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11618830 No.11618830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/

I want to get an onahole but I don't have a clue where to buy one from. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Also, how hard are they to clean?

General onahole/fap thread I guess

>> No.11618835 [DELETED] 

How do I buy one without my mum finding out? Pls help

>> No.11618838

Turn 18 first.

>> No.11618841

Prepaid debit cards

>> No.11618845

>how hard are they to clean
Onahole cleaning difficulty is directly proportionate to the number of people you live with. The fewer people you risk running in to and tipping off to your unscrupulous habits, the easier they are to clean.

>> No.11619310

just search onaho on jp archive and there's a pastebin there by descartes or someone

i may ask this thread a question later if janny is merciful and spares this thread

or just ask any questions here and i'll spoonfeed you like a bitch, bitch

>> No.11619629

Lurk more. You should already know about the archive and to start a general instead of a helpdesk thread if there isn't one.

>> No.11621225
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>> No.11621314 [DELETED] 

Hey, yesterday i caught AIDS from having sex with my new black boyfriend, what's the best onahole for a guy with AIDS?

>> No.11621318 [DELETED] 


>> No.11621320 [DELETED] 

Gaynigger Deluxe

>> No.11621389

Buy one next month and say it's a Christmas present for her. That way she won't be nosy and snoop and will give you your privacy with the package.

>> No.11621389,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11622075

can this just be the onaho thread?
I'm going to order gokujo namagoshi soon since i have a thing for large hips and oh god it looks so good, i have puni ana dx but it just isnt big enough for my tastes.
anyone have an opinion on the gokujo namagoshi?

>> No.11622641

you'd probably be the first /jp/sie to own one. Break new frontiers and report your findings. Hope they don't tax the fuck out of you

>> No.11622666

Question for you guys who own onaholes. How do you keep them warm? Mine's always cold whenever I go to use it, and that's uncomfortable for me. I've stuck it in the microwave a few times before, but does anyone know of a better method?

>> No.11622669

Puni hole DX.

>> No.11622680


Ah, I see. For how long?

>> No.11622679

the common advice thrown around here is to toss them and your lube in a zip lock bag and throw them in a tub of warm water.

>> No.11622685
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Just find a cute /jp/sie and get him to pay you for using his mouth as your personal onahole.

>> No.11622686

NLS sell Onahole warmers, there's even a new one on the front page that promises to warm your onahole up to just the right temperature without damaging it or getting damaged itself.

>> No.11622689

Buy mcdonalds large $1 sweet tea the foam cup works well as a warmer fill hot water insert ona entrance down.

>> No.11622690

Depends on how hot you get your water. I think I waited about 10 mins or so back when I still bothered.

>> No.11622698

I have a Tenga flip (black), I really recommend it and it's quite easy to clean. Had a fleshlight earlier, was a bit cheaper but hell on earth to clean properly...

>> No.11622715

>Tenga flip (black)
This is an onaho thread, not an "overpriced piece of cheap garbage that on average costs twice as much as most high quality onaholes" thread. Take your trash someplace else.

>> No.11622738
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enjoy ur microwaved starch, poorfag

>> No.11622748
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I was going to get one. If you hate the tenga flip so much, recommend me something that is easy to clean and reusable; those were the main reasons I wanted a flip.

>> No.11622750

I don't think you can use most of those internationally now. I used to just buy moneypaks for paypal.

>> No.11622766
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I expect a detailed report here once you get it!

>> No.11622845

tenga isn't any easier to clean than onaholes, given you aren't autistic about cleaning in the first place
and uh- onaholes are reusable. of course they are.

>> No.11622852

If you are in US, buy tomax stuff from queencatadulttoys. If you are EU, buy affordable stuff from en-nls, use the archive for general recommendations.
Or look at the pastebins if you want to dive head-first in the top-tier onaholes.

>> No.11624081
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departed from tokyo (airport I guess) to western europe 10 hours ago.
come on come on come on I'm so excited

>> No.11624166

Anyone else get tired of having to clean out their onahole every day? I've switched back to hand and tissues for the past month.

>> No.11624411

>Anyone else get tired of having to clean out their onahole every day?
I only use my onahole once a week (almost) no exceptions to keep it a special experience. I usually only fap once or twice a week anyways lol!

>> No.11624421

You can't put an onahole in the microwave, but you can put lube in there (if its in a good container). I put lube in the microwave while my onahole soaks in the sink. There's an amazing feeling of hot lube, almost too hot to even stick it in at first.

>> No.11624431

I time my sessions with my shower times. I use my holes, and then have a nice relaxing shower and wash it at the same time.

>> No.11624824

Same. The only problem is that I live in a shared living space and I gotta cover it in a basket on my way to the showers.

The only problem I've had with my Puniana is that when I finish it tends to go out one of the two holes that aren't occupied. Aside from corking it what's the best option?

>> No.11624841
File: 277 KB, 1416x1440, zerosupa 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, there's that guy with 5+ hip and his swag cane. He never told that other guy the name of the model though.
It's reputed to be good, one of the most popular hip model. Since it's made by NPG it's probably fragile though so proceed with care.
It won't stay warm very long anyway, unless you're going for a 5 minute fap, warm it up by using it.
Tenga is just as much of a hassle to clean as any other onahole. Besides that it has many weaknesses like the hard outer shell and the fact that it's not so good.
If you want an onahole that's easy to clean either pick one that can be turned inside-out or one that has a wide tunnel.
Popular models are R-20, venus series, lilith series, succubus series, kashin series and アリューネ前.
You could also just get a fella model, they're easy to clean. The latest one from tamatoys is very good, I'd recommend it to anyone.
And all onahole past 3USD are re-usable, even the cheapo boku no onapet. Which for ~5USD is really good.
He could just use a proxy if he's in EU though.
I clean them in batches of 5.
Or you can just clean it before using it; if you use it every day and rince it out after using it there's no problem. It also warms it up (if you use warm water).
Entirely depends of what you want and on the model.
Firmness/softness? strong or mild stimulation? is length important? Tightness? what theme/type (fellatio type, anal type, realistic type, non realistic type, doesn't matter). Also you NEED lubricant.

On other news, the latest (not yet sold individually but you can get in a bundle with the second hoppapillow) onahole from hotpowers (revised version of the zero spiral) in soft firmness's internal structure is giving away a la secret twintail. It's still a great improvement from the 「#1 softest smoking countdown」.

Also second hoppapillow in a hip-shape. Fairly big, approx 35x30x20 cm (http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1072.html))

>> No.11624929
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Oh and about the Alice だよっ in AGMv2, this time the material is very interesting as well.

It doesn't return to its shape imediately, and acts kind of like a pseudoplastic fluid. So what it means is that, just like in your eromanga, it takes the shape of your penis.
Also it softens a little under physical stress.

In terms of hardness however it is harder than the ABS version in its "natural" state. It's tighter at first, but due to the material's property it changes from tight to comfortable snugness. Compared to other onahole I'd say it's in the range of normal hardness, about equal to sujiman's (when in "natural" state).

Entrance took some damage on first use, but it didn't degrade further, albeit using it 5 more times and stretching the entrance with 3 fingers from each hand to wash it.

As for wether it's dick-pierce resistant or not, I haven't tested its limit yet.

Also I've noticed that for NLS, the price listen on the english version isnoticeably higher than on the japanese version.
To add insult to the injury a lot of products available on the japanese version are unavailable on the global one.
I haven't bought anything from them ever since that girl in the box incident anyway.

And another sidenote, the smell products are really worth it if you have a dakimakura to spray them on. Some last for a week+, other lose their smell once they dry.
Which is a shame because the fast drying one have the best smell, especially the armpit one, it's the best out of the lewd smell ones.

>> No.11624944

>I haven't bought anything from them ever since that girl in the box incident anyway.

>> No.11624966

>especially the armpit one
wait, can you talk more about this? it is like perfumed pits or like your typical 3dpd rancid odour.

>> No.11624990

I bought a girl in the box from them, it broke (a huge chunk of it dislodged) upon insertion due to a factory defect and they refused to replace it nor did they do anything a decent customer support do. Not on the first purchase either, that was after spending about ~300USD total iirc.
Well I'm glad my money went to hotpowers instead so whatever.

No idea, I've never smelt a real woman.
It's a very sour and acidic smell with undertones of apples, that's as good of a description I can give.
However it's incredibly erotic, even more so when sprayed on a dakimakura.
Actually if you don't have anything to spray it on like a doll or a dakimakura or a panty, etc you won't be able to enjoy it to the fullest. I guess a few droplets dirrectly on your bedsheets or pillow would also work.
Don't expect a fragrant perfume though, it's a lewd animal-like stink.
Well, either you'll like it or you'll hate it, it seems that there's no middle ground.
But personally I love those smell products.

>> No.11625020
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Anyone had any experience with this one?

>> No.11625025

I have tried to smaller, older model of that and even though its really cheap, like $10, its not really that great? It different from a typical onahole in feeling and stuff, maybe it just wasnt for me.

>> No.11625037

I'm buying the new one so I'll report on it on Monday night. Looks interesting and very different.

>> No.11625045

that cirno guy looks like he has some large as fuck onaholes... it seems no one knows what they are though so uh... /jp/ whats the largest onahole you know of? like, in terms of hips--and not one of those 3 hole grudge-like things from meiki.
or just large onaholes in general i guess

>> No.11625147

What would be the direct upgrade to the secret twin tales? Something more durable. Those are the only onaholes I've ever owned so I'm not experienced but I feel like they were perfect for me. After a little archive research I gather that what I'm looking for is probably either the tsurupetta soft or the girl in the box. Should I just try both?

The Alice also looks nice but I don't think I'd want a two-handed hip. I like to have one hand free to hold or click through doujins and pictures.

>> No.11625152

I have. It's soft and squishy, and quite large. It's stimulating.
I like it.

>> No.11625153


>> No.11625168

Anybody who actually buys one of these novelty j/o tubes, whether it be an "egg," a 'hole or a western "fleshlight," is wasting his money. A fool and his money, soon parted, et cetera.

Anybody who actually uses the thing can explain it to the doctor at the emergency room (whee, sounds like so much fun)

>> No.11625180

My Evo 17 delaminated. Every time I thrust into it, it goes between the inner and outer sleeve. What to do?

>> No.11625190
File: 182 KB, 350x641, funforthewholefamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use Gorilla Glue to bond your dick in it

>> No.11625226

I tried that now it's stuck to my dick. What now?

>> No.11625234

oh shit, man. Why'd you do that?

Damn. (actually, jokes aside, I think there actually IS a way to melt most glue off skin without going to the hospital nowadays, but they sell the stuff separately and it takes forever. Don't mcfucking count on it working, either.)

