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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11660216 No.11660216 [Reply] [Original]

Reimu loves dipping parties!

>> No.11660224

I'd dip my schlong in Reimu, if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.11660223
File: 75 KB, 477x427, 1360463278301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatate is a stay-at-home kind of girl.

>> No.11660227

I guess it depends on the rules, but she HAS to take her panties off first. You know how it goes...

>> No.11660228

That was the joke.

>> No.11660234

I'm laughing my ass off. Her ass is more narrow than the pussy. It's okay, right?

>> No.11660239

I wish it was a joke.

>> No.11660246

im going to dip my schlong into a cup of coffee

>> No.11660262

Does /jp/ smoke?

>> No.11660264

What's a dipping party?

>> No.11660267

It's a tea party where the guy who dips the most cookies wins.

>> No.11660272


Girls dance without panties and guys can come and put their penises inside the girls' vaginas but only for a couple of strokes. You are also not allowed to cum!


>> No.11660277
File: 53 KB, 600x720, 1378572439565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the

>> No.11660281

That is very obviously fake you turbonerd

>> No.11660285

Wow... And I thought humanity has fallen deep enough.

>> No.11660283

Is today's youth retarded? It's as if they forgot we have a pandemic at the moment.

>> No.11660287


>My daughter goes to dipping parties and bars and usually takes her panties off while she's there, but she doesn't want to take any dips, she only wants to look! I think she should comfort the boys. What do you think?

>> No.11660290

There is literally no excuse to still be a virgin, /jp/. There's a real opportunity to get yo dicks wet.

>> No.11660295

Lmao virgs are funny

>> No.11660299

I'd ask if they at least use condoms, but the "you're not allowed to cum" part makes that redundant.

What the flying fuck.

>> No.11660303

>the "you're not allowed to cum" part makes that redundant
Doesn't help against the HIV

>> No.11660306

>you're not allowed to cum

Holy shit, then what is the point?

I'm still a virgin however, so maybe there is a point, but fuck if I see it.

>> No.11660309

I meant that it makes asking redundant, not condoms.

I may not be the smartest guy around here, but I'm not that stupid.

>> No.11660311

"My daughter isn't an omni-slut yet, guys! What should I do?"

>> No.11660312

It's the teasing, dude. Besides, a girl in one of the links above says that she lets some guys to come (cute ones mainly).

>> No.11660312,1 [INTERNAL] 

How about we make a Warosu dipping party with anuses instead of vaginas? Cumming is allowed!

>> No.11660312,2 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO janny is a bitter virg

>> No.11660312,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Both my daughters, Marina and Love, go regularly to a local club at weekends and they are allowed to remove their skirts and panties and dip the boys there.

>I never had any difficulty with the idea. They are safe, enjoying intense pleasure and they won't become pregnant, because they are both on the pill.

>Yet I never expected Love, the older girl, to offer to dip me. She just took her pants off after she came home from a dance and offered me the chance. Just one quick dip, but it was a wonderful starting point.

>Love and I started with brief dips in her bedroom but we have progressed now to long overnight sessions. We are emotionally closer than at any time since she was a toddler, and I am no longer looking for a girlfriend.

>By the way, my wife still lives with me and she approves of our love making.

>"Mr Happy"


>> No.11660312,4 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ family

>> No.11660312,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm done

>> No.11660312,6 [INTERNAL] 

I have a feeling that dipping parties are fake. If they were real the FBI would have cracked down on them already.

>> No.11660312,7 [INTERNAL] 

that place is setup to catch child predators who send emails to them asking for pictures of the illicit stuff they describe.

>> No.11660312,8 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you visit one and find out?

>> No.11660312,9 [INTERNAL] 

sounds fun we should do it in the next warosubrah meetup

>> No.11660312,10 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the /a/ thread? The dipping thing sounds hot as fuck. Why is everyone pretending to be disgusted?

>> No.11660312,11 [INTERNAL] 

Only virgs are mad ITT
Fox ang grapes.

>> No.11660312,12 [INTERNAL] 

They pretend to be disgusted because it makes them feel more sophisticated than others, they're young normals who deep down are just the same as fedoras. Most people on the web today fall into that category, including the people of Reddit, Tumblr, SomethingAwful, and 4chan. People like that always mention "humanity", like they're above humans, and they think everyone gives a shit about how much "hope" they have in those "lowly humans" they're oh-so-superior to since they don't give into those nasty "animalistic" instincts, it's an edgy teen thing. Note that this thread took place at the time when American kids had just come home from school. /jp/ is always full-on /a/ at that time of day.

>> No.11660312,13 [INTERNAL] 

Thinking you shouldn't have sex with random strangers is hardly elitism.

