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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 650 KB, 916x561, 68a8290cfba9137b719583a4ceb5a48d5ba5e386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11661303 No.11661303 [Reply] [Original]

-Winter is Coming-
Previous Thread: >>11653211

English Wiki
Recent Updates

Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics (wikiwiki): http://goo dot gl/FUMcz
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/

Also, please be considerate with those screencaps. At least delete them when they're not relevant anymore.

To non-/jp/-regulars: /jp/ has its own standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use it for bullet points: greentexting).

>> No.11661315

2nd Car. Division knows how to take it easy.

>> No.11661319
File: 2.02 MB, 2479x3508, 39948774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

待 た せ た な

>> No.11661320

Coastal defense ships and two more subs when

>> No.11661327

which subs would that be?

>> No.11661335

I don't really care, a lot of people are asking for I-401 though.
I just want two more subs so I can have a full sub fleet.

>> No.11661351

How about 4 fleets full of them? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarines_of_the_Imperial_Japanese_Navy

>> No.11661355

It's pretty much a given I-401 is gonna join the kanmusu fleet with the whole KancollexArpeggio event announced in addition to the Arpeggio ships being event bosses.

>> No.11661362
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>Always remember to scrap this bitch.

>> No.11661367

What's going on here?

>> No.11661369

Subdaughters are the best, so I'd be absolutely fine with that.
I never even liked school swimsuits before

>> No.11661384

He didn't troll enough responses in the previous thread so he's reposting it here.

>> No.11661409

Is it possible to see who has pvped against you?
Also, what's the best way (outside of pvp) to exp gain? I only have up to 2-4 unlocked sadly.

>> No.11661417

Unlock 3-2.

>> No.11661418
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 39946385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody was replying to his previous posts here and on /a/ so he's trying to get more to masturbate to.

>> No.11661428

just bruteforce 2-4 down, 3-1 is a cakewalk with the same fleet then grind 3-2

>> No.11661441

How do I get Ooicchi? I've farmed her maps and crafted her recipes, but Kitakami is still just talking to herself and I'm getting kind of worried.

>> No.11661446
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>> No.11661450
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>> No.11661457

Can't believe how much the thread has died ever since event ended.

>> No.11661459

Highest drop rate for me is 3-3.
Never found her in 2-3 or 2-4.
Got her in 3-3 in a day or so.

>> No.11661462
File: 173 KB, 797x535, 6345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, this looks familiar.

>> No.11661469

Based China. Even the top left girl looks like Kenshin. Where do I sign up to sink the nip kanmusus with superior chink ships?

>> No.11661472
File: 280 KB, 1200x821, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Yamato though.

>> No.11661475

It's like some bastardization of strike witches and kancolle in one picture.

>> No.11661476

Holy crap, is this like a chink ripoff of Kancolle?

>> No.11661487

It started in 2011, though.

>> No.11661488
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Next on the remodel list is Hiei. And Yahagi.


>> No.11661493
File: 341 KB, 800x480, Flagship of my heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when getting 0 exp she still does her best.

Samidare Kai 2 when?

>> No.11661490

The little blue arrow at your secretary screen will show who pvps you

>> No.11661492

I would very much like to know the artist.

>> No.11661495

if only I could read what it is, I've always wondered what that blue button was for though

>> No.11661496

The author must be sad to see his idea being stolen by Kadokawa.

>> No.11661498

I didn't even know getting 0 exp was possible

>> No.11661499


the images themselves are from 2009.

>> No.11661500
File: 77 KB, 450x675, C99B081O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.11661503 [DELETED] 

He at least deserves an offer to draw a few of the ship girls, but he's a chink so good luck with that.

>> No.11661504

There were plane girls and tank girls before that, not a real big stretch to move on to ships.

>> No.11661506

Wait, mecha-musume was a thing before Kancolle? Say it ain't so!

>> No.11661507

He should get an offer to draw a shipgirl at least.

>> No.11661509
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>> No.11661518

They gave us the gloves, now where is my hats?

>> No.11661520

Kiso has one

>> No.11661522

Since the update, I can't connect through the flash projector.
I can connect through Firefox and Chrome just fine, but not the flash projector (or IE, which I understand to be essentially the same thing).
Every time I clear my cache it loads to a different point and stops, and keeps stopping at that point every subsequent try until I clear my cache again.
Am I just doomed to keep clearing my cache hoping for it to load fully if I want to use the flash projector?

>> No.11661524
File: 278 KB, 600x800, 司令官、私が居るじゃない!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2hu is now officially dead

>> No.11661528

Stop being so new and get your current API link.

>> No.11661530

Inazuma to be the next boss in the next touhou game.

>> No.11661532
File: 592 KB, 1000x1000, 39922212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroyers should be seen and not heard.

>> No.11661533

Please don't bully her, she tries so hard to be a reliable teammate.

>> No.11661534

No one answered in the last thread, but I've been getting a white ship loading background on everything but my main room since the update. Any possible solution to this?

>> No.11661535

Yeah, no. I've been doing that but nothing changes.

>> No.11661539

Have you tried the standard runarounds like clearing your cache?

>> No.11661543

How do I that using Flash Projector?

>> No.11661544

have you tried restarting your computer?

>> No.11661545

Ask >>>/g/

>> No.11661548

I did and it's still there.

No, they will make fun of me because I seek help just for animu gurls.

>> No.11661556

Why do care about your reputation on an anonymous imageboard filled with deviants, losers and truNEETs?
No one will judge you.

>> No.11661561

Clear your IE cache.

>> No.11661567

That helped. Thanks fellow teitoku.

>> No.11661573

> They're most likely going to implement a trading function

>> No.11661574

So have any moderately newbie admirals gotten a credit card linked to your account yet?

I'm personally running into the errors that were reported earlier.

Just wondering if someone has managed to figure out a workaround. I must throw money at them for more docks.

>> No.11661575

it's not the reputation it's more that they would rather laugh at him than help. When have you ever seen someone laugh at someone and help them at the same time?

>> No.11661577


I really hope they don't.

It would not feel as satisfying as actually working for your Kanmusu.

>> No.11661582

Yeah no, this is one of these games that would be completely ruined by a trade function.

>> No.11661590
File: 104 KB, 816x539, Capture4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be kinda cool if you could call in a support fleet from your friends or something for future maps. Trading sounds like a dumb move though.

How have you guys been handling sub + full fleet PvP? I have no fucking clue how to S it consistently. Using line ahead completely wrecks the enemy fleet, but killing the sub is impossible.

I also tried using diamond formation. The sub was oneshot, but damage for all the other ships just plummets. It doesn't help that your formation seems to affect night battle as well. Pic related.

I just can't seem to find a good balance.

>> No.11661592

Lineahead with 2 sub killing machine.

>> No.11661602

I tried line ahead with kitaooi earlier today. Both had 2 asw equips. They only dealt enough damage in 4 hits to get the sub to half health, and subs are nigh invincible in night battle. It might work if you get a green T-cross, but it's not nearly as consistent as I'd like.

>> No.11661607

I tried one ship with full asw + rest normal fleet in double line formation, worked out alright.

>> No.11661615

There is always double line which will bump your attack against sub an additional 15% compare to vertical.
Use yuubari with 2sonar+2depth charges. Sonar is actually very useful.

>> No.11661616

If trading ever gets implemented in this game, imagine how many lvl1 admirals will start the game with a lvl60 CA/BB/CV or something with almost all holo equipments

I think it's way cooler if your friends can send support expeditions to help you with bosses you're having issues with

Yuubari and Isuzu equipped with full ASW, and full hard hitters on the other slots then line ahead

>> No.11661623

trading removes all equip, all Kai upgrades, all modernization and resets level to 1. Only ships lvl 30 and above can be traded.

Alternative, only ships below lvl 5 can be traded with the same limitations as above.

>> No.11661626


Even then, imagine how much better it feel to craft Suzuya or Kumano.

>> No.11661628

It still feels kinda lame. Half the fun of the game is clearing bullshit maps. The other half is gaining rare ship daughters through your blood, sweat, and tears.

>> No.11661630

Add this to the list labeled - "Shitty ideas that will never get implemented."

>> No.11661634

Makes the game too easy.
I can trade for all my missing ships with all the multiple Yahagi, Kumano and Shoukaku that I have.

>> No.11661635

Any sort of trading system encourages real world trading and that just adds hassle.

>> No.11661638


>> No.11661637

Nope, it's still terrible as hell to have trading implemented in this game.

>> No.11661639


>Selling Yahagi, 10000円

>> No.11661641

I don't even understand the hype surrounding Yahagi. She looks decent, but I'm not really that upset I didn't get her.

>> No.11661642
File: 94 KB, 800x482, 5th carrier slut 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they should do is to actually disable getting holo rarity ships from craft. There is no satisfaction in getting a rare ship from craft with a common blue background.

>> No.11661644

Why not just make it so that they get the background from crafts?

>> No.11661648

So she's shiny, big deal.

>> No.11661645

S(akura) holo.

>> No.11661646

I'm in the same quandary - throwing money at my screen and yet they don't want it.

How else am I supposed to convert money into love if they don't even want it?

>> No.11661649

>throwing money at my screen and yet they don't want it.

Well, of course they don't want it, because they can't get it when you're throwing it at your monitor.

>> No.11661655

Flowy hairs
Sakure petals

Commoners will never understand her appeal.

>> No.11661659

they dont want money from filthy, disgusting gaijin scum

>> No.11661656

she's actually one of the better CLs out there worth levelling

>> No.11661661

Noshiro is just as good, excluding shiny Sakura petals

>> No.11661663

because you're a kuso gaijin

>> No.11661667


I don't know man, the Sakura petals makes her pulling of the glove even sexier.

>> No.11661669

This game is also based around collection in case you forgot

>> No.11661671

Our hype, our yahagi, not yours.

>> No.11661674

Noshiro looks like some slut bending to show off her tits. Besides her pose of holding a joystick is just inferior to Yahagi pose.

>> No.11661678

Yahagi > Noshiro > Agano

>> No.11661683

Agano sisters are illustrated by Konishi, right? I wonder if the sprites were done before Kongou sisters' Kai2 sprites.

>> No.11661692

Because more gaijin exposure, means more likelihood it's going to get media coverage outside Japan and with the whole idea of WWII IJN ships personified as cute girls, a few heads will explode.

>> No.11661703

My Little Anon Can't Be This Delusional

>> No.11661715
File: 47 KB, 640x360, Boss-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who got befriended.

>> No.11661718

Only 16 inches?

>> No.11661719

Considering how something as harmless as Japan beating the US in the Women's World Cup finals got a ton of people hatefully ranting about Pearl Harbor and WII, a chance exists.

We can't rule out the possibility of it becoming another Rapelay. Never underestimate the embedded racism and overzealous political correctness of the hwaito piggu.

>> No.11661720

So is there any real change in drop rate between an S-rank and a perfect S? I haven't noticed one myself (anecdotal evidence, I know) and the japanese wikis don't /seem/ to think there is, but then wtf is the point of a perfect S when normal S gets you the XP bonus anyways? Is it just for that one weekly quest, or is there some minor rarity boost thing going on, or wut?

>> No.11661721

>Only 16 inches?
Do you even naval history?

>> No.11661723

What's a naval?

>> No.11661725


>> No.11661724


It's something that tastes like Melon.

>> No.11661727

I thought the new Kongou's were done by Overdrive or something.

>> No.11661740

perfect S gives your entire fleet +1 fatigue but otherwise nothing to drops or XP

>> No.11661747

regular S gives the same +1 fatigue
perfect S is just eye candy, the game telling you that you achieved the most perfect victory possible

>> No.11661756

What if they introduce a ship breeding system?

>> No.11661763

I'd breed a BB with an SS and then cross the result with a carrier.

>> No.11661767

I would force breed Kaga with the 5th Carrier girls whether she likes it or not.

>> No.11661771

I would like to breed with my subdaughters.
I'd impregnate every one of them.

>> No.11661773 [DELETED] 


I'd probably wouldn't sortie anymore and just procreate with all the girls.

>> No.11661781 [DELETED] 

and now this thread is worse than /a/ could ever be

>> No.11661787

So /jp/, anyone had any good luck recently? After RNG fucked me in E4, i mustve gained a billion points with whatever deity that exists. 2 days ago, first run of E6 was a zuihou. Yesterday crafted nagato and kumano back to back and i got Mutsu 3 minutes ago.
Atleast kadokawa made it up to me somehow.

>> No.11661788 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 400x225, 1383675779046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares about your shitty opinion?

>> No.11661789

Haruna is so pretty

>> No.11661793 [DELETED] 

Well maybe you should go back to /a/ then? The quality of threads here would improve.

>> No.11661795 [DELETED] 


you're surprised?

>> No.11661799 [DELETED] 

Faggots like you are ultimate cancer.

No. I always knew /jp/ had the potential to out-scum /a/. Goes with the very nature of the board.

>> No.11661801 [DELETED] 

No, faggots like you with their meta "huur this thread is worse than /a/" shit are way more cancerous.

>> No.11661802 [DELETED] 

You talk about gameplay, people complain about it not being interesting. You ask questions, people tell you to fuck off and read the wiki. You talk about waifu, people tell you to gb2/a/.

Get off your fucking high horse. It's a thread about a browser game with shitty gameplay and cute girl art. It's about as bottom barrel as it gets.

>> No.11661803

Shiratsuyu's new cart art can't be viewed yet in the album, right?

>> No.11661805

Below 50 runs total for Agano, Zuihou, Yahagi, and Kumano. Also got Hatsukaze and Naganami without looking specifically.

>> No.11661806 [DELETED] 

Still leagues better than "I'd fuck my girls all day"

>> No.11661809 [DELETED] 

People like that faggot will not understand the fact that there's nothing to discuss otherwise.

>> No.11661812

Are you telling me you wouldn't passionately stroke your Kanmusu's hair?

>> No.11661814 [DELETED] 

there is a big difference between "petting their hair" and "fucking them all day"

I've been thinking that I must be the only human in here that has actually seen another person in real life within the last 4 weeks. I take these reactions to "breeding system" as confirmation on that suspicion.

>> No.11661815

I have been stuck inside of my house for the past few weeks because of a broken leg, yes.

>> No.11661829

Broken limbs represent, son. Sitting here with a broken arm.

Daily walks and regular physiotherapist visits have kept me from going crazy, though, and kancolle has given me something else to focus on. IF I CAN'T BE HAPPY THEN I'LL MAKE SURE MY GIRLS ARE.

>> No.11661842

You do realize you are in /jp/ right?
It is for truNEET only. Normals like you need not apply. Besides you have no right for moral high ground when the game actively encourage people to play 6+ hours straight to clear the event maps.

>> No.11661844

>I think it's way cooler if your friends can send support expeditions to help you with bosses you're having issues with

I was thinking the same thing.
And not just some random map support, event support.Making it an ultimate trial of friendship and such.

>> No.11661851

Think, you get to walk. For the first few weeks, I was too scared to really get out of my house, especially thanks to the fact I have stairs upon stairs.
I've gotten to the weight bearing stage now though so I've been hobbling around without my crutches and it feels good.

>> No.11661861
File: 42 KB, 646x325, BaCVocHCYAAxioQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else also heading to this upcoming fuyucomi? I can't prepare my wallet enough for all the Kancolle goods.

>> No.11661862

I realize you have it worse than me, just thought it was interesting that someone else was using this as a bit of an escape from the whole "oh god my body doesn't work" thing. I sincerely hope you heal up rapidly, I'm starting to get to that stage myself as well.

>> No.11661863

Well shit, now we're talking about muh injuries and how kancolle is therapy. You happy now, asshat?

>> No.11661894
File: 173 KB, 218x300, 52352363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successful crafts when

>> No.11661899

Am I the only one noticing something wrong with subs? I used to run 2-3 without issues, now my subs has 15 additional level and they often get shat on on the first battle.

>> No.11661907

No. They're the same as ever.

>> No.11661910

Did you have too much luck in the event? it's time to pay it back to RNG-sama.

>> No.11661933

I find it strange also, I could usually grind 3-2-A without subs and take scratch damage or no damage most of the runs.

Now when I do it the enemies seem to hit for at least 3 damage and almost never misses anymore.

>> No.11661946

Nothing wrong with subs.
They just get raped by T-cross advantage

>> No.11661948

I find it strange that even when I only get parallel and head-on engagements almost all the time they still deal 3 damage, which is the same damage they deal when T-cross advantage

>> No.11662213

The artist clearly doesn't know mahjong. Souryuu seems to have more than 13 tiles in hand, discard pile has 8 tiles in a row, rather than standard 6 per row, and the live wall isn't even drawn. 0/10 wouldn't put as Tenhou background.

>> No.11662284

FINALLY got a fucking Kitakami. Time to let loose the... torpedoes of... war.

Yeah I'll just see myself out.

>> No.11662352
File: 1.39 MB, 2436x1700, ktkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's something good for you guys.

It's actually kind of weird reading vol 30 of MC Axis since it's about the Battle of Midway but no Kancolle illustrators or designs.

>> No.11662361
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>> No.11662364
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>> No.11662363

I have too much ammo.I want to get down below the resource cap.What is the most efficient way?

>> No.11662390

Yesterday I did about 40 runs on 2-3 with 3 subs. Reached the boss in 14 of those tries, had to retreat only once because Goya got shot to 1HP by a T-Crossed elite. I still need to do something about my ammo, though. Fuel and steel are 2x and 3x bigger than it and running expeditions nonstop isn't working for now.

>> No.11662391

Sortie KTKM, Yuubari.
Craft stuff.

>> No.11662394

Begin crafting 46cm, turbines and shells.

>> No.11662399

For people farming the 3-2 boss node do you guys use double line or horizontal for the first node?

>> No.11662400

I said efficiently.
Don't have it.
>Craft stuff
Yeah, lets craft 100 sonar.

Well, of course I went for that initially.But the problem that I get lots of nothing.Would you happen to have a specific recipe and a flagship that outperforms the recipes at the wiki?

For your knowledge, I did 2-3-5 non-stop during the event.
Another tip:SS is not ammo efficient.It is fuel efficient.

