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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 1698x1464, suika2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11663825 No.11663825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I ask a serious question?

What is this warosu thing, that people sometimes mention and seem to have the utmost contempt towards? And why are messages, who mention warosu, so often deleted soon afterwards?

Does warosu meen this archive: http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/
What makes it different from this other archive: http://archive.foolz.us/jp

Have I misunderstood something?

I apologize if by asking this I have broken some unwritten /jp/ rule, but atleast the official rules don't forbid asking something like this.

>> No.11663828

warosu is a website for gay roleplaying communities

>> No.11663827
File: 231 KB, 480x640, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11663832

I personally prefer Warosu since it's like Easymodo and I don't like change. They're the same thing though, it's just one is old and the other uses pink when you highlight text.

>> No.11663830


GTF**KOUT nufag

>> No.11663838

what the fuck when did moot get piccolo?

>> No.11663839
File: 216 KB, 444x512, SuikaenIAMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are being a bit mean to me.

>> No.11663839,1 [INTERNAL] 


Can you like please kill yourself?

>> No.11663844

Thanks. But why do some people seem to hate the warosu one?

>> No.11663844,1 [INTERNAL] 

This, pretty much. *returns to sugging dig :DDDDD*

>> No.11663844,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11663844,3 [INTERNAL] 


Can you kill yourself, please?

>> No.11663844,4 [INTERNAL] 

OP here.

Why did the janitor delete this thread?

Is discussing these archives forbidden? Why?

>> No.11663844,5 [INTERNAL] 

no stfu

>> No.11663844,6 [INTERNAL] 


It is forbidden to talk about warsou because it is a place to grab Child Pornography before the admin himself saves and deletes it.

>> No.11663844,7 [INTERNAL] 

D-did you use a Suika pic by coincidence or are you actually from easymodo? *lifts hand for a high five*

>> No.11663844,8 [INTERNAL] 

no touhou image

>> No.11663844,9 [INTERNAL] 

OP here.

I was straight until i took a gaben to the gangnam doge and now i'm gay, thnx.

>> No.11663844,10 [INTERNAL] 

I did use it sometimes, if thats what you mean.

>> No.11663844,11 [INTERNAL] 


This is what I was talking about but I guess you really are new *retreats hand*

>> No.11663844,12 [INTERNAL] 

I know what you are talking about. The meido appreciation society. The old archive that was taken offline.

I am not in the mood to high five anyone though, after getting my thread unjustly deleted.

I still don't understand why we aren't allowed to discuss the archives.

>> No.11663844,13 [INTERNAL] 

Because the archives are full of shit, you can meta all you want here.

>> No.11663844,14 [INTERNAL] 

Mods actually believe there's a shitpost conspiracy. They even said so on /q/.

>> No.11663844,15 [INTERNAL] 

The most ironic part is that I'm the reason that I hate warosu now.

I tried posting anonymously but everyone just accused everyone else of being me or people used my name to post. I even left for 2 months and you faggots were still talking about me daily when I came back.

I'm a literal, unironic cancer. The only choice is to follow the path of Lt. Ripley and Arnold by killing myself, but there's no melting metal furnaces around here.

Le sigh..........

>> No.11663844,16 [INTERNAL] 

Ripley came back as a clone! It never ends!

>> No.11663844,17 [INTERNAL] 

The most ironic part is that Alien 4 was shit.

>> No.11663844,18 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds about right, I mean, finns and germans spend all their time shitposting non-stop.

They kinda look like ducks taking a shit.

>> No.11663844,19 [INTERNAL] 

It would be nice if the Shitposter's Cabal did actually exist.
That'd be neat.
