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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11604920 No.11604920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys often feel intrigued when Japanese people translate our /jp/ threads?

I somehow get the feeling that it's like a bunch of Japanese people watching us through the bars of a zoo, like we're interesting animals.

Link related:

>> No.11604924

i dont mind it i suppose, but why do you think they care what we talk about?

perhaps it is funny to them?

>> No.11604925

I thought it was the other way around

>> No.11604926

If I was a nihonman, I'd probably find it funny too, and interesting at the same time, if a bunch of foreigners showed interest in my country's culture.

I guess it also gives them a sense of cultural pride and satisfaction or something.

>> No.11604927

I think they just enjoy laughing at the loser gajins who desperately want to be Japanese.

>> No.11604931

I don't see any other reason for them to waste time doing it besides to laugh at us.

>> No.11604936

the original thread from the OP link appears to be

/jp/ seemed a bit different back then...

>> No.11604938

The good old days...

>> No.11604937

Why would Japanese browse /jp/ ?

>> No.11604940

because it's the 4chan board that has a large amount of weeaboo discussion? what do you think? they're not going to go to /ck/ or something.

>> No.11604939

Man 2011 was such a terrible year! All that spam...

>> No.11604943

>y-y-yes thank you!

>> No.11604941

Why are you using foolz?

>> No.11604949

It isn't full of retard spamfucks.

>> No.11604953

No, seriously. /jp/ right now is just about 2hus, idols and normies pretending to be NEETs. I don't see how Japaneses can be interested to fakes like that.

I'd expect them to browse something else like /a/.

>> No.11604956

Well, maybe THEY don't know about that. If someone just came straight off the boat and arrived at 4chan, they'd see the "jp" in /jp/, and instantly assume that it is a Japan board. After all, ".jp" does happen to be the TLD code for Japan.

>> No.11604958

they translate shitaku now
so you got crappy translations from the loud minority of the shittiest place on earth reading translated matome of the shittiest threads on 2ch from the most retarded of japanese people.

i can not describe properly how idiotic that shit is

>> No.11604959

The translated thread is from 2011.

>> No.11604964

>so you got crappy translations from the loud minority of the shittiest place on earth
But isn't /jp/ also a minority group? Unlike shitaku though, /jp/ isn't loud.

>> No.11604976

Great, now I'm going to end up reading Japan's reaction to /a/ threads for the rest of the day.

>> No.11604978

If they're watching us like zoo animals then what does that make us when we watch them watch us?

>> No.11604981

Are they stealing MY content without MY permission?

>> No.11604982

Someone post that image with the Jew and the aliens.

>> No.11604999

Wow, do japanese have nothing better to do other than to translate the threads of people who have nothing better to do?

>> No.11605001


>> No.11605002

Japan can't understand street otakus

>> No.11605009

I wonder what they'd think about the Aizu-Wakamatsu threads.

>> No.11605037

I bet the Japanese wouldn't be too phased by our train-watching threads. After all, they have more train otaku than we do.

>> No.11605060
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>> No.11605131

Zoo is a misleading analogy.

You see, the jap doesn't care to be amused by YOU, per se. The jap is interested in what you think about THEM. The more correct analogy would be a focus group, rather than a zoo. They are interested in gaijin's reaction to japaneze culture and products.

>> No.11605350


This was amusing.

>> No.11605410
File: 325 KB, 496x771, 1383017334127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Western Brock/Takeshi-san in this one. He looks pretty chill.

>> No.11605414

Think of it this way: flip the coin around, and imagine that you, as an American (if you're not American, then just pretend you are for a moment) suddenly discover a Japanese website where they discuss American culture. You see topics like "which hamburger recipe is the tastiest", "taking my son to the rifle range", "we need to bomb Iran to give them some democracy" and "how much of the bible have you read today" threads. You find this interesting, so you translate these into English to share with your other westerner friends.

In such a case, how would you see the situation? And how would most of the westerners see this situation?

>> No.11605420
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>> No.11605425

Why does the artist have such bad nose drawing ability?

>> No.11605427

The joke is that animes don't have noses but cartoons oft have exaggerated noses.

>> No.11605447

The situation is exactly the same. In fact, Australians are rather infamous for always seeking foreign approval and always being interested in, say, what Americans think and say about Australians and their culture.

It varies, but everyone is interested in what others thing about them.

"Gee, I wonder what that girl thinks about me."
"I wonder how how japs feels about this funny western video"
Yeah, you guys go to NND and look up western videos just to see all the scrolling comments of what the japs are saying (if you're fortunate enough to know the language).

It's universal. It does no detract from my original post, which was in a specific response to OP.

It's worth noting that to my knowledge, only japanese have these such blogs/website that specifically cater to "what does westerners think about japan". there are websites like chinasmack that translate chinese comments on the web, but their articles are about trending topics, not specifically to "what does chinaman think about western current events".

>> No.11605451

It's called tumblr nose or some shit. I don't understand this meme.