>> No.11662403

>Would you happen to have a specific recipe and a flagship that outperforms the recipes at the wiki?
People have posted about some recipes using Haruna (or Kongou, I believe) in the comments section.

>> No.11662404

I thought you had too much ammo, what, are you too pussy to dance with RNG-sama with 100 crafts of 100/300/250/10?

>> No.11662406

Why not try 100/251 or 260/250/10?

>> No.11662408
File: 397 KB, 622x960, 39845230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to get Makigumo because she is the most moe of them all. I used to think Kongo tugged at my heartstrings but I was wrong and mislead. How could I have been so blind?

Where Makigumo

>> No.11662413

Read the wiki

>> No.11662420

I thought her voice didn't fit her character at first, but then I paid closer attention and saw that she's supposed to be like that. Anyway, she drops a lot on 2-3 F and G nodes.

>> No.11662422


I couldn't find anything about that, but I found this kancolle-db.t k/eq uip/1009.

Though everything seems unreliable there.

I don't understand.
I ctrl+f'd "260" and it returned 0 results.

>> No.11662428

Talking about craft, is there a cheap recipe that gives holo radar and boiler? 6x46cm is enough right, doing the 300/250 recipe is expensive as fuck.

>> No.11662435

260 in case you're lazy inputting 251 and would just like click the +10 on the counter.

>> No.11662443

So far I've used 10/10/251/250. Got two Type 13 and one Type 33 radars on it. Though you'll frequently get machine guns instead. As for boilers, I used the 46cm recipe 100/251/250/10.

>> No.11662445

wtf is a boiler

>> No.11662448

>A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The fluid does not necessarily boil. (In North America the term "furnace" is normally used if the purpose is not actually to boil the fluid.) The heated or vaporized fluid exits the boiler for use in various processes or heating applications,[1][2] including central heating, boiler-based power generation, cooking, and sanitation.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiler

>> No.11662449 [DELETED] 

+6 engine.

+10 engine is a turbine.

[Spoiler] No wiki because it's not immediately obvious [/Spoiler]

[Spoiler]Read the wiki anyway[/Spoiler]

>> No.11662457

Which part of the wiki am I supposed to check to know this stuff, the equipment page just says they're both turbines, both the +6 and +10 engine. Boiler search onlys send me to Yuubari's page.

>> No.11662459


>> No.11662462
File: 271 KB, 657x468, niraka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question regarding the wiki?
Does the numbers in the parenthesis for at the 100 level?
Or the level of remodeling in this case 50?

Of course the second is for level100, I'm asking about the the earlier form.

>> No.11662463

you're supposed to learn to read moon.

>> No.11662464

It's the max remodeling limit

>> No.11662466

the process takes a while, you don't just magically learn it in one day and it doesn't help when the only thing you can turn to is google translate

>> No.11662470

Do you not browse wikiwki with rikaichan?

>> No.11662472

you can find out the max stats for a few stats(firepower, torp, AA, armor) for the first form before remodel because modernisation will tell you that it's max

>> No.11662482
File: 299 KB, 709x378, niraka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11662485

Fuck, do CAV not count as CA in 4-3?
I thought I could use Kumano and Suzuya.

>> No.11662483

You didn't clear the cache.

>> No.11662487

speaking of stats, some stats are exclusively tied to level up (non modernazied stats such as evasion, etc).

Now the catch is: does the stats reflect the current level of the ship, or are they only gained from level up?
If it is the former, you can actually remodel at level 99 and it wouldn't make a difference, but if it is the latter, you will miss stats as the stats cap were lower before remodel.

this is rather important for subs, as some people are reluctant to remodel them due to repair time.

>> No.11662490

I'm not sure about new ships, but generally UI changes and event transitions need a clean cache to function. Basically, clear the cache after new updates.

>> No.11662495

Based on level.
I remodeled all my sub at lvl70+

>> No.11662499


>> No.11662505
File: 237 KB, 1280x670, shimakaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahaha oh wow.
to think that shimakaze's photo would be replaced with the kancolle ones.

see >>11482877

>> No.11662518

oh god why

>> No.11662547


What do you think /jp/?

>> No.11662546

It's just Google displaying the most oft-clicked image result for a Shimakaze search.

>> No.11662549

it's blurry as fuck, hat's what I think

>> No.11662554

Flipping hell, the first CVs/CVLs in 1-4 are brutal and kick my ass. Wiki suggests getting CVs of my own, but are they really the only counter? I don't trust RNG-sama when it comes to crafting.

>> No.11662551
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, 39096370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys my Kako just slept while she was firing her 20.3 and hit my Akagi.

How should I punish her?

>> No.11662555

Pull her skirt.

>> No.11662556

cross formation + more AA guns

>> No.11662570

as interesting as people getting Yamato or <insert rare ship here> as their first ship.

i wonder why didn't he picked wo-class?
i would gladly trade the crane sisters for a wo-class carrier.

>> No.11662603

Alien CV/CVLs are bullshit is what they are. Best you can do is the diamond-looking formation (strong vs planes), lots of AA, and yeah if you do have access to carriers then fighters are fantastic, but your best bet is either massiveAA+defense and kill them at night, since they can't attack at night, or just obliterate them during the day with heavy cruisers and suck up the repair costs.

Don't worry, once you get carriers you'll hate them even more for costing you gobs of bauxite!

>> No.11662608

Just do 300/300/600/600 one time for any cvl/cv and get Akagi.
With Akagi, you can easily unlock 3-2.

>> No.11662622

Just tried the mass AA tactic, not that effective due to shit equipment. I guess I'll try >>11662608 at the next daily reset and hope for the best.

Guess I'll try my

>> No.11662663
File: 45 KB, 512x384, 186cd680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't legit, is it?

>> No.11662674

I wasn't a fan of her illustrator's style, but if she got her torpedo cruiser refit, then I'd use her for sure. 3 CLT for night battles, oh gods. The photoshopper could've at least used non-blurry "改二", though.

>> No.11662677


>> No.11662679

Thought as much, meh.

>> No.11662704

I just lost a 94 Ooi in 3-3. Just... Fuck.

>> No.11662709


>> No.11662708


poilte sage for blogshit

>> No.11662718

RIP in pieces

>> No.11662717

I decided to relax after the event and clear the normal maps that I haven't before. Seemingly Ooi got damaged to red in the pre-boss node but I was semi-afk and didn't even notice that. After I started the boss node I noticed that she was in red, I couldn't even watch that, I just F5'd and didn't find her in my fleet when I came back.

>> No.11662722

If you were by her side for the encounter, she would have survived.
She only sunk because when she looked behind her, she didn't see her beloved admiral and lost hope.

>> No.11662736
File: 1.95 MB, 320x203, wheel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just roll with the punches i guess.

>> No.11662739

Come on, at least take a picture for us to laugh at.
Would be even more hilarious if you have the 53cm torpedo on her.

>> No.11662746


>> No.11662745

so now that we can choose formation in drills, what's the best one to use subs ?

>> No.11662750

1st formation.

>> No.11662751 [DELETED] 

It's not like I can take a picture of something that's no longer there.
Here's the list of my highest level ships and the last screen of Ooi that I have, it's from yesterday after I've finally finished E7 and got the Yahagi drop.

>> No.11662754
File: 575 KB, 680x698, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I can take a picture of something that's no longer there.
Here's the list of my highest level ships and the last screen of Ooi that I have, it's from yesterday after I've finally finished E7 and got the Yahagi drop.

>> No.11662755

I meant not refreshing the game. How could you just just closed the game and not look at your precious ship last moment?
Shamefur dispray.

>> No.11662757

for some reason, refreshing when the battle is ongoing results in huge morale penalty.

in a similar case as yours, i lost Maya and a type-3 ammo in the E-4 mindless run.

if you mean formation against subs, echelon.

>> No.11662761

I was thinking about when I'm the one using subs.

>> No.11662765

My condolences. And you're the teitoku that came into the event with a few level 40s and managed to get everything event exclusive. I guess things balance out, huh.

Well it won't be hard to train another one since the torpedo monsters are always MVP and eat experience.

>> No.11662772

Aye. Leveling another ship up to 90+ is still going to take a while and it'll be even harder to find a new Ooi to begin with I guess.

>> No.11662840

Speaking of Ooi, is it worth replacing Jintsuu with her? Jintsuu always seem to get bombarded with crits...
All of my ships are under level 20.

>> No.11662842

im a pretty new admiral, but is there any reason not to use line ahead except against subs? im running 1BB/1CV/2CL(T)/2SS. its been working out really well for its preemptive torpedo strikes

>> No.11662856

Totally worth it. Ooi/Kitakami are pretty much the most useful ships in the game, they're usable and they're strong everywhere.

>> No.11662858

yes, when you're trying to survive to get to the boss node

>> No.11662860

Yes, Ooi and KTKM are definitely one of the stronger ships out there

>> No.11662871

There are two schools of thought. The first is that since the other formations (ie. not line ahead) raise your armor and/or evasion, they'll help you survive the enemy's attacks and get to the boss.

The other school of thought is to go line ahead whenever possible. With line ahead, you will hit the enemy a lot of the time (preemptive torpedo strikes, for instance, really suck when using ladder formation or line abreast.). And if you're killing them before they can fire, that's effectively reducing the amount of damage you take. Running a preemptive-heavy strike force (eg. 2CVs + kitaooi) will help out greatly.

In the end, it depends on the map, and on what you feel is working for you. I don't think there's a consensus on the most optimal method.

>> No.11662874
File: 96 KB, 686x354, nosubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird to not have any sub fleets on my pvp list.

>> No.11662880

I've been testing the 3-2-A (or is it 3-2-1) grind strategy, but my ships keep getting fatigue into orange after 1-2 times.

Am I doing something wrong? Doing a 1 flagship to level + 2 torpedo sisters and 3 subs, which means I usually land an S rank. Still it can't beat the fatigue rate that seems incredible.

>> No.11662888


The important parts:
MVP gives +10 morale per battle.
Flagship gets +3 morale per battle
S rank gives +2 morale
You get -15 morale after leaving a map.

So it's impossible to maintain fleet morale by doing a single node of 3-2.

>> No.11662897

no idea, but with the new pvp formation coming out, I'm loving all these sub afkers in pvp suddenly although I used to curse them before this

>> No.11662895

Because they can't troll the fuck out of people with 4 sub fleets anymore since the update.

>> No.11662901


So I guess when people say they grind in 3-2 they mean they rotate fleets? Because it does not seem that amazingly fast when you have to wait several minutes between sorties.

>> No.11662902

obviously you rotate fleets.
You also usually use only 1 sub for it.

>> No.11662904

If you really want to grind fast you rotate fleets, it's one of the better ones because there's pretty much only CLs and DDs at that node which usually don't even damage you and is resource efficient.

Also they die almost instantly when you have 2 CV/CVLs in your fleet but not necessary, if you don't mind taking some scratch damage 1 is enough

>> No.11662906

Most people ran sub fleets to farm resources in 2-3, not to sub troll.

3-2-1 is good for several reasons:
-Good drops
-Easy enemies (no enemy BB/CV)
-Good experience for leveling
-You can scumbag it with subs

There's two main methods to maximize 3-2-1 farm. The first is to use a sub in conjunction with the ships you need to level. The sub will take all the hits, allowing your fleet to stay out of the docks (sub repair time being negligible). The other way is to run a full-ish fleet. Kitaooi + a CV and maybe a BB will kill most ships on 3-2-1 with ease. The CV or kitaooi will get MVP every time, giving you some sustainability with regards to fatigue, but the other ships will need to be rotated.

>> No.11662919

fyi running sub fleets as opposed to running one sub in 2-3 is retarded.

>> No.11662924

Why? It's an easy way to complete the daily quests for minimal cost. Everything from supply ships to world 2 boss clears can be done.

>> No.11662933

Because cost inefficient and fatigue. Literally everything is worse compared to running a single sub.

>> No.11662935

Someone does something different from me, so they must be retarded

>> No.11662936

double sub pretty gives you a chance at A ranks on almost every node and is still pretty efficient, it's the 4 sub fleets only that's trolling

>> No.11662938

I suck at basic maths and playing a flash game, look at me I'm retarded.

>> No.11662944

you're retarded
a single sub gets shot to hell in the first nodes and still suffers from fatigue because you'll most likely get D ranks. it also tanks your victory rate. the resource gain is not significant enough to do 4 runs and then stick every sub in the dock for 40+ minutes. you obviously have no effin clue what efficiency means you pleb

>> No.11662949

not that anon but I usually get roughly 2~4 successful runs with my I-19(the only sub I have) before I have to chuck her into the docks for about 40 minutes

Also my Iku is always sparkling, always, from getting all those MVPs, whether I get tactical victory of defeats

>> No.11662950

>single sub
>suffers from fatigue
It's like you've never tried it.

>> No.11662951

Single sub never gets fatigue because MVP bonus outweighs everything else.

However, completing dailies with a single sub is almost impossible.

>> No.11662957

-15 from the sortie
+13 from mvp+flag
-3 from D rank because most of the time your sub gets shot too much to get anything else
last I checked +13 does not outweight -18
and don't give me that bullshit about "hurrr my sub can go through 3 nodes before I take any damage"
Because that's complete bullshit. video proof or gtfo

>> No.11662962
File: 6 KB, 150x23, you&#039;re_a_fucking_retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stop being retarded and learn what turbines are. A single run for me can do anywhere between 5 to 10 runs and then I can just switch between my other 3 subs and continue with no downtime at all. Also there's no fatigue, in fact they're sparkling the whole time. Also this is how "tanked" my win rate is. Keep on being bad.

>> No.11662965

do you even modernise armor and turbines, anon?

you obviously don't go through 3 nodes without taking any damage, but if you go through the first battle node taking scratch damage and all the other nodes only have 2 CLs at max

You just don't love your subdaughters, that's why they pull off that shit on you

>> No.11662973

Stop posting before you make yourself look even more retarded.

>> No.11662975

Obviously, any percentage lower than 99 is a terrible and disgusting sight to anons like that.

>> No.11662976

the samefag is strong with this one

>> No.11662983

No turbines can save you from T-advantage.
I call your 5 to 10 runs bullshit.

>> No.11662991

Holy shit, you really can't into fucking maths at all.
Yes, you get -15 from a sortie, yet you get +26 just getting past two nodes. Stop trying kiddo, you just suck.

>> No.11662989

I don't even know how often you can get T-advantages with the terrible LOS stats sending a single sub has

Either you're extremely lucky or extremely unlucky

>> No.11662997

He claims his subs gets decimated at the first node, which is why he can never progress and it always results in fatigued subs.

Which is complete bs, becaue all those fatigue should have been recovered while repairing

>> No.11663002

because its oh so efficient to go to that second node

I also love how all you stupid fucks assume you ALWAYS go NE. if you reload when going E you will automatically get fatigue and going E has more than a 50% chance to not net you anything even moderately significant

do you even high level ships? seen how long it takes for a lvl 60+ sub to repair from critical? 40-50 minutes
yeeeeah REAL efficient.

>> No.11663015

Wait, you are now claiming that it's not efficient to go beyond the first node? That's it, I'm done. This retard is beyond redemption.

>> No.11663019

Wow. Just, wow. That's it, I'm done trying to convince this guy.

But before I do, yes I do high level ships, you scrub.

>> No.11663027

samefag being trolled by obvious troll
it's better than movies.

>> No.11663029

says the only samefag here

>> No.11663044

Tested 1 sub runs just now. you're all full of shit. this is total garbage. took 6 fucking damage with a maxed out I-8 lvl 64 and 2 turbines in the first node and got a D rank
next node 1 damage again and C rank.
next node 2 damage again and D rank
E->S->E. hit one shitty resource node

as expected of /jp/, only the shittiest ideas are accepted as "efficient"

>> No.11663050

cool story bro

>> No.11663058


>> No.11663056

not as cool as your fantasy stories about doing 10 sub runs

>> No.11663059

People have been doing solo sub runs since there were only two.

You get better fuel/ammo rate, but obviously your sortie win rate is going to go down the drain. The more subs you use, the more likely you are to win the sortie, but obviously you are doubling/tripling/quadrupling the consumption rate compared to the earned resource rate.

Some fleets have random asw enemies in them that can really hurt (boss node in particular has a ship in one particular formation that can one shot subs into orange or even red).

In any case, you can think of it this way. If you had run 4 subs, you would have quadrupled your resource consumption, only hit one resource node anyway, but would probably have gotten A ranks instead of a C and two D's.

If your aim is maximum resource efficiency then yes, solo sub runs are optimal. If your aim is to keep your sortie win count high / level subs / finish dailies, then use more subs.

>> No.11663070

or just fucking reload when you go to the boss

>> No.11663071

Why are you still trying to convince these types of guys anymore?

>> No.11663102

Why does the room/furniture preview on the atpages site not works? Am I doing something wrong or is it just broken?

>> No.11663110

Use a Japanese proxy.

>> No.11663124

Thank you. I was very curious because everything else worked fine except for that page and it was driving me mad.

>> No.11663132

Why would I reload if I'm doing dailies?

>> No.11663140

"Im level 20 admiralty, huh? I might as well just start doing a piss shot and try to make some +6 turbines, bet its going to take me 3000 steel"
My first try got me a +10 steam turbine, i am going to pay dearly for this luck.

>> No.11663146

Is it possible to craft Mikuma or is she drop only?

>> No.11663149

I feel like this game just wants to RNG the fuck out of me by making me miss all my hits in pvp while enemy does crits every hit.

Outlevelling the shit out of the enemy too

>> No.11663151

Boss drop

>> No.11663154

God damn it, I actually want her for some reason.

>> No.11663157

So what is Chitose's role exactly? She has a recon plane and gets torpedos later, but can also become a CL. Just another "hope to survive till night and blast everything" type of ship?

>> No.11663160
File: 952 KB, 825x3889, I just think he&#039;s full of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 3 runs down. Going for 4+ in the next post because image length.

And note, I'm doing this on my lvl 50 Hacchan, not lvl 97 Goya.

>> No.11663162

She's a CVL. And the best one at that.

