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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 139 KB, 315x750, ronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
116353 No.116353 [Reply] [Original]


don't care if it's old

oh god I can't stop crying

>> No.116378

This for some reason has never made me feel sad and ronery

>> No.116397
File: 120 KB, 375x500, 1204405559920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, people who fall in love with imaginary characters from the computer/tv screen need to kill themselves. >.>

>> No.116403

sage for viral marketing

>> No.116399


It's some guy yearning for a girl that doesn't exist, except in his mind.

That's just creepy, not sad.

>> No.116409

>>116397 magic_usagi !!kiz/5qGLJ1y
Normally enough reason to sage
> >.>
Just adds to the satisfaction.

>> No.116426


Lol just don't cry.

>> No.116427

you don't belong here normalfags

>> No.116432


I've been meaning to ask, what's the sauce on the first part of OP's Image?

>> No.116437


Haha, I'd give a lot to be "normal".

>> No.116442

wtf I'm not normal. I'm a ronery lolicon that owns three hug pillows and soon also a doll for fucks sake.

>> No.116453


It's a crappy /b/ meme. Normally someone someone starts a dumb "wut it's liek to hold a woman" and everyone replies "LOL I'm A VIRGIN DUNNO". The pic was prolly drawn by some guy no one knows.

>> No.116464


No no no, I mean the game the dude is playing.

>> No.116482

I'm a bitter, paranoid, white man in college, who suppresses his power levels to the maximum. I also am planning on being independently wealthy, and owning my own island by the time I'm 50, using nothing but balls, legal loopholes, and the ignorance of others.

...fuck no, I'm not normal.

>> No.116488




>> No.116493


It's not a game. That's the actual picture I was describing lol (a guy waiting for a girl in some shitty city).

>> No.116506

He's not talking about the picture, he wants to know what game the image on the screen in the FIRST FRAME is from.

Geez learn to read

>> No.116508

Ah, look at all the ronery people. ;_;

>> No.116510

stop being me.

>> No.116514

>The pic was prolly drawn by some guy no one knows.

>> No.116518
File: 28 KB, 502x427, 1204406543789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's pretty sad. You're prolly like this guy here.


>> No.116526

lol what's that song from?

>> No.116528

Lol, no. You're not apathetic enough.

What are *you* planning on doing to be independently wealthy then, other-me?

>> No.116534


What's so cool about being so materialistic. Too much money will only make you feel worse although you may think otherwise before you actually have it.

>> No.116543

Nah, it's not being materialistic, it's about figuring out a way to not be dependent on a job for the money.

Also, there's a ton of places and things I want to see. That requires money from somewhere, sadly.

>> No.116546

The only people who get down about having too much money is those who don't know how to use it properly.

Knowing you'll never have to worry about your finances for the rest of your life? Nothing better.

>> No.116547

I'm into business.
I'm pretty well set, if nothing bad happens on the road.

>> No.116548

Anon Bocchi

>> No.116551

not to mention the power that results from the high position in society and wealth, these are the only things worth working for.

>> No.116558

Ugh. Unless you're super fiscally responsible, you'll end up not getting anywhere. Also, you'll be working in a job you don't like (or maybe you do, eh) just for money, hoping that someone doesn't fire you. Not my cup of tea.

>> No.116574

I don't plan on being an employee, so I'll be the one firing, hopefully.
I'm aiming for the higher stratas of the world, those that actually matter, anyway.

>> No.116571

Pft. The only power in that specific situation is the money that might be thrown around. "A fool and his money are swiftly parted", etc.

If you're looking for power, it's not class specific. All you need is knowledge, the know-how to apply it, and the balls to get things done. You don't need to be affluently wealthy to have a good reputation. You just need to know how to use it, which again leads to knowledge.

>> No.116584

wealth is now an integrant condition to access to power, have you known of any poor politicians recently?
same for CEOs

>> No.116589


> The only people who get down about having too much money is those who don't know how to use it properly.

What makes you think you're so much better than millions of others who went batshit insane from having too much money that didn't really make them happy?

> Knowing you'll never have to worry about your finances for the rest of your life? Nothing better.

