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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 372 KB, 373x749, goodbye jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11631583 No.11631583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry jaypee I can't do it anymore.

I have to leave /jp/, I can't take it. The janitor's too harsh, all the good content gets deleted, everyone constantly gets banned, you can never have a discussion about anything but boring crap in a very strict ruleset of allowed forms of speech because any other kind of discussion gets deleted, it's just boring and sad. I can't take the boring touhou threads we've had millions of times, I can't stand your stupid generals, I can't stand your crappy VN threads, I can't stand the 3D idol shit. I can't stand everything but
those threads getting deleted. I can't stand everyone getting banned saying something the janitor just happened to not like.

There's nothing left here for me. I'll see you at /a/.

>> No.11631598

I know that feel. Half the thread where I post get deleted just after I post. Sometimes even before.

I'm sure this one will get deleted too. I can't take it easy when there's person trying to delete every trace of my existence. It's like a nightmare.

>> No.11631602

I'm trying to get more sick of /jp/ so I can leave as well.
/jp/ - concentration camp culture

>> No.11631603

people get ban? A lot of my posts get deleted but jenny will never ban me !!

>> No.11631606
File: 84 KB, 412x398, 1370117458158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuckin get rekt nerdcaptains

>> No.11631610
File: 62 KB, 613x559, 1329494338577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss /jp/

>> No.11631611

Good riddance

>> No.11631614
File: 663 KB, 452x693, wry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't /jp/ let us leave?

I'm tired and want to leave.

Yeah he will.

Play this song at my funeral.

Young based god came straight for da bitches
Mac-10 lay em on da floor like a mattress
Young based god in Olympics
Stay fuckin bitches
Got da chop 6 wit extensions
Hoes on my dick cuz I look like Matlock
Bitch kiss my ring yo baby daddy is a mascot
Hoes on my dick cause I look like Darth Vader
Bitches on my dick cuz my rims chop like applesauce
Fuck what it's costin
6 pinky rings and yo bitch wanna toss em
Ridin wit no mask on, dat pussy take dat hanky pank
Boy talk dat fye den ima hit em wit da laser
Gran turismo ho she suck my dick den I raced her
10 karats on my ring I got dat folk wit da plater
Ho suck my dick cuz Im finna be her neighbor
Ya bitch kiss my ass n I ain't fuckin wit dem haters BASED GOD

>> No.11631619

I pray every night before bed that this shit board will be deleted when I wake up

>> No.11631620

Funny because I've been here for years and I don't think I've ever been banned on /jp/. You're clearly a shitposter, so good riddance.

>> No.11631622


No she won't! She's just being tsundere right now but I'll soften up her heart. Then /jp/ will return to the way it was before and the three of us can skip all the way to japan while holding hands~ ( I'll be in the middle though so that you can't hold Jenny's hands ;__;)

>> No.11631623
File: 42 KB, 800x600, 1340484707822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the otaku culture thread?

>> No.11631626
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, autism17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me too

>> No.11631627

You're clearly a boring fuck who posts nothing but touhou images with no text. I probably define your posts as shitposts.

Why would you want to touch Jenny's hand? Gross, it's probably all sticky from mountain dew and piss all over it.

>> No.11631629

I can't even begin to imagine how boring you must be if you've never been banned. Do you just imagedump 2hus or something?

>> No.11631631

Jokes on you guys I don't even like 2hu

>> No.11631632

Nobody cares faglord
go blog about your life somewhere else

>> No.11631633


More like weeks, rite? You can't post on /jp/ daily without being banned for an imaginary offence. It just happens.

>> No.11631636

I just make a comment on thread with 200 posts with weeks of age and I get banned with an automated response.
The correct way to respond to that is to evade, which is what I do.
Ban me again faggot, my router is right next to my mouse. Enjoy your imaginary authority with unimaginary hassle.

>> No.11631637

i dont even know how many times ive been banned or seen post after post of mine get deleted.

also i think janny is autistic so please dont be mean

>> No.11631637,1 [INTERNAL] 

>also i think janny is autistic so please dont be mean

I literally think he is too. Like I'm not trying to joke around or insult him by saying that, I actually think he has some form of light mental retardation.

>> No.11631637,2 [INTERNAL] 


Go away shitposters.

