, we got those nips back with atomic fury.

>> No.11686824

There are too many Chinese in the world. They were just trying to help in both reducing the number of pure Chinese and adding a bit of diversity to their faulty genepool.

>> No.11686865

>a military base gets attacked with a couple thousand soldiers dying
>hundreds of thousands civilians die and generations are crippled afterwards

Good old america, no wonder why the rest of the world hates them. Not to mention that american warfare in korea, vietnam and iraq was basically bombing and pillaging civilian villages, then they're surprised why the locals despise them.

>> No.11686871

Then why do Koreans love whites so much?

>> No.11686875
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>> No.11686880

Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.11686881

Korean's don't love anyone, they're worse than japs in their superiority complex. Also south korea was democractic in the first place, the war was between south korea and north korea, the americans just came in and fucked around a whole bunch displaying the world famous napalm-your-own-troops strategy.

>> No.11686888

I guess they're learning English and cutting their tongues to speak it better for Korean reasons then.

>> No.11686895

English is the international language now, it just makes accessing information and communication easier but that doesn't mean that anyone likes americans or british.

>> No.11686898

The Koreans do.

>> No.11686920

coreans are not allowed to have opinions.

>> No.11686922

They're just like anyone else they "like" anyone that they can play to get some jewgolds in their pockets who are the americans now, they'd lick in for the chinese if the chinese didn't just leave their provinces as absolute shitholes with rape police.

>> No.11687122
File: 195 KB, 667x500, 1374692558808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, do whatever you like.
