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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11686624 No.11686624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you celebrated the pearl harbor attack anniversary today yet, /jp/?

>> No.11686642

Why does this get more attention than a dreadful event like the holocaust?

>> No.11686646


>> No.11686651


>> No.11686653

Because it didn't exist.

Probably more jews died during Pearl Harbor than in Europe until that point.

>> No.11686669

>The holocaust
Having fun there, schlomoberg weinstein?

>> No.11686678

The history books disagree, bigot

>> No.11686688

Get out, kike.

>> No.11686716

The history books also say Christopher Columbus discovered America.

>> No.11686719

Neo Nazis like you should go back to /pol/. Over 8 million people of Jewish heritage were viciously exterminated and thousands of babies turned into soap. To dare and deny this is a crime to humanity and you should be put in jail for it.

>> No.11686733

Why does the Holocaust get more attention than the Taiping Rebellion or the Holodomor?

Seriously, did any of you learn about either one of these in school? They're not even in my spell checker.

>> No.11686736

I'm positive you just made these up

>> No.11686737

Becuase neonazis bring it up all the time so they can reply to themselves and call themselves jews.

>> No.11686738


>> No.11686744

Holodomor, yes. It was the same time we learned about Armenian genocide.

>> No.11686755

Which country do you live in?

For what it's worth, it's not like I deny the Holocaust or anything, but it does bother me how much schools focus on it. Education should be more objective than that. I was taught that the Nazis made soap out of Jews and that the Jews were burned alive in giant ovens (really). The Holocaust was a huge tragedy, but there are dozens of other huge tragedies we didn't spend two months learning about. In fact, we didn't learn about them at all.

>> No.11686761

The good ol' US of A.

>> No.11686783

>I was taught that the Nazis made soap out of Jews and that the Jews were burned alive in giant ovens (really)
So you were taught the truth and have now been brainwashed by anti-semites into believing otherwise?

>> No.11686795

I never learned about the holocaust in school.

>> No.11686902

>over 8 million
There weren't more than 5 million jews in europe in the first place, and a lot of them escaped and survived. Also I'd bet that soviets killed more jews for being rich/religious than nazis, but since soviets were the winners they're obviously the good guys and it doesn't matter what they do.

>> No.11686909
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>> No.11687031
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The holocaust was horrible. All those people held in internment camps...

>> No.11687035

Yeah it's not like americans put germans and japanese living in the us into camps during ww2.

>> No.11687043

They weren't massacred in the high millions

>> No.11687044

Neither have the jews. Take your cheap lies elsewhere kike.

>> No.11687059

Take your neo nazi white trash ass back to

>> No.11687062

Thank you brother

>> No.11687063

Yeah because rational thinking literally equals nazism. Take your anti-intellectual ass back to /pol/.

>> No.11687064

>white trash ass
At least you admit that you're a liar kike scum.

>> No.11687072
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I guess you haven't been redpilled.

>> No.11687085

I'd bet that hitler was just part of the whole thing, he had a bunch of ties to jews and the ones who win the biggest on the whole deal were the jews. They got a country for free and at least a century of immunity from persecution. All it took was just fabricating a few documents and writing a few books about made up stuff. If you have a brain though the whole thing about gasing, burning and soaps is just retarded bullshit, germany was in no position to waste that many expensive resources for making soap. I mean come on.

>> No.11687090



>> No.11687093

Holy shit is that really Obama?

>> No.11687100
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/k/(/pol/2.0) and /jp/ friendship thread!


remind them how glorious nippon fought bravely against unfair odds〜!

>> No.11687107
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Definitely, that's his house in the background. We could of prevented this, if only by voting for Ron Paul...

>> No.11687127

Why the fuck would a baby cost so much? There's hardly any meat on it. You'd think they would be charging by the pound too

>> No.11687132

It's obviously sex slaves being sold.

