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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11679388 No.11679388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any crack cocaine otaku here?

>> No.11679391

Reported to the FBI.

>> No.11679391,1 [INTERNAL] 

You should save your FBI reports for something actually harmful like child porn

>> No.11679391,2 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, thank you. Glad to see one reasonable, sane, logical person around here. There's nothing harmful about doing drugs, stubborn old idiots! Focus on people who look at CP, they want to watch the world burn.

>> No.11679391,3 [INTERNAL] 

Drug money could be funneled into human trafficking, which can be the case for specific drugs which includes cocaine.

If you're just smoking pot that some dude that lives out of town grew, then that definitely applies.

>> No.11679391,4 [INTERNAL] 

And thats just one example with the human trafficking, there are of course many more.

>> No.11679391,5 [INTERNAL] 

Drug money is funneled into the production of Child Pornography and the bribing of politicians. It is actually the pedophiles being used as scapegoats for the purpose of bringing about the New World Order, silly goi.

>> No.11679391,6 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11679391,7 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11679391,8 [INTERNAL] 

What's your opinion, fag? I still can't judge what kind of person you are.

>> No.11679391,9 [INTERNAL] 

Shes a prude cunt who wont strip, thats what.

>> No.11679391,10 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11679391,11 [INTERNAL] 

I bet you don't even smoke crack either. Even worse you probably think it's wrong to smoke it. What a fucking pussy. You're probably some creepy pedo who's mad at people for having a good time. You shouldn't be here, the only place you belong is the electric chair.

>> No.11679391,12 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11679391,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11679391,14 [INTERNAL] 

you gonna see me one day roll by, looking clean.
with the coldest piece and chain that you ever seen. right before your lights get dimmed. after you're hit by the 9mm, your head explodes, like a plastic bottle left in the road

>> No.11679391,15 [INTERNAL] 

I hate you. Using illicit drugs is rarely harmful and if it is, it is voluntary harm. Child abuse images harm children involuntarily and in a much more terrible way that a bump of crack could ever do.

>> No.11679391,16 [INTERNAL] 

Woah, you're really showing your age off their kid.

>> No.11679391,17 [INTERNAL] 

And by that I mean, how much more naive could you be.

>> No.11679391,18 [INTERNAL] 

Looking at child abuse images that you go for free doesn't harm children or lead to more children being harmed. Buying drugs and doing them harms yourself, often leads to getting others to harm themselves, and puts money into harming many others. I wouldn't expect a narcissistic normal like you to understand to even consider the possibility that maybe drugs are worse than jacking off to kids though. All the liberal media tells you that drugs are epic FTW and CP should get you thrown into assrape-torture-prison for life so that's what you believe to be the absolute truth.

>> No.11679391,19 [INTERNAL] 

Tokike isn't going to respond to you. He fears actually talking about things with non-normies. What he always does is state his delusional beliefs as if they're facts and then leave and refuse to ever look at the thread again. I guess he does that to convince himself that he's always right.

>> No.11679391,20 [INTERNAL] 

2kike is the only person in /jp/ that I want to fucking smack so hard

>> No.11679391,21 [INTERNAL] 

You argue that demand for drugs increases production. I would say the same for child abuse images. While it's true that buying drugs means supporting violent criminal organizations in some instances, home grown pot ops or mushroom picking parties or alcohol distilling and brewing are rarely deadly or traumatizing methods of producing a product which satisfies the customer.

Drug legalization is a strange circumstance where the laws prohibiting the allegedly harmful substances lead to more harm than the substances themselves could ever do. Drugs used with knowledge of the substance in moderation are rarely harmful; some, even, are medicinal. If all drugs were legalized and sold at medical grade at appropriate doses, the only harm done would be fully voluntary, save for instances where drug consumption directly puts others at harm (like cigarette smoking) or indirectly puts others at harm (like drunk driving). Incidentally -- the best two examples to give for harmful drugs are two of the most well-known legal ones. Funny stuff, our drug laws!