>> No.11625235

Because /jp/ said to. I thought this was a no bully zone.

>> No.11625362

/jp/ is bullies only.

>> No.11625633

still no update
customs pls

>> No.11625742


>> No.11626458

sujiman kupa hard edition. I think I want this.

>> No.11627943

how is the new zero spiral? why are the internals blue?

>> No.11627954

>how is the new zero spiral?
Very soft, doesn't stick to everything, is easier to use and more stimulation than "smoking countdown".
Except the internal structure is very fragile, that's its only downside. And due to that, drying can be a pain.

> why are the internals blue?
Because it's a dual-layer structure. Or are you asking why they specifically went for the colour blue instead of pale-green or whatever? I don't really have an answer to that.

That's only as far as the soft version is concerned, the hard version, box art, etc is still unknown to me.

>> No.11628642

so how was the stimulation compared to AGM v1

>> No.11628653

Yukari is a slut!

>> No.11631688
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inb4 I have shit taste

>> No.11631692

Man you destroyed that loli pussy with your smelly NEET dick

>> No.11631699

my DHL shipment is on hold at the delivering facility after it went through customs, clearance processing and everything else fine.

what does it mean?

>> No.11631726

Stop bullying my dick /jp/

>> No.11631731

What's the stick?

Oh man I might have to get that. The original is good, but it just doesn't cut it when you need something firmer. The only other thing I dislike about them is they tend to leak lube, unlike ones with small round entrances.

>> No.11631734

Nevermind, I just read it. I wasn't aware they made usb warmers...

>> No.11631735

It's terrible. How can you? Find a girl already.

>> No.11631741

NLS had a warmer, the second version is now by Rends. I think it was said here that it warms just the surface of the material, not the thing as a whole.
So if you want a warmer it's better to use warm water or more expensive warmer things, but for 600yen I figured I could give it a try.

>> No.11631746

you know onahole users don't have smelly dicks, since they wash off lube all the time

>> No.11631756

i too want to know this.

overall which one did you like better? spoonfeed the information directly into our mouths and chew for us so we can get the very best, please.

>> No.11631760

It means they're waiting for a van to be available for your area.

>> No.11631762

Do girls sell onaholes?

Do share your experiences of the warmer. It'd be nice to have an easier method than the hot water one.

>> No.11631765

thank you

>> No.11631898

if you have enough money then yes, they do sell their girl holes.

>> No.11631908

So what, it's like $50 until they break?

>> No.11633037

nice trips
I wrap the hole and lube in a heating blanket, put it on max. When I come home from school the timer has shut the blanket off but since it is bundled up inside and it was so hot it's still human body temp 8 hours later when I get home.

>> No.11633130

Oh, hey, I finally caught one of these threads.

Picked up a Venus Clone in Very Soft last week (Regular soft was unavailable). Too soft, couldn't really feel texture, would not recommend. Guess I prefer something with stronger, less constant stimulus.

Alice Dayo AGM2 and Abused Vampire (before) inc, hope RDC's opinion isn't all hype.

>> No.11633263

I really enjoy mine. The material is incredibly soft and hasn't hardened at all after over 8 months of use. The holes have loosened and the entrances have started to tear a little but that's most likely because I'm autistic about drying them thoroughly - shoving my whole hand up there when washing and drying. Despite that, the holes still wrap around my dick and the stimulation continues to be good. Nothing beats really thrusting against it because of the softness.

One issue that I have seen brought up with these is that sometimes the holes aren't molded completely straight. Though it might not be much of an issue depending on the curvature of your penis combined with the softness of the material.

>> No.11633277

>Lillith and Succubus series
Could you explain to me possibly what those features of those are if you know them?

>> No.11633283

How does an onahole feel?

Seriously it like anime pussy?

>> No.11633290


Life-like texture ;_;

>> No.11633762

It feels soft and warm and stimulates the head of your penis as you thrust in and out. There's not much that beats cumming deep inside an onahole

>> No.11633801

A bit stronger when going fast, much stronger when going slow.
In fact, It's one of the few onahole that's good when using it both fast and slow.
It's a shame it's a bit hard, I tried to soften it by soaking it in hot, slightly soapy water to no avail.

Soaking in soapy water works for a few models, most notably the aryune ones from hotpowers and ABS; it's a good way to modify onaholes to get them softer (in fact the only way to soften them afaik). It's not a tremendous change, but it's a simple one and lasts to some degree. In fact, I was busy testing it a little more throughoutly.

Also, an important note: AGMv2 did NOT pass the dick-resilience test; although I used it more roughly than either of the two other it only took one test run for it to show wear (albeit minor wear).

The regular sujiman version is already too hard for my tastes, this is madness.
I don't wash off the lube. It's scented though so I have a fragrant dick instead of a smelly one.
Overall AGMv1 both because I like soft materials and because the test version was bigger.
If I had to pick betweem ABS and AGMv2 I'd go for AGMv2 because since AGMv1 they centered the tunnel better, and because of the variation it offers. Then again I'm not considering the softening modification when I say that (mostly because it's not very reliable).
You risk ending up with disfigured onahole, it depends on the model but even a ~35 degree summer can cause damages.
It isn't only my opinion.
It's either not as puffy as anime pussy, or not as much of a snug fit. But appart from that it's very close to it.

>> No.11633831

They're both available in 4 different material: hard, normal, soft, very soft

The lilith serie is more fleshy, and available in 3 internal structures: spiral wave, spiral dots, and uterus.
Spiral wave is very stimulating, with a strong focus on the head; you might need to take breaks when using it the first few times (I know I had to)
Uterus is well balanced, with mild stimulation, but has both tightness and vacuum.
I haven't tested spiral dots but it should be very close to spiral wave, except the stimulation is probably less direct and more of an "accumulation" type.

The succubus serie is cheaper and available in 4 internal structures:
dots, standard ripple, 2D wavy ripple and bumpy road
I only have tested bumpy road, which is moderately loose and offers mild stimulation.
standard ripple is your run of the mill pleat structure, with its dirrect stimulation.
2D wavy ripple has been described as too tight and too stimulating on /jp/.
Dots is your run of the mill small-bump structure.

More info on them: http://www.onaho.net/original/ & https://daimaoh.co.jp/list_cat332.html

>> No.11633845

Very Soft is an acquired taste. My first onaholes, I didn't feel a lot. I gradually got into soft, and now I get most pleasure bar none from the softest shit.
So, not good to start with, but definitely don't throw it away! Anyway, the AGMv2 and vampire should be great.

Succubus<Lilith<Venus, more weight/more complex texture, it's just budget, less budget, and most expensive option. The venus is also kind of big.

I prefer AGMv1 stuff over v2, too. Softer and more durable, but I guess soft isn't for everyone ^ I don't think it's "too" soft at all, though.

>> No.11633853

I would like to chime in and say that Uterus is terrible unless in "soft", so if you don't intend to get it in soft, don't get it at all.
And you're right about spiral dots = "accumulation type". It''s really good, though!

>> No.11633861

>I would like to chime in and say that Uterus is terrible unless in "soft"
Agreed with that. It applies to any of the serie tbh, except maybe the succubus ones with wide tunnels, but why buy a succubus when you can get a venus.
>And you're right about spiral dots = "accumulation type". It''s really good, though!
Well, pleats are direct but there isn't anything else to it, it's pretty boring.
The only exception was the zero spiral soft, but the production is (temporarily?) discontinued.

>I gradually got into soft, and now I get most pleasure bar none from the softest shit.
Just like anyone else who uses onahole more than "once in a while".
Haven't seen anyone who's used onahole for a long period prefering hard onaholes, except for kiguda I think, but his reviews suck ass so whatever.

>> No.11633870

Ah, but I forgot to mention something important. I don't think It's mentioned anywhere, even.
When using onaholes on "holders" like dolls, other inflatables or pillows, I've found that normal is to be prefered over soft.

Also the lilith serie has been designed to be used with dolls (though it probably doesn't fit the ones with smaller onahole socket).

And a last bit of information, regarding the hotpowers inflatable hip: the kashin onahole very snuggly fit the anal tunnel (it's a bit of a struggle to get them inside but they fit almost perfectly). That's both a suggestion, and an indication of the size of the anal tunnel. It's a shame it's a bit too short for the 別穴 from Kiyo

>> No.11633957

I'm into the softest onaholes too. They are great for 'edging' as well, so to speak.

>> No.11634225

It's not my first, I also have a Very Soft Lilith Spiral Wave, so it's not that I'm not used to it. I'll keep it, but so far it's not that great.

>> No.11634559

Point was 'very soft' isn't too great as a starter, you have two.. might have been better to pick one "soft" and one "very soft" which might have helped.
As it is you're stuck fucking pudding. Great pudding, but pudding none the less.

>> No.11634654

I've got more than that, it's not like I jumped into the very soft end of the pool suddenly. I like the Lilith Spiral Wave in very soft fine, just not the Venus Clone.

Picked up the Vampire and Alice Dayo AGM2 today, will report back I guess.

>> No.11634849

>I like the Lilith Spiral Wave in very soft fine, just not the Venus Clone.
I see. I suppose the spiral structure does help with still providing decent stimulation.
I figured the clone structure would work too, but maybe that one would be better in 'soft'.

>> No.11634937

Thank you very much for the information, you've been a great help! I guess now comes the part where I get over the trepidation of ordering one.

>> No.11637168

Gave the Abused Vampire (Before) a run. When I was rinsing it off with warm water, I thought it started to soften, so that might be something to watch out for to avoid any warping.

The suction was surprisingly strong, considering it's not very long. At first I was regretting not going with the Soft version because of how strong the stimulation was, but more lube smoothed the ride out to a nice, pleasing intensity. The varying internal structure is fun. Did I mention I like suction? Probably my favorite right now, if I ever buy another, it'll probably be in Soft for the slower climatic buildup.

Will try the Alice Dayo later in the week.

>> No.11637237 [DELETED] 


>> No.11637833

I recently bought my first, a Smoking Phantom can.

As it's my first onahole, I can't really say how it compares to others in the feel, but I quite enjoy it.

Cleaning can be a bit of a pain, since it is attached to the can. It's also got a closed end, but that wasn't a problem for me, and my wang is six and a half inches, so unless you're larger than most, you should be fine.
I'd reccomend it.

>> No.11638443

Pretty exotic pick as a first. Nice that you like it. I kind of want to try it myself, now.

>> No.11638456

Ah, thanks for the heads up.
A smoking phantom can for a first onahole, that's a first probably.

It's the softest onahole, much softer than others, and the stimulation is very, very mild; but it has this peculiarity of soft onahole to feel good just because it's so comfortable inside.
At least that's how it goes for the non-can version.
>Cleaning can be a bit of a pain, since it is attached to the can.
The original version is much more of a pain tbh, it tends to stick to everything and is very oily. Well that's why they went for the can.