>> No.11663166

the one where Hacchan got damaged for 7 is D rank*

>> No.11663168

Too bad about her looks.

>> No.11663174

What, Chitose and Chiyoda looks completely fine. Better than Shouhou at least

>> No.11663178

That said, other CVLs like Junyou are cuter.

>> No.11663179

An airplane slingshot is the most retarded looking thing ever. Almost as bad as airplane arrows, what the fuck.

>> No.11663180

Shouhou is beautiful compared to them. Archery is love.

>> No.11663185

Junyou is the ugliest CVL

>> No.11663187
File: 52 KB, 295x394, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiyoda has her chiyodas.

>> No.11663189

Chitose and Chiyoda have the biggest tits and thus they are the best.

>> No.11663193
File: 99 KB, 680x670, 39858258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not her fault if everyone is disappointed to get her.

>> No.11663194

I'm pretty sure those are on the level of Atago and Musashi.

>> No.11663198

Well I ain't gonna bother with an image, got damaged to red in the last node of the 4th run. My point still stands, I did 4 runs with a low level sub that was just remodeled. If this was a high level fully upgraded sub, it would have easily been 5+ runs.

>> No.11663200

you can fail 10 runs in a row on the first node and you can do 100 runs in a row without going red

>> No.11663205

Zuihou stop defending the crappy CVL and join my fleet already.

>> No.11663206

It's not so much of RNG when you constantly see the same results.

>> No.11663212

3 times going to the first node and hit into red. lvl 70 Imuya, 2 +10 turbines.
sure looks like the same results to me every time

>> No.11663209

Yeah she's gonna join you after you called her sister crappy

>> No.11663213

What's the best method to get Aoba? She's blocking my quest.

>> No.11663216

By existing.

>> No.11663217
File: 618 KB, 850x1200, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put Akagi and Kaga in the same fleet.

>> No.11663223

Yep subs are nerfed.
I didn't want to accept but it is.

>> No.11663226

Dafuq are you smoking?

>> No.11663228

RNG is affected by numbers too

>> No.11663234

What were you running, solo sub or several?

>> No.11663233

I just put in the highest value aircraft carrier listed on the wiki and got a 24 minute build time.
I sure hope I get Yukkikaze.

>> No.11663237

just instant construct it

>> No.11663236

Hope you get lucky and by responding to you I get lucky too. I want a sub both the ship and bread so bad.

>> No.11663239

It's 24 minutes and I pissed all of my flamethrowers away during my last crafting spree.

>> No.11663241

Earlier this day, 3 for weeklies.
For a while for 3-2 tanking.

The performance drop is significant.

>> No.11663242

flamethrowers are super easy drops at 2-1 and 2-2 though

>> No.11663247

Welp, got myself another Kako.

>> No.11663272
File: 549 KB, 1000x1414, 39075917_big_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you can only get rare destroyers from that recipe. Grats on getting Yukikaze.

>> No.11663274

It was Shiranui.
Disgusting, what a waste of resources.

>> No.11663277

Well, at least you got the best Kagerou (Hatsuyuki inclusive).

>> No.11663278

That would be ok if I didn't already have two of her.

>> No.11663296
File: 51 KB, 301x321, trysubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. I wonder if he left this for PVP or was just trying to bruteforce 2-4.

>> No.11663306

Ever consider the idea that maybe he doesn't care about what fleet others will fight when facing him in PVP?

>> No.11663310

Or he just doesn't give a shit about pvp and is just playing the game normally and trying to clear maps

>> No.11663313

That's the second option then.

>> No.11663329

Right. The possibility that he might not be "bruteforc[ing]" anything is not there at all.

>> No.11663331

That was the standard way of getting through 2-4.

>> No.11663347

I miss those 'what should I put for 2-4' whining. Now using subs seems to be the custom.

>> No.11663360

Many light aircraft carriers actually had flight catapults equipped, though. You know what has no basis in fucking anything? Paper planes. But we love them anyway.

>> No.11663362

Screw the subs, bruteforce is the way to go.

>> No.11663366

>Paper planes

>> No.11663371

What's the point of equipping Sonars on my submarine?

>> No.11663374

Usually you use turbines and torpedoes.

>> No.11663376

I'm fully aware of that, I was just wondering what purpose equipping sonars could have, since it's possible. The only thing submarines do are shooting torpedoes and dodging, so a sonar feels out of place.

>> No.11663382

maybe it allows them to torpedo other subs? who knows

>> No.11663393

Why is Mutsuki so cute? Her everything makes my heart stop all the time.

>> No.11663397

Her uneven eyes bother me as fuck.

>> No.11663474

Better accuracy during torpedo phase?

>> No.11663502

>lost my first daughter, Naka, yesterday
>I have gotten three more within 24 hours from drops and crafting

I'm happy to see that she's still well and alive, but is it too much to ask get Sendai for once?

>> No.11663513

i wish seaplane tenders had higher firepower stats so i could use them like torpedo ladies in night battles.

i like when Chitose says 見ぃつけた

>> No.11663516

Let's guess the 14th server's name. I bet it's one of Pacific islands, maybe Guam.

>> No.11663550


>> No.11663552

Yep! I think I got mine from a boss drop.

>> No.11663556

I've gotten about 300 trillion of them from 2-2.

I'd actually welcome a Naka drop, just because she's fun to listen to.

>> No.11663562

Did you miss last event? I got a page full of her from it.

>> No.11663566

Yeah, I got to the game on the event's last day. Kinda pissed that I never got a chance to get Iku.

>> No.11663571

That's harsh. I'll take my Iku out on a sortie just for you.

>> No.11663576

You've got some horrible timing, if you're competent you could get it done on your second day, and S rank E-1 the third.

>> No.11663577

other formation beside line ahead gives me horrible accuracy.
even against subs, i prefer line ahead while equipping IsuzuKitaOoi with depth charges.

Solomon islands

>> No.11663651

I've never actually tried it, going to experiment with it now. Always wonder why subs can't hit subs.

>> No.11663658

Just what is best to run in attempts to get ooi/KTKM? I've been doing 2-2 since it has two nodes with apparently decent chances at getting the drop.

KTKM was actually my third drop in the game, but i scrapped her in annoyance at getting another boring samefaced plain shipgirl, after accidentally choosing fubuki. I regret my rashness bitterly.

>> No.11663661

I didn't even get a choice, the game just gave my Fuyuki
Ah well, not like I used her for long.

>> No.11663665

You are an idiot.

>> No.11663672

I still have my very first ship, my Samidare. She is dilligently running expeditions, Kai and maxed out. She is my precious daughter.

>> No.11663676

There's something wrong in this sentence but I can't figure out what.

>> No.11663678
File: 118 KB, 543x185, Fubuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't pay special attention to mine.

>> No.11663684
File: 152 KB, 600x646, f51a1b237554dbde5d481f0ca7d1d9d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My first ship has been doing expeditions as well. Haven't maxed her out though, probably should do that sometime.

>> No.11663685

>shoukaku critted from green to red
RIP, all my fucking steel

>> No.11663688

I have 14 destroyers I keep around, all Kai and maxed out. DD are cheap for expeditions. why would I waste the small but piling up expedition exp on throwaway ships?

>> No.11663691

Why did you even remodel a throwaway ship? Now it just uses up more resources on expeditions. It's just silly.

>> No.11663706

You should really read the wiki.

>> No.11663721
File: 466 KB, 1000x1197, 39964938_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Latest 4koma translations if you're bored.

>> No.11663731

What for exactly? You're the one doing stupid shit here, not me, I don't see the point in reading it.

>> No.11663735

I got KTKM from 2-2, she seems pretty rare though. I don't think Ooi is totally confirmed to drop before 2-3 at least though, and from what I hear 2-4 is the first place you can get either/both in a reasonable timeframe.

>> No.11663736
File: 285 KB, 700x631, im3588458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected from Yukikaze.

>> No.11663737

Not even that guy.

>Remodels usually come with the cost of higher fuel or ammo (or both) consumption, though there are exceptions such as first-remodel destroyers and I-168, which do not change in terms of consumption rate

>> No.11663742

She's so cute, I'm still upset I didn't get her earlier today. I'll keep trying though.

>> No.11663764

Actual planes for SSv BBv CAv when? It really sucks dick not being able to actually use planes on plane ships.

>> No.11663767

They'll be out tomorrow.

>> No.11663768

Because they can't?

>> No.11663769

and by tomorrow you mean never

>> No.11663775

What's Seiran.

>> No.11663779

Something I'll never see.

>> No.11663782

They're limited to floatplane like that or Zuiun. Forcing them to be usable to carry carrier-based planes like Reppu is like putting 46cm in CA or smaller ships.

>> No.11663796

>Remodels usually come with the cost of higher fuel or ammo (or both) consumption
Educate yourself and stop using shitty wiki that spreads misinformation.

>> No.11663809

I don't see anything wrong with that sentence based on that wikiwiki link.

>> No.11663812

My mistake. Ignore whatever I said.

>> No.11663814

'Usually' may be a tad inaccurate since there are a quite lot of destroyers but it isn't 'misinformation' like you're blowing it up to be. And if you want to see the changes in consumption http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%BB%F1%BA%E0#c9c747e4 is far cleaner to look at.

>> No.11663824
File: 260 KB, 512x720, 39999978_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samidare, please. No.

>> No.11663826

so -that- is how Hiei got her bandages

>> No.11663850


Even when she's accidentally hurting a comrade she's so fucking adorable while doing it.

>> No.11663856

Christ, im trying to cheese 2-4 with a level 36 iku. This must be what it felt like to run E-5. Im just going through praying the elite DDs dont hit me down to red with a single shot, which they do at some point.

>> No.11663860

I wonder if the I-400 class submarines would come with 3 or 4 slots. That would make them true snipers of the sea.

>> No.11663861

Why not do it with a fleet of subs?
You can easily wipe out half of the enemy fleet with the preemptive torpedo.

>> No.11663867

You have no right to complain when you're using sub tactic for that map.

>> No.11663869


If he's using Iku, he probably doesn't have any other sub.

>> No.11663870

The amount of virgin goats i'd have to sacrifice to be lucky enough to craft 3 subs in my first week of playing would bankrupt me. As it is, i've only got one.

>> No.11663871

Subs are common.
Yukikaze is the one that is hard to get.

>> No.11663874

That's hard to summon futa, no, Goya.

>> No.11663875

I crafted both subs before I got Iku. and I got Iku a week after I started playing.

>> No.11663880
File: 297 KB, 800x480, 1385694510319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I laughed.

>> No.11663881

Welp, finally got my new Kitakami to level 10 and got a Type-A. She is now taking MVP from level 25-30 battleships and carriers.

I have unleashed something not meant for this world, I fear.

>> No.11663882

and then Akagi ate all the tiles

>> No.11663886

Not the guy you're responding to, but - I got Iku within three days of starting and have never seen any other sub. Congratulations on getting lucky with the sub crafts but that isn't really reasonable to expect from everyone, especially given how low the sub chance from crafting is (2-3%?) and that they don't even drop til 2-3 at the earliest.

>> No.11663893
File: 157 KB, 350x200, 1385695433467[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Items that aren't implemented yet. The compass item might be something that lets you reroll the compass.

>> No.11663899

why am I foreseeing that /all/ of those are cash only

>> No.11663900

>reroll the compass.

If it is, I can't wait for all the tears and wasted money when it still points in an undesirable direction.

>> No.11663898

>reroll the compass
So basically the next event map is going to have a node where the compass only has a 1% chance of sending you to the boss node, so instead of buckets you have to save up compass rerolls?

...I could see that happening, actually.

>> No.11663907

them four leaf clovers

i hope they're not what i think they are for

>> No.11663909

I can see some of them are for that large construction feature, if that picture is even true.

>> No.11663910

Higher drop rates? 2 or 3 drops per node?

>> No.11663911

Hiryuu drop rate at 2-3 must be exceedingly low.
3 Makigumo and 0 Hiryuu.
Seems like I really gotta do 3-4 for her.

>> No.11663917

They are true, all extracted from game's swf file, and the icons were there for a long time.

>> No.11663918


maybe they just increase the luck stat, like turbines do for evasion

>> No.11663927

So that's the case. That's interesting, maybe either unimplemented or cancelled feature?

>> No.11663931

Compass increase the LOS stat, oh wow it is fucking nothing. There is no way these sadist devs will actually allow you to reroll the compass.

>> No.11663934

The searchlight item looks like an LOS increasing item.

>> No.11663947

Why do I keep getting Ooshio? I'm serious, my last 10 drops in a row (I've been keeping track) have all been Ooshio.

>> No.11663951
File: 1.10 MB, 5000x401, 39951800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to take care of your heavy destroyers.

>> No.11663956

>heavy destroyers
You what?

>> No.11663960

Sorry, MH4.

>> No.11663981

I've been running subs on 2-3 for almost 2 months now and no Hiryuu in sight. I'll probably accidentally craft her before I get her as a drop.

>> No.11663989

How did you extract kancolle swf?

>> No.11664073

Is there a goddamn specific composition for reaching 2-2 boss or something? Or is it purely luck?

I've been trying to do that Takao cruiser quest and I keep being sent everywhere but the goddamn boss node

>> No.11664077

more than 2 CV(L)s increase the chance, IIRC.

>> No.11664086

lottery tonight?

>> No.11664087

no, but if you're superstitious there's some that say LOS affects how often you get to the boss node for whatever reason

>> No.11664090

Go read their twitter.

>> No.11664095

Players who already play dont care, and dont check the twitter for that specifically. The people who do dont want competition.

>> No.11664110

Just how much f5ing is too much? Im fucking sick of getting sent NE in 3-1, and then getting my ass blasted all for naught.

>> No.11664119


It only takes one to start a forest fire.

>> No.11664124

And now i went the right direction, with my sub barely surviving the battle, and then i get sent away from boss afsdfawefaw

>> No.11664253

Kitakami is cuter than I was expecting.

>> No.11664261


Her resupply line is adorable.

>> No.11664262

Her easygoing attitude is endearing. Her first remodel intro lines is great too.

>> No.11664328

she's like that one close friend you have and will see you as a potential lover

>> No.11664337

I don't have any friends.
Are there any KTKM dakis?

>> No.11664339

A lot of ships are. I greatly dislike eyepatches but Kiso's personality more than makes up for it.

I'm glad I had her as my first CL.

>> No.11664341

So you don't like Tenryuu? Ah, that's a shame

>> No.11664342

I would like Tenryuu more if her stats weren't so shit.

>> No.11664344

Not particularly, but all shipdaughters are precious.

She's still the best at what she does.

>> No.11664347

fucking Tatsuta? hell yeah

>> No.11664373

Are there official dakis yet?

>> No.11664386


You can always learn to draw and make one for yourself.

Imagine all the possibilities and poses.

>> No.11664387

I'm assuming he wants official ones since he can give money to the devs for a physical good, rather than digital items.

>> No.11664388

I am extremely shit at drawing though. I've got a whole list of girls I'd do if I could draw though.
I'd take any high quality Daki.

>> No.11664398

Yes, at least for Shimakaze and Yukikaze. I picked up the Shimakaze version while I was visiting Tokyo a few months ago, but now I regret not getting both.


>> No.11664402

Kongou dakura please.
and a Hiei one. so I can put them together and imagine they're fucking next to me.

>> No.11664404

Oh wow, can't believe I got yubari after second 30/30/30/30 try

>> No.11664405

Looks more like it's better for hanging than hugging.

>> No.11664407
File: 225 KB, 922x882, What it&#039;s like being Canadian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would hug a Beaver all night long.

>> No.11664415

as long as it's not the Kai 2.

>> No.11664421


>> No.11664446


She doesn't even look like she wants to hug you.

0/10 wouldn't even consider putting her in my bed.

>> No.11664472

Lol so fucking lazy 0/10

>> No.11664492

Have ppl found a new magical recipe?
Tired of crafting shit already

>> No.11664497
File: 488 KB, 800x480, Zuihou-chwaaaん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone wonders who is the rightful ICHIBANkan with Shouhou and Zuihou?
Game says Shouhou while sites about the IRL ships says Zuihou.


Zuihou superior must be ichiban!

>> No.11664498 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 293x425, zuihou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Zuihou and Shouhou called Shouhou-class in-game but historically, they're Zuihou-class

>> No.11664500



It got me Yahagi, try it out.

>> No.11664503

Nah, I got her from 30/30/30/30 already

>> No.11664517


>> No.11664520

You won't ruse me. Go away.

>> No.11664522

The wikipedia article says that Shouhou got laid down, launched and commissioned first. The other two links are vague and incomplete.

Most nameships aren't much better statwise than their sisters (if at all).

>> No.11664526

Please don't bully Tenryuu.
She's the first ship I created in tutorial. She's very precious to me.

>> No.11664527

>She's the first ship I created in tutorial.

I'm so sorry.

>> No.11664529

Yuubari does a better job in leading an expedition.

>> No.11664533

It's referred to as a Zuihou-class because though Shouhou was commissioned and launched earlier, it wasn't commissioned or launched as an aircraft carrier, and was only recommissioned into one in 1942, two years after Zuihou. It's likely that the IJN and the USN simply use different naming conventions for ship classes. It's not without precedent, as European and American naming conventions for ships can differ on rare occasion as well.

>> No.11664551

Is there are way to prioritize targets in torpedo phase? It really pisses me off when the whole fleet decides to blast at the 1HP destroyer instead of the flagship.

>> No.11664555

Sacrifice the largest calculator you own

>> No.11664562

You must sacrifice fourscore and ten virgin goats to Satan.


>> No.11664564

newer player here

is there a faster or more efficient way to level ships? i'm at 2-4 and all my ships are below level 20 and i dont know what im doing. i heard sending a sub through 2-3 with whatever other ships i wanna level but it doesnt seem to be making much of a difference when i have to repair her after every sortie.

maybe i should just pack 2 CVs and 4 BBs and bruteforce my way to world 3, does it have easier level grinding?

>> No.11664567

Grind 2-4-A; 2x sorties, wait 15minutes, repeat

>> No.11664568

Back then 2CV4BB was the normal way of clearing 2-4.