>> No.11660312,14 [INTERNAL] 

There's no reason not to have sex with a random stranger if she's cute.

Besides, in the case of things like >>11660312,3, it's extremely hot and isn't between strangers. You're just one of those normals who hate on incest because it makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.11660312,15 [INTERNAL] 


So this dipping thing is becoming viral now?

>> No.11660312,16 [INTERNAL] 

Yep, it's pretty viral.


>> No.11660312,17 [INTERNAL] 

Incest is the definition of normal (in hick places like West Virginia). Normal people don't think about the fact that they will spread diseases or give birth to deformed children, so they stick their peckers in everything that moves.

>> No.11660312,18 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you and your southern America jokes, normal. "Birth control and protection magically become impossible when incest is involved XD" is a fucking stupid belief to hold and a normalfag favorite. Incest is the only form of love that actually has love.

>> No.11660312,19 [INTERNAL] 

You shouldn't be relying on birth control even if it isn't incest. A promiscuous lifestyle will catch up to you even if you properly use condoms.

>> No.11660312,20 [INTERNAL] 

I don't fucking care, normal/fedora. You're the worst type of person and you really need to stop polluting everything with the way you try so hard to be a mature sophisticated in-control adult. It's pathetic to watch. I would be nicer to you but the fact that you have anything against incest automatically makes me hate you. Only complete fucking normals have problems with incest, since there is literally no reason to be opposed to it other than "ewww that's gross!"

If I were to ever settle down with someone, it would have to be a blood relative. Love does not exist otherwise. This is not something someone like you could understand, since what you think is "love" is not actually love, it's just a fake piece of trash made to mimic the true love between family.

>> No.11660312,21 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't fucking care, normal/fedora
You probably view everyone as either a normal or fedora. I'm really more of a driver's cap guy.

>since there is literally no reason to be opposed to it other than "ewww that's gross!"

Birth defects? Unless you are not going to reproduce, which basically puts you on the same level as homosexuals.

>> No.11660312,22 [INTERNAL] 

nature pretty much dictates that incest is bad since we aren't usually attracted to blood relatives

>> No.11660312,23 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to hear about your "everyone needs to reproduce" nonsense. There's more than enough people giving birth as is, and love is shattered when a couple have to take care of a child.

>> No.11660312,24 [INTERNAL] 

People are not usually attracted to blood relatives because they're brainwashed into believing it's wrong.

>> No.11660312,25 [INTERNAL] 

Well, if you are not going to reproduce, you would be better off just using your hand and saving everyone the trouble. Considering you have Internet access, there is no reason not to.

>> No.11660312,26 [INTERNAL] 

Spoken like a true virg.

>> No.11660312,27 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to live with my sister forever and have a romantic and sexual relationship with her. Masturbating to 2D representations of that is pretty satisfying but that doesn't eliminate the desire. I'm pretty sure you don't even believe love exists, you are a fedora as well as a normal after all. I've never even had sex before, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't take part in this dipping thing if I were given the opportunity, but I still think it's arousing that people are actually doing this. For once normals are doing something that's actually hot, and all you fedoras pretend to be disgusted because you think it makes you look good and it gives you a feeling that you're above others.

>> No.11660312,28 [INTERNAL] 

that's very not true please take a basic biology course

>> No.11660312,29 [INTERNAL] 

Biology doesn't cover that. It only covers the result, not desire. The clusterfuck that is "psychology" does though, which I'm sure you love.

>> No.11660312,30 [INTERNAL] 

If masturbation doesn't eliminate the desire for sex, you simply need to masturbate more.

>> No.11660312,31 [INTERNAL] 

well maybe basic is wrong but it covers why breeding for traits occurs and why close blooded breeding is bad

of course after a long while of selectively breeding with those outside the family with strong traits it would be coded in us that that's what we should do

social pressures follow after

>> No.11660312,32 [INTERNAL] 

How about you stop trying to rationalize your hatred? You hate incest because it's gross. You don't give a shit about what's natural. Masturbating in front of a monitor all day instead of fucking isn't what nature "wanted" us to do with our dicks, that's for sure. I don't give a damn about what's natural, and neither do you.

>> No.11660312,33 [INTERNAL] 

i never said i hate interest just that it's coded in most people not to breed with close relatives

there's nothing wrong with it but it's usually not good genetically or psychologically

>> No.11660312,34 [INTERNAL] 

> you are a fedora
I'm a hat?
What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.11660312,35 [INTERNAL] 

It means you are trapped in the 1940's, when fedoras were popular and teenagers were expected to not have sex before marriage or have sex with their siblings.

