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File: 125 KB, 570x800, setsumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1166994 No.1166994 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ever stated anywhere, in the drama cd or something, what the fate of the protagonist is? Did he starve himself or go back to a hospital? I was half expecting him to join her in the water. I know the focus of the story was supposed to be Setsumi, but I'm still left with a feeling that I want a little more closure.

>> No.1166998

It's a story about Setsumi, not the protagonist.

>> No.1167003

Just finished this yesterday, and I'd also like to know what happened to him

I am assuming he stays at the beach until he dies, can't think of why he would leave so yeah

>> No.1167008

protag is a faggot. "oh hey setsum, your going to go kill yourself? k, ill just wait in the car.."

>> No.1167010

I liked the speaker better than Setsumi.

>> No.1167012

Why didn't they have sex?

>> No.1167013
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Yeah, but even Planetarian eventually told us what happened to the junker.

>> No.1167014

The guy released a small booklet about the fate of the protagonist. Basically he watches Setsumi dissapear in the ocean and he just reflects on why he took the trip in the first place. He basically spends a day in the car moping around then decides to finally go off and drive back to the hospital because he hasn't completely abandoned life like Setsumi. On the way to the hospital he meets Chuck Norris. He tells Chuck Norris about Setsumi and he sheds a manly tear. The protagonist, remembering stories about Chuck Norris, collects that stray tear and he is cured.

>> No.1167016

Where the fuck is my Narcissu 2nd? Why is there not even a Chinese version?

>> No.1167018

i didnt even notice the protag was a guy untill the final picture.. mindfuuuckkkkk

>> No.1167021

>Where the fuck is my Narcissu 2nd?

>> No.1167023

i don't think you belong here..

>> No.1167047

>Where the fuck is my Narcissu 2nd?
>Where the fuck is my Narcissu 2nd?
The funny part is for the first 30 minutes into the game or so it was hard to tell who was talking and who was who and who was a male and who was a female etc. etc. etc. but I eventually got it. This game was one of my first VNs a long time ago and I realize now how horrible a decision playing this first was. I finished the game at around 11PM and cried until like 4 in morning playing the whole game over in my head and wondering why the protagonist didn't stop her... I hate even talking about this it's so sad. ;_;

>> No.1167055

>Where the fuck is my Narcissu 2nd?

>> No.1167065

i don't understand why they didn't pull one of those double suicides. i mean hes gunna die anyways, what the fuck

>> No.1167073
File: 172 KB, 533x718, setsumi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translators of Narcissu have announced their intention to finish the translation of Side 2nd by the end of summer 2007

What the hell? With the amount of effort they put into the first game, you'd I'd be finished already.

>> No.1167074

eh, the game was pretty depressing but i didnt cry at the end. i wasn't attached to either of the characters and the story felt pretty shallow

>> No.1167079

Whoa are you me? Same experience goes for me.

>> No.1167085


Just gonna leave this here.

>> No.1167088

I played half of the game thinking the protagonist was a girl.

>> No.1167104

Go back to pulling wings of flies cause you don't belong here.

I think we all did.

>> No.1167130
File: 87 KB, 215x445, 0820_setumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, want.

>> No.1167134

I didn't finish it.

>> No.1167136

>Go back to pulling wings of flies cause you don't belong here.

Haha wtf? Most random insult ever.

>> No.1167137

well, it's nice for being narcissu related but the figure itself is very poor technically

>> No.1167187


Insani was working on True Remembrance for the past year.

Or was it Haeleth that promised us Narcissu 2nd?

>> No.1167192

He didn't stop her because that would have been too cruel.

Though I do admit I expected him to follow her too, but him living meant someone remembered her as more than just some sick girl

Now that that's out of the way, I must say I feel bad that I wanted to see her naked.

>> No.1167194

Totally agree with you there!

1) They should have committed suicide together after a wild night of sex; OR
2) He should have stopped her then had wild sex on the way back to the hospital; OR
3) They should just of had a dirty weekend then the credit roll.

>> No.1167197


>> No.1167201



>> No.1167209
File: 132 KB, 800x600, Narcissu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's he supposed to drive back to the hospital without any eyes? That shit is dangerous.

>> No.1167213
File: 85 KB, 533x718, setsumi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How would he even be able to drive in the first place?

>> No.1167215

Setsumi navigated

>> No.1167216

She could always steer using his joystick!

>> No.1167219

who cares about either of them
the fucking story is an analogy for life, it's not like you should care about any of the meat (and this makes it a bad VN)

>> No.1167223

Not everyone enjoys things for the same reasons, you know

>> No.1167249
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>analogy for life

>> No.1167257
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The protagonist didn't commit suicide because he wanted to keep the memories with him. And if he's dead, no one would know what kind of girl Setsumi was and she would just be random person #1001 who commited suicide. Its stated in the epilogue. And I bet he continued travelling around which led to him developing the photo the couple took for them.

On another note, I wonder how it would feel like #1 Route while driving around in a car on a beautiful sunny day x_x

And Narcissu 2nd is already translated in chinese

>> No.1167275

> I wonder how it would feel like #1 Route while driving around in a car on a beautiful sunny day x_x

If this were real life how could you possible feel anything with both of you having a terminal illness?