>> No.11664569

You're still gonna need lvl20+ on those CV/BBs to reliably bruteforce 2-4. I'm no professional, but the way I see it your best bet is probably leveling at 2-4-A (harder but 2x XP) or 2-2 (half the xp, but very easy to full clear with minimal cost unless you run into the Wo-class boss formation). You can try to sub cheese 2-4 (still works, but it's 100% luck even with multiple turbines - if you try this, sparkle the fuck up before each attempt), or if you're going to BB bruteforce it I'd highly recommend the kongou sisters+akagi/kaga so you can have a full Fast fleet for the bonus dodge, and again sparkling people, while time consuming, can help.

3-1 will be trivially easy if you can beat 2-4 and 3-2-A is god tier XP, so if you think you have shot it can be worth trying to push through, but if your fleet simply isn't strong enough there's no harm in training a bit first.

You're here forever, after all.

>> No.11664571

>pack 2 CVs and 4 BBs and bruteforce my way to world 3
This was what some people do before subs. You can cheese it with subs or slowly grind your way using PvP.

Some throw in CLT for good measure.

>> No.11664572

3-2 is the prime grinding spot.

But you can send your fleet to 2-4 and get decent experience out of it, and if your fleet does really well in the first two nodes you can just send them ahead and see if they pull through.

>> No.11664574

Not that guy, but I'm starting to hate 2-4. ZKMS is nowhere to be seen and I'm even close to having my DDs ready for 3-2. I just need the 6th DD to complete the formation.

>> No.11664575

Where's that level 1 2-4 clearing video?

>> No.11664576


>> No.11664581

Ah, there you go. Thanks, haven't seen it for a while.

>> No.11664583

Reminds me, what are the first ships everyone here crafted?

Do they still have a place in your team, or did you already forget them alongside your starter?

>> No.11664585

Yuudachi. She's in my expedition fleet.

>> No.11664589

I think it was Nakachang da yo.

>> No.11664593

The first ship above my Samidare is Kikuzuki, and she's still going for expedition. Though I'm only 95% sure she's my second daughter, I remember having some misclick accident during my early days.

>> No.11664602

thanks i'll just do 2-4-A runs with DD/CL flagship + 2 CV + 3 BB then since it seems to be the most fatigue-efficient

>> No.11664608
File: 16 KB, 325x128, 2013-11-29 18-31-37.575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I scrapped my 2nd ship for the quest, and modernized the 3rd&4th one to Fubuki.

>> No.11664609

It's worth noting that 2-4-A will NEVER have alien CV/CVLs, and if you crazy enough to braze a bunch of battleships neither do the three nodes it leads to, so you don't have to worry about AA at all - bring CVs with torps/dive bombers only, etc.

IF you have them, Kitakami and/or Ooi are FANTASTIC replacements for the BBs in grinding - they're a lot cheaper to fuel/ammo after each run, and leveled/type-A'd, they'll oneshot any enemy DD/CL/CA just fine.

Failing that though, yeah, BBs are your best shot. 46cm guns will help a lot, the enemy CAs have crazy range and occasionally go ahead of normal battleships, but 46cm extra long range trumps their bullshit handily.

>> No.11664610

That's sanaechan? Didn't know it can identify something like that.

>> No.11664612
File: 136 KB, 677x371, nowhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, totally nowhere to be seen. She dropped a lot for me at 2-4-A(roughly 50 sorties grinding) and I feel kinda bad for other admirals if I started scrapping or using her as modernisation material

>> No.11664614

Isonami. She's primarily on expeditions. Inazuma is on reserve for when I need another high-level DD but she also goes on expeditions when needed.

>> No.11664617

oh yeah i got ooi recently, should i toss her in there at level 1 or get her a few levels before using her as a BB replacement?

also thanks for the CV/CVL advice i probably wouldnt have changed their equipment otherwise since i didnt notice 2-4 doesnt have any

>> No.11664618

I've been doing 2-4 for days already (100 sorties already minimum) and not a single drop of her. I even got Fuso twice.

>> No.11664619

I have 5 fusos fortunately shes my favorite girl but sure wish i could get a shimakaze

>> No.11664620

Isuzu. She's been sitting for a while in, maybe I should go and make her Kai 2 already.

>> No.11664621 [DELETED] 

>fusos fortunately shes my favorite girl
Such shit taste

>> No.11664622

You have to believe more, and sacrifice something in exchange(jk)

>> No.11664623
File: 634 KB, 1000x1444, 065b5ee8a4cf4f843db78736d662017c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long black hair + red eyes + traditional clothes are my weakness

>> No.11664625

Tenryuu, but I scrapped her because the game kept throwing like 1000 Tenryuus and Tatsutas at me I got so pissed at all of them

>> No.11664627

>using her as a BB replacement?
They don't share the same role except during night battles where she's superior. BBs are unparalleled in dealing shelling damage during the day. You'll need Ooi remodelled and modernised before she can start sinking things with her torpedoes (which is her main use during the day).

>> No.11664630

Since they clearly state there's no cheat, sanaechan won't make me get a ban, right?

>> No.11664631
File: 177 KB, 800x480, flagship of my heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut your whore mouth, Fuso is perfect.

>> No.11664632

She has a cute voice. She sounds depressing when she talks about the weather though, same as Shigure.

>> No.11664634

oh god i just encountered a CV at node N after equipping my CVs and BBs with no AA equipment i took so much damage

that just makes her cuter because I can relate

>> No.11664635

You can shred Fuso and Yamashitro once you've cleared the 2-3 Nishimura Fleet sortie quest, right?

>> No.11664636

Unless you have Ise and Hyuga, there's still the CAV and BBV quest.

>> No.11664638

what about yamashiro

>> No.11664640
File: 678 KB, 970x374, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the pathetic stats that your useless old hag has.

>> No.11664641

I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't know the pleasure of having Ise. Still waiting on my Hyuga though.

>> No.11664642

I have a soft spot for plain looking girls, so Ise class can stay even though I don't use them anymore.

>> No.11664645

please don't BBully

>> No.11664647

you still need to beat 4-2 with them. suzuya and kumano must be disgusted to be in the same fleet with the kuso sisters

>> No.11664649

Please go back to masturbating over Haruna.

>> No.11664651

oh god I just got reminded of how terrible the luck on Musashi and Fusou is

>> No.11664653

Leave Haruna out of this!

>> No.11664655

Mutsu has 3 luck until her remodel which gives her 5.

>> No.11664657

Still needs ten levels until 99. That last event helped with fleet levels, though. My other BBs finally started catching up to Fuso and Yamashiro.

I got one 46cm from Musashi, and will get one more when she remodels.

Fuso crafted me 12 46cms, 7 rare turbines, two dozen dual purpose 15.5cms, half a dozen holo/S-holo radars and 5 type-3 rounds.

I know whom I am placing my trust on.

>> No.11664658

what is luck used for again?

>> No.11664660


I always feel really bad when Admirals have ships higher level than mine when we have the same T-level.

>> No.11664662

Normal luck is 10, so it's not that bad after remodelling. I don't see much use for it outside of cut-ins, though.

>> No.11664665

Same as any other game. All kinds of small things that are hard to list out, but you easily feel the effects of when comparing 2 ships with high and low luck.

>> No.11664669

makes me wish i had gotten nagato instead of mutsu as my first BB craft but i guess thats just my luck...

>> No.11664671

It's kinda hard though to differentiate whether it's bad luck or just RNG hijink.

>> No.11664672

Cut-ins is pretty much an perceived effect of luck, I think like what >>11664662 says.

>> No.11664695

Is it worth it to always have Goya in my fleet? Other ships not getting hit is nice, but it seems like she sends me back mroe than anyone else these days. Should I just swap her out for another CV/CVL?

>> No.11664711

depends on what you're doing

>> No.11664715

Just grinding at this point I suppose. My highest level ship is a Haruna at 20, so I'm grinding so I can get past 2-4

>> No.11664728

If you're grinding 2-4-A the most damage you're gonna take is only scratch damage anyways, if you're nitpicky about that then keep the sub in your fleet, otherwise just replace her with any other ship you want to level(CV/CVL with torp bombers usually reduce the scratch damage you might take)

Also check this video out, if you have similar equipments and fleet(4BB 2CV) it doesn't hurt to just try clearing it now


>> No.11664729

Do you really need to advance more in 2-4 for grinding purpose?

>> No.11664737

No, it's called 2-4-A grinding for a reason, you take on one node then retreat. You do it twice and your ships should be in orange, this is when you rotate your ships to continue grinding or just take 15 minute breaks.

>> No.11664741

Fair enough then, I'll just keep on doing 2-4-A with Goya in for the time being. I only have one good BB which is Haruna, and then like 4 Yamashiros because the game hates me I suppose.

>> No.11664744

I want to stroke Mogamin's hair.

>> No.11664745

I just wish that my girls would learn2target. Gets pretty old to take a bit of scratch damage every other run due to some random miss, and then every few runs some CL or CA magically crits a 60+ armor battleship/carrier for 70% of their hp. That shit's 150-200 steel per repair, man.

>> No.11664748
File: 133 KB, 697x546, Achtacht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how's your warcrime-chan doing, fellow teitoku?

>> No.11664750

You ruined her

>> No.11664779

Anyone currently running 5-3? Need some advise on the boss node.

Apparently even last formation won't kill the elite submarine. Putting depth charge instead of turbine/radar and your ship won't even reach the boss node.

>> No.11664802

They should provide another page for the repair dock. At this time, right now, 4 is not even enough for me.

>> No.11664916


>> No.11664930

So how many Imuya are you guys saving?

>> No.11664938
File: 47 KB, 451x380, unlimited imuya works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many to count.
I even lost 2imuya at 1-1 but she keeps coming back to me. I will never scrap or modernize her though.

>> No.11664944

12 Imuyas, all drop.
I believe I've scrapped two or three to save space.

>> No.11664946
File: 59 KB, 268x410, 2464463463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had one.

>> No.11664956

She is very common.
You would be swimming in imuya sooner or later and wish something else actually drop instead.

>> No.11664965

Only have 2. I wish she'd drop more for me, I've run out of submarines without opening attack for mvp run at 1-1.

>> No.11665001

is it worth keeping girls i have no intention of ever using? the collector/hoarder in me says dont scrap anything ever but im running out of ship slots i should probably scrap every ship except the top 6 of each class.

>> No.11665007

1000 yen for 10 extra ship slots.

You do love your shipdaughters, don't you?

>> No.11665008

Depends, I hated money and expand my docks because i find every ship endearing in their own way. The question would be if a ship you do not have received its kai2 remodel, would you be flipping out and grinding to get back her again?

>> No.11665015

only the cute ones

i have too many low-tier destroyers that'll probably be forgotten and never receive a kai2, and even if they do theyre so common it'd be easy to get them back

>> No.11665091

Anyone got a good recipe for zuikaku?
300/300/601/601 gave me 3 6hours timer but it is all shoukaku. I wonder if it just RNG or this recipe cannot produce zuikaku.

>> No.11665098

my first aircraft carrier was zuikaku using standard 300/30/400/300

>> No.11665105

>recipe cannot produce zuikaku.
No. That's silly.

That recipe is as good as it gets (check the database). I got my cranes from 300/300/600/600.

>> No.11665106

I got mine using 300/300/600/600. I'm searching for Shoukaku now, so I'll probably give yours a try.

>> No.11665108

So far the only thing that's keeping me from doing.... stuff... from having Yuudachi as my flagship to get her k2 form is the cute giggle whenever you resupply her. Whoever came up with the shitty idea of all the -poi should receive some form of punishment.

>> No.11665110


>> No.11665111

Are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.11665131

I bet you hate Naka-chan as well.

>> No.11665137

That's terrible

I don't use Naka-chan so I can't comment on that

>> No.11665143

is there an average number of sorties i should expect before getting a gold or holo rarity drop? ive done 2-4 like 30 times and havent gotten shit

>> No.11665145

Try 100 S rank

>> No.11665147

will do
kind of surprising that i get like 20 mogamis and fusos, theyre more common than "common" rarity ships

>> No.11665155
File: 139 KB, 816x538, shimakaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze drop rate at 2-4 is probably the highest. I never got another one after I left 2-4.

>> No.11665160

havent gotten one yet
ive gotten 6 mogamis, 4 fusos, 3 shouhous, and a bunch of other useless girls

>> No.11665167

What do you others do about rare ship modernization?

I always worry that the new sprite might not have as nice damaged sprite art. At the same time I find it to be part of the charm of the game to discover the damaged sprites in the game and collect them, rather than to look it up ahead of time.

My current big worry is Zuikaku, which took the longest before I got her.

>> No.11665215

I was given the impression that drops were worse than crafting. Is that true? I'm dying trying to get her.

>> No.11665217

nope, drops are definitely better than crafting, the pool of ships to choose from that could appear from drops are less than crafting

>> No.11665224

It all depends on luck. Even 300/300/600/600 recipe, RNG usually gives me shit CV/CVL that already have. But this past week, RNG felt kind enough to give me 2 Zuihou, 2 Zuikaku, Shoukaku and Kaga to complete my CV/CVL fleet

>> No.11665231

I think the term you are looking for is remodeling. And as far as damaged sprites are concerned, they are mostly all the same regardless of pre-kai or post-kai. Zuikaku and Zuihou only get changes to their clothing color. The seaplanes and other ships with Kai2's are obviously different though because the card itself changes to a new picture.

>> No.11665232

What're you kidding? I love Zuikaku's and Zuihou's remodelled clothing colours

>> No.11665235

There's no penalty for late remodelling. You can collect sprites at your own pace.

>> No.11665236

So far I got everything off drop except for Yukikaze. You only need crafting to kickstart your actual fleet for your first BB or CV. Either than that, fulfilling the daily crafting quota is good enough. No point spamming them.
A Shimakaze from crafting will not look as good as the one at >>11665155

>> No.11665249

Where do you easily and efficiently farm steel? I have every other resource but I spend so much steel on crafting or repairing battleships that its impossible to keep up with dailies alone.

>> No.11665251

while usually true but crafting does allow admirals that don't have access to high level maps and some luck to craft rare ships. I got my Shimakaze on my 2nd day

>> No.11665252

For expedition 36, for the requirement AV, are we limited to just chitose and chiyoda or CVL or CV is acceptable?

>> No.11665255

3-2 sortie and refresh game after you hit the steel node

>> No.11665263

Stop using so many battleships and crafting then, I'm swimming in steel and I don't even abuse the 3-2 steel node.

I don't encourage using the 3-2 steel node though

Crafting is pretty much only for newer admirals that haven't unlocked the map where the ships they want are at. Doesn't mean that they shouldn't try their luck at crafting if drops aren't helping.

>> No.11665270

I just assumed everyone was spamming crafting given what a bitch that fucking boss node at 2-4 was getting to.

>> No.11665271

i dont really craft anymore except like 1 250/30/300/30 attempt at a rare DD/SS per day and 30/30/30/30 for dailies, it's just that ive spent the past week grinding and that really hurts my steel reserves when i need to repair so often.

>> No.11665275

Does 3-2-1 drop shimakaze?

>> No.11665277

Probably not

>> No.11665278


>> No.11665282

I do 4-2 a lot. It's fucking great but you'll need to have at least 2 DDs on your fleet.

>> No.11665283


>> No.11665292

Except that he's asking specifically for 3-2-1, either way the english wiki seems wrong because both jap sources states Shimakaze only found in 3-2 by boss node.

Someone that could bother and isn't me should update that

>> No.11665313

wikiwiki also lists Shimakaze for the node behind the steel-node.

>> No.11665328

Uhh, you sure you're not confusing Shimakaze with Suzukaze? I checked wikiwiki again but I still don't see it.

3-2-A DD drops are(sourced from wiki2):
初雪 深雪 叢雲 磯波 綾波 敷波 漣 潮 涼風 朝潮 大潮 満潮 荒潮 霰 霞 陽炎 不知火 黒潮

>> No.11665336

3-2-A is before the steel node, behind the steel node is 3-2-C.

>> No.11665338
File: 431 KB, 755x597, 40011528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They see your ice cream.

>> No.11665341

Still none at 3-2-C

3-2-C DD drops(sourced from wiki2):
初雪 深雪 叢雲 綾波 涼風 大潮 満潮 陽炎 不知火 黒潮

>> No.11665346

weird, it says 島風 初雪 深雪 磯波 朝潮 満潮 荒潮 霞 涼風 陽炎 不知火 黒潮 for me

>> No.11665349

huh, weird, holy shit it suddenly appeared when I refreshed. wtf just happened? wtf, just happened? what sorcery is this?

>> No.11665352

Go to bed anon.

>> No.11665356

Are you sure you just didn't edit that in just now? Whatever, I have no use for Shimakaze anyway

>> No.11665383

Is this a crop or what? Image search gave me nothing.

>> No.11665430
File: 126 KB, 900x960, 38944744_p15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help Junyou kick her addiction, she's a pretty ship that deserves better than that.

>> No.11665436

Just got a 50 minute craft time but the wiki doesn't have a 50 listed, just a 60 (1:00:00)
What takes 50 minutes to craft

>> No.11665441

let us know when you find out

>> No.11665448

50 minutes, unless I can find a daily or run a node and get a torch.
Yeah, I'll keep you updated.

>> No.11665444



>> No.11665445

you'll know in 50 minutes or 5 seconds

>> No.11665451

Agano Class, jk idk

>> No.11665454


Wait, what? Find a torch? The fuck were you doing that you used them all up, before development mats?

>> No.11665459

just run a few runs of 2-1 and 2-2, you'd definitely get a torch there

>> No.11665460

what recipe did you use anyway?

>> No.11665461

its pretty easy to run out of torches before you run out of development mats unless you craft a ton of items.

not that ive ever run out of either but i easily have twice as many dev mats

>> No.11665462

Rare destroyer, 270/30/330/130

>> No.11665467

All three wikis don't seem to have anything about 50 minute craft timings, I wonder what it is

>> No.11665470

It's just a bug. Enjoy your Nakachang.

>> No.11665473
File: 969 KB, 1279x771, God damn it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False alarm everyone it was just Isuzu
Ah well.

