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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11648903 No.11648903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes being human garbage bothers me, but then I quickly remember that there's no way I'm going to the DMV and dealing with the embarrassment that getting a driver's permit would entail.

truNEET thread

>> No.11648912

If you get a license in AZ to drive you don't need to renew the license until you're 50. You'll probably be dead before you're 50!

>> No.11648922 [DELETED] 


>> No.11648929

I'm sitting on my couch with no pants on because my balls itch so bad from having shaved them.

Never again.

>> No.11648933

>the embarrassment that getting a driver's permit would entail

There are many things I thought would be embarrassing to do, but forced myself to do them anyway, and was met with cold, systematic work. It's like people don't notice me or don't even care about me, which is great because that also means they don't laugh at me or hate me.
Just go down there and be nice and they'll probably do their job and ignore you when it's done.

>> No.11648935

why is it embarrassing to go to the DMV?

i got my license renewed this year and it was pretty painless...i just went at 8am on a tuesday and i was the only person there besides the 2 people working there. no pressure at all.

>> No.11648934

driving isn't that bad

i'm getting a job as a security guard soon

sorry /jp/

>> No.11648960

Im scared to get my drivers because i get very anxious when i ride in cars.

>> No.11648966

It's tough being an adult and not being able to drive... People always give me such a weird look when I tell them I don't have my driver's license.

>> No.11648967

Dude the DMV usually makes me feel better about myself. Everyone there is so miserable and disgusting that they don't even pay attention to how you look or act. You'll probably find it to be a pretty positive experience!

>> No.11648972

unless you live in new york it's pretty much a dead giveaway that you don't leave the house

>> No.11648980

What's with all of this driving talk, don't you guys want to talk about my balls? I'm cute!

>> No.11648983

I slept most of today because i didnt get much sleep the previous night

when i woke up i browsed /jp/ and watched football

will probably go to bed then do the same thing tomorrow

>> No.11648986


>> No.11648993

I've gotten a drivers permit a couple of times before, and was too scared to ever drive outside of a parking lot.

If I try and get a permit again I'll have to talk to their manager and convince them to let me have another one according to the DoL Website. I don't think a truNEET like me can handle that sort of embarrassment.

Better to just die a truNEET.

>> No.11648999

I got into 5 collisions driving my parent's cars so I don't drive anymore. I'm hoping they buy me my own car when I move out some year. That way I won't care if I crash or scrape into things as long as it still runs.

>> No.11649001

how the fuck are you people so broken that you can't drive a car

it's not that hard

>> No.11649003

Hello! If you are seeing this message that means you have made a bit of a mistake!
Please refrain from any kind of negative, or "bully-esque", posts aimed at other users or their interests! /jp/ is a board for positive friendliness, and bad vibes will certainly rub hard-working users the wrong way, and this could instigate more unwanted behavior, potentially causing /jp/ to stop being the perfect forum that it is now!
So please, if you value friendship and a nice place to kick back and relax after a long day at the office, be cordial and polite to the other users!!!

>> No.11649006

I got mine a couple years ago but never took the test so it expires in only a few more months. I need to do it already but I'm too autistic to call the driving school people.

>> No.11649016

I'm scared that I won't break properly and will hit the car in front me when I need to slow down or stop.

>> No.11649019

Sometimes even normies have trouble with driving, my ex-gf doesn't have a license and she's had a job for almost 2 years

While I'm here unemployed for almost 2 years and I own a car and a license, crazy.

>> No.11649028
File: 429 KB, 1200x835, mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, getting a license is worth it, how are you going to take it easy if you are limited to walking and public transit?

You can drive to places where you can get your favorite food, you can take a drive if you are ever feeling down, and if you live at home your mom will really appreciate the extra hand!
I do a lot of driving for my mommy, moms need to take it easy too you know.

>> No.11649037

very sorry

there are a lot of things you can fuck up in driving but if that's your biggest worry then it doesn't sound that bad. just practice and knowing when to break will come naturally

mechanically driving isn't difficult and the decision making process needed is fairly straightforward. if you can pass algebra 1 you far exceed the mental aptitude to drive safely. it seems like the biggest deterrent is anxiety for the majority of people which is easily solved by practicing and realizing it's not that bad

>> No.11649038

I failed my driving test 3 times because of fuck ups due to anxiety

I gave up

>> No.11649039

No money for gas, favorite food, or even a car for that matter so its not worth it.

>> No.11649040

I've been riding motorcycles for a while (started at 15, now 23) and recently sold my car to buy a bike as my sole form of transportation. I don't think I'll ever go back to driving cars again. Never before in my life have so many lolis waved to me for no reason other than I'm on a bike. Never before have I been able to feel as anonymous as I do when I'm in full gear. Most importantly, never before have I had so much fun just aimlessly riding around and going on adventures.