>> No.11641464


I leave my computer case open and just place my onahole on top of my hard drive. After upgrading my hard drive to a new one that doesn't get as hot, I started using this electric heating pad thing.

>> No.11641729

Is there some kind of infographic or text guide for recommended onaholes?

>> No.11641975


This might help.

I personally suggest the 17 evo.

>> No.11642072

I just have a quick question to anyone who used JSS.

I'm assuming when you make the final payment (enter delivery address, etc) there's also a section to leave a note with information like what you want the package labelled as?

I'm just wondering because there's also the note section when you actually link them your item, I presumed I didn't have to mention anything about the shipping there though.

>> No.11642209

If you're asking about whether what you enter in there will appear on the actual package sent to you, no.

The description note when linking the item for either their bulk shipping or online shopping service is just for their reference, to make sure they've got the correct items. What will appear on your package is what you enter in the final payment section.

>> No.11642220

Right, thanks a lot for the answer.

I was just worried I fucked up or something and missed the chance to specify what to label the package as.

>> No.11642370

Guys, how would you rate the softness of the Nekokko mi-nyan? it's the only hole I have right now, and I don't know if it's meant to be especially hard or soft or whatever.
after hearing what people have said here, i'm thinking of looking for something that's supposed to be soft.
got any recommendations for soft holes that can be bought from NLS? i'd prefer not to use other websites for various reasons.

>> No.11642567

I'm gonna order this soon. http://en-nls.com/pict1-38260?c2=9999
Probably from a local store though, I searched the archive and people seem to be pretty happy with the cheaper version of this product, but according to nls this is just an improved version.
Does anyone have this product? (or other type of warmer) and willing to share experience? Thanks.

>> No.11642805

There's also this

>> No.11643276

Holy shit, magic eyes hip!

>> No.11643279

>over 2kg of loli flesh
how do you clean this thing?

>> No.11643542

damn that's pretty expensive, also are the internals connected? like if I came in the pussy cum will leak out through the ass?

>> No.11643559

Must be for easy cleaning

>> No.11643574

Dunno about you, but I blast cum so hard I could cum in the ass and have it shoot out on my stomach

>> No.11643580

I doubt this thing is worth two alice stage dayo's, if it's anything like the kupa series. It does look great though, very fleshy.
A,d I don't really understand what they're showing in the pictures about the internals, it looks pretty weird.

>> No.11643585
File: 126 KB, 600x600, hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the level thing opens once water flows in from the vag hole hard enough. Otherwise it stays closed.
I wonder if that works well, seems questionable. If it does work and vacuum is good, seems nice.
Probably too stimulating, though.

>> No.11643602

From what I can tell they are discontinuing the old white one and replacing it withe new pink one,
Its bigger and/or longer to work better with bigger onaholes, its more water resistant to help with cleaning and it has a thermostat so it gets to the right temperature and stays there instead of getting hotter and hotter and turning into a fire hazard.

>> No.11644213

How are /jp/s experiences with the meiki range? i am contemplating buying one since i have heard some good things here and there.

>> No.11644221

What Onahole would work well with my tiny (12CM) phimotic dick? I always wanted one but maybe they could hurt my defectuous penis.

>> No.11644280

Why are prostate masturbaters never discussed here? Maybe they are too homosexual. I'm not gay but I'm thinking about getting one to try.

>> No.11644519

Soft, slippery, warm, snug, and very stimulating to the entire penis. The head get the majority of the stimulation, but the shaft gets a pleasurable massage as well. I've personally never felt anything better than cumming inside of an onahole, either. It's incredibly satisfying.

I think even more, it's easy to utilize imagination with onaholes, especially as you collect an assortment of them. Want to imagine doing something really, really lewd with a loli? Just choose a tighter hole. Expired Christmas Cake? Looser one. Blowjob? There's a hole for that. Anal? Sure.

Whatever you pick, as I stated, it's incredibly satisfying to ejaculate inside of an onahole, both physically and mentally.

>> No.11644523

>hell on earth to clean properly
You use hot water and a little alcohol if it's fucking filthy or something.
What you have to do is leave it out for several hours so the damn thing dries out all the way, though..

>> No.11644546

I've heard they are excellent quality and will last a long time with proper care. They are high-end onaho, but according to some people they are fragile compared to others, so if you have a gorilla dick and you like to go nuts maybe they aren't for you. I'm ordering the Gokujo Namagoshi by Meiki and it should be here by Wednesday or Friday, so I'll let the thread know more then.

Just try a cheaper classic onaho like the 17 Bordeaux and see how you like it.

>> No.11644660

Got around to trying the Alice Dayo AGM2.

This thing is fucking huge, I didn't realize it's pretty much a minihip. Too heavy to use with one hand. It's hard to squeeze the air out for a vacuum and cleaning it is a pain in the ass as well.

AGM2 is actually pretty damn hard by my standards, so that's another strike. I don't think the structure or texture is anything special either.

I'm honestly not seeing why it's so highly regarded, sort of regretting the purchase already. Will probably give it a few more tries to see if it grows on me, but I'm not optimistic.

>> No.11645036
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>> No.11645292

Wow, AGM is $48 USD? How much is shipping?

>> No.11645556

SAL would be $30 isch I think, EMS more & faster. If your country is big on import tax, EMS is easier to cheat in my experience.

>> No.11645601

Soap and regular use will make the baterial better. I think that's how it's even marketed as, 'changing material'.
AGMv1 was perfect to me really, it's also more durable. Some people found it too soft and not intense enough, so AGMv2 came around.
Like I said, over time it should definitely get better. Cleaning will remain a pain, though.

Meiki's are pretty good, but they are never worth full value. At amazon they are $40 which is a decent price, although you can get two decent lower-end onaholes for $40.
The plus is that they are fleshy and seem like a premium product. Minus is that the dual layer ones tend to lose the red layer over time, sometimes really quickly (~007 Sarah).
The single layer ones aren't super stimulating in my opinion, so there's that too.
Read the pastebin, too: http://pastebin.com/P8Yhya6n

You're really limiting yourself with NLS. Best soft holes are at alice stage, tomax and hotpowers. None are at NLS.
NLS has the meiki, but like I said- much more expensive than through amazon+proxy. A good pick is to shoot them a mail and ask them for this:
it's a blowjob hole, really good but not super soft. don't know why it isn't sold at en-nls but they should sell you one

There's the tsurupetta soft (loli packaging can be removed if asked)

Then there's there to consider
Fluffy / fuwadoro is one of the better selling soft toys on amazon still, since it is affordable. Ought to be decent.
Then the Magic Eyes toys, AKD is more fleshy but I'm not sure about durability, girl in the box should be good but might be low on stimulation for some.
The SHIN was made after the girl in the box to offer more stimulation, but then for some it was -too- stimulating this time. End gets pierced over time because soft.

>> No.11645611

Thanks for all the good info.

I'm considering getting my first hip. How does the Puni Hole DX compare to Aliceだよっ?

>> No.11645622

Puni hole is harder, but if you're not sure about that, most that purchased one were satisfied with the puni hole.
Aliceだよっ definitely feels better, but has only one entry hole.

There's also this non-loli hip from the same makers as puni hole
might be better since they use new materials

>> No.11646053

I would actually recommend amazon to en-nls, prices are a lot cheaper. You have to use a forwarder like japanshoppingservice, but you can choose the type of shipping you want with JSS, unlike hotpowers who only ship with the most expensive EMS with orders outside of japan

The same blowjob hole on amazon.

>> No.11646076

I can't vouch for the Aliceだよっ (I don't have one :( ), but the Puni Hole DX is amazing. It's larger and heavier which I really like, it is very durable and easy to clean. I'm kind of a noob to onaholes, but I'll admit that it is very firm and VERY stimulating, if you have a sensitive dick it might be TOO stimulating compared to the Aliceだよっ. Not to mention it actually looks really lewd and appealing, the curved back and lips look incredible while you are fucking it (literally looks as if your dick is spreading it past its limit, but then again I have a big dick.) The main selling point for me on the Puni Hole DX over the Aliceだよっ was the two holes, they both feel very different and its actually like buying two separate onaho.
T-that being said, I'm kind of talking out my biased ass because I don't own the Aliceだよっ, and only the Puni Hole DX. I'm going to pick up the Gokojo Namagoshi soon because I love big hips; Aliceだよっ just looks too small for me.

>> No.11646404

The Gokojo Namagoshi will be a whole lot softer though, it might take getting used to. Let us know how that goes.

>> No.11646681

I've been wondering about the AKD and the fuwadoro. might get them.

>> No.11650519

>>11643559 & >>11643585
>Must be for easy cleaning
That too, but it's main gimmick is the "auto vacuum", as your dick goes in, it pushes air out, and when you pull back the anal section bump goes into the socket and maintains the vacuum.
It also says "the anal is not to be used" but on another pic it says "doesn't your heart goes waku waku when doing forbiden things?".
What I'm worried about is lengh, it's only 14cm; I'm going to buy it anyway as soon as it's out on hotpowers since I've been waiting for ME to release something of the like since a few months ago.
Very soft, fleshy, but short and gets damaged easily. High quality but needlessly expensive, go for venus real/clone instead, or aliceだよっ
It sounds like lack of research before buying.
If it's too hard why did you buy the hardest out of the serie? Being a mini hip is its selling point.
Cleaning and one hand usage isn't that hard tbh, but yeah vacuum can ge tricky to get out.
> I don't think the [...] or texture is anything special either.
u wot m8?
Well, while hardness is a problem, mid-use the inside gets soft so maybe you can still make use of it. But yeah it being too hard means you probably won't use it a lot and made an uninformed purchase.
You're actually quite lucky because you're 0.5 bigger than average japanese size. Which means all onahole are made with your dick in mind and can use virtually any you fancy.
Try out the recent ones by Ride, they're cheap but well regarded.
Puni ana is bigger and heavier. Don't expect to use the だよっ without holding it (ie handless usage), it's too small for that. Also puni ana has two holes (which is both a plus and a minus)
Except だよっ offers more variation and the polymer is of higher quality.