>> No.11665483

Poor girl, she'll be scrapped soon enough.

>> No.11665498

And now, with the construction of two Kumanos in a row, the only craftable ships I don't have are Nagato, Zuihou and Ooi.

I still have no idea how this happened, but then I got to level 50 without a Chitose and 70 without a Shiratsuyu, so I guess RNG works in mysterious ways.

>> No.11665512

Speaking of Chitose, if I get one more Chitose drop I'm going to make a full fleet of Chitoses and level them for mini-subs.

>> No.11665516


You can only put unique ships within single fleet.

>> No.11665517

since when can you use more than 1 of the same girl in a fleet?

>> No.11665521

Shh, shh, stop ruining my cheeto fantasy.

>> No.11665526

There's no point in farming for minisubs anyway.

>> No.11665538

Why do you need to farm mini-subs? The only users are probably gonna be Chitose, Chiyoda, Kitakami and Ooi, 4 is more than enough

>> No.11665542

yeah seaplanes get 2 each at level 12 and subs get them automatically at level 10. since you get 2 from each seaplane you can just throw the extras on your torpedo cruisers because i dont think they stack right?

>> No.11665551

Two would be enough since I only play on Ooi and Kitakami.
But no, I want to slap them on my destroyers too for maximum torpedo slinging

>> No.11665554

You can't equip them on DDs.

>> No.11665557

Life ruined.
Why do I even play this game.

>> No.11665559

They do stack but it's better to leave space for weapons that can combo.

>> No.11665567

on the topic of chitose/chiyoda is it worth it to upgrade them to light carriers or leave them as seaplane? or should i just get 2 of each and do both?

>> No.11665578

They are the best light carriers in the game.

>> No.11665590

theyre also the best seaplanes in the game

>> No.11665594

That's not really saying much.

>> No.11665596

I like them as CVLs, besides if you upgrade them to k2 they finally smile and you get a few rocket launcher stock equipments as bonus.

>> No.11665605

Sure, if you have a boner for stacking zuiuns or mini-subs.

>> No.11665607

Being the only seaplane carriers in the game, therefore they're the best, hell yeah logic

>> No.11665612

Can't be both beautiful and have great stats huh

>> No.11665618

Not that /a/non but I'd like you to pay attention to the last ranking rewards.

>> No.11665619

i do actually
there are lots of other decent CVLs with only slightly worse stats but only 2 other units in the game can use mini-subs

too bad leaving them as seaplanes gives them such terrible stats even mini-subs cant make up for it

>> No.11665632

Actually I used a Chiyoda in her seaplane form with a minisub, and two 15.5cm for a while - maxed of course. She makes a pretty good job in low level maps, like 3-2 grinding.
She can have about 100 torpedo stats and high hit rate, while having low consumption.

>> No.11665700

So, how are you guys doing on the rankings? 18 hours left, right?

>> No.11665702

terrible, I'm stuck at 1000~1200 but maybe because I'm more focused on 3-2-A grinding than going to boss nodes

>> No.11665708

What are the rankings people usually get rewards?

>> No.11665709

somewhere in the top 300

>> No.11665710

2500 or something.

>> No.11665716


>> No.11665717

i dont even know what rankings are, where would i check?

>> No.11665718

In the wiki.

>> No.11665719

How to into rankings

>> No.11665727

Top left text beside the huge top left round button

Second row text on your left, click the first column that's blue in colour to see your range of ranks

>> No.11665732

In the top 430s, Last month I wasn't paying attention and got bumped down the top 500 and didn't get anything.

>> No.11665742

Same here, I don't think I've had risen higher than that

>> No.11665767

Are you guys doing 2-3 oil run all day, err'day? Because that's the only way I could think to get high rank.

>> No.11665779

doing it wrong.

>> No.11665782

i just got ooi with ooi as my flagship this is silly out of the 50+ shipgirls i actually want i got the one gold that i already had...

>> No.11665785
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 1383705805069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying your first day playing Kancolle?

>> No.11665786

Bzzt, 2-3 oil runs are not efficient if you're looking for admiral rank points

>> No.11665789

I do 2-3 runs for the dailies until I finish the boss daily which can take a while, or sometimes I don't finish it at all, then I do 3-2-A grinding, and a few runs here and there trying to clear 4-4.

>> No.11665790


>> No.11665797

Then, how? I haven't unlocked 5th area, I guess 5-1 or 5-2 boss is easy to handle?

>> No.11665804
File: 21 KB, 250x141, Battlestar_Galactica_-_Re-imagined_series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Galactica a CV or a BB?

>> No.11665833

So when Ooi and Kitakami come useful? It seems that CA stacking works better in world 2, although they're costy to use.

>> No.11665841

Have you tried levelling them to 10, remodelling then modernising their torp stat and equipping midget subs?

>> No.11665843


When they get lvl 10, maxed torp stat and minisubs. Even more so after second remodel at 50, due to extra armor/evasion and even more torpedo power. They can blap BBs off the field with opening salvo.

>> No.11665848

>They can blap BBs off the field with opening salvo.
Good luck getting them to actually target the BBs.

>> No.11665854

I don't understand these "minisubs". They're equipment, right? I can't for the life of me find the recipe on the wiki.

>> No.11665855

Doesn't matter, having less enemies to deal with = more chance for your fleet to target that one hard to kill enemy. As long as they don't miss their opening torpedo salvos you have an advantage already. They also work really well in night battles unlike CV/CVLs

not same anon

>> No.11665856


I said you can, not that it happens often. With a CV in the fleet you hopefully have the small fries off the way, leaving larger prey open, so it's still good.

>> No.11665862

Midget subs don't really have a recipe in the wiki, anyways for midget subs I don't recommend bothering to craft it. Just find a Chitose/Chiyoda in the wild and level them to 12 and remodel them twice.

Their lvl12 remodel gives 2 midget subs, one for Ooi, one for KTKM, or you can level another one up for both Chitose and Chiyoda themselves if you want to keep them as AVs

>> No.11665867

Huh, I guess I'm lucky that I got both of them. Chitose is lvl 9 already.

>> No.11665883

They are just common

>> No.11666013

There's no way they didn't change something about subs.
I could grind 3-2-a for 3-4 rounds before my dodge sub went into yellow, now they usually get shot to orange within the first shelling round. This is after 60+ runs

>> No.11666017

I've noticed this as well.

>> No.11666040

this has been this way for 2+ weeks. the gold CL has depth charges / sonars and hits subs really hard. and it dodges like a beast

>> No.11666053

just tank the scratch damage maybe?

>> No.11666060
File: 506 KB, 777x459, Screenshot 2013-11-30 01.03.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is round 1, and that's a lvl30 5star Imuya

>> No.11666064

remove SS, replace with CL(t)?

>> No.11666065
File: 125 KB, 449x187, Screenshot 2013-11-30 01.06.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11666075

I find using SS as a dodgetank for 3-2-A grinding is pointless now that they're almost guaranteed to hit anyways(improved accuracy and damage somehow), just grind without SS and with 2CV/CVL and 1BB + 1 wildcard that'll help and 2 ships you want to grind

Alternatively I saw some guy replacing two CAs non-stop with new ones he keeps finding from grinding to slightly save on fuel/ammo consumption, plus they might tank some damage by chance and you can use them for modernisation or scrap later.

>> No.11666086

easiest 3-2 setup
flagship wildcard
90% of the time you'll have flawless victory even without using a sub.

>> No.11666088

Huh, really? I am having a great time cycling two subs on 3-2.

>> No.11666090

why CVL over CV?

>> No.11666092

cheaper. using CV over CVL wont do any good except waste more resources. it's just DD and CLs.

>> No.11666093
File: 69 KB, 752x454, pvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone using BB/SS/CLT/CV, PVP is so hard now.
Sigh, I gotta bust out my own CLT even if they are lvl90s.

>> No.11666095

I run SS BB CVL + 3 ships to grind. 2-3 subs in rotation keeps that running as fast as fatigue recovers.

>> No.11666096

Not happening in my case. Still get perfect S every time, probably because I don't get enemy with flagship CL often. But even if I get that, it's the last enemy standing in front of my BB's 46cm.

>> No.11666097

Yeah, that's a pretty frustrating lineup to go up against nowadays. I usually just decide to bruteforce these type of fleets and settle for an A. If you're feeling lucky you can run like 6DD/CL fleets and hope they all survive to night battle then wreck shit, works sometimes for me

>> No.11666104

I run 1BB+1Ss+4ships that I want to level.
When you have a page of imuya, you dont have to worry about dock time. Imuya is only good at taking depth charges, not avoiding depth charges.

>> No.11666106

>Imuya is only good at taking depth charges, not avoiding depth charges.
I don't follow, what?

>> No.11666109

And she misses.

>> No.11666113

Hello, fairly new to the game (admiral level is only 14), and I'm stil trying to find the best way to level up my ships. Do any of you have suggestions on the best way of doing this while saving most resources? I know PVP works, but what's the best way to get the most amount of experience in the least amount of time? Thanks a lot!

>> No.11666115

Not that anon, but I tend to stack 3x 32gou radar. Although that has an unfortunate consequence of not one-shot sinking the flagship CL sometimes.

>> No.11666116

Sorry, it took me like a few minutes to understand that. I'm such a tard

>> No.11666118

how do you NOT oneshot the flag CL? even with a single 46cm cannon a BB should have 100+ firepower

>> No.11666121

spam 1-3 while you try to craft CAs/BBs, then you can rush to 2-3 and spam that instead

>> No.11666122

Wiki probably has all the answers to your questions and then some.

Stop that.

>> No.11666123

Is it even possible for any BB with a 41cm or 46cm cannon to not one-shot any of the enemy in 3-2-A?

>> No.11666129

Beat 2-4 as fast as possible and then only you try to save resources. Beating 2-4 open up tons of possibility.

>> No.11666132 [DELETED] 

NO. I won't.

>> No.11666133

please stop shitting up /jp/
can't you even read the OP?

>> No.11666135

Probably he's talking about missed attack, which, in my case, I can't say it gets more often, even without any radar.

>> No.11666141

Yeah it is. The FL CL has over 80 HP+armour. 80% or 60% damage modifier for parallel or red T-cross engagement + lower RNG roll for firepower modifier is less than 90 damage for Kongou class with 1 46cm turret.

>> No.11666143 [DELETED] 

I can read the OP. and do not give a fuck. If you want to be some kind of stupid elitist and get angry about fully capitalized words instead of putting them between hyphen be my guest but I won't conform to some ridiculous standard I don't care about.

>> No.11666146 [DELETED] 

So cool and edgy. Get out.

>> No.11666147 [DELETED] 

> elitist
You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.11666149 [DELETED] 


Kill yourself.

>> No.11666153 [DELETED] 

all that butthurt
keep it coming.

>> No.11666156

There's like a one percent chance of all that happening since your LOS should be pretty damn good with 3x type 32 radars and CV/CVLs in your fleet

>> No.11666162
File: 207 KB, 1351x606, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 80 HP
Pic related.

>> No.11666165

> parallel

A single slot of Saiun can prevent disadvantageous T-cross, but it doesn't feel like the high LOS stat decreases the chance of head-on engagement.

Read more carefully.

>> No.11666168

Not that guy but I understood what he meant. Flagship CL has at least 50hp and 30 armor.


>> No.11666171

Why do people call 索敵 LOS anyway?

Wouldn't recon, scouting, or detection all make a lot more sense?

>> No.11666176

I guess not, been through lots of head-ons with high LOS as well. Why not just switch one radar out for another gun?

Line of sight

>> No.11666178

This guy has sonar and depth charges.

>> No.11666179

More RPG-poi.

>> No.11666181

I know what it stands for, but it's not a correct translation. Radar, for instance, doesn't increase your line of sight in any way.

>> No.11666183

Yeah, I also feel that LOS is not the best choice, but I use it due to the ease of typing it.

2 guns and 2x 32gou radars is good, too, though it misses noticeably more. I guess that's a trade off for an almost-guaranteed one-shot sinking of that flagship CL.

>> No.11666185

Fourth T-Cross Disadvantage in a row on PVP. I just ragequit this time.

>> No.11666186

If you want to you can type out recon, but LOS is just so much more easy to type, for me at least

>> No.11666187


>> No.11666191

Can't build even one.

>> No.11666195

I don't know about you but I can't be arsed to switch my equipment for my BB and it's been stuck with 2 41cm and type 21 with sanshiki and I still find it really hard to miss. Probably just RNG trolling on you

>> No.11666197

That means bringing CV to PvP. I don't think the exp is worthed the bauxite cost.

>> No.11666199

Same here.
Unless you sortie with borderline fatigue you barely miss anyway.

>> No.11666201

you can put guns on a cv, 5 other slot to level things up. I rather have a saiun than having disadvantages where i get even less exp

>> No.11666203

Tone or Chikuma then, I don't see the problem with bringing CVs to PvP because I run exped 6 pretty damn often for furniture boxes, and equip a healthy amount of green planes and AA equipment

>> No.11666204

The rate of miss with 2x 32gou is not high by any means, but it's just so damn annoying when you do miss, and the CL decides to crit hit one of your kanmusu.

>> No.11666206

I tried putting a 6 CV(L) fleet out filled with torps for the heck of it. 1300 buxite not so well spent.

>> No.11666210

Very well prepared for that one rare ocassion, but does it really change if you can't one shot the opponent and they still crit hit one of your shipdaughers to orange anyway?

>> No.11666231

Well, it's a trade-off one way or another.

>> No.11666260
File: 58 KB, 690x396, cant into top500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it is not happening with the time remaining.
I dont have 5-2 unlock and compass keep sending me to SE dead end node at 4-4 instead of boss.

>> No.11666263

It could happen, you just have to dedicate one whole day without eat or sleep

>> No.11666266
File: 61 KB, 777x429, 50 something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just farm 2-2.

>> No.11666278
File: 71 KB, 649x351, allday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All day, every day.

>> No.11666285

>Those scores.

Damn, I could probably be top 20 on that server.

>> No.11666286

I'm on your server and I play all day, but I didn't know how to rank up until just recently.

>> No.11666288

I just kept farming bosses.

>> No.11666289

Yeah, that's where I went wrong. I was only doing 3-2-A.

>> No.11666293

4-4 boss is basically E2 tier with day battle first.
I could do it whole day everyday 24/7 if only it doesnt send me to the south end node.

>> No.11666301

4-2 with two DDs is 50% chance to get to the boss.

>> No.11666310

They are both 50% isnt it?
4-4 can drop the naga*

>> No.11666320

So rank is how many boss kills you have?
Why not farm 1-1?

>> No.11666329

1-1 isn't a boss

>> No.11666331

also you're wrong.

>> No.11666333

Just know that all battle nodes give you rank exp, boss nodes give more than normal ones and the more you progress the higher the exp.

The boss node rank exp gains non-linearly and increasing

>> No.11666341

Would be really nice if Kongou or Haruna would show up so I could finally have a fourth fleet - would make resource collection -so- much easier if I didn't have to pick two of the three expeditions I want to be spamming 24/7. At least 2-4-A is good xp/drops while I prep to break through the rest of 2-4/

>> No.11666345

Haruna shows up a shitton at 3-2-A.

Strangely the only Kongou I have is the one I magically obtained from crafting, I never seem to get her from drops

>> No.11666348

4 each of hiei and kirishima and 0 kongou or haruna for 2 weeks

>> No.11666351

I just got my Yuudachi K2 and Ooi K2 at the same time, I felt like the time spent grinding wasn't for nothing

>> No.11666354

I think I've gotten 1 Hiei, about 6-7 Kirishima, and 0 of the others.

Kongou is SUPPOSED to drop in 2-4-A but I've yet to see her. Finally got an Ooi though, to finish off the trollpedo sisters!

>> No.11666357

They have very low drop rate at world2.
It is time for you to move on from being a 2-4babby and explore world3 and world4.

>> No.11666358

Did anyone even managed to get a furniture box from expedition #4? I've run this one about a dozen times but it never dropped even though the expition was a success ( I did get the bucket though ) Am I missing something or should I keep trying? The wiki doesn't tell anything about the droprate

>> No.11666359

I don't know, I never seen it drop before either but sometimes my furniture box just magically increase y'know. I dunno, it could just be me, maybe I just wasn't paying attention and got it from exped 6

>> No.11666365

I started a few days ago and don't (yet) have a fleet that can reliably stomp 2-4. Working on it, gotten most of the way through a few times, but until I get my girls up to par the best I can reliably do is the first two nodes of 2-4, or the first node if I want no-repair-needed XP.

Yeah, but - at least in my limited experience - 4 seems to have garbage droprates/rewards all around. Expedition 6 actually has a fairly decent box droprate and is the best expedition in the game for Bauxite, so might be wise to run that one instead.

>> No.11666366

I'll try expedition 6, thanks guys.

>> No.11666379

Are seaplanes any useful to aircraft cruiser? They seem quite pointless AFAIK.

>> No.11666383

ive gotten like 4 ooi's
finally got ktkm after 30 sorties today
now i just need kongou + haruna + ise + hyuuga and i'll have every worthwhile ship besides the stupidly rare holos

>> No.11666398

I brought 4 slots of Type 21 air superiority fighters.
Still didn't get air superiority in 2-4.

>> No.11666403

Model 21 is underwhelming, but even Reppuu wouldn't save you seeing as how you don't even have your CVs' refitted (indicated by the lack of Model 52).

>> No.11666405

So I should just shitcan the idea of even trying to vie for superiority and just shovel on more bombers?

>> No.11666408

I've gotten about 30 of each Kongou ship between grinding on 3-3-A and subs vs 2-3 boss over the last month. Also got a bunch of other rare-ish ships from 3-3-A like 3 Mutsu and a bunch of carriers. S-rank the boss in 2-3 and you'll get some kind of battleship (usually Fuso/Yamashiro though) about 25% of the time.

>> No.11666412

Level up your kanmusu, and give CVs some AA modernization.