Yeah, that part is pretty cool, but it doesn't guarantee not feeling like shit. People will only visit you only because of your money unless you develop skills, which if you have had at the very star would allow you to get along with outhers without all the money.

But yeah, when you take the "not worrying about financial stuff" part it sounds pretty cool.

>> No.116597

If you won the lottery, could you suddenly become a CEO or a politician?

If you have the knowledge, could you become a CEO or a politician?

>> No.116601

you're competent but you don't have any relations or money, could you become CEO or politician ?
I'm not saying money is more important than knowledge or skill, I'm saying it's an important factor.

>> No.116617


No, it's the other way around. Being a politician who knows what he's doing RESULTS in being wealthy.

>> No.116615

>What makes you think you're so much better than millions of others who went batshit insane from having too much money that didn't really make them happy?

It's because those people worked like 60 hours a week, thinking that money would make them happy, driving off their friends, family members, and leaving behind the things that made them happy in the first place.

They didn't realize that money is a stepping stone, not an ultimate goal.

>> No.116620

If you're competent, you can make the money and relations.

Again, the only things that are really needed in the end, are chutzpah and smarts.

>> No.116621


>> No.116629

You're wrong. Money is the ultimate goal. The person who dies with the most money wins. Everyone knows this.

>> No.116642




>> No.116638

Still, you're relying totally on what sounds like your job to get you wealthy.

>> No.116645

much easier if you got the money to begin with, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.116646

I can't believe anon is trying to converse with someone named magic_usagi.

>> No.116653

well, I'm obviously not going to rely on donations and the lottery so I'll have to work for my money.

>> No.116656


>> No.116662

You, sir, need to learn the Art of the Deal.

>> No.116657

More like magic_usagi responds to just about everything, making threads revolve around him like the egotistical bastard he is.

>> No.116670

Such an appropriate related video. ;_;

>> No.116671

OP picture is from Yotsuba&!

Someone just coloured it and added tears + the ronery.

>> No.116675


As I said in
it's a stepping stone. You *could* do without money. It makes it easier, sure. It's not integral, though, because you *could* do without it.

>> No.116676

holy shit Donald Trump is posting on /jp/.

>> No.116683

Oh? Which chapter is that particular scene from?

>> No.116686

I never considered the money to be a goal in itself so I agree with you, I just guess I'll need a lot.

>> No.116687

Everyone knows this. I hope.
If someone doesn't read this manga, they're really missing out

>> No.116695

Seriously. I fucking love Yotsuba. I wish I could make sweet love to her tender little body. ;_;

>> No.116702 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 320x480, 1204408207271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asked for it.

>> No.116705
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>> No.116710

There's no point in having the money if you don't know how to manage it, though. You'll just lose it very soon after you get it.

You can't undervalue competence. Having more money can never make up for it.

>> No.116711

Fucking monsters

>> No.116717

Ah, the irony. No matter how much money you will ever have, it won't be able to get you what really matters (3d lolis are pig fucking disgusting).

>> No.116720

lol, Donald Trump loves the Art of the Deal way, way much more than I do.

I just plan on making what I can, being wealthy enough not to worry about money, but not having so much that people target me for stupid shit. Flying under the radar, y'know.

>> No.116725

Money without life is bareable. Life without money is unbareble.

I plan on being filthy fucking ritch. I want the stock market to dip when I get a cold.

I'm doing 5 A levels so hopfully if I get straight A's I can get into Oxbridge, imperial or LSE.
From there its only upwards baby.

>> No.116729

read what I posted earlier, I never said money replaced competence, far from that.
I just said it helped a lot.
having money and being competent makes it a lot easier than having no money and being competent.
I believe people who are incompetent but have money don't even deserve it.

>> No.116742

In before matrix ripoff yotsuba rape simulator with 100k$ price tag.

>> No.116760

Enjoy having a hellish college experience, kissing ass just to make ends meet, and then finding out at 50, you're no richer than you really are, because you spent all of your money on a nice car, nice clothes, and a nice house, but you've spent most of your life at a job you never liked, wasting most of its paycheck just to keep up with the Joneses.

