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11625133 No.11625133 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the best games since 2007 and has a great cast and some of the best music in the series.

I like TD a lot and I hope you guys do too, I don't get why people don't like it, other than it being hella easy.

>> No.11625137


>> No.11625148

probably because the other games are better

>> No.11625157
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It's my favorite game. I like the tunes and I know it so well I can just take it easy and dodge bullets without having to try too hard.

>> No.11625165
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Seiga Saturday

>> No.11625175

TD characters fit right in with the established canon, DDC sticks out like a sore thumb.

>> No.11625176
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>> No.11625177
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>> No.11625218

All touhou games are good, except for anything made before IN

>> No.11625221

Hey, PCB is good.

>> No.11625227

Fuck you, PCB is one of the best games.

>> No.11625232

a) retarded scoring system
b) secondary bait

>> No.11625240

>retarded scoring system
Only autists care about score.
>secondary bait
Do you even know the definition of secondary?

>> No.11625243

How can someone who likes PCB be a secondary when secondaries don't even play the games.

I think you're deluding yourself a little bit.

>> No.11625245

>This is one of the best games since 2007 and has a great cast and some of the best music in the series.
I think so too, too bad people bash on t because its "2 ez".

>> No.11625260

PCB has the most secondary friendly cast of all. If it didn't exist there wouldn't be half of the bullshit that is in fandom today.

>Do you even know the definition of secondary?
Someone who enjoys 2nd hand works rather than or more than the games.

>> No.11625262

>PCB has the most secondary friendly cast of all.
How is this the case when the EoSD cast has the most secondary works about them by a huge margin?

>> No.11625273
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>> No.11625290
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I like her

>> No.11625293

>Only autists care about score.
Yes, replay the games several times with no incentives. It isn't autistic to comb over the game thinking of ways to make you score go higher.

>> No.11625296

She has a dope theme

>> No.11625360


>> No.11625387

Not really, MoF fits neither of those criteria.

>> No.11625397


>> No.11625415

What defines that whether a scoring system of a game is bad or not?

>> No.11625439

MoF has the dumbest bombing mechanic and an overpowered Reimu A. Scoring is fine though, albeit very punishing for late deaths.

You'll know it when you see it. But MoF isn't it.

>> No.11625521
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People hate it because it is the newest game. Now that DDC and HM are there, they get all the hate. Once the next game comes out, the hate will shift to that and DDC will be praised.
Remember: Touhou Project, ruined forever with every new game since 1996.

>> No.11625924

i still think TD is shit except for Seiga

>> No.11626643

No one thought SA ruined touhou forever.

>> No.11626666
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She's terribly sexy.

>> No.11626713
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>> No.11626731

1. Seiga-sama
2. Futo
3. Mamizou
4. Kyouko
5. Yoshika
6. Miko
7. Soga no Tojiko

IN only had good music and just a couple new characters, it was unbalanced and easy as HELL.

>> No.11626748

i was with you until
>7. Soga no Tojiko
faggot/10 complete shit taste

switch her with futa and we'll talk

>> No.11626865


Because it was


*underwhelmingly easy (Miko uses a NERFED version of eternal meek (a midboss card) as one of her later spells)

*underwhelming (the fight with miko was not as over-the top as the fight with byakuren, which had soaring music and giant lasers)

>> No.11626875

asdfubhcvgbdas j

>> No.11626888

- Kyouko is cute
- Futo is funny
- I like Futo's last card
That's all I remember.

>> No.11626917

TD has the best playable roster barring IN (which has 8 chars) most of the soundtrack is simple yet get stuck in the head easy (stages 4-6, extra Yoshika's and Miko themes being my favorites) the backgrounds are some of the best in the series, and the taoists are a lovable and relatively tight-knit faction, my favorites being moehermit Futo and swag prince Miko. There are also Kyouko, who is made of adorable, cool big sis Mamizou and no less than three cameos.
My only real gripe are the spellcards. Yoshika and Seiga are some of the most uncreatve bosses in the series, but at least Futo and Miko make up for it with their vide ranges of different powers. And you get Overdrives as an additional challenge.

Maybe not exactly the very top of ZUN's game, but is definietly solid enough to be fun if you give it the chance (I prefer PCB, IN and MoF above TD, but IMHO it beats the rest and has much more variety than DDC).

>> No.11626922

I already told I all my girls, it ranges from like 95% love to 89% love.

>> No.11626975
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>> No.11626999

>Someone who enjoys 2nd hand works rather than or more than the games.
I enjoy fanworks more than the official manga because the none of the official manga are interesting.

>> No.11627009

I see only seven desires here.

>> No.11627191

>TD has the best playable roster barring IN (which has 8 chars)
Only 4 shot types, that's pathetic. Even EoSD would have more if ZUN didn't cut Rin Satsuki due to lack of time.
By the way SA has 8 playable characters too.
>most of the soundtrack is simple yet get stuck in the head easy
What is really stuck in the head is that disgusting sound you hear when divine spirits spawn or you pick them up. That constant TURUTURUTURUTURU never stops even during boss fights, it's impossible to remember anything except for that stupid sound. And don't forget to add 10 second long trance distortion to that.
>the backgrounds are some of the best in the series
Worst stage 4, 5 and 6 backgrounds in the series (not counting EoSD and UFO's stage 5). It's just some dark shit you barely can see. And stage 2 background was reused in DDC, so it's not unique to TD now.
>and the taoists are a lovable and relatively tight-knit faction
Just like every other faction in every other game (except for DDC, it doesn't have factions at all).
But their characters are bland and uninspiring. ZUN just put WALL of text in their character profile and though that it will be a nice substitute for complete lack of personality, bland character designs, and lame special abilities.

>> No.11627425

>Only 4 shot types, that's pathetic.
implying more is unequivocally better (TD doesn't have the best shot types, though)
>nice substitute for complete lack of personality, bland character designs
Well, Miko and Mamizou have been fleshed out a metric fuckton, at least.

>> No.11628308
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