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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11671119 No.11671119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since you guys know a lot about Japan, is this actually even true?

>> No.11671124

There was a time when Nihon were a Chinese colony, so, yep.

>> No.11671126

France and spain both make wines
Oh my god they're stealing from each other

>> No.11671127

I don't see how any of this is surprising. They're both asian countries who have been in close contact for centuries so they're bound to have cultural similarities. It's like being surprised that people in both France and Englands built castles and played chess.

>> No.11671133

I think I heard from my normalfag friends that Shanghai and Hong Kong were far far more interesting and technologically advanced than anything they ever saw in JP.

Akihabara is only good for overpriced otaku merch.

>> No.11671138

Funny how modern asians don't really give a crap about any of that stuff.

>> No.11671141

I thought this was common knowledge? I mean the Japs even use Chinese characters in their written language.

>> No.11671151

I do not want to appear like a mean person, but aside Porcelain Arts, every element of this list is better made or more beautiful in China.

>> No.11671178
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Finally an occasion to use that picture ! Thank you CIDF !

>> No.11671179
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Yes, the Japanese are certainly very famed for their porcelain.

>> No.11671185

I backpacked Beijing, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, and Tokyo.

They are all kind of similar in their own way yet unique in others. All Asian cultures borrow. Meiji was very big on borrowing things from the West.

But they are also very different. The best example I could give to highlight the difference was taxi cab drivers in China who blow red lights constantly, tuk tuks driving down sidewalks at high speed, push and shove your way out of a subway. Meanwhile in Japan people followed the rules so much that I'd see people waiting at completely desolate intersections because there was a do not walk light on. And then they wait for someone to sneak across and then follow like they're some sort of crazy rebels.

Meanwhile, on Tokyo subway, you can be packed in a subway car and say "sumimasen" and it''s like parting the Red Sea, everyone just gets out of your way. But in China you pretty much just push people out of the way and they're going to push you.

So they are similar and different. That image is kind of like comparing similar things between European countries and then trying to imply that there is no difference in cultures.

>> No.11671187

There's a reason it's called "fine china" and not "fine japan!"

>> No.11671206

of course they stole culture they both speak ching chong???

>> No.11671208

It's like complaining about how we stole everything from greeks.

It doesn't stop them from being jobless sea niggers now.
