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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 707 KB, 550x1239, TouhouFamilies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1160848 No.1160848 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, I was just recently thinking about Touhou on a larger scale. It has been growing in popularity at a rapid pace, more and more doujins and spinoffs at every comiket, it has its very own convention, and thousands of remix tracks produced as a near sub-genre of music. Is Touhou a phenomenon yet? Will it be soon?
Booru sites are often 10% Touhou content. Gelbooru and Danbooru are 10% or more Touhou tagged images -alone.- You see Touhou oriented communities springing up everywhere turning completely unrelated material into Touhou, from that Travian hijack months ago to all of the Touhous you see in Elona threads and on their forums. One Elona forum thread had someone say roughly "Oh hey, Touhou people. You guys are everywhere, but you're generally pretty cool." It is almost an internet ethnicity.
Touhou memes are even spilling out into other areas, with Yukkuri heads appearing in more and more examples of the anime/gaming world. I remember one company, Atlus I think, using Yukkuri heads to advertise their game.
I don't quite know how much name recognition Touhou has in Japan, but it has to be rivaling that of many lesser gaming franchises. There are thousands of doujins, and more than enough touhou keychains to go around.
And this is all the work of a single alcoholic. Just how many millions of dollars do you think the Touhou franchise and brand is worth?
Will it grow forever?

>> No.1160870


>> No.1160926

>>And this is all the work of a single alcoholic
Best part of your post.

and to be slightly on your topic. Although I am not a Touhou fag I do hold it close to my heart as I'd like to think of /jp/ as a haven for these type of things (after 2ch of course). and so if Touhou in itself becomes a mere meme I might just kill myself. I wish you luck touhoufags... take back your shit please. I don't want to lose you.

>> No.1160967
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Blame it on nicodou.

>> No.1160964

Now, now, all glorious things must come to an end some day. OS tans were glorious after all in their heyday a few years ago, but we don't see them around much anymore do you?

>> No.1160981

I see a rapid increase at the time mcroll came out.

>> No.1160994


Miku was like a sudden explosion, I'm guessing she's on the decline now.

>> No.1161028

IOSYS made toho popular. This is a fact.

>> No.1161031

...could someone please tell me what marimite's line does? I'm curious but I'm colorblind and I can't tell which it is or even see some of them clearly where they're all together...

>> No.1161084

even if your colorblind you should be able to see the diffrence in line markers.

Marimite is high around the time its series aired, now on a stable decline.

>> No.1161087


It swelled at the start of 2004, peaked at roughly 750 around September of that year and began a steady decline until now.

>> No.1161091

If that line continues at the current rate it is going to be multiple times all of the nearest competitors combined... Good lord.

>> No.1161122

Notice the bumps that come along the months that comiket and reitaisai happen.

>> No.1161131

Once it reaches it's peak then it will start declining and that will be the end of /jp/.

>> No.1161144

How big can Touhou get though?
Anime? Console re-releases? Top billboard music hit? Anyone think it will reach the top of any of the mediums it works through?

>> No.1161167

>the end of /jp/
It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.

>> No.1161199

Touhou will conquer the world.

>> No.1161235


I predict in a year it will have dipped down again and will begin a decline. But this is just a guess. If an animu suddenly pops up it will change everything.

>> No.1161296

When an official release is made in the U.S. I will be happy...

>> No.1161317

it will keep growing until Zun loses all his brain cells drinking beer.

>> No.1161334

Do you guys think ZUN is going to try and sell Touhou's rights to Taito at some point or something?

Thanks God this isn't Type-Moon we're talking about here. If ZUN was anything like them, he would have sold out a long time ago.

>> No.1161330

>If an animu suddenly pops up


>> No.1161336

COOL&CREATE did it before them. (Flandre S. is Cool and Create, after all, and so is HELP ME, ERINNNN!! and drizzly rain.)

>> No.1161340
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>> No.1161348

yes, but... IOSYS made Touhou popular.

