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11659884 No.11659884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever wonder what happen to ticks, former moderator and programmer of #tohno-chan? well guess what. http://4x13.net/misc/ticks.txt The troll "tokiko" discovered how nasty she was and saved the day. Thank you Tokiko.

-- Anonymous fan of tokiko

>> No.11659884,1 [INTERNAL] 

>millionaire sister-wife she married in mongolia
>who is a secret agent for the canadian government
>in a mansion in finland

Stopped reading right there!

Its like seeing ``infowars'' or some such bullshit in an OP and just hiding the thread.

>> No.11659884,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think it goes on to say that's all lies or whatever.

This would be very interesting except it's a person nobody cares about, besides maybe two people who already know her. It's like if I said, "Hey guess what guys, Janet from down the road is having an affair!"
Who cares.

>> No.11659884,3 [INTERNAL] 

Its just 2kike looking for attention because he's butthurt about getting dumped by a psycho.

>> No.11659884,4 [INTERNAL] 

Oh my GOSH it's TOKIKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11659884,5 [INTERNAL] 

Is this sad midget trying to make a comeback now that he's of legal browsing age?

>> No.11659884,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you even try anymore tokiko

>> No.11659884,7 [INTERNAL] 


Is it sad you are madly gay for this guy after all this time?

>> No.11659884,8 [INTERNAL] 

if tokiko played with boys from the start he wouldn't have gotten his heart broken by a psycho girl. i always thought he was hitting for the home team since he went after a guy named fukune

>> No.11659884,9 [INTERNAL] 

Is this sad midget really trying to pass as one of his non-existent supporters?

>> No.11659884,10 [INTERNAL] 

That was not tokiko, haters. It's just a fan going for a ruse.

>> No.11659884,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11659884,12 [INTERNAL] 

no mercy or pulling punches from siztra-sama. putting down that law!

>> No.11659884,13 [INTERNAL] 

>-- Anonymous fan of tokiko

>> No.11659884,14 [INTERNAL] 

He was talking about himself in third person, autists tend to do that.

>> No.11659884,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11659884,16 [INTERNAL] 

sizgay is calling someone else autistic? L O L

>> No.11659884,17 [INTERNAL] 

Uhh... Sorry, siz, but i think you're confused about the symptoms of autism.

>> No.11659884,18 [INTERNAL] 

so funny le autist meme xddddddddddd


>> No.11659884,19 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone else getting that vibe from shithead that is really really similar to the high school loser who gets bullied all the time jumping at any chance he gets to feel like he's part of the cool kids' clique by trying to bully the group's newest target? It's pathetic, really.

>> No.11659884,20 [INTERNAL] 

O h , d a m n . S i z t r a i s n o t i n t h e m o o d a g a i n .

>> No.11659884,21 [INTERNAL] 

Was that directed at me or?

>> No.11659884,22 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. I always thought hating 2kike was a joke.

>> No.11659884,23 [INTERNAL] 


That's a pretty good accurate take on the situation. If only his autism would let him realise that he will never, ever be accepted.

>> No.11659884,24 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever, I'm going back to bed.

>> No.11659884,25 [INTERNAL] 

please no. it's the only good thing i've had happen to was reading your messages

>> No.11659884,26 [INTERNAL] 

top lel

>> No.11659884,27 [INTERNAL] 

LOL owned