>> No.11687139

The only reason I believe in the Holocaust is my now dead great uncle told me his first hand experience in liberating one of the camps. He and 4 other men were the first to get there while the Germans had already abandoned post. They cut through the fences, sent word back, and didn't receive aid from the rest of their platoon until the next day. He literally broke down crying talking about the whole situation and the fact that some people died right in front of him, as happy as could be because they were now "saved".

>> No.11687135
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Youkai have always had a predisposition to kidnapping babies. They have the most potential to turn into fellow youkai, and they're cute. It's the same reason why most people would buy a kitten instead of a 12 year old cat.

>> No.11687142

Your digits have been recognized.

>> No.11687143

Nah it's just because they're the softest and juiciest to eat. Along females, you'd rather eat a calf or a cow than a chewy, muscly bull.

>> No.11687146

That makes even less sense. Women should cost more than men in that case and the children should clearly be separated by sex.

>> No.11687153

>abandoned war prisoners died in a camp
100% proof for holocaust right here. I bet it happened in every war in the history of mankind as well, jews were being killed in camps when romans were fighting bretons!

>> No.11687160

>buy 8 lost girls
>impregnate them all
>have 8 fresh babies in as little as 9 months

That's what you call smart investments

>> No.11687169

Have you ever had veal?

>> No.11687170

iirc rotten.com has some like cooked babies on trays and stuff, I don't wanna look for since it'd be deleted for gore anyways

>> No.11687176


>> No.11687182
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But most little girls cannot give birth, and if they can the mother and child will likely suffer complications or die during birth due to no modern doctors in Gensokyo. And if you did find a doctor able to help the child give birth, they'd alert the police. You'd have to at least spend several years raising them until they're teenagers.

>> No.11687183

Neither did the dinosaurs

>> No.11687184

You're forgetting that you have to have a period to get preggers

>> No.11687187


I've got a dinosaur right here, just for you.

>> No.11687191

dinocaust, they were burned to death by a meteor so thats actually a holocaust innit, ofc only if dinos actually existed and it wasnt just satan putting bones in the ground to fuck with humans

>> No.11687193

Exactly, which is why I said most little girls cannot give birth and will have to wait until they're teenagers

>> No.11687201

Depends on, gypsies give birth at like 11, not like anyone would want to fuck a gypsy but still.

>> No.11687200

They were called dragons.

>> No.11687204

No one cares, America wasn't involved in that

>> No.11687214

this thread is now about lovely Dokdo, which is Corea since 512 CE

>> No.11687223

>8 million
The number keeps going down annually at the actual labor camps official but somehow in western countries the number keeps going up. Lmao.

>> No.11687220 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11687227
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>> No.11687234

asian monkeys are raping each other all the time, things only matter if humans are involved

>> No.11687245

Boooorrrring. Let's make it about Dokuro


>> No.11687247

It's funny when you realize almost all civilian casualties were caused by American aa fire.

>> No.11687250

Not as funny as your jealous.

>> No.11687254


>> No.11687261 [DELETED] 

Is it true that Americans are brainwashed subtly by government propaganda and would eat the still-beating heart from Japanese infants' chests if they had the chance?

>> No.11687280
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Heh. Not only are they brainwashed, the government tries to make sure their intelligence hovers around that of a 6 year old so they can grow to be good worker bees for the corporations,

>> No.11687281
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>> No.11687284

Post the tsunami one.

>> No.11687293


They were brainwashed into believing that every civilian in Japan would attack them with kitchen knives and garden rakes if they invaded, so sure, why not?

>> No.11687290 [DELETED] 


The funny thing about this is that there actually IS a lot of propaganda by the American government. There was a big thing a year or two ago when people found out about a program where the government was staging videos where people returned home from tours in the military to happy and proud families and/or dogs, and seeding them all over the internet, using bots to upvote them on reddit, etc.

