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11678104 No.11678104 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care about sex.

Is there any visual novels that doesn't include lots of sex, or any at all?

>> No.11678108


>> No.11678111

Ever17 and Planetarian are good.

>> No.11678112

Anything with "all-ages" tag: http://fuwanovel.org/novels?sort=egsScore

>> No.11678114

>I don't care about sex

Are you on drugs or did you have your balls cut off or something?

>> No.11678119
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>> No.11678124

Thanks for the recommendations!

Is there anything else you'd recommend? I prefer to read them on PC.

I guess drugs would be right. My medication I take for my clinical depression pretty much kills my sex drive.

>> No.11678127

>I guess drugs would be right. My medication I take for my clinical depression pretty much kills my sex drive.

I knew it.

Stop taking SSRIs.

>> No.11678130

Further reading:


>> No.11678136

It's either taking them or I will probably end up with another suicide attempt. If I have to sacrifice my libido to not feel like I used to do, then it's worth it.

>> No.11678138

it's all in your head brah

>> No.11678141

Then you shouldn't be playing VNs.
Most of them are depressing. If you want happy VNs, you have to play nukige.

>> No.11678142

No links from the bitch here. Stop spreading this cancer.

>> No.11678143

When I took SSRIs, it didn't kill my sex drive or help my depression very much at all.

>> No.11678146

I've spent many years trying to keep away from medication. For a year I even had help doing a kind of therapy that is meant to change patterns in life, but in the end it didn't do much. Sometimes clinical depression is less about life, and more about a chemical inbalance. That's where the meds come in and help. I wouldn't take them if I didn't feel there was no other option, but it has gone too far. It would be selfish of me to risk my life any further.

>> No.11678147

SSRIs stop working after a while anyway.

Just achieve the same level of stability without drugs, before your libido is ruined forever.

>> No.11678150

Are there no happy VN without sex? I was thinking there might be other VN like Phoenix Wright out there.

>> No.11678153

It's not just libido. It's living in an altered state of mind constantly due to psychoactive drug use, it's the neurological damage, it's the horrible withdrawals they cause after you stop taking them.

It technically is.

There is no such thing as "clinical depression" really, as it's not a proven neurological disease. There is no biomarkers, there is no physical tests for it, there is no science behind the diagnosis. When you are "diagnosed" with it, it is from a quack and his arbitrary speculation of your personality traits, emotions, and behaviors. Which is what "depression" actually is, a combination of certain personality traits, emotions, and behaviors, that is often deemed to be a neurological disease without any scientific evidence or proof.

I am not claiming that the symptoms used in the diagnosis of depression are real, just that they are not an indication of a neurological disease, and that psychoactive drugs are not the solution.

>chemical imbalance.

There is no such thing as a test for this you know? It's complete pseudoscience. I can't believe people actually believe this bullshit.

Tell me, you said you wanted to commit suicide without them? When was the first time you started taking the drugs? Did the bouts of suicidal thoughts coincide with trying to stop taking the SSRIs?

Let me show you something:


Have you ever once thought that you wanted to commit suicide due to withdrawals?

>> No.11678155

try Ewe of Falklands

>> No.11678157

I am not claiming that the symptoms used in the diagnosis of depression aren't real*

>> No.11678159
File: 641 KB, 800x2400, Fate Stay Night 237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plenty of VNs are emotional rollercoasters that end on a happy note.

>> No.11678162

But he might decide to kill himself in the middle of one, so he never sees that happy ending.

>> No.11678163

japs like it when the very end is happy.

>> No.11678164

What about Saberfags or Ilyafags?

>> No.11678169
File: 356 KB, 572x380, 1385172380559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

This thread didn't really turn out like I had hoped for.

>> No.11678170


>> No.11678181

Losing your libido is a good thing unless you're a normal with something to prove

>> No.11678334



you mean moege? theres a lot of depressing nukige

>> No.11678448

Are you "diseases of the brain" Anon, or the other Anon?

>> No.11678457

This. I wish I could be a eunuch but with the option to reverse the process. Taking SSRIs is the closest thing I can get to that, with the added bonus of making me an emotionless robot.

>> No.11678561

Just play console ports. All of them have had the sex scenes removed (assuming they had any in the first place).

>> No.11678574

I prefer sex-free visual novels but I hate knowing that something has been removed. It's like when scenes have to be cut from a film for its theatrical release.

>> No.11678639

Cross channel non ero version.

>> No.11678671


>> No.11678694

OP, let me just say that I take all my mental health advice from 4chan, because 4chan and especially /jp/ is a collection of really well-adjusted and emotionally healthy people who aren't complete monsters and/or human garbage parasitically living off their parents or whoever has the unfortunate task of supporting them.

>> No.11681558


I can relate to that. I hate removed content, but I don't necessarily need the content.

I find romance VNs to fall flat without sex scenes though. Always feels silly to portray love as holding hands.

>> No.11681596

>I find romance VNs to fall flat without sex scenes though. Always feels silly to portray love as holding hands.

Honestly, that's the kind of romance I would like in real life. It's not that I have any physiological problems, Disney romances just seem overall more appealing than "realistic" romances. And even in real life, I've spoken to people who are always proud that they "waited" (even if that's because it made the sex a lot better, though I always imagine it would actually be pretty disappointing after all that time).

If visual novels are supposed to be escapism, I'd like sharing ice creams and holding hands and other gay shit instead of "Then my mighty thing exploded in her narrow cavern like an erupting volcano."

>> No.11681599
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I wanted to post this in the virginity thread. It was deleted before I could post, so I'll just post it here so I didn't write it for nothing.

I don't think it has anything to do with that. It's just that normal people are weak. And because they are weak, they are fine with settling for something less than perfect (something as far away from perfect as you can get, even).
Normal people just don't have the courage to go for perfection. Pressured by social norms and their desire to procreate, they are driven towards 3D and cast away all pride and dignity that we pure 2D-only people have.
This is why I seriously believe that even though society might look down on us, we're the better humans. Even if it'll never pay off, I decided to stay pure and so should you.

>> No.11681922

Why would you end up with "another suicide attempt"? Is there something in trying to kill yourself and not actually dying that I'm missing?

>> No.11681963
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he's a Scientologist

>> No.11681971

The When they Cry series works,

>> No.11681981

There is a version of Kanon without any sex. The thing is, you're missing nothing by reading that version since the sex scenes were implemented very poorly into the story anyway. They never get mentioned again and some are completely out of place. They are also drawn by that horrible KEY artist so you probably would not fap to them in the first place.

>> No.11682000

You're not implying you're some sort of horrible deviant without a fetish for old KEY Art are you?

>> No.11682016

old key art is marginally worse than new key art

rewrite had ugly sprites too...at least in kanon it was charming since it's a classic game

>> No.11682040

wow what incredible nostalgiafaggotry
I feel the same

>> No.11682050

highschool and college failures arguing about things they have no clue about

4chan please

>> No.11682080

I'm someone who generally likes H-scenes even if they're shitty, but I agree. When it comes to Key games, the all-ages version is always better:
- Kanon and Air got voices.
- Little Busters got extra voices and sprites.
- Clannad, Planetarian, and Rewrite have no ero to begin with.
- Tomoyo After is appallingly bad, so you shouldn't play it regardless of sexual content. Haven't played Kud Wafter, but I imagine it's the same.

>> No.11684865

I agree completely, I prefer cute couples doing cute things. I feel that really captures what it means to be in relationship, as opposed to tacked on H-scenes that completely disrupt the flow of the story. The sex in romance-based eroge is underwhelming anyway.