>> No.11666413

I've got
Mutsu-Kai, level 38
Ise-Kai, level 39
Fusou, level 18
Kongou, level 17
Akagi, level 17
Junyou, level 10

>> No.11666417

no fucking wonder you can't beat 2-4 with that
lvl 30+ for everyone is recommended

>> No.11666418

Guys help, I can't beat 3-2 with my fleet.

>> No.11666419

Under-leveled CVs as I had guessed. Of course you're not gonna gain air superiority.

>> No.11666421

I've been using 2BB 4CA so far, so aside from my Mutsu and Ise, and my CA, my other ships are kind of lacking.

>> No.11666422
File: 75 KB, 810x385, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot fleet.

>> No.11666425

>Look at me, I can brag hurrr durrr

>> No.11666427

Swap Yamashiro for Mutsu, worked for me.

>> No.11666431

Nice photoshop there brah.

Just put 75% blue bombers and pray for south route. No CV in that route and it is all smooth sailing till boss node.

>> No.11666434

I would fuck that Yamato.

>> No.11666436

>no Yahagi
2/10 wouldn't even bring to Ten-go

>> No.11666458

I'm giving you attention. ;^)

>> No.11666483

midget subs are quite common crafts. i got a bunch using the 46cm gun receipe

>> No.11666490

Why is your nose so pointy?

>> No.11666491

Because jew.

>> No.11666496

who are you quoting

i believe he's trying to show that he is jewish and wants to steal your shipgirls

>> No.11666499
File: 92 KB, 576x200, Screen Shot 2013-11-29 at 10.34.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I in for a good read?

Yamato NTR by white pigs.

>> No.11666586

This game need a quick fleet selection already.
I find myself wasting more time switching between 2-3, 3-2 and 4-4 farming fleet.

>> No.11666601

Or you could just buy more fleets

>> No.11666605

30 fleets please, so I can run /every/ expedition at the same time.
all that sparkling. I'll die.

>> No.11666665

i don't need 30 fleets. Even having a fifth fleet would've been enormously helpful in management.

>> No.11666685

But I want 30. or 20. At /least/ 10. 9 to run expeditions, 1 to grind.

>> No.11666689


>> No.11666706

Why are the devs so sadistic for the 3-2 pre-boss node with the bloody Ru-class, and a chance to go NE for a furniture box?

What equipment setup is best for 3-2? I'm rocking 2 main guns and an AA gun for almost all of them and torpedo cut-in for Yukikaze.

>> No.11666711

Craft radars.
Replace AA with them.

>> No.11666712

I've tried doing that but all I get are crappy guns, any other recipes I should try out? I do have one radar so that helped me on that purple node

>> No.11666715

Whoops, I meant turbines.

>> No.11666716

I think the only thing that might make a difference are turbines. As long as you reach the boss with most of your ships in good health, it should be an easy win.

>> No.11666718

I already miss E-5/

>> No.11666740

Got Yahagi on my 8th try
Do I win yet?

>> No.11666743

2nd try Yahagi.

>> No.11666747

27th try, I win because I went on more sorties

>> No.11666750

This game has awaken my inner autist once again. At 110 runs currently.

>> No.11666752

2nd try Yahagi from an A-rank

gg ez

>> No.11666753

21 tries and I gave up. It was reminding me of how depressing my attempts were.

>> No.11666754

6th try here

>> No.11666758

Trying to round out my CV collection. What's the best place to get Zuikaku and Hiryuu?

>> No.11666761


>> No.11666762

This really needed to give rankings for the preboss nodes so you can get that authentic feeling of two perfect S battles and then being sent northeast.

>> No.11666763

Anything but crafting. Fuck crafting. I'm done with crafting forever.

>> No.11666764

you dont want yamato and musashi?

>> No.11666766

Crafting is fun though.
I force myself to only do the daily crafting quests, otherwise I know I'll go overboard.

>> No.11666769
File: 800 KB, 804x605, If only this happened in real life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11666772
File: 117 KB, 808x448, fuck crafting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I'm done with crafting. Forever.

>> No.11666773
File: 888 KB, 818x628, BnsR1Th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, i got it on first try as well. I bet i burnt my years worth of luck on a shitty flash imitation.

>> No.11666776

infinite levels of jelly

>> No.11666785

Any updated chart/table/infographic from futaba?

>> No.11666794
File: 589 KB, 926x1420, f0725c38f7655601c5f6c26f43460ef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite ship design/personality, /jp/?

I really like Hiei and Shigure

>> No.11666798

favorite ship design: I have one for each class but my absolute favorite is probably Mutsu
personality: Ooi

>> No.11666803

I like a lot of them, actually.
Mogami, Kitakami, Ooi, and a lot more.

>> No.11666809

Haruna the Goddess

>> No.11666811
File: 1.00 MB, 1406x2000, (C84) [Gokusaishiki (Aya Shachou)] Chinjufu Teitoku Shitsumushitsu (Kantai Collection) [English] [Facedesk].zip-04_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11666817
File: 215 KB, 790x554, ss (2013-11-30 at 03.10.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my fellow autists at?

>> No.11666818
File: 142 KB, 600x1500, 69596633855af3aa82ec269f5b421f73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design-wise, Samidare, runner-ups are Zuihou-kai, Verniy, and torpedo sisters, super form.
Personality-wise, I can't say which one is the best. Maybe KTKM as close friend, Samidare as daughter, and Houshou as wife.

>> No.11666819

I accidentally got rid of my Yuudachi during a modernization. Hold me /jp/.

>> No.11666820

>not putting a love lock on your loved shipgirls
You had it coming.

>> No.11666823

What a coincidence, I just got my Yuudachi to kai2.

>> No.11666827

I just scrapped a Yuudachi

>> No.11666828

My fetish is being really sweet to the plain girls like Mogami.
She'd wonder why I was paying so much attention to her and not a slut like Shimakaze.

>> No.11666829


I wanted to get mine to kai2 before I got rid of her. I'll have to find another one now.

>> No.11666834

Fuso-class, Kumano.

I want to dress Mogami in girly outfits and watch her squirm with embarrassment.

>> No.11666839

Mogami's pretty cute to begin with. It's just that Shibafu's style really doesn't work well with her type. Compare her with, say, Kaga.

Also, that voice.

>> No.11666847

Mogami's charm point is that she's very cute but isn't aware of it.

>> No.11666858

Too bad I'm not aware of it as well.

>> No.11666864
File: 425 KB, 800x1066, 39800377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitaooi are pretty great, but I like all of my kanmusu.

>> No.11666878
File: 144 KB, 768x1024, BaR6F2PCMAACVzp.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kind of suggestive.

>> No.11666883

Since when isn't Shimakaze suggestive?

>> No.11666884
File: 56 KB, 700x844, BaQp8TVCUAA-TGr.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Hatsuyuki here?

>> No.11666892
File: 530 KB, 3601x2348, ship_akagi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really made this connection in my head. Nagato seems pretty pedestrian in size compared to Akagi.

>> No.11666895
File: 98 KB, 600x450, 824834162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would make a nice present.

>> No.11666904

Sure does.

>> No.11666907

Fuck, the 4-4 boss node has 2pattern with elite sub after I cleared it. What do?
Possible to consistently S rank it with horizontal?

>> No.11666908

I want to cuddle with Mogamin and Mikuma.

>> No.11666911

Try echelon.

>> No.11666912

What does Echelon do?

>> No.11666913

combat article

>> No.11666915

Halfway between vertical and horizontal line. Makes sense, right?

>> No.11666918

C-Can I buy one of these? Not like I wanted to cuddle with it or anything.

>> No.11666920

Why not buy a Shimakaze cosplay set as well? You can finally be the little ship girl of your dreams.

>> No.11666921

Or find a little girl, dress her as ZKMS and then you dress up as Teitoku.

>> No.11666923

Is there one?

>> No.11666930

>Child Molester Arrested, Claims Japanese Militarist Video Game Forced Him to Kidnap

Who am I quoting? The news article with your picture that's going to be appearing in the paper, anon.

>> No.11666942

>You will never be the Teitoku
I'm quoting your feelings

>> No.11666961

My nigga. Shigure is my favorite favorite ship.
Other favorites include Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Zuihou, Haruna, and Maya. There actually many more, but these are the top of the list.

>> No.11666962

Yes, it exists. Nice fabric too. Search for it.

>> No.11666968

I need to buy this for my cute boyfriend now.

>> No.11666977


>> No.11666988

ktkm-sama before k2 uniform

>> No.11666991

For any new teitoku who have been running into issues throwing money at your kanmusus, I just got one of my cards to work.

Their system doesn't seem to want to take Discover or Visa cards for whatever reason, but an American Express worked just fine.

Finally I can get full repair docks...

>> No.11667003

Actually scratch that. Seems like the only cards allowed to be charged for points are Visa/Mastercard, neither which is being accepted by their stupid system.

Damn. Well, at least you can still get the 500 free points now.

>> No.11667011

Weird, I got my Visa credit card to work just fine. Bank called because supporting your ship daughters looks like suspicious activity though.

I know of some teitokus who can't get their Visa/MasterCard debit cards to work, however.

>> No.11667017

2-3 must have some sort of active quest sensor that detects whether you want to go to the supply ship node or boss node and chooses the other.

>> No.11667045

Base KTKM was the best. DEM LEGS

>> No.11667051

Yeah, their site said that they had some maintenance on their credit card servers the week I got in, and a few others have reported having issues who joined about the same time I did.

Just my luck, they probably broke the servers for new foreign cards and haven't thought to fix it yet.

>> No.11667053
File: 261 KB, 854x480, 1385800123279[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I like the game's art more.

>> No.11667058
File: 188 KB, 265x310, 98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how fast can you level a ship to 98?

>> No.11667079

very very slowly

>> No.11667084

Botscript a single ship to do 1-1-1 non-stop, leave it on whenever you're not playing, watch your e-penis grow bigger, brag about your non-existent hard work.

Or actually forego eat, sleep and social relationships and grind all day every day and maybe hate your money while you're at it too, to speed up the process

>> No.11667097

Anyone done 5-3? It looks like E-4/E-5 in terms of rage-inducing cut-ins. Current idea for fleet comp is DD/BB/CA/CT/CT/DD at about lvl 70-80, dual attack setup. Any other advice or suggestions?

>> No.11667105

Last week I used my Visa card and it worked perfectly. Those docks are really useful.

>> No.11667133

Repair docks are really the only thing I can justify spending money on.

>> No.11667134
File: 132 KB, 800x480, typical 5-3 attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been attempting 5-3 at a leisurely pace since the end of the event. The most success I've had was going with all DD fleet, which seems to have the highest rate of getting to the boss, but they all attack the submarine there. The only time where I sank the enemy flagship was using 3rd formation where Shigure crit the sub and the fleet was able to participate in night battle without blindly flinging depth charges at the sub in vain.

Currently, I'm content with just bringing whomever I want to level (Hiei at the moment) and taking runs that reach the boss as a bonus.

>> No.11667138

Really? Is echelon really better?
wikiwiki said it is 60% 75% as compare to 60% 100% for horizonal. Time to test it out.

>> No.11667142

Is doing 5-2 without 2CV+1CVL for compass checks actually viable? It looks like the chance of reaching boss otherwise is pretty slim, but I only have 1 CV leveled up at all.

Should I start leveling another CV, or is brute forcing it not as bad as it looks?

>> No.11667143

Is sub-farming 2-3 ruined for anyone else? I just take too much damage even with turbine

>> No.11667148

It seems like 1 CV + 1 CVL also has better chance than 0 or 1 CV fleet at getting to the boss. Just an anecdotal evidence, though.

>> No.11667154

The game is lagging really hard at the moment

>> No.11667157

Tawi Tawi server here. Looks fine.

>> No.11667163

佐世保鎮守府 reporting in. All green here.

>> No.11667165

I'm on brunei. Switching shipdaughters take like a minute

>> No.11667166

What's the point of having so many?

>> No.11667172

I'm on Brunei too. Shit's slow as fuck. It seems people are going for the last push.

>> No.11667175

Sortied during 3-2 and E-2 runs. She's now lv54.

>> No.11667177

1-1 shining
2-3 farming
3-2 grinding

A single sub is helpful in multiple situations. You can constantly rotate them as others repair. Imuya has the benefit of staying a sub after a remodel unlike the rest.

>> No.11667179

Brunei as well, no problem here

>> No.11667183

Is 2-3 working for you? How is your winrate there? I'm getting bad results in the last1.5-2 weeks

>> No.11667190
File: 56 KB, 550x550, 1450258_10151903384609219_1828630214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, what? Is this legit?

>> No.11667195

> figwa
Would buy a dozen.

>> No.11667202

My 2-3 winrate with solo subs has never been good. At its worst my overall winrate tanked from 99% to 80% once I got my first sub. I still got Iku and Goya over level 60 running them solo.

Since I got Hachi and Imuya I've stuck to four subs to complete dailies and they've never failed to get at least a B. Whenever I get around to seriously preparing for an event again I'll run solo missions.

>> No.11667210

Yeah, I can see it happening with 4 subs. With two, one of them usually gets bombed on one of the first nodes to orange.

>> No.11667214

100% win rate. I am farming for hiryuu, I don't care about losing ammos.

>> No.11667230

Aside from expedition do you guys have a special way of farming bullets?

>> No.11667246

> not figwo
Admiral, please.

>> No.11667248

I thought Shigure is happier to see rain?

>> No.11667251

Most people run expedition 2 24/7 for buckets and end up getting more ammo than they can use.

>> No.11667265

... Houshou

Please do not bully

>> No.11667269

Too much ammo and iron, what do /jp/?

>> No.11667270

Build 46s.

>> No.11667272


No Figwu?

>> No.11667276

... Oh right. Wow, I can't believe I completely forgotten about those mythical cannon

Also, if we use 46mm cannon, is there even any reason to use sanshiki for BB?

>> No.11667283

What do you mean? You can have all the aa stats you want, but without a proper item to use that stat, like aa guns or sanshiki, you will have a tough time shooting any planes down.

AA guns have a high chance of procing anti air but do so-so damage, sanshiki have a less chance of procing but do massive damage.

Sanshiki also lowers your overall accuracy.

>> No.11667293

What, looks like my PVP matches are moving at around 1.5x speed.

>> No.11667295

46cm can shoot planes naturally for... some reason, fuck only knows why.

>> No.11667297

Already did my PvP matches for today, so cannot confirm.

>> No.11667303

Game, why you retardedly attack 1hp sub in pvp again and again until second round of attack because of BB being present

>> No.11667311

Strange, just fought another fleet with one sub, and my team stopped aiming it after it dropped to 1 hp, maybe a bug when subs are flagships

>> No.11667317

I just cant scrap Imuya. She was my first sub.
I have 3 running expedition while the rest of them just idle there until the next event where I need to use them to sparkle. I dont even use her to slave tank since my spare goyas perform much better.

>> No.11667318
File: 32 KB, 296x69, BT3m7WDCYAAFkct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the sub wasn't dead yet.
This game has another few digits of hp internally.
Their failed patch once taught us about that.
Try image search "艦これ 演習 小数点".

>> No.11667319

This was discussed before. Sometimes you will hit the ship for non-letal damage (it has 20 and you hit it for 19) leaving it with 1 HP. The other ships will target it till they do at least 1 more damage in the form of a "miss".

>> No.11667324

Well, that explains why my ships still attack some of the enemy ships in pvp sometimes that are left with 1 hp after the opening torpedo salvos

>> No.11667361 [DELETED] 

In terms of subs, are there any maps they drop from? I've got a Goya, but the crafting system has been unkind to me in regards to getting Imuya. Or any ship I actually want, really.

>> No.11667370

I've gotten 5 Imuyas from 3-3-A today, I heard she was common, but I was not ready for her to be this common

>> No.11667373

I've done about 200 runs of 3-3-A this week and I've gotten one. You're just lucky.

>> No.11667375

Or you're just unlucky.

>> No.11667384

How many Mutsu did you get though?
Maybe you are too lucky for such a common drop.

>> No.11667386

Does formation affects airplane losses (and therefore bauxite consumption) during prelim airstrikes, or only air superiority counts there?

>> No.11667388

0 Mutsus, all those clears are S too.
Is that really that unlucky?

>> No.11667389

You're probably on the wrong map, post a screenshot of the one you're going to

>> No.11667392
File: 78 KB, 800x478, mutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grind more.
I went to 3-3 to grind for Ooi but I found tons of Imuya and Mutsu. You are just unlucky.

>> No.11667397

Does it matter what kind of plane I put on first slot in a CV?

>> No.11667399

Yeah, no it definetely is 3-3.
I have a hard time accepting that statement, but I guess that's what it boils down to.

>> No.11667400

What do you do with extra Mutsu's? I feel like it's such a waste to make a modernization fodder out of a holo ship, but I only need one to level.

>> No.11667412

It is ok.
RNG balance out in the end. I have Mutsu luck at crafting. I didnt get anything from crafting after 2months of playing.

You tell me, I still dont have Nagato.

>> No.11667413
File: 50 KB, 410x342, imuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my 8th Imuya and 3rd one from 4-1 boss nodes today.

>> No.11667414

You modernise them of course

>> No.11667423
File: 135 KB, 801x487, what with this fucking BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this fucking BB flagship? Why does she rekted me so hard? How can she 1shot Hiei in echelon formation against ring formation?

>> No.11667424

So for 南西諸島海域の制海権を握れ do you have to defeat boss nodes, as in get B or better, or sink everything?

>> No.11667425

B and above

>> No.11667444

Haven't opened World 5, but looking up the map and the enemy list, is 5-2 much better grinding spot than 3-2 or 4-1?

>> No.11667453

it's not very resource efficient compared to 3-2 but it works, if you really want to

>> No.11667459

Guess which one of your ships are not inside the ring.

>> No.11667539
File: 430 KB, 850x1087, 38742788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had Kaga been completed as a battleship she would have been larger and more powerfully armed than Nagato.

>> No.11667574
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [Underwater] Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova - 08 (720p) [77489170].mkv_snapshot_05.42_[2013.11.30_01.00.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Kancolle Kongou but I love Arpeggio Kongou.

What do you guys even see in SHIT! Kongou?

>> No.11667578

She's a good useful idiot who's willing to do most things in promise for some attention.