>> No.1161361

And made Alice lame ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1161388


I hope not. I want Touhou to stay a Doujin phenomenon, that's what's so wonderful about it. If they make an anime, that's fine, but it has to be a doujin work. They get no rights; technically copyright infringing OVAs ftw

>> No.1161406

the funny part is that ZUN, who, like a god, single-handedly ushered in this entire phenomena which is now loved by a global audience, still gives his dayjob priority and refuses to take all this attention and really run with it. I admire him for not selling out, but touhou has grown too big for itself, I dont think it's going to be long before we see some big-budget anime and spin-off games. Sponsors must take notice of how much income potential touhou has and surely are chomping at the bit to commercialize it. It will eventually stagnate and fade to the back-burner after that....remember what a worldwide craze Evangelion was back in the day? It's all anyone ever talked about, every doujin and cellphone accessory and AV cosplay being made were Eva. And look where that franchise is now...not dead but, out of the limelight.

>> No.1161431

>yes, but... IOSYS made Touhou popular in the West
Fixed that for you.

>> No.1161454

The only way Touhou will die off is when ZUN decided to / his wrist or die from alcohol poisoning.

As long as he keep making TH12, TH13 & so on it will never fade.
If he is smart he start developing a MMO call World of Gensokyo and start charging monthly fees. He will probably make more money than blizzard.

>> No.1161449


EVA is fucking old, but it's left quite a legacy and is one if not THE landmark series of the 90's.

It certainly left enough of a legacy for Anno to go and remake them at least.

>> No.1161459

4chan made touhou popular.

>> No.1161498

you're wrong.

>> No.1161503


oh yeah, an animu based on SSiB, that would FUCKING RULE


eva is still retardedly popular, as is DBZ. the way to make touhou last is to let it be a sandbox for people to play in, and locking everything down by selling the IP to whomever would kill it very quickly. one of the neat thigns about it is that the large built-in fanbase can help an artist gain quicker exposure.

what I can't wait for is for a non-touhou series by chado to start up in monthly jump or something. hell, he's practically doing that already with Yukari vs. Ran

>> No.1161502

It made it popular in the west, it made it even more popular in Japan.
I still remember that Touhou questionaire on nico video -- most of the people said the found out about Touhou because of that very site. And some of the first big Touhou related videos on nico video were by IOSYS. Especially Marisa stole the precious thing and its leagues of parodies.

>> No.1161510

I was into Touhou before Marisa Stole the Precious Thing.

A number of us Touhou fan were like this; we are not the problem, those secondary fans are.

>> No.1161524

As long as Zun is alive and making games, Touhou will never die. Now the question is how long can the guy last with all that alcohol.
Also a bit off topic, but were there any new pictures of Zun from the new comiket. You would expect someone like that to have more than just 3 pictures floating around.

>> No.1161550
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>> No.1161706


Wrong seeing as it was gaining popularity from other sources before it even got big in /a/. Though it would be stupid for me to suggest that 4chan didn't have a impact for the western audience.

>> No.1161717

In after pooshlmer.

>> No.1161725


A number of people made entire careers out of the fact they were alcoholics.

>> No.1161733

>Also a bit off topic, but were there any new pictures of Zun from the new comiket.

I was looking forward to new ZUN pics, but Japanese have this crazy notion of privacy when it comes to pictures on the Internet.

>> No.1161743

Atlus uses every new japanese meme to advertise their SMT mmorpg, it seems. The most recent one I remember was paffendorf.

>> No.1161758

ZUN is a cult of personality.

>> No.1161762
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>Touhou Popular

>> No.1161764

I don't want Touhou to have a anime yet. I really wouldn't trust anyone to get it right at the moment, trends in anime lately have just plain sucked... not seen anything good all year.

If Touhou was made into a anime with the way things currently are it'll just be another moe blob show comparable to what happened with Gunslinger Girl 2.

We're better off as we are. ZUN seems to want to control his creation be it for profit or just so people don't ruin the shoot'em up he made specifically for his tastes and I think it's more pure for it, I even love the bad art these days. Eventually ZUN will want to move on from the series and maybe he'll sell out for more booze so he can chill out... until then I want to enjoy my shooting game with little girls and retardely crazy plots that end with everyone drinking tea.

>> No.1161768

As opposed to the normalcy of Americans posting pictures everything and their addresses, phone numbers, and dogs on Myspace, amirite?

>> No.1161794


That's more American (and other western nations to be honest) stupidity then a lack of respect for privacy. People can be pretty retarded about the information they leave on the web for just anyone to see.

>> No.1161795

ZUN is protecting Touhou's DOUJIN-ITY. The day it goes commercial is the day that turns into the next Naruto.