>> No.11650568

Nekokko mii nyan is "normal" class in softness, like sujiman. So there are the "softer than average" and "very soft" ones. Not sure which one you'd prefer.
In addition to those mentionned before, you might also want to consider the meiki series, http://en-nls.com/pict1-17245 is the softer out of it.
The ones from RIDE (the older ones are kinda shit though) are also rather soft, as is http://en-nls.com/pict1-38266 in pink; it's been a huge hit on release and was sold out for a while, new maker btw.
The magic eye's monster meiki and melt series is also soft; you might go for the smaller gutchomon if you're on a budget. Girl in the box is also soft.
The mini hip from PxPxP is also rather soft, but way too small to be usable, which is a shame http://en-nls.com/pict1-37831
Then there's NPG, but they tend to have low lifespan so I'd advise caution/overlooking them.

there's also the JK fella hole and milk kudasai ES but they're fella hole; though both seem to be very good, I can only vouch for the former, which is a must-have.

>> No.11652078

Would boiling my onahole kill it?

I kinda lost it after my last fap session. When I finally found it wont stop smelling like rotten fish.

>> No.11652081

I've had an okay experience with hand sanitizer on some mold spots on my onaholes, so I'm guessing alcohol is okay, depending on the material.

Boiling is definitely a no-no I think, since you use a soldering iron to repair (melt) onaholes, boiling will give you onasoup probably.

>> No.11652093

don't do that

>> No.11652243

Soldering irons go way hotter than boiling water
Soldering irons go like 250C.

Boiling should be okay depending on the material
consider cutting a little off from the onahole and boiling that to see what happens

>> No.11652253

If boiling is a no, try pasteurising it instead.

>> No.11652338

Don't know. You can probably get cheaper ones, but I recently picked up one of the Arenos models and it's been really enjoyable! I was pretty surprised considering I've never really done any prostate stimulation before that.

>> No.11652361
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>Would boiling my onahole kill it?
Nope. make sure it stays afloat and doesn't touch the bottom of the pan though.
And avoid aplying unnecessary pressure to it.
Actually around 280℃ to repair most onaholes, but sometimes I go as high as 320℃. Depends on the material.

On other news, new mini hip by NPG, a downscale of the 幼尻
Price is really low too, it's not even 3k JPY.

And pic related from G project. Kind of a RENDS approach.

>> No.11653548
File: 252 KB, 1000x1500, 81bwwi3F5uL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this last week, first onahole I've ever ordered and used.

I really fucking love it so far. My cock is a bit too big to fit in there all the way but that does not lessen the experience at all. Stimulation is amazing, you really feel the way the inside is shaped. Vacuum is absolutely fantastic.
It gets warm quickly if you use it cold but it just feels way better when you warm it in water together with the lube though.
With lube and some small $5 items it cost me about 70 dollars (with DHL shipping to west EU). Didn't have to pay any import tax on delivery which was great.

Overall bloody well worth it.

>> No.11653614
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>> No.11653620
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>> No.11653622
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>> No.11653674

Where do I find loli onaholes of half decent quality.

>> No.11653675

How long does JSS typically take to process an order? I'll be without the internet for three weeks starting from the 28th and I really want something that I can stick my dick into during that time.

>> No.11653711

What if the missiles detonate in your ass?

>> No.11653718

Don't worry, nuclear weapons of that size do not contain enough fissile material to go supercritical and explode.

>> No.11653720

That would be one explosive orgasm.

>> No.11654430

Gave the Clone Venus in Very Soft some more time, it's growing on me a bit. Still too soft, I think; the ride is pretty fun but there's too little stimulation to make the climax great.

Still loving the Abused Vampire (Before). It's not my imagination, it really does get significantly softer when warmed up.

idk I thought all the Alice Dayos were fairly soft, and I've already got two very soft ones, so I figured I'd get something a little harder.

>> No.11654644

I got my Gokujo Namagoshi in the mail today, but I promised myself I wouldn't use it till the 29th when Kuroinu and Taminin comes out... additionally I've been doing nofap Nov...
... will I make it, /jp/?

>> No.11654664


>> No.11655078
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I bought some scent items with my latest ona purchase and I figured I'd share my thoughts.

Each tested on a seperate tissue and my wrist, washed thoroughly with unscented soap between.

Regarding the top right I may have gotten a bad batch because it is so mild there's almost nothing there.

Overall, the first three are the only ones I'd purchase again, and even then it would be unlikely.

Perhaps the smellies just aren't for me.

>> No.11655095

Why does one of the little girls smell like vodka?

>> No.11655102

The perfume is made with alcohol.

>> No.11655151

I'm thinking of finally getting an onahole, but the problem is I live in Australia. The onahole itself is probably fine, but does anyone know if the packaging (with lewd art) will get me in trouble?

>> No.11655154

Unless customs open your package they won't see it.

Neither NLS nor hotpowers mark the shipping documents as lewd onas, but NLS will write the correct monetary value.

If you're still worried, buy something without a loli on the front or ask them to remove the packaging for you.

>> No.11655159

Email them and ask them to remove the outer packaging.

If they do confiscate it, just dont go pick it up. Use another name.

>> No.11655194

Regarding the gokujo namagosi, isn't the lack of lengh a problem? had been considering it for a long time, but I've never actually bought it mostly due to lengh. Also because there are some other hip I'd consider, and don't intend to get multiple ones.
Well at any rate what comes first in the ME hip, can't wait to buy it from hotpowers.

>may have gotten a bad batch because it is so mild there's almost nothing there.
Most likely, because while it isn't lasting it's one of the strongest smelling.
>Perhaps the smellies just aren't for me.
Most likely.
If you don't have a dakimakura (or love doll, or at least panties) to spray them on they're pretty useless.
And if you don't like the "unpleasant" one then smellies are most definitely not for you, nothing better than a lewd stench.

Smellies+dakimakura however, is a very good combination. In fact I don't see their appeal besides that.
Smell products other than tamatoys' tend to simply smell like a mixture of lemon+slightly burnt caramel+honey, so they brought a lot of variety. But unless you've got a specific fetish for it, it isn't worth it.

>idk I thought all the Alice Dayos were fairly soft
Nah, AGMv1 is between soft and very soft and ABS is between normal and soft. AGMv2 is twice harder than ABS when comparing to AGMv1.

>> No.11655240

oh god these descriptions are just cracking me up

paraphernalia like that has always seemed bizarre to me

Well, shit. Sounds like I'd have been better off either anything other than AGMv2. I do hope it'll get better like the other guy said, or else that's another one I need to dispose of.

>> No.11655350

in my experience it's going to take a while.

JSS has to receive the item first, which usually takes about a day depending on how fast the japanese deliver. Amazon.jp took a day, alice soft took longer.
After that you have to tell them to repack it and choose your shipping method then wait for them to process it before making the final payment.
If you went with EMS, it'll take about a week, other methods will take longer.

>> No.11656228

good luck.

but every time I do a no fap in anticipation of some new hentai release or new onahole, I end up with a very unsatisfied session cause I would literally cum on the first stroke.

>> No.11656289

>I would literally cum on the first stroke.
Me too, but every time I do no fap session I end up cumming about 5 - 7 times in one session because I have so much pent up energy.
It's the best.

>> No.11656306

I miss being young, that or my health has gone to shit

>> No.11656315

It's nice being healthy, I pretty much only fap once a week now since that one session just lasts so long and is so damn satisfying.
I've eaten extremely healthy for all of my life, have been avidly weight lifting for the past 5 years and have gotten extremely fit overall.
All for the sake of fapping.

>> No.11656356

>All for the sake of fapping.
??? some odd dedication.

>> No.11656360

Will report on how this thing is, although RDC said sales bombed in Japan.

>> No.11659339
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RDC you had alice first stage in ABS right? I bought AGM(1) since it was cheap and man is it great. At first it was too tight, but after using (and washing with soap) for a long time, the material totally changed (pic-related).
Now it is snugly tight and at the same time very soft, best combination. I could live with just this as my only onahole. I bet dayo is better because of the fleshiness though, but the AGM-1 first stage is just great. Durability-wise, I think it'll break by ~6th month, but it's not expensive so I'll just stock up on some. Can't get a hip right now anyway.
I prefer it over my venus soft because it's more intimate&tight even though the walls aren't as thick. Venus is great too, though.

>> No.11659736

Er, how do you use a hip while fapping to sadpanda?

>> No.11660106

I think it would go something like,
>put hip on desk
>go to sadpanda and go to favourite manga
>click with one hand
>hold the hip in place with the other and fuck it

>> No.11660111

>The holes have loosened and the entrances have started to tear a little

Whoa that gave me a boner.
I want to tear up a plastic pussy too.

>> No.11660117

>Expired Christmas Cake? Looser one.
What holes are like this.

>> No.11660118

I just watch real porn when using my hips

>> No.11660148

Seventeen Bordeaux.

>> No.11660153

Is it really that loose?
Or is it just not dick stranglingly loli tight

>> No.11660154

All the reviews say its tight though.
Any milf holes.

>> No.11660157

The suction makes it seem tighter than it actually is. It's actually one of the looser onaho on the market, especially when compared to loli onaho and the like.

>> No.11660160

What is the loosest hole?

>> No.11660164 [DELETED] 

Your mom's

>> No.11660186 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 400x500, high_five-2495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11660365

please, I want a soft and baggy onahole.

>> No.11660573

Something being not as tight honestly doesn't matter much since you can adjust it with a sock or two.

>> No.11660631

>snugly tight and at the same time very soft, best combination
Finally someone who understands.

The insides look very messed up though, but yeah AGMv1 is relatively fragile.
> I bet dayo is better because of the fleshiness though
Yeah, but that comes with its inconveniences.
Get something that's thin and preferably soft, while not being 無次元(very small tunnel) and you have yourself a loose onahole.
if it's too wide there'll be vacuum and it won't be as loose.
The kashin 六 (v6) was pretty loose. http://en-nls.com/pict1-14651
So was succubus bumpy road.
You could also try the 別穴 or 天国への原点 from kiyo.
Haven't tried it myself but the fuwadoro meiki should be pretty loose too. So should the ゲルトモ.
Sales is only a popularity indicator though, there's beed very few feedback on it but none of it was really bad.
Who u quot?
There are some milf holes by NPG but that's disgusting. you should be able to find them on NSL.

>Sounds like I'd have been better off either anything other than AGMv2.
Sadly yeah.
Well, I still use holes that are on the hard side like sujiman from time to time when I want variety, and AGMv2 does get a bit softer while using it.

>> No.11660782

That still looks a bit tight.
I'm looking for something that is about as wide a toilet paper roll when its not stretched and just sitting around.

>> No.11660837

>There are some milf holes by NPG but that's disgusting. you should be able to find them on NSL.

Its not disgusting.
Have you ever used any of these?

>The thing that a setup has a sex with the gal who met in Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Roppongi.
>It is the concept of this masturbator which reproduced their pussy.
>"Rumika" The internal diameter is big so the stimulation is not that strong but the bumps make it feel so good!

But they still are a bit on the short end.