>> No.11667579

Because Arpeggio Kongou's design is kind of a turnoff for me

>> No.11667582
File: 493 KB, 938x1300, 38065863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga can go eat a bucket of shit for all I care.

>> No.11667586

But have you ever crafted stuff while she is your secretary?

Heh, nice engrish
Thank you Kongou, now if you excuse me

Enough is enough.

I disagree.
She looks the most elegant in that perfect dress.

How about Kancolle one then?She is a ship who has ship on her back.

>> No.11667593

Kancolle Kongou does everything with gusto. When you send her off to battle, you know that she won't stop tearing shit until she brings you the still-beating heart of that armored carrier princess. Arpeggio Kongou has all the drive and motivation of a rock until she decides to get serious.

Also I can't take Arpeggio as a whole seriously because of the Fog Fleet's staggering strategic ineptitude.

>> No.11667598

The only problem I have with the voice lines is whenever you want to send your fleets for expedition, they use the same line as when you craft equipment/find resource

Why are you congratulating me before I even send a fleet out for expedition?

>> No.11667601

Yes.That is my point.
Are those get rearranged when you get her to the 2nd kai?

If so, I might reevalute my dislike towards her.

> When you send her off to battle, you know that she won't stop tearing shit until she brings you the still-beating heart of that armored carrier princess.

This is not how a flagship should be.

>Arpeggio Kongou has all the drive and motivation of a rock until she decides to get serious.

This is a proper flagship behaviour.

>Fog Fleet'
Lets not go in there.

>> No.11667609

Her second kai changed this line to "Wow! Teitoku ni presents ne!"

>> No.11667619

Hmm, okay then.
I do intend to get all of the Kongou sisters to the level 80 anyways.

I must admit the submissiveness of her damaged sprite is excellent.

>> No.11667623

Her damaged sprite was much better before 2nd kai, though. It's one of those things that made me consider keeping her first kai.

>> No.11667633

Well, I will whine about when I get her to 2nd kai then.

A quick question, I will level her to level 75 then remodel her twice.This is the correct way of doing it, right?

>> No.11667645

No, wtf? That's terrible

>> No.11667647

No, you remodel her once at 25 first, and then the second one at 75.

The remodel twice thing only works best for some ships such as Chitose and Chiyoda.

>> No.11667665

I hope you didn't think that I don't know when she gets her remodel.

I'm doing that for reserving resources and as much as I remember there were no drawbacks from late remodelling.

>> No.11667674

Nah, sorry if I sounds like that. There are none, but you're missing the extra stat that the remodel gives. I've almost never seen people keeping their BBs in vanilla mode after they get to the remodelling level. Not in my PVP, anyway.

>> No.11667675

The fact that she gets much better stats, and that remodelling itself is a great alternative to repairing a ship completely without expending buckets s and removing fatigue should be enough of a reason to remodel early.

>> No.11667687

Guys I'm on 3-2-1.
I don't need BB kai stats.Like never.

> that remodelling itself is a great alternative to repairing a ship completely without expending buckets s and removing fatigue should be enough of a reason to remodel early.

For fatigue I rotate her with Haruna.
For repair, enemy CL's doesn't do much.

>> No.11667693

If your Kongo is at 75 and you are still stuck in 32A you must be doing something wrong.

>> No.11667691

Well, whatever suits you, then.

>> No.11667697

Why would you delay remodeling her once when you're going to remodel her again anyway? It's not you wont benefit from her first remodel anyway.

>> No.11667700

God, I love Yuudachi's second remodel so much

>> No.11667706

So you plan to 3-2-1 until all your Kongou sisters are 80? Have you channeled the inner autist in you?

People remodel Kongou sisters because of the 4th slot unlock also, and because they don't 3-2-1 and nothing else the whole time they play this game

>> No.11667707

I think I'm closing in on 500 sorties on 2-4-1 and still no shimakaze ;_;

>> No.11667713

Try the boss nodes in world 4, you can clear weeklies that way as well.

>> No.11667724

You can always craft it

>> No.11667742

Is there an alternative composition for 5-3? I have been using 2-3 DDs + CAs/CAVs but they are not doing much damage to sink the boss.

DDs and CAs are equipped for double atks and the rest are radars.

>> No.11667803

You don't seem like you know what people use 3-2-A for. Where has he said that he's stuck trying to clear a map?

You don't need to remodel them for the 4th fleet slot or for 3-2 grinding so there's no real problem. It's not like he's imposing his own perfectly valid game-play choices on anyone (like some of you are doing).

>> No.11667806

Why the only CA who has 2nd Kai is so shit?
They could have give her at least one stat that excels.

>> No.11667814

I'm just saying there's no point in delaying the first remodel. Aside from not spending some of the resources you're going to spend later on anyway.

>> No.11667820

I heard 6 CVs is pretty good.

>> No.11667832

there are better grinding area after 32A

>> No.11667835

because that's not what second upgrades are about?

>> No.11667838

Just one stat man.
Even if it is just a placebo stat.Even Tone class is better than her.No insult implied to Tone class.

>> No.11667840

Her Kai-2 is actually a nice improvement. She becomes comparable to the stronger CAs whilst being more resource-efficient.

>> No.11667857

Tone class is better than most of the CAs what are you on about.

>> No.11667852

Does the 4BB2CV composition, stated in the wiki, really have a higher chance of reaching boss in 3-4?
I only have 3 leveled BBs but would consider leveling another one if it helps getting to the boss.

>> No.11667869

All these talk is making me want to clear 3-4 and 4-2. Looking at the composition, they shouldn't be harder than event maps and for my lv90+ fleets right?

>> No.11667871

3-4 is a different kind of beast.

>> No.11667875

I'll probably prepare some lube for my anus when the time comes.

>> No.11667914

Got to clear out some ships since I'm nearing 100 locked ships. If only I could read the future so I won't get rid of a ship that gets a new design later.

Oh well, some ships certainly drop often enough that I would have no problems getting them back.

>> No.11667916

I wasn't talking about the 4th fleet slot, I'm well aware I can unlock that without remodel because my Kirishima's still lvl1. I was talking about the 4th equipment slot which you can only get after your first remodel for the Kongou class.

I just think there's no point in delaying the first remodel if you're aiming for the second remodel anyways, slight boost in stats that are not modernisable will probably pay off for that roughly 50 levels you're gonna grind.

Also yeah I probably shouldn't bash on anyone's style of playing the game, sorry 'bout that

>> No.11667941

I fucking hate 2-4

>> No.11667950

wait till you go to 3-2

>> No.11667955

All those Mutsuki and Fubuki class DDs. When you own one, you have them all.

>> No.11667965
File: 56 KB, 334x369, ss (2013-11-30 at 01.18.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such dedication

>> No.11667973

akatsuki might get a kai2 so thats not so bad but the others...

>> No.11667974

Holy sweet, my new idol. Except mine will probably only be the Akatsuki destroyers + Fubuki and Kagerou

>> No.11667977

So I was thinking this other day.

How about consecutive Mutsuki class remodels?
Their resource costs drop to the 10/10.

How awesome would that be?

>> No.11667987

That's pretty much submarines with even cheaper ammo costs, imagine how cheap your expeditions will now be

>> No.11667995


Also, guys I can't get past the first node of the 2-3.Level 58 Goya with 53cm torp, level 59 Iku with 61cm Quintuple torp and level 51 Imuya-Kai with 61cm Quintuple torp+engine(+10).

I don't know what is what anymore.

>> No.11668002

you arent supposed to actually use subs as your tryhard fleet

do 2CV4BB instead and breeze through it at level 10

>> No.11668003

Why not just equip them completely with turbines? They pretty much one-hit kill any enemy from the first node anyways

>> No.11668004

Grow up and stop running subs only?

>> No.11668007

Aah, I didn't mean I'm stuck there, I need to kill 25+ transport ships.

But as of now they barely one shot transports.
I'll give it a try though.

>> No.11668009

Oh, I thought he was just doing fuel runs and not actually trying to complete it, I wonder if it's just me misinterpreting or the other way around.

>> No.11668012

Unremodelled subs won't regularly one-shot transports without torps I suppose, but why try to one-shot transports if you have issues with the first node?

>> No.11668016

I don't believe in the placebo effect of turbines.

>> No.11668017

oh my mistake
how are you barely oneshotting transports with such high level subs?
if you wanna go that route use ooi and ktkm too so you can oneshot everything

>> No.11668025

Not him, but the battle formation (T-crossing, opposite directions, etc.) makes a big difference in whether or not you oneshot transports.

>> No.11668029

His Goya and Iku aren't remodelled and they have pretty terrible max torp stat unless remodelled. At least that's what I assume when he only equips one item on them. Imuya has terrible torp stat even in remodelled form so...

>> No.11668035

Yamato craftable when?

>> No.11668041

Summer 2014, after you spend all your resources on another event ship

>> No.11668046

Same. On the other hand, I have three Goyas from 4-2.

>> No.11668048

I got Mutsu before getting Imuya 50 runs later.

>> No.11668067
File: 30 KB, 689x93, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow before your new god.

>> No.11668098

The only problems I have on the first node with my 3 subs is when they have T-Cross Advantage. Otherwise, it's all miss and 1-2 damage.

>> No.11668166

I just got an Akebono.
Damn that artstyle jumps out at you.

>> No.11668261

Akebono has a special place in my heart.

The only ship who treats me as I deserve.

>> No.11668270


>> No.11668295

After you've had her around for long enough, having Oboro and Sazanami around starts to seem weird because for a moment it sounds like Akebono's not calling you a shit for once.

She's the correct one, of course.

>> No.11668312

any tips for 3-4? Using 4BB 2CV, the repair costs after failed runs are killing me

>> No.11668335

Don't fail

>> No.11668338

Can I ask you what did you use for 2-4?

>> No.11668353

Not him but I jinxed it with solo sub

>> No.11668354

4BB 2CV. Just grind until remodels, it's pretty easy after that.

>> No.11668358

Now that the rankings have reset, is 2-2 the best place to grind for rank?

>> No.11668361

Each S-Boss ranking gives about 0.5 points. Do your math.

>> No.11668365

400/999/600/30 and get a CA. Life is suffering.

>> No.11668374

Is it time for the 999/999/999/999 game?

>> No.11668379

Anything over 200 bullets is retarded as it does jack shit.

>> No.11668381

Kantai no aidoru, Naka-chan daiyou!

>> No.11668399
File: 117 KB, 600x600, 4635735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take Naka-chan over any CA slut.

>> No.11668400

I just got a Nagato from a craft.


It kind of, somehow, eases my butthurt about bullshit they pulled with Yahagi during the event.

Time to level her all the way up. I think my heart is big enough for both her and Imuya.

>> No.11668415
File: 362 KB, 800x800, im3606448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never met again.

>> No.11668413

Which recipe? Standard 400/30/600/30?

>> No.11668419

Decided to give a try too, got a Suzuya instead. Thanks dude, haven't had her yet.

>> No.11668422
File: 328 KB, 698x875, 39899702_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you have a bear, too.

>> No.11668425


400/100/600/30. I found that those "off" recipes actually work after I got most of my rare ship crafts from shit like 300/30/400/401 (Zuikaku in this case) 250/130/200/30 (2 Goyas) or 21/60/20/131 for planes (shitload of Reppuus and Ryuusei Kais)

>> No.11668431
File: 538 KB, 650x916, 1384975443302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, now they're complete.

>> No.11668432

It's bizarre how all event misfortune rebounds as crafting luck. I managed to get Zuikaku, Soryu and two Kumanos right after the event ended.

>> No.11668435

So stop using such an expensive fleet? You definitely don't need 4 BB for that map.

I cleared it with 2 BB 1 CV 1 CVL 1 CLT 1 CA.

>> No.11668442

Is is actually worthwhile to use a fleet of 2 CV 2 SS 2 CLT just to one-shot everything before shelling phase or is that not viable at later stages?

>> No.11668443

have fun with all 4 torpedos hitting the same enemy

>> No.11668447

good point i'll toss a BB in there too just to be safe

>> No.11668448

So what is /jp/ doing now ?

I'm currently leveling kinugasa for album completion, and crafting sonars and radar.
I'm also down under my resource cap to allow natural regen and take it easier on expedition farming.

>> No.11668454

3-2 grinding, I got Zuihou and Shoukaku from crafting yesterday and have a feeling that my luck got drained because of those crafts.

>> No.11668452

farming resources and buckets like crazy for the next event

>> No.11668455

I got a Kumano about half an hour ago with that exact recipe. I am now short of Mikuma, and the entire Nagato class.

>> No.11668456

running low on steel in an attempt to finish 2-4 so i can farm steel on world 3 so i can be prepared for the december event.

its kinda counter-productive because i went from 5k steel to 1.7k steel after like 20 2-4 runs and also lost like 20 buckets

>> No.11668458

Should i really remodel iku? Shes my only sub so far, and she serves good use as a damage sponge. That double repair time seems like a bastard. I rather her get crit and take a 30 minute repair time for 7 steel, than my carrier with its 6 hours and 220 steel repair.

>> No.11668459

Leveling Ise and trying to get Nagato. Not very interested in events until the coastal defense ships are in.

>> No.11668462

what the heck are coastal defense ships

>> No.11668461
File: 185 KB, 744x426, filename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to run 2-3 but I keep running low on fuel since leveling Musashi eats up a lot of it.

>> No.11668464

why dont you want to run 2-3 itsa pretty easy map with that composition. repair/resupply costs too high?

>> No.11668469


Try 3-3-1 for Mutsu. Nagato is a bit tougher to crack. I've been running 3-2 again with my 50+ DDs. It's so much easier once I'm sure orange is safe.

>> No.11668470
File: 11 KB, 288x109, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm low on buckets!"

Said nobody ever. Go for the gold.

>> No.11668474


Battleships that are not exactly seaworthy.

>> No.11668476

I get send to the off routes often and my submarines consistently get shat on.

>> No.11668475

so... basically gigantic battleships that exist solely to tank damage and fire from a stationary position?

>> No.11668484

Finished Yuudachi, Shigure, and Chitose, now if only I'm motivated enough for Hiei...

>> No.11668486

How rare is Yukikaze as a boss drop? or should I just pray I'll craft her eventually

>> No.11668488
File: 223 KB, 640x480, Hiei Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11668489

I suppose i should then. But i'll wait until i get that 4th fleet for 24/7 bucket runs, the two other kongou sisters refuse to show up.

>> No.11668492

more like CL sized ships with less fuel tank, less power, more armor, with CA weapons and being able to shoot subs. and they'll be even more loli than current DDs.
I'm sure Google can provide you a better explanation though.

>> No.11668498

I already have Mogami, 2 guys are too much for my fleet.

>> No.11668499

Not always. Coastal defense ships also included small vessels that weren't built to operate on the open sea in addition to the obsolete WWI relics with fifty inches of armor plating (some of the Japanese armored and protected cruisers were still up and kicking by WWII, and I think they reclassified some of their disarmed battleships too).

The former are stated to be anti-submarine and expedition specialist that look even younger than the destroyers, but I'm hoping there will be gentle onee-san type girls among the latter.

>> No.11668500

Im not sure how to imagine that as a kanmasu. Inazuma in full body plate armor with a gun larger than she is.

>> No.11668504

Oh wow. Just got my two first BB drops in 2-2, BOTH Yamashiro.

>> No.11668507

Who'll be illustrator for them? Kantoku? Yabuki? It'll be Shibafu.

>> No.11668508

So what exactly do fleets do on expedition? Go to china and twist their arms until they give up resources? Possibly with a bit of war crimes along the way.

>> No.11668514

Have fun with that. I scrapped mine since her constant moaning and sighing about onee san and her bad luck annoyed the ever living hell out of me.

>> No.11668523

Helping elders crossing road, take order from a shop nearby, telling story to children in one kindergarten. You know, stuffs.

>> No.11668545

Monitors were all about little girls sitting on guns larger than themselves. The concept as a whole was mostly abandoned by the end of WWII, and I don't think Japan really got in on the monitor business, but the whole concept was responsible for some of the most bizarre ship designs in naval history. Russian ironclad Novgorod was a battlesphere that spun around like a top whenever it tried to shoot or steer, Italian monitor Faà di Bruno was a destroyer-sized raft with a 38cm turret on it, and Lord Clive-class monitors were small light cruisers with two 46cms stuck on them.

I really like Shibafu's designs for the older girls, so he would be really welcome.

What I really want for Christmas is a minelayer, though.

>> No.11668546
File: 385 KB, 800x538, 86059d4a7a12ccd2ba5fbb03b12619ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be mean to yama-chan shes cute

>> No.11668547

What's a good setup for a destroyer? I have to clear 3-2, so I need to prepare as best as I can

>> No.11668554

>not posting the gif

>> No.11668555

as long as its not bob

>> No.11668643


Specific set-up didn't really matter for me because boss node is easy as hell anyway.

I put damecons on my destroyers because I was getting frustrated of criticals at the pre-boss node. Used up 1 damecon to clear 3-2 when I went to boss node with 2 orange destroyers and 1 red.

>> No.11668724

Why do you guys put turbine on subs?
Double torpedo is only way to go. Do you guys even want to 1shot the BB at the boss node?

>> No.11668735

This is nice, i got two shimakazes in a row. Except i already have her and all i want is KTKM/Ooi.

>> No.11668738

Is there a specific combination needed for 4-3, I keep getting sent south west south west into the purple point

>> No.11668739

no, the chance is just very, very, very, very small and the compass is a total fucking huge ass bitch in that map

>> No.11668742
File: 179 KB, 615x248, Screenshot 2013-12-01 01.04.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got this window? I wonder how it looks in full size

>> No.11668744

You cannot bring destroyer, aviation cruiser or spt. 4-3 is basically 2CA+4

>> No.11668747

Check OP link for room manager.

>> No.11668751

Tried that one, but I get a page load error when I try to change the room.

>> No.11668758

SPT? seaplane tender? you mean AVs?

>> No.11668763
File: 103 KB, 803x569, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11668765


>> No.11668769

4-3 wins the compass bullshit award. Even with the perfect composition it's still a bitch to get to.