Now let's say that one could freely share child abuse images. This would encourage sales of child abuse images which would encourage further foul deeds against children for financial (if not sexual) gain. When a child abuse image is shared, it is as if that child is being raped again by everyone who sees the image, and if there is a demand for particularly violent child abuse images, we might see more instances of worse crimes occurring than what would otherwise occur. (Of course, we would also be more aware of the issue of child abuse images were legalized, but this is beside the point.)

In a society where drugs were legalized, we may also see more open tolerance towards general drug use, encouraging addicts to seek help and more honest discussion about the risks and rewards linked with each independent drug (rather than all chemicals which are not caffeine or aspirin == evil). This benefits those who would normally be placed at the most risk from drug use. Regulated drug sales would mean less accidental overdoses and lower prices, cutting costs in the justice and medical systems, and tax money could be used to help pay for some of the remaining problems caused.

In a world where child porn could be sold, so what if we can get tax money to help support the victims with therapy? Child rape is wrong every under circumstance and even shooting up heroin is nowhere near the ethical circumstances of abusing a child and exploiting it for the satisfaction of like-minded sick fuckers.

I think that I very clearly illustrate the case for why your disgusting fetish which facilitates the systematized and targeted abuse of children is worse than allowing responsible adults to possibly bring a little bit of harm to themselves. If you look at the chemical reactions brought on from orgasm, you can also see that you can get the same results from drugs you can from pornography which particularly arouses you -- and the death of a plant or reactions of chemicals in a controlled setting is infinitely preferable to the physiological and psychological damages a child sex abuse victim may face.

Child abuse is an especially touchy topic for me because my ex-girlfriend ticks, as well as my good friends Trevor, Siztra, Currybutt, Dollfaggers, Anonymous Jones, AoC, and Tohno_ of Tohno-Chan are victims of it. You pedo fuckers might think it's fun to joke about it, but a very real number of /jp/ers are forced to re-experience their traumatic experiences with every one of your "lulz" you derive from making an ironic shitpost. GB2 /b/ please.

Fuck you and die.

>> No.11679391,22 [INTERNAL] 

You expect me to read all of that shit? Wow, what a fucking nerd.

>> No.11679391,23 [INTERNAL] 

You attacked me for not justifying my beliefs. I did, and now you're attacking me for justifying them.

I'm going to gouge your eyes out with rusty nails while I force you to listen to Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music on loop inside the reactor room of a submarine.

>> No.11679391,24 [INTERNAL] 

>When a child abuse image is shared, it is as if that child is being raped again by everyone who sees the image

>Child abuse is an especially touchy topic for me because my ex-girlfriend ticks, as well as my good friends Trevor, Siztra, Currybutt, Dollfaggers, Anonymous Jones, AoC, and Tohno_ of Tohno-Chan are victims of it.

Seriously though, people who "re-experience" their "traumatic experiences" because they see otaku culture-related content on the otaku culture board are
1)just being prissy attention whores, just like you
and 2)shouldn't be spending their fucking time on something that offends them

>> No.11679391,25 [INTERNAL] 

Q: If child abuse images are otaku culture, then why do the archive and board administrators purge them from their servers?

A: Because otaku culture images and child abuse images are two entirely different things.

>> No.11679391,26 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11679391,27 [INTERNAL] 

Do you actually know what would happen if drugs were legalized like that? Do you even know the socioeconomic impact? Do you even know shit about what you're talking about rather than just being a drugwhore hobo who wants to try them drugs XDDD ? I wouldn't hate your pathetic, arrogant ass nearly as much if you didn't actually believe that your opinions are not only covering every subject of the matter but also absolute.

>> No.11679391,28 [INTERNAL] 

Q: If child abuse images are otaku culture, then why do the archive and board administrators purge them from their servers?

A: Because Japanese laws and the enforcement of them are different.

Are you stupid or what?