>> No.1167277


I meant with #1 Route playing while driving a car on a sunny day. i'll probably buy a dakimura with Setsumi on it and put it in the passenger seat

>> No.1167281
File: 225 KB, 1270x1270, 1186297933570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>already translated in chinese

>> No.1167287

Oh sorry, misunderstood :)

>> No.1167288


You might feel pain. And tired.

>> No.1167300

I liked Narcissu because for some reason it kept reminding me of Conan the Barbarian.

>> No.1167307

I'm listening to #1 Route now, and I have a strong urge to go outside. Should I?

>Yes, its a beautiful day.
>No, you don't have a car.
>There's no BGM in real life.

>> No.1167319


wut's dis? a dorama CD?

>> No.1167324


Haven't read this in a while but I think the car was kind of cool also, throw in that music track while driving around the coastline of Japan and yeah that would be awesome.

>> No.1167332

Surely your not leaving us anon?

>> No.1167341

>There's no BGM in real life.
MP3 player. I sometimes load up some VN music and pretend that I'll meet a little girl on my way outside.

>> No.1167345

Are you sure you're playing the right music? Maybe that's why you never meet the girl.

>> No.1167347

It's fucking 2:45 am

>> No.1167349
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Looks like it.

>> No.1167365


Actually I've had that happen before. I was walking around listening to my mp3 player when I had to take my headphones off to take my jacket off. A girl heard it and recognized it as the OP from Kanon and she asked "whoa...you know about Kanon?" But it wasn't a little girl...it was a fatass weeaboo girl. But it's better than nothing right anon?

>> No.1167366

eightmoon is superior

>> No.1167378

Great story but what happened?, Did you ended up marrying and now have lots of weeaboo kids?

>> No.1167379

I think I'd rather have nothing

>> No.1167382

You actually get negative points if that happens Anon.

>> No.1167390

What kind?

>> No.1167415

Damn headphone fetishists...

>> No.1167435
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this kind. and it may interest to you know that Narcissu is a persona in the game and he has a Narcissu on the top of his head. I bawwed when I saw the yellow and white colored flower, its like one of my visual novels

>> No.1167441



>> No.1167444

I had a pair similar to that. They got tangled really easily and it bugged the hell out of me.

>> No.1167460

EM700 eh.

Did you get the silver edition too?

>> No.1167488


Nothing happened. I just told her I got the song from my friend and I thought it sounded beautiful so I jacked it from him. She had a dissapointed look on her face and I went to class.

>> No.1167495

That's kinda sad.

>> No.1167498


How so? He avoided a fatass weeaboo. A win anyway you cut it.

>> No.1167506

The problem I had with Narcissu was the dialog was too repetitive and there were way too many sudden "stops" in the story like, there were no smooth transitions from the first part to the second part and, I don't mean chapter wise.

I remember I had a wtf feeling near the end when Setsumi was happily walking on Beach and the fag taking photos of her. Then the story abruptly moved on to Setsumi wanting to kill herself.

>> No.1167513

Good job at suppressing.

>> No.1167514

I've been listening to this, but I'm curious as to who Himiko and Chihiro are?

>> No.1167520

How disappointing, if you'd told her you were listening to that song for her sake, I'm sure she would have offered you a sweet pink flower.

You are clueless.

>> No.1167521

It's just the way it progressed. I'm fine with happiness and I'm fine with sadness, but when it progresses from one to the other based on just one event, it bothers me. It's like if someone releases this super awesome game trailer, then just pulls out and says April Fools. I hate disappointment.

>> No.1167523


I would've personally be tempted to talk with her out of sheer boredom and lack of people to talk about /jp/ related stuff to in real life.

>> No.1167531

I loved Narcissu. The only thing that pissed me off was it kept crashing, so I couldn't get into it as much as I wanted to. None of my friends had the problem, so it must just be my computer.

It made me think about how sad it would be walking out into the freezing cold ocean and dying alone.

>> No.1167552

i hated that bikini shit. it was just campy, ackward, and stupid. they made setsumi look DEEP and introverted in the beginning. then they pull out this shallow bikini with a towel bullshit while no name no action protag cashes in on his moe dying girl fetish. i think i only like this game because of the music..

>> No.1167557


it wasn't a sad ending guise. she was gonna die anyway. but she was able to do so happily

>> No.1167560
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Satsumi's classmates, I guess.

>> No.1167565

bittersweet then

>> No.1167566

I know she was going to die anyway, but that doesn't make it any less sad.

>> No.1167587


it was her dream you faggot

>> No.1167608

I don't listen to anyone who uses this shit still.

Find a better word you faggot.

>> No.1167700

her dream is SHALLOW

>> No.1167725

Shallow??? What's there to be shallow about when you only have a few months to live?

>> No.1167728


its actually quite a realistic dream.

>> No.1167745

I like to think he went back to the hospital. After all, it was his responsibility to tell the next person the rules of 7F.

>> No.1167747


if he went back, he would get arrested

>> No.1167765

chances are, he would of done this

He would stay at the beach until he got hungry, then he would drive to a convenience store for some food and drive back to the beach and idle. Or instead of driving back to the beach, he would wander off to somewhere else.

And just continue until he ran out of money, which then he would have to steal. Eventually, he would get caught so then he would return to the hospital I think. Then live at 7F again and meet another girl.

>> No.1168077

and you're a troll.

>> No.1168108

OH SHI- I found the Chinese version.
BRB, my eyes are watery.

>> No.1168149

This thread made me play it again.