>> No.11631637,3 [INTERNAL] 

If you ignore all of the giant png descriptive filename anime screenshot spam because it's just one guy and takes up a disproportionately large amount of that, there is actually quite a large amount of posts that shouldn't have been deleted immediately visible.

>> No.11631637,4 [INTERNAL] 

Remember the good old days when memes roamed free...

>> No.11631637,5 [INTERNAL] 

In fact actually, what the fuck is wrong with you bringing that up as an example. This is JUST the first 2 pages, even with the anime screencap spamming taking up a large amount, there was a TON of threads that shouldn't have been deleted.

You're fucking crazy.


>> No.11631637,6 [INTERNAL] 

Look at all those quality otaku threads... god damn you Janny!!!!

>> No.11631637,7 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is wrong with YOU for choosing examples that make you look like a mad shitposter? The only one of those that isn't is that one Pixiv one.

>> No.11631637,8 [INTERNAL] 

look at this retard arguing with himself over a straw man a child could make better.

police arrest bad guys so it's okay if they decide to execute people walking down the street for fun! listen to this genius of debate over here.

>> No.11631637,9 [INTERNAL] 

There's plenty of threads that aren't even relatively close to "shitposty".

You're making no sense.

>> No.11631637,10 [INTERNAL] 

It's pretty amazing that moot always somehow manages to pick a complete sperg. 99% of our board hates overzealous janitors and wants one who can take it easy, but lo and behold he picks out the one guy on the board who can't.

Maybe he's picking someone from a different board. Or maybe spergy mcgee is the only one submitting a janitor application.

>> No.11631637,11 [INTERNAL] 

Oh there's also this >>>/jp/11630197 which I'm uncertain about. But to the rest, blog threads, anime threads, stupid daily doses, non-board-related (anime, /g/ thread, /pol/), trap thread, no.

>> No.11631637,12 [INTERNAL] 

>99% of our board hates overzealous janitors
Distinction: That board being Warosu.

>> No.11631637,13 [INTERNAL] 

papa no iukoto is an anime

>> No.11631637,14 [INTERNAL] 

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.11631637,15 [INTERNAL] 

>spergy mcgee is the only one submitting a janitor application
I have a feeling this is the main problem. It's a well known fact that people who want to moderate an online community make the worst moderators.

>> No.11631637,16 [INTERNAL] 

I can't stay in /jp/ because I get banned every time I make a post. I can't go back to /a/ because it's just too terrible and I don't resonate with the people there anymore.

It is truly Hell.

>> No.11631637,17 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is actually pretty good from what I've seen the couple times I clicked it recently. They have all sorts of off-topic shenanigans and longposts.

>> No.11631637,18 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11631637,19 [INTERNAL] 

It feels absolutely nothing like /jp/. I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.11631637,20 [INTERNAL] 

That's because there isn't some batshit overlord deleting every post that doesn't have a cute girl and "cutepost" styling or general in the title.

>> No.11631637,21 [INTERNAL] 

No, I mean.
The essence of /jp/.
Do you know.
Behind all deleted posts is an elusive treasure only contained within the bounds of /jp/.

/a/ just has garbage in it. There is nothing special over there, even if it's not tied down right now.

>> No.11631637,22 [INTERNAL] 

But Anon... we came from /a/.. we are /a/'s essence.

>> No.11631637,23 [INTERNAL] 

speak for yourself retard
i came from /v/

>> No.11631637,24 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck are these subhum/a/ns doing in ghost

>> No.11631637,25 [INTERNAL] 

and /a/ is /b/'s essence :))))

>> No.11631637,26 [INTERNAL] 

It's all /b/'s essence

>> No.11631637,27 [INTERNAL] 

1. Smaller boards nobody gives a shit about (/ic/, /ck/, /out/)
2. /jp/
3. /f/
4. /q/
5. old /a/
6. /pol/
7. off topic non video game related threads on /v/
9000. /v/
9001. idolfag generals = kancolle shit generals
900000000000000000000000. /fit/, /sp/, /vr/, /r9k/, etc etc any board not listed anywhere else in this post
900000000000000000000001. neo-/a/ = /vg/ = /jp/ crossboarders = /jp/ touhou image dumpers = /b/

>> No.11631637,28 [INTERNAL] 

what about foolz ?