Grades are overrated, Ivy League schools are overrated. Worthless, hell no, but overrated as fuck.

>> No.116761

100k would be cheap.

>> No.116768

who would be stupid enough to waste his money before having lots of it ?

>> No.116784
File: 116 KB, 400x300, 1204408961530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not true. You a good candidate for all those who got crazy from too much money. The society may want you to believe this but you must remember that most people of which the actual society is made of are fucking stupid and they don't know what they're talking about.


So it's better to converse with the almighty legion that thanks to it's own "awesomeness" today is made of 16 year old cunts who think protesting in masks is the coolest shit ever?


LOL not my fault some don't know the secrets of an old art called "not giving a damn". Also I'm not egoistic.


>> No.116786

People who have money and are incompetent end up losing it anyway.

There's something to be said about competence, however. There's a ton of brilliant accountants. Why aren't all accountants rich? They know how to handle money. That's their job!

That's where chutzpah comes in, really.

Competence + Chutzpah -> Money -> ???? -> Profit!

Competence with no Chutzpah -> 9-5 job -> grow old -> Die living off of scraps

>> No.116807

I always included balls and mind into competence, of course just being good at what you're doing doesn't lead you anywhere farther than your competitors.

>> No.116810

>magic_usagi !!kiz/5qGLJ1y

>> No.116812

Greed, materialism, vanity.

It's what 99.99% of the population succumbs to.

Also, "lol, only $435 a month? That's cheap!"

>> No.116824


LOL good luck.


GTFO nigger.

>> No.116829

I absolutely abhor loans, anyway, true most people fall in those, hope we won't.

>> No.116831

>Living off scraps

A life with no struggle is the same as death. The more money you attain, the closer to living death you become.

>> No.116836

Jesus fuck, lurk more. At least until you learn what a goddamn joke looks like.

>> No.116832


I don't really care about large house and car and showboating. I want power and respect. To be one of those famous bussiness men like Trump or Alen Sugar ect is my fantasy. When I talk I want people to listen and when I talk about offshoring all the labour in my company I want politicians at my heels offering me tax breaks galore. But I'm worth nothing, 19 and have no work experiance.

I know what you mean about the whole Ivy league thing, people think they're going to step out of it and dinto ritches. Which doesn't happen.
I doubt I'll get into any of the unis I mentioned as I'd need to get literal straight A's in all my subjects.

>> No.116834

The so-called "/jp/ Donald Trump" here.

I'm hungry.

I won't be coming back, because I have laundry to do.

Have a nice day, Anonymous! (and fuck you, tenderly)

>> No.116841

see you next economic krach !

>> No.116874


> I want power and respect.

What for?

> When I talk I want people to listen

You need to work hard for something like that, and the path to achieving it doesn't necessarily involve making money. Also, since you're posting anonymously so often, there's something I don't understand about what you're saying. What makes you think what you're saying is so worth listening to? What makes you think you are the one who should be in control of others?

> But I'm worth nothing,
> I doubt I'll get into any of the unis I mentioned

By thinking this way you've already lost, dear sir and no money is going to fix this.

>> No.116890

I dunno about you, but I thought it was hilarious.

>> No.116907


What's so hilarious about having too much money and people sucking your balls around you?

>> No.116911


>> No.116914

Shut up. Just die. Die already.

>> No.116920


Yeah, that's what you think now. Continue being a sheep and enjoy your unavoidable failure in life with this mindset.

>> No.116924

what's so funny about pretending you want to live under a bridge and making an idiot out of yourself?

>> No.116933

Enjoy your attention-whore induced abuse.

>> No.116928


Just ignore the truth and it may eventually disappear! Yaay!

>> No.116937

even as a tripfag, I look down on your wrongdoings.

>> No.116942

Heh, little sheepling. Your counter-capitalist diatribe is copypasta and your statements utterly illogical! Better stop this nonsense now before you ruin your good name for life.

>> No.116944


You don't have to live under a bridge (or pretend doing so) in order to have higher self esteem and self respect, which doesn't need to be boosted by cocksuckers and mindless drones below your pathetic self.

With a loser attitude you'll always be a loser, no matter how many people follow your commands.