>> No.1161800


Touhou is more popular than Robotech

>> No.1161803

>If Touhou was made into a anime with the way things currently are it'll just be another moe blob show comparable to what happened with Gunslinger Girl 2.
A lot of people in the Touhou fanbase lap that stuff up as if it were the elixir of life.

>> No.1161832

Truth. If Touhou were to lose its DOUJIN-ITY, and they were to make a Touhou anime, that would be the most likely route. It would appeal to a lot of the people, and it would be easy to avoid any questions about canon/fanon disputes. I imagine some sort of "Adventures of Reimu" type deal.

>> No.1161850


>> No.1161847

Touhou is not popular asshats. Just because a few idiots think a mediocre shoot em up game is good does not mean it's popular.

Most of the people who watch the Touhou videos and/or flashes don't even play Touhou.

I, for example, hate Touhou with a passion, yet I've watched the various Toho IOSYS flashes 12 or more times.

tl;dr Touhou wont be popular until someone makes a Touhou animu adaption. But the day they do that Touhou will finally die. Once the animu adaption gives the touhou characters "character" no doujin faggot is going to want to touch it.

>> No.1161856

They see me trollin

>> No.1161857

How is he trolling, exactly?

>> No.1161863


that's pretty much it. he's been asked why there isn't an animu and more "official" licensed shit out there, and his response is that there would be copyright problems. in other words, he would lose sole control of the actual copyrights, and the scene would be fucked over. so, he's going to leave it as is.

>> No.1161864

Ever watch Penguin Musume? Do you think it would be possible with Touhou, or would it be the same as selling out?

>> No.1161888

There's nothing doujin about Penguin Musume.

>> No.1161892


I'm sure they would, wouldn't change the fact it would be poor quality and likely fuck over what little tone existed just to make another moe fanservice animu about Reimu and her friend Touhou.

That said, it's not like a Touhou anime would make it a huge hit in the west in the same sense as Naruto. Touhou doesn't have the same mass appeal and while it would see a surge in popularity, I doubt it would be a hit in the west. Our teens prefer shit like ninjas and pirates and shit like that, girls pew pewing each other and drinking tea afterwards would interest some but not the largest most idiotic part, just the slightly less idiotic part.

Still, I like it the way it is, the odd game coming out and JESUS CHRIS THOUSANDS OF DOUJIN.

>> No.1161890

Robotech is a multimillion dollar franchise that gets millions of ratings inside and outside of Japan.

Touhou is a mediocre shoot em up game that struggles to sell 10,000 units.

It's not even popular internationally:


Robotech is a cult show in the USA, yet it still manages to beat Touhou. Not to mention the fact that an American actor spent millions to get the rights to create a live action Robotech movie that should be coming out in a few years.

A few weeaboos on /jp/ like Touhou. Big whoop!

I don't forgive sarcasm

>> No.1161895
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>Tobey Maguire is going to produce, and possibly star in, a live-action movie based on the Robotech TV


>> No.1161898


Of all people on the planet, Tobey Maguire? He even looks like a douchebag.

>> No.1161910
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>> No.1161920


>Most of the people who watch the Touhou videos and/or flashes don't even play Touhou.
>I, for example, hate Touhou with a passion, yet I've watched the various Toho IOSYS flashes 12 or more times.

Yeah, it's the doujin culture that's popular, not the popularity or quality of ZUN's actual games. The best thing about the Japanese touhou fanbase is that it creates entertainment for itself, much in the same way communities make mods for games. These fans enjoy these doujin works with each other like it's a party every day!

As talentless gaijin, all you can do is translate, pirate, and criticize.

>> No.1161931
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>Our teens prefer shit like ninjas and pirates and shit like that,
Since when in American history was Ninjas and pirates a bad thing? Next you're going to tell me Samurais and Yakuza is a bad thing.

>girls pew pewing each other and drinking tea afterwards
Oh the irony.

Drop your ZUN hardon and answer this question seriously. Which one sounds dumber? Ninjas and pirates or lolis shooting lazers at each other and drinking tea afterwards?

Jesus Christ Touhou fags are fucking retarded.

>> No.1161926

And all it proves is that Touhou gets more searches on an internet search site.

>> No.1161934
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I know you're trollan, but foreigners contribute their fair share, too.

>> No.1161944

New, anime original character!