Some guy on reddit compiled a list of all of these types of videos that had gotten over 2000 upvotes, and each of them were created by a one-day-old account which was deleted a couple days after the post was made.

>> No.11687296

Yeah. During WWII we put anyone with Japanese blood into a containment camp.

>> No.11687303
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I wish all these "people" would die

>> No.11687306
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>> No.11687307

like wha, americans? most of the world wishes that they'd just die

>> No.11687308

Those accounts are made by the American Government in order to encourage hate between citizens. In this manner they can prevent a revolt by seeding hate and distrust between the common people.

>> No.11687317


>> No.11687314

Well I'm having a good time watching tornados rape americans as well so it's whatevs.

>> No.11687315

List of countries America hates for "murdering its people":

>> No.11687328

List of countries that hate Murrika for murdering its people:

All of them

>> No.11687337

まあ、萬亗と言うでも舊日夲はもう失くなったじゃろう… この旹代の日夲は亞國の犬だけじゃ。

>> No.11687334

American planes bombed eastern european countries as well, but most importantly when countries had revolutions against the soviets and asked the west for help americans pretty much just said go fuck yourselves kids ur not wurf our time after saying that if they rebel then they'll help. So yeah.

>> No.11687340

We were busy saving over 40 million of the remaining jews from being made into soap.

>> No.11687346

By slaughtering everyone in Palestine to give birth to Israel

>> No.11687344

In like 1955-60? Makes sense, with the quality of american history writing.

>> No.11687349 [DELETED] 

Why do Americans always say that their military is 'fighting for their freedom'? They understand that this hasn't been the case since the war for their independence, right?

The only threat to American freedom today is the American government, and their military isn't fighting that.

>> No.11687356

But they don't say that. They say "Fighting to make the world safe for democracy."

>> No.11687361

Well, american economy has been garbage since the civil war, it's the war machine and pillaging that keeps the country alive. Without it the chinese or someone will just roll over them, so it's basically defending their "freedom".

>> No.11687363


But no-one is trying to take democracy away from them.

>> No.11687364

>Why do Americans always say that their military is 'fighting for their freedom'?

Because the TV said so.

>since the war for their independence,
>war for independence
>fighting for freedom

If you can say that about a bunch of rich, white slave owners who don't want to pay their taxes, then sure. Freedom.

>> No.11687370 [DELETED] 


Well, Britain-kun really was being a piece of shit to them.

>> No.11687373

Except murrika


>> No.11687385

Since we're talking about this, I found this video very informative. It pretty much summarizes our entire current situation.


>> No.11687397
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fuck off jew

>> No.11687399

>armenian genocide

>> No.11687412

Even during independence there was no 'fighting for freedom'. People were always fighting for money, just like today.

>> No.11687415

"We're gonna free the fuck out of you"

>> No.11687438

Goddamnit, I don't care at all if half your board is filled with /pol/cunt holocaust deniers.

But fucking stop with the /k/ raids. We get so many /pol/tards leaking into our board on the daily that it seems like the other boards have forgotten that /k/ HATES /pol/.

/k/ is NOT /pol/.

>> No.11687438,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny finally wake up?

>> No.11687438,2 [INTERNAL] 

It was a good 5 hours without him. Maybe this is a new one and the last one killed himself.

>> No.11687438,3 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you cunts its saturday Iw as ou tgetting DRUNK AS FUCK, fucking nerds. i'll put you in your place

>> No.11687438,4 [INTERNAL] 

He was pregaming with the bros

>> No.11687438,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Iw as ou tgetting DRUNK AS FUCK
>from 3pm-8pm

top kek

>> No.11687438,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's bros night....

>> No.11687438,7 [INTERNAL] 


You mean afternoon? Did you and your "bros" go shopping for frilly dresses?

>> No.11687438,8 [INTERNAL] 

i dont give 2 fuck sbecause i was getting drunk w friends and ur here posting on jp like a LOSER NERD and my mom wanted me back befoer 10