>> No.116947

Why do people give themselves tripcodes when their identities are so utterly shameful?

>> No.116950

just cut your internet rage already.

>> No.116957

Hey, while you're being all morally superior with your self-hypnotized confidence, I'll be snorting coke off a ten-year-old's back while world leaders massage my feet.

>> No.116967

so they can be hated.

>> No.116975


You are giving the attention. I don't want it. You can stick it up your ass btw. Ignore me plz.


> Heh, little sheepling. Your counter-capitalist diatribe

Capitalism is good as a money making scheme and keeping the society wealthy. It doesn't necessarily have to be a lifestyle. You don't have to look at everything from the materialistic perspective because "ZOMG THAT'S SO TRENDY".

> is copypasta and your statements utterly illogical!

I didn't copy&paste anything. What are you talking about?

> Better stop this nonsense now before you ruin your good name for life

>> No.116980

dont worry, it will be fun when Komachi gets her hands on him in the afterlife.

>> No.116981

stop bumping the thread when you'll be done venting your e-confidence and believing people actually care about arguing with you.

>> No.116984

It's kind of hard when you're fagging up every other thread. I'm going to leave you now.

>> No.116991

Hey hey hey, did you just say capitalism is bad as a lifestyle? I know you didn't just say that, little commie. Does Uncle Sam have to get physical on a freedom-hater, huh?

>> No.117001


Dunno lol.


Just ignore plz.


Yeah sure, I wanna see you doing that. Also, unlike yourself I don't care much about building a "cool" image on a site for teenage boys who like no longer funny old internet jokes and acting like assholes to entertain the hive and boost their shitty egos.

>> No.117002


What he's talking about, albeit in a completely retarded fashion, is that when you're rich, you'll only really have two types of people around you: Those who will kiss your ass because they want something from you, or those who'll just fuck you over for your money. It's hard enough to make real friends as an adult, but it's much harder when your bank account is a target that everyone's gunning for. It can very well make you into a paranoid twat.

>> No.117007

The original is sung by a girl. No not the miku version.

>> No.117023

If you hate 4chan so much, by all means, please (please please) feel free to leave.

>> No.117017

when you frequent the likes of you, you don't have to worry about that.
drug dealers don't have it any harder.

>> No.117029

That's not a problem if you're not interested in making friends in the first place.

>> No.117025


If you really don't care, ignore. Why the fuck are you saying this?


Yeah, 5% is "every other thread", right.


Go to hell with your counter-propaganda.

>> No.117033


>> No.117036

Jeez, would it kill you to just stop responding to people if you don't have anything worthwhile to say? You're really being a bother here.

>> No.117055

Everyone obsessed with money needs to watch There will be blood.

>> No.117066


4chon is ay okay, only there's too much fail going on from time to time.


Yeah, sure "Fuck all people in the whole world for not paying attention to me IRL, I don't need friends". Too bad it doesn't work.


You first, anonymous. Ignore me PLEASE. OH PLEASE PLEASE IGNORE ME for fucks sake.

>> No.117064


>> No.117070
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>> No.117068

our perfect kill is a failure.

>> No.117075


You are a failure because your "anon is legion" doesn't work.

>> No.117076


If you're an antisocial misanthrope, whatever business you try to go into will fail, because people you deal with will key onto that very quickly, and will be turned off. You have to be legitimately social and at least open to liking other people, but at the same time, wary about what they want from you.

>> No.117080



>> No.117082


Because everyone who doesn't agree with the retarded hive is a troll. Very impressive.

>> No.117088


>> No.117085

I got the cockroaches under control, but now them fucking fireants in the backyard are starting shit

>> No.117090

Man, I hate the way you have to reply to multiple posts in one post, it means I have to spend effort quoting crap if I want to respond to something aimed at me.

Basically the major point I'd like to make is that you're really really intolerant of other people's views. Do you get some sort of sick satisfaction out of putting down other people's goals and life choices or what? Why do you feel the need to insult the most personal parts of perfectly innocent people who have never done anything to hurt you? Seriously, get a fucking life and get your misinformed opinions out of mine.