>> No.11649043

I kind of think I'm the weird one here since I got my permit the day I turned 16 and my license the day I turned 17.

Maybe it's because I'm a car otaku.

>> No.11649048

my dad's a big biker guy, not a harley davidson tough guy wannabe or something he just likes his motorcycles

one day i'll have to try it out

>> No.11649070

My family constantly lays it on me because I can't drive. My mom always uses the comparison that being unable to drive is like having your legs amputated. Somehow they don't care I'm a NEET but to them being unable to drive is just unthinkable.

>> No.11649077


Normal people aren't rational about this kind of thing. Any departation from what's usual is bad to them, even if it has no negative effect on your life.

>> No.11649082
File: 106 KB, 554x439, shrug blueboard_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be worse, OP-kun. A friend of mine has had a driver's permit for about 5 years now

I don't think he's ever going to get his license, just keep getting permits

>> No.11649090

truJOSH thread?

>> No.11649154

I can't beat Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones on hard.

>> No.11649175

My parents are like this as well. A couple of years ago they complained that I was too expensive, so I told them to stop paying my car insurance and I'd sell my car. They did not want me to do that and continued to pay my insurance so that I would be able to drive.

>> No.11649201

Mine do the same. I only drive somewhere maybe once every month or two.

>> No.11649212

>recently sold my car to buy a bike as my sole form of transportation.

What about the winter?

>> No.11649223

I want to see the Madoka movie, but it's $15 and that seems like a lot for one movie, plus I don't want to be around a bunch of weird weeaboos.

>> No.11649229

I'm such a wimp about spicy food. I made this steak quesadilla with sriracha sauce and I'm chugging this ice water.

>> No.11649230

You don't want to see the Madoka movie anyway.

>> No.11649234

Milk is better for that

>> No.11649240

Kissing with milk to share the burden of super spicy foods... wow!

>> No.11649258

Eat some bananas the day before you do spicy food challenges.

>> No.11649263

I'm getting fat...
My tummy makes my shirts feel shorter.

>> No.11649272

An extra layer or two keeps me warm. It doesn't get cold enough in AZ to stop riding.

>> No.11649273

all I have is almond milk but yeah it does work better, thanks anon

>> No.11649289

You can also try bread.

>> No.11649293

Bananas. This beat is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

>> No.11649304

I thought about the possibility of using an EEG cap to control a robot that gets me food. I don't know enough programming though...

>> No.11649318
File: 422 KB, 950x742, NEET23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who forest NEET here?

Living in the forest in a smaller trailer is the ultimate form of NEET freedom. I can live out here with my dog and enjoy the beauty of nature without ever needing to worry about running into other humans. It costs practically nothing as well.

The only downside is that satellite internet is slow and the initial setup cost for installing solar requires a few months of hoarding SSI payments.

>> No.11649335

Where do you get food, oh great forest NEET?

I want to live by myself in a secluded area and raise bees, that way I can take it easy and eat honey.

>> No.11649353

How much panel-age do you need? Is it a mobile setup? Is it self-made, or did you buy some commercial product? If it's self made, can you elaborate on what you've done? (does it track the sun, how did you do MPPT, how do you store power for nighttime hours, etc)

The reason I ask is that I have some knowledge in power electronics, and I'd like to be able to make my own off-the-grid setup.

>> No.11649361


You can power a computer, some lights, and an electric stove perpetually with like 20 square feet of solar panels and some batteries.

>> No.11649364


I have a small garden outside of the trailer and sometimes I hunt if I'm in the mood, but that's not enough to provide for everything so I usually restock my supply of canned goods and other essentials whenever I have to walk to town to pick up figures or games that I've ordered and had shipped to my PO box.

>> No.11649370

Can I see them?

>> No.11649373


Can you show us pictures of your setup?

>> No.11649378

Oh, how exciting! What do you hunt with, do you live in a place where it is legal to hunt local wildlife?

Have you ever caught a deer?

>> No.11649381

This. I'd be interested to see. You're basically living my dreams.

>> No.11649406
File: 117 KB, 500x571, kaguya easy sitting_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally living my dream except for the satellite internet. I-I couldn't go back to that.. I have too much fun playing games with jay pea and my other friends..

>> No.11649420

maybe someday when we can get fast internet in the wilderness. I could finally abandon most of civilization.

>> No.11649442

I want to be homeless in japan

>> No.11649448

What will you do if everything is urbanized by then and we still haven't colonized space thanks to #obama

>> No.11649457

My driving license is almost expired...

Since getting it like 5 years ago, I have only driven a handful of times as well. Driving is very scary for me, even being around machines and vehicles. Passing the driver's exam was one of the most terrifying things I ever had to do.

>> No.11649462

How long does it take to learn drive cars like big people? I want to learn but I have nobody to teach me.