>> No.11668770

2-4 and 3-4 would like to have a word with you.

>> No.11668772

Yes. Seaplane tender or AV.
Dont bring them or CAV or more than 1destroyer.

>> No.11668775

No not really, they don't even come close.

>> No.11668780

4-3 is not even comparable to 3-4.
You can either only go from FG or JFG
Then it is just 50/50 between the 2below.
1) G->Boss
2) G->purple node

3-4 is just full of shit with every node being random.

>> No.11668779
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>> No.11668783

3-4 is basically 2-4. except you can cheese 2-4 with subs and 3-4 shits all over that with radioactive turds raining from the sky

>> No.11668808

2-4 3-4 are hard because of tough opponents (and a little bit of compass), while 4-3 difficulty is all about the compass.

>> No.11668811

It's not 50-50 and there are 3 outcomes from G
G->H (The other dead-end.)
I tried to farm for Mikuma and went 0/7 on that pre boss node.

>> No.11668820

Ah yes, I forgot about the H dead end.
So it is still 1/3, very good odd.
For 3-4, you not only need to survive compass trolling, you need to survive the flagship BB crit too.

>> No.11668822

We all know it's very rare for nodes to be equally likely.

>> No.11668825

Some nodes are more equal than others.
- Kantai Collection, 2013

>> No.11668874

That gave me quite the scare, got a disconnection error right after my 40th 2-4 run that got KTKM. I would've gone apeshit if it somehow didnt register my KTKM get.

>> No.11668887
File: 254 KB, 652x371, Screenshot 2013-12-01 02.30.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part of the day has come

>> No.11668892

you Kai a yuudachi every day? I'm jealous of your grinding.

>> No.11668896

Great, she's the only one left for me to upgrade. Already got Slutzu, Bep, Shigure, Ooi and KTKM.

>> No.11668901

What formation do you use to sink the submarine?

>> No.11668957

Which ship did you use as your flagship while crafting sonars and depth charges?

>> No.11668958
File: 56 KB, 218x300, 083M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The flagship of my heart.

>> No.11668960

And how efficient were your flagship of your heart during crafting?

>> No.11668962


>> No.11668964


>> No.11668966


Between her and Yuudachi Kai 2, plenty efficient.

>> No.11668971

I'm using 10/30/10/31 and its not going really well.
I started with Shimakaze-Kai then changed to Isuzu-Kai.

What recipe would you recommend?

>> No.11668970


>> No.11668975


>> No.11668986


>> No.11668991

5 shitty plane
1 shitty gun

Thank you for trolling faggot

>> No.11668992

1 12.7
1 type3 depth

>> No.11668994

Can someone explain to me why chitose/chiyodas last remodel give them gigantic breasts?

>> No.11668996

It seems they already had it, but were covering them with clothing and such.

>> No.11668998

Huurrr durr I can't get what I want from the 70% fail rate recipe, must be troll!

>> No.11669002

Getting kind of tired of bullshit from the alien girls. Even non-flagship Wos seem to have no trouble launching planes WHILE DEAD, enemy CA/CLs inconsistently go before 46cm-equipped BBs even during day battles (I know night battles are just top->bottom)... I don't know if it's just bugs or "features," but shit's annoying. Kinda makes me feel like I wasted time getting 46cm guns for my BBs when their attack range boost doesn't even seem to have any effect.

>> No.11669003

>10ish tries must be statistically relevant !!
either poor bait or very poor bait.

>> No.11669006
File: 2 KB, 254x59, 2013-12-01 11-27-13.859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry what? I couldn't hear you over the sound of these sonars and depth charges.

>> No.11669007

I have bad luck, it must be that troll's fault

>> No.11669010


Her ribbons looks like sonars, right?

>> No.11669015

> launching planes WHILE DEAD
Never seen this, seems doubtful.

> enemy CA/CLs inconsistently go before 46cm-equipped BBs even during day battles
Day battle is 2 rounds if there's a BB present. First round is taking turns in range order, second round is taking turns top-down.

Do you really expect the game to let you attack 6 times before the enemy if you equip 6 46cm BBs or something? That would hardly be balanced.

>> No.11669020

If you actually observe and think, you'll notice that range affects the turn in your group (and within the enemy's group). You still take turns with the enemy. Kind of sad that you have a 46 cm and still couldn't figure out simple game mechanics

>> No.11669021

The combat mechanics pretty much choose the highest range on your team to attack first, if there's multiple long range, they randomly select one. Followed by enemy's highest range, and goes back to your team's highest range that did not attack yet and so on then the cycle repeats.

If there's a BB on your team or enemy's, the order goes from your first alive to enemy's first alive(if your first alive kills the enemy's first alive, it skips to your second alive)

In night battles, it goes by order top to bottom, left to right, regardless of whether alive or dead.

>> No.11669022

Not him, but i saw it all the time in 2-4 myself. But it wasnt until the recent maintenance that it happened.

I specifically remember it because i breathed a sigh of relief when i saw the wo dropped to 0 early on by KTKM torp, only to get my face raped by her aircraft anyway.

>> No.11669024

You do know range means shit right against the enemy right? It only affect the first shelling phase for your own fleet so that your own BB always go first before your DD. Long range doesnt mean you go first before the enemy turn.

>> No.11669027

Are you all retarded?I complained about a recipe which gave me 2 depth charges, then >>11668975 this anon recommended this. It may be my shit luck screwing me, yet there was nothing to imply his unique recipe works.

I know 10tries means nothing but before I craft 100times I would like to confirm the presence of ASW material.

I'd like to stress the fact that 2 people tries to help whilst 4 people comes to insult.

>> No.11669038

There's this thing call google, you should try it out.

Calling one of them who helped you as a troll set people off, why don't you learn some manners from google too before coming back.

>> No.11669043

I gave you my results on somewhere around 50+ tries on it, you retard. And that recipe is on the wiki.

>> No.11669045

I believe B and C rank on PVP is RNG as well.

Does all-ship sparkling on your support attack fleet affect their performance on the battle?

>> No.11669046

Why isn't kancolle-db in the op yet? It might help cut down on these stupid recipe posts.

>> No.11669047

You're either clueless or retarded. Happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME in 2-2, 2-3 especially - I know that flagship Wos are supposedly able to launch while dead/at night, but in that area especially non-flagships do it constantly.

>day battle
Also bullshit. Second round sure, but range doesn't seem to actually matter in first round either. Been watching pretty carefully during the last 31 2-4-A runs since I started noticing that, since I got 46cms right about when I started it and was expecting good things from them.

>> No.11669052
File: 75 KB, 689x372, guarantee type3 sonar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the best ASW equipment?
It is time for you to start up a makigumo farm.
This recipe net me a holo sonar 100%. No penguin and no shitty guns!

>> No.11669050

Oh yeah sure, call me retarded. I tried using that anon's recipe and I got these results, suck it anon.

HQ level: 59
Flagship: 58 Hibiki-Kai
99 Dive Bomber
21 Fighter
Type 94 Depth Charge

>> No.11669062

I haven't been clearing carrier maps lately, so it's possible that there's a new bug with carriers launching planes I haven't seen.

As for range, it works correctly. Maybe you just don't understand what it's supposed to do?

For your first turn in day combat, your ship with the longest range attacks, then the enemy ship with longest range, then your next longest range ship, and on from there. Does that make sense?

>> No.11669077

Best ASW equipment ever.

Where's the best place to farm Makigumo? Never been lucky with 2-3 drops ever. Not that anon

>> No.11669088
File: 287 KB, 800x1500, SONAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more Makigumo... !

>> No.11669102

Question about combat mechanics. So supposedly longest range on your team goes first turn, then longest range on enemy's team then cycles right?

I just went through a 3-2 grind run when 3/5 of my enemies got dunked by the opening torpedoes, my Kongou took a turn and killed the enemy then my Ooi took a turn immediately after. The enemy DD did not even fire a single shot, so how does this really work?

>> No.11669109

What is the consensus on night battle and formation?
Horizontal formation, 4 of my ships failed to kill 2remaining ships at 4-4. 3 of them missed completely. With double setup the hit rate is 1/8.
I thought you guys were joking about using echelon formation.

>> No.11669111

You killed the longest range on the enemy's team with your opening torpedo attack.

>> No.11669119

Oh, so they calculate range before the torpedo salvos?

>> No.11669120

Why would I joke about using echelon? It's the formation that lets you hit subs without totally gimping your offensive power like horizontal line does, while vertical line makes you do shit damage to subs. Kill the sub in day battle and you can double attack everyone else to death in night battle. It's very hard to hit a sub in night battle regardless of formation.


>> No.11669148
File: 39 KB, 655x512, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a terrible mistake.

>> No.11669157

what in the world happened to her
did she eat 5 crits from BBs in a row?

>> No.11669162

Why are you using trophies to fight?

>> No.11669172

Night battle, 3 cut-ins.

Because she one-shots enemy flagship BBs.

>> No.11669174

>gimping your offensive power like horizontal line does
I am not too sure about this statement. Wikiwiki said that both formation has 0.6 modifier for 砲撃. Problem with echelon is actually killing the sub. I only bring 2DD so if any 1 of them miss or I got red T-crossed, I will not be able to kill the sub and say goodbye to my S rank Nagato drop.
The real question is, does formation actually affect night battle? Echelon is confirmed to be godly during night battle but what about the rest?

>> No.11669201

Have you seen how often torpedoes/attacks in general miss while in horizontal line? I don't mean just firepower (砲撃) when I say "offensive power". You said yourself your ships kept missing while in horizontal line.

Yes, formation affects night battle. Vertical line is pretty standard run-of-the-mill everybody hits and gets hit. Double line reduces effect of enemy cut-ins. Horizontal line reduces both yours and the enemy's accuracy for single and double attack (but doesn't affect accuracy of cut-ins).

>> No.11669255

Does all-ship sparkling on your support attack expedition fleet affect their performance on the battle?

Or am i wasting my sparkles?

Please help /jp/

>> No.11669277

Sparkling the flagship increases accuracy/how often they show up.

>> No.11669285

Just the flagship is enough? Noted.

I am taking the 2nd expedition so they will only appear on boss node.

Although in the process of sparkling everyone I sometimes lost a few PVPs..

>> No.11669287

On a somewhat related note, how does one go about sparkling a sub?

Is there some kind of equipment that lets subs attack during the day?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just haven't seen any kind of answer on the wikia.

>> No.11669297

But subs attack during the day.

>> No.11669302

Type A kyo-hoteki when the sub's level is <10

Else, they attack during the day/

>> No.11669299

Maybe you should try sending out a sub into battle first.

>> No.11669303

But, I have. My Iku does shit until night, just dodges everything during the day.

>> No.11669305

Then you did not read the Wiki FAQ. Really.

>> No.11669324

Fucking fuck yes! Haha!

>> No.11669327
File: 132 KB, 805x468, ss (2013-11-30 at 08.40.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot picture

>> No.11669328


>> No.11669331

oh good you were being sarcastic too

>> No.11669374

So if I were to save up 99 dev kits and then craft the rare destroyer recipe nonstop (replenishing resources when I run out), what are my chances to getting a Yukikaze? I-168? Both? I'd do the math myself but I'm retarded.

>> No.11669381

There are the percentage on the wiki, Onii-chan.

And I don't believe in percentage, I crafted Shimakaze and Yukikaze together side by side anyway.

>> No.11669383

Do 270/x/330/x and it's 0.2%

>> No.11669386

You get all of them in a month of crafting with the daily. So I guess 1%?

>> No.11669387

Just do 3-3-A for Imuya. I've gotten about 10 of her there and have had to use a few for modernization because I don't want to bother leveling all of them. Yukikaze was more difficult and I didn't get her till about level 81. I just used the 250/30/200/30 recipe for dailies till I got her.

I didn't start logging my crafting attempts till level 64, but from that point it took me 48 attempts with that recipe to get her. I got a couple Shimakaze and other rare ships along the way as well.

>> No.11669390

Assuming 5% chance for either Yukikaze or Shimakaze and a truly random crafting system, your probability of getting one of them is 1-(1-5/100)^99, or 99.4%.

Knowing the game's devs though the RNG isn't truly random so that might as well be 0%.

>> No.11669397

Logging crafting attempts raises yukikaze chance


>> No.11669419

>Taste the power of the Big 7!

Every time.

>> No.11669442


Who's the next three?

>> No.11669445

Yamato and Musashi are not part of the Big 7
read the wiki

>> No.11669450

Welp, finally passed 2-4. I had to "risk" my CVs in a night battle stage to assert my dominance over the enemy, but I pulled it off with an A and no sunken ships (I thought for sure my 2HP Akagi was done when the enemy flagship hit her with a 16inch cut-in but she only took 1 damage)

>> No.11669455

I don't know that it was worth risking your Akagi but congrats on finishing it the right way. Then again she was probably in orange beforehand and not in any real risk of sinking.

>> No.11669460

My 4 HP Nachi was targeted at night by flagship WO boss and got a "miss" on her. I guess I was really lucky.

>> No.11669456

i dont think your ships can sink in night battle if they started day battle with green/yellow HP

at least i go into night battle with low ships all the time and thats never happened to me

>> No.11669461

Yeah, calculated risk. I didn't expect to lose her since she was safe before the night battle. Hell, I'm 100% sure she was protected or that 16 inch cut-in would have sunk her.

>> No.11669463
File: 141 KB, 497x686, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my sub. She is rainbows.

>> No.11669464

How low is low for you? Red?

>> No.11669467

Pretty much 99% confirmed that as long as your ships started the battle at orange or better, it will not sink at night even if it became red.

>> No.11669468

yeah i go into night battle with red hp pretty much anytime i can if it means getting an S rank, even with zuikaku or nagato or shimakaze.

correct me if i'm wrong because if so then that explains where all my luck has gone.

>> No.11669470

Damn, 2-4 is pretty brutal for Shimakaze drop. 35% of the time I don't get a single ship dropped, with an S ranking.

>> No.11669510
File: 88 KB, 767x495, 1342535353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there suddenly so many high levels in my pvp?

>> No.11669514

When do they usually pass out the monthly ranking rewards? At the first maintenance of the month?

>> No.11669517

considering you just S ranked admirals at least 20 levels higher than you, your shipdaughters should be rolling in experience right now

Also because pvp is also determined by your admiral rank if I'm not wrong

>> No.11669518

you're only 9 levels above me and all my ships are below level 25
what am i doing wrong

>> No.11669532

Monthly ranking got reset this morning.

>> No.11669537

Usually takes two or three weeks.

>> No.11669545

That makes sense
So I should be going up against high levels all this month until next reset?

>> No.11669554

These high ranker gonna earn more HQ exp and leave you.

>> No.11669555

Is the new plane worth the 96 hours of expedition time? The expedition rewards are awful too.

>> No.11669557

nah, only until the distribution gets more balanced out

>> No.11669560

Why don't you compare those stats yourself?

>> No.11669572

Well can't say I wont enjoy it while it lasts, thanks

>> No.11669590
File: 89 KB, 1000x640, BaYAJhUCUAAOcsh.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an AR app?

>> No.11669597

So... no then. Looks like the 12A is better.

>> No.11669607
File: 819 KB, 781x700, BaVBxXxCMAAE0d2.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato class be styling.

>> No.11669608
File: 163 KB, 789x474, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah sure, you get all the nice high level ships to fight with and I get this. Thanks for nothing random pvp list

>> No.11669613

Musashi looks nice in a non slutty outfit.

>> No.11669618

I still refuse to believe that cis is a girl. I just... Can't

>> No.11669615

What happened to their boobs!?

>> No.11669619

They look much better without them

>> No.11669621
File: 62 KB, 600x450, proxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone mess with Kongou's tea?

>> No.11669624

no they don't.

>> No.11669625

I couldn't agree more. I'm imagining Atago and Takao as lovely ladies without the tumors already.

>> No.11669630

What would be the best place to farm enemy carriers for the weekly? Preferably with as few battleships as possible.

>> No.11669632

Nice Sakura Taisen outfits.

>> No.11669634

Too bad there's never going to be a sixth game.

>> No.11669635

Have you tried 2-1?

>> No.11669638

I'll trade you shimakaze for an ooi. I have 6 speedsluts from desperately farming 2-4, but no ooi.

>> No.11669641

2-3 with subs. The two nodes in the southern route all contain carriers and each encounter usually only has 1 ship that can even attack subs. The northernmost node has carriers as well, again with only 1 (or 2, I forget) ships that can hit subs. The only nodes that contain multiple sub-attacking ships is the very first one you can encounter via either starting route, and the boss node.

>> No.11669640

i have 3 ooi and ktkm each from 2-4-A but no shimakaze

this RNG makes me laugh out of frustration i love it

>> No.11669644

Oh I was getting stages mixed up for some reason and forgot that had CVLs. Thanks.

Once my sub population goes above 1, I'll try this.

>> No.11669645

I wonder if it's even worth it to keep these rare ships you already have. Trading will never be implemented at this rate, so you might as well use them as modernization fodder right off the bat

>> No.11669648

Does unlocking 5-1 require completing both 4-4 and 3-4?

>> No.11669650


>> No.11669651

is it even possible to get to world 4 without completing 3-4?

>> No.11669654

Worlds 3 and 4 are unlocked at the same time.

>> No.11669659

Try 3-3 for Ooi. I finally found her there after someone suggested it.

>> No.11669660

To think I'm at world 3 and have never bothered to check world 4 to see that it was unlocked wow.

>> No.11669665

How do you do your sub daily?

>> No.11669666
File: 154 KB, 672x367, 2to4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if troll, but yes. Once you complete 2-4 you gain access to 3-1 and 4-1.

>> No.11669674

Always keep an ooi or kitakami as spare in case they sink.

>> No.11669673

3-3-A is one of the better grinding spots after you finish 3-2 due to the relative ease of the encounters there, and the fact that a lot of rarer ships can drop there. Getting anything but S-rank on that node is pretty rare.

>> No.11669679

We're on Page 10, Admirals.
New Thread:

>> No.11669699

I believe they ripped the desire sensor coding from monster hunter. Those japs are terrifying.