>> No.117095

I just read this book about Christianity.

>> No.117103

/a/ was here.
/jp/ are flaming homosexuals.

>> No.117119

People disappear in South America ALL THE TIME. You know why? YOU KNOW WHY? UFO's MAN.

>> No.117123

Was it about medieval witch burnings?

>> No.117127

Good morrow, MONGRELS ^___^ I’m Gilgamesh and I'm the unquestionable king @_____@ of heroes <3 and one adores Gates of Babylon!!! Alright so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my eternal life when I met my hot waifu Saber!! <333333333 OMFGZ SHE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^______________________________________^

When I traversed onto Tokyo street =^____^=I looked up and saw…SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!!
“ WHAT LUCK, TO MEET SUCH A DELIGHTFUL LADY ON SUCH A DREARY NIGHT !!!!!” I yelled n____n then she turned chibi then un-chibi!!
she looked at me [:3] and then she saw how awesome the king of heroes was *___* she grabbed my gauntlet and winked ~w^ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HER TOUNGE TASTED LIKE TEA AND CRUMPETS!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< *(^O^)* *(^O^)* *(^O^)*] then I saw an atrocious underserving mongrel watching us and I could tell he was undressing her with his eyes!!!!!!! [ -_____________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled “SHIROU YOU MONGREL, THIS IS MY WENCH WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH RIN CAUSE KING ARTURIA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then Saber held me close =^____^= and said she would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (*O*)/ then we went to her fortress and engaged in CG dragon dueling all night long and made enough mana to destroy the entire surrounding mongrel populace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^________<)

>> No.117137

They would kidnap young girls from villages and force them to have sex with various forest creatures. That is how the Muslims began making BMW's.

>> No.117134



>> No.117140

I gotta mention here that you're not supposed to use apostrophes for pluralization, not even in acronyms. Just letting you know, since it'd be pretty embarrassing to get it wrong again, you know.

>> No.117149

This one here! HERE MAN! HE'S BEEN WITH THE UFO'S!!!!

>> No.117160

Let us pray now for Moot who shall be feasting upon the remains of loli's soft tender flesh.

>> No.117164


> Man, I hate the way you have to reply to multiple posts in one post, it means I have to spend effort quoting crap if I want to respond to something aimed at me.

Live with it or ignore the posts altogether. No one is forcing you to do anything.

> Basically the major point I'd like to make is that you're really really intolerant of other people's views.

Because being tolerant of other people's views means to agree with the majority and not standing out too much? I'm just one person, why can't you pwn me with logic or kill me completely by ignoring me, which would be a lot more effective? You have the power to do this, yet you still reply, trying to be some kind of internet watchdog.

> Do you get some sort of sick satisfaction out of putting down other people's goals and life choices or what?

No, just wanted to say what I think about their goals. They can ignore all the stuff if they want to. That's what free speech and the internet are all about.

> Why do you feel the need to insult the most personal parts of perfectly innocent people who have never done anything to hurt you?

>> No.117182

Hah. There are no UFOs, you paranoid tinfoil lunatic.
End your crazy thoughts.
Look, only a totally crazy person could think that UFOs exist.
Perfectly mad, this is!

Man, what's there to say, other than that you're a total nutcase.

>> No.117184

Are you Charles Manson? LET ME RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR FLESHY PRISON!!! Have sex with my mother.

>> No.117185

Your valiant dedication has earned you a sage.

>> No.117188

Your valiant dedication has earned you a sage.

>> No.117198


>> No.117214


/r/ing this in good quality mp3 format

>> No.117230

I'd slowly scrub her back with body lotion and reach around and play with her soft, supple breasts. Inhaling the heavenly scent of her waterfall of silk tresses I'dOH WHAT THE FUCK. IT'S FUCKING SNOWING OUTSIDE. GODFUCKINGDAMMIT MY FUCKING WATER PIPES!!! SHIT FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.117236

Shut up. You don't know what it's like to be poor.

>> No.117237

Hey, you're free to be as much of a absolutist MY WAY IS THE ONLY RIGHT WAY dickhead as you want, but I also have the right to call you on that. Also, stop with the anti-Anonymous ad hominems already, they're not helping your case in the least.