Yellow hair
Blue eyes
Weak, but becomes more powerful and/or
Latent power

or a notch down:
Pathetic, underconfident, shy male lead lusts after main heroine wakimiko! Side characters are quickly introduced, then forgotten! Crazy "ecchi" antics and unfunny violent slapstick!


3rd notch down,

>> No.1161947

>And all it proves is that Touhou gets more searches on an internet search site.

( ≖‿≖)

>> No.1161946

Two Japanese characters vs an obscure English word. Search for images in google using those characters and watch how much *non-Touhou related things pop up.


Also, if you read the comparison, he was talking about success *outside of Japan. The English spelling for the word Touhou gets raped by the English spelling of the word Robotech. Get over.

>> No.1161949

You're right. The ninjas and pirate sound pretty dumb. Christ, what was I thinking?

>> No.1161993


Hurp durp hurp. Way to completely read draw the wrong conclusions from my post and set it up as your own little straw man for what's wrong with the fandom, I just going to go ahead and assume you meant to troll rather then simply being that dumb.

>> No.1161995

Unlike the weeaboos posting in this thread I have more important things to do with my time.


Looks like my work here is done. Enjoy yet another wasted night talking about weeaboo shoot em up games. My friend across the street is having a night party. I hope there's some food left. Peace dorks

>> No.1161991
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yeah yeah we've had this argument a lot

>> No.1162004


cool story brah

>> No.1162012


I don't think you have a friend

Enjoy trolling alone

>> No.1162016

/trollan ?
Back to the topic now ?

>> No.1162017


Oh man you sure did get us good. Your thing still saged, by the way.

>> No.1162022

The fuck is with all of this Robotech defense? Since when did anybody on 4chan not only support but relish in the success of not one but several anime severely butchered by american dumbasses?

>> No.1162032

Just a troll, take it easy.

>> No.1162054

I don't know what Robotech is but I assume it was megapopular back in the day? Can't the troll just accept that Touhou is the Robotech of our time?

>> No.1162071

Nah, it's still really damn popular.

Regardless, I still prefer my Touhou.

>> No.1162079

Compare results in the same language and make sure you know what you're looking for.

In English:
"Robotech" gets 3.8 million results.
"Touhou" gets 925,000.
"Tohou" gets around 35,000.

You may like Touhou more, and you may think that Touhou fans are more intelligent, but it isn't bigger than Robotech.

>> No.1162085


>Pathetic, underconfident, shy male lead lusts after main heroine wakimiko! Side characters are quickly introduced, then forgotten! Crazy "ecchi" antics and unfunny violent slapstick!


Don't get me wrong, I can see ways a Touhou anime could be done but I don't trust it to be done right by anyone at the moment seeing as both the industry and the fans seem to be into moe blob fan service crap. I don't have a problem with the genre as such, but it does seem to dominate new series lately.

And like I said before, even with a anime and even if it was well done Touhou would likely still be rather niche, sure it'll get some attention but the way it's set up doesn't really fit into the majorities interest. Probably be popular in Japan for a while before the next craze came along, but I can't see it having staying power.

After all, Touhou is pretty fucking retarded when you get down to it. However it's grown a personality I've come to like and I like how Gensokyo has developed and how it's shaping up, but when you look at it and the plot each game comes up with it's rather laughable. I like to view it as having a kind of fairy tale mentality to it, things can become mosters just by being in sad/specific circumstances (doll abandoned in a field of poisonous flowers) with powers working more on a conceptual level of what sounds interesting then is practical (replacing the moon with a fake to close off it's power for a period). Some will like it, but most will see it for the drunk mans insanity it is.

>> No.1162093


It's probably true, who cares if Robotec is more popular or not. Touhou is better as a niche interest.

>> No.1162094

Robotech is basically the fucked up American version of the Macross Franchise in Japan. What it has to do with Touhou I have no idea; maybe Touhous doing dogfighting during danmaku.

>> No.1162108
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>> No.1162114
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Shaft could do it justice.

>> No.1162128

You people notice how retarded is to compare an AMERICAN product (Made of Japanese products also, bur American) with a Japanese DOUJIN shooter game ?
Why the fuck you people are getting trolled so easily ?
Seriously, this is the most fucking retarded thing that I have heard in all the month.
Learn 2 notice trolls.

>> No.1162130

I like robotech much better when it is known as macross.

>> No.1162138
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>> No.1162162

"Hidamari TOUHOU x365"
Slice of life, cutesy heartfelt comedy about girls, ghosts, youkai and their tea.