>> No.11631637,29 [INTERNAL] 

Complaining about janitors deleting their posts.

>> No.11631637,30 [INTERNAL] 

/ic/ blows, dude. /3/ is a lot better.

>> No.11631637,31 [INTERNAL] 

I can sort of agree with this list.
/f/ would be true some years ago, its just nowhere near as great now. Not enough [L].
And whats wrong with /vr/?

>> No.11631637,32 [INTERNAL] 

I said 4chan, not archives. For archives and spinoff boards and shit:

1. /ghost/
2. everywhere else not listed
9000. /ghost/ when fakeT tries to turn it into his blog about how all his shitposting gets deleted
9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. foolz = darkcave = foolzashit = 7chan = britfa.gs = finnish chan

>> No.11631637,33 [INTERNAL] 

1. /n/ - news

that's the best board that ever graced that 4chan. it's a shame that kike moot deleted it before the 2008 obama election. i probably would've died of laughter if it had stayed.

>> No.11631637,34 [INTERNAL] 


/jp/ is /a/ Generals

>> No.11631637,35 [INTERNAL] 

7chan is still a thing? I thought they died off.

>> No.11631637,36 [INTERNAL] 

haha they deleted it

when jp [del]?

>> No.11631637,37 [INTERNAL] 


You're a fucking normalfag, dude.

>> No.11631637,38 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to reply to this on /jp/ but it said 404.. I wonder what happened? Ma ii ka, we're all waiting for you at /ota/! (〃・ω・〃)

>> No.11631637,39 [INTERNAL] 

Where do you think the kankolle discussion came and is coming from? Kancolle is the gateway between /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.11631637,40 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know but I've been browsing /a/ all day it's way better than /jp/. You can funpost and talk about whatever otaku culture related thing you want as long as it's not 3D! When your posts get deleted they don't even ban you!

>> No.11631637,41 [INTERNAL] 


Please stay in /a/ with your own kind, subhuman.

>> No.11631637,42 [INTERNAL] 

Good riddance.

>> No.11631637,43 [INTERNAL] 

That's dumb. Candy is great when you're a kid because it's this rare treat the grown-ups only sometimes let you have. Now you are a grown-up and you can go get as much candy as you want right now, but you're not going to because you'll get fat.

>> No.11631637,44 [INTERNAL] 

I want the subhum/a/ns to leave. Stay on your chink cartoon facebook and ``funpost'' as much as you like.

>> No.11631637,45 [INTERNAL] 

This is a dumb analogy, I don't like /a/ either but please don't tarnish this movement with that kind of silly logic.

>> No.11631637,46 [INTERNAL] 

>face when jan fakeposting as a shiteposter then keeping this post in his records to prove all those damn shiteposters want is to be ``contrarian'' when the mods lay the beatdown on him

>> No.11631637,47 [INTERNAL] 


warosu mad ;^)

>> No.11631637,48 [INTERNAL] 

you sure you want to walk down that path, kid?

>> No.11631637,49 [INTERNAL] 


your mom is mad... mad for my dick LMAO

>> No.11631637,50 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa calm down guys! Give /a/ a chance. Maybe you don't understand yet but wading through anime is the same as wading through touhou.

>> No.11631637,51 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off back to foolz.

>> No.11631637,52 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gonna split my time between /a/ and Warosu from now on. There's no point to even go on /jp/.

>> No.11631637,53 [INTERNAL] 

Where do you even discuss animu if not on /a/? Am I being trolled here? Warosu and /jp/ was always friendly to /a/ and anime has always been welcomed here. We even got an anime screencap spammer, for crying out loud!

>> No.11631637,54 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even watch anime I'm just gonna post there for the off-topic!

Just like /jp/!

>> No.11631637,55 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ doesn't discuss anime. Now fuck off.

>> No.11631637,56 [INTERNAL] 

I would rather discuss anime anywhere on the internet than current /a/.

>> No.11631637,57 [INTERNAL] 

Why? They seem knowledgeable.

They have more VN threads than /jp/ too. All that /jp/ has is a general and occasional irony threads.