>> No.117242

Saya entered the dojo eager to start practice only to find Kirino there waiting. They were all alone at that moment, at least until the others showed up. Kirino, ever the hard worker, was the subject for Sayas admiration. Kirino looked up and caught Saya's gaze. They stared lovingly into eachothers eyes for what seemed like minutes and Saya could no longer contain her lust. She dove at Kirino, and began kissing her. Kirino was taken aback at first, but went with it anyway because it was so awesome. Saya undid Kirino's robes and exposed her modest breasts. Damn. Kirino has nice breasts. Really nice, man. Just then, Kirino felt the need to speak up, so she said "But wait! As a living creature with a point to our existence, don't you think it's counterintuitive to the idea that as living things, or goal is to continue to propagate our genes. This strikes me as incredibly selfish that I'd sacrifice the ultimate goal of mankind for a bit of personal pleasure." "That's silly" Saya began, in a motherly kind of voice, as she ran her fingers through Kirinos hair and gave her a kiss "While the passing of DNA down from one generation to the next might very well be the point of our existence, it's most certainly a collective one. It is not personally our job to insure that mankind survives, it is a job of mankind as a whole. The species is set, there's no need for concern."The sweat from their passion now began to run down their bodies, kirino finally took initiative and unrobed Saya. Sayas tits were also bangin'. They were like, really good.

>> No.117244

"So wait" Kirino started as she ran her hands down Saya, "If the point to our existence is a collective one, why bother to exist after a certain point? You said yourself that mankind is set in their ways, what is our use if we're no helping, and are not required to help the further survival of our race?" Both girls now tumbled to the floor, their lust burning wildly as their tongues danced. "It's just as you said" Saya remarked, "This is a selfish act. If propagating our DNA is the collective point to our existence, then personal happiness would be the individual point of our existence. You see, it's very simple: The initial personal reason for existing is so you can make yourself happy. Through making yourself happy, you are able to find life pleasant enough to live on and eventually contribute to our society, this can be done by either passing down your DNA, or building off the advancements of the past, thus furthering the human race (The final point to our existence)." Kirino, still burning with passion from the totally hot lesbian sex she was having, now understood. "You're right, Saya" she concluded with confidence as she slowly kissed down Saya's body. "I will no longer let anything interfere with my personal happiness as long as by doing so, my happiness isn't put into jeapardy at a later time."

>> No.117241


LOL thanks.


Thank you too.

>> No.117246

/a/...it's hard to explain how I feel about all this, but...

I felt like /a/ was full of my friends. It was a place I could go when I was feeling down, everyone there--I won't say they were nice, because a lot of the time, they weren't nice at all. But even though /a/ was bitter and sarcastic and mean, sometimes--

I mean, sometimes /a/ and the people in it--they suddenly showed that they had hearts. It sounds stupid and cheesy and naive, but that's the only way I can describe it. There was some freakish harmony in the way the anime and manga fans mixed with the--the "other people", I guess. The people who weren't quite one thing and not quite not that, either.

I don't even know what I'm trying to say. I'm babbling. Like I don't even have a point.

We're separated, now. Scattered to the four winds, or something like that. I don't know.


Hey, /a/.

Everything--before it ended--everything was kind of nice, wasn't it? We were all miserable, but we were all miserable together, and there was something wonderfully peaceful about it all--

>> No.117249

/r/ game of this type that is playable on a Mac.
English translation highly preferred.

I've never played one before, and I wanna see what it's like

>> No.117254
File: 70 KB, 678x1000, 1204413144639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.117257

Isn't there some kind of Windows emulator for Macfags? You might be able to run something like True Love or Three Sisters Story with that.

>> No.117256
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>> No.117262


>> No.117261
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>> No.117265
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>> No.117268


>> No.117269
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>> No.117271
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>> No.117272
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>> No.117279

i actually have one...and I played and beat Half Life on it, so theoretically, Windows is OK too...I just dont like setting it up.

"True Love" <-- is that a good one that I can get? Download online? Play in english?

same goes for the other one you mentioned too

>> No.117282
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>> No.117317

True Love and 3 Sisters Story are both available in English, probably out there somewhere. Macs can access Google, right?

