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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11603994 No.11603994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"The GT-R is unique because it is not simply a copy of a European-designed supercar," says Nakamura, a spry man behind thin, rimless glasses. "It had to really reflect [Japanese] culture," he adds.

>According to Nakamura, the inspiration for the model's square lines and high-tech vents came from Gundam, the Japanese anime series featuring giant robots.

>Overall, the GT-R's exterior design pays homage to modern Japanese culture. Hasegawa admits to harnessing his countrymen's fixation with all things futuristic and high tech-such as Sony's Aibo robotic dog and "Mobile Suit Gundam," a popular Japanese cartoon about giant robot warriors. "The 'coolness' of machines like Aibo and Gundam comes from the fact that they're inorganic, yet made to show movements of something truly alive," clarifies Hasegawa. "We wanted to infuse something similar into the design of the GT-R, which is also a machine."

Is this the moving embodiment of Otaku Culture?

>> No.11604003

I like how the GTR takes the "Supercars have to be tin cans with nothing but a big motor and minimal electronics" and says "no fuck you I'm made entirely of computer aided corrections and a semi-auto transmission and I have the record time at Nurburgring"

>> No.11604004

Is Driving now Otaku Culture!?!?

>> No.11604011

R35 is nice.

The problem is that the previous GTR,R34 became a auto legend. "Gojira" that's how the japs call it.

>> No.11604012

I like it and all, but it doesn't have a supercar sound.

>> No.11604031

I can't wait till electric cars become the new thing. Really we're just waiting on battery technology. Electric engines are already by far the:

- most efficient
- least prone to breakage (one moving part)
- best in acceleration, top speed

I used to make electric R/C cars for fun, and at that scale, because batteries aren't a concern, electric rules easily. Electric R/C cars are banned from nitro and gasoline race tracks because they are simply too powerful. When you're making an electric R/C car you have to hook a computer into the engine to graduate its speed, because otherwise the acceleration is so instant that the tires will spin and be destroyed.

I think Tesla Motors' 15-year-old electric sports car design beats several gasoline sports cars in acceleration (0-60 in 4 seconds,) which is pretty hilarious.

>> No.11604035

I don't think I will ever see Japanese cars in the same tier as top German cars.

Volkswagon is about to wreck the Japanese market.

>> No.11604049
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Who cares about the cars, I want this.

>> No.11604056
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It's just a car... how could they possible attribute its looks to Mobile Suit Gundam?

This is a Japanese car. Minimalistic and compromised; the backbone of japanese blue-collar industry.

>> No.11604138

>best in acceleration, top speed
No. Electric motors are great for 0-60 times, but their top speed is limited because they simply don't have the power, plus it's hard to build a multi-speed transmission that works well with electric motors (look at the power and torque curves and you'll realize why).

Electric cars do have potential, though, if they can just reduce the weight and bulk of the battery packs, and improve the charge/discharge rates and reliability. Electric motors can do some neat things with power splitting that you can't do with an ICE without a really complicated drivetrain. I really love that Jaguar concept car that uses two microturbines as generators for four-wheel electric motors.

>> No.11604150


>but their top speed is limited because they simply don't have the power

What? No it isn't. Not at ANY scale. Trains use electric engines powered by diesel generators because combustion engines simply can't generate the torque and velocity required.

Current electric sports car engines can't beat the top speed of combustion-based sports cars because they are designed and moderated around power efficiency; eg. taking fullest advantage of the primitive and shitty battery packs they're fed from.

>> No.11604187

You said it yourself, those trains are powered by diesel generators, not batteries. I guess I should have been more clear, but the batteries are the problem, not the motors themselves. With current battery technology, you're not going to get much power out of them whether you design them around efficiency or not (the world speed record for electric cars is only 507 km/h, and they sure as hell weren't building that car with efficiency in mind).

That's why I like the microturbine + electric motors idea. Jaguar got 780 HP out of that car. The only problem is the cost of the microturbines.

>> No.11604193


We just need supercapacitors.

Anyway battery technology will be up to hash with combustion fuel within the decade.

>> No.11604245

Japanese craftsmen spend years working on a single motor and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest engines known to mankind.


>> No.11604254
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No because it lacks soul and passion. It is a heartless computer on wheels.

>> No.11604255


>zen flute music playing in the background while the guy explains the engines' design process


>> No.11604307

Not to degrade the accomplishments of them, but it doesn't take a genius to put together an engine. All the parts and screws are already pre-made, they just have to put it together...

>> No.11604310

>No because it lacks soul and passion
So does Japan.

>> No.11604318

otaku don't

>> No.11604329

damn right

otaku have true japanese spirit pfffhhhhaaa

>> No.11604332

>huur duru i watched top gear xD

Those dorks only like cars from their own generation, Clarkson put some shitty Jaguar rustbucket as the #1 best ever car in some special.
well well well, some yuropoor putting a car from his own country and childhood in the number one spot!

>> No.11604340

I didn't say it was a bad car but it does lack soul. It was made to be a machine that can go around a track very fast with many computer aids. Of course after the first lap the tires are far too stressed to do another at that speed.

I don't think you understand how great the E type jaguar was and it is still one of the most beautiful cars ever made. Back then it was basically a ferrari on the cheap.

u ok

>> No.11604351

Beauty is subjective.
Going off real proven unarguable facts, the GTR is better.
You're the same type of nerd that would say Senna was better than Schumacher.

>> No.11604354

>I don't think you understand how great the E type jaguar was and it is still one of the most beautiful cars ever made.

But this is all subjective d00d. I personally don't see it.

and yea I OK.

>> No.11604357

>Going off real proven unarguable facts, the GTR is better.

>> No.11604374

>You're the same type of nerd that would say Senna was better than Schumacher.
If we're going purely off of win record, Fangio kicked the shit out of both of them and Vettel will probably surpass Schumacher as well.

Senna was a damn good driver, though.

>> No.11604412


I think you need to google the difference between a generator and an engine. And no, he said diesel generates the electricity for the electric motor.

Kill yourself off this board.

>> No.11604447

Is English not your native language? The discussion was about using a diesel generator versus batteries to power electric motors. No one was talking about using diesel engines to drive the train directly.

>> No.11604497


>You said it yourself, those trains are powered by diesel generators
>powered by diesel generators
>powered by generators

I think you need to brush up on wikipedia more because that seems to be the limit of your understanding of mechanics and locomotion.

>> No.11604515

I see where you're getting confused. The problem is that you simply don't know what "power" means.

>> No.11604531


Wikipedia is that way, you have 5 minutes to brush up, because anyone who has ever studied locomotion knows you're full of shit. A generator does not provide power.

Again, kill yourself you illiterate fucking newfag.

>> No.11604550

Here's a hint for you:
P = I*V
Try Googling that one.

The hilarious part of this is that I actually graduated in mechanical engineering and currently work on pneumatic lift systems.

>> No.11604561


Better start the fuck over from kindergarten you little lying shit. Google something else, it's called potential vs kinetic energy. Anyone who knows anything about motors at all knows that a generator is purely any machine that turns kinetic energy into potential energy. Power is delivered entirely via a vehicles drive train or through hydraulic pressure using pumps. They take the kinetic energy at turn it into power. A generator does not power shit.

I know you're bullshitting because anyone who uses power uses it in the same way of "it's battery powered", people who have no fucking concept of motors, engines or power delivery systems.

Again, end it lying shit stain.

>> No.11604570


potential into kinetic*

>> No.11604580

You were more correct the first time.

>> No.11604592


I was only pretending to be retarded!

Just stop posting kid.