>> No.11631637,58 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ used to be good although I didn't browse it then because I still didn't like it personally. Now it's unironically like any other shit tier anime forum

It's also full of newfag scum that don't understand the elitism and instead just get angry and confused trying to "defend" their now shit board

>> No.11631637,59 [INTERNAL] 

That stuff only makes it funnier.

There's a lot of kids it seems like but the same goes for /jp/ now.

>> No.11631637,60 [INTERNAL] 


All those screenshot spams

That guy has literally no life

>> No.11631637,61 [INTERNAL] 

Do you know where you are?

>> No.11631637,62 [INTERNAL] 


why does /a/ have so much /jp/

>> No.11631637,63 [INTERNAL] 

Those threads on /jp/ would die after 5 posts or be filled with some autist trying to drive them off the board because he doesn't personally like the subject.

>> No.11631637,64 [INTERNAL] 

uh, are you being ironic? /a/ talks about anything /jp/ does except for touhou image drops and idol/kig threads.

there's nothing unique about /jp/ besides delusions of grandeur and a janitor deleting everything.

there's bigger visual novel threads on /vg/ than on /jp/.

>> No.11631637,65 [INTERNAL] 

theres even kancolle on /a/


why dont they rename /jp/ to /3d/

>> No.11631637,66 [INTERNAL] 

lmao all these /a/ fags trying to convince us their shitty board is better.

>> No.11631637,67 [INTERNAL] 

It looks more like they're trying really hard to convince themselves. It's pretty sad really

>> No.11631637,68 [INTERNAL] 

lmao at this neo-/jp/er who think 4chan anything is where anybody who isn't a baby hangs out. get at me when you aren't stuck sucking dick with a thumb up your ass waiting for translations baby

who even cares?

>> No.11631637,69 [INTERNAL] 

Because 4chan's staff is lazy as fuck and /a/ is the whiniest board on 4chan.

>> No.11631637,70 [INTERNAL] 

kek at these warosu fags trying to convince themselves their shitty board is better

>> No.11631637,71 [INTERNAL] 

im convinced theres no point to /jp/ except a moderator circlejerk and kig/idol fetish collective

dunno kancolle is shit was throwin out a heads up

>> No.11631637,72 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's main purpose is to keep the undesirables away from the rest of the site

>> No.11631637,73 [INTERNAL] 

>WAAAAAAAHHHHH why don't they want to play with me!!!
everything except 2hu shit and kig/idol is on other boards cause /jp/ has the worst users on the website. proof is how they had to ban light novels with anime adaption.

>> No.11631637,74 [INTERNAL] 

It would be if we could make threads and post hot anime babe reaction faces.

>> No.11631637,75 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11631637,76 [INTERNAL] 

>>WAAAAAAAHHHHH why don't they want to play with me!!!

It's time to grow up.

>> No.11631637,77 [INTERNAL] 

it doesnt do that so good

i think its more for staff to laugh at retards kind of like a zoo and the shitposters get to laugh at the staff and the retards both but theres not enough retards left for it to be much fun

>> No.11631637,78 [INTERNAL] 

the only reason that happened is because of kuroko spammer's crippling autism

he fucked off to /a/ eventually, too, and everybody fucking celebrated

it's probably going to be the same with OP

>> No.11631637,79 [INTERNAL] 

says the child crying that people are enjoying themselves on other boards talking about otaku culture.

>> No.11631637,80 [INTERNAL] 

How did you get that out of >>11631637,69?

Because I don't fucking care where people discuss things. In fact, I would definitely prefer /a/ children to STAY IN THEIR BOARD

>> No.11631637,81 [INTERNAL] 

if you don't care where people discuss things why do you care if /a/ children discuss things in /a/


>> No.11631637,82 [INTERNAL] 

no, it happened cause /jp/ is a zoo for fucking retards and not an actual place to discuss otaku culture. most every popular light novel has anime adaptations and they still continue long after the anime finishes.

not even in the wildest delusions of grandeur that you faggot dream up would anybody who can actually read light novels subject themselves to your stupid shit rules and discuss it on /jp/ when 2ch is a click away.