This one looks really cool


This is the only milf one I found from that NPG company, and while they are good lengths they dont look as wide as the first rumika one.
Something like the rumika one but at a bigger scale is what I'm looking for. It says loose but since its a Japanese site i'm not so sure.

>> No.11661169

Onahole virgin here, what lube does /jp/ recommend? Should I get a specific one along with the 'hole, or is it fine if I just use a generic lube from some local shop?

>> No.11661505

Any water based lube will do, but lube that onahole shops sell is more slimy and works better with onaholes

>> No.11661660

If you order an onahole, you might as well get japanese lube with it. Lube has been talked of before several times in past threads.
If you order from NLS, the choices are kind of limited. If you order through amazon/proxy, there's a whole lot to choose from.

Magic eyes' stuff is reall good, this one for example

I think this one's the best you can get at NLS:
Alternatively you could ask them in the order comment section on in a mail to add this:
not available at the English section for some reason

>> No.11661700

What's special about those two lubes, say over peaches'

>> No.11661777

Or is it peace's

>> No.11661859

Does it really matter how much I mark down the value when ordering from JSS?

I've ordered Aliceだよっ AGMv2 and was thinking of just marking the value as 1500 yen or something and the item as being Figures or whatever (since that's what NLS label as..)

I just want to avoid getting charged customs.

>> No.11662010

Depends on where you live. EU = €22 higher *could* get charged, so around ~€25 max.
EU also prefers customs to be in EUR, I always ask JSS to write value in euro.

Another tip is not go below half of value, since it will arouse suspicion. But if your country is shit like mine, you'll just get mail asking the real value if they don't believe what's on the package.

>> No.11662021

Note: "gift" should not be taxed up to €40, but in my country they just don't believe it's a gift and charge me anyway.
essentially you'll have to figure out how your country does customs/taxing and find out the best way to skip tax.
EMS = generally easier to skip tax, land post stuff gets checked more thoroughly, that's my experience.

>> No.11662033


>> No.11662056



I ordered via SAL. I live in the UK, and generally speaking SAL packages don't normally get taxed, whereas EMS is pretty much guaranteed (ordered stuff from Manda before)

I was just a little paranoid about the off chance of them opening it.

I suppose I will just mark it as \2500 or something and hope it's the usual and that it just gets passed through.

>> No.11662084

Yeah it seems worth a shot like that. I also thought EMS was guaranteed to get taxed, but marked as 'gift' and low-ish value it worked the best for me, so far.
You'll have to see what works for the UK

>> No.11662469 [DELETED] 

Today I've ordered from hotpowers and I've got an email from them, but the part which has the link to make a payment in the guide doesn't have payment link and is replaced with this


Do I need to wait for a mail or should I write them and to ask for the payment link ?

>> No.11662932

>Does it really matter how much I mark down the value when ordering from JSS?
Depends, In Europe I think anything below 40EUR still doesn't get taxed.
Maybe only for gifts but he marks them as gifts.
I put the value at 3500JPY and label it as "polymer samples", never had any problem, neither did I have any problem with several 3+kg of "100JPY" ``pillows''. But I don't think there's any laxer first world country.

It's peace's.
Peaces is too tacky and will mild down the stimulation a lot. And it doesn't stick to itself and tend to form big packs, it isn't really homogenous.
The two he linked are amongst the best, but you should chose your lube according to your onahole, gel type would be amongst the worst you could get. (unless the internals are smooth I guess?)

Well any lube works with any onahole, but it's better to have lube that goes well with your onahole, it'll feel better.
http://en-nls.com/pict1-17252 or うぶじる for soft holes or holes with texture that doesn't protrude a lot, http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00826IJMA for average holes, and peace's for hard holes or with rough textures.

You should've recieved another mail named "オンラインクレジット決済を完了して下さい". That is, if you have selected online credit pay, which you should've.
There's a slight delay to calculate the shipping price, you should recieve it by tomorrow (since it's about midnight in japan right now)

>> No.11663098

I really like peace's for some reason, though. It works, feels good, and it works okay with soft ones too.
I can image there's better though, but a lot of other lube I had smells soo weird.

>> No.11663325

Thanks, I've got the mail, but now reflecting on it, I didn't ask them to label the package in anyway, should I write mail to them about that ? Or do they always label it as 100yen pillows ?

>> No.11663921

I put down the true value and didn't get customed or anything. I think as long as you're below like $200 or something they don't really bother.

For lube, I think your best bet is to just find something long-lasting and water it down as needed. That equalize the lubes somewhat.

>> No.11664098

>Or do they always label it as 100yen pillows ?
They always do unless asked otherwise

>> No.11664445

My experience is they do it even if asked otherwise.

>> No.11664453 [DELETED] 

stop posting.

>> No.11664495 [DELETED] 

stop posting.

>> No.11664531

is $40 good for Tsurupetta soft limited? Custom hassle free included.

>> No.11664546

Unless you really want the limited eddition it's a rip off.

>> No.11664550

I guess i do, since buying normal edit + aftermarket lube costs me more

>> No.11664565

The hole itself costs ~1800JPY and the limited eddition was only ~300JPY more and the yen has been weak for over a year now.
Did USA's economy collapse or are you using chinese dollars or something?

>> No.11664734

nvm, just happen to live in some shithole.

>> No.11665898

Has anyone used BD's cumlube? It's on sale, how is it?

>> No.11666516

Over rated and over priced. The JP stuff is 10 times better.

>> No.11666641

Anyone take advantage of BF sales?

Got the Gokujo Namagoshi and Meiki ZYX at TD and a soft Venus Cross and Lilith Spiral Dots at Queencat. Pretty excited. I'm probably set for a good long while.

>> No.11666686 [DELETED] 

It is nearly 2014 and I still laugh at that like it was 1999 on a webforum.

>> No.11666693 [DELETED] 

Don't blog please.

>> No.11666695 [DELETED] 

You're blogging right now
You're blogging your disapproval

>> No.11666698 [DELETED] 

I'm advising.

>> No.11666699 [DELETED] 

Don't blog please

To keep on topic; Not that happy with my 17 vanilla. While I've had many a powerful orgasm inside it, the inside texture is weak

>> No.11666703 [DELETED] 

You're literally blogging right there.

>> No.11666708 [DELETED] 

This is an onahole thread and I was talking about onaholes.

My give me milk ES I'm a lot happier with, but it got a tiny hole in the end- when in use lube leaks out the back. The upside is that it doesn't affect how good it feels, and it makes it 20 times easier to clean. It's soft and squishy, and when used slowly it's great.
Last time I used it I was literally moving it up and down 2-3 times, and having to stop because I was going to cum. After a few minutes of getting close every 20 seconds I just had to give in

>> No.11666724

I heard there was a toy demon coupon code but I didn't get it in my email. Anyone know what it is?

>> No.11666831

Sounds like an awesome set of onahos. Bet you'll have fun.

>> No.11666998

I'd also be interested in this if someone has it

>> No.11667074 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 516x728, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good beginner's dildo for someone experienced enough with prostate massagers? Nowadays I can cum from my butt without any toys or penetration, and I cum so hard I wet myself and my mind goes completely blank while my body spasm, orgasming. Now I can only think about a huge dick fucking me hard while I cum like that, moaning, so I want a dildo because no one would fuck me probably...
I have never put anything bigger than my massager inside so my insides must still be quite weak.
Please recommend me something easy to enjoy!

>> No.11667078 [DELETED] 

Dildos are not complex things. Just get one that you think is a good size for you, and it seems like you'd enjoy one with a suction cup.

Shame no /jp/sie can use your butt as an onahole

>> No.11667141

TD, hope you enjoy getting ripped off

>> No.11667156

First day using the Gokujo Namagoshi, I now know what people mean by soft onaholes.
When I got it had some gunk all over it, had to clean it off in the tub. The material is very soft and jiggly, it wobbles around a lot but it is almost 12lbs heavy so its great for hands free.
It's much larger than the Puni Hole DX, and much much softer; I can now safely say that the Puni Hole DX is a hard and firm hole. Because the Puni Hole is so hard, it is a bit more stimulating than the Gokujo, but both offer a very nice feel.
While researching the GN the length did concern me, I'm about 6.5 inches so it kind of seemed like a problem in the vaginal hole. To my surprise, the canals don't really go straight.
This guy mentioned this a bit, but he wasn't kidding... it goes like... downward diagonal towards the lengthier end of the onaho, so I fit just fine and can go deep inside it. both holes.

>> No.11667160

So onaholes are ok but dildos are not? Why?
I just want a recommendation for dildos, please do not delete me.
I even saged.

>> No.11667170

There are some cons about the GN though.
The material is very fragile and soft, I doubt I'll dick pierce it or anything anytime soon, but you could literally just tear off the vaginal lips with ease. In fact, the lower lip did tear a tiny bit, but its outside the actual hole so thats just a small aesthetic issue.
It's a hassle to clean but you already knew that. I take a turkey baster and fill it with water and wash it in the sink, then wrap it in a towel to dry. But the next time I use it, its STILL a little moist.
Probably the biggest con for me is that it's loud. Not suction wise or anything but just slapping against you, this is a pro for me when I have the house to myself, though.
I don't think I've said enough good things about it though. It feels amazing, holy fuck. The weight of it in cowgirl is amazing and it can take missionary easily because of the structure of the canal. oh and I used a onaho warmer with it, great stuff.
So lastly, Puni Hole is more stimulating by a bit, but GN is my favorite overall.

>> No.11667244

Faggotry and grillity aren't otaku culture, nerd. They don't even make dragon dildos in Japan.

>> No.11667260

>Thank you for your shopping order today.
>But I'm so sorry that we cannot handle all adult products
>(categorized as adult item in Yahoo Japan Auction or Shopping) basically.
>I think that some Doujinshies are very adult and I 'm concerned the shipment.
>But Doujinshi goes through as "comic book" at the moment.
>(We might also have to control them depending on the situation or new law in the future...)
>So I'm afraid that we will refund your today's deposit.
>I'm sorry again that we cannot help you with your shopping.
>Thank you for your understanding.
>Thank you.

Welp, looks like TreasureJapan won't allow 18+ items unless they're doujinshi anymore.
Looks like I'll have to deal with JSS, masters of Engrish and poor web design, instead.

>> No.11667300

When they're on sale it's fine. I don't order from them unless so. The Gokujo Namagoshi is cheaper there than paying shipping from japan atm.

>> No.11667302

So is anybody else getting:

Not Found


When they try to order from JSS?

>> No.11667379

got ripped off on ZXY though

>> No.11667474

It's a bit confusing, but you need to go to the correct page where you can register/log-in

>> No.11667484

Sounds like 6.5 is the size of the average /jp/ user.
Yeah, always wash onahole before first use, sometime they even powder the insides, and lube becomes all mushy.
I've read things about the GN's anal ripping on first use. Looks awfully thin at the end of the cannal.