>> No.11649486
File: 377 KB, 1023x765, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I don't own a camera. I tried to find a picture of my trailer on google earth, but it says that the imagery date is 10/20/2010 and I didn't move here until a year later.

Here's something though. It's not my trailer, but it's a picture that someone had uploaded on google earth of a campground that I live very close to. It's about a 30 minute walk away from here, but it looks almost identical to where I live.

>> No.11649496

That's pretty nice. Are you ever worried that people will catch you living in the woods and call the cops or something?

>> No.11649535


Nah, I'm pretty sure that nobody cares. I live in the western part of North Carolina so there's not a whole lot out here. I'm more scared of the Appalachian people since they're kinda creepy and I can barely understand them, but they're more to the north and west of here.

>> No.11649545

I don't drive, and I never have. I'm not going to do anything that forces me to pay for something that I don't need or want.

>> No.11649556

I hope you all die.

>> No.11649554

You're supposed to just say "I Drive."

>> No.11649564


>> No.11649565

/jp/ is not your blog.

>> No.11649569

I hate driving. I love trains.

That rhythmic sound and not having to worry about driving is so relaxing. I just have to sit there until I get to my destination.

>> No.11649573

/jp/ isn't the place for you to act like a cock sucking faggot either, gay boy

>> No.11649574

Forest NEET please stick around, even if this thread gets deleted use the archive, I have many questions!

I am in a situation where I might get to live rent free in my grandfathers cabin as opposed to me staying in the city where rent consumes most of my autimbux even though I get a little housing assistance with SSI. I also use foodstamps and leech of my neighbor's WEP wifi but I am still in a tight financial situation so moving into my grandpas cabin is a very attractive option, I would only have to pay the yearly property tax+electric. there is no plumbing though, instead an outhouse and a rain water collection system.

My question is, how does internet and package delivery work for very rural areas? Its about 50 miles from the nearest town, which is a tiny little place that I don't even think has a post office.

>> No.11649578

Go jump off an overpass or something, give the commuters something to talk about.

>> No.11649579

Do you enjoy playing train simulators? Or is the not having anything to worry about since you're in transit part, mostly the appeal.

>> No.11649580

You hope people die because they violated some rule janny told moot to set up?

Even the J doesn't kill you if he catches you, just deletes your post and writes an angry letter about you to corporate

>> No.11649586

Well, you don't have to die. If you stop posting that's fine too. Dying is just a good of way of making sure that happens.

>> No.11649583


>Appalachian people

Are they even speaking english?


>> No.11649584

holy FUCK are you every a literal homofagnerd, kill yourself you fucking degen

>> No.11649595

>Video from user Matthew Greenwood

No thanks man.

>> No.11649603

Am I living my NEET life properly if I haven't seen this Drive thing?

>> No.11649619

I'm tired of people. Every single troubling aspect of life stems from other people, and I'm tired of it, and them.

I think I'm just not cut out for this world.

>> No.11649623

I want to live in a forest with a /jp/.

>> No.11649635


>My question is, how does internet and package delivery work for very rural areas? Its about 50 miles from the nearest town, which is a tiny little place that I don't even think has a post office.

If you have a power source and a clear line of sight to the southern sky then you shouldn't have a problem with getting satellite internet. I normally never have a connection problem and it's even a pretty mountainous area with a lot of trees, but my main complaint is just the speed issue. It's not terrible, but it's pretty slow in comparison to cable.

As for package delivery though, I don't have an actual address and it's not easy to get here by road so I've always used PO boxes. If your grandfather's house has a roadside mailbox then I'm pretty sure they will just deliver it to you though. I'm not sure on that since I don't have any experience with it though.

>> No.11649647

you'll end up on a newspaper clipping

>> No.11649649

What embarrassment is even involved with doing a written test and having a single photo taken, which aside from when requested by authority, you needn't ever show anyone anyway?

Have a spine, OP.

>> No.11649655

That depends

>> No.11649670

Thanks, I just don't know if I'd be able to live without modern conveniences that I've gotten so used to, especially internet and whatnot. I'd be kinda scared living all alone in the woods too, do you need a gun to hunt things and protect yourself with?

>> No.11649672 [DELETED] 

This is more hiki than NEET though.

>> No.11649689


You get used to it pretty quickly. Even with the slow internet, you can still do everything that you would normally do, it just takes a bit longer for things to download.

>I'd be kinda scared living all alone in the woods too

I find it comforting in a way since it's a lot safer out here than it is in the cities. Some of the most dangerous things in life are other humans, so being away from them makes you a lot safer than you would be in a city. As for guns though, it's a good idea to get a gun, it's a lot of fun, and it can you save you some money once you learn how to hunt. I've never needed to protect myself with a gun, but there's not much aside from deer around here.

I would definitely recommend getting a big and friendly dog though. They're great companions and I never feel alone out here since my dog is always with me.