>> No.11631637,83 [INTERNAL] 

>no, it happened cause /jp/ is a zoo for fucking retards
one of who was named kuroko spammer and the prime impetus for the new change

>and not an actual place to discuss otaku culture. most every popular light novel has anime adaptations and they still continue long after the anime finishes.
nobody care about actually enforcing that rule you know that right

it's just a convenient excuse for the mods to delete anime threads cleverly disguised as LN threads


>> No.11631637,84 [INTERNAL] 


>nobody care about actually enforcing that rule you know that right
cute post. thanks for the laugh. got anything else to add? i want to giggle a bit more.

/jp/ is a zoo for retards so go stick your thumb up your ass while i stand over here and laugh. i don't need to talk about light novels on your body so who gives a shit about whatever rules you want to have.

>> No.11631637,85 [INTERNAL] 

wow i never knew there was a 2ch board for discussing light novels HOLY SHIT my mind is blown seriously who would have thought

>cute post
you sound like kuroko spammer yourself

sorry you got raped in the ass every time you tried to make a "kuroko is a light novel character!" thread

>who gives a shit about whatever rules you want to have.
you do, seeing as how you're throwing a bitchfit about them

>> No.11631637,86 [INTERNAL] 

Schizoid samefag.

>> No.11631637,87 [INTERNAL] 

i didn't have any friends so i made one out of my other personality

please don't judge

>> No.11631637,88 [INTERNAL] 

i was wondering about this hes trying to appropriate a style but not just on it and derail it away from what im tryin to get across here too bad its too late now maybe later i can explain to you why /a/ is a better board now he did a good job

>> No.11631637,89 [INTERNAL] 

man i don't give a shit what you're trying to get across but when you make shit up i'm still going to point out that you're full of shit

although if the only point that you were trying to was that /jp/ is like, totally fucking shit, isn't that fucking obvious already

>> No.11631637,90 [INTERNAL] 

>wow i never knew there was a 2ch board for discussing light novels HOLY SHIT my mind is blown seriously who would have thought
how did you know that's a light novel board? was it google or another translation service

throwing a bitchfit? you were the one acting like apologist you fucking idiot. i told you how your shit and /jp/ is a trash zoo for retards so you tried to court me with bullshit. all i did was set you straight bitch. /jp/ is gone, it's the past, get over yourself. /jp/ having light novels or not doesn't matter to anybody who reads them. it was going to be a gift for retards like you, not vice-versa

>> No.11631637,91 [INTERNAL] 

>how did you know that's a light novel board?
even retarded children know that 2ch has a board for pretty much anything you can imagine

next you'll tell me they have a board for anime HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUCK man i sure am glad google-chan brought me up to speed ^_^

>you were the one acting like apologist you fucking idiot.
what actually happened is i pointed out a fact and then you immediately denied that fact because it got in the way of the story you were trying to tell, and ignoring reality when it doesn't serve your purposes is just retard behavior

it's not like /jp/ isn't shit but you might actually be dumber than the average /jp/sie

>> No.11631637,92 [INTERNAL] 

no im trying to explain to you that /a/ is a better environemtn for postchan humor and general idiocy because theres nobdoy left on jp but real touhou spammers and ironyfags ironing each other in iron circle jerking with tripperz from foolz and and the mods endlessly ironing back and using it as a testground and its not just shit its over theres nobody left and if you think different you got tricked and i didnt make anyhting up anyway youve been talking yourself all this time i dont think you even repolied to me one time except this post you made now so stand off

my exentsion would fix all of it but i just cant get the cascade on it workin right

>> No.11631637,93 [INTERNAL] 

son, you're dumb as brick. people like trevor spammed the ln threads with anime pictures to troll. then the subhuman neo-/jp/ers who wanted to act like elites cried and cried which fueled trolls posting anime pictures.

nothing you said happened except for the fact kuroko spammed kuroko which he did for something like a year before the big rule change.

>> No.11631637,94 [INTERNAL] 

>no im trying to explain to you that /a/ is a better environemtn for postchan humor and general idiocy
well, i don't know about that, but /jp/ is pretty fucking shit so you might be right

>i didnt make anyhting up anyway youve been talking yourself all this time i dont think you even repolied to me one time except this post you made now so stand off
Here comes the irony train. You claimed that the "LNs without animated adaptations rule" exists because /jp/ is shit.

Well, in a way, that's true, but there was a more obvious and direct reason for that (named kuroko spammer), which I pointed out to you, and which you blatantly ignored, because you're not interested in facts that don't support your point.