>> No.11660312,36 [INTERNAL] 

No, it means you're a fedora-tipping autistic fuck who tries hard to look mature and refined at every opportunity.

>> No.11660312,37 [INTERNAL] 

today I seen a fedora in a wheelchair

>> No.11660312,38 [INTERNAL] 

Being a chronic masturbator isn't exactly refined or mature.

>> No.11660312,39 [INTERNAL] 

If he's young he probably wears it to compensate.

>> No.11660312,40 [INTERNAL] 

looked mid thirties

>> No.11660312,41 [INTERNAL] 

Thinking a mature person has to do away with their "purely base & carnal desires" is what I'd expect from a fedora, yes. That doesn't stop some chronic masturbators from still having that kind of attitude anyway though.

>> No.11660312,42 [INTERNAL] 

You don't have to do away with your carnal desires. All you need to do is jerk off, like I constantly said. The Internet is for sex what an all you can eat buffet that never ends would be for hunger. If you didn't have Internet access, I could understand you being sexually frustrated, but you have all the porn you could possibly want.

>> No.11660312,43 [INTERNAL] 

I don't own a fedora though and never have. In fact I haven't worn a hat in years.
I really don't get what headwear has to do with anything.

>> No.11660312,44 [INTERNAL] 

I can only remember two instances of seeing a fedora in real life. One was an anemic high school girl who wore it for fun and another was college freshman who wore a suit jacket and tie everywhere.

I have no idea how this shit got off the ground. Pictures of Reddit atheists? Is that it?

>> No.11660312,45 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to feel my sister's warmth, and to be hers.

It's just a term that originates from people who wear fedoras. Most people who are called fedoras don't actually wear them.

Yes. I actually hate the types of people who started the term, but I find it really convenient. It helps that a lot of the people who popularized the term are fedoras themselves as far as I'm concerned. SomethingAwful is an especially funny case, since that place is pretty much fedora central.

>> No.11660312,46 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a fedora but I wear one on the internet.

>> No.11660312,47 [INTERNAL] 

So you are too good for porn?

>> No.11660312,48 [INTERNAL] 

No, it's been years since I've managed to go two days without masturbating. I spend about 8 hours each day collecting the stuff, 99% of it being 2D. I really enjoy porn. It doesn't remove my feelings for my sister.

>> No.11660312,49 [INTERNAL] 

Sex should be banned from the internet.

>> No.11660312,50 [INTERNAL] 

>Most people who are called fedoras don't actually wear them.
Then the term is completely useless...?

>> No.11660312,51 [INTERNAL] 

The point is if you masturbate that much, you won't be able to screw your sister. Unless you are a teenager or use Viagra. People don't have that much sexual fortitude.

>> No.11660312,52 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.11660312,53 [INTERNAL] 

post pics of sister

>> No.11660312,54 [INTERNAL] 

It's meant to describe a behavior and attitude rather than fashion sense.

>The point is if you masturbate that much, you won't be able to screw your sister.
>People don't have that much sexual fortitude.
I don't know what makes you think that.

>> No.11660312,55 [INTERNAL] 

What behavior does Fedora describe then?

>> No.11660312,56 [INTERNAL] 

>>11660312,36 minus the fedora-tipping part. It's also linked to trying hard to sound smart.
It's one of those things that varies in how it's used from person to person though. Some people use it to mean
"neckbeard" (used this way primarily by some people on tumblr)
"atheist" (used this way primarily by some people on reddit)
"edgy" (used this way primarily by some people on 4chan)

>> No.11660312,57 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't know what makes you think that.
From personal experience. After a while, it just doesn't get hard anymore.

>> No.11660312,58 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for explaining it.

>> No.11660312,59 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.11660312,60 [INTERNAL] 

*dips fedora*

>> No.11660312,61 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't a dipping party basically a NTR party? Why would anyone ever go to these?

>> No.11660312,62 [INTERNAL] 

It's a fun party, weaboo nerd. Nobody cares about your NTR shit in real life.

>> No.11660312,63 [INTERNAL] 

I thought normies really hate NTR.....

And watch your tone when you are speaking to me.

>> No.11660312,64 [INTERNAL] 

They do, some of them kill themselves after being NTR'd.

>> No.11660312,65 [INTERNAL] 

It's called free love, caveman.
>And watch your tone when you are speaking to me.
Or what? You will call your mommy or cry on my shoulder?

>> No.11660312,66 [INTERNAL] 

Back the fuck off, okay?! You do not know who you are messing with!

>> No.11660312,67 [INTERNAL] 

Which touhou would you dip?

>> No.11660312,68 [INTERNAL] 

All of them, except the STDs spreading one.