>> No.11605453
File: 71 KB, 1279x715, 1288398713273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cartoons certainly make sure to draw noses, but only ugly noses like in those pictures are reserved for the lines of villains

>> No.11605463
File: 461 KB, 508x724, 1383018245214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only most of them were like this.

>> No.11605459

Don't be a cherrypicker

>> No.11605464

Daphne x Velma = worst ship.

>> No.11605468

you have no counterargument. seriously, only male characters and villains in cartoons have such defined noses.

>> No.11605465
File: 629 KB, 498x743, 1383018966798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this.

>> No.11605466

>In fact, Australians are rather infamous for always seeking foreign approval

moot please, do you really need to check my IP address geographical location and make a bite at me?

>> No.11605470

The irony is that Western animation is actually better than Japanese animation. As in, academically, a 50s Disney or Fleischer cartoon is just better-animated than some CGI Japanimation drawn on threes with off-model characters every other frame and artificial tweens.

Don't worry weeaboos, you can still say Japanese animation has a better story or more fanservice or whatever.

>> No.11605473
File: 74 KB, 1440x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Savlonic music videos have upturned noses.

>> No.11605474

Top, top doesn't have haughty, slut face and looks much cuter.

>> No.11605479

But that's her character!

>> No.11605481

>adding nailpolish

All of my why. It's disgusting.

>> No.11605484


Oh my god all those tumblr noses. This is the worst! Why do people do this!? It's bad!!

>> No.11605485

No, the irony is that the west learned from the east how to cut corners and costs, that's why no decent american cartoon is ever made anymore, only Flash level shit.

>> No.11605490
File: 277 KB, 961x1500, why didn't you see it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have prevented this.

>> No.11605496

Why is tumblr so annoyingly unfunny and retarded?

>> No.11605498
File: 61 KB, 648x651, russian_plumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on Tumblr.

They didn't make it but I think it's pretty funny.

>> No.11605499


The large majority of tumblr users just watch breaking bad and game of thrones all day while using facebook. It's self explanatory as to why they're not funny!

>> No.11605517

fuck that was from 2011? I remember exactly what that thread was and thought it was a few months ago...I guess time moves differently on /jp/

>> No.11605520

to me, the release of Undefined Fantastic Object feels just like yesterday.

>> No.11605523

Every new Touhou game release feels just like yesterday.

>> No.11605529

I haven't played a Touhou game since that one.

>> No.11605532


>> No.11605534

so not even Soku? (the last fighting game with pixel sprite graphics)

>> No.11605585

but we are anon, anon. we outnumber the nippons and we art legion and stronk!! it is nippon which are interesting animals to us, anon!

>> No.11605587

I mean real games.

>> No.11605652

>I mean REAL games.
c'mon man, you should at least play EoSD.

>> No.11605655

what animu is dis

>> No.11605866

The problem is, everything animated in the west is now 3D. The most well-known animated films within the past decade are, what, Shrek and Toy Story? Either people aren't watching old Disney style 2D animations anymore, or animation studios aren't bothering with them.

>> No.11605877

It ticks me right off.

I don't mind 3D animated films, but they're very constrained by the 3D models so they don't feel as much like cartoons.

Probably the only 3D film I've seen that felt cartoony (in a wonderfully refreshing way) was Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. It was animated in a very fun way. I haven't seen the sequel yet, but it looks good too:
Look at the way the faces move and the way he types on his laptop. The animators were having fun and adding their own style to the movie. Pixar films always feel so safe and constrained by comparison.

>> No.11605882

is that why for a lot of us, our remaining escape is Japanese animation?

will there ever be a day when 2D animation dies out in Japan as well, supplanted by 3DCG animation just like in the west?

>> No.11605887

Anime is getting there. And honestly it's distracting as HELL. I can see a point to doing vehicles in 3D, but it always looks so different to the rest of the animation that it bothers me.

Maybe ten years from now we'll all be enjoying contemporary cel-animated cartoons and wondering how we ever thought this "3D CGI" thing would ever take off.

>> No.11605970

Shit, me too. Did someone repost that thread with the exact same responses recently or is my sense of time really that fucked up?

>> No.11605979

I wish I knew what they were saying.

One of my greatest dream is to be able to read with my own eyes and not from the biased perspective of someone who I have to truest translates it

>> No.11606016
File: 164 KB, 400x1185, 1136feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when they make comics about western internet culture.

>> No.11606019

Aw thats cute

What does it say? The typical religion argument or something?

>> No.11606047
File: 296 KB, 400x1203, 1991c3ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 here you go /a/

>> No.11606182

dat background. rural jp is fucking beautiful.

>> No.11606188

And the girls hand looks punipuni~

I wonder what it would feel like wrapped around me peepee~

>> No.11606243

Breaking Bad is good though.

>> No.11606375

>All those serious comments by the Japs
Are these people retarded?

>> No.11606380


It is. My guess is he just used it as an offhanded comment.

>> No.11606383

I remember several of my shitpost threads got translated once.

I felt very weird

>> No.11606387

Can you translate them. I want to know what they said.

>> No.11606398

There are Japanese americaboos too.
Now you know how they feel when weebs here suck their dick.

>> No.11606403

Why are Japanese comics so ugly?