>> No.11631637,95 [INTERNAL] 

please dont confuse me with that other anon and just rbwose /a/

>> No.11631637,96 [INTERNAL] 

No, people unironically wanted to discuss anime in the LN threads, just like Trevor actually enjoys unironically discussing anime in his anime screencap threads today. Not everything is Trevor's fault.

>nothing you said happened except for the fact kuroko spammed kuroko which he did for something like a year before the big rule change
kuroko spammer spend like five thousand posts whining about how the janitor needed to be fired because he was breaking the rules until finally someone got sick of his shit, changed the rules, and finally caused him to fuck off from /jp/ forever

that reason alone is a good enough reason for that rule to exist

>> No.11631637,97 [INTERNAL] 

you have trouble breathing and walking at the same time don't you? i'll let you keep living that lalaland you built up.

>> No.11631637,98 [INTERNAL] 

>people like trevor spammed the ln threads with anime pictures to troll
>Trevor actually enjoys unironically discussing anime in his anime screencap threads today
Just wait until Trevor hears about these.

>> No.11631637,99 [INTERNAL] 

it's sad that you immediately degenerate into shitposting when challenged on anything

no wonder you never get your way

He's said as much himself that he wants anime to be discussed in /jp/. I don't doubt he might have contributed to that retarded shitstorm but it's not like there weren't other posters unironically tagging along.

>> No.11631637,100 [INTERNAL] 


...where have you gone...

>> No.11631637,101 [INTERNAL] 

He is in a happier place now...

>> No.11631637,102 [INTERNAL] 


ZUN!bar was a crafty fox!

>> No.11631637,103 [INTERNAL] 

If only it were us instead...

>> No.11631637,104 [INTERNAL] 

I want idols to leave

why the FUCK isn't there a /celebrity/ board where all the /tv/ and AKB creeps can fuck off to?

>> No.11631637,105 [INTERNAL] 

>no wonder you never get your way
you wish idiot. all you said so far is things which were wrong. what actually happened was

1. subhuman /jp/ers constantly complained about ln threads cause they thought it was /a/ related and they wanted to be kewl neo-/jp/ers who hate /a/
2. people with vendettas spammed them to attack the ln fans/janitor
3. vn shit eaters with inferiority complex cause they get nothing but machine translation cried foul

the moderation tried to babysit the threads cause they don't have 2 braincells between the lot of them. they got tired of it after a while and just removed the topic from the board cause who gives a shit? it's just a zoo anyway.

if there was one general thread and idiots just spammed it for a while they would've gotten bored and stopped. it was just a single thread so who even cares? oh, you do? it's cause the crippling autism right? you can feel somebody posting something you don't like on /jp/ and you can't sleep at night is it?

out of a 300 post ln thread about 300 posts from it would be deleted. about 150 of them were neo-/jp/ers complaining and the other half was people posting anime.

>> No.11631637,106 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody complained about LN threads before they became anime threads, and if they did, everybody ignored them. The threads would get a few replies and die. It went more like this:

1. People who insist that /jp/ should be whatever they want it tried and make obvious anime threads in /jp/ and point to the LN rule to justify it.
2. Shitposters latch onto the threads.
3. The "animated adaptations" rule is removed, everyone complains for a while, then /jp/ goes back to normal. You can actually discuss LNs with animated adaptations in /jp/ if you don't start the thread with one.

>it was just a single thread so who even cares?
This is the most retarded logic. You can justify shitting up or deleting any thread with that.

>if there was one general thread and idiots just spammed it for a while they would've gotten bored and stopped. it was just a single thread so who even cares?
How many years did people shit on those GUST threads for? Two? More? Has Trevor gotten tired of shitting on those train threads yet?

>> No.11631637,107 [INTERNAL] 

people complained cause the rules were EVERYTHING OTAKU WELCOME then moot changed it to what it is now sorta including light novels.

it was a flux state you fucking subhuman. you're so fucking stupid it's painful and too much of a waste of time.

>> No.11631637,108 [INTERNAL] 

>it was a flux state
What a lucid explanation.

>people complained cause the rules were EVERYTHING OTAKU WELCOME
They complained it was "everything otaku welcome" and they complained when LNs were allowed into /jp/ without qualification and Trevor still complains about anime now.