>> No.117340


I do. It sucks.


> Hey, you're free to be as much of a absolutist MY WAY IS THE ONLY RIGHT WAY dickhead as you want,

No one said "my way" is the only way. I make mistakes like everyone else. Why don't you try disprove it rather than waste time on "attacking" with flames? You get what you give.

> but I also have the right to call you on that.

Fair enough.

> Also, stop with the anti-Anonymous ad hominems already, they're not helping your case in the least.

>> No.117347

heh...i understand...

I guess what i was more asking is...are they GOOD? I want something more than just a dating sim where the goal is to like...get a girlfriend, or get in her pants or something. I want something where I'll actually "get to know" the characters. Something like the song's game

>> No.117356


don't care if it's old

oh god I can't stop crying

>> No.117360
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>> No.117361
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>> No.117363
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>> No.117366
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>> No.117362

Disprove what, the idea that having money automatically makes you insane and unhappy? I didn't think I'd need to bother. If you didn't think your way was the only right way, you wouldn't bother attacking people who feel differently from you. I really hate people who can't live and let live.

>> No.117375
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>> No.117381
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>> No.117424
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Pfft, you fucks don't know what will really make you happy.
This shit, makes you feel just like Jesus' son.

>> No.117438


> Disprove what, the idea that having money automatically makes you insane and unhappy? I didn't think I'd need to bother.

Then don't. Also I didn't say anything "automatically makes you" something.

> If you didn't think your way was the only right way, you wouldn't bother attacking people who feel differently from you.

What makes you think so? There are many other reasons for not being a dumb sheep like most of you who post here.

> I really hate people who can't live and let live.

Talk about hypocrisy. You had a chance to prove my "mumbo-jumbo" wrong, yet you chose not to. Fair enough. Bye. But wait, you come back and whine about my ideas being shit anyway. Who is the one who doesn't "live and let live", hmm?

>> No.117444
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>> No.117459
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>> No.117479

It's you. Because I haven't said a single word about your world-view being wrong, harmful or destructive like you have. Hell, your very first post in this thread was calling for the mass suicide of a group of people!

> What's so cool about being so materialistic. Too much money will only make you feel worse although you may think otherwise before you actually have it.
> What makes you think you're so much better than millions of others who went batshit insane from having too much money that didn't really make them happy?

Granted, you didn't use the word "automatically". Guess I was totally off.

>> No.117499
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Every time you bump the thread, Makoto is violated. Think of Makoto!

>> No.117502
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Yeah... anyway, it's been a nice thread.
Have to go to sleep.
Believe it or not in my timezone it's night time, and I need to go to work tomorrow.
Time to go, faggots, god night.

>> No.117511
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Good riddance.

>> No.117525
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>> No.117530
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>> No.117564

he'll be back tomorrow.
they always come back.

>> No.117566
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1204415367155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize, of course, that this means that I win.

>> No.117572

ufo's took my penis...

>> No.117574

more Makoto

>> No.117614
File: 100 KB, 550x768, 1204415708350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy infamous or something? Like the new animeexpert/tonberryking/guriin?

>> No.117654

A lot worse than those three, probably a troll.

>> No.117655

age for Makoto

>> No.117664

found out he existed this morning and already flamed him at least as much as these three combined.

>> No.117663
File: 50 KB, 401x600, 1204416074882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll cry with this.
I cried rivers..

>> No.117683


I shed manly tears..

>> No.117711

yeah, thanks

>> No.117704

Do you want me to upload my Makoto folder? It has 87 pics, at least 50 of which are Makoto and the rest other Idolmaster pics.

>> No.117811


Here it is. Thank whoever made that Makoto image flood a couple weeks ago.

>> No.117835


>> No.117880

The only reason I want to have a lot of money is so I can stay home in a house all day on the internet and carry one of those cases full of money cigarettes like the one Suitengu uses in Speed Grapher. Man that thing was awesome.

>> No.118760

Oh my god.. that was too much... can't stop crying

>> No.118824

just can't stop....