>> No.11606452

Many are just really fucking pleb tier Youtube/Facebook tier comments.
Not worth our time

>> No.11606469
File: 25 KB, 1051x669, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figures..its like the deep we try to get into nippon we see the just the tip of the other side which is their version of normie shit. Adn likewise the more they are curious about our culture they go to the most popular places first which is likely filled with western normie stuff as well and they have yet to delve deeper into the true western otaku culture.

I have alwasy thought about this plight of ours

>> No.11606606

American animation is wasteful. Imagine if Japanese studios had just half of the budget of some of these American works. On practically nothing, good animation teams can create magic that exceeds any animation I've seen out of America; the DAICON openings are a great example of this.

Small studio projects and independent animations alike from Japan and France show just how far you can stretch the medium. America is still making talking animal shit, now in 3D. I'm so tired of it.

I mean, there's a lot of TV schlock in Japan too and most TV anime is poorly animated, but the point is what they're trying to do.I've been watching cartoons all my life (still do) and not once have I stopped and thought "wow, this looks and feels really impressive." It happens all the time with anime, and I understand it's also a matter of direction, music, and style, but when Japan animates, they fucking ANIMATE.

>> No.11606662

I agree that American animation sucks now, but from a purely technical animation point, pretty much nothing will ever top films like Bambi, Fantasia or Thief and The Cobbler.

Middle management killed western cartoons, but American ones in particular. Some person that works on Bee and Puppycat posted a chart on what the money in their Kickstarter (600k I believe) is going towards, and less than a 3rd of it was into art/animation. And keep in mind that most American animators get paid well... When they're not just sending it to Korea.

I work in animation and you wouldn't believe the amount of useless shit our money goes towards.

>> No.11606740

>from a purely technical animation point, pretty much nothing will ever top films like Bambi, Fantasia or Thief and The Cobbler.
Well yeah, but counting those (especially Disney animations) isn't really fair considering how they practically invented the genre.

That said, anime has evolved into its own genre through the use of its budget-saving techniques and stylistic developments. At some point, it doesn't really do much to compare the two. Yes, from a technical standpoint, classic Western cartoons are superior in terms of quality and just the painstaking nature of creating some of the works, but despite the technical points, the animation doesn't feel very "animated." It lacks dynamism, which could very well be from the fluidity and consistency of the animation itself. I won't pretend to be an expert, but anime, particularly action sequences, possess a "jerkiness" or "sharpness" which adds an exciting quality to the scene, which I think results from cut inbetweens combined with exceptional key animation. I think there's also something to be said about Western talent, namely that I don't know any. Of course, we know the directors, but who knows of western animators (other than maybe a few independents)?

>When they're not just sending it to Korea.
This is such a huge shame. Much like full adoption of digital animation and the 3DCG trend, I think it's partly responsible for removing some of that "magic" from animation, but maybe it's just my nostalgia talking.

>I work in animation and you wouldn't believe the amount of useless shit our money goes towards.
I've always wondered where it goes. Because there's no way you could churn out schlock like that on an adequately appropriated budget.

>> No.11607132

Why would a japanese want into western otaku culture?

It's like an american going to japan to learn about McDonalds.

>> No.11607453

I think going overseas to learn about an American based corporation is right on the money.

>> No.11607476

Japanese people love masturbating over 海外の反応 when Japan is praised, but then unilaterally pisses over the わかってない外人 for any criticism -unless- they also agree with it (bashing koreans/chinese, the DPJ, Souka gakkai, pointlessly rigid Japanese corporate culture, etc...) and use it as ammunition to further piss at other people they hate.

Not to say this is all of them, but this is what you'll see 90% of the time in the comment sections of these 翻訳 blogs.

>> No.11607484
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>I've always wondered where it goes. Because there's no way you could churn out schlock like that on an adequately appropriated budget.

Yeah, there's a ton of talent here, but the networks hold everything back by greenlighting shit cartoons.

American TV right now has some obsession with the glorification of the primitive and unprofessional. This is a new cartoon coming to Fox; a network that could afford to hire the best cartoonists in the world if they wanted to. Hell, they probably have talented people on this cartoon, forced to draw like crap. And there was always bad stuff out there, but it was bad out of ignorance. Everything now is seriously bad on purpose.

>> No.11607494

It seems that the online language translating service you use missed a few words there.

>> No.11607495

Which /jp/ threads would you like to see the Japs translate?

>> No.11607496

It's 2013, you should know Japanese by now.

>> No.11607503

I have tried to since 2002 but I never actually gotten into it. Mostly due to 4chan, ironically enough.

>> No.11607515

translate it, weeb

>> No.11607518
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I like this one.

>> No.11607519


>> No.11607560

Whats wrong with Xellos' eyes?

>> No.11607564

They're open.

>> No.11608109


>> No.11608175

Now that is a secret.

>> No.11608407

I woudln't want to eat a mcburger in the US.
I wouldn't want to be in the US.

>> No.11608412

The ones about akkari's 13 years old vagina and flanfly. Maybe niggy too.

The rest would be boring.