>> No.11679391,29 [INTERNAL] 

>Child abuse is an especially touchy topic for me because my ex-girlfriend ticks, as well as my good friends Trevor, Siztra, Currybutt, Dollfaggers, Anonymous Jones, AoC, and Tohno_ of Tohno-Chan are victims of it.

you just put these bois on full blast, yo.


Foobar Stats - track #17 - Viper the Rapper - Shattering Men

>> No.11679391,30 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody ever even said anything about a world where CP can legally be sold. Masturbating to a picture of a child being abused that you acquired for free doesn't harm anyone at all, unlike the purchase and use of drugs. You're just trying to change the terms of this to make yourself look like the "victor". People like you are what cause others to scoff at those with an interest in philosophy. You're so goddam full of yourself.

>> No.11679391,31 [INTERNAL] 

did you ever consider that the person in the picture doesn't want their picture shared and spread around between pedos? you guys mock and harass others using their pictures by, in your view, simply posting it. why do you post their pictures you consider ugly if you think a picture doesn't matter or have any influence on a person.

the person of this subject can think their picture is being shared and it's harmful for their own mental health. their picture is also in fact being shared so it isn't just in their imagination either

>> No.11679391,32 [INTERNAL] 

That doesn't really matter. I had nudes taken of me by some dude when I was 5 and I don't really care if people are jacking off to it or making fun of how ugly I look. Even if I were worried about those things, whether or not people really are looking at it and sharing it wouldn't make much of a difference. I really don't think it's any different than being nervous about people seeing an embarrassing photo, since that's exactly what it is. I'm more traumatized by being told to kill myself over and over for being a pedo by my brother than by having had nude photos of me taken.

>> No.11679391,33 [INTERNAL] 

>I had nudes taken of me by some dude when I was 5

So you were involved in the production of child pornography?

Boys, Letzgo Hunting.

>> No.11679391,34 [INTERNAL] 

Is that group linked to SA at all? Sounds like a name goons would come up with, and the things they do are exactly what I'd expect from those evil shitheads.

>> No.11679391,35 [INTERNAL] 

you probably don't even realize all the flaws in what you're saying.

you saying it was okay with you can easily just be your rationalization of why it's okay for you to like it yourself. it's totally possible you aren't okay with it, but you aren't conscious of it or it's just your way of handling trauma. it's all too plausible you're totally inventing this story online or even in your own head to justify it to yourself and others.

the most fundamental part you're ignoring is how you being okay with it doesn't make it okay with other people. some people can get sexual pleasure from rape, but this doesn't mean it's okay to rape.

have you ever thought you're attracted to it because you were sexually abused as a child? it's very common for the abused to become the abusers in the future. you seem to nod this story off like "it happened to me and i don't care, they won't mind either. that's why its okay"

>> No.11679391,36 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty happy with the way that I'm "coping" with my "trauma" so I don't see any problem. Normals just want people to go crazy from it because they believe that's just the way it has to be no matter what.

What I'm saying is, that there's no way to be sure that nobody is looking at your picture, but there is a way to be sure that they are. The chances of being made sure that they are would be unlikely, some retard would have to intentionally send the picture or conversation to the victim. So in the end, regardless of whether or not people are actually sharing it and talking about it, that uneasiness will still be there. And I'm pretty confident that the mental effect the existence of the picture has is no different from an embarrassing photo for some. Personally I'd be honored if people were masturbating to me instead of just making fun of me. I don't get people who are bothered by being found attractive, especially not when it's the young you who they're finding attractive, who essentially isn't even you. I certainly don't consider younger versions of myself to be me.

>> No.11679391,37 [INTERNAL] 

Viper (the Rapper) would be ashamed to see the hate in this ghost thread.

>> No.11679391,38 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man I love child porn.
It's the only thing I can cum to nowdays.

>> No.11679391,39 [INTERNAL] 


I prefer weed and red wine.