Gimmick: Gameplay used in some scenes to comedic effect.
Norio Wakamoto voices a turtle.

"Yukari Yakumo's Boredom"
Yukari Yakumo (CV: Your Favorite) stars in this KyoAni production, bubbling over with self-parody! Watch 13 episodes of crazy antics as you watch a handful of side characters learn to deal with Touhou bosses' whimsical, world-altering decisions!

Gimmicks: Hieda no Akyu (CV: Shana) narrates the series, and the episodes are run chronologically out of order.

>> No.1162159

They're different things.
If you meant to saw you like Macross more then you failed.

>> No.1162170
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Fuck this is some good tea.

>> No.1162214

I. Hate. Synopsis(es).

>> No.1162218

really i kinda liked it

>> No.1162220

>Norio Wakamoto voices a turtle.


>> No.1162261

Shameimaru Aya voiced by Hirano Aya, is a promiscuous, voyeuristic crow tengu journalist who is on a mission to capture all of the embarrassing details of the personal lives of the popular characters in Gensokyo, for an irregular and poorly distributed newspaper, the BunBunMaru News.

Gimmick: Character of the week. Heavy liberties taken to produce out of character fanservice (a la Negima!?) Every episode before the credits, a full, uninterrupted 5 minute scene done in a way that insinuates sexual activity but turns out to be something less than sexual. Ranging from consensual, loving theme to brain-numbing, tentacle theme.

Cooling off scene rolls behind the credits. OP/ED by I've Sound.

>> No.1162289

Does Reimu's turtle have a name?

>> No.1162297


>> No.1162318

imo Touhou itself isn't popular. its the MUSIC. People love the McRoll's and IOSYS flashes more than they love the games and doujins. not because of moe or awesome bullets patterns but because of catchy ass themes anyone can enjoy. Most people probably wouldn't know touhou had characters or was a game if pictures weren't slideshow'd with the music on youtube and nico.

>> No.1162320


>> No.1162341

So why is /a/ trolling /jp/ with bullshit no one cares about?

>> No.1162360

Robotech? /a/?

Shit was raped so bad, it's almost /co/.

>> No.1162356

Revenge i guess, since /jp/ epically trolled them good earlier

>> No.1162363

>It has been growing in popularity

If that's what you call a pack of weeaboo faggots trying to fit in with each other then yes, it's very popular.

>> No.1162374

Go back to /a/. We don't care if it's popular or not.

>> No.1162378


I haven't browsed /a/ since the split so no thanks. Unfortunately this shit hole is just as bad though.

>> No.1162383

Go troll somewhere else and try harder.

>> No.1162393


Good to see the Touhou sheep are still around even during the night. HE HATEZ TOUHOU HE MUST BE A TROLL. Pathetic really.

>> No.1162397

Sorry, we can recognize when you're trolling. Go back to /a/ or something.

>> No.1162410


I think you mean 'you' not 'we'. And you must be pretty fucking stupid not to see what I'm saying.

>> No.1162431


>> No.1162443

Touhou is a fucking cancer with a fanbase more annoying than all the shounen fanbases united.

>> No.1162446

Then why are you posting on /touhou/?

>> No.1163343

Successful trolls got away being successful.

>> No.1163489
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1.They worship an Ethiopian guy who created a mediocre weeaboo shoot em up game.
2.They actually think they can convince others to join their worshiping of said Ethiopian by spamming it.
3.They turn /jp/ into a shitty danbooru clone by reposting the same Touhou images every two minutes.
4.They make the nerds of /a/, /b/, and /v/ seem normal with their extreme weeaboo behavior. Most of the (no life) Touhou fags learn to speak moonspeak so that they can one day fap to raw touhou doujins (see: wapanese). Because no females play Visual Novels, watch 2chan related videos, or play Touhou they've completely given up on getting laid. Hence the "3D is pig disgustingu" rhetoric.
5. 90% of the Touhou fanart is shit. Which also explains why 98% of the Touhou /h/ and /d/ doujins look like shit.

They know that we know that they know Touhou is shit. The only redeeming quality about the Touhou community is the catchy music that they compose (THAT'S about it).

If you're going to worship an Asian game designer worship Shigeru Miyamoto, Hironobu Sakaguchi, or Hideo Kojima. A.K.A the people who've actually accomplished shit.