Thanks for the feedback, in anything more comes to mind in the near future I'd be glad to read it. I'm still a bit concerned about lengh, but according to what you said Iit should'nt be a problem.

He sucks at english but if you write to him in jap there's no problem.
Nope. You sure you using "www.japanshoppingservice.jp/"? looks like a regular 404.

>Venus Cross
According to the internet, worst venus.
Well worst of the venus is still pretty good.

Can't wait for hotpowers to handle kokoro and be in overdraft again.

>> No.11667486

Disgusting thread. You should all be banned from here.

>> No.11667497

No bully

>> No.11667508

Something fucking weird just happened.

I woke up this morning to realize I'd completely lost my sense of shame. The disgust and contempt I formerly held for onaholes was suddenly replaced by a morbid curiosity to find out what they felt like. So I went ahead and ordered two off amazon.co.jp. I hope Tenso or customs don't fuck me over.

What's are some recommended lubes, /jp/?

>> No.11667515

>Something fucking weird just happened.

>I woke up this morning to realize I'd completely lost my sense of shame.

It happens to all of us sooner or later. It's like hitting puberty or getting your wisdom teeth. Welcome to a much larger world, Anon!

>> No.11667545

recommended lube has been stated multiple times in this thread, please read through it or search the archive.

>> No.11667552

What about ones that aren't scented?
(I'm not that guy but scented lube kinda weirds me out)

>> No.11667567

That Finish & Sleep lube looks good. Being able to just wipe the stuff off with a tissue instead of having to thoroughly clean my battered dick under the shower after a fap session seems appealing enough.

Has anyone here tried it? If so, how do the three varieties compare to one another?

>> No.11667573

I clean my dick by just sticking it in the sink and washing it there

>> No.11667627

本気汁 isn't scented, it's a pretty good all-around lube.

I already just simple wipe my dick, if I ever bother to at all. Pointless gimmick.

>> No.11667788

I wonder if NLS will have christmas sale or something like that

They have good price but terrible language and no newsletter

>> No.11667839

So how prevalent are "officially licensed" 2D onaholes? By that, what I mean is an onahole with an official VN/eromanga tie-in.

e.g. Curious about what it feels like to have anal sex with Ciel-senpai? Purchase the Type-Moon approved and designed onahole to find out! Use with officially licensed curry-flavored/scented lubricant for a truly authentic experience.

I mean, there's got to be a market for this kind of thing.

>> No.11667846

Why buy an anahole when you can use your girlfriend for such things?

>> No.11667850

Because my gf's holes get to sore and she needs a time out but my dick is always ready

>> No.11667859

If you have a girlfriend why don't you get her to use onaholes on you?

>> No.11667865

Very niche.

There's been about 6-7 released this year I think?

There's been that one from tentacle and witch by Gproject, the lovedolls from that onomatope VN, two onaholes from one eroge recently (didn't pay much attention to it), the one from Shouji Ayumu (to be released next year though), and two more from another game around april this year I think?
They're generally in the 2K JPY price range.

Also, most of the time there's those "parody" onahole, who just change one letter and add an accesory/modify the character a little and put it on the box; most of the market share in that sector go to tamatoys, but NPG also does that sometimes, so do other makers.

Webshop always do some kind of sales for christmass, even if only lucky-dip bag (though those come around new year but whatever)
No idea about the english version of NLS, they don't even have a point system on the english ver.

>> No.11667881

>Very niche.
Aw that sucks. I've heard about the infamous "parody" onaholes before, but they just don't appeal to me as much as the thought of fucking a facsimile of the "genuine" article.

Yes, I fully realize how retarded that sounds.

>> No.11667924


More VN developers should capitalize on this by packaging their games with an official onahole accessory. I think the notion that, by purchasing the packaged version of a game, one can enjoy a more "authentic" experience could help turn the tide against the rampant piracy affecting the industry.

Plus, there's always the possibility of increasing sales by bundling each copy of the game with an onahole corresponding to a different heroine.

>> No.11668451

17 vs 17 evo vs 17 bordeaux


>> No.11668613

you forgot evo soft limited edition, which might be the best of the bunch
17 = the oldest and shittiest. evo = hard and really stimulating, if that's what you want it's good.
bordeaux = suction force, really good. both evo and bordeaux don't last long since layers split. not sure if's as much of a problem on the evo soft edition

>> No.11668721

I already figured it out but thanks anyway.

>He sucks at english but if you write to him in jap there's no problem.
I figured as much. Fortunately, I'm not all that bad when it comes to speaking Japanese. If worst comes to worst I'll just have to communicate in both languages.

>> No.11668725

Maybe it's just the onahole that I use but is cleaning your dick really all that difficult after getting off? It usually only takes a wipe or two to clean the Pepee wankers off.

>> No.11668774

It's "blackcyber2013".

>> No.11668839

Yeah, I guess I should have checked Amazon but it's not a big deal. I haven't gone the proxy route yet though for onaholes. How much do the fees end up being around?

>> No.11669354

Acquisition cost for the 1st payment: 0
Real Acquisition cost: 710
5% of sales tax: 0 (charged by seller)
Shortage of Acquisition cost: 710
Shortage of 1st payment: 0
Commission fee: 600
Shipping cost: 1880
Transaction cost: 457
Sub-lastpayment: 3647
Remainder of the 1st payment: 0
Remainder of the acquisition cost: 0
Total last payment: 3647 yen

This is how it turned out for mine, excluding the cost of the actual item.

SAL Shipping to EU + 1700g item weight.

Took around 7 days from placing the order with JSS for them to ship.

>> No.11669391

Is JSS considered a good proxy? I mean... that website design is just... um... deplorable.

>> No.11669410

a lot of people in this thread and before have used the service and generally had no problem.

>> No.11669423

Thanks. Seems like I didn't lose out much out in the end. I really want to try an Alice AGM but those fees... I'm happy enough with what I can get locally. I'm just hoping they'll finally ship to the US someday.

>> No.11669457

that looks like JSS shopping service, not bulk shipping option which is cheaper.

>> No.11669469

>bulk shipping option

What's this exactly? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

>> No.11669495

They have two separate services: One is online shopping assistance. In essence, you need only forward them the money and they will take care of all matters related to item acquisition. For this they charge an acquisition fee (free for Amazon) and a higher commission than usual.

The other is a pure forwarding service. They let you buy the item on your own and have it shipped to their warehouse, where they then mail it to you. No acquisition fee and they take a smaller commission than with the other option.

>> No.11669508

Thanks, so I take it the second option would be around 1000 yen less. That seems a lot more reasonable. Still I think I'll just try to wait it out. Hope they'll at least make it so 3rd parties can sell their stuff.

>> No.11669670

I'm tracking my package from Amazon and this is its current status: お届け日時を変更しました

Why is this happening? What does it mean?

>> No.11670242

Never owned a ona hole before, I'm considering buying the Puni Hole DX and I have a couple of questions. Is this legal to import to the US? Where is the best place to buy from?

>> No.11670246

The actual onahole is legal, but the actual boxart might be considered obscene (if someone saw it)

>> No.11670344

if you are scared about customs, order from a local dealer like queencat adult toys. I think you can also ask nls to remove the packaging

>> No.11670612

He thanked you three times! He's amazing.
One day, I'll be as polite as him.

>> No.11670631

We are in a long distance relationship (she lives in Gensokyo)

>> No.11670639

My japanese is a bit rusty but "Custom officer is enjoying the pleasure of cumming inside your goods"

>> No.11670671

Oh you

Google translate says "I have changed the delivery date"

>> No.11670686

He can use google translate himself, he's probably wondering what it actually means when it says that.
Probably the delivery is delayed somehow?

>> No.11671064

That would appear to be the case. Tracking status still hasn't changed and estimated delivery date is 2013年12月1日.

>> No.11672243
File: 408 KB, 565x343, 1375866413158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody from canada here have any buying experience to share? I'm kind of worried shit will get held up for weeks. I ordered a graphics tablet from china and that shit got torn open and they made me pay for them inspecting it before I received it.

>> No.11672275 [DELETED] 

I live in Vancouver and I've probably ordered around thirty packages from Japan.

If I send it by EMS it will be taxed and opened every single time, in addition to the three weeks it takes for them to do anything at customs.

Both SAL and RSAL, end up going through fine and I get my package in less than a weeks time after its been shipped.

Go fuck yourself janitor, the post you blocked me for was totally fine you god damn fucking nigger.

>> No.11672284

What kind of shipping is SAL and RSAL from? I'm only looking at NLS shipping options

>> No.11672286

Go see


My experience has been roughly the same as this dudes

>> No.11672292

SAL / RSAL is e-Packet

>> No.11672294

Thanks, was about to order by EMS because it looked to be faster! Guess I'll get the cheapest option after all.

>> No.11672297

And if someone had their way then no one would have helped this guy sigh...

>> No.11672301 [DELETED] 

Would /jp/ order a janny-themed onahole?

>> No.11672304 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, WC -4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure Sparkgay would but he has the actual janitor to fuck in the ass on a nightly basis lmao

>> No.11672336

If you live in a shithole like Brazil, for some reason a SAL packet arrives faster than a EMS.

>> No.11672339

Or anywhere on the west coast, dumbass.

>> No.11672342

At least where I live, EMS packets always get held in customs for 2 weeks anyway, so it's a waste of time.

>> No.11672346

Any tips on how to increase onahole lifespan?

>> No.11672353

not using it

>> No.11672358
File: 137 KB, 551x600, 1320214194183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably use it relentlessly every day so what's a good sturdy onahole that isn't huge and obnoxious?

>> No.11672364

Store in breathable container at room temperature away from direct sunlight, apply talc powder after washing and drying

>> No.11672382

How old is your oldest "still good" onahole?

>> No.11672387

Clean it out with hydrogen peroxide after use.

>> No.11672396

23. She'll turn 24 in May.

>> No.11672400
File: 87 KB, 736x718, 1340718437089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of onaholes did they sell in the 90s?

>> No.11672413

Breathing, talking ones, apparently. The only downside is that every so often you need to take it out to an expensive restaurant before using it.

>> No.11672414

Hold your hand in front of your face.

>> No.11672418
File: 91 KB, 673x720, 1341461020075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, damn you got me good.

>> No.11672429

Well, jokes aside, I only purchased my first onahole in March of this year. I use it about twice or thrice a week, and so far it's been kept in pretty good condition. There's a tiny tear near the entrance from a washing mishap, but otherwise, it might as well be new.

>> No.11672434

The talc powder doesn't mess with it or anything? I'm reluctant to put anything in my onahole except water, lube and my dick.

>> No.11672436

You don't put it inside the hole, only on the surface.

>> No.11672441

Pics like >>11659339 worry me. I don't want it to end up looking like that

>> No.11672443

Are you not powdering your holes? Don't the surfaces get sticky? Keeping it powdered, be it with baby powder or corn starch keeps them nice and smooth and almost eliminates the chance of the hole sticking/catching on something during regular use and ripping.

>> No.11672445

I'm pretty sure that's an onahole turned inside-out, isn't it?

>> No.11672448

Is it? I have no idea.

It's still in the box and I haven't used it yet. Guess I'll pick up some talc powder before I do.

>> No.11672454

Make sure to purchase it from a pharmacy and in a large quantity. You should also ask the person at the pharmacy desk where its located, since its often hidden away.

>> No.11672453

Pretty sure it's turned inside-out.

>> No.11672459

Looks weird as hell, the cross sections I usually see don't look like shredded mushroom caps. Thanks for clearing that up though!

>> No.11672469

You have to remember that the material is flexible, so when you flip them, the bumps and nodules get stretched taut.

>> No.11672690

RDC pls help.

I bought the Venus Spiral Wave a month ago but it isn't stimulating enough. It doesn't really feel like anything when I go inside it and I have to try way too hard to finish with it. I used to have a You're My Idol, and I really liked how it was really bumpy and how there was a lot of variation in the inner texture, but it wasn't tight enough for my liking.

What would you recommend?

>> No.11672740

>>11672294 >>11672336
In the EU, EMS is ~4-5 days SAL ~7-9 days. EMS gifts are also easier to skip tax. Guess it's different elsewhere.

Most onaholes last at least some months, easily half a year, if not abused. Sturdy onaholes that just can't die generally don't feel amazing.

Talc keeps it soft to the touch, it doesn't help with lifespan. I just leave it sticky, don't care. Preference I guess.
I think if you have lots of onaholes it's easier since you just powder and store one and use another, otherwise you wash off the talc.

Material is just a bit worn, might be because of soap. It actually feels better like that though, since the texture looks weird=feels complex. When it was new, it felt worse.

You really should have mentioned firmness. Suppose you got it in 'soft'? Soft spiral is totally different from You're My Idol which is on the firm-ish stimulating side.
I think you should try something with lots of vacuum like Seventeen Bordeaux or the hotpowers younger vampire. I think tight is overrated so can't help you there.

>> No.11672747

Talking about talcum powder, anyone know what brands are unscented? Tried some baby powder and it actually was a little irritant I'm guessing because the meds they put in it or something.

>> No.11672749

Yeah I got it in the softest option, because I read posts on the archive and everyone recommended getting it in soft.

Sorry, I don't know much about this...

>> No.11672750

Keep trying with the Spiral Wave btw, could be that in time you'll get used to less aggressive sensation, most of is prefer it like that over time.
This is a tight toy I found pretty darn good:

>> No.11672754

Are you sure your baby powder isn't made from cornstarch?

>> No.11672757

Yeah, says made from the finest talc on the back. Problem is it doesn't list any other ingredients on the bottle so no idea what else is in it. Just that the active ingredient is talc.

>> No.11672798

Even 2000JPY class onahole will last you at least 6 months if you don't act retarded.

I've had some onahole for two years now, and most for over one year.
You'll end up buying more than you can use anyway.

>Yeah I got it in the softest option, because I read posts on the archive and everyone recommended getting it in soft.
That's when you're supposed to ask for advices, before buying, not after.
I can't really help you there, you're my idol was too stimulating for me, so much it used to hurt.
My guess would be AliceだよっAGMv2, kind of a dark horse but sujiman hard/girl in the box hard (I'd advise giving the normal version of the sujiman a try first).
You might want to go for the kashin v3/5/6, or the 別穴from kiyo.
You might also bet on the hard version of the アリューネ 後, but even then it might be too soft for you.
And of course you can still go for the ABS version of alice in first stage.
And there's the seventeen evo/bordeaux that could work as well, like >>11672740 mentioned.

But I'd prefer to go with >>11672750 and say that soft will grow on you. Most likely you've only been using onahole for a short while and your penis is still used to strong stimulation (hand), so you'll need a while to recover some sensitivity.

Try doing a 1~2 week nofap?
Sounds like you should go for toys heart/Gproject/some ExE onahole?
Frankly in your case it's not a matter of the stimulation being strong enough as much as it is a matter of the stimulation being rough enough, I think.
I'd say 別穴 and だよっAGMv2, and if that's still not enough, use them until you get used to them.
I'd advise avoiding overfapping, it can take a toll on your sensitivity as well (esp if you hurt your dick in the process), try fapping only when you have a natural errection instead of forcing one out? It'll feel better anyway.

I'm 100% sure it isn't. But corn starch works perfectly fine for onahole, I've never had any problem with it.

>> No.11672820

They do use corn starch for baby powder, or are you saying there no way for it to be irritant?

>> No.11672861

Cornstarch can be an irritant since it is fine enough to block pores on human skin and allow bacteria to grow. Its anti-rash properties come from the fact that it reduces friction in the area where it is applied.

>> No.11672893

Price comparison for a Seventeen Bordeaux:

Amazon: ¥1,846 +
JSS: ¥300 commission fee + ¥780 shipping (small packet SAL) + ¥100 transaction fee
= ¥2,726

NLS: ¥2,919 + ¥1,800 shipping (e-Packet)
= ¥4,719

Is there any reason to go with NLS for this one?

>> No.11672902

No. NLS is really shit if you're just ordering one thing because of the level system that have for shipping there. Add some lube and the price for shipping won't change for instance.

>> No.11672918

Alright, here's a follow-up comparison with a bottle of Pepe's lotion added to the order.

Amazon: ¥1,846 + ¥450
JSS: ¥300 commission fee + ¥1180 shipping (small packet SAL) + ¥120 transaction fee
= ¥3,896

NLS: ¥2,919 + ¥609 + ¥1,800 shipping (e-Packet)
= ¥5,328

The difference has shrunk by about ¥5,000, but it's still pretty jarring. Does NLS provide better customer service? Do they offer returns on defective products? If so, I may consider forking out the extra ¥15,000.

>> No.11672922

They did send me a replacement for one of my onaholes that arrived damaged, heard some similar things from other anons but it's YMMV. They can refuse. Make sure to say you never used it. That being said you probably won't have an issue with the Bordeaux until you get a bit of use out of it. I hear the inside layer separating is common but I haven't had that issue with mine or the EVO.

>> No.11673028

I live in Canada and need a store that sells both lube and good quality (legal) onaholes, ships discretely, and takes paypal or bitcoin or some anonymous payment method (live at home, no credit card NEET).

Why must NEET fap be so hard.

>> No.11673313

why are you using JSS shopping service with amazon? Use their bulk shipping option and save on the commission fee

>> No.11673355

Bordeaux is overpriced on NLS. Other things aren't as much of a difference. If the difference is small NLS can be convenient, but I think proxy is the better choice.
I liked the Bordeaux a lot but the thing isn't built to last unfortunately (ymmv)

all ship with discreet brown boxes, en-nls takes paypal, you could also contact queencatadulttoys who take paypal
or use jss shopping service for top-tier alice-stage stuff and pay with paypal

>> No.11673356

bulk shipping = 300yen per package like he is doing, lol

>> No.11673371


>> No.11673417

? I had queencat mail to EU, just ask them in a mail like I said, or do they hate Canadians or something

>> No.11673432

They don't ship internationally, allegedly.

>> No.11673570
File: 72 KB, 495x568, pregnant twintail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed my twintails 2 but I also ended up impregnating it. But now it looks sorta frankensteinish.

>> No.11673582

Well, do try. it's worth a shot.

Holy, what.

>> No.11673585

it looks like it's splattered in cum, t-that's just soldered material right?

>> No.11673588

That looks pretty disturbing.

>> No.11673623

I want a new loli onahole and I'm contemplating on getting a GITB, it seems pricy though. Is it worth it over a Twintails (1st version)?

>> No.11673670

>t-that's just soldered material right?
Yeah, cum doesn't get yellowish until 2-3 days have passed, and it thins down a lot before yellowing anyway.
It looks much worse on photo than irl though.

Twintails, either version, won't last you more than 3 months. Might last up to 6 if you're careful/lucky.
But they're very soft and feel good.

Actually I'm not sure if there's a way to use the twintail 2 without having to reinforce them with soldering them because of thin spots.
Unless you've got a small penis, then you're lucky.

GITB's inner canal is 13cm long, measured it dirrectly after cutting it in two. If you're above 15cm lengh you won't be able to bottom it out safetly.
It's really soft as well.

Main difference is tightness, twintails v1 are loose and GITB is tight.
And cost/perf wise GITB is worth it over a twintails anyday.

>> No.11673894

So how long does it typically take for something shipped from Alice to reach JSS?

>> No.11674043
File: 107 KB, 832x468, 1363635456477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about getting an oppai mouse pad so I can Titty fuck it. Does it feel as good as i think it will?

>> No.11674105

probably not

>> No.11674165

I live in Vancouver... will I have customs opening my shit off of EN-NLS I don't intend to get banned shit obviously, but don't need to delays, duties, and taxes.

does EN-NLS and JSS use discrete shipping?

I only have about a week long window to order something so I want to avoid delays or family opening my packages.

>> No.11674232

Can't speak for JSS,
but EN-NLS are crazy they ship it in a brown box that says "figure set" on the customs sheet
AFTER they strap all of your stuff to a piece of
card board with rubber bands and wrap it all in
two layers of black plastic wrap.

>> No.11674243

Oh and all of that is free of charge,
the black plastic wrap and figure set things not the shipping that is.

>> No.11674252

Don't get anything that isn't already in the country, not worth the risk.

>> No.11674440

Wouldn't something like that actually arouse a lot more suspicion from customs?

>> No.11674507

Ironic, since figures are actually one of the items covered by Canada's obscenity laws and are therefore more likely to be examined by customs.

>> No.11675779

Hey, RDC. Sorry for this invasive question, but I was wondering. Since you have so many onaholes, do you ever masturbate using only your hands these days? Or do you always use onaholes now?

>> No.11676782

Is JSS still alive? None of their item finding support link seems to work, and I sent contact email 3 days ago and they still haven't replied either

>> No.11676802

I'm not him, but I almost always use onaholes now

>> No.11676834

Yes. Make an account first and then sign in. There'll be a set of links there under "make your order" that take you to the right pages.

>> No.11676857

Hmm, I might need some help because this is slightly confusing me as first time user.

I am trying to buy daki inside (I know, wrong thread, but we're talking about JSS anyway), and it's only one item.

From what I know right now, I can choose either "Find Item Support Service" or "Bulk Shipping Service" or "Online Shopping Support Service", is that right?

But I really don't get the differences between them, especially the find item and online shopping.

Also, are there some stuff that needs to be taken into consideration?

>> No.11676861
File: 43 KB, 600x397, 1-1062-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you tried this one yet? I have a thing for goo girls so this looked awesome.

also can someone post the jpg of how to order from hotpowers?

>> No.11676878

Pick 'Online Shopping Support Service' if you have a link to the site and know where to buy it, pick 'Find Item Support Service' if you don't have a link to the site or know where to buy it, and pick 'Bulk Shipping Service' if you want to forward a package from somewhere like Amazon that allows overseas buyers but doesn't ship internationally.

>> No.11676893

I see. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm gonna be buying stuff from Amazon Japan anyway, that means both online shopping support service and bulk shipping service are viable option for me, yeah? Any reason for preference?

>> No.11676894

Bulk is cheaper

>> No.11676899

Yep. Bulk is cheaper but you have to go through checkout yourself, whilst OSSS is more expensive but they'll do every single thing for you.

>> No.11676901

Huh, really? Care to elaborate? Sorry I'm just curious that's all

I'm gonna look more into this bulk shipping option now

>> No.11676904

bulk = you order the item yourself to their warehouse, where they ship it to you

shopping service = usually for when the site doesn't accept foreign cards. They order the item for you themselves

Obviously the latter is more expensive as it takes more work on their part

>> No.11676907

Bulk is a forwarding service, OSSS is a proxy service. Look it up.

>> No.11676920

Gotcha, thanks a lot! Although I feel kinda dumb now

Alright, after looking at the bulk shipping information page, I think this is how it's going work:
1. Login and order stuff using bulk shipping service (and making sure to pay the store instead of choosing COD to less complicate stuff)
2. JSS will give me their warehouse address + BSC which I need to use for domestic shipping
3. Play the waiting game until item gets to warehouse
4. JSS will ask me about how to send my stuff
5. Payment for international shipping + commission blah3x
6. Play the waiting game again until it gets my place

I think that's about it, anything wrong with that?

Also, I find this sentence on the bulk shipping page slightly disturbing
>"We ignore in the following case: Weight and/or size of the parcel exceeds the limitation"

>> No.11677001

Do you guys prefer just onahole or onehole attached to something like love doll?

>> No.11677146

the jpg is in the pastebins, which are linked twice in the thread iirc. about the hole, someone mentioned getting it as a his but didn't report his findings

make an account, select bulk, say which items you'll order, you'll get a mail with forwarding address, make order, you'll get mail when it arrives where you need to pay for shipping
you can select shipping method in advance or select to do it after it arrives. about shipping weight, I think their limit was something like 30/50kg

most of us don't have dolls

>> No.11677149

someone mentioned getting it as his first*

>> No.11677206

I got an average dick of 6.6 inches which would be best? and are these better or worse than fleshlites?

>> No.11677236

30-50 kg? Sweet, all good then.

There's a lot of op shipping options though, is there a spreadsheet about pro and cons of the shipping methods?

>> No.11677266

I'm intrigued, but it look like a pain to clean up.

>> No.11677357

Wait, how are you even supposed to hump this? The concept of slime girl tingles me though

>> No.11677358

Nevermind, I didn't realize there was a hole in the middle because everything looks transparent

>> No.11677373

Fucking Youmu? Nice.

It look like jello... Can you eat it?

>> No.11677373,1 [INTERNAL] 

Very rarely, less than once every two weeks.

>"We ignore in the following case: Weight and/or size of the parcel exceeds the limitation"
Probably EMS limitations? it has to be really big not to be able to be sent by EMS but I had one package like that, I had to ask tenso to split it in two smaller package. BTW, if you ever deal with them, they won't offer to split the package themselves, you have to ask them.

Even then, I think I read surface mail being mentioned on JSS.

Just onahole, since for better compatilibility w/ dolls it needs to be of normal hardness instead of soft.
Also easier to set up etc.
Dolls are nice, but their lifespan is troublesome; maybe I just didn't have much luck.
Dolls are fairly cheap though, they're like 2kJPY.

see >>11637833.
You should also look into the new zero spiral version. Mine might have been defective? wait for the japs to feedback a bit here and there. Appart from the inner layer falling appart, it was pretty much an improvement in every aspects of the first version (the can version being the second)

If the can version is anything like the first one, it'll be a bit of a problem to clean, and will stick to everything; this is greatly mitigated by the can though, price is also lower.
It's THE softest onahole, ever. don't expect strong stimulation. But just being inside feels good; I guess that's the main appeal of soft holes.

venus series, puni ana DX, 別穴, アリューネ前, Aliceだよっ, ゼロスパイラル (first version), 女子高生のフェラホール
No idea. Not otaku anyway.

On other news, I finally ordered ココロ and MILKください!ES. Eating is overrated anyway.
Will do a preliminary review once they arrive then a more in depth one 1~2 weeks in.

I also asked hotpowers about the zero spiral v2 since mine had terrible durability problem.

Oh and apparently I'm perma banned, so either I'll keep on posting in ghost (but I doubt people use ghost for anything else than meta and shitting up ghost), or just get away from 4chan altogether. There are only shitty alternatives, maybe I'll make an english version of my blog if I'm not too lazy?
Whichever it is, I think it's a good thing, 4chan has only been worsening from the start, and /jp/ had gone way past the point of no return by 2011. Not to mention that the staff will keep on getting more and more retarded; that's what you get when the admin is a literal retard. Also my shitty router takes over 1 day of offline time to get a new IP, and I'd get banned for random shit anyway because the staff is retard.

Though I doubt anyone in the thread will read this since they're overrun by crossies who talk about tenga and fleshlight, and gayfaggots who talk about dildo and cocks.

>> No.11677582

you don't need to look for anything particular, just follow general recommendations thrown around. fleshlights <<< onaholes

registered = tracking. SAL = economy, EMS = priority(more expensive, faster, in EU EMS gifts tend to work well to skip tax)
Airmail = never a good option. it's "faster" than SAL for those that don't want priority for some reason + airmail generally gets checked in customs

with either option JSS sends everything as gift.

>> No.11678075

Very rarely, less than once every two weeks.

>"We ignore in the following case: Weight and/or size of the parcel exceeds the limitation"
Probably EMS limitations? it has to be really big not to be able to be sent by EMS but I had one package like that, I had to ask tenso to split it in two smaller package. BTW, if you ever deal with them, they won't offer to split the package themselves, you have to ask them.

Even then, I think I read surface mail being mentioned on JSS.

Just onahole, since for better compatilibility w/ dolls it needs to be of normal hardness instead of soft.
Also easier to set up etc.
Dolls are nice, but their lifespan is troublesome; maybe I just didn't have much luck.
Dolls are fairly cheap though, they're like 2kJPY.

see >>11637833.
You should also look into the new zero spiral version. Mine might have been defective? wait for the japs to feedback a bit here and there. Appart from the inner layer falling appart, it was pretty much an improvement in every aspects of the first version (the can version being the second)

If the can version is anything like the first one, it'll be a bit of a problem to clean, and will stick to everything; this is greatly mitigated by the can though, price is also lower.
It's THE softest onahole, ever. don't expect strong stimulation. But just being inside feels good; I guess that's the main appeal of soft holes.

venus series, puni ana DX, 別穴, アリューネ前, Aliceだよっ, ゼロスパイラル (first version), 女子高生のフェラホール
No idea. Not otaku anyway.

On other news, I finally ordered ココロ and MILKください!ES. Eating is overrated anyway.
Will do a preliminary review once they arrive then a more in depth one 1~2 weeks in.

I also asked hotpowers about the zero spiral v2 since mine had terrible durability problem.

>> No.11678083

>Oh and apparently I'm perma banned, so either I'll keep on posting in ghost (but I doubt people use ghost for anything else than meta and shitting up ghost), or just get away from 4chan altogether. There are only shitty alternatives, maybe I'll make an english version of my blog if I'm not too lazy?
>Whichever it is, I think it's a good thing, 4chan has only been worsening from the start, and /jp/ had gone way past the point of no return by 2011. Not to mention that the staff will keep on getting more and more retarded; that's what you get when the admin is a literal retard. Also my shitty router takes over 1 day of offline time to get a new IP, and I'd get banned for random shit anyway because the staff is retard.

>Though I doubt anyone in the thread will read this since they're overrun by crossies who talk about tenga and fleshlight, and gayfaggots who talk about dildo and cocks.

>> No.11678126

I thought your ban said 2 days. I don't even use onaholes but I keep an eye on this thread to stay informed, but good luck anyways.

>> No.11678126,1 [INTERNAL] 

>crossies who talk about tenga and fleshlight, and gayfaggots who talk about dildo and cocks
Forgot to mention that one guy who always asks something about import laws of canada or UK, or how to import in australia as if it wasn't mentioned thousand times before.

Don't get banned for this shit, I appreciate the feelings but it's just not worth the router reset.

There's nothing to follow, really, onahole threads are for onahole.
I especially don't want to become the source of any drama. I know that I could probably have gotten my ban removed by asking mods, I heard that this "Kamui" guy is very lenient even for CP bans, but that would just give me a short break before the next ban for random bullshit.

The janitoring will never get fixed because janitors aren't the root of the problem, the higher ups are. I guess the only solution is to wait for a decent fork; I planned to do that while still posting on 4chan, but it's been painful to browse lately so I guess this is a godsend.
There isn't really anything to stay informed about; not in the near future, at least.

>> No.11678503


>> No.11678537

You're fucking retarded, cross-shit.

>> No.11678629

it said permanent.

anyways RDC, these threads will suck (even more) without info/news/replies you give, that's for sure..

>> No.11678937


along that vein, how is the Awakened version?

>> No.11679850

much more stimulating and without the big suction of before awakening. it's not bad either but before awakening is better

>> No.11679850,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well, there are other good posters when it comes to onahole, I don't think the threads will die entirely, and what's been done so far isn't lost.

It's less stimulating in term of quantity of stimulation, but the stimulation is stronger.

前 is an accumulation type (while still fairly stimulating) and has good vacuum (thanks to its wideness). 後 is tight but doesn't have vacuum, it's also better for longer sessions.

Of course, you can flip both inside-out, but it's easier to wash and dry the 前 because it's wider.
As an onahole the 前 is clearly better, but that's when personal preferences comes in.

If you want something that feels like a tentacle blowjob and that is designed to pleasure dick, the 前 is the way to go.
If you want something to forcefully hug your dick the 後 is the way to go.

It's also worth noting that the 前 is also slightly longer.
